

2017-10-07 23页 doc 64KB 90阅读




锦鲤鱼鱼病防治锦鲤鱼鱼病防治 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(一) 1.口服法:药剂混合于饲料中,治疗营养失调或细菌性疾病及内部疾病。 2.药浴法:主要是驱除体表寄生虫,治疗细菌性的外部疾病。 3.局部治疗:治疗外伤及身体表面疾病,局部外伤治疗。 4.注射疗法:各种细菌性疾病可采取肌肉或腹腔注射。 5.手术治疗:鱼鳍外伤或变形施以整形手术。 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(二) 病毒性疾病 痘疮病 (1)病因:秋未和冬季水温较底时出现(15度左右) (2)症状:发病初期,体表或尾鳍上出现乳白色小斑点,覆盖一层很薄的白色的黏液,以后逐步扩...
锦鲤鱼鱼病防治 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(一) 1.口服法:药剂混合于饲料中,治疗营养失调或细菌性疾病及内部疾病。 2.药浴法:主要是驱除体表寄生虫,治疗细菌性的外部疾病。 3.局部治疗:治疗外伤及身体表面疾病,局部外伤治疗。 4.注射疗法:各种细菌性疾病可采取肌肉或腹腔注射。 5.手术治疗:鱼鳍外伤或变形施以整形手术。 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(二) 病毒性疾病 痘疮病 (1)病因:秋未和冬季水温较底时出现(15度左右) (2)症状:发病初期,体表或尾鳍上出现乳白色小斑点,覆盖一层很薄的白色的黏液,以后逐步扩大,以致蔓延全身。病灶部分的皮肤表面增厚而形成大块石腊状的增生物,这些增生物长到一定大小和厚度就会自动脱落,并于水中败坏水质,脱落部位又重新长出新的增生物。感染痘疮的病鱼逐渐消瘦,游动迟缓,食欲较差,常沉在水底,陆续死亡。 (3)治疗:#0。1~0。3MG/KG氯霉素药液长期药浴。 #用氯霉素注射鱼体,用量为每尾25MG。 (4)预防:#池中加注新水,随时抽取池底脱落物,改良水质。 #强化秋季培育工作,加强营养,使锦鲤在冬前有一定肥满度,增强抵抗低温和抗病的能力。 #用呋喃西林1~2MG/KG全池遍洒,预防痘疮的发生。 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(三) 真菌性疾病 肤霉病 (水霉病、白毛病):鱼体上长了一层“白毛”,如果不及时治疗,当病菌侵入到体内时,鱼就会逐渐衰弱死亡。当寄生在鳃部时就形成鳃霉病,常引起爆发性死亡。 (1)病因:肤霉病是一种丝状菌(水霉、绵霉、SAPROLEGNIA)所引起的,多半发生在鱼数从多的水池或混浊的死水中,如鱼体瘦弱或有外伤时更易感染,病变处长大量棉絮状菌丝,故又称白毛病。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 锦鲤患肤霉病的原因,主要是捕捉、搬运时操作不小心,擦伤皮肤,或因寄生虫破坏鳃和体表,或因水温过低冻伤皮肤,以致水霉的孢子侵入伤口而感染。当水温适宜时(15~25度左右),3~5天就长成密集的菌丝体,感染数量很多时会导致病鱼的死亡。水霉全年都存在,秋末早春是流行季节。从鱼卵到各龄鱼都可感染,当孵化水温低时,在鱼卵上极易发生水霉病。 (2)治疗: #用1.5%~2.5%的食盐水洗净,除去毛状物,然后涂上2%的红药水,再以鱼用土霉素药浴。 #用0.1%~1%浓度的孔雀石绿水溶液涂抹伤口和水霉附着处。 #用1:15000尝试的孔雀石绿水溶液浸泡鱼体3~5分钟。 #用10MG/KG的高锰酸钾水溶液浸泡鱼体半小时。 (3)预防: #拉网、捕捞、运输和放养鱼种时,操作要细致,不使鱼体受伤。 #用1:15000浓度孔雀石绿水溶液浸洗鱼卵10~15分钟,每天1次,连续3天,可预防鱼卵水霉病。 #受伤亲鱼,在伤口涂抹龙胆紫或高锰酸钾,可防止水霉菌感染。 #每公顷水塘用75KG菖蒲、7.5~15KG食盐和225~300KG人尿混合后,全池遍洒,每月1次。 