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腾讯tapd(腾讯tapd)腾讯tapd(腾讯tapd) 腾讯tapd(腾讯tapd) 腾讯敏捷框架TAPD (腾讯敏捷产品开发) 1。3个部分实践大致包括 1.1。产品 采用FDD,即产品特性开发驱动的一种模式,腾讯的产品会有一个明确的产品经理这样一个角色,他会负责整个产品,包括产品的验证、产品的方向、市场调研、用户调研等模式是一种非常适合产品经理来对产品做一些滚动的要求。FDD,FDD这样的模式腾讯在产品设计上引入了类似,但是也不完全是只是参考FDD,FDD,所有的开发团队都是由产品经理所归纳出来的产品特性去驱动整个产品的研发。 1.2...
腾讯tapd(腾讯tapd) 腾讯tapd(腾讯tapd) 腾讯敏捷框架TAPD (腾讯敏捷产品开发) 1。3个部分实践大致包括 1.1。产品 采用FDD,即产品特性开发驱动的一种模式,腾讯的产品会有一个明确的产品经理这样一个角色,他会负责整个产品,包括产品的验证、产品的方向、市场调研、用户调研等模式是一种非常适合产品经理来对产品做一些滚动的要求。FDD,FDD这样的模式腾讯在产品设计上引入了类似,但是也不完全是只是参考FDD,FDD,所有的开发团队都是由产品经理所归纳出来的产品特性去驱动整个产品的研发。 1.2。项目管理过程 腾讯采取了Scrum,但也不完全是Scrum,有腾讯根据自己的特点去总结的一些实践,大概的项目管理过程同Scrum的过程是比较类似的,包括每天的晨会、迭代、时间盒、每个迭代完成的时候会有展示、回顾总结等。 1.3。开发实践 参考了很多XP的实践,就XP完整的实践来说会比较理想化,很多东西不一定在实际开发中能够采纳,所以腾讯也是采纳其中的某些实践,比如自动化测试和持续集成,通过这样的实践就能保证产品有一个快速发布的过程。 2。具体的实践情况 2.1。墙 就是白板故事墙,平时工作中很多团队都会使用,这些团队会把每天开发的一些产品特性采用故事的方式每天都在白板里面展示出来,整个团队每天都会围绕这个白板能够清晰的看到整个产品或者整个项目的一个过程,包括整个产品特性的过程。 2.2。迭代总结 在每一个产品发布的时候都会有一个总结。具体的做法是,把做得好的、不好的总结出来,做得好的在下一次迭代发扬光大,做得不好的在下一次迭代就要注意改进。这样的总结是要求项目的所有成员都必须参加,包括项目的开发人员、测试人员、QA、项目经理、产品经理等,每个人都要去去总结他在上一个迭代中碰到了什么问题,通过便签纸的方式贴出来,项目经理实际上可以看成是Scrum M A S T E R,包括站起来总结这样一些东西,包括我们下一次迭代继续发扬什么,必须要注意什么东西,最后就会得出一个Excel的文档,包括上一个迭代中出的问题,具体的解决办法,都会有。 2.3。每日晨会 每个团队每天大概花15-30分钟,回顾昨天做了什么、昨天有些什么问题、同时也会介绍每个人今天计划做些什么工作(特点:是站着开会)。最早是通过白板的方式去做,就是每天项目经理组织团队成员对着白板,白板上体现项目的进展情况,通过会议可以很明确的知道昨天大家做到什么样子,今天大家计划做什么,最早的时候每个成员都是口头汇报的。实践一段时间就发现了一些问题,第一、对于一个20、30人的团队,每天要怎样做晨会,这是目前遇到的比较大的困惑;第二、晨会很容易形式化,究竟带来什么样的效率和效果,目前也在通过一些方式去研究,去探讨。第三、有一些形式上的呆板,刚 开始做会觉得比较有意思,觉得这跟传统做法不一样,每天这样做并 且做多了就感觉很枯燥,这也是面临一个挑战。后来腾讯也做了一些 改进,比如为了让成员的参与程度更强一些,包括形式上会更强一些, 现在有些团队就会采取每个人轮流主持的方式, At the beginning of the morning meeting, we also use some fun things to stimulate some things, but now it seems that the improvement is still not very thorough. A communication software within a Tencent, some projects have begun using stand up to open the morning way, that high efficiency will stand up, through instant messaging software every day to communicate, and finally by a person to a unified output, this can solve some distributed team cooperation. The so-called distributed team is that some colleagues in this team are in this building, and some colleagues are in that building, which can solve some problems through this real-time communication. 2.4. pair programming It didn't work very well, but some teams have been trying to do pair programming. In a program, there is a person, record the process of writing, ideas, problems, write your own ideas at the same time, written after a period of time they will exchange, is the exchange of programming, this is a process of pair programming. 2.5. time box Timebox, in Tencent's product development, each iteration of the product has a clear time box. Held a IPM meeting at the beginning of each iteration, the iteration planning meeting, all members of staff, including product developers, project manager, director, Department Heads Meeting in the team, together to finalize this iteration to complete the task, the task once finalized, this iteration in strict accordance with the will to implement. 2.6. a complete iterative process It includes five processes: concept, design, development, test and release. At the conceptual stage, will use some good FDD best practices about how to do to support our agile development needs, will develop a number of product release plans, such as the product in the future, what a certain iteration when released, to release what are the characteristics of the product, at this stage do. In the design phase, the product prototype will be designed. For Internet products that more is through rapid prototyping fast make products to do some experience in different range of products, for example in a small one iteration iteration, may be in a team inside the first to experience, may be taken to release to company a department to experience, or to release the whole company to experience, it will be a continuous amplification of a process. In the development and testing phase, take some practice XP more, including encoding standard code, such as a day, 1 weeks a day of continuous integration code, build environment, including building automation, automation testing, there will be some good test on the practice, such as the staff test, is to test as not only testing the staff, more is the work of the team, including other colleagues of this product work, through full testing to encourage responsible for product quality. In the release phase, Tencent uses grayscale publishing, unlike traditional software releases. The whole project process through iterative similar SCRUM mode to management, such as the daily morning meeting, how to build the atmosphere of the team, a unified management platform, each iteration at the completion of the review and so on, which belongs to the project management work. There are some basics, such as code management, version management, document management, remote management, these are included in the Tencent's whole management system, and will make some relevant specification, but the specification is not very tough requirements of each project must be performed by the team, more of their choice, let them according to their own characteristics, the size of the team to choose what should be taken in practice. 