
技术解析 超极本和PC的转变

2012-05-15 48页 pdf 8MB 28阅读




技术解析 超极本和PC的转变 引领潮流 直面未来 , 技术解析: : 超级本™和PC的转变 Ajay Bhatt 英特尔院士 从个人电脑到 个人 计算 我们有如何变革的经验 多媒体 CD ROM 1995 前所未有的移动性 2003 2012+ 超薄 响应超迅捷 超安全 超强大的连接特性 超级本™ Ultrabook™ is a trademark of Intel® Corporation in the U.S. and o...
技术解析 超极本和PC的转变
引领潮流 直面未来 , 技术解析: : 超级本™和PC的转变 Ajay Bhatt 英特尔院士 从个人电脑到 个人 计算 我们有如何变革的经验 多媒体 CD ROM 1995 前所未有的移动性 2003 2012+ 超薄 响应超迅捷 超安全 超强大的连接特性 超级本™ Ultrabook™ is a trademark of Intel® Corporation in the U.S. and other countries 英特尔正推动个人电脑的变革 • 围绕用户体验的创新 • 关注于使用的简单化 • 为迷人的,安全的,稳定的 体验提供性能,安全和连接 开创个人电脑的变革 一体机 超级本™ 新的用户体验 “体验超性能” 后顾无忧 无需等待 总是可用的 连接我的生活 我的表达 安全 性能 响应 功耗 / 电池寿命 外形 连接 触摸/传感器 现在 发布的系统 70多个设计在预备中并且还在增加 混合体: 都是世界上最好的 15 毫米 在走向 “最薄” 和 “最轻” 之路上的工程挑战 <0.5 毫米 触摸屏 3 – 5 毫米 电池 5 毫米 硬盘 3.6 毫米 NGFF 2 毫米 触摸板 2.5 毫米键盘 类似旅行“感觉” 2.4 毫米 显示屏 塑料机壳能像金属机壳一样坚硬吗? 是! 结构化允许更低的成本和更薄的系统 英特尔提供的塑料 机壳 机壳扭曲测试结果 工业界的金属机壳 0 5 10 15 20 St iff ne ss 18 m m 塑 料 18 m m 金 属 l 18 m m 金 属 16 m m 金 属 把航天技术带入超级本™ 性能 响应 功耗 / 电池寿命 外形 安全 连接 触摸/传感器 转化技术的领先为 全新且吸引人的产品路线图 20W 10W <1W 40W+ 功耗 新的笔记本 设计目标 Source: Intel Roadmap Current SOC Design Target 目前的笔记本 设计目标 新的SOC设计目标 笔记本计算领域新的主流 2011 2013 主流笔记本连接待机功耗 不妥协的性能 全天的使用 >10 天的连接待机 Haswell TARGETS >20X! ** Idle Power = Display off, system in OS idle state Source : Intel Arch Estimate, Q2’2011 Power estimates for Chief River and Shark Bay are estimates and subject to change Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchase, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. 变革个人电脑— 低功耗的设计 超级本™ 电源优化技术概览 全功耗 目前的闲置功耗 2013 闲置功耗 Device OS Device PCIe USB2/3 DDRx Disp Port Device Memory Device PSR Panel Device Device I/O Processor PCH I/O 新的电源管理是满足低平台功耗要求的唯一方式 改善闲置效率 时间 典型的闲置功耗, S0 状态 改善的闲置功耗, S0ix 状态 目前的行为 • 没有空循环, 事件驱动的操作系 统 • 集中的、对齐的活动 600 ms • 周期的,轮询活动 • 频繁的异步事件 平台电源管理 闲置的 平台功耗 100% 时间 S0ix 和活动对齐 OS 循环中断 其他中断 设备活动(可延迟的) 目前的行为, Windows* 7 S0ix 和活动对齐 协商的预热延迟 电源关闭的机会 S0ix 启用, Windows 7 目前的行为, Windows* 7 OS 循环中断 其他中断 设备活动(可延迟的) S0ix 和活动对齐 S0ix 启用, Windows 8 S0ix 启用, Windows 7 协商的预热延迟 电源关闭的机会 OS 循环中断 其他中断 设备活动(可延迟的) 目前的行为, Windows* 7 英特尔 启用 电源优化 技术 性能 响应 功耗 / 电池寿命 外形 安全 连接 触摸/传感器 CPU Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchase, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. Installed Base Traditional Laptop Ultrabook™ 预计的性能比较: 传统笔记本vs. 超级本™ 超级本™ 设备为日常应用提供了更好的性能 1Targets Ivy Bridge 处理器图形: 媒体 • 显著的媒体性能提升 – 更高性能的英特尔®快速同步视频2.0 • 微架构的变化 – 多格式编解码器的增强性能 – 增加了媒体采样点额吞吐量和性能为缩放及其他过滤器 – 像素的后端具有图像色彩和对比度增强功能 Next Generation Intel® Microarchitecture Codename Ivy Bridge 英特尔® 智能响应 技术 类似固态硬盘的性能,同时可实现标准硬盘的容量 当电脑在睡眠状态时,内容持续更新 英特尔l® 智能连接 技术 英特尔® 快速启动 技术 ~2 秒从休眠到唤醒! 无需关闭电脑– 以天计,而非小时计的电池寿命. 变革个人电脑— 提升体验 英特尔® 智能响应技术 Performance 应用: • 系统启动快 • 应用程序加载更快 • 改善的实时响应 优点: • 高性能的存储 • 负担得起的大存储容量 • 显著的低成本每 GB vs 大容量的固态硬盘 • 容易使用(比如. 对用户而言仅能看到一个盘) PC Mark Vantage, System Suite Mobile: Up to 70% over 7200 HDD-only Desktop: Up to 60% over 7200 HDD-only + 标准硬盘 (ie. 500 GB) 小容量的固态硬盘 (ie. 20 GB) 0 1 2 3.5" HDD X25M-80 SSD HDD+SRT Cache 0 1 2 3.5" HDD X25M-80 SSD HDD+SRT Cache 英特尔® 快速启动技术 (完全关机到瞬间开启) 启动中… 标准系统 瞬间开启! 英特尔® 快速启动系统 演示 英特尔® 智能连接技术 应用 & 优点 优点 • 当用户想要时所需的内容在系统中已经更新 • 系统上的内容和云同步,无需人工交互 • 更快地接入互联网,数据和应用程序 应用 * Connection to Wi-Fi Access Point only. Internet Access dependent on network parameters and IP Address timing 1.用户合上电脑,系统进 入睡眠状态 5.系统恢复睡眠 模式并重置计 时器 4.启用应用程序与云同步 3.系统进入低功耗的开启状 态 OR 2.