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(四) 细菌性疾病 皮肤发炎充血病 (1)病因:患病的多为个体大的当年鱼和一龄以上的锦鲤,春末到初秋是流行季节,可引起鱼类大量死亡。水温20~30度时最易流行,20度以下时,仍会出现少数病鱼,并不断死亡,这个温度范围也是鱼类生长的旺季,因此危害很大。当温度降至10度左右时此鱼病不再发生,可利用这个规律对病鱼进行温控治疗。 (2)症状:皮肤发炎充血,以眼眶四周、鳃盖、腹部、尾柄等处较常见,有时鳍条基部也有充血现象,严重时鳍条破裂。病鱼鳞片通常完整,没有脱落。病鱼浮在水表或沉在水底,游动缓慢,反应迟钝,食欲较差。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread (3)治疗: #用呋喃西林或呋喃唑酮20MG/KG浓度浸洗鱼体。当水温20度以下时,浸洗20~30分钟;21~32度时,浸洗10~15分钟,用作预防和早期的治疗。 #用呋喃西林或呋喃唑酮0.2~0.3MG/KG浓度全池遍洒,病情严重可提高浓度为0.5~1.2MG/KG,用作预防和早期的治疗。 #用红霉素2~2.5MG/KG浓度浸洗鱼体,水温在34度以下,浸洗30~50分钟,每天1次,连续3~5天,直到病情好转。 #注射链霉素或卡那霉素,每千克鱼重注射12万~15万国际单位,通常只注射1次,患病严重时可在第五天注射第二次。 #用氟哌酸(诺氟沙星)内服,每10KG鱼体重每天用药粉0.8~1.0G,每天一次,连续服用六天。 #用利凡诺20MG/KG浓度浸洗,当水温5~20度时,浸洗15~30分钟;21~32度时浸洗10~15分钟。用作早期治疗效果显著。 #用利凡诺0.8~1.5MG/KG浓度遍洒有特效。 #使用上述处理方法的同时进行盐水浴,效果显著。 (4)预防: #合理密养,维持水中溶氧量在5MG/L左右。 #加强饲养管理,保持水质清新。 #定期遍洒呋喃西林或呋喃唑酮,预防疾病发生。 赤皮病(出血性腐败病) (1)病因:赤皮病由荧光极毛杆菌(PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS)引起,鱼体受伤,易患此病。春季和秋季是流行季节,可引起鱼类大量死亡。此病与水质有密切关系,溶氧量低、有机质含量高时易发生此病。 (2)症状:病鱼皮肤局部或大部发炎充血,背鳍、尾鳍等鳍条基部充血,鳍条末端腐烂,口腔和肌肉正常。病鱼鳞片脱落(和皮肤发炎充血病的区别),特别是鱼体两侧及腹部最明显。 (3)防治方法:与皮肤发炎充血病相同。 肠炎病 由点状产气单孢杆菌引起。肛门红肿,肠管充血发炎,严重时鳍基充pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 血,腹部出现红斑,剖腹时有腹水流出,整条肠呈红色或紫色。 防治方法: #用漂白粉1MG/KG全池遍洒。 #每公顷水深1M,用生石灰225~375KG全池遍洒。 #每10KG鱼用磺胺脒1G,做成药饵投喂。 #每10KG鱼用大蒜50G,做成药饵投喂,每天一次,连续三天。 #每10KG鱼用干地锦草50G,做成药饵投喂,每天一次,连续三天。 黏细菌性烂鳃病 (1)病因:由柱状纤维黏细菌(CYTOPHAGA COLUMNARIS),又称鱼害黏球菌(MYXOCOCCUS PISCIOCOLA)引起。锦鲤患病较少,只在水温20度以上即春末至秋季才会发病。鱼无任何外观异状而大量死亡。 (2)症状:病鱼鳃丝腐烂,带有一些污泥。有时鳃丝尖端组织腐烂,造成边缘残缺不全;有时在鳃的某一处或多处腐烂,而不在边缘。鳃盖骨的内表皮充血,甚至被腐蚀成一个略成圆形的透明区,俗称“开天窗”。由于鳃丝组织被破坏,病鱼呼吸困难,常呈浮头状,由此引起大量死亡。 (3)治疗: #用呋喃西林或呋喃唑酮20MG/KG浓度浸洗鱼体。当水温20度以下时,浸洗20~30分钟;21~32度时,浸洗10~15分钟,用作预防和早期的治疗。 #用呋喃西林或呋喃唑酮0.2~0.3MG/KG浓度全池遍洒,病情严重时可提高浓度为0.5~1.2MG/KG,用作预防和早期治疗。 #用利凡诺20MG/KG浓度浸洗,当水温5~20度时,浸洗15~30分钟;21~32度时,浸洗10~15分钟。用作早期治疗效果显著。 #用利凡诺0.8~1.5MG/KG浓度全池遍洒有特效。 #用漂白粉1MG/KG浓度全池遍洒,此法只用于室外大鱼池。 #用大黄2.5~3.75MG/KG,每0.5KG干品大黄放入10KG淡氨水(0.3%) 浸泡12小时后,连同药渣全池遍洒。此药适用于室外大池,特别是多 年使用呋喃类,已经产生抗药性的锦鲤养殖有显著疗效。 #用食盐2%浓度浸洗5~10分钟,对预防和早期治疗有效。 (4)预防: pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread #对鱼池定期消毒,保持水质清洁,减少病菌发生的机会。 #使用新鲜饲料和活体生物饵料,对预防此病有明显作用。 白头白嘴病 (1)病因:由纤维黏细菌(CYTOPHAGA SP.),又称黏球菌(MYXOCOCCUS SP.)引起。锦鲤苗对此病很敏感,是鱼种阶段主要病之一,而大鱼通常不发病。刚开始时仅死亡二三尾,次日便增至数十尾,第三日便大批死亡,发病之快,来势之凶较为罕见。在水温20度以上即春末到秋季发病。 (2)症状:病鱼的头部和嘴圈为乳白色,唇似肿胀,以致嘴不能张开而呼吸困难呈浮头状。有些病鱼颅顶和眼圈周围有充血现象,呈现“红头白嘴”症状。病鱼通常不合群。 (3)防治方法:与黏细菌性烂鳃病相同。 竖鳞病(松鳞、立鳞) (1)病因:竖鳞病由点状极毛杆菌(PSEUDOMONAS PUNCTATA)引起,主要危害个体较大的锦鲤,每年秋末至来年春季水温较低时是流行季节。 (2)症状:病鱼体表粗糙,鳞片竖立,外观呈松球状,严重时眼球突出、呼吸急促、背部翻转过来,以至死亡。鳞囊水肿,其内部积存着透明或含血的渗出液,如果在鳞片上稍加压力,就会有液体从鳞囊中喷射出来。病鱼沉于水底或身体失去平衡,腹部向上,最后衰竭而死。 (3)治疗:与皮肤发炎充血病相同,结合食盐水浸洗效果会更好。 (4)预防: #防止鱼体受伤。 #亲鱼产卵池冬季要进行干池,用生石灰或漂白粉消毒。 #在饲料中加入5%粗制金霉素或土霉素投喂。 #用维生素E内服。每10KG鱼体重每天用0.3~0.6G长期服用,患病时加大到0.6~0.9G(连续10~15天)作为辅助治疗药物。 打印病 (1)病因:打印病由点状气单胞杆菌点状亚种(AEROMONAS PUNCATATA PUNCTATA)引起,主要是操作不当,使鱼体受伤而感染致病。春末至秋季pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 是流行季节,主要危害一龄以上的大鱼。 (2)症状:病灶部位常在体侧的臀鳍上方,肛门附近的两侧,极少数在身体前部。最初皮肤发炎,出现红斑,随着病情的发展,鳞片脱落,肌肉腐烂,病灶呈圆形或椭圆,并有出血发红现象,好像打上一个红色印章。严重时病灶部位的肌肉往往烂穿,可见骨骼和内脏。病鱼身体瘦弱,食欲减退,游动缓慢,终至衰竭而死。 (3)防治方法:与皮肤发炎充血病相同,另外使用高锰酸钾药液涂抹患处效果显著。 腐皮病(溃疡病):和打印病非常相似,处理方法也类似。区别是病鱼背部红肿腐烂,病灶不定型,严重时背鳍脱落。 白皮病:由白皮极毛杆菌引起,从背鳍后部至尾柄鳍基部的皮肤发白,呈白雾状,手摸鳞片粗糙、无黏液,将死的病鱼,往往头部朝下、尾鳍向上呈倒立状。 防治方法: #操作时要小心,防止鱼体受伤。 #金霉素12.5MG/KG或土霉素25MG/KG浸洗鱼体30分钟。 #用漂白粉1MG/KG或五倍子2~4MG/KG全池遍洒。 穿孔病(洞穴病) (1)病因:穿孔病由鱼黏球菌(MYXOCOCCUS PISCIOCOLA)引起,每年从9月到次年6月为流行期,它在水温较低时流行,是一种危害很大的传染病。原因多是体表受伤,尤其是用网捞鱼时产生的擦伤。 (2)症状:初期发现米粒大小的白点,然后扩大,周围变红,病情恶化时鳞片脱落、露出皮肉而呈溃疡病症,从头部、鳃盖、背部、腹部、鳍部到尾柄均可出现病灶,其溃疡不仅限于真皮层,而且深及肌肉,严重时至骨骼和内脏,酷似一个洞穴。 (3)治疗: #20MG/KG呋喃唑酮和1.4%食盐合剂浸洗20~30分钟,每天1次。 #上述合剂再加20MG/KG高锰酸钾浸洗10~30分钟。适用于发病早期的幼鱼。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread (4)预防: #喂鲜活饵料,加强营养,增强抗病力。 #合理密养,水中溶氧维持在5MG/L左右。 #死亡鱼务必深埋并加生石灰消毒灭菌,病鱼池水用漂白粉10MG/KG浓度全池遍洒,消毒后方可排入下水道。 烂尾病 (1)病因:烂尾病由柱状黏球菌引起,一年四季都会发生。整个尾鳍烂掉,病鱼仍活着,使锦鲤观赏价值降低。 (2)症状:尾鳍鳞片脱落、发炎,肌肉坏死、腐烂,尾鳍基充血,鳍条散开成扫帚状,严重时整个尾鳍烂掉。病鱼的鳞片正常,个别鳞片脱落。 (3)防治方法: #与皮肤发炎充血病大致相同。 #用1%孔雀石绿水溶液涂抹鳍条破裂处,每天1次,连续3~5天,并结合皮肤发炎充血病的方法防治。 #如果尾鳍烂掉一部分,残缺不全,应该用剪刀剪去,使鳍条平整,然后用上述方法处理,经过一段时间鳍条能够愈合,再生鳍条与旧鳍条之间会留下一条痕迹,虽然观赏价值降低了,但可以留作亲鱼繁殖后代。 锦鲤常见疾病与治疗方法(五) 原生动物引起的疾病 口丝虫 (鱼波豆虫、白云病):口丝虫(ICHTHYOBODO)常栖息于鱼类的皮肤与鳃部,数量少时并不会造成病害,但环境水质不良或鱼的健康状态不佳时,常会大量繁殖,破坏鳃及皮肤组织,造成黏液分泌增多,形成白雾状的附着物,故称白云病。此病主要寄生于淡水鱼类,尤其是锦鲤在移池后常发生,因此又称新水病。锦鲤在感染此病后呈昏睡状态,沉于池底角落,因而又称昏睡病。 (1)病因:口丝虫以飘游口丝虫(ICHTHYOBODO NECATRIX)最常见。虫体呈卵圆形,具2或4根鞭毛,可旋转游动。虫体内有1个圆形胞核。固着于宿主的虫体则呈梨形,鞭毛不明显,于组织上可下下左右摆动。口丝虫pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 最适流行温度在2~30度,虫体开始繁殖的水温为12~20度,以24~25度、PH4.5~5.8时最容易大量繁殖。繁殖时以纵二分裂法,不需中间宿主,可直接传染转移宿主;在环境不适合时可形成具有抵抗力的孢囊,而附着于鱼体或池底中。秋末至春季是此病的流行季节。 (2)病状: #感染初期鱼体会发痒,在池底、池壁摩擦鱼体。 #病鱼皮肤上有一层乳白色或灰蓝色的黏液,使病鱼失去原有的光泽。在鱼体破伤处充血发炎,往往感染细菌或水霉,形成溃疡,使病情更加恶化。 #当虫体大量侵袭皮肤时,鳃上也出现大量虫体,由于鳃组织被破坏,影响鱼的呼吸,因此病鱼常游近水表呈浮头状。 #食欲减退,无精打采,缩尾夹鳍,群聚于池底角落,反应迟钝,鱼逐渐失去平衡,横卧于池底,最后衰竭死亡。 (3)诊断: #虫体小,显微镜下才能看见。取体表黏膜或鳃组织进行镜检。 #有无群聚昏睡的情形发生。 #当锦鲤的黑色和赤色部分患上这种病时,较易被发现;但白色部分患病时,就不是容易辨别出来了,当发现是白云病时,已经不能挽救了。 (4)治疗: #用2%食盐水浸洗5~15分钟或3%~5%浸洗1~2分钟,连续数天。 #用高锰酸钾20MG/KG浓度,水温10~20度时,浸洗20~30分钟;水温20~25度时,浸洗15~20分钟;水温25度以上时,浸洗10~15分钟。 #每100L水体中用30~50万个单位的青霉素,长期浸泡。 #50MG/KG的亚甲基蓝或0.2MG/KG的孔雀石绿溶液浸洗半小时,连续几次。 #福尔马林20~30MG/KG浓度,每2~3天使用1次,连续数次。 (5)预防: #增强水流,可减少口丝虫的附着寄生。 #降低饲养密度。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread #维持水质洁净稳定,减少对鳃或体表组织的刺激。 