2.7. grayscale release This is a feature of the Internet, it is a process for the user, a gradually peatlands, and does not require the team as soon as possible the product package is not released for release to all users immediately, but will be to release, such as press release in paragraph, For example, experience inside the company. There are strategies when released, such as how to release the user volume, what are some of the experimental technology to do some background on how to switch operation, follow up, how to ensure the remaining 4 hours after the release of the staff, how to collect user feedback and so on, there will be some unified rules. For example, the release of a WEB product in the laboratory can have multiple versions at the same time, 1.1 version may have 100% users in use, 1.2 version may only 1% of users in use, they are a cross upgrade process. 2.8. User Research How to strengthen the participation of users, this is a relatively low cost user research methods. By grasping some user data analysis, analysis of users in the product process of the whole experience is how, through the background data can be seen in the activities of the curve, while CE can also be through some scientific means to ensure, including market research, user research, data mining, product experience, it is through some of the user feedback, user observation tools to cooperate to do research on the user. For example, a user QQ, a research study, we can go to the scene to do, often by the product manager and user research personnel to the user's actual office for research, for a day's feedback, by observing the user a day is how to use your product, analysis with some related tools go to science. This is because the Internet is very stressed with user feedback, the Tencent has a CE internal feedback platform, this platform can collect feedback to all users, product manager can see what he is responsible for the products which are feedback every day, including internal and external, then he can according to these some quick feedback to adjust the products, including the development of some of the characteristics of what kind of products, internal colleagues can also be positive feedback on the platform, internal colleagues itself is QQ users. 2.9. project management support tool There is a team within the Tencent research and development of such a tool to support the project management process of work practice, of course, the interface will not do particularly good, after all, the internal team used. For example, the Tencent's IT tool provides the story (story wall), the wall is to simulate a job board line, can take a look at this iteration is divided into different stages of story work, can easily support each team at such an interface to do this morning when his daily morning meeting for example, some of the story is done, it can be dragged from the state to the next stage, each team every day in front of such a story wall, the work can be very clear to every member of the team, help is transparent to work, and the same goal. This is Tencent's support on tools. Exploration of 2.10. agile team team For example, the QQMail team is the product group, development group, UI group, the test group, the whole team is around QQMail to development, the process of agile development, with specific content collaboration division between the team members will probably have a few points, first, from the design point of view, each iteration will be there is a IPM, IPM will require all the roles to join, including product manager, project manager, QA, DE, UI and so on, they work together in meeting product requirements, such as product manager he learned of the user feedback, to talk about his leadership from a company that understands how the product requirements,. He told the product characteristics on the development of priority, personnel assessment of development in meeting such a characteristic about how much workload, there is no technical difficulties, testing personnel will. We discuss the solution of the content, so that the test personnel in the development stage before can understand the whole product demand is what the whole team, so to discuss and establish a range of iterative development, in the development process, all the parts will participate in the team, like QQMail, QQMail is a clear product, 07 years the amount of users over 10 times, agile development is used, there is a requirement in the QQMai product development process, is the developer and tester must make a showcase in every demand, each developed a product demand. The product manager, development group, test group together, to summarize the characteristics of product development to what is not a good user experience, is not expected to meet some things, but also will conduct research for some users, also is to let users participate in product testing to. The process will take full test, namely, testers, developers, products, personnel UI staff will participate in the test, and each person in the development of a demand after, to do the test, but also cross test, such as the developers to test other developers of things, so in Tencent is a full test of the concept of hope can go deep into the team to go inside, in 4 hours after the line will require staff to stay, to see this product background data, timely