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贵阳市简况贵阳市简况 GUIYANG INVESTMENT GUIDE 20038 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation 1 一、贵阳市简况 I. 二、投资优势 II. 1、区位优势 1. Location Advantages 2、资源优势 2. Resources Advantages 3、成本优势 3. Cost Advantages 4、市场优势 4. Market Advantages 5、存量优势 5. Po...
贵阳市简况 GUIYANG INVESTMENT GUIDE 20038 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation 1 一、贵阳市简况 I. 二、投资优势 II. 1、区位优势 1. Location Advantages 2、资源优势 2. Resources Advantages 3、成本优势 3. Cost Advantages 4、市场优势 4. Market Advantages 5、存量优势 5. Potential Resources Advantages 三、投资导向 III. 四、热点投资区域 IV. (一)、开发区 (I) Development Zones 1、贵阳国家高新技术产业开发区 2 1. Guiyang State-level New & High Technology Development Zone 2、贵阳经济技术开发区 2. Guiyang Economic and Technical Development Zone 3、贵阳白云经济开发区 3. Baiyun Ecomomic Development Zone of Guiyang (二)、金阳新区 (II) The Jinyang New District (三)、其它产业园区 (III) Other Industrial Zones 五、办事程序及机构 V. 六、优惠政策 VI. 七、社会服务机构 VII. 3 、 I. 贵阳市简称“筑”,位于中国西南云贵高原东部,是贵州省省会,全 省政治、经济、科技、教育、文化中心,国家内陆开放城市之一。 Guiyang(briefly named “Zhu”), located in the eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in Southwest China, is the capital and center of politics, economy, science & technology and culture of Guizhou Province, as well as one of the inland open cities in China. 全市总面积8034平方千米,市区面积2403平方千米,建成区面积 128平方千米,平均海拔1250米,属亚热带湿润温和型气候。年平均气温 14.7ºC,夏季平均气温21.9 ºC,冬季平均气温6.6ºC,常年相对湿度80%,年平均降雨量1200毫米,日照时数1354小时,无霜期270天。行政区域内林地面积275万亩,森林覆盖率达34.8%,有“林城”之称。 2The total administrative area of Guiyang is 8034km, in which urban 22parts cover 2403km and the ready-built area reaches 128km. With an average altitude of 1250m, Guiyang enjoys a warm and moist subtropical climate, where the average temperature of the year is 14.7C , 21.9C in summer, 6.6C in winter. The annually relative humidity, precipitation, sunshine-time and frost-free period are 80%, 1200mm, 1354 hours and 270 days accordingly. 34.8% of its administrative area being covered by some 184,000 hector woods, Guiyang is entitled “The City of Forest”. 贵阳市现辖云岩区、南明区、花溪区、乌当区、白云区、小河区、清 镇市、开阳县、修文县、息烽县10个区县(市)。2002年末,全市总人口340.44万人,其中非农业人口160.33万人,占总人口的47% 。少数民族共有37个,占总人口15.4%,其中布依族、苗族占少数民族人口总 4 数的71.3%。 Guiyang now governs the following 10 districts or counties: Yunyan, Nanming, Huaxi, Wudang, Baiyun, Xiaohe, Qingzhen, Kaiyang, Xiuwen and Xifeng. By the end of 2002, the population was 3,404,400, among which 1,603,300 were urban inhabitants, accounting for 47% of the total. There are 37 minority ethnic groups in Guiyang, reaching 15.4% of the total. The population of the Buyi and Miao is 71.3% of the whole of minority groups. 贵阳市地处国务院确定的“黔中产业带”和“南、贵、昆经济带”核 心区域,是一座新兴的发展中综合型工业城市。“九五”期间,全市年平 均国内生产总值增长11.4%,财政收入和财政支出增长22.84%和18.83%, 社会消费品零售总额增长12.9%。2001、2002年全市国内生产总值分别为302.75亿元和336.37亿元,增长幅度连续高于全国和全省平均水平两个 百分点以上。 In the center of the “Central Guizhou Industrial Zone” and the “Nanning, Guiyang and Kunming Economic Zone” (both are identified by the State Council of China), Guiyang is a new and ever-growing comprehensive industrial city. During the period of China’s “Nineth Five-Year Plan”, the annual average GDP, financial revenue, financial expenditure and the total retail amount of social consumables increased by 11.4%, 22.84%, 18.83% and 12.9% respectively. As regards the city’s GDP, it reached 30.275 billion RMB Yuan in the year of 2001 and 33.637 billion RMB Yuan in 2002, successively with an increment more than 2% higher than those of the state and the provincial average level. 贵阳市先后被评为全国林园绿化先进城市、中日环境合作示范城市、 中国优秀旅游城市、全国卫生城市、全国科教兴市先进城市。 5 Guiyang has been awarded a number of titles of honor, such as the National Advanced Garden and Afforestation City, the Sino-Japan Environmental Cooperation Model City, the Chinese Outstanding Tourism City, the National Advanced City of Public Health, the National Advanced City for Science and Education, etc. 贵阳市正按照党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的战略目标,继续 实施环境立市、工业强市、科教兴市和可持续发展战略,坚持以解放思想 为先导,以跨越式发展为主题,以经济结构调整为主线,以改革开放和科 技进步为动力,以提高人民生活水平为根本出发点,率先在全省实现全面 建设小康社会,开创我市改革开放和现代化建设事业新局面。 Nowadays, continually emphasizing the strategy of environment, industry, science, education and sustainable development, giving priority to the liberation of the people’s thought, the more-than-regular development, the restructure of economy, the further development of science and technology, and the lifting of people’s living standard, Guiyang is acting on the strategic objective of building a moderately well-off society stipulated in the report of the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, and is marching toward the goal of further opening up, reform and modernization, and of first implementing the moderately well-off society in Guizhou Provice. II. 贵阳市是连接华中、华南与西南的重要通道,是西南 6 “三省一市”南下出海的必经之地,是重要的陆路交通枢纽和物流结点。 境内有川黔、湘黔、贵昆和黔桂4条铁路干线,贵阳铁路南站编组站是西南地区最大的货运编组站。上海至瑞丽、重庆至湛江的两条公路国道主干 线穿越贵阳,与八条出境公路形成放射状公路网络。贵阳现代化国际机场 可满足年旅客吞吐量500万人次,已开通32条国内航线和香港、曼谷2 条国际航线。贵阳距重庆长江口岸直线距离300公里,距广西北海口岸直 线距离500公里,距华东、华南最主要的商品集散地和海运港口——上海、 广州的距离分别为2037、1554公里,在西南地区区位优势明显。 As the gateway for the three provinces and one city (Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Chongqing) in Southwest China down to the seaports along the south coast of China, Guiyang is a key node connecting Central, South and Southwest China, as well as a hub of land traffic and logistics. Four railway lines, namely the Sichuan-Guizhou, Hunan-Guizhou, Guizhou-Kunming , and the Guizhou-Guangxi lines, all cross through Guiyang. The South Railway Station of Guiyang is the largest marshalling yard in Southwest China. And two main routes, namely the Shanghai-Ruili and Chongqing-Zhanjiang state highways, pass through the city, constituting a radiation-shaped traffic network along with other eight outstretching highways. With an annual capacity of handling 5 million passengers, at present the modernized Guiyang International Airport has 32 national plus two international (Guiyang-Hong Kong and Guiyang-Bangkok) flight lines. The direct distance is 300km between Guiyang and Chongqing----one of the important Yangtsz River ports, 500km between Guiyang and the Guanxi Beihai seaport, and those between Guiyang and the Shanghai and Guangzhou seaports (each of them is among the most important domestic and international commodity collection and distribution centers) are 2073 and 1554km respectively. Thus, obviously Guiyang enjoys many location advantages in SW China. 7 贵阳地处贵州腹地,矿产、生物、能源资源丰富,开 发潜力大。 Situated in the center of the province, Guiyang is abundant in its mineral, biological and energy resources and with a huge potentiality. 已探明储量的矿藏,有铝土、磷、煤、铁、硫铁、汞、重 晶石、石灰石、大理石等30多种,储量大、品位高、矿点集中、交通方 便、易于开采。其中,铝土矿储量为3.2亿吨,67.4%铝土矿的铝硅比大 于8;磷矿储量4.28亿吨,五氧化二磷含量达32%以上的富矿占全国富矿的78%,居全国三大磷矿基地之首。 Over 30 kinds of minerals, such as the ores of bauxite, phosphorus, coal, iron, mercury, barite, limestone, marble, etc., have been verified. With the large workable reserves, high grade, and concentrated mining points, they are easily mined and transported. Furthermore, the proven reserves of bauxite are 320,000,000 ton, and 67.4% of them have a ratio of aluminium to silicon over 8. The phosphate rock amounts to 428,000,000 ton, among which the high-grade ore (the content of PO over 32%) accounts for 2578% of the rich ore in the whole country. Thus here is the top one of the three largest phosphorus ore bases in China. 贵阳拥有种类繁多的生物资源。有香果树、鹅掌楸、乐东 拟单性木兰等国家重点保护植物;刺梨、猕猴桃、折耳根等特色野生植物; 春兰、春剑、金花石蒜等珍稀花卉;银杏、闽楠、伞花木等珍稀树种;大 鲵(娃娃鱼)、猕猴、穿山甲等珍稀野生动物。有1140余种中药材,其中 8 天麻、杜仲、茯苓、黔党参、天冬等驰名海外,80余种动物药材,加之全省4290种中药材的天然药库,使贵阳具有得天独厚的药材资源优势。 There are diverse biological resources in Guiyang. For example, Emmenopterys henryi, Liriodendron chinense, and Parakmeria lotungensis are the protected plants at state level. The wild fruits of Rosa roxburghii and Actinidia chinensis, and the rhizome of Houttuynia cordata make Guiyang abound in local feature. The rare wild plant and animal species, such as Cymbidium goeringii, C. ensiformis, Lycoris aurea, Ginkgo biloba, Euryorymbus cavaleriei, giant salamander, macaque, and pangolin all grow and propagate well here. As is well known, Guizhou is a natural medicine bank with some 4370 Chinese traditional medicine materials, including 80 animal ones. More than 1140 of them are in Guiyang, among which, Gastrodia eleta, Eucommia ulmoides Poria coccus, Codonopsis pilosula, Asparagus cochinchinensis are famous both at home and abroad. So, it is obviously that, as the center of Guizhou, Guiyang has strong advantages in medicine material resources. 贵阳境内有大小河流98条,水资源总量为46.79亿立方米,可开发电量615万千瓦,水电站装机容量近100万千瓦;煤炭总储量8.95亿吨,且品种多、埋藏浅、易开发,火力发电装机容量达98.5万千瓦。已形成水、煤并举,水电、火电互济的格局。贵州省是全国十大水电 基地之一,全省丰富的电力资源,确保了贵阳电力供应充足、稳定、价格 便宜。 Statistics show that there are 98 of rivers and streams flowing within Guiyang, with the total water resources of 346,790 million m and the exploitable power energy of 6,150,000kw. The installed hydropower capacity is nearly 1,000,000kw. The total coal reserve amounts to 895,000,000 ton, with the characteristics of various types, shallowly covered and easily exploited. The 9 installed thermo-power capacity has reached 985,000kw. It could be expected that the abundant water and coal resources would contribute much to turn Guiyang into an energy source. On the other hand, as Guizhou Province is among the 10 largest hydropower bases of China, sufficient power resources in whole Guizhou ensure the smooth power supply and the stability of power price in Guiyang. 贵阳市不仅拥有丰富的自然资源,土地、劳动力等生 产要素成本也较低。贵阳的居民用电和工业用电价格以及工业用煤气、民 用煤气价格均约为东部地区的二分之一,在岗职工平均工资仅为东部地区 的二分之一。土地、水等其他要素成本也普遍低于东部沿海地区(附贵阳 市有关成本的现行价格表,如有变动,按新规定调整)。 