

2017-10-07 15页 doc 210KB 19阅读




河南固始九华山旅游攻略河南固始九华山旅游攻略 说起九华山,让人想起的肯定是与山西五台山、浙江普陀山、四川峨眉山并称为中国佛教四大名山的安徽九华山,其实,在佛家历史中,地藏菩萨的道场九华山分为东九华和西九华,除了东九华安徽九华山之外,在河南固始还有个西九华山。下面就为大家介绍一下九华山旅游攻略。 固始西九华山夏季美景图 自驾游河南固始西九华山 西九华山旅游风景区位于河南省信阳市固始县陈淋子镇境内,北依淮河,南靠大别山,为国家AAAA级景区,观赏面积80平方公里,是中原地区最大的集"茶、竹、禅、山水情"为一体的生态旅游胜地。 of chick...
河南固始九华山旅游攻略 说起九华山,让人想起的肯定是与山西五台山、浙江普陀山、四川峨眉山并称为中国佛教四大名山的安徽九华山,其实,在佛家历史中,地藏菩萨的道场九华山分为东九华和西九华,除了东九华安徽九华山之外,在河南固始还有个西九华山。下面就为大家介绍一下九华山旅游攻略。 固始西九华山夏季美景图 自驾游河南固始西九华山 西九华山旅游风景区位于河南省信阳市固始县陈淋子镇境内,北依淮河,南靠大别山,为国家AAAA级景区,观赏面积80平方公里,是中原地区最大的集"茶、竹、禅、山水情"为一体的生态旅游胜地。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 西九华山旅游风景区森林覆盖率达95%以上,并有多处原始森林,整个景区主要以万亩茶园、竹海、森林、湖泊和峡谷瀑布群为主体,以佛教文化为内涵,以豫南民俗为基调,形成茶、竹、禅三位一体,山、水、情天人合一的景观特色。目前,西九华已开放迎宾的景区有禅文化景区、茶文化景区、竹文化景区、民俗体验区、山水游览区,以及旅游服务区。此外,茶竹文化民俗体验旅游区、白鹭湖温泉度假区目前正在建设中,预计两年内,景区所有项目设施将在两年内全部建成。届时,固始西九华山将成为山水交融,动静结合的豫东南地区最大的旅游胜地。 固始西九华山秋季美景图 自驾游主要景点 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 留梦河谷山水画廊 留梦河谷山水画廊是一个峡谷景区,全长约三公里,留梦河贯穿峡谷始终。景区内有六处较大的瀑布,其中最著名的是白龙潭瀑布,飞流直下,蔚为壮观。峡谷中植物品种丰富,春天时多种野生兰花在谷中悄悄开放,空谷幽兰、清香雅致,山岩上一树树映山红迎风怒放,如朵朵红云漂浮在谷中。盛夏时节谷中浓荫蔽日,清凉舒爽,气温比谷外平均低2-3度,是难得的避暑胜地。秋天谷中红枫、黄栌等暖色与茶树、冷杉、竹林等冷绿色相互映衬,在静静的深潭中倒映出一幅幅层次分明的七彩画面。冬天谷中银装素裹,会形成独特的冰瀑景观。留梦河谷山水画廊是西九华山自然山水的精华,是不可错过的旅游胜地。 千年古刹妙高禅寺 妙高禅寺 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 妙高禅寺座落在西九华山半山腰,占地面积80余亩,四周翠竹环绕,云雾成烟,1995年被列为河南省重点文物,为河南省人民政府指定的佛教活动场所对外开放。妙高寺始建于隋,历史上曾称之为大佛寺、华岩寺、地藏寺,为地藏王菩萨卓锡安徽华山之前,在中原地区的第一道场。自明代释祖春卓锡妙高寺后,妙高寺始成为临济宗大悟山派之祖庭,自成立以来,有文稽考者,已兴传了56代。明末清初,著名高僧释竺启和尚重修妙高寺,使妙高寺成为豫皖交界最负盛名的佛教圣地。 留梦河谷山水画廊 茶山观光区 茶文化景区以万亩茶园为背景,以中国十大名茶之一信阳毛尖为载体,以妙高寺佛茶场、茶艺长廊、茶竹文化苑为体验场所,向游客of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 展现悠久的豫南茶文化。西九华山的竹海是豫南地区的一大奇观,也中原最大的天然竹海氧吧,随处可见的一片片竹林,掩映着西九华山的农舍、水田,勾画出一幅幅人间绝美的田园画卷。 