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1MA31-CON 專利英文12  Arbitration(n.) 仲裁4  Article of Manufacture 製品  as a whole 整體權利範圍5assessed as a whole 整體評估  Asexual reproducetion (n.) 無性繁殖  Sexual reproduction(有性繁殖) cell division(分裂繁殖)、fragmentation(斷裂繁殖)、pore formation(孢子繁殖)  Assignment (n.) 讓與absol...
專利英文12  Arbitration(n.) 仲裁4  Article of Manufacture 製品  as a whole 整體權利範圍5assessed as a whole 整體評估  Asexual reproducetion (n.) 無性繁殖  Sexual reproduction(有性繁殖) cell division(分裂繁殖)、fragmentation(斷裂繁殖)、pore formation(孢子繁殖)  Assignment (n.) 讓與absolute assignment(無條件轉讓)  Assignee (n.) 受讓人  Attorney-client Privilege 律師與當事人間的特權6 4 仲裁係指產生糾紛或爭議的雙方,合意將該紛爭交由第三人裁斷。專利紛爭並非 均可用仲裁決定;符合「依法得和解者」與「無涉公權力」兩個要件者,當事人 才能交由仲裁來判斷與解決。WIPO仲裁中心(WIPO Arbitration Center)並不限 制使用者之國籍和住所,故世界上的任何個人、企業及國家機關和其他具有法人 資格者皆得利用WIPO仲裁中心。國內廠商倘發生跨國之智慧財產權糾紛時,具 有快速、跨國性優點的 WIPO仲裁機制,不失為一種值得利用的管道。以 WIPO 仲裁中心的快速仲裁和調解前置型仲裁為例,莫不以迅速解決紛爭、節省費用為 目標,調解前置型仲裁更是必須在六十或九十日內調解成功,否則即自動交付仲 裁,如此即可避免一般法院訴訟的冗長過程。而「效率」對於科技變動快速的專 利領域而言,更是格外重要。 5 以美國現今對於軟體專利的審查為例,其即需就整體權利範圍(as a whole)進行 審查。也就是說,認定一標的是否為適格專利保護標的,必須進行整體評估。 單元二 專利英文常用詞彙及語句 13  Author's certificate (n.) 發明人證書  Auxiliary (adj.) 輔助的、附屬的 6 此制源自美國普通法。其係指,當事人尋求律師見解時,就雙方所談或所溝通的 內容,有免被法庭或對造律師強迫揭露的特權。美國司法實務對此制及其背後法 理,向持肯定與鼓勵看法。 專利英文14  Balancing test 平衡測試法7  Bargain (n.) 協議、協商、議價bargaining (adj.);bargaining in good faith 善 意的協商或議價  BESTBringing Examination and Search Together (專利檢索及審查系統合一)8  Biological Material (n.) 生物物質  Blockbuster (n.) 路障型專利9  Breach of Faith 違反信賴 7 依美國專利實務,與人體有關之發明或創作,可能未符實用性中之道德要求而無 從獲有專利;亦即,若發明或創作乃用以違背公序良俗者,則並不具實用性。不 過,仍有部分美國法院採「平衡測試法」,嘗試於諸般利益間取得平衡,以為判 決。更有部分美國法院完全不採上述道德原則。 8 依歐洲專利現行實務體制,專利檢索及審查乃分散各處,但由於目前所有相關資 料皆已電子化,並無必要予以分開處理。因此,歐洲專利公約修正案(Act Revising the Convention on the Grant of European Patents)乃提出 BEST之制,大幅簡化專 利申請,並增進 EPO之效率。 9 路障型專利,係指製造產品或實施相關技術時,難以或無法不使用的專利。 單元二 專利英文常用詞彙及語句 15  Broadest Reasonable Interpretation 合理的最廣解釋原則10  Business Method Exception 商業除外原則11 10 此為解釋申請專利範圍的原則。所謂合理的最廣解釋,係指於專利審查時,於合 理範圍內,將申請案之申請專利範圍,依說明書作最廣義解釋,再與先前技術(prior art)進行比較,而判斷新穎性與進步性,以盡量使專利與先前技術有所區隔,而 保持專利之有效性。美國專利局於其電腦審查基準中,即規範該局審查委員須就 說明書所揭露部份,給予申請專利範圍「最寬的合理解釋」。 11 過往,美國司法實務曾有此所謂的「商業方法除外原則」,而將商業方法排除於 法定專利標的之範圍外,爾後,實務上始漸漸釐清「商業方法除外」說法乃出於 誤解。「商業方法除外原則」係由司法與專利審查實務上發展而成,難謂有其法 律上之明確依據;就專利法相關法條文義視之,專利法並未對於法定專利標的做 有限制;因而,商業方法只要符合相關可專利性要件,當亦屬於美國專利法第 101 條法定專利標的中之「方法」(process)專利。 專利英文16  CAFCCourt of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院)  Case at bar 系爭案件(正在爭執的這件事)  Catchword (n.) 