Guiyang is not only rich in natural resources, but owns relatively lower production factor costs as regards land, labor forces, etc. The prices of electricity and coal gas for civil and industrial purposes are only about half of those in East China, so as to the average salaries of employees. Generally speaking, the costs of land, water and other production factors are also lower than those in eastern coastal areas of China. Following are present charge tables concerning the costs (N.B. The charges are subject to change should the price policies be readjusted). 表(1): Table 1 电度电价(元/千瓦时) kwh power charge(RMB Yuan/kwh) 用 电 类 型 不满 1-10 35-110 110-220 200千伏 Power charge classifications 1千伏 千伏 千伏 千伏 及以上 <1kv 1-10kv 35-110kv 110-220kv ?220kv 1、 居民生活电价 0.359 0.349 Residential power charge 2、 非居民生活电价 0.469 0.459 Non-resident power charge 3、 商业电价 0.704 0.694 10 Commercial power charge 4、 非工业、普通工业电价 0.375 0.365 0.355 Non-industrial, common industrial power charge 其中:中、小工业电价 Among which: Middle or small scale industrial power 0.299 0.289 0.279 charge 5、 大工业电价 0.284 0.264 0.249 0.239 Major industrial power charge 其中:电炉铁合金、电解烧碱、新建合成氨、电炉钙 镁磷肥、电炉黄磷 Among which: power charge for electric furnace 0.274 0.254 0.239 0.229 ferroalloy, furnace calcium, magnesium and phosphorus fertilizer, electrolysis caustic soda, new synthetic ammonia projects, etc. 电石 0.264 0.244 0.229 0.219 Power charge for calcium carbide 中、小化肥电价 0.212 0.192 0.177 0.167 Power charge for middle or small scale fertilizer 6、 农业生产电价 0.304 0.294 0.284 Agricultural production power charge 7、 农业排灌电价 0.178 0.173 0.168 Agricultural irrigation power charge 表(2): Table 2 城市公用 基 本 电 价 电力建设 三峡建设 事业附加费 Basic power charge 基 金 基 金 (元/千瓦时) 用 电 类 型 (元/千瓦时) (元/千瓦时) Charge for 最大需量 变压器容量 Charge for the Charge for the Power charge municipal (元/千瓦/月) (元/千伏安/月) Power Three Gorges classificationspublic Max Transfer Construction Construction construction requirement(Yuan/kw/m) capacity(Yuan/kw/m) Fund(Yuan/kwh) Fund(Yuan/kwh) undertakings 1、 居民生活电价 0.004 0.02 Residential power charge 2、 非居民生活电价 0.02 0.004 0.02 Non-resident power charge 3、 商业电价 0.02 0.004 0.02 Commercial power charge 4、 非工业、普通工业电价 0.02 0.004 0.008 11 Non-industrial, common industrial power charge 其中:中、小工业电价 Among which: Middle or 0.004 0.008 small scale industrial power charge 5、 大工业电价 Major industrial power 21 14 0.02 0.004 0.008 charge 其中:电炉铁合金、电解烧 碱、新建合成氨、电炉钙镁 磷肥、电炉黄磷 Among which: power charge for electric furnace 21 14 0.02 0.004 0.008 ferroalloy, furnace calcium, magnesium and phosphorus fertilizer, electrolysis caustic soda, new synthetic ammonia projects, etc. 电石 Power charge for calcium 21 14 0.02 0.004 0.008 carbide 中、小化肥电价 Power charge for middle or 21 14 0.004 0.008 small scale fertilizer 6、 农业生产电价 Agricultural production 0.02 0.004 power charge 7、 农业排灌电价 Agricultural irrigation power charge 用 户 性 质 计量单位 价格(元) Usage classifications Unit Price(RMB Yuan) 居民生活 吨 1.2 Residential routine Ton 工业 吨 1.25 Industry Ton 涉外星级宾馆甲级以上娱乐 吨 Class A entertainment at foreign-related 2.80 Ton guesthouses & hotels 商业用水 吨 2.00 Commerce Ton 桑拿、浴足业用水 吨 8.00 12 Sauna & foot-bathing Ton 便民普通浴室、理发 吨 1.40 Common public bathrooms & barbers’ Ton 注:以上水价均含0.20元/吨城市供水建设基金和0.20元/吨城市排污费。 Note: The above water prices include charges for the Urban Water Supply Construction Fund and the Municipal Drainage Fee, 0.20 RMB Yuan/ton respectively. 用 户 性 质 计量单位 价格(元) Usage classifications Unit Price(RMB Yuan) 居民用气 立方米 0.85 3Residential routine m 公建用气 立方米 0.85 3Public buildings m 工业、锅炉、空调用气 立方米 0.70 3Industry, boilers & air-conditioning m 单位:元/平方米 2 Unit: RMB Yuan/m 用途 Usage 商业用地 住宅用地 Commerce Dwelling 工业用地 一类 二类 高层 多层 Industry 级别 Grade Class A Class B High-rise Multi-storey 一级 7500 1 1550 960 1190 二级 5400 2 440 三级 3300 1350 860 970 3 四级 2300 1150 570 640 4 五级 1360 700 370 410 380 5 六级 760 590 270 280 330 6 单位:元/平方米 2 Unit: RMB Yuan/m 13 用途 Usage 商业用地 工业用地 Commerce Industry 住宅用地 蔬菜区 Dwelling 一类 二类 其他区 级别 Grade Vegetable-supply Class A Class B Other areas areas 距市中心5-10KM 5-10km from the city 480 310 200 260 160 center 距市中心10-15KM 10-15km from the city 300 250 150 230 150 center 距市中心15KM以上 15km or more from the 190 190 110 210 140 city center 表中基准地价的内涵: Explanation to the land prices in the above tables: (1)一类商业地价:包括商业零售业、金融保险业、娱乐、餐饮业 用地,土地使用年限为40年,临街(主次干道)深度20米,为底层楼面地价,市政基础设施配套程度至少达到“五通一平”。 (1) Class A for commerce: Ground-floor land price, less than 20m from main streets, time-limit-of-land-use 40 years, infrastructure facilities completed (traffic, electricity, water, drainage, telecommunication or coal gas), including uses for commercial retailing, finance & insurance, entertainment and restaurant; (2)二类商业地价:包括办公、宾馆、旅游、别墅用地、土地使用年 限为40年,市政基础设施配套程度至少达到“五通一平”。 (2) Class B for commerce: For office, hotel, tourism and villa use, time-limit-of-land-use 40 years, infrastructure facilities completed (traffic, electricity, water, drainage, telecommunication or coal gas); (3)住宅地价:包括高层住宅和多层住宅,土地使用年限为70年, 14 市政基础设施配套程度至少达到“五通一平”。 (3) Dwelling: For uses of high-rise and multi-storey housing, time-limit-of-land-use 70 years, infrastructure facilities completed (traffic, electricity, water, drainage, telecommunication or coal gas); (4)工业地价:包括工业、仓储、市政公用设施、交通运输业用地, 土地使用年限为50年,市政基础设施配套程度一至四级土地范围内达到 “五通一平”或“六通一平”(通路、通电、通上水、通下水、通电信或 通煤气),五级和六级土地范围内至少达到“四通一平”。 (4) Industry: For uses of industry, warehousing, municipal public facilities, traffic and transportation, time-limit-of-land-use 50 years, infrastructure facilities (traffic, electricity, water, drainage, telecommunication and/or coal gas) completed for Grade 1-4, infrastructure facilities (traffic, electricity, water, drainage) completed for Grade 5-6. 贵阳市是一个完全开放和不断发展的市场。改革开放 以来,市场建设日益完善,资本、技术、劳动力、信息等生产要素市场的 形成和发育,加速了与国内市场和国际市场的融合。2002年底,有各类集市贸易批发市场 373 个,其中年成交额上亿的市场有14个。人才、劳动力、证券交易、房地产交易、产权交易、信息等要素市场发展良好。2002年,社会消费品零售总额136.58亿,比上年增长12.3%。城市居民人均消费性支出占可支配收入的79%。贵阳的工业产品以中间产品为主,消费 品大量来自省外,市民消费观念较为超前。因而,贵阳市场广阔且富潜力, 15 加之其固有的区位优势,使之自然地延伸到全省、西南地区乃至全国。 Guiyang is a fully opened and ever-growing market. The market construction is getting perfect since the opening up and reform. Following the formation and development of the essential production factors, the process of integration with national and international market is accelerating. By the end of 2002, there are 373 wholesale trade markets, and 14 of them each with a volume of business up to 100 million RMB Yuan. The markets such as professionals, labor forces, stock exchange, real estate, property right, information, etc., all develop well. The total retail amount of social consumables reaches 13.658 billion RMB Yuan in 2002, increasing 12.3 % than 2001. The average consumptive expenditure of the city residents accounts for 79% of their average disposable income. The industry products of Guiyang are mainly intermediate ones. Many consumer goods are from other provinces and the consumptive concept of the residents is fairly fashionable. To add to all this, the location advantages make the market here vast and extensive with large potentiality, and can naturally extend to all corners of the province, to SW China, or even to the whole country. 贵阳地区国有独资及国有控股企业649家, 2002年 总资产292.7亿,净资产70.2亿。涵盖机电、化工、轻纺、建材、商贸、 饮食服务、交通运输、仓储、建筑等行业。拥有光学仪器仪表、数控机床、 柴油机、挖掘机、汽车配件、轴承、电机系列、高强度螺栓、磨具磨料、 电石、煤气、焦炭、黄磷、磷酸、三聚磷酸钠、农药、橡胶制品、轮胎、 子午胎带、锌粉、硅酸钠、电池、电子仪器仪表、酒类、纺织品、塑料制 品、水泥、水泥制品等工业生产线。大批“三线建设”时期内迁的工厂和 80、90年代逐步从省内迁入贵阳的军工企业为贵阳奠定了良好的工业基础,输送了大量优秀的科技和管理人才。以航天、航空、电子工业三大基 16 地为主的国防科技工业,不仅拥有较先进的技术装备、科研试验设备和检 测手段,并且拥有雄厚的技术实力、较强的管理水平和高素质的职工队伍。 贵阳市大批闲置的厂房、12万各类专业人才和200万劳动力可为投资者 提供较为理想的生产要素。 649 exclusively state-owned enterprises and state-controlled joint-stock enterprises are situated in the administrative region of Guiyang, with a total asset of 29.27 billion RMB Yuan and a net asset of 7.02 billion RMB Yuan. They cover electromechanical industry, chemical industry, light & textile industry, building materials, commerce & trade, catering, communications, warehousing, construction and other industries, and own production lines regarding optical instruments & meters, numerical control machine tools, diesel engines, excavators, auto parts, bearing, electric motors, high strength bolts, grinding tools & abrasive materials, calcium carbide, coal gas, coke, yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, sodium tripolyphosphate, pesticide, rubber products, tires, radial tires, zinc powder, sodium silicate, batteries, electronic instruments & meters, liquor, textile products, plastic products, cement and concrete products, etc. A large number of factories moved to Guizhou in the period of “San Xian Jian She” (in the early 1960s) and the military enterprises settled in Guizhou in the 1980s and 90s contribute more to the establishment of an industrial foundation for the development of Guiyang, and own a lot of specialists and experts on management and science & technology. The national defense science & technology industry, which mainly consists of three bases (aerospace, aviation and electronic industry), not only has been equipped with relatively advanced technical equipment, researching and testing facilities, but owns solid technical abilities, strengthened management, and high-quality staff members. A great deal of idle workshops, 120,000 various professionals, and a work force with 2,000,000 people can provide investors with ideal production factors. 17 贵阳市根据自身优势和总体规划,确定六大重点发展产业: Based on the advantages and overall planning of Guiyang, priority would be given to the development of the following six industry sectors. 发展条件:全国最大的电解铝生产企业之一的中国铝业总公司 贵州分公司,位于我市白云区内,已形成年产电解铝25万吨、氧化 铝40万吨、铝土矿90万吨的生产能力;有氧化铝、电解铝、铝型 材等十大系列39个品种,首创预焙槽智能模糊控制技术居全国领先 水平。现有的铝工业基础为下游深加工产品的开发和生产创造了良 好的条件。 