西九华山万亩茶园 竹海观光区 在固始西九华山风景区,随处可见漫山遍野的竹林,郁郁葱葱、婷婷而舞。九华山的竹子品种多、面积大,有毛竹、桂竹、圆竹、楠竹等20多个品种。上万亩竹园,从山脚、山腰到山顶,到处都是竹子,高低参差,随意点染。站在竹林中,呼吸着新鲜的空气,聆听着小鸟的歌唱,山风吹起,竹海翻着翠浪,令人心旷神怡,美不胜收。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 万亩竹海竹韵翩翩 茶竹文化民俗村 茶竹文化民俗体验旅游区占地100多亩,以豫南民俗文化为主调,全景展现豫南地区民俗文化,游客在这里可以观赏到民俗演艺大舞台的精彩演出,也可以亲自动手体验农耕、粗粮加工、茶叶加工、磨豆腐、榨油、酿酒、织布、造纸、制陶、竹柳编制、打铁、制香、酱菜等民间手工业生产过程。旅游接待区由会议中心,四星级酒店,、农家院、竹韵山庄别墅、及停车场、餐饮等各种旅游服务设施,全方位提供吃、住、行、乐、购旅游服务,免费旅游车搭载着游客,穿梭于80平方公里的景区范围之内。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 茶竹文化民俗村 白鹭湖温泉度假区 白鹭湖温泉度假区是西九华山景区正在开发的旅游项目,阳光沙滩、竹排、快艇、游船、摩托艇、索道速降、热气球、碰碰车、高尔夫练习场、温泉度假别墅一应俱全,实为休闲度假的好去处。长江河漂流,悠闲时泛一叶轻舟,览两岸青山翠影,在无惊无险中领略自然的温柔与优雅,陶冶心灵,勇敢者,操桨弄舟,中流击水,作怒涛搏击,虽有惊而无险,可充分领略大自然的雄浑壮阔,锻炼体魄,探险者,穿山破浪,漂于险境,忽现于浪尖,忽没于水中,只为征服自然。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 白鹭湖温泉度假区 门票价格, 1、西九华风景区门票实行通票制,门市价为80元/人,景点含禅区、茶山观赏区、竹海观赏区、茶竹民俗文化村、留梦河谷山水画廊,景区小交通,,各景点不单独售票。 2、免票,1.2米以下儿童,六十岁以上老人,老年证,、残疾人,残疾证,、军人,现役军人证,、带团导游,导游证, 最佳自驾游览线路, 1、西九华一日游 上午游览禅区,南天门、妙高禅寺、鹿鸣庵、比丘塔林、得儿窝、望丫台、高僧塔林,、茶山观赏区。下午游览留梦河谷山水画廊等景区。 2、西九华二日游 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity D1,游览禅区,南天门、妙高禅寺、鹿鸣庵、比丘塔林、得儿窝、望丫台、高僧塔林,、留梦河谷山水画廊等景区。晚上住景区内4星级宾馆。 D2,游览茶竹民俗文化村、茶山观赏区、竹海观赏区。 自驾游交通线路, 郑州--西九华山:自驾游全程450公里,沿金珠高速行驶271公里,从南阳/合肥出口离开,朝罗山/合肥方向,进入沪陕高速行驶166公里,经沪陕高速豫皖收费站,固始,,抵达黎集/陈淋子镇出口,沿高速连接线行驶13公里,到达景区。 合肥--西九华山:自驾游全程150公里,沿合六叶高速行驶114.7公里,经叶集收费站,霍邱,,,从叶集出口离开,行至陈淋子镇,沿旅游公路行驶12公里,到达景区。 武汉--西九华山:自驾游全程330公里,沿京珠高速行驶143.8公里,经鄂北收费站,大悟,,,从南阳/合肥出口离开,朝罗山方向,进入沪陕高速沿沪陕高速行驶166.4公里,经沪陕高速豫皖收费站,固始,,,从黎集/陈淋子出口离开,左转行驶12公里,到达景区。 西安--西九华山:自驾游全程750公里,沿西蓝高速行驶21.9公里,经香王收费站,西安,,,稍向左转进入沪陕高速,沿沪陕高速行驶730.2公里,经陕西商南收费站,沪陕高速豫皖收费站,固始,,,从黎集/陈淋子出口离开,左转沿旅游公路行驶12公里,到达景区。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity
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