系统找到匹配的访问点或计时 器时间到了 Intel WiFi 3G 性能 响应 功耗 / 电池寿命 外形 安全 连接 触摸/传感器 变革个人电脑— 安全 IDENTITY PROTECTION T E C H N O L O G Y 英特尔® 身份 保护 技术 保护你的身份和在线交易 “每天600,000 facebook 用 户处于危险中 -TechCrunch, 十月 2011 “新索尼* 黑客声称破获了1亿多的用 户名和密码” - Wall Street Journal, 六月 2011 Source: Intel market research “Voice of the Customer” - global customer survey 最终用户 #1的 安全顾虑 它如何工作? • 提供网站以一种安全但简单的方式去识别一个 值得信任的个人电脑 • 允许网站提供强大授权,授权对用户透明,同 时用一种安全但简单的方式去识别一个值得信任 的个人电脑 • 允许网站去挑战操作系统外的用户以验证高风 险的交易 它是什么? 英特尔® 身份保护技术是 透明的 & 可信任的 它是内嵌于芯片,允许 网站提供强大授权并且 对用户透明的技术。 集成在电脑NFC 读卡器中,允许通过任何NFC 卡或设备进行简单并且 安全的交易 和授权 NFC 点击&付款 贸易商 英特尔®身份保护技术应用组合 动态密码令牌内置于芯片内部。启用摩擦2因素对消费者网站和企业安全 VPN访问的用户身份验证。 令牌 使用 PKI 证书来进行用户和服务器彼此的认证,加密和签署文件。 数字证书 保护电脑显示免受恶意软件的攻击,证明人的存在。对交易核查 和ACH欺诈预防是很好的。 OTP 保护电脑显示 嵌入式 PKI 927316250 服务器 服务器 Password Entry 用户名 密码 + OTP: 927316250 服务器 IPT 非接触式终端 安全 连接 触摸/传感器 性能 响应 功耗 / 电池寿命 外形 发射端 英特尔® 无线显示技术在 2012年应用于 所有形式的英特尔架构 接收端 提供软件开发包给第三 方软件商利用英特尔® 无线显示技术去创造新 的两屏幕显示的体验 台式机 笔记本 上网本 平板电脑 智能手机 2012 2010 2011 2012 2012 高清电视, 显示器 , 投影仪 游戏机 蓝光播放器 STB or DVR 软件接受者 转接器 无线传递无论何种应用,内容或网站从任一发送端设备到任一接收端设备 电话扩展 SMS to or from your PC 远程客户端 临近设备的连通性 双屏互动 多人游戏 Flick a photo 媒体共享 演示 Android or iOS Tablet ZZZZZ 变革个人电脑的连接 任何地点& 任何时间 PAN/LAN 临近的 Media Hub 演示 性能 响应 功耗 / 电池寿命 外形 安全 连接 触摸/传感器 变革个人电脑 -传感&语境 Windows* 8 传感器及其融合管 理在平板及可转换 的电脑上对于满足 Windows 8 标志的是 必须的 语境 传感器数据使LBS 和 社会应用具有了语 境意识 平台 传感器提高了电 池寿命,安全和 响应 互动 传感器使用户与 其他设备更容易 互动了 个人电脑里的传感器为生产力,性能和娱乐 我的超级本™ 如何做…? 硬传感 陀螺仪 环境光传感器 指南针 加速计 GPS 英特尔® 平台感官算法 Sensor Hub Accelerometer Magnetometer Gyroscope ALS GPS(+MMB) NFC Panther Point 软传感 设备活动: 打电话,编辑, 冲浪,邮件 浏览 日历:空闲的,会议 等等. 社交网络 与其他计算设备的互动 变革 个人电脑 — 提升体验 手势识别 脸部识别 声音界面 • 英特尔关注于用户体验和使用的简单化来变革个人电 脑 • 新一波的超级本™ 和一体机引领了变革 • 英特尔已经开发了强大的技术和产品组合。 变革个人电脑在此次北京 IDF的相关课程 Ultrabook™ Vision Form-factor Innovation Intel® IPT Responsiveness Software AIO & Enthusiast Innovation Channel Overclocking Content Creation 6+个以上的专题讲座~ 超过25门课程 Client Innovation Overview Intel® SBA Wireless Charging Client Responsiveness EBL PSR Narrow VDC Power Optimizer Wireless Technology NGFF Intel® WiDi Ivy Bridge Graphics Demos Intel® AVX 2 Other Tracks Thunderbolt™ HTML 5 UEFI Legal Disclaimer INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. A "Mission Critical Application" is any application in which failure of the Intel Product could result, directly or indirectly, in personal injury or death. SHOULD YOU PURCHASE OR USE INTEL'S PRODUCTS FOR ANY SUCH MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION, YOU SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD INTEL AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES, SUBCONTRACTORS AND AFFILIATES, AND THE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES OF EACH, HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS COSTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES AND REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES ARISING OUT OF, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, ANY CLAIM OF PRODUCT LIABILITY, PERSONAL INJURY, OR DEATH ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF SUCH MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION, WHETHER OR NOT INTEL OR ITS SUBCONTRACTOR WAS NEGLIGENT IN THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, OR WARNING OF THE INTEL PRODUCT OR ANY OF ITS PARTS. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined". Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The information here is subject to change without notice. Do not finalize a design with this information. The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. Go to: http://www.intel.com/products/processor_number. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an order number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained by calling 1-800-548- 4725, or go to: http://www.intel.com/design/literature.htm Ivy Bridge and other code names featured are used internally within Intel to identify products that are in development and not yet publicly announced for release. Customers, licensees and other third parties are not authorized by Intel to use code names in advertising, promotion or marketing of any product or services and any such use of Intel's internal code names is at the sole risk of the user Intel, Ultrabook, Thunderbolt and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright ©2012 Intel Corporation. Legal Disclaimer Intel® Identity Protection Technology (Intel® IPT): No system can provide absolute security under all conditions. Requires an Intel® Identity Protection Technology-enabled system, including a 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ processor enabled chipset, firmware and software, and participating website. Consult your system manufacturer. Intel assumes no liability for lost or stolen data and/or systems or any resulting damages. For more information, visit http://ipt.intel.com. Intel® WiDi Technology requires an Intel® Wireless Display enabled PC, compatible adapter, and TV. 1080p and Blu-Ray* or other protected content playback only available on 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor-based PCs with built-in visuals enabled. Consult your PC manufacturer. For more information, see www.intel.com/go/widi Risk Factors The above statements and any others in this document that refer to plans and expectations for the first quarter, the year and the future are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Words such as “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “may,” “will,” “should” and their variations identify forward-looking statements. Statements that refer to or are based on projections, uncertain events or assumptions also identify forward-looking statements. Many factors could affect Intel’s actual results, and variances from Intel’s current expectations regarding such factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. Intel presently considers the following to be the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company’s expectations. Demand could be different from Intel's expectations due to factors including changes in business and economic conditions, including supply constraints and other disruptions affecting customers; customer acceptance of Intel’s and competitors’ products; changes in customer order patterns including order cancellations; and changes in the level of inventory at customers. Uncertainty in global economic and financial conditions poses a risk that consumers and businesses may defer purchases in response to negative financial events, which could negatively affect product demand and other related matters. Intel operates in intensely competitive industries that are characterized by a high percentage of costs that are fixed or difficult to reduce in the short term and product demand that is highly variable and difficult to forecast. Revenue and the gross margin percentage are affected by the timing of Intel product introductions and the demand for and market acceptance of Intel's products; actions taken by Intel's competitors, including product offerings and introductions, marketing programs and pricing pressures and Intel’s response to such actions; and Intel’s ability to respond quickly to technological developments and to incorporate new features into its products. Intel is in the process of transitioning to its next