Present situation: Guizhou Branch of the Chinese General Aluminium Company is one of the largest enterprises of electrolytic aluminium in China. Situated in Baiyun district of Guiyang, it possesses the ability to produce per year 250,000 ton of electrolytic aluminium, 400,000 ton of alumina, 900,000 ton of alumyte, and 39 kinds of aluminum profile in 10 series. The branch even originates the pre-baked pot intelligent fuzzy control technology , being in the lead in China. The available basis of aluminium industry here creates a favorable condition for the development and production of the converted downstream products. 发展重点:(1)、氧化铝、电解铝;(2)、高精铝板带、箔材;(3)、 大型铝合金材以及汽车零部件;(4)、电子、亲水铝箔;(5)、铝散 18 热器;(6)、铝复合管;(7)、铝合金特种型;(8)PS板;(9)、铝塑管等。以白云经济开发区为重点,大力发展铝加工业基地。 Development emphases: (1) alumina and electrolytic aluminium; (2) high-grade aluminium plate, sheet, and foil; (3) large aluminium alloy materials and automobile parts & elements; (4) electronic & hydrophilic aluminium foil; (5) aluminium radiator; (6) aluminium clad tube; (7) special aluminium alloy; (8) PS plate; (9) aluminium-plastic tube. Major efforts should be invested in developing the aluminium processing industry base in Baiyun Economic Development Zone. 发展条件:贵阳磷化工工业依托得天独厚的资源优势,经40余 年的发展,形成了以开磷集团为骨干,以乡镇企业为重要成分的磷化 工企业群体。现有开磷集团公司、黔能天和磷业有限责任公司、贵 阳中化开磷化肥有限公司、贵州西洋肥业有限公司等一批规模较大、 技术力量雄厚的磷化工企业。具备年产8万吨黄磷、3万吨三聚磷酸钠、1.5万吨脱氟磷酸三钙、2000吨六偏磷酸钠、2000吨固体五氧化二磷、10万吨普通过磷酸钙、100万吨硫基复合肥、20万吨复混肥的生产规模,其中黄磷产量占全国的10%。在工业布局上,已初步形成 开阳—息烽—贵阳磷化工工业走廊。 Present situation: Through over 40 years of development, a phosphorus chemistry zone of Kaiyang-Xifeng-Guiyang, with Guizhou Kailin (Group) Corp. Ltd. as the leading enterprise, has formed. There are both some advanced mainstay enterprises, like Kailin (Group) Corp. Ltd., Qian Neng Tian He Phosphorus Co. Ltd., Zhonghua Kailing Fertilizer Co. Ltd., Xiyang Fertilizer Co. Ltd. and certain village and township enterprises. Each year, they can produce 80,000 ton of yellow phosphorus (about 10 per cent of the total in China), 30,000 of sodium tripolyphosphate, 15,000 ton of defluorinated tricalcium phosphate, 2,000 ton of sodium 19 hexametaphosphate, 2,000 ton of solid phosphorus pentoxide, 100,000 ton of common calcium superphosphate, one million ton of sulfenyl compound fertilizer and 200,000 of mixed compound fertilizer. 发展重点:(1)磷精细化工产品。在提升磷铵、三聚磷酸钠盐 系列、脱氟磷酸三钙等产品规模和水平的基础上,大力开发工业级、 食用磷酸、饲料级、医用级等各类精细化工产品,建设以开磷集团 为骨干,包括开阳县、息烽县、修文县、乌当区黄磷生产企业在内 的精细化工产品基地,形成全国重要的磷精细化工基地。(2)高浓 度磷复肥。建设以西洋肥业公司和开磷矿息烽化工股份合作公司为 基础的高浓度复合肥基地。(3)磷资源综合利用项目。有选择加大 黄磷尾气、磷渣水泥等三废综合利用项目发展力度。(4)磷矿开采。 建设以开磷集团为基础,包括开阳、息烽民营企业在内的磷矿石生 产基地。 Development emphases: (1) fine phosphorus chemical products: on the basis of promoting the scale and level of ammonium phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), and defluorinated tricalcium phosphate, etc., developing commercial & food phosphoric acid; taking Kailing Group as the mainstay, integrating the yellow phosphorus productive enterprises in Kaiyang, Xifeng, Xiuwen, and Wudang, so as to form a base of fine phosphorus chemical products; (2) taking Xiyang Fertilizer Co. Ltd. and the Xifeng Co-op Chemical Company as the center to produce high concentrated & compound phosphate fertilizer; (3) comprehensively utilizing phosphorus resources including those of phosphor tail gas, phosphorus slag cement, etc.; (4) taking Kailing Group as the center, combining the enterprises run by the local people in Kaiyang and Xifeng, to mine the phosphorus ore. 20 发展条件:贵阳市现有109家制药企业,生产 847种药品。其中,民族药(苗药)96种、国家中药保护品26种、国家四级以上新药26种,23种剂型获得国家药检局批准文号。涌现出贵州神奇、益 佰、益康、新天、三力等一批技术先进、产值上亿的全国知名现代制药企业,生产出咽立爽、乙肝散、宁泌泰、仙灵骨葆、前列倍喜等一批疗 效好、毒副作用小、功能独特的民族药品,树立了贵阳苗药品牌。已建成 修文、息烽、清镇、花溪等6个医药园区。有药品批发企业71家,药品零售连锁经营企业7家,药品流通市场发展迅速。 Present situation: Guiyang has now 109 pharmaceutical enterprises which produce 847 medicines and chemical reagents including 96 ethnology drugs (Miao), 26 traditional Chinese medicines under state protection, 26 new drugs over grade 4 of state standard, and 23 forms of drug approved by the State Drug Administration. Recently, a number of advanced pharmaceutical ones, such as Shenqi, Yibai, Yikang, Xintian and Sanli, have produced series of ethnology drugs (Miao) with unique functions, satisfactory curative results, little toxic and side effect, mainly for the treatment of dermatosis, orthopaedics, urology, throat, prostate and liver disorders. Each of the enterprises is noted in Miao drug production with value of output over 100 million RMB Yuan. Another six medicine sections have been set up in Xiuwen, Xifeng, Qingzhen counties, and Huaxi administrative district. The 71 wholesale and seven retail chain groups are promoting the rapid development of the medicines and chemical reagents of Guiyang. 发展重点:(1)加强中药、苗药新药开发,发展天麻、灵芝、头花蓼、 半夏、果上叶、岩豇豆、喜树等药材的种植和研制;(2)加快中药生产企业的GMP改造,建成注射剂、胶囊、颗粒剂、口服液、滴丸、中药饮片、 缓释剂型等GMP生产基地;(3)建设和发展修文扎佐医药园、息烽医药园、 21 乌当东风医药园、清镇医药园等医药园区。 Development emphases: It is being strengthened to develop new Chinese traditional and Miao medicines, emphasizing the planting and developing of Gastrodia eleta, Ganoderma lucidum, Polygonum capitatum, Pinellia ternata, ‘guoshangye’ (several species of Orchidaceae), Loxostigma spp. and Camptotheca acuminata, etc. The second is to accelerate their GMP restructuring to set up the GMP bases producing injections, capsules, tablets, oral liquids, drops, yinpian (traditional Chinese medicine, prepared herb in small pieces ready for decoction) and slow-releasers. The third is to set up some modern enterprises (groups) with high tech and quality products, strong technology and market development capacity, and advanced management. The medicine sectors in Zazou, Xifeng, Wudang, and Qingzhen are to be firstly taken into consideration. 发展条件:贵阳白云经济开发区正在建设中的贵阳(国际)新材料产 业园内拥有贵州省材料技术创新基地及贵州三占钎具有限公司、贵州博士 化工有限公司等一批技术创新能力强、产业化前景好的机构和企业,在聚 合物基工程复合材料、纳米材料、有色金属合金材料等领域具有较强的研 发能力。 Present situation: The Guiyang(International) New Material Industrial Sector in the Baiyun Economic Development Zone, which is undergoing construction, owns a number of institutions and enterprises with good technical renovation capacity and outlook, such as the Guizhou Renovation Base of Material Technology, Guizhou San Zhan Drill Co. Ltd., Guizhou Bo Shi Chemical Co. Ltd., etc., which are equipped with strengthened research and developing abilities in the fields of polymer-base engineering composite materials, nanometer materials, non-ferrous metal alloy materials, 22 etc. 发展重点:(1)、化工新材料;(2)、电子信息材料;(3)、高性能金 属材料;(4)、新能源材料;(5)、交通与国防新材料;(6)、新型建筑材 料;(7)、超细微粉及纳米新材料。在白云区经济开发区内建设和发展以 研发和生产聚合物基工程复合材料、打印机用喷墨耗材、纳米复合材料、 纳米粉体材料等为重点的大型新材料产业园。 Development emphases: (1) new chemical engineering materials; (2) electronic information materials; (3) high performance metallic materials; (4) new energy materials; (5) new communication and national defense materials; (6) new building materials; (7) new super micro powder and nanometer materials. Priority would be given to establishing and developing large scale new material industrial sectors in the Baiyun Economic Development Zone concentrating on researching and producing polymer-base engineering composite materials, printer ink, nanometer composite materials, nanometer powder materials, etc. 发展条件:贵阳市机电工业经过三十多年的发展已经形成了行业结构 合理、产品门类齐全、综合配套能力强、专业技术人才聚集、有较强科研 开发与生产能力的工业体系。其中,以挖掘机、压路机为代表的工程机械, 以柴油机、汽油机为代表的动力机械,以小型电机、微型电机为代表的工 业基础件,以电视机、空调为代表的家用电器以及飞机、汽车、摩托车零 配件,机床工具、刀具等产品的研制、开发、生产能力在全国较为领先。 Present situation: Through the growing process of more than three decades, the electromechanical industry system of Guiyang has the characteristics of rational structure, complete product series, strengthened ability to provide auxiliary items, clustered professionals, competent researching and developing abilities, 23 among which, engineering machinery characterized by excavators and road rollers, power machinery by diesel and gasoline engines, basic industrial components by mini and micro motors, home appliances by TVs and air-conditionings, plane, auto and motorcycle parts, machine tools, cutting tools, etc., play a fairly leading role in the whole country. 发展重点:(1)工程机械。提高机电一体化程度,发展高速挖掘系列产品,逐步建成全国的挖掘机研发制造基地;(2)机床工具。引导新型数 控轧辊磨床向精密智能化方向发展,建成轧辊磨床、无心磨床的专业化生 产基地;(3)精密仪器仪表。发展为工程机械配套的数字化、智能化监控 系统及数字测量仪器仪表;(4)电工电器。重点发展电力变压器、各种用 途微电机、高强度电线电缆、厨房电器。小型真空开关等产品。(5)环保 设备制造。(6)磨具磨料。发展高精密、高附加值超硬度细微粉系列产品,特种刚玉、高速重负荷砂轮及高级树脂磨具,高级陶瓷磨具等产品。 Development emphases: (1)engineering machinery: increasing the degree of mechanical and electronic integration, developing high speed excavator series, gradually constructing national researching and manufacturing base for excavators; (2)machine tools: guiding new kinds of numerical control roller grinding machines toward the direction of precision and intelligence, constructing professional manufacturing base for roller grinding machines and centerless grinding machines; (3)precision instruments and meters: developing digitalized and intelligentized auxiliary monitoring systems for engineering machinery, and digital measuring instruments and meters; (4)electrical equipment and appliances: stressing the development of electrical transformers, micro-motors for various purposes, high-strength electrical wires and cables, electric kitchen appliances, and minitype vacuum switches, etc.; (5)environmental protection equipment manufacturing; (6) grinding tools & abrasive materials: developing high-precision and high value added super-rigidity micro powder product series, special type corundum, high-speed-heavy-load grinding wheels, high-grade resin grinding tools, and good-performance ceramic grinding tools, etc. 24 发展条件:贵阳市利用本市本省资源大力发展了辣椒、刺梨、猕猴 桃、魔芋、乳制品、竹笋等系列产品和粮油、牛羊肉深加工产品,建成贵 阳味纯园、“老干妈”、“三联乳业”等一批绿色食品生产加工基地。产品 远销东南亚、日本及欧美地区。 