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襄阳市场买手表的案例襄阳市场买手表的案例 通过客户忠诚度和客户价值定义你的最佳客户 中国营销传播网, 2005-10-14, 作者: 李翊玮, 访问人数: 919 前言 目 录 第 1 页 最近我去上海襄阳市场买手表。在去之前,咨询了一些行情, 第 2 页 知道店主的底线是标价的30%左右,而我最喜欢的那款手表标价是 500元,目标成交价也就是150元。有一天,我就到了那家店,假 装随便逛逛,却漫不经心的多看了这块手表几眼。当店主问我心里价位时,我已知道游戏规则——先开一个离谱的价格然后再开始讨价还价最后成交。所以我说100元,并起身...
襄阳市场买手表的案例 通过客户忠诚度和客户价值定义你的最佳客户 中国营销传播网, 2005-10-14, 作者: 李翊玮, 访问人数: 919 前言 目 录 第 1 页 最近我去上海襄阳市场买手表。在去之前,咨询了一些行情, 第 2 页 知道店主的底线是标价的30%左右,而我最喜欢的那款手表标价是 500元,目标成交价也就是150元。有一天,我就到了那家店,假 装随便逛逛,却漫不经心的多看了这块手表几眼。当店主问我心里价位时,我已知道游戏规则——先开一个离谱的价格然后再开始讨价还价最后成交。所以我说100元,并起身开始离开,不出三秒店主就把我叫回去并以100元成交~我有何感想,这个价格比我的预算低,理应感到很满意,但实际上却是相反,为什么, 1、客户期望与客户体验 有时候我们会发现,虽然为客户提供了优质的产品及服务(比如说上面买手表案例中比预算低的价格),但他们并没有预期中那么满意。问出在哪里,原来在这个满意度等式中缺少了一个元素:客户期望值。它是由你如何服务客户以及你的竞争对手所创造。而且值得注意的是,客户期望值是不断提高的。 事实上,客户体验值并不仅仅取决于产品和服务的客观质量,而要达到客户满意度则需要客户期望值与体验相一致.那么应该如何计算客户满意度? 1.1 三角定律 根据三角定律,客户满意度 = 客户体验 - 客户期望值。 如下图所示,若结果为正数,即客户体验超过客户期望,是满意的,这个正数数值越大,客户满意度越高。相反,当差值为负数时,即客户体验低于客户期望,数值越大,客户满意度也越低。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 在接下来的几个简例中,将说明体验与期望值的差距所带来的不同满意度。 1.2 襄阳市场买手表讨价还价的期望 以买手表为例,虽然我以比目标价便宜50元成交,但并不感到满意,觉得开价100元还是太高,或者怀疑那块表有什么瑕疵等等。但如果经过不断的讨价还价并最后以150元成交说不定会令我更满意。为什么,多花时间又多付50元反而令我更满意,就是因为后者满足了我讨价还价的期望。我之所以不满意这次便宜50元的交易,就是因为客户体验低于客户期望。 1.3 中欧国际商学院的师生集体照 我们曾为中欧国际商学院组织过课程,中间安排学员与教授一起拍集体照,地点安排在学校的入口处,背景是中欧的标识和横幅,学员非常满意,除了因为中欧优秀的教学质量,也因为其形象与品牌,学员都把这张照片挂在了他们自己的办公室。拍照这一体验满足了期望,所以让学员感到满意,这就是,客户体验等于客户期望。 1.4 亚马逊超期望的客户体验 有一次,我在亚马逊网上书店定购了12本书,以最便宜也最耗时的海运方式运送。12个礼拜后,书准时送到了我香港的住所,却发现只有11本。于是我发电邮给亚马逊,但毫无回音,可是2天后,那第12本书就以最昂贵的快递方式送到了我家。整个过程中他们竟然没有问过任何问题,就把书空运给我了。这一“没问题”的体验远超出我的期望。那么亚马逊到底亏了没有,当然没有~他们从此拥有了一位极度忠诚的客户,我还会把这个经历告诉所有认识的人,这就是,客户体验超过客户期望。 2、客户满意度与客户忠诚度 2.1 客户满意度的类别 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 根据我们的剖析,满意度至少要分以下几类: 产品 服务 关系 价格 便利性 品牌/形象 客户在所有接触点上的总体验 2.2 长期光顾算是忠诚吗, 假如你光顾一家餐厅已经两年,并打算以后也继续在那里用餐,在餐厅老板眼中,你属于他的忠诚客户吗,是或不是,要取决如何定义“忠诚”。 如将忠诚度纯粹定义为行为或交易,那你就是该餐厅的“忠诚” 客户 ,因为你长期以来一直光顾。