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英语专业四级辅导 卷面形式及考试时长 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORSTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS [130MIN] -GRADE FOUR- PART I     DICTATION [15 MIN ] PART II    LISTENING COMPREHENSION [15 MIN] SECTION A CONVERSATIONS (1- -10) SECTION B PASSAGES (10--20) SECTION C NEWS BROAOCAST (20--30) PART III CLOZE (31—50) [15 MIN] PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (51-80) [15 MIN] PART V   READING COMPREHENSION  (81-90) [25 MIN ] PART VI WRITING  [45 MIN.] SECTION A COMPOSITION  [35 MIN] SECTION B NOTE-WRITING    [10 MIN] III 完型填空(Part III: Cloze)   1. 测试要求: (a )能在全面理解所给短文内容的基础上,选择一个最佳答案使短文意思和结构恢复完整. (b)考试时间15分钟 2.测试形式: 本部分采用多项选择题.在一篇约250个单词 题材熟练难度中等的短文中留出20个空白.每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项.填空的词涉及语法和词汇.   3.测试目的: 测试学生的综合语言知识和能力 IV.语法与词汇. (Part IV: Grammar and Vocabulary)   1. 测试要求: ( a) 掌握并能运用<<大纲>>规定的一至四级语法内容. (b) 掌握<<大纲>>规定的基础阶段认知词汇(5500-6000),并且能正确 熟练地运用其中的 3000-4000个单词及其最基本的搭配 (c) 考试时间15分钟  2.测试形式: 本部分采用多项选择题.共30道题,每题有四个选项.题目中约50%为词汇词组和短语用法题,其余为语法结构题.   3.测试目的: 测试学生掌握词汇短语及基本语法概念的熟练程度.   语法考查项目 1 从句及其引导词 2 非谓语动词 3 虚拟语气 4 情态动词 5 动词时态、语态 6 限定词(不定代词) 7 倒装 8 主谓一致 9 句子结构 词汇考查形式 1 单词辨析 1)形近词辨析 2)义近词辨析 2 短语辨析 3 词汇搭配 4 词的用法 完形填空应试策略 完形填空与单选相同之处:①词汇知识 ②语法知识 完形填空与单选不同之处: ①篇章→上下文确定答案,而非单句确定 ②篇章→逻辑关系→承接词 a句与句之间 b段与段之间 c意群与意群之间 篇章作用→词汇群→1词汇复现①原词复现 ②同义、近义词复现 ③反义词复现 ④同源词复现 ⑤上义词复现:概述词 下义词复现:分述词 2 场所同现 3 修饰同现 4 因果同现 5 结构同现 一 注意词汇知识的运用 完形填空中对词的考查以实词为主,如名词、形容词、动词、副词等.其中有相当一部分词汇题中各个选项之间并无大的联系.这类题要求考生应从上下文的语义入手,根据各选项单词的意思和结构进行选择. 二 运用篇章知识 一个完整的语篇,一篇内容充实、结构合理、行文流畅的短文所依赖的不只是词汇和语法,更多的是篇章技巧。作者借助于篇章技巧成文,考生在复现作者的语言时同样可以借助篇章技巧。完形填空毕竟不同于单项选择,作为一个意思连贯、结构完整的语篇,其中篇章技巧的使用是完形填空解题中至关重要的手段。 1运用词汇复现技巧 复现有原词复现、同义词复现、反义词复现、概括词复现等。完形 填空中,考生可以利用上下文的复现信息,确定正确的表达方式。 2 运用词汇同现技巧 同现指意义上相互联系的单词同时出现在同一语篇当中。一个语篇,一个话题,要求与之相联的词汇。由于单词意义的差别、所使用的语域不同,因此所适应的上下文也各有别。为了保证语篇的和谐性、得体性,有必要以话题为中心,了解相关单词组成的词汇链。 三 逻辑关系 一个完整的语篇应该是符合逻辑的,文章逻辑关系的取得主要靠转承语的使用。正确使用转承语,是保证文章连贯和谐,保证文章逻辑的有效手段。作者利用转承语保证文章的逻辑,考生在做完形填空时通过自己对上下文的理解,找到适当的逻辑关系,然后选择正确的转承语,因此有必要掌握转承语的用法。 完形填空的目的不是阅读,而是根据阅读掌握的信息恢复写作的原貌。从转承语上来说,即要求考生根据文章的语义发展和逻辑关系,确定适当的词语。 转承语与连词不同。连词一般是句子层面上的东西,要求考生所理解的是一句中主从句之间的语义联系,而转承语要求考生掌握的是语篇层面上的东西,考生需根据语篇上下文的逻辑关系才能确定适当的表达发方式。因此,在转承语的选择上,考生要仔细阅读文章的上下文内容,从整体上去把握。 四 根据文章类型结构解答完形填空 完形填空多以说明文和议论文为主,说明文、议论文一般采用分类、比较对照、因果、例证等方式谋篇。正确把握文章的结构类型有助于文章的理解,也因此有助于完形填空的解答。完形填空的任务是在正确理解短文的基础上再现作者的语言表达方式,为此,考生应注意加强文章谋篇布局的分析。 段落类型的知识不仅有利于短文的理解,帮助考生掌握文章的语义发展逻辑,掌握文章的细节内容,考生也可以根据段落类型所提供的信息确定完形填空的选项。 1 根据段落类型确定适当的转承语 2 根据段落类型寻找复现、同现信息 3 从段落类型入手把握文章内容 完形填空首先是阅读理解。如果考生能了解段落的结构模式,对掌握文章的具体内容是十分有帮助的。 :完形填空能力的提高以语言知识、词汇知识、句法知识、语法知识、篇章结构知识为基础。在平时的词汇学习中应注意以话题为中心,培养词汇的同现意识。另外,在进行阅读时注意分析各类文章的叙事逻辑,同时加强写作训练。语言能力的发展是一个综合能力发展的过程,听说读写一项不可偏废。 语法知识 一、虚拟语气Subjunctive mood 虚拟语气:表示说话人的主观愿望、假设、怀疑或推测等 (一)虚拟语气在简单句中的用法 1 虚拟语气可用在口语中,使语气显得比较客气委婉。通常谓语由“should, would, could, might加动词原形”构成 1)陈述自己的看法 I should like to have a talk with you. I would like to say a few words about it. 2)提出请求或邀请 Would you mind opening the door? Could you come and see me tomorrow? 3)提出建议或劝告 You might as well tell me the truth. You’d like some coffee, wouldn’t you? 4)提出问题 What would you advise me to do? Could you tell me your telephone number? 2 虚拟语气可用于简单句中,表示祝愿、诅咒、禁止或命令等 1)用动词原形 Long live the Communist Party of China! 中国共产党万岁! God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你! God damn you! 该死的! Heaven forbid! 上天不容! Somebody fetch a basin of water. 谁去打盆水来。 Everybody come in! 大家都近来! 