關鍵字  Cease-and-Desist Letter 敬告函通常用以通知並要求對造立即停止侵權行為並出面 協商解決辦法  Cease & Desist Order 停止及禁止命令12  Central Limitation/Definition 中心界定主義;中心限定原則13 12 此命令用以禁止被控訴之美國國內進口商銷售庫存仿冒產品或禁止其繼續從事 涉案之不法行為,具有「對人效力」,故須針對特定主體而發。違反此命令者, 可課予罰鍰處分。 13 專利權解釋原則之一。此說認為,發明創作是技術思想,而申請專利範圍所用之 文字內容,僅係抽象思想具體化後的典型範例,故對於創作所應有的保護範圍, 當不僅止於文字之有限記載。此種主義下申請專利範圍並非侷限在申請專利範圍 之記載本身,而係以「申請專利範圍」為中心,承認在其外側尚有一定範圍之擴 張空間,即得就其發明要旨藉均等理論予以延伸解釋。此說多為大陸系國家(例 如德、日)所採,優點在於創作發明要旨容易理解,不過可能使得專利權利範圍 不當擴張。 單元二 專利英文常用詞彙及語句 61 Substantial 實質實用性123,Credible 可信實用性124  Specification (n.) 說明書 Patent Specification專利說明書  Sputter (v./n.) 濺射  Stability (n.) 安定性  Standard of obviousness of obtainment process 獲取手段顯著性原則125  State of the Art 當時技藝狀態  Statutory Process Claims 法定方法申請專利範圍  Statutory Product Claims 法定物之申請專利範圍126  Statutory Subject Matter 法定專利標的127  Non-Statutory Subject Matter 非法定專利 123 其係指在現實生活中可實際具體使用者。 124 其係指該技術領域中具一般技術者,就當時技術水準判定該發明內容是否可信。 125 此係對於基因相關發明所採取的進步性與非顯著性之審查標準。 126 關於物之申請專利範圍,依美國專利法第 101條之規定,任何以硬體或硬體與軟 體結合之具體結構或的方式,來主張一有用的機器或製品者,即為「法定之 物」。美國實務上,也有判例支持此等見解。 127 法定專利標的係指專利法上得獲得專利權保護之標的客體。美國專利法實務上曾 將法定專利標的之範圍,解釋為「太陽底下所有人類創作的事物」(Anything under the sun that is made by man),但基於公益考量,美國實務還是合理地限縮 專利英文62 標的128  Substantial Differences 實質上的差異  Substantial Evidence Standard 實質證據標準  Sufficient (adj./n.) 充分(要件)  Summary Judgement 簡要判決、略式審判、簡式判決129  Synergism doctrine 「相乘效果」原則  Synthesize(v.) 合成 composition of matter 合成物 了法定專利標的之範圍,而不給予自然法則以及抽象觀念等專利保護適格性。因 此,專利權保護之範圍,基本上還是趨向於實體有形標的。 128 非法定專利標的係指自然現象、抽象觀念及自然法則等專利法所排除保護之標 的。美國司法實務之所以排除這些標的,乃是因為該等標的應屬一般概念上的「基 本工具」。 129 英美法訴訟上判決的一種形式,當事人請求就無爭議之事實作確定判決,以釐清 本案爭點,並簡化訴訟程序。其適用時機乃一造當事人主張毋須考慮事實問題(亦 即不管事實如何,都不影響結果),其在法律上應當然獲勝(通常是程序上的問 題,例如對造當事人不適格),此種情況下,即可請求法院就該點為簡要判決。 單元二 專利英文常用詞彙及語句 63  Teaching 教示  Technical Contribution 技術上的貢獻  Technical Feature 技術特徵130  Non-Technical Feature 非技術特徵  Temporary Exclusion Order 暫時排除命令131  That which infringes, if later, anticipates, if earlier 「在後,成立侵權;在前,成立先占」原則132  That which invalidates, if earlier, infringes if later 「在前,成立無效;在後,成立侵權」原則133 130 歐洲專利審查將發明之教示,區分為技術特徵及非技術特徵。而技術特徵係指其 可獲致實際或技術性功效(Physical or Technical effects)者,亦即所謂的「技術 上貢獻」。 131 在美國國際貿易委員會專利侵權物品進口案件調查程序終結前,倘有足夠理由認 定具有違反 337條款之情形時,國際貿易委員會得核發此一命令,指示海關暫時 禁止被指控專利侵權的產品輸入美國,避免擴大美國國內產業之損害。 132 美國專利實務上由來已久之原則。被控侵害物包含所主張專利之所有要件成立侵 害者,若出現在所主張專利之前則構成先占(anticipation),亦即具有新穎性。 133 此為「在後,成立侵權;在前,成立先占」原則之相對原則。