generation of products on 22nm process technology, and there could be execution and timing issues associated with these changes, including products defects and errata and lower than anticipated manufacturing yields. The gross margin percentage could vary significantly from expectations based on capacity utilization; variations in inventory valuation, including variations related to the timing of qualifying products for sale; changes in revenue levels; product mix and pricing; the timing and execution of the manufacturing ramp and associated costs; start-up costs; excess or obsolete inventory; changes in unit costs; defects or disruptions in the supply of materials or resources; product manufacturing quality/yields; and impairments of long- lived assets, including manufacturing, assembly/test and intangible assets. The majority of Intel’s non-marketable equity investment portfolio balance is concentrated in companies in the flash memory market segment, and declines in this market segment or changes in management’s plans with respect to Intel’s investments in this market segment could result in significant impairment charges, impacting restructuring charges as well as gains/losses on equity investments and interest and other. Intel's results could be affected by adverse economic, social, political and physical/infrastructure conditions in countries where Intel, its customers or its suppliers operate, including military conflict and other security risks, natural disasters, infrastructure disruptions, health concerns and fluctuations in currency exchange rates. Expenses, particularly certain marketing and compensation expenses, as well as restructuring and asset impairment charges, vary depending on the level of demand for Intel's products and the level of revenue and profits. Intel’s results could be affected by the timing of closing of acquisitions and divestitures. Intel's results could be affected by adverse effects associated with product defects and errata (deviations from published specifications), and by litigation or regulatory matters involving intellectual property, stockholder, consumer, antitrust and other issues, such as the litigation and regulatory matters described in Intel's SEC reports. An unfavorable ruling could include monetary damages or an injunction prohibiting us from manufacturing or selling one or more products, precluding particular business practices, impacting Intel’s ability to design its products, or requiring other remedies such as compulsory licensing of intellectual property. A detailed discussion of these and other factors that could affect Intel’s results is included in Intel’s SEC filings, including the report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended Oct. 1, 2011. Rev. 1/19/12 Slide Number 1 技术解析: :�超级本™和PC的转变 Slide Number 3 我们有如何变革的经验 英特尔正推动个人电脑的变革 开创个人电脑的变革 新的用户体验 Slide Number 8 Slide Number 9 混合体: 都是世界上最好的 Slide Number 11 塑料机壳能像金属机壳一样坚硬吗?� Slide Number 13 转化技术的领先为 �全新且吸引人的产品路线图� 变革个人电脑— 低功耗的设计 超级本™ 电源优化技术概览 改善闲置效率 S0ix 和活动对齐 S0ix 和活动对齐 S0ix 和活动对齐 英特尔�启用�电源优化�技术 Slide Number 22 Slide Number 23 Ivy Bridge 处理器图形: 媒体 变革个人电脑— 提升体验 英特尔® 智能响应技术 英特尔® 快速启动技术�(完全关机到瞬间开启) 英特尔® 智能连接技术�应用 & 优点 Slide Number 29 变革个人电脑— 安全 最终用户 #1的 安全顾虑 英特尔® 身份保护技术是�透明的 & 可信任的 英特尔®身份保护技术应用组合 Slide Number 34 英特尔® 无线显示技术在 2012年应用于�所有形式的英特尔架构 临近设备的连通性 变革个人电脑的连接 �任何地点& 任何时间 Slide Number 38 变革个人电脑 -传感&语境 我的超级本™ 如何做…? 与其他计算设备的互动 变革 个人电脑 — 提升体验 总结 Slide Number 45 Legal Disclaimer Legal Disclaimer Risk Factors
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