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少儿英语课堂教学流程安排(有经验没经验的少儿英语老师最好都看看) http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html 这是一个美国教师 Matt(想进一步了解 Matt,猛击这里:少儿英语教学课 堂教学游戏视频汇总(Teach Kids English 的课堂 games 视频介绍))根据自 己的教学经验总结出来的少儿英语课堂教学流程安排。下面还有他利用非常简单 的歌曲进行主题英语教学的素材下载,结合这个流程安排,就是非常完美的教案...
http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html 这是一个美国教师 Matt(想进一步了解 Matt,猛击这里:少儿英语教学课 堂教学游戏视频汇总(Teach Kids English 的课堂 games 视频介绍))根据自 己的教学经验总结出来的少儿英语课堂教学安排。下面还有他利用非常简单 的歌曲进行主题英语教学的素材下载,结合这个流程安排,就是非常完美的 了,呵呵。如果哪位朋友想自己开个小小的班,完全可以借用这些资料;如 果哪位朋友想教 0-6 岁的孩子(实际上,这也适合教 6-12 岁的孩子用),完全 可以借用这些思路;如果哪位朋友想去培训机构面试的时候试讲但又不知道怎么 办,那一定要看看这些内容哦。呵呵。 因为这是针对老师的,那咱英语都没得说的啦。我就没有翻译了,自己来看哦。 I often have people email me asking for lesson plans. This page will be a collection of my lesson plan ideas. I recommend adjusting them to your own needs, but I hope they give you a place to start, good luck! You may notice some repetition in these plans. I always start my classes with the Hello Song and end with the Goodbye Song, and repeat other things in the lessons so the kids feel comfortable. Then I introduce new material after they are relaxed and warmed up. Beginner Preschool 1-6 Years Old This lesson plan is for a 30 minute class, but you can adjust it for a shorter or longer class. All links to songs and other materials are to free materials you can download and use in you classes right away! 1. Warm Up! (2 Minutes) First thing always is a big smile! Then say hello to the students and have them do some simple actions, clap your hands, wash your hands, shake your hands, brush your teeth. Be sure to do the actions with them, as they will follow along with you. 2. Hello Song (3 Minutes) Sing Hello Song with the students and make a circle. You may choose to start http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html the class off with this right away, but I do a bit of warm up (see above) first. This song is very simple, and to me the most important part is that the students sing the, "Hello, hello, hello" part of the song. As this is still the beginning of the class, I ease them into speaking English. 3. Circle Time (5 minutes) During circle time I pass a small ball around the circle with the students. I always start out by saying "hello" and passing it to the student sitting next to me. That student then passes the ball to the student next to them and says "hello" We do this until the ball gets back to me. Next, I usually practice saying "Here you are,""Thank you". The student who passes the ball says "Here you are" and the student who receives the ball says, "Thank you." You can also practice things like, "How are you?" "I'm great!" as you pass the ball along. 4. My Name is Matt Practice (5 minutes) Next sing the What's Your Name? Song with the students. Again, this is an easy song, and the students generally pick it up pretty quickly. After singing, you can sit down in a circle again and pass the ball if you like. This time asking "what's your name?". For young students, it may take them a few weeks to pick up this language, so don't push them to hard. If they can't say it yet, say it for them. 5. Numbers (5 minutes) I review numbers every class with young students. I think that numbers are not only useful, but also are good for pronunciation practice. You can use the flash cards from One Fish Counting song and practice 1 to 10. Simply hold up the flash card and say the number on the card. The students will pick this up quickly. Numbers game- after drilling the numbers with the students, ask them to close their eyes and count to ten. Next, place the flash cards around the room. Ask the students to open their eyes. Next ask the students to find certain numbers. For example, "find 3". When they find it, if they are old enough, ask them to say, "I Found it!" Sing Let's Count 1 to 10 6. Book reading time (5 minutes) After the students have been a bit active, as with the Numbers game above, I like to settle them down with a book. You can use any book you have in your library that you feel is well suited to their age. You are also free to download and print any of the free books from the new Dream English site KidsEnglishBooks.com. I read a book to the students every class, often asking them questions about what they see on the page to get them involved. For example, "can you see the balloons? how many are there?" As their English becomes more advanced, so will the questions you can ask them. http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html 7. Introducing Animals with the “It's a Dog” Song (根据不同的课来调整) Introduce the animals using the Animal flashcards, stuffed animals, or pictures. At first I think it is best to say the words slowly, then a bit faster in a steady rhythm, and have the kids repeat. If they are really young students, don’t worry if they do not repeat the words at first. For older or more experienced students you can introduce the whole phrase, “It’s a dog”. Next, ask the students, “What sound does a dog make?” They may not understand the question, but they will probably catch on quickly and you can of course help them along. When you get to the rabbit ask, “What does a rabbit do?” I also do gestures when making the sounds. For example, for the dog I clap my hands together like a mouth and say “woof, woof”. For the cat I put my hands on my face and make whiskers, then I say “meow”. This is fun for the kids, and I think it helps them remember what the word means. Next sing the It's A Dog Song with the kids. Game: Try a simple matching game. If you have two sets of flash cards, or stuffed animals and flash cards, ask the students to match the two animals. Also, a simple touch game works well. Ask your students, “Touch the Dog!” New Topic- Introduce new vocabulary (这和上面的二选一,看你的爱好) At this point you can introduce the students to a new topic. I would recommend topics such as colors or feelings for beginners. Start by drilling the flash cards, and making sure the students understand and can say the vocabulary. You can then try a simple game such as the "Sit Down Game". The sit down game is very easy and can be used for any topic. If you are teaching feelings, drill the flash cards and ask the students to sit down when they see the "angry" flash card. You can also use the "angry" flash card and put it in with another set like colors. Ask the students to stand and walk in place. Call out each flash card as you show it to them. When they see they "angry" flash card they have to sit down right away! It is also fun if you have them say "Oh no!" when they sit. As always, be careful with the students surroundings so they don't bump anything and get hurt when they sit down quickly. 7. ABC Phonics (底下三个根据你的实际情况调整) I think at this age it is really important to introduce phonics. I actually start phonics with my 2 year olds and up. Dream English has free phonics flash cards and a chant you can download here. Simply chant the phonics chant while showing the matching letter. You can learn more about phonics here. 8. Song: ABC Song After doing the phonics chant sing the ABC song with the students. http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html http://club.topsage.com/thread-2737225-1-1.html 9. Game: Point to the correct letter This is a fun easy game. Hold 2 alphabet cards, one in each hand. Show them to the students and say the name. For example, hold up the 'A' flash card and say "A". Do the same with B. Then turn the flash cards around and ask the students to point to the letter you say. You can have a lot of fun with this by changing hands with the cards, etc. 8. Action Time or TPR time (2 minutes) I always like to do some actions with the kids. One simple one to start off with is body parts-touch your nose, etc. I generally go through all the main body parts, then we sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. 9. Goodbye Song (3 minutes) The Goodbye Song has a lot of actions, so even young students can follow along. I always sing this at the end of the class, as it lets students know that the class is over. At the end, I always say, "Goodbye, thank you, see you!" to my students with a big smile so they know they have done a great job! This is a rough outline of what I think is a pretty good class schedule. Give it a try, and see how it goes for you. You may want to make some adjustments, as the time is relative to class size, etc. I often also use coloring time as a way to settle young energetic students.
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