Present situation: Guiyang and Guizhou have many native and special products, such as chilly, fruits of Rosa roxburghii and Actinidia chinensis, tuber of Amorphophallus rivieri, bamboo shorts, as well as grains, oils, beef, mutton and dairy products. For the purpose of developing series of green food, a number of producing and processing bases have been established in Guiyang, like Weichunyuan, Laoganma, and Sanlianruye, etc. And their intensively processed products have had a good market in Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe and America. 发展重点:(1)特色饮料,如:猕猴桃、刺梨汁等;(2)保健食品及食品添加剂;(3)辣椒制品及调味品;(4)方便食品;(5)果蔬加工。积极发展蕨菜、竹笋等山野菜加工,开发国际口味的刺梨干红、干白等;(6) 乳制品加工;(7)原料基地建设。开发利用新营养源,推广有机栽培,无 公害栽培,加快绿色食品工业园区建设。 Development emphases: (1) quality beverage, such as the juice and/or wine of the fruits of Rosa roxburghii and Actinidia chinensis, and to make them in accordance with the international taste; (2) health food and high value added products; (3) chilly products and condiments; (4) convenience food; (5) the processing of fruits and vegetables, especially those wild ones, such as bracken and bamboo shoots; (6) dairy industry; (7) construction of raw material base. The construction of green food bases using new nutritious material, and the spreading of organic and non-hazard cultivation, would also be accelerated. 25 I Development Zones 1992年经国务院批准设立的国家级高新技术产业开发区。规划总面积11.32平方公里,包括“两园一街”,即新天高新技术工业园、金阳高新技术产业园和神奇路科技一条街,其中 新天高新技术工业园位于市区东北郊9公里处,金阳高新技术产业园位于金阳新区内,神奇路科技一条街位于城南市区内。该区以实现高技术成果 的商品化、产业化、国际化为宗旨,形成了电子与信息、光机电一体化、 新材料和中药现代化四大优势产业。计划在2010年以前,将新天高新技术工业园建设成为西部一流的IT产业基地、西部最大的新型电子元器件 生产基地;将金阳高新技术产业园发展成为知识经济产业园区。 It was established in 1992 approved by the State Council with a total 2of 11.32 km according to the scheme, including two high and new technology industrial sectors, Xintian and Jinyang, and one sci. & tech street, Shenqi. The Shenqi Sci. & Tech Street is in the south Guiyang proper. The purpose of the street construction is to stimulate the four superior industries, i.e. electronic & information, integrated optical-mechanical-electronic equipment, new materials, and modernized traditional Chinese medicine, so as to realize the commercialization, industrialization, and 26 internationalization of the high and new technological achievements. The Xintian High & New Technology Industrial Sector is located at the northeast suburb of Guiyang. We hope to set it up as the first class IT industry base and the largest new electronic device base in West China. The Jinyang High & New Technology Industrial Sector is just within the Jinyang New District. Its goal is to become a knowledge-economic industry sector. 建于1993年,2000年2月经国务院批准 成为全省唯一的国家级经济技术开发区,同年3月经国务院批准为小河行 政区,因而既享有国家级经济技术开发区的优惠政策,又享有省、市赋予 的特殊行政权,是一个具有新型管理体制的经济区域。开发区位于市区南 郊5公里处,所辖面积63.13平方公里,先后引进湖南中粮可口可乐饮料 公司、香港主力电器等来自美国、日本、加拿大、韩国等国家和地区的 23家外资企业和青岛海尔、青岛海信、青岛汗缆、广东麦科特等数百家 国内知名企业,在航空、航天、机械、电子等方面具有较强的协作配套能 力。已形成机械、电子、航天为主的具有一定规模的工业区。开发区将依 托国家航天、航空企业发展汽车零部件,建成中国西南汽车零部件重要生 产基地和出口创汇基地;依托海信工业园区建成西部重要的家电生产基 地。 This zone was founded in 1993, then became the only state-level one of the province approved by the State Council in February 2000, and now is a special administrative district of Guiyang, namely Xiaohe. Thus it is an economic area with new management system, not only enjoying the preferential policies, but the special administrative rights. Situated at the south suburb, the development zone has an 2area of 63.13 km. It has successfully attracted 23 foreign 27 enterprises from America, Japan, Canada, South Korea and other countries or areas, as well as several hundred famous domestic enterprises, which possess stronger cooperation ability and form a complete system in the field of aviation, aerospace, machinery, and electronic industries. Nowadays, a fair-sized industry section has been set up. Relying on the state aviation and aerospace enterprises, it is developing automobile parts and components, and would become the producing and export base of West China. It will also be the important base of electric home appliances depending on the Haisen group, a noted domestic enterprise. 建于1992年,属省级开发区。位于贵阳市 中心地带,距城区中心13公里,总面积270平方公里。内聚贵州铝厂、 铁道部贵阳车辆厂、有色第七冶金建设公司、娃哈哈集团、南方汇通微硬 盘股份有限公司、香港瑞安集团公司、韩国可林普公司、中国航空工业标 准件制造公司等500余家国有、民营、外商投资企业。形成了铝及铝加工 业、建材、食品、磨料磨具、水泥、医药、钎具、新材料等涵盖二十多个 门类的工业体系。开发区将建设铝工业园、新材料产业园为重点,逐步建 成全国最大的铝工业基地和西南地区重要的新材料工业园区。 It is a provincial level zone set up in 1992, only 13km from downtown 2Guiyang with a total area of 270 km. Within it there are over 500 enterprises including various internal and international ones. More than 20 industrial systems are involved, dealing with aluminium processing, building materials, food, grinding tools & abrasive materials, cement, medicine, drill tools, new materials, etc. The emphasis in the zone is to build an aluminium industry sector and a new material one and make the former to be the largest aluminium industry base in China, and the later, the important new material base in SW China. 28 II The Jinyang New District 位于贵阳市西北面,距市中心区6.2公里,居百花山脉与黔灵山脉之间,地势平坦,景色宜人。三纵三横的公路网络与贵黄、贵遵高等级公路 相接,交通十分便利。规划建设成为集行政办公、文化娱乐、商业金融、 体育运动、教育科研、居住、高新科技工业为一体的园林式、生态型、可 持续发展的现代化新城区。计划2010年,完成建区面积17平方公里,居 住人口18万人;2020年,完成建设区面积40平方公里,居住人口40万 人;2050年,完成建设区面积100平方公里,居住人口50万人。至2002 年底,17平方公里道路主骨架工程已完成,相配套的给排水、电、气、 通信等设施已到位。 It is a newly planned district, situated at the northwest corner of Guiyang, about 6.2 km away from the city center. With the smooth terrain, charming scenery, and convenient traffic, it will be built into a modernized city proper, which integrates as a whole the administration, cultural recreation, commerce, finance, sports, education & scientific research, residence, and high & new tech industries. A plan is being carried out, i.e. completing the 2construction area of 17 km with a population of 180,000 by 2010, 2240 km and 400,000 residents in 2020, and 100 km, and to 500,000 people in 2050. By the end of 2002, the framework project of the 217 km of road construction has been finished, and the auxiliary water system, power network, drainage, gas supply, and the communication facilities are all functioned there. 金阳新区以市场化运作方式,通过招商引资,重点发展经济效益好、 29 资源消耗低、环境污染少的高科技产业和现代服务业。力求做到高起点规 划,高质量建设,高效能管理,高水平经营。新区的建设关系到贵阳市的 未来发展,是我市扩大城市规模和完善城市功能的有效途径,贵阳市正举 全市之力加快新区建设。今日的金阳新区是一个大工地、大市场,充满了 无限商机。 Through the market mechanism, the new district would attract investment, as well as high tech and modern service industries, which should be those with beneficial results, low consumption of resources, and low pollution. The construction of the district is of vital importance to the future of Guiyang, as well as an effective way to enlarge the scale and improve the functions of the city. We are paying good attention to it concerning not only the scheme, speed, and quality of its construction, but also its management and administration. So it is increasingly becoming a large building site, a huge market, and a place filling with unlimited commercial opportunity. III Other Industrial Zones 2002年5月经国家科技部等六部委 批准的国家级农业科技园区,由乌当农业科技示范园、白云园艺花卉农业 科技示范园、花溪立体农业生态科技示范园等组成,规划占地面积135 平方千米。园区以市场为导向,以科技为先导,以服务“三农”为宗旨, 按照“市场+公司+基地+农户+科技”的运作模式,加强农业技术的集成和成果转化,促进传统农业向现代农业的改造升级。目前已初具蔬、果、花、 药四大产业的产、供、销一体化的现代农业雏形。 30 This is a zone of state level approved by the Ministry of Science & Technology and other 5 ministries and commissions of China in May 2002. It consists of Wudang Agricultural Technology Paradigm Garden, Baiyun Horticultural Technology Paradigm Garden, and Huaxi Stereo-agricultural and Ecologic Technology Paradigm Garden, 2occupies an area of 135 km according to the scheme. The aim of the construction of the zone is to serve the farmers, the countryside and the agriculture, and accelerate the transform of traditional agriculture to a modern one. And now an embryonic form of modern agriculture appears, in which the production, supply, and sale of the products of the vegetable, fruit, flower & plant, and medicine industry sectors, have merged into an organic whole. 位于贵阳市中心以北35公里处的扎佐镇, 规划占地面积3平方公里,园区森林蓄积量达11.7万立方米,环境、气 候条件符合制药工业的高要求。园内已有18家制药企业投资建厂, 年销售额可达20亿元。2002年底,经国家农业部批准成为全省唯一的国家级乡镇企业科技园区。 It is located at the town of Zazuo in Xiuwen County, 35 km away from 2downtown Guiyang, occupying an area of 3 km based on the scheme. At the end of 2002, it was ratified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the state as the only technological garden at state level in Guizhou. Covered with agreeable vegetation, the environment and weather conditions there are much in accordance with the high standard demands of pharmaceutical industry. Eighteen domestic enterprises have invested and set factories in the garden. The gross sales would reach two million RMB Yuan per year. 31 1 名称登记 Enterprise name registration 主办单位 市工商局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce charge 时限 1个工作日 Time limit One working-day 2 审批可行性研究(指国家规定需前置审批和需申领专门证书的 项目) Examination and approval of feasibility study report(projects to be pre-examined or approved, and needed to apply for special certificate(s) in accordance with national regulations) 主办单位 市计委、建设局、环保局、公安局、文化局、药监局等 Guiyang Municipal Development Planning Commission, Guiyang Municipal Unit in Bureau of Construction, Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Environmental charge Protection, Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Public Security, Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Drug Supervision, etc. 时限 5个工作日 Time limit Five working-days 3 审批、章程 Examination and approval of enterprise contract and articles of association 主办单位 市贸合局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation charge 时限 4个工作日 Time limit Four working-days 4 申领企业代码 Application for enterprise code 32 主办单位 市技术监督局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Technical Supervision charge 时限 1个工作日 Time limit One working-day 5 核发批准证书 Issuing approval certificate 主办单位 市贸合局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation charge 时限 1个工作日 Time limit One working-day 6 工商登记 Industrial and commercial registration 主办单位 市工商局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce charge 时限 5个工作日 Time limit Five working-days 7 办理其它登记手续 Other registration formalities 主办单位 市国税局、地税局、财政局、外管局、海关 Unit in Guiyang State Administration of Taxation; Guiyang Local charge Administration of Taxation; Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Finance; State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Guizhou Branch; Guiyang Customs 时限 1个工作日 Time limit One working-day : Documents to be submitted by foreign(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) investors: 1、注册登记证明,外国合营者是自然人的,应当提供有关其身 份、履历情况的有效证明文件(复印件各1份); 33 1. Register proof documents. Should the foreign party be a natural person, valid proof documents regarding his or her ID and careers should be offered(1 copy for each document); 2、资信证明及法定代表人的有效证明文件(原件1份); 2.Credit certificate of the foreign investors and valid proof documents of the legal representative(s) (1 original for each); 3、董事会成员委派书(原件1份)及其有效身份证明文件(复印件 1份); 3.Power of attorney for the members of the board of directors(1 original) and their valid ID proof documents(1 copy for each); 4、授权委托书(委托他人代办理有关审批登记手续者提供)(原件一 份)。 4.Trust authorization document (issued by the trustor for his trustee to go through relevant examination and approval procedures on his behalf) (1 original). Domestic enterprises 1 名称登记 Name registration 主办单位 市工商局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce charge 时限 1个工作日 Time limit One working-day 2 专项审批 Examination and approval of special items 主办单位 市计委、环保局、公安局、文化局、药监局等 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Development Planning Commission; Guiyang Municipal charge Bureau of Environmental Protection; Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Public Security; Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Culture; Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Drug Supervision, etc. 时限 5个工作日 34 Time limit Five working-days 3 工商登记 Industrial and commercial registration 主办单位 市工商局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce charge 时限 5个工作日 Time limit Five working-days 4 办理其它登记注册手续 Other registration formalities 主办单位 市技术监督局、国税局、地税局、财政局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Technical Supervision; Guiyang charge State Administration of Taxation; Guiyang Local Administration of Taxation; Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Finance 时限 1个工作日 Time limit One working-day Establishing a branch of foreign-invested enterprise located in other part of China 1 申 报 审 批 Applying for examination and approval 应提交资料 1、(原件); Documents to Application report (original); be submitted 2、企业董事会决议(原件); Resolution of the board of directors of the enterprise (original); 3、原审批机关的批文(原件)及原登记机关的通知函(复印件); Approval document of the original authorities in charge of examination and approval(originals) and the advice note of the original authority in charge of registration(copy); 4、房屋租赁合同(复印件); House leasing contract(copy); 5、分支机构负责人的委任书(原件)及身份证明(复印件); Power of attorney of the head of the branch(original) and his ID proof document(copy); 6、企业批准证书及营业执照副本(复印件)。 Approval certificate of the enterprise and its business 35 license(copies). 受理单位 市贸合局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation charge 2 注 册 登 记 Registration 应提交资料 1、隶属企业的申请报告; Documents to Application report of the enterprise the branch be submitted subordinated to; 2、隶属企业董事会决议; Resolution of the board of directors of the enterprise; 3、隶属企业登记机关的通知函及营业执照复印件; Copies of the advice note of the original authority in charge of registration of the enterprise and the business license of the enterprise; 4、隶属企业财务资金咨询证明; Credit certificates of the enterprise; 5、分支机构负责人的委任书及身份证明; Power of attorney of the head of the branch and his ID proof document; 6、场地证明及市贸合局批复。 Business site proof, and the approval issued by Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation. 受理单位 市工商局 Unit in Guiyang Municipal Administration for Industry and charge Commerce 3 其 它 登 记 Other registrations 受理单位 税务机关等 Unit in Taxation authorities, etc. charge Establishing a local representative office of an overseas enterprise 境 外 企 业 Overseas enterprise 1 委 托 承 办 Entrusting a local authorized agent to go through the 36 procedures 应提交资料 1、董事长或总经理签署的申请书(原件); Documents to Application signed by the chairman of the board of be submitted directors or by the general manager of the enterprise(original); 2、任命书或委托首席代表、代表授权书(原件); Power of attorney for the chief representative or representatives(original); 3、企业的有效工商登记证书或合法开业证明(复印件); Valid industrial and commercial registration certificate or legal operation license of the enterprise(copy); 4、企业当地银行出具的资信证明(原件); Credit certificate issued by the bank the same location as the enterprise(original); 5、驻筑机构办公地点租房(原件); House leasing contract concerning the business site of the representative office in Guiyang(original); 6、公安局出入境管理部门出具的租房审查意见(原件); Approval issued by the Entry & Exit Administration Department of Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Public Security, regarding the examination of the house leasing(original); 7、首席代表、代表的身份证件(护照)(复印件); ID or passport of the chief representative or representatives(copy); 8、给承办单位的委托书或双方协议(原件)。 Trust authorization document to the local agent or agreement by the both parties(original). 受理单位 市外商投资企业协会、市贸促会、市外商投资服务中心等有承 Unit in 办资格的单位 charge Guiyang Municipal Association of Foreign-invested Enterprises, Guiyang Municipal Association of Trade Promotion, Guiyang Service Center for Foreign Investments and other authorized agents 2 审 批 Approval 应提交资料 前项1—8条 Documents to The above mentioned items 1-8; be submitted 9、承办单位的申请书或推荐函。 Application or recommendation by the agent. 受理单位 省贸易合作厅 Unit in Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guizhou charge Province 37 3 工 商 登 记 Industrial and commercial registration 应提交资料 10、 省贸易合作厅的批准证书及有关资料。 Documents to Approval issued by the Bureau of Trade and Economic be submitted Cooperation of Guizhou Province and relevant documents 受理单位 省工商局 Unit in Guizhou Provincial Administration for Industry and charge Commerce 4 其 它 登 记 Other registrations 受理单位 税务、公安、海关等 Unit in Taxation, public security, customs and other authorities charge Institutions related to foreign investment affairs 单 位 名 称 地 址 电 话 Name Address Telephone 贵阳市人民政府办公厅 市府路15号政府大院内 5826964 General Office of Guiyang Municipal 15 Shifu Road, Guiyang 5828727 People’s Government 贵阳市招 商引资一 站式服务协调管理处 5848382 办公室 Coordinate Office 国税室 5841490 State Taxation Office 5822457 市府路15号 地税室 5824049 政府大院内 “One-StopLocal Taxation Office 5824041 15 Shifu Road, Guiyang -Straightf orward- 商业银行、财政、物价、收费中心 Service” Office of Commercial Bank, for Foreign 5821603 Finance, Price and Charge Investment Center 38 in Guiyang 规划、建设、环保、国土室 Office of Planning, 5867623 Construction, Environmental Protection and State Land 工商室 5848361 Office of Industry and Commerce 房管、城管、劳动、卫生室 Office of Real Estate Administration, Urban 5842457 Administration, Labor and Health 技术监督、贸易合作室 Office of Technical 5828365 Supervision, Trade and Economic Cooperation 公安室 5822069 Office of Public Security 开发区室 5821063 Office of Development Zones 投诉中心 5828357 Complaining Center 贵阳市招商引资局 市府路15号政府大院内 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Investment 5828990 15 Shifu Road, Guiyang Promotion 神奇路8号经协大厦 贵阳市贸易合作局 21、22楼 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and 21st5806743 Economic Cooperation & 22ndFloor, Jingxie 5806960 Building, 8 Shenqi Road, Guiyang 贵阳市工商局 中山西路60号 Guiyang Municipal Administration for 60 West Zhongshan Road, 5281154 Industry and Commerce Guiyang 贵阳市国税局 中华北路67号 Guiyang State Administration of 67 North Zhonghua Road, 6900068 Taxation Guiyang 贵阳市地税局 富水中路104号 Guiyang Local Administration of 104 Middle Fushui Road, 5808107 Taxation Guiyang 神奇路8号经协大厦 贵阳市财政局 Jingxie Building, 8 5806504 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Finance Shenqi Road, Guiyang 贵阳市技术监督局 青云路306号 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Technical 5981970 306 Qingyun Road, Guiyang Supervision 39 贵阳市发展计划委员会 市府路15号政府大院内 Guiyang Municipal Development Planning 5862926 15 Shifu Road, Guiyang Commission 贵阳市建设局 中华中路166号 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of 166 Middle Zhonghua Road, 5822321 Construction Guiyang 贵阳市国土资源局 贵阳市瑞金北路126号 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Land and 126 North Ruijin Road, 6851613 Resources Guiyang 贵阳市城市管理局 毓秀路12号 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Urban 6822538 12 Yuxiu Road, Guiyang Administration 贵阳市环境保护局 青云路304号 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of 5983841 304 Qingyun Road, Guiyang Environmental Protection 贵阳市劳动和社会保障局 中山西路60号 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Labor and 60 West Zhongshan Road, 5283393 Social Security Guiyang 贵阳市公安局出入境管理处 筑新路5号刑侦大楼12楼 12th Floor, Xingzhen 5904845 Entry & Exit Administration Department of Guiyang Building, 5 Zhuxin Road, Municipal Bureau of Public Security Guiyang 贵阳市房地产管理局 护国路192号 Guiyang Municipal Administration of 5821250 192 Huguo Road, Guiyang Real Estate 环城东路413号 贵阳市旅游事业局 413 East Huancheng Road, 5864583 Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Tourism Guiyang 贵阳海关 遵义路6号附2号 5786157 Guiyang Customs 6 Zunyi Road, Guiyang 国家外汇管理局贵州省分局 宝山北路2号 State Administration of Foreign 2 North Baoshan Road, 5650757 Exchange, Guizhou Branch Guiyang 贵州出入境检验检疫局 北京路2号 Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Entry & 6765823 2 Beijing Road, Guiyang Exit Inspection and Quarantine 贵阳市政府台湾办公室 毓秀路10号 Taiwan Affairs Office of Guiyang 6822533 10 Yuxiu Road, Guiyang Municipal Government 贵阳国家高新技术产业开发区管理委员会 新添大道火炬大厦 Guiyang Municipal Administrative Commission Huoju Building, Xintian 6460673 for State-level New and High Technology Road, Guiyang Development Zone 40 贵阳经济技术开发区管理委员会 小河区黄河路443号 Guiyang Administrative Commission for 443 Huanghe Road, Xiaohe 3833531 Economic and Technical Development Zone District, Guiyang 贵阳白云经济开发区管理委员会 白云区白云南路165号 4831038 Guiyang Administrative Commission for 165 South Baiyun Road, 4605392 Baiyun Economic Development Zone Baiyun District, Guiyang 贵阳市外商投资服务中心 市府路15号政府大院内 Guiyang Service Center for Foreign 5823990 15 Shifu Road, Guiyang Investments 贵阳市人民政府网:www.gygov.gov.cn Web site of Guiyang Municipal People’s Government: www.gygov.gov.cn 林城贵阳网:www.guiyang.gov.cn “Lin Cheng Guiyang” Web site: www.guiyang.gov.cn 金阳时讯网:www.gywb.com.cn “Jin Yang Shi Xun” Web site: www.gywb.com.cn 贵阳通:www.gytouch.com.cn “Guiyang Tong” Web site: www.gytouch.com.cn 对设在贵阳市的生产性外商投资企业按24%的税率征收企业所得税。符合下列情况的减按15%的税率征收企业所得税: 41 For foreign-invested enterprises of a production nature established in Guiyang, the enterprise income tax will be imposed at the rate of 24%. In the following cases, the enterprise income tax rate will be reduced to 15%: ? 外商投资技术密集、知识密集型项目; ?Foreign-invested technology-intensive or knowledge-intensive projects; ? 外商投资在3000万美元以上、回收投资期长的项目; ?Projects with foreign investment of over 30 million USD and having long periods for return on investment; ? 外商投资能源、交通基础设施建设的项目; ?Infrastructure projects with foreign investment on energy resources and transportation; ? 设在贵阳经济技术开发区的生产性外商投资企业; ?Foreign-invested enterprises of a production nature established in the Guiyang Economic and Technical Development Zone; ? 设在贵阳国家高新技术产业开发区和贵阳白云经济开发区内经认 定的高新技术企业。 (《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法实施细则》) ?Enterprises with foreign investment recognized as new & high tech enterprises established in the Guiyang State-level New and High Technology Development Zone and the Baiyun Ecomomic Development Zone of Guiyang. (The Rules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises) 对国家鼓励类内资企业和外商投资企业,在2003年至2010年期间, 减按15%的税率征收企业所得税。 (《贵州省人民政府关于西部大开发若干政策措施的实施意见》,黔府发[2003]17号文) Domestic enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises falling 42 under the Encouraged Category of the State are subjected to enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 15% from 2003 to 2010. (Suggestions of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government Concerning the Implementation of Several Policies on Carrying out the Development of China's Vast Western Regions QianFuFa [2003] No.17) 对新办交通、电力、水利、邮政、广播电视企业,经营十年以上的,自获利年度起第一、二年免征企业所得税,第三、四、五年减半征收企业 所得税。对内资企业新办交通、电力、水利、邮政、广播电视企业,自生 产经营之日起,第一、二年免征企业所得税,第三、四、五年减半征收企 业所得税。 (同上) Newly established foreign-invested enterprises engaged in transportation, power, hydro-engineering, post, broadcast and television projects, with the period of operation 10 years or longer shall, commencing with the first profit-making year, be exempt from the enterprise income tax from the first year to the second year and subjected to enterprise income tax at a rate reduced by one half from the third year through the fifth year. Newly established domestic enterprises engaged in transportation, power, hydro-engineering, post, broadcast and television projects shall, commencing with the business operation day, be exempt from the enterprise income tax from the first year to the second year and subjected to enterprise income tax at a rate reduced by one half from the third year through the fifth year. (ditto) 对外商投资设立生产性企业,经营十年以上的,自获利年度起第一、二年免征企业所得税,第三、四、五年减半征收企业所得税。 (《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》) Foreign-invested enterprises of a production nature with the period of operation 10 years or longer shall, commencing with the first profit-making year, be exempt from the enterprise income tax from the first year to the second year and subjected to enterprise income tax at a rate reduced by one half from the third year through the fifth year. (The Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign 43 Investment and Foreign Enterprises) 对外商投资先进技术企业,依照规定享受减免税期满后,仍为先进技 术企业的,延长3年减半征收企业所得税,减半后税率低于10%的,按10% 征收。 (《国务院鼓励外商投资的规定》) Foreign-invested advanced technology enterprises, if remaining advanced technology enterprises after the period of enterprise income tax exemptions or reductions in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Law has expired, may continue to pay enterprise income tax at the tax rate reduced by one half for an additional three years. However, the enterprises in question shall be subjected to enterprise income tax at a rate of 10% if the above mentioned rate (reduced by one half) is still lower than 10%. (Provisions of the State Council for the Encouragement of Foreign Investment) 对外商投资产品出口企业,依照规定享受减免税期满后,凡当年出口 产品产值达到当年企业产品产值70%以上的,减半征收企业所得税,减半后税率低于10%的,按10%征收。 (同上) A foreign-invested export-oriented enterprises, if in any year the production value of all export products amounts to 70% or more of the production value of all the products of the enterprise for that year, may pay enterprise income tax at the tax rate reduced by one half after the period of enterprise income tax exemptions or reductions has expired in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Law. However, the enterprise in question shall be subjected to enterprise income tax at a rate of 10% if the above mentioned rate (reduced by one half) is still lower than 10%. (ditto) 对从事农业、林业、牧业和设在经济不发达边远地区的生产性外商投 资企业在享受减免税期满后,经国务院税务部门批准,在以后的10年内 可以继续按应纳税额减征15%至30%的企业所得税。 (国务院办公厅转发国务院西部开发办《关于西部大开发若干政策措施实施意见》的通知, 国办发[2001]73号文) 44 Foreign-invested enterprises of a production nature, engaged in farming, forestry and animal husbandry, or established in underdeveloped remote areas, may, upon approval of the taxation authority of the State Council of China, continue to pay enterprise income tax at the tax rate reduced by 15% to 30% of the taxable income for 10 years after the expiration of the tax exemptions and reductions period. (Circular of the State Council’s General Office on the Distribution of “Suggestions on the Implementations of Policies and Measures Pertaining to the Development of the Western Region” Submitted by the Western Region Development Office of the State Council GuoBanFa [2001] No.73 September 29, 2001) 外商投资企业的外国投资者从境内取得利润再投资,经营期不少于5 年,退还再投资部分已缴纳企业所得税的40%,如再投资举办、扩建产品出口或先进技术企业,经营期不少于5年,全部退还再投资部分已缴纳的企业所得税。 (《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》和《国务院鼓励外商投资的规定》) Foreign investors in a foreign- funded enterprise, who reinvest the net profits directly in other enterprises in China for an operation period no less than five years, shall obtain a refund of 40% of the income tax paid on the amount of reinvestment. Foreign investors who reinvest their directly owned net profits in the technologically advanced enterprises or export-oriented enterprises for an operation period no less than five years, may obtain a refund of all the income tax paid on the amount of reinvestment. (“The Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises”and “Provisions of the State Council for the Encouragement of Foreign Investment”) 对外商投资企业向贵阳市投资,被投资公司注册资本中外资比例不低 于25%的,可享受外商投资企业待遇。 (《贵州省人民政府关于西部大开发若干政策措施的实施意见》,黔府发[2003]17号文) In case of a foreign-invested enterprise investing in a domestic enterprise in Guiyang, and the investment of foreign investors of enterprises with foreign investment accounts for more than 25% of the registered capital of the domestic enterprise, the domestic enterprise may enjoy the preferential tax treatment granted to 45 enterprises with foreign investment. (Suggestions of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government Concerning the Implementation of Several Policies on Carrying out the Development of China's Vast Western Regions QianFuFa [2003] No.17) 经省人民政府批准,外商投资企业可免征地方所得税10年。 (同上) Upon approval of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Government, foreign-invested enterprises can be exempt from the local income tax for 10 years. (ditto) 对鼓励类外商投资企业和内资企业在投资总额内进口自用设备,除国 家规定不予免税的进口商品外,免征关税和进口环节增值税。 (《贵州省人民政府关于西部大开发若干政策措施的实施意见》,黔府发[2003]17号文) Self-using equipment imported by foreign-invested enterprises and domestic enterprises falling under the Encouraged Category of the State within their total investment amount, unless specified in “The Category of the State Council for Imports without Tax Exemption for Foreign-Invested Projects” and “The Category of the State Council for Imports without Tax Exemption for Domestic-invested Projects”, shall be exempt from the customs duty and import value-added tax. (ditto) 对鼓励类外商投资企业和内资企业,在投资总额内或在投资总额外购 46 买国产设备,如该类设备属免税进口目录范围,经批准可全额退还国产设 备增值税,并且其购买国产设备投资的40%可从购置设备当年比前一年新 增的企业所得税中抵免。 (国家税务总局关于印发《外商投资企业采购国产设备退税管理试行办法》的通知,国税 发[1999]171号和国家税务总局关于印发《外商投资企业和外国企业购买国产设备投资抵免企业 所得税管理办法》的通知) Upon approval, the total value-added tax on domestic equipment shall be refunded to domestic enterprises and enterprises with foreign investment falling under the Encouraged Category of the State if they purchase domestically-made equipment within or beyond their total investment amount, and if the equipment falls under the Import Tax-free Scope, and 40% of the expenditure of purchasing domestically-made equipment can be set off by the increased part of income tax of the equipment-purchasing-year than the previous year. (Circular of the State Administration of Taxation Concerning Transmiting the Interim Measure for the Administration of Tax Refund to Enterprises with Foreign Investment for Their Domestic Equipment Purchases , GuoShuiFa [1999] No.171 Promulgated date:1999-09-20; Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Printing and Distributing the Measures Concerning Business Income Tax Credit on the Investment of Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises by Way of Purchasing Homemade Equipment GuoShuiFa [2000]No.90, Promulgated date:2000-05-18) 新办服务(除广告业、桑拿、按摩、网吧、氧吧外)和商贸(从事批 发、批零兼营以及其他非零售业务的除外)企业当年新招用下岗失业人员 达到职工总数30%以上(含30%),并与其签订3年以上劳动合同的,经劳 动保障部门认定,税务机关审核,在国家规定的时限内免征营业税、城市 维护建设税、教育费附加和企业所得税。 