包含專利之所有要 件可使專利無效之證物,若出現在專利之後則構成侵權。 專利英文64  The American Inventors Protection Act 發明人保護法案134  The best mode 最佳實施例  The context of the patent 專利的前後關係135  The Trilateral Cooperation Office 三方(專利)合作機制136  Tie-in (n.) 搭售(adj. 搭售的、搭配的)  Tissue culture (n.) 組織培養  Transformation (n.) 轉換137 134 美國於 1999年 11月通過該法。該法主要目的,在於進一步保護發明人的權利, 其重要內容包括對於發明推廣服務(Invention Promotion Services)的規範、先發 明抗辯(First-to-Invent Defense)、專利保護期間的延長、同一再審查事由另行起 訴的禁止等規定,同時對美國專利商標局的組織定位亦有所調整。 135 美國最高法院提出使用均等論應考慮的因素,構成均等與否,應考慮專利的前後 關係(the context of the patent)、先前技術與該案的特殊狀況。 136 此機制係由歐洲專利局、日本專利局及美國專利商標局於 1983年成立至今。其 主要目的,在於促進三方關於專利申請、分類及審查實務之意見交流。在此機制 運作下,每年均舉辦一次「三方會議」(Trilateral Conference),增進歐、美、日 對於彼此之了解,或針對特定主題進行比較研析,釐清三方專利體系間之差異。 整體來說,此機制對專利之彼此貼近,頗有貢獻。 137 此為美國最高法院於具體中,就專利保護電腦相關發明被歸納出的所採標準 之一。轉換係指,請求專利保護的是某種產品配合一種程序或特別物質的轉換或 還原(如輸入資料轉換至不同的狀態)。 單元二 專利英文常用詞彙及語句 65  Treaty (n.) 條約  Two Part Test 二步測試法138  Typography (n.) 印刷式樣 138 其為美國專利商標局自 1978年起,為取代「新穎點測試法」,而在諸多具體實務 案例上所逐步發展出的專利審查方式,亦已成為美國專利商標局(於電腦軟體專 利上)最主要之審查依據。尤其是針對電腦軟體方面方法申請專利範圍之審查, 在判斷申請專利範圍是否先佔數學邏輯演算法,還是利用數學邏輯演算法而在其 專業技術領域中具有實際應用,「二步測試法」是為主要的審查方式。 單元四 重要條約節錄 115  Members shall give effect to the provisions of this Agreement. Members may, but shall not beobliged to, implement in their law more extensive protection than is required by this Agreeme- nt, provided that such protection does not contravene the provisions of this Agreement. Members shall be free to determine the appropr- iate method of implementing the provisions of this Agreement within their own legal system and practice.  For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "intellectual property" refers to all categories of intellectual property that are the subject of Sections 1 through 7 of Part II.  Members shall accord the treatment provided for in this Agreement to the nationals of other Members. In respect of the relevant intellectual property right , the nationals of other Members shall be understood as those natural or legal persons that would meet the cr i ter ia for eligibility for protection provided for in the Par is Convent ion 會員應實施本協定之規定。 會員得提供較本協定規定更廣 泛之保護,但不得牴觸本協 定。會員得於其本身法律體制 及程序之內,決定履行本協定 之適當方式。 本協定所稱「智慧財產」係 指第二篇第一節至第七節所保 護之各類智慧財產。 會員應將本協定規定之待遇 給予其他會員之國民。就相關 之智慧財產權而言,所謂其他 會員之國民,係指自然人或法 人,並符合(一九六七年)巴 黎公約、(一九七一年)伯恩 公約、羅馬公約及積體電路智 慧財產權條約規定之保護要件 標的者(設若全體世界貿易組 織會員為前述公約之會員)。 