

2018-03-01 15页 doc 46KB 73阅读




威海博苑新田幼儿园首届美食节流程及主持词威海博苑新田幼儿园首届美食节流程及主持词 博苑新田幼儿园第一届美食节活动流程 一、活动背景 “民以食为天”,同样健康绿色的饮食文化也成为了幼儿园所生活不可缺少的重要部分,幼儿园厨房每天更是为宝宝们提供高质量水准的绿色健康饮食服务,让孩子们每天都享受着饮食带给他们的快乐与健康。所以,开展“美食节”活动对加强幼儿园的绿色健康饮食文化建设、加快幼儿园后勤改革发展,全面推动绿色健康饮食文化,为幼儿园后勤工作跨向新的台阶,具有十分重要的意义。 二、活动目的及意义 为了进一步宣传幼儿园的绿色健康饮食文化,让孩子们品尝到美味可口、...
威海博苑新田幼儿园首届美食节流程及主持词 博苑新田幼儿园第一届美食节活动流程 一、活动背景 “民以食为天”,同样健康绿色的饮食文化也成为了幼儿园所生活不可缺少的重要部分,幼儿园厨房每天更是为宝宝们提供高质量水准的绿色健康饮食服务,让孩子们每天都享受着饮食带给他们的快乐与健康。所以,开展“美食节”活动对加强幼儿园的绿色健康饮食文化建设、加快幼儿园后勤改革发展,全面推动绿色健康饮食文化,为幼儿园后勤工作跨向新的台阶,具有十分重要的意义。 二、活动目的及意义 为了进一步宣传幼儿园的绿色健康饮食文化,让孩子们品尝到美味可口、种类繁多的健康菜肴,增进后勤与家长的交流,丰富幼儿的饮食文化,推动文明健康餐饮建设,督促厨房不断提高饮食服务质量,同时也让家长有一个展示自己厨艺的机会,让健康绿色的私房菜在幼儿园得到分享,让大家共同树立健康绿色的饮食观念。 三、活动对象——博苑新田幼儿园的家长与幼儿 四、活动时间——2011年11月26日 上午10:00 五、活动主——弘扬传统 崇尚健康 倡导绿色 追求创新 六、活动口号——品尝绿色饮食 感受快乐童年 七、活动流程 1、周五(11月25日)悬挂条幅、对联 大门条幅:博苑新田幼儿园美食品尝会 大厅条幅:品尝绿色饮食 感受快乐童年 大厅门口:准备好拱门气球 2、周五开会,将老师的职责、站位安排好,详细讲解活动流程,提醒大家维持活动秩序、活动安全及卫生。 3、周六7:00 除在厨房准备菜肴的老师,按照前一天安排布置活动现场 厨房帮厨: 丛芳芳 王杰 夏秀丽 孙小杰 大厅口:悬挂拱门气球 吕文亮 谢佳美 苗燕 谷祖德 大厅布景: 桌子摆放 于美玲 马聪颖 梁芳 (桌牌摆放) 中厅布景: 桌子摆放 李晓霞 闫璐卉 于靳扬 (桌牌摆放) 其他教师整理各班级卫生、物品 4、10:00在大门口迎接家长 并发放餐饮购物券(12张) 黄妍婷 王轶 背景音乐:《我的名字叫做感恩》 5、10:00—11:00班级感恩节活动 班主任 教师把家长带来的特色私房菜按班级摆放好 并填写菜名 制作者 A、播放感恩节 班主任清点人数 B、班主任做简单的开场词 11月24是美国传统的节日——感恩节,也许感恩节是美国独创的节日,但是 感恩的心却是每个人都有的情感。也许感恩节只是一种纪念的形式,但是忙碌 于工作的我们,是否忘了对身旁一直支持我们的亲人,朋友说一声“谢 谢”,值此活动之际,让我们共同寄上一句祝福送给身边的每一个人。 手语《感恩的心》 C、感恩节亲子活动 背景音乐:《感恩大自然》 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was ,感谢父母——按摩小能手 父母是我们人生的第一任老师,从一个孩子呱呱坠地的那一刻起,他的生命就倾注了父母无尽的爱与祝福。父母为子女撑起了一片爱的天空,当我们遇到困难的时候,会倾注所有一切来帮助我们的人是父母。当我们受到委屈的时候,能耐心听我们哭诉的人是父母。当我们犯错误时,能够毫不犹豫地原谅我们的人是父母。当我们取得成功的时候,会衷心为我们庆祝与我们分享成功的喜悦的,仍然是父母。而现在我们远在外地学习,依然牵挂着我们还是父母。 在认识身体各部位的基础上根据儿歌内容为家人按摩,萌发关爱家人的情感( 按摩按摩头,万事不发愁;按摩按摩胸,快乐不停休;按摩按摩手,幸福跟你走;按摩按摩肚,烦恼全让路; 按摩按摩腿,做事不后悔;按摩按摩脚,病痛不打扰;按摩按摩背,困难全后退。愿爸爸妈妈每天有个好心 情。 ,感谢朋友——蔓越橘竞赛(串珠子)+夹乒乓球 选择好朋友,每组两人,一人负责串珠子,完成后击掌传递,另一人负责夹乒乓 球,最先完成者获胜。 ,感谢地球妈妈——为地球妈妈种下绿色 地球是我们的家,而且是一个美丽的家。蓝天白云,绿树红花,百鸟争鸣,可是这美好的一切,人们却不知 道怎样保护,只知道享受、索取而且伤害自己。从生活的空间到日常的环境、饮食,都多多少少出现了一系列的问题。(目前出现的饮食危机)所以博苑新田幼儿园通过举行小小美食节,呼吁大家倡导“绿色、健康、原生态”的饮食理念。地球妈妈现在很伤心,人类为了便捷,建造了很多的化学工厂,烟囱里冒着黑黑的烟,蓝天变得灰蒙蒙的,小草不绿了,我们吃的青菜、水果都不再是健康、无污染了。现在请小朋友一起用彩笔帮助地球妈妈,为她找回绿色、找回健康~ 准备地球图片,让家长和小朋友一起把没有情的地球打扮得更漂亮、健康。 D、说明活动流程规则、、购物券的使用方法、班级间的卫生纪律评比 #说明各班首选区域 蒙氏一班——汤饮区(3队) 多元大班——面食区(3队) 蒙氏二班——蔬菜区(3队) 多元小班——荤菜区(2队) 蒙氏三班——风味区(3队) 多元中班——间点区(2队) 6、11:00博苑新田幼儿园第一届美食节正式启动 背景音乐:《Anywhere Is》 尊敬的各位家长、亲爱的小朋友们: 上午好!严冬已至,温暖的阳光带着秋的收获等待着雪的到来。感恩节到了,为了回馈家长朋友们近一年对博苑新田的厚爱与关怀,丰富幼儿园的饮食文化生活,为幼儿打造健康绿色的美食天地,博苑新田幼儿园第一届美食节正式启动了~请带上对新田美食的美好期待,请带上对新田美食理念的崇尚,让我们一起走进博苑新田,一起分享新田绿色、健康、原生态的饮食文化。 首先,我们以热烈的掌声欢迎园长致辞~ 第一项 园长致辞 感谢园长对本次活动大力支持~谢谢~在正式举行活动之前,首先为大家宣读一下活动规则。 第二项 讲解活动流程及餐饮购物券的使用方法 1、餐饮券共12张,颜色不同代表不同饮食区。每张餐饮券免费自选两种食物,如果使用完可到补充区通过游戏获得,但首先说明你需要的是哪一区餐饮券。 2、在选餐过程中,请有秩序的排队选购餐饮,不能推挤。为宝宝们做好榜样。 3、在每个区域选购后,按照顺时针方向选择下一区美食。 