2)may用于句首,动词用原形 May you be happy! May you succeed! (二)虚拟语气在if条件状语从句中的用法 1对现在情况假设,即与现在事实相反 主句--情态v.+ v.原形 从句--v.过去式(be→were) 2对过去情况假设, 即与过去事实相反 主句--情态v.+ have done(v.现在完成式) 从句--had done (v.过去完成式) 3对将来情况假设,即将来不太可能实现的情况 主句--情态v.+ v.原形 从句--①v.过去式(be→were) ②should + v.原形 ③were to + v.原形 虚拟语气中常用情态动词为:would, should, might, could Eg. If they had time, they would study Russian, too. If I were you, I should go and see the doctor at once. I could have met her if I had come a few minutes earlier. If she hadn’t got up late, she wouldn’t have been late for school. If it rained tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off. If it should rain tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off. If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off. ① 省if 在书面语和正式文体中,从句中有were, should, had 可省if,把were, should, had放/提到主语之前。 Eg. If it were not for their support, we would be in a very difficult position. →Were it not for their support, we would be in a very difficult position. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. →Had I left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. If it should rain tomorrow, what would we do? →Should it rain tomorrow, what would we do? ② 错综时间 有时候,条件从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作,发生的时间是不一致的(如一个是过去发生的,一个是现在发生的)。这种句子被称为错综时间条件句(Conditional Sentence of Mixed Time)。这时主、从句中谓语动词的形式应按各自时间变化。 Eg. If you had seen the doctor in good time, you would be quite all right now. If we hadn’t repaired the roof last summer, the living room would be wet now. (三)wish宾语从句 用在wish后的宾语从句中,表示不可实现的愿望。 主句通常为I wish, 从句用下列形式: 1与现在事实相反,即目前未能实现的愿望 从句--v.过去式(be→were) 2与过去事实相反,即过去未能实现的愿望 从句 --①had done(v.过去完成式) ②情态v.+ have done(动词的完成式) 3将来不太可能实现的愿望 从句--情态v. + v原形 注:①如果将wish改为wished,that从句的动词形式不变; ②动词hope的that从句用陈述语气,而不用虚拟语气。 Eg. I wish I were young again. Sometimes I wish I were living in a different time and a different planet. I wish you had told me sooner. I wish you would have called yesterday. I wish they would tell us the truth. (四)特殊v.后的宾语从句中 特殊v.为表示“命令、建议、要求、请求、坚持”等意义的动词;宾语从句中动词形式为:(should) + v.原形 这些动词常见的有:ask, require, request, suggest, propose, order, advocate, agree, command, demand, direct, insist, advise, prefer, second, urge, move, recommend, permit, allow, intend, desire, beg, forbid, decide, arrange etc. Eg. He suggested that we should start at once. Would you prefer that I ___ with you? A am going to fishing B will go fishing C would go fishing D go fishing We desire that the tour leader ____ us immediately of any change in plans. A inform B informs C informed D had informed 1 上述动词的名词后的同位语从句或表语从句中也要求相同形式的虚拟语气。 advice, agreement, requirement, request, suggestion, proposal, order, demand, insistence, preference, second, urge, motion, recommendation, permission, intention, desire, etc. Eg. His suggestion was that we should start at once. The order soon came that all civilians should evacuate the village. We knew his insistence that he do the work himself. I second Mr. Green’s motion that the meeting be put off until next week. 2上述动词的形容词后的that主语从句也要求相同形式的虚拟语气。 advisable, desirable, preferable, urgent, … It is advisable that you (should) go to see a doctor. It is desirable that you (should) speak the language fluently. 3 上述动词的被动式引出的主语从句中也要求相同形式的虚拟语气。 It is decided that…. It is arranged that…. Eg. It is recommended that the project ____ until all the preparations have been made. A not be started B will not be started C is not started D is not to be started (五)as if/as though引导的方式状语从句中 真实方式状从:He looks as if he is young. (He is really young.) 虚拟方式状从: 1与现在事实相反 从句—v.过去式(be在一、三人称后可用was/were,通常用were较多) 2与过去事实相反 从句—v.过去完成式(had done) 3与将来事实相反,即将来不太可能发生 从句--情态v. (might) + v. 原形 Eg. He talks as if he were a scholar. (In fact, he is not a scholar.) He speaks as if he had seen it with his own eyes. (Actually, he didn’t see it at all.) It looks as if it might rain. (六)lest, for fear that, in case (惟恐、以免、以防)引导的目的状语从句中 从句中谓语动词用should + v. 原形 lest 引导的目的状从中,should 常可省略 in case 引导的目的状语从句有真实和虚拟两种,真实条件句中不用虚拟语气。例如:Take an umbrella in case it rains. Eg. I’ll be kind to her lest she decide to leave me. He jotted the name down for fear that he should forget it. Here’s some money in case you should need it. He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain. I had to restrain him lest he should give us away.(约束;暴露) He put his coat over the child for fear that /lest he should catch cold. He burned all the important documents for fear that they should fall into the enemy’s hands. I’ll keep a seat for you in case you should change your mind. (七)whatever, whoever, no matter what之类代词或副词(词组)引起的让步状语从句中,从句谓语动词多用may加动词原形构成。 Whatever defects he may have, he is an honest man. I won’t let you in whoever you may be. No matter what you may say, I am determined to do what I think is right. Come what may, we will go ahead. 这时如果指的是一个过去的动作,may后面的动词就要用完成式。 The party was a success, however inadequate the preparations may have been. You mustn’t be proud, however much you may have achieved. (八)在It is + adj./n. + that…等结构后的主语从句中 从句谓语动词用should 加动词原形,should 可省略。(如果动作是过去发生的,可用should 加动词的完成式。)这里的形容词表示“重要性、必要性、可能性、命令、请求、建议”等 常见词有:important, essential, vital, necessary, imperative, natural, strange, proper, advisable, desirable, preferable, urgent, incredible, it is a pity, it is a shame, it is no wonder, … It is imperative that we should practice criticism and self-criticism. It is essential that these application forms be sent back as early as possible. It is vital that enough money be collected to fund the project. It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings. It seems incredible that he should have finished the work so soon. It is quite natural that such fears should arise. It is a great pity that he should be so conceited.(自大) (九)特殊句型 1 It is + (high/very/about) time + that 从句,从句中谓语动词用过去式。 It’s about time that class began. It’s high time they were taught a lesson. 2 S. + would sooner/ would just as soon/ would rather/ had rather + that 从句 ①从句中谓语动词用过去式 I would rather you came tomorrow/you didn’t do that. ②从句中虚拟语气的形式与wish之后的that从句相同 (注意:在would rather后的从句中,过去式可用于表示现在或将来情况的虚拟语气) I’d rather (that) he had been here yesterday. I’d rather he were here now. I’d rather he would be here tomorrow. I’d rather you came next weekend. I would (just) as soon that he had not spoken rudely to me. 3 用于表示惊奇、喜悦、怀疑、不满等意义的形容词后的状语从句中,从句中谓语动词用should加动词原形或完成式。 I am sorry, we were surprised, they were disappointed, … I’m sorry that he should say so. I’m surprised that I should be accorded such a hearty welcome. (十)其它词或短语引导虚拟语气 1 If only + 从句 1​ 与现在事实相反 从句—v.过去式(be 用were) 2​ 与过去事实相反 从句—v.过去完成式。 3​ 与将来事实相反,即将来不太可能实现 从句--情态v. + v.原形 Eg. If only I had a million dollars/I were a millionaire. If only I hadn’t lost it/I had studied computer at college. If only I would go abroad. 2 But for + n. (短语)及without + n. (短语)结构中,主句用虚拟语气。 ①与现在事实相反,主句谓语动词用情态v. + v. 原形 ②与过去事实相反,主句谓语动词用情态v. + v. 现在完成式(have done) but for=if it were not for / if it had not been for but that=but for the fact that… but for后面接名词,but that后面接从句,二者均表示“要是没有…” 的意思。 Eg. Without air there would be no life at all. But for your help, we couldn’t have finished the task on time. But that I saw it, I could not have believed it. She would have fallen but that I caught her. 3 事实陈述句 + or/otherwise/or else +虚拟句 ①与现在事实相反,主句谓语动词用情态v. + v. 原形 ②与过去事实相反,主句谓语动词用情态v. + v. 现在完成式(have done) Eg. I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the parade. 二、非谓语动词 非谓语动词既有非动词特征,又有动词特征。 非动词特征: 不定式—具有n. adj. adv. 的特征,在句中担任除谓语外任何成分; 动名词—具有n. 特征,在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、表语; 分词—具有adj. adv. 特征,在句中可作主语、表语、宾补、状语; 动词特征:有语态和部分时态的变化;可以有自己的宾语和状语,同其宾语和状语一起构成短语;还可有逻辑主语 区别:动名词—名词;习惯性动作 不定式—将来;一次性动作 分词:现在分词—动作正在进行;表主动 过去分词—动作已经完成;表被动 (一)不定式 1 形式: to + v.原形 否定式:not to do 主动形式:一般式—to do 进行式—to be doing 完成式—to have done 完成进行式—to have been doing 被动形式:一般式—to be done 完成式—to have been done 1)一般式:不定式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,或者 在谓语动词表示的饿动作之后发生。 I’m glad to see you.(同时发生) They invited us to come to a party.(不定式动作后发生) 2)完成式:不定式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前 I’m glad to have seen your mother. = I’m glad that I have your mother. The enemy was reported to have surrendered. = It was reported that the enemy had surrendered. 3)进行式:谓语动词表示的动作发生时,不定式表示的动作正在进行。 They are said to be building another bridge over the river. = It is said that they are building another bridge over the river. 4)完成进行式:在谓语动词表示的动作发生前,不定式表示的动作一直在进行。 They are said to have been collecting folk songs there. = It is said that they have been collecting folk songs there. ⊙关于不定式的时态,考试中主要测试一般式、进行式和完成式的区 别,多数试题将正确答案设置在完成式上。为了更好地理解和掌握 这一语法测试点,研读和比较下列句子。 They expected their son to do well in the examination. They expected their son to be doing well during the examination. They expected their son to have done well in the examination. 2 不定式作用 ①作主语 Eg. To master a foreign language is not easy. →It’s not easy to master a foreign language. It’s the greatest happiness of life to love and to be loved. 注:不定式(短语)作主语通常转化成It + is/was + adj./n. + 不定式(短语) 其中it 是形式主语(form subject),真正的主语是后面的不定式(短语) ②作表语 Eg. Her wish is to be a teacher. She seems to be happy. ③作宾语 Eg. He loved to listen to music. I find it difficult to speak English fluently. 下列及物动词要求不定式作宾语: afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, care, choose, decide, desire, demand, determine, help, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, strive, tend, wish, … ④作定语 Eg. He is the best man to consult with. There is a lot of work to do. 注:不定式通常作后置定语,而且vi.后要加介词 ⑤作状语 a目的状语 Eg. I started early so as to /in order to get there before dark. so as to 和in order to 是不定式的强调形式 so as to用在句中 in order to 用在句中或句首 否定形式:not to do so as not to do in order not to do b原因状语 Eg. We are proud to be members of this team. We jumped with joy to hear of the good news. c结果状语 Eg. He is too young to go to school. He is old enough to go to school. I hurried to the railway station only to find that the train had left. He behaved so foolishly as to make me think that he is out of his senses. His story is so sad as to arouse our sympathy. so as to / such as to so …as to/such …as to so/such 区别:so + adj. such + n. so/such排序:so + adj. + a/an + n. such + a/an + adj. + n. Eg. Hers is such a sad story as to arouse our sympathy. Hers is so sad a story as to arouse our sympathy. Her story is such as to arouse our sympathy. ⑥作补语 a宾补 Eg. China expects everyone to do his duty. I could make them understand me. 补:要求不定式作宾补的动词:ask, tell, want, expect, invite, allow, forbid, force, oblige, urge, advise, persuade…sb. to do sth. 要求省to不定式作宾补的动词:make/have/let sb. do sth. help sb. to do sth. 主语不直接参与动作 help sb. do sth. 主语直接参与动作 Eg. This kind of soap will help us to wash the clothes more easily. They always help me do my homework. b主补 Eg. We were made to pay the money. A man was seen to enter the house. 注:主被动语态转换 S. make sb. do sth.→sb. be made to do sth. S. saw a man enter the house.→A man was seen to enter the house. S. saw a man entering the house.→A man was seen entering the house. 3 结构与考点 ①否定式 You must promise never to do that again. ② 疑问词+不定式(作主语、宾语、宾补、表语) 介词+疑问词+不定式(作状语) Eg. Where to stay has not been decided yet.(主语) She doesn’t know what to do.(动词宾语) He had no idea of how to do.(介词宾语) I ask him where to get this book.(宾语补足语) The question is which to choose.(表语) I want a room with big windows, through which to see the sea.(状语) ③复合结构:for sb. to do sth. It is + adj./n. + for/of sb. to do sth. (当形容词为表示“性格特征或行为表现”的形容词时,介词用of,如kind, wrong, polite, wise…) Eg. The book is too difficult for the students to read. There is no need for her to come. It’s difficult for us to learn English well. It’s kind of you to help me with my English. ④独立结构:作插入语,表示说话人的看法or态度 Eg. To be frank (with you), I don’t care much for your project. They are, so to speak, grown up boys.(可以这么说) He is not a bad man, to be sure.(固然) to be honest with you; to tell you the truth; ⑤分离不定式:在to与v.原形之间插入adv. Eg. She prepared to silently accompany him. 4 省略不定式符号to的情况(省to不定式即动词原形) ①had better/had best (not) do would rather/would sooner do sth. than do sth. would just as soon do sth. as do…(宁愿…也不愿 …) may /might (just) as well do…(还是…好;还不如…;不妨…) can not but do…(不能不;不得不) Eg. I would just as soon stay as go with him. We may as well begin at once. You may as well tell the truth. We might just as well stay at home. I can not but admire his courage. ②感官动词或使役动词+宾语+动词原形宾补 make /have /let + sb./sth. + do 常见感官动词:see, hear, watch, notice, observe, listen to, look at, feel etc. [注:make/have + sb./sth. + done] ③若连词(than, as)或介词(except, but)前有do的某种形式,省to;反之则不省 Eg. He did not so much as say he was sorry. I did no more than make a beginning. I have no choice but to accept the fact. I did nothing but/except repair the farmtools. My dog does everything except speak. ④作表语的不定式,若主语中有do的某种形式,可省to也可不省. Eg. All I did was (to) hit him on the head. The only thing we can do is (to) encourage him to try again. The only thing to do is (to) encourage him to try again. What I’ll do is (to) tell her the truth. (二)动名词 1 形式:v-ing 否定形式:not v-ing 主动形式:一般式 v-ing 完成式 having done 被动形式:一般式 being done 完成式 having been done 复合结构:one’s doing 2 作用 ①作主语 Eg. Seeing is believing. There is no denying this. It’s no use/good/useless crying over the spilt milk. ②作表语 Eg. His hobby is collecting stamps. ③作宾语 动词宾语 I have finished reading the book. 介词宾语 She is very fond of dancing. ④宾补 He called this robbing Peter to pay Paul. Do you find staying here interesting?→ Do you find it interesting staying here? 动名词作宾补经常转换成: vt.(谓语) + it(形式宾语) + v-ing(动名词短语为真正的宾语) ⑤定语 动名词作定语,说明人或物的性能or用途 现在分词作定语,表明动作进行,是主谓关系 Eg. sleeping pills a sleeping child 3 结构及考点:否定式和复合结构 ①否定式 not v-ing ②复合结构: 名词所有格或物主代词+动名词(作主语或宾语) 名词通格或代词宾格+动名词(非正式文体或语中) Eg. It’s no use buying books but not reading them. His/Him going there won’t help much. John’s/John coming here will get us out of trouble. I don’t remember his/him giving me back that dictionary. I don’t remember my wife’s/wife complaining about prices. I heard of Miss Mary’s/Mary coming back. 附录: 1有些动词后需接动名词作宾语:anticipate, appreciate, involve, remember, forget, forgive, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, regret, avoid, consider, discuss, encourage, finish, like, love, resist, delay, admit,risk, resume, suggest, advise, allow, permit, deny, dislike, favor, fancy, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, leave off, overlook, miss, pardon, postpone, practice, put off, prevent, prohibit, quit, recommend, require, resent, recall, tolerate, understand, stop, … approach to doing, be busy doing, object to doing, feel like doing, can’t help doing, prefer doing A to doing B,… 2有些介词和形容词后需接动名词作宾语: approach to doing, on the point of doing, busy doing, object to doing, feel like doing, there is (no) point in doing… 3 有些句式要求动名词作宾语 It’s no use/good doing… It’s useless doing… ⊙there to be和there being作介词宾语时的区别 there to be和there being都是there be的非谓语形式,并且都可以作介词宾语,二者在作介词宾语时的唯一区别在于:如果介词是for,则后面接there to be;如果是其它介词,则后面接there being。 It was unusual for there to be so few people in the street. John was relying on there being another opportunity. (三) 分词 1形式 ①现在分词 一般式:v-ing 否定式: not v-ing 主动一般式: doing 主动完成式: having done 被动一般式: being done 被动完成式: having been done ②过去分词 一般式: v-ed 否定式: not v-ed 被动一般式: v-ed/done ③独立(主格)结构: (with) + n./pron. + 分词 2作用 ①作表语 My pencil was broken. (过去分词作表语→主语状态) Her speech was quite stirring. (现在分词作表语→主语性质) ②作定语 A lost opportunity never returns. The woman sitting at the desk is his secretary. The material used is cement. 注:分词(短语)作定语可以转化成定语从句 ③作状语:分词(短语)作状语,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致 a时间状语 (When) Seeing the professor, the students smiled and said good morning to him. (When) Seen from the hill, the city looks beautiful. b原因状语 Being ill, he stayed at home. Convinced of the accuracy of the data, I stuck to my opinion. c条件状语 Working hard, you’ll succeed. United, we stand; divided, we fall. d让步状语 Working very hard, he did not feel a little tired. Though beaten by the opposite team, the players did not lose confidence. (连词though→加强语气) e结果状语 A letter has just come, relieving her from anxiety. New machines were installed, thus/thereby resulting in an increase in production. (thus/thereby→加强语气) f方式状语 Traveling by car, the students visited many places. Armed with Marxism-Leninism, the Party solved the problems one after another. g伴随状语 The teacher, followed by some students, went onto the classroom. They stayed at home all day, giving the house a thorough cleaning. ④补语 a宾补 I am sorry I have kept you waiting. I have my hair cut once a month. (谓语v.多为使役v.和感官v.) b主补 She was seen going up stairs. The work was left half done. 3结构与考点 ①分词短语作状语(其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致) Having worked for an hour, he didn’t feel tired yet. (现在分词working的现在完成式) Having been questioned for an hour, he admitted having stolen the money. (过去分词questioned的现在完成被动式) (having stolen为动名词现在完成式) ⊙现在分词与过去分词作状语时的区别 一般说来,现在分词与过去分词作句子状语时的主要区别在于: 现在分词表示主动的意思,而过去分词表示被动的意思。 Please fill in this form, giving your name, address, etc. He stood there, surrounded by
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