Upon recognition of the labor and social security authority and examination of the taxation authority, a newly established service (except for those engaging in advertising, sauna, massage, 47 Internet-surfing bars and oxygen bars) or commerce (except for those engaging in both whole sale and retail, and other non-retail businesses) enterprise shall be exempt from business tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, additional education fees and enterprise income tax in the time period stipulated by the State if, in the opening year, the newly recruited laid-off and unemployed people, with an employment contract signed with the enterprise effective for three or more years, account for 30% or more of the whole staff of the enterprise. 企业当年新招用下岗失业人员不足职工总数30%,但与其签订3年以 上期限劳动合同的,经劳动保障部门认定,税务机关审核,在国家规定的 时限内可按计算的减征比例减征企业所得税。 Upon recognition of the labor and social security authority and examination of the taxation authority, a newly established enterprise stated above shall pay the enterprise income tax at a pro rata reduced rate if, in the opening year, the newly recruited laid-off and unemployed people, with an employment contract signed with the enterprise effective for three or more years, account for less than 30% of the whole staff of the enterprise. 对现有的服务型企业(除广告业、桑拿、按摩、网吧、氧吧外)和现 有的商贸企业(从事批发、批零兼营以及其他非零售业务的商贸企业除外) 新增加的岗位,当年新招用下岗失业人员达到职工总数30%以上(含30%), 并与其签订3年以上期限劳动合同的,经劳动保障部门认定,税务机关审核,在国家规定期限内对年度应缴纳的所得税额减征30%。 (财政部、国家税务总局《关于下岗失业人员再就业有关税收政策问题的通知》,财税 [2002]208号) Upon recognition of the labor and social security authority and examination of the taxation authority, an existing service (except for those engaging in advertising, sauna, massage, Internet-surfing bars and oxygen bars) or commerce (except for those engaging in both whole sale and retail, and other non-retail businesses) enterprise shall pay the enterprise income tax with a 30% reduction annually in the time period stipulated by the State if the yearly newly recruited laid-off and unemployed people, with 48 an employment contract signed with the enterprise effective for three or more years, account for 30% or more of the whole staff of the enterprise. (Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation Related to the Relevant Taxation Policy Issues Concerning the Recruitment of Laid-off and Unemployed People CaiShui [2002] No.208) 外国企业向我境内转让技术免征营业税;凡属技术先进或者条件优 惠的,经国务院税务主管部门批准,免征企业所得税。单位和个人(包括 外商投资企业、外商投资设立的研究开发中心、外国企业和外籍个人)取 得的技术转让、技术开发业务和与之相关的技术咨询、技术服务业务取得 的收入,免征营业税。 (财政部、国家税务总局关于贯彻落实《中共中央、国务院关于加强技术 创新,发展高科技,实现产业化的决定》有关税收问题的通知) Foreign enterprises transferring technology from outside our territory to the territory of China shall be exempt from business tax. In case of advanced technologies or preferential terms and conditions, they can be exempt from enterprise income tax upon approval of the taxation authority of the State Council of China. The income derived from technology transfer, technology development and their related technology consultation and technology service offered by the units or individuals (including enterprises with foreign investment, the research and development centers invested and set up by foreign investors, foreign enterprises and foreign nationals) shall be exempt from the business tax. (Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Tax Issues Related to the Implementation of the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on Strengthening Technical Innovation, Development of High-tech and Realization of its Industrialization CaiShuiZi [1999] No.273) 外商投资企业技术开发费比上年增长10%以上的,经税务机关批准, 允许再按技术开发费实际发生额的50%,抵扣当年度的应纳税所得额。 (《贵州省人民政府关于西部大开发若干政策措施的实施意见》,黔府发[2003]17号文) 49 If in a year the technology development expenditure of an enterprise with foreign investment increases by 10% or more than the previous year, upon approval of the taxation authority, the taxable income of the year can be set off by 50% of the actual technology development expenditure. (Suggestions of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government Concerning the Implementation of Several Policies on Carrying out the Development of China's Vast Western Regions QianFuFa [2003] No.17) 外商投资企业自建的房屋或购置自用的新建房屋,自建成或购置月份 起,5年内免征房地产税。 (同上) Newly built houses purchased or self-constructed by an enterprise with foreign investment for self-using shall be exempt from the real estate tax for five years since the month of the completion or purchase of the houses. (ditto) 外商投资企业在2003年至2010年期间5年内免征车船使用牌照税。 (同上) Enterprises with foreign investment shall be exempt from the license plate using tax of vehicles and vessels for five years in the period of 2003 to 2010. (ditto) 外商投资企业和外国企业不征收城市维护建设税和教育费附加。 (《国家税务总局关于外商投资企业和外国企业暂不征收城市维护建设税和教育费附加的 通知》国税发[1994]038号) Urban maintenance and construction tax and additional education 50 fees shall not be levied on enterprises with foreign investment and foreign enterprises for the time being. (Circular of the State Administration of Taxation Concerning Temporary Exemption from Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax and Additional Education Fees for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign EnterprisesGuoShuiFa [1994] No.38 February 25, 1994) 农产品加工和流通企业(一般纳税人)购进农业生产者销售的免税农 业产品的进项税额扣除率由10%提高到13%。对实施生态环境保护、退耕还林(生态林应占80%以上)产出的农业特产收入,可申请从取得收入年 份起10年内免征农业特产税。 (《贵州省人民政府关于西部大开发若干政策措施的实施意见》,黔府发[2003]17号文) The deduction rate of the tax amount for incoming item has been raised from 10% to 13% for agricultural product processing and circulation enterprises(general taxpayers) purchasing the non-taxable agricultural products from the agricultural producers. Income of agricultural specialties produced from forests and grassland restored from cultivated land for the purpose of environment protection may be exempted from agricultural specialty tax for 10 years (the eco-forests should account for 80% or more) since the income-making year. (Suggestions of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government Concerning the Implementation of Several Policies on Carrying out the Development of China's Vast Western Regions QianFuFa [2003] No.17) 省内公路国道、省道建设用地,以及经省人民政府批准修建的国道、 省道以外的其他公路建设用地,免征耕地占用税。“西电东送”及省重点 水利工程建设用地,免征耕地占用税。 (同上) Land within Guizhou Province used for construction of national and provincial highways, and for construction of highways other than national and provincial ones, upon approval of the provincial people’s government, shall be exempt from the cultivated land 51 occupancy tax. Land used for construction of “Xi Dian Dong Song”(transmitting electricity from West to East) and of provincial key hydro-engineering projects, shall be exempt from cultivated land occupancy tax. (ditto) 石油、天然气、煤层气、铀、富铁矿、优质锰矿、铬铁矿、铜、钾盐、铂族金属、地下水等矿产资源的勘查、开发,运用新技术、新办法提高综 合利用水平(包括低品位、难选冶的矿产资源开发及老矿区尾矿利用)的 矿产资源开发,政府主管部门认定的其他情形可减免缴探矿权和采矿权使 用费。探矿权使用费,第一个勘查年度可以免缴,第二至第三个勘查年度 可以减缴50%,第四至第七个勘查年度可以减缴25%;采矿权使用费,矿 山基建期和矿山投产第一年可免缴,矿山投产第二至第三年可以减缴 50%,第四至第七年可以减缴25%,矿山闭坑当年可以免缴。 (同上) Prospecting and mining enterprises may apply for reduction or exemption of the payment for prospecting or mining rights if falling into one of the following categories: the prospecting or mining of mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, coal-bed gas, uranium, iron-rich ore, high-quality manganese ore, chrome iron ore, copper, sylvite, platinum metals, underground water, etc.; the exploitation of mineral resources with new technologies and means that improve the level of comprehensive utilization( including the exploitation of low grade mineral resources with difficulties in screening and smelting, and the utilization of tailings); or other conditions recognized by competent government authorities. The payment for prospecting rights can be exempted for the first year of prospecting, reduced by 50% for the next two years and by 25% for another four years following the two years. The payment for mining rights can be exempted during the period of mine construction and for the first year of mining, reduced by 50% for the next two years, by 25% for another four years following the two years, and exempted again in the year of mine closure. (ditto) 52 探矿权人投资勘查获得具有开采价值的矿产地后,可依法获得采矿 权。允许将勘查费用计入递延资产,在开采阶段分期摊销。 (同上) With investment in prospecting and upon discovery of exploitable emplacement, prospecting rights holders may obtain mining rights through legal procedures. In such cases, prospecting expenses may be taken as deferred assets and amortized during the period of mining. (ditto) 有计划、有步骤地对坡耕地退耕还林,认真落实对计划内退耕地实行 粮食补助、现金补助、种苗费补助、减免退耕地农业税和粮食定购任务的 政策。实行谁退耕、谁造林、谁种草、谁经营、谁拥有土地使用和林草所 有权。国有荒山、荒地等未利用地依法出让给单位和个人进行造林、种草 等生态建设的,可减免土地出让金,实行土地使用权50年不变;达到出 让合同约定的投资金额并符合生态建设条件的,土地使用权可以依法转 让、出租、抵押和作价出资。土地使用权期满后,可以申请续期。利用农 村集体所有的荒山、荒地等未利用地进行造林、种草等生态建设的,可以 通过承包、租赁、拍卖等方式取得土地使用权,实行土地使用权50年不 变;土地使用权可以依法继承、转让(租)、抵押。 (同上) The government encourages the conversion of cultivated slopes into forestry and pasture in a planned and step-by-step way, and shall earnestly implement all the policies concerning grain compensation, cash subsidy, seedling subsidy, and reduction & exemption of agricultural tax and grain ordering task for farmers withdrawn from cultivated land. The government allows those economic entities and individuals engaged in afforestation and grass planting to own wood and grass in question and hold land tenure over such areas. Unutilized state-owned land such as barren hills and uncultivated land may be transferred without charge to economic entities and individuals for afforestation and grass planting aiming at 53 ecological improvement, and such land tenure can remain in effect for 50 years. If economic entities and individuals holding land tenure have invested sufficient capital in afforestation and grass planting as required by the transfer contract and improved the ecology to the required level, they may transfer, lease, mortgage such land tenure or use it as investment. The land tenure can be renewed at the end of 50 years. The land tenure of barren hills and uncultivated land owned by rural collectives may be transferred to entities and individuals for 50 years through contracting, lease or auction for afforestation and grass planting aiming at ecological improvement, and such land tenure can be inherited, transferred, leased, or mortgaged. (ditto) 生产企业申请自营进出口经营权,注册资金200万元,科研院所、高 新技术企业和机电产品生产企业的注册资金100万元(均比东部地区低 100万元)。 (国务院办公厅转发国务院西部开发办《关于西部大开发若干政策措施实施意见》的通知, 国办发[2001]73号文) In the granting of independent import-export operations right, the minimum requirement on the registered capital is two million RMB Yuan for manufacturing enterprises, and 1 million RMB Yuan for scientific research institutes, new & high tech enterprises and enterprises that manufacture machinery and electrical equipment (both requirements are one million RMB Yuan lower than those in East China). (Circular of the State Council’s General Office on the Distribution of “Suggestions on the Implementations of Policies and Measures Pertaining to the Development of the Western Region” Submitted by the Western Region Development Office of the State Council GuoBanFa [2001] No.73 September 29, 2001) 为实施外贸“多元化”战略,建立外经贸发展促进资金,支持企业 54 开拓国际市场、优化出口产品结构、培养外经贸人才等等。对贵阳市各类 进出口企业按出口业绩给予奖励,奖励标准如下: To implement the “multi-polar” strategy of foreign trade, Promotion Fund for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation would be set up. Enterprises are encouraged to open international market, optimize the structure of export-oriented products, train foreign trade and economic cooperation professionals, etc. Based on their export achievements, rewards will be awarded to the various import-export enterprises in Guiyang in accordance with the following standards: ?对首次实现自营出口的企业,以实际出口额为奖励基数,每创汇 一美元奖励人民币3分; (1) For enterprises that realize product-export by themselves for the first time, on the basis of the actual export amount, three RMB Fen per USD profit will be awarded; ?对实际出口比上年增长的企业,以出口增加值为奖励基数,增加 值在100万美元以内的(含100万美元)每一美元奖励人民币2分;增加 值超过100万美元以上的部分,每一美元奖励人民币3分; (2) For enterprises with the actual export amount larger than the previous year, on the basis of the increased part, two RMB Fen per USD will be awarded if the increased part is within one million USD (including one million USD), and three RMB Fen per USD will be awarded if the increased part is above one million USD; ?企业成功开拓新兴国际市场,以其在新市场的出口额为奖励基数, 每一美元奖励人民币2分; (3) For enterprises that have successfully opened a new international market, on the basis of their export amount on the new market, two RMB Fen per USD will be awarded; ?出口本省机电产品、高新技术产品、以该产品出口额为奖励基数, 每一美元奖励人民币5分;出口省外机电产品、高新技术产品每一美元奖 55 励人民币2分; (4) For export of machinery, electrical and new & high tech products made in Guizhou Province, on the basis of the export amount of such products, five RMB Fen per USD will be awarded. For export of the above mentioned products made in provinces other than Guizhou, on the basis of the export amount of such products, two RMB Fen per USD will be awarded; ?劳务输出、对外承包工程、境外带料加工贸易等对外经济活动, 每创汇一美元奖励人民币3分。 (贵阳市人民政府批转市贸易合作局《关于贵阳市出口企业奖励试行办法》的通知) (5) For overseas economic and trade activities such as providing labor services overseas, undertaking engineering contracts overseas, conducting overseas processing and assembly with self-bring materials, etc., three RMB Fen per USD profit will be awarded. (Official Reply of Guiyang Municipal People’s Government to Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation on the Circular of the Interim Measures Concerning Rewarding Export Enterprises in Guiyang) 对引进贵阳市以外的资金(包括设备和技术)投资于贵阳市基础设 施、生产性和社会事业领域的项目,对实际到位资金在100万元以上的(含 100万元),按实际到位金额的5‰给予奖励。对引进的项目属世界500 强(以500强企业冠名为准)企业的,再追加奖励1万元。 (《贵阳市招商引资政府奖励办法》) For outside capital absorbed to invest in projects of Guiyang in the fields of infrastructure, production and social undertaking, 05/ of the actual amount will be awarded if the actual capital 00 reaches one million RMB Yuan or above. In case that the introduced 56 project being from an enterprise among the Top 500 of the World, another 10,000 RMB Yuan will be awarded. (Rewarding Measures of Guiyang Municipal People’s Government Regarding Capital Attraction) :是指其所属产业或产品、技术符合2000年修订的《当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录》的企业 Note: “Domestic enterprises falling under the Encouraged Category of the State” refer to those enterprises that the industries they belong to, and their products and technologies are in comply with the “Catalogue of Key Industries, Products and Technologies Encouraged for Development by the State” revised in 2000. 是指其所属产业符合2002年发布施行的《外商投资 产业指导目录》中鼓励类和2000年发布施行的《中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录》 的企业 “Foreign-invested enterprises falling under the Encouraged Category of the State” refer to those enterprises that the industries they belong to are listed in the encouraged category of the “Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries” promulgated in 2002, and the “List of Advantageous Industries for Foreign Investments in the Central and Western Parts (Order No.18[2000] of the State Economic and Trade Commission, the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation)” promulgated in 2000. ated in 2000. 是指除《外商投资项目不予免税的进口商品目录》和《国内投资 项目不予免税的进口商品目录》所列商品以外的商品 57 “Tax-free Scope” refers to those goods not listed in the “Category of the State Council for Imports without Tax Exemption for Foreign-Invested Projects” and the “Category of the State Council for Imports without Tax Exemption for Domestic-invested Projects”. 序号 名 称 级别 地 址 电 话 No Name Class Address Telephone Number 1 贵州饭店 四星 北京路66号 6822888 Guizhou Park Four-star 66 Beijing Road, Hotel Guiyang 2 金筑大酒店 四星 延安东路2号 6825888 Guiyang Plaza Four-star 2 East Yanan Road, Hotel Guiyang 3 百成大酒店 四星 中华南路246号 5866888 Baicheng Hotel Four-star 246 South Zhonghua Road, Guiyang 4 神奇大酒店 四星 贵开路1号 6771888 Shenqi Hotel Four-star 1 Guikai Road, Guiyang 5 贵龙饭店 四星 神奇路52号 5592888 Guilong Hotel Four-star 52 Shenqi Road,Guiyang 6 天怡豪森酒店 涉外 枣山路77号 6890342 Tian Yi Hao Sen Foreign-related 77 Zaoshan Road, Hotel Guiyang 7 柏顿酒店 四星 延安东路18号 5827888 Trade Point Hotel Four-star 18 East Yanan Road, Guiyang 8 华城酒店 三星 中华北路67号 6826434 Hua Cheng Hotel Three-star 67 North Zhonghua Road, Guiyang 9 能辉酒店 涉外 瑞金南路38号 5898888 Neng Hui Hotel Foreign-related 38 South Ruijin Road, Guiyang 58 电 话 序号 名 称 地 址 Telephone No Name Address Number 贵州海外旅游总公司 合群路7号达亨大厦 1 Guizhou Overseas Tourism Daheng Building, 7 Hequn 6573216 Co. Ltd. Road, Guiyang 贵州省中国旅行社 中山东路房地产大厦 Guizhou China Travel Real Estate Building, 2 5824139 Service East Zhongshan Road, Guiyang 贵阳中国旅行社 瑞金南路金桥饭店内 Guiyang China Travel Jinqiao Hotel Building, 3 5861605 Service South Ruijin Road, Guiyang 贵州省中国国际旅行社 合群路龙泉大厦 Guizhou China Longquan Building, Hequn 4 6901506 International Travel Road, Guiyang Service 贵州铁路国际旅行社 遵义路117号 Guizhou Railway 117 Zunyi Road, Guiyang 5 5797006 International Travel Service 贵州省中国青年旅行社威清路334号 6 Guizhou China Youth 334 Weiqing Road, Guiyang 5283196 Travel Service 电 话 序号 名 称 地 址 Telephone No Name Address Number 天一会计师事务所有限责瑞金南路134号宏资大厦A座13楼 任公司贵州分所 13th Floor, Hongzi Building A, 1 5802010 Tianyi Accounting Co. 134 South Ruijin Road, Guiyang Ltd., Guizhou Branch 贵阳亚兴会计师事务所 时代广场北楼7楼F座 2 Guiyang Yaxing F, 7th Floor, the North Building 5876977 Accountant Office of Shidai Square, Guiyang 3 贵州正方会计师事务所 市北路78号 6615740 59 Guizhou Zhengfang 78 Shibei Road, Guiyang Accountant Office 贵州仁信会计师事务所 宝山路564号 4 Guizhou Renxin 564 Baoshan Road, Guiyang 5510429 Accountant Office 贵阳高薪会计师事务所 新添寨火炬大厦 5 Guiyang Gaoxin Huoju Building, Xin Tian Zhai, 6317903 Accountant Office Guiyang 贵州同信会计师事务所 小河开发区黄河路116号E座二楼 6 Guizhou Tongxin 2nd Floor E, 116 Huanghe Road, 3841272 Accountant Office Xiaohe Development Zone, Guiyang 电 话 序号 名 称 地 址 Telephone No Name Address Number 心海律师事务所 都司路188号 1 Xinhai Law Firm 188 Dusi Road, Guiyang 5840163 北斗星律师事务所 合群路1号 2 6901634 Bei Dou Xing Law Firm 1 Hequn Road, Guiyang 辅正律师事务所 下合群路龙泉巷2号 3 6574536 Fuzheng Law Firm 2 Longquan Alley, Guiyang 天职律师事务所 中华中路8号时代名仕15层 Tianzhi Law Firm 15th Floor, Shi Dai Ming Shi 4 5801675 Building, 8 Middle Zhonghua Road, Guiyang 公达律师事务所 富水路66号 5 5848890 Gongda Law Firm 66 Fushui Road, Guiyang 威克律师事务所 中华中路98号10楼 6 Weike Law Firm 10th Floor, 98 Middle Zhonghua 5849094 Road, Guiyang 济仁律师事务所 都司路128号 7 5807366 Jiren Law Firm 128 Dusi Road, Guiyang 电 话 序号 名 称 地 址 Telephone No Name Address Number 1 中国人民银行贵阳中心支行 宝山北路2号 5650531 60 The People’s Bank of China, 2 North Baoshan Road, Guiyang Central Branch Guiyang 中国工商银行贵州省分行 瑞金中路41号 2 Industrial and Commercial 41 Central Ruijin Road, 5964329 Bank of China, Guizhou Branch Guiyang 中国建设银行贵州省分行 瑞金北路65号 3 China Construction Bank, 65 North Ruijin Road, 6505883 Guizhou Branch Guiyang 中国农业银行贵州省分行 中华北路80号 4 Agricultural Bank of China, 80 North Zhonghua Road, 6816809 Guizhou Branch Guiyang 中国银行贵州省分行 都司路31号 5 5827800 Bank of China, Guizhou Branch 31 Dusi Road, Guiyang 贵阳市商业银行 瑞金北路75号 6 Guiyang Commercial Bank 75 North Ruijin Road, 6507564 Guiyang 交通银行贵阳分行 省府路4号 7 Bank of Communications, 4 Shengfu Road, Guiyang 5860767 Guiyang Branch 61
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