4、选好食物后,请到各班班级分享美食,品尝家长带来的健康特色菜。 5、“文明督导员”巡查督导活动的安全、卫生、文明行为。如有违反规则不听in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 博苑新田幼儿园 警告者,将扣除餐饮券两张。 6、餐具领取区可领取一次性纸杯、手套;回收区请把垃圾按可回收、不可回收进行投放。 7、把本次活动的感受贴在留言板 8、请各班优秀的标兵小厨师及特助家长、助理教师到指定位置准备 请各班家长带好您的餐具到班级门口有序的排队等待,我们的活动马上就要开始啦~ 第三项 “美食一条街”正式开席啦~ 亲爱的大朋友们、小朋友们咱们马上要进入今天的主题活动----品尝美食。今天最忙碌的是厨房阿姨、最幸福的也是厨房阿姨,只要宝贝们健康快乐的在博苑新田成长,厨房阿姨再苦再累也值,现在我宣布:博苑新田幼儿园美食一条街正式开席啦~ A、汤饮区(1队+教师两名):黄妍婷 张玲红 桂圆薏米粥、清香南瓜汁、胡萝卜玉米粥、玉米鸡蛋羹、红薯腊八粥、猪蹄黄豆汤 B、面食区(1队+教师两名):梁芳 辛晓娟 紫米小刺猬、章鱼小馒头、小花篮、南瓜馅饼、葱丝肉末卷、发面牛肉包、萝卜丝发面包、葱油饼、什锦蔬菜煎饼 C、蔬菜区(1三队+教师两名):于美玲 王靓 腰果花生西芹、鸡蛋炒茭瓜、鲜虾白菜炖豆腐、素炒三片、五彩鸡丁、萝卜海带黄豆炖大骨、番茄炒花菜、豆皮甘蓝丝、芸豆花肉炖土豆 D、荤菜区(1队+教师一名):马聪颖 清蒸排骨、香烤鸡翅、新田珍珠肉丸、水煮鲜虾 E、风味区(1队+教师一名):于靳扬 谢佳美 紫菜包饭、五彩水饺、葱丝萝卜、杂蔬拌木耳、香干菠菜塔、温拌莴笋 F、间点区(1队+教师一名):闫璐卉 苗燕 香蕉、橘子、苹果、美国大杏仁、桂圆干、松子、开心果 G、餐具区(教师一名):吕文亮 可回收利用、不可回收利用 一次性纸杯、一次性手套 H、餐饮券补充区:刘乙洪 I、文明督导员:李晓霞 第五项 12:00“金勺奖”绿色健康美食评比大赛 1、在班级品尝家长带来的拿手菜,选出“金勺奖”。 2、选出幼儿园最棒的菜肴 11:50回收所有餐具 清理大厅 摆放小椅子 (教室里请家长整理餐具) 12:00音乐响起 请家长按照学号排队 入座 品着一道道的美食,深深的领略了什么叫色香味俱全,什么叫精招妙式层出不穷。小小一个美食节,幼儿园、家长朋友都注入了许多的心血,在共同享受美食、快乐、团结和配合的同时,也能让我们体会到浓浓的爱。是的,我们希望孩子是健康、快乐的。博苑新田幼儿园采购新鲜的原材料,在烹饪过程中除了油、盐、酱油,不使用任何食品添加剂,为孩子们送上一道道绿色、健康、原生态的菜肴。在此,感谢家in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 长朋友们为幼儿园提供适合宝宝的健康私房菜,同时也感谢辛苦准备了多日的厨房阿姨。那接下来,让我们有请园长为本次美食节获奖选手颁奖,请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎获奖者登场~(请家长朋友介绍菜名、配料、营养) 公布名单 园长颁奖 1、金勺奖 6名 2、最佳厨艺奖 美好的时光总是短暂的,但温馨快乐的回忆却在心头常驻。