analysis of user behavior, to find the user perception of the characteristics of what is, what is the user's response, see this is not some mistakes, within 4 hours of the system must be left behind. QQMail from 07 years to 06 years, a development of 08 years can see the mood curve of the whole team is developing gradually to improve the direction of QQMail, the earliest in 06, itself is actually has many problems, such as demand too avant-garde, because with the user touch, team internal fantasy offers what kind of characteristics of the product to the user, take what kind of technical architecture to do some better experience, such as 06 years using the Ajax framework is very strong, the architecture is completely through the Ajax to achieve, it brings a lot of problems, and that its entire team requirements are very high, make whole the team compared tired, in 06 years the middle has a little change, including the entire product in the performance change, but in fact for the team is still relatively passive to accept, it is better than More passive to experience changes in the user, how the product, how to revenue, the entire team are relatively confused. To 06 years 10 months, began to promote the concept agile in the QQMail team, how to better promote the team to focus on the user needs, how to through some agile practices allow the team to do better, 10 months to do a lot of communication, the team also saw some hope, just introduced into an agile development team is relatively new including, such as fast response, changes in response to these ideas, brought deep feelings to the team, made some improvements on the entire team collaboration in 06 at the end of the year, in 07 years by some agile operation on see the whole effect is very obvious, this is a little more successful. It is the amount of users of this product in 07 is about 10 times 06 years, 07 years reached 1000 million. Now the whole team also put the whole development pace of iteration, fixed, in a fixed period has a role in response to users of different things, will bring to the user the closer, a general development team that is QQMail. How did 2.11. start at Tencent agile? The earliest time is through the cognition, cognition is including some methods to understand the industry theory, including a contact with Thoughtworks to understand how agile, and then we recognized what it would be like to summarize our Tencent itself, we have such a framework we will engage in some team to practice, through after the practice of continuous improvement, the process itself is an iterative. The implementation phase is divided into several stages: About 06 years in the Thoughtworks industry, observing the external training and go pilot period: many seminars and internal training, establish a benchmark, In a broader range of training, promotion period: to set up a team of consultants to develop literacy courses, constantly to go inside to introduce some team training, so that we accept these ideas. Tencent internal specialized internal portal to introduce Tencent throughout the product development system, all the team can own experience submitted to the portal, the other team can learn some good practice in a team, and the Tencent to do a lot of internal communication and discussion, including we will have a special team to the same we will continue to Tan Minjie, some good practice to the team, there will be a model of agility in the Tencent, will put the team into A1, A2, A3 three, a model inside each will have some standards, so that we can see the agile ability of each team is a what, he is not good to go toward some aspects of development, each class will have some measure, from different angles to see it is not reached Index. This is a bit like a stock list, you can see every team in its market, its price is what it looks like, such a product which is similar to the stock, which is a pretty image thing for the reflection of a team, which also can see the whole market what is a situation, reflect the whole company. In the same way, there will be some personal rankings, personal rankings, and awards at the end of the year, and some prizes reward colleagues for better practice agility. The same Tencent is also facing some challenges, the first team is very much, each team characteristics are not the same, for example, the scale is not the same, not the same application method; the second is the product is very wide, all Internet products Tencent almost all, the diversified products of the product development pattern will be different so, how to adapt to the development of agile TAPD, the diversification of products; the third is agile in Tencent is the existence of a process improvement, so there will be some adaptability, the adaptability should be how to do better; fourth, the Tencent personnel quality is uneven, the annual campus recruitment recruitment will probably be more than 1000 graduates, these graduates can start from graduation to work, their understanding of agile, integrated into the team are required A process; a fifth is a long cycle of the project, such as the QQ client, a release may be six months to 1 years, such a product how to do agile development, perhaps it is not suitable for agile development.
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