但我们认为:“客户保留属于行为范畴,而忠诚度和关系则属于情感范畴”。GCCRM将忠诚度定义为两种不同的类型:交易忠诚和情感忠诚。 2.2.1 交易忠诚 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 通常以新近购买、购买频率、客户份额和客户生命期来度量。交易忠诚是根据交易记录显示客户新近购买、购买频率、深度(客户份额)和长度(客户生命期)的历史数据来判定。在餐厅的例子中,假如你搬了家或者住处附近又新开了价廉物美的餐厅时,你可能就不继续“忠诚”了。 2.2.2 情感忠诚 这通常包括支付额外价钱、将你视作标准、推荐你以及优化你的产品。情感忠诚是根据情感和关系来判定,而不是纯粹看交易记录。当然,仅凭几条客户购买纪录很难得出什么结论,你需要进行更深层次的调查与观察。就拿刚才的例子,即便有另一家餐厅以更低廉的价格供应相同的食物,你却宁愿多花这一份钱继续用餐;就算你搬到了很远,仍然会不时回去光顾;甚至还向朋友推荐,并主动提出改善菜肴或服务的建议。 2.3 满意 = 忠诚吗, 前面说过客户忠诚度和满意度有着千丝万缕的联系,下面提几个问题: 第一: “满意”=“忠诚” 吗, 第二:“满意”一定带来“忠诚”吗, 第三:“不满意”一定导致“不忠诚” 吗, 显然,前两个问题的答案都是“不”,在很多情况下客户虽然满意却不等于忠诚,要获得客户的忠诚,除了令他们满意外还有很多其他因素。第三题的答案仍是“不”,在很多情况下客户虽然不满意却仍然忠实于你(这里是指交易忠诚),比如说在一些具有垄断性的行业或在不开放的市场。 2.4 只有非常满意的客户才会忠诚 究竟怎样才使客户一直忠诚于你,下图是英国电信对其用户所做的调查,我们以此为参考,解释两者间的关系。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 从图中看到,最满意的15%客户具有相当高的忠诚度,而最不满意的15%会主动去寻找其它更好的选择,居于两者间的70%的客户则抱着无所谓的态度。这就意味着,就算客户对你的产品或服务满意(没有到非常满意的程度),仍有不小的概率会离开你。总体来说,游离份子竟占总客户的70%~ 2.5 为什么满意度提高了反而忠诚度下降, 也许你会问,就算客户满意度相同,不同行业的客户忠诚度为何差异那么大,这就取决于你所在行业的竞争。下图中,虽然SO点的客户满意度一样,L1由于行业竞争程度相当高,因此客户忠诚度就比竞争程度低的低很多。这里面有三种情况: of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 第一、 不同行业。以C1代表竞争度较低的电信行业,而C2代表竞争度较高的家电或手机行业,在同一满意度S0上,两者的忠诚度也相差很大(L2与L1之间的差距)。 第二、 同一行业的不同时期。如果C1代表中国加入WTO之前的情况,竞争度相对较低,而C2代表中国加入WTO以后的情况,同样可以发现,相同的满意度情况下,忠诚度却相差很大。 第三、 同一行业的不同企业。如果C1、C2分别代表同一行业中两家不同企业,由于各自的品牌竞争力不同,即使客户满意度相同,但客户忠诚度也相差很大。例如SONY与一家不知名公司同时推出同品质产品,由于SONY的品牌竞争力强,SONY的客户满意度会更高。 3、最佳客户与客户细分 有人说:客户关系管理就是不同客户不同对待。我想大家都比较熟悉“二八法则”,即20%的客户带来80%的收入甚至超过100%的盈利。但是,要获取、保留、提升那20%的最佳客户,就要先找出他们,并以不同方式进行区别对待。那最佳客户又是如何定义的, 3.1 “最佳客户”的定义 在GCCRM, 我们对最佳客户的定义是: “高忠诚度(High Loyalty)、高价值(High Value)” 这些客户的高价值值得你花费精力和资源来获取、保留和提升他们在客户金字塔的位置,其高忠诚度能确保更长久的关系使你获取更多利益。要确定最佳客户,这两个条件缺一不可。我将详细定义并阐述客户忠诚度和客户价值。 3.2 客户忠诚度要素 关于客户忠诚度方面在上文已有详细述及,这里暂且略过。 3.3 客户价值要素 上面已经阐述客户忠诚度,下面谈谈最佳客户另一个重要要素——客户价值。如下图所示,客户价值主要包含四种要素: of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 3.3.1 金钱价值 评估客户价值最直接的方法就是对特定客户带给公司的收入进行评估。它可以分为向上购买、交叉购买和推荐他人购买。向上购买即是把同一品牌的高端产品/服务销售给同一客户。交叉购买是把不同的产品/服务销售给同一客户。推荐他人购买即客户把你的产品/服务推荐给其他客户。 3.3.2 并不是所有客户都是同等重要的(客户资料) 大部分企业在经营多年之后会发现一些客户信息可帮助他们更好的定义他们的客户。对于简单的B2C模式,主要是客户的统计信息,如年龄、性别、职位、收入、家庭角色(如母亲)、家庭规模等。比如我其中一个化妆品公司客户,把目标客户定义在18-45岁的在职白领女性。对于典型的B2B来说就是行业信息,如行业类型、公司规模(收入/员工数)、运营时间等。我另一跨国咨询公司客户,将行业中著名企业作为其重点客户,因为,有著名企业做客户,必然会大大的提高品牌影响力。 3.3.3 基于客户的会计核算 (客户利润率) 如果只知道一个客户所带来的收入,而不了解花费在这个客户身上的成本(直接和间接的),那就没意义。许多公司都发生过这样的情况,“大生意”所创造的利润少得可怜,甚至赔本。我们都知道评估客户利润率的重要性,但大部分都没有做。的确,不容易做是一个主因,但“不容易”并不代表“不可能”。3C方法中有个工具“CBA — 基于客户的会计核算”,可以计算出每个客户细分甚至是每个客户的利润率(由于篇幅所限,这里不便展开,有兴趣的可以登陆网站www.gccrm.com或发送email至info@gccrm.com获取详细信息)。 3.3.4 客户生命期价值 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 要追溯客户生命期价值可比客户利润率难得多。客户生命期价值可简单表述成: 客户生命期价值= 客户带来利润的净现价值 让我们来分享一下万科地产客户生命期价值的例子,在万科地产,他们估计一个购房者一生会有四次购房:首次购房、首次换房、二次换房和退休用房。有了这个概念,营销策略也都是以客户生命期为四次购房而进行的,在资源分配方面起了更大的指导作用。相同的概念也可应用在汽车或育婴产品上。 3.4 细分你的客户 定义并解释了客户忠诚度和客户价值之后,让我们来看看客户细分——运用LV象限、根据客户忠诚度(Loyalty)和价值(Value)来细分客户。在下表中,我们将客户分为4个基本类别: A: 高忠诚度高价值 B: 低忠诚度高价值 C: 高忠诚度低价值 D: 低忠诚度低价值 纵轴是客户忠诚度指数。横轴是客户价值指数。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 准备好LV象限,让我们来看怎样把它和3C方法的基本工具——客户金字塔联系起来运用到实际中。 3.5 经典的客户金字塔 上图是3C方法中经典的客户金字塔。主要是根据客户所带来的收入来进行细分。然而,仅关注收入而忽略客户忠诚度和客户价值等要素,这样的客户细分也是局限的。因此,我们把LV象限融入到客户金字塔中(见下图),把B、C两类客户放在同一层面,因假定高忠诚度低价值和低忠诚度高价值的客户群是同等重要。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 在此基础上,当有客户忠诚度和客户价值之外的新要素加入时,比如将客户价值分为现有价值和潜在价值二类,就可在LV象限中多加一轴,使其成为立体,在此暂且略过。 为什么我花比预算少的钱却没达到更多的满意,为什么提供更优质产品或服务,但客户并没有像预期中那样满意,为什么满意客户却没有成为忠诚客户,„„。这一切的一切都在强烈的传递一个信号,我们需要更多了解客户,需要对客户进行细分,需要找出最佳客户并集中资源和精力来获取、保留和提升他们在客户金字塔中的位置,从而获得更多利益。 李翊玮先生于2001年创办GCCRM,并于2002年联合创办了3C方法(China Customer Care)。GCCRM是一家独立的CRM评估机构。通过评估、提升和对照最佳实 GCCRM协助企业标示CRM —— 她们在哪里,将要去哪里以及如何到达。GCCRM施, 通过奖项评选、方法论、调研和网站大力提倡“超越软件的成功客户关系管理TM ”。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life
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