感谢参加本次活动的各位朋友,谢谢大家~祝周末愉快~我们下届美食节再会~ 幼儿姓名 家长姓名 所在班级 菜品名称 主要食料 主要调料 焖烧 拔丝 烹饪方法 炒 熘 煎 贴 炖 蒸 卤 烩 拌 卷 可多选 姓名: 班级: 菜品名称: 总分: 整体感觉 外观美观,从而刺激观众和评委的感官,给人以美的享受 20分 色质 选用的原料新鲜、色泽明亮,适应季节 15分 刀工 有一定刀法的基础,娴熟运用具有一定的观赏性 10分 味道 调味适当、保留主料原汁原味,呈现菜肴真正的风味 20分 营养 选用的原料营养价值高、营养搭配创新 25分 创新 装饰独特、名称有特别寓意 10分 博苑新田幼儿园美食节购物券 * * 区 1、本餐饮券只能在当区使用。 2、每券任选两样,每样一份。 最终解释权归博苑新田幼儿园所有 桂圆薏米粥:桂圆、薏米、冰糖少许——滋阴补虚 , 气通脉下 , 安神利尿 清香南瓜汁:南瓜——保护消化道粘膜,防止动脉硬化,保护视力 胡萝卜玉米粥:胡萝卜丁、甜玉米粒、薏米——清理肠胃 玉米鸡蛋羹:玉米碴、鸡蛋、砂糖少许 红薯腊八粥:红薯、黄小米、糯米、高粱米、红小豆、莲子、花生米、红枣——润肺、 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 博苑新田幼儿园 合胃 猪蹄黄豆汤:黄豆芽、猪手、生姜——强筋健骨 紫米小刺猬:面粉、紫米粉、鸡蛋、白糖、绿豆、牛奶 章鱼小馒头:面粉、芝麻、鸡蛋、白糖、牛奶 小花篮:面粉、豆沙、白糖、牛奶 南瓜馅饼:南瓜、面粉、鸡蛋、红糖、牛奶 葱丝肉末卷:葱丝、肉末丁、面粉、鸡蛋 发面牛肉包:面粉、发酵粉、芹菜、香菜、葱、姜末、胡椒粉、香油 萝卜丝发面包:白萝卜、木耳、葱、姜、肉 葱油饼:葱花、五香粉、面粉 什锦蔬菜煎饼:火腿、黄瓜、胡萝卜、鸡蛋、葱丝 腰果花生西芹:斜刀西芹、花生、腰果、胡萝卜、葱、姜、淀粉汁 鸡蛋炒茭瓜:茭瓜、鸡蛋、胡萝卜、蒜瓣、香菜 鲜虾白菜炖豆腐:鲜虾、白菜、豆腐、胡萝卜、香菜、葱丝、姜丝、蒜瓣 素炒三片:莴笋、胡萝卜、山药、蒜瓣、姜丝 五彩鸡丁:鸡肉、香菇、红绿椒、玉米粒、胡萝卜 萝卜海带黄豆炖大骨:绿萝卜、海带根、黄豆芽、胡萝卜、香菜、葱丝、姜丝、蒜瓣 番茄炒花菜:番茄、花菜、香菜、葱丝、姜丝、蒜瓣 豆皮甘蓝丝:紫甘蓝、豆腐皮、香菜、蒜瓣、花椒、葱末、胡萝卜 芸豆花肉炖土豆:花肉、豆角、土豆、葱丝、姜丝、花椒、大料、胡萝卜 清蒸排骨:排骨、蒜瓣、胡萝卜、红绿椒、葱丝、姜片 香烤鸡翅:鸡翅、生抽、料酒、葱丝、蒜瓣、姜片、胡萝卜 新田珍珠肉丸:肉末、钙奶饼干、玉米粒、糯米、胡萝卜丁、葱丝、鸡蛋 水煮鲜虾:鲜虾、葱丝、蒜瓣、姜片、香菜 紫菜包饭:海苔、黄瓜、鸡蛋丝、火腿、腌萝卜、红豆沙 五彩水饺:菠菜汁、胡萝卜汁、紫甘蓝汁、 葱丝萝卜:绿萝卜、胡萝卜、葱丝(浇油)、香菜、芝麻 杂蔬拌木耳:青椒、胡萝卜、洋葱、醋、蒜、香菜、木耳 香干菠菜塔:豆腐干、菠菜、粉丝、蒜、芝麻、白醋 温拌莴笋:莴笋、胡萝卜、葱、姜、蒜、红椒 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was
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