斜管虫病 斜管虫(CHILODONELLA CYPRINI)附生于鱼类的鳃及体表皮肤,在水质环境不良、鱼密度过高或其它因素等,破坏宿主寄生虫的生态平衡,常会大量繁殖滋生造成病害。 (1)病因:锦鲤饲养中以鲤斜管虫(又称心形虫)最常见。虫体卵圆形或肾形,大小约50~70UM,背部隆起无纤毛,腹面平坦,左右各具数条纤毛带,胞口位于腹面前端,具漏斗状的口管,大核1个呈卵圆形。以水中的有机物及鱼体剥离的细胞碎屑等为食物。繁殖以无性的横二分裂法为主,亦发生有性的接合生殖。在不良环境中可形成球形或卵圆形的胞囊。 此病是鱼类常见病,多发生在小缸和水质较脏的水池中,对当年生幼鱼危害最大。繁殖的水温为12~18度,从发现少数虫体开始,经过3~5天大量繁殖,可使鱼大量死亡。室外鱼池水温在25度以上时,通常不会发病,但在室内水缸、水池中还会发病,每年流行季节为12月至来年5月。 (2)症状:病鱼瘦弱,体色较深,体表有乳白色薄翳物质,使病鱼失去原有色彩,严重时病鱼的鳍条不能充分伸展。 病原体寄生在体表和鳃上,破坏组织,使鱼呼吸困难,因此病鱼游近水表呈浮头状,即使换清水仍不能恢复正常。 (3)诊断:斜管虫虫体很小,须刮取体表黏液或剪取鳃组织,在显微镜下才能看见。 (4)防治方法:与口丝虫病的防治方法相同。 钟形虫 钟形虫(VORTICELLA)又称吊钟虫、杯体虫、舌杯虫,是水中常见的一种固着性纤毛虫,可附生于池壁池底、水中植物或其它物品上,以水中有机碎屑及微生物等为食,在高水温、富营养化的环境中很容易大量繁殖滋生,附生于鱼的体表皮肤、鳍及鳃,尤其是鱼体受伤时更容易感染,造成疾病处理上的困扰。 (1)病因:钟形虫虫体前粗后细,呈杯状或喇叭状,大小约100~400UM,pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 前端具口盘,下接口沟,口盘四周围有绒毛构成的缘膜,可摆动带动水流,滤食水中有细菌、微生物及组织碎屑等有机物。底部形成附着器,固着于宿主的上皮细胞上,大核1个呈倒三角形或卵圆形,位于虫体中央。虫体收缩时,口盘先收缩,口纤毛再缩入,只在顶端留1小孔,使收缩的虫体呈茄状。生殖方式有无性的纵二分裂及有性的接合生殖两种。常见的有累枝虫(EPISTYLIS)、聚缩虫(ZOOTHAMNIUM)、钟形虫(VORTICELLA)、舌杯虫(APIOSOMA)等。 正常的鱼很少会有钟形虫的附生,发生大量附生时,多半因为体表受伤或移池运输时体表保护的黏膜受损,失去黏液的保护才会使钟形虫大量附生。 (2)症状: #感染初期体表出现米粒大小向外增生的白斑。 #患部逐渐扩大,伤口伴随二次性的细菌感染,呈现潮红出血。 #鳞片脱落,患部出血溃疡,有水霉、藻类或其它原虫的附生。 (3)诊断: 刮取患部黏膜组织,于显微镜下检查,可观察到群聚会收缩运动的钟形虫,虫体下端具分枝状长柄将虫体连接在一起,除钟形虫外,常可观察到口丝虫、斜管虫、车轮虫的混合感染及水霉与丝藻的附生。 (4)治疗:钟形虫的附生感染一般不易处理,除了以药物控制外,必须配合水质环境的改善和二次性细菌感染的控制。 #改善水质环境:适当地换水降低水中有机物的含量,增加水流强度等,可减少钟形虫的附生。 #福尔马林:20~30MG/KG浓度,药浴12~24小时,可减少钟形虫的附生。 #二次性细菌感染的控制:体表有发炎溃疡时,须配合使用呋喃唑酮2~5MG/KG溶液,长期药浴。 #慢性局部伤口溃疡的附生,可在患部以碘酒等消毒后,再涂上抗生素软膏,如红霉素等以保护伤口。 (5)预防: #定期换水,清洗过滤池,减少有机物质的积累,维持水质的清净。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread #移池运输时小心操作,防止鱼受伤或黏膜受损。 #鱼受伤或黏膜受损时,及早以药物消毒,预防钟形虫或其它二次性病 原的感染。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread
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