
齐达内 之 魅力得分 other rating_0

2018-08-11 3页 doc 15KB 9阅读




齐达内 之 魅力得分 other rating_0齐达内 之 魅力得分 other rating_0 精品文档 齐达内 之 魅力得分 Other Rating 齐达内系列介绍 之 魅力得分 齐达内家有河东狮 妻子薇 罗妮卡 Link: 齐达内小传 Zidane’s biography Link: 齐达内 之总体得分 Rate Zinedine personality 94 个性 94分 Zidane is self-admittedly shy He is considered a leader with his feet only That is unfor...
齐达内 之 魅力得分 other rating_0
齐达内 之 魅力得分 other rating_0 精品文档 齐达内 之 魅力得分 Other Rating 齐达内系列介绍 之 魅力得分 齐达内家有河东狮 妻子薇 罗妮卡 Link: 齐达内小传 Zidane’s biography Link: 齐达内 之总体得分 Rate Zinedine personality 94 个性 94分 Zidane is self-admittedly shy He is considered a leader with his feet only That is unfortunate because of the impact he can have on people In France, where Arabic immigrants are often marginalized, he has improved French impressions of Algerians (his parents are Algerian immigrants) thanks to his feats He can have an even greater impact if he wished, but Zidane was never one to get involved in politics 齐达内自己承认害羞,人们认为他只靠脚来领导别人,考 虑到他的影响力,这一点可谓可惜。在法国,阿拉伯移民往 往处在社会的边缘地位,由于他的成就,法国人改变了对阿 尔及利亚人的看法(齐达内的父母是阿尔及利亚移民)。如果 1 / 4 精品文档 他愿意,他可以施加更大的影响,但是齐达内是那种永远不 会涉足政治的人。 woman magnetism 74 异性魅力 74分 Zidane is Christian Dior’s first male model That is about the extent of his women magnetism He isn’t a heartthrob like David Beckham, or charming like Luis Figo He is Zinedine Zidane, one of the world’s most boring players Does he care? Of course not, he has a lovely wife and two kids, and all the love he ever needs 齐达内是克里斯汀?迪奥服装品牌的第一个男性模特,这 大概是一个男人吸引女性的极限了。他不像贝克汉姆那样让 众多女性怦然心动,也没有菲戈那样魅力迷人,他就是他, 世界上最令人乏味的球员之一。他在乎吗,当然不。他有可 爱的妻子、两个孩子,拥有他需要的所有的爱。 accomplishments , fame 98 成就和名声 98分 Zidane now makes over 5 million US dollars a year, 2 / 4 精品文档 plus much more from Ford and Volvic27 Now that he is in Real Madrid, he will surely add several Spanish companies to the group 齐达内年收入为500万美元,另外还从福特公司和富维克 矿泉水公司得到额外广告收入。现在他在皇马,当然会有一 些西班牙公司成为他的收入来源。 As a professional football player, he has won a lot of titles and awards, just as we have mentioned above No need to say anything more 作为一个职业球员,他赢得了许多的冠军和荣誉,我们上 面已经提到,不必再说了。 coolness factor 65 酷度得分 65分 Is Zidane a cool dude? No 齐达内是个超酷花花公子吗,不是。 personal style 67 个人风格 67分 3 / 4 精品文档 Zidane’s off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative Luckily his wife has perfect taste 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。万幸的是,他的妻子非常有品位。 上一篇: 网球巨匠休伊特的成功之路 Hewitt下一篇英语: 苗立杰 Signs with Monarchs查看更多关于人物点滴的文章网友同时还浏览了: 奥运首个马拉松冠军斯皮里东鲁易 现代奥运会之父,皮埃尔-德-顾拜 中国首个大满贯功臣澳网女双冠军 韩小鹏:从没得世界冠军的冬奥黑 贝克汉姆:4000万美元转汇到皇马 2005体坛女杰:最富最有活力女人 4 / 4
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