任何會員援引羅馬公約第五條 專利英文116 (1967), the Berne Convention (1971), the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, were all Members of the WTO members of those conventions. Any Member availing itself of the possibilities provided in paragra- ph3 of Article 5 or paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the "Council for TRIPS"). 第三項或第六條第二項規定 者,應依該規定通知與貿易有 關之智慧財產權理事會。 Article 2 Intellectual Property Conventions  In respect of PartsII, III and IV of this Agreement, Members shall comply with Articles1 through 12, and Article 19, of the Paris Convention (1967).  Nothing in PartsI to IV of this Agreement shall derogate from existing obligations that Members may have to each other under the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits. 第 2條 智慧財產權公約 就本協定第二、三、四篇而 言,會員應遵守(一九六七年) 巴黎公約之第一條至第十二條 及第十九條之規定。 本協定第一篇至第四篇之規 定,並不免除會員依巴黎公 約,伯恩公約、羅馬公約及積 體電路智慧財產權條約應盡之 既存義務。 單元四 重要條約節錄 117 Article 3 National Treatment  Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other Members treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own nationals with regard to the protection of intellectual property, subject to the exceptions already provided in, respectively, the Paris Convention (1967), the Berne Convention(1971), the Rome Convention or the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits. In respect of performers, producers of phonog- rams and broadcasting organizat- ions, this obligation only applies in respect of the rights provided under this Agreement. Any Member availing itself of the possibilities provided in Article 6 of the Berne Convention (1971) or paragraph 1 (b) of Article16 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for TRIPS.  Members may avail themselves of the exceptions permitted under paragraph1 in relation to judicial 第 3條 國民待遇 除(一九六七年)巴黎公約、 (一九七一年)伯恩公約、羅 馬公約及積體電路智慧財產權 條約所定之例外規定外,就智 慧財產權保護而言,每一會員 給予其他會員國民之待遇不得 低於其給予本國國民之待遇; 對表演人、錄音物製作人及廣 播機構而言,本項義務僅及於 依本協定規定之權利。任何會 員於援引伯恩公約第六條及羅 馬公約第十六條第一項(b)款規 定時,均應依各該條規定通知 與貿易有關之智慧財產權理事 會。 會員就其司法及行政程序, 包括送達地點之指定及會員境 內代理人之委任,為確保法令 專利英文118 and administrative procedures, including the designation of an address for service or the appointment of an agent within the jurisdiction of a Member, only where such exceptions are necessary to secure compliance with laws and regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement and where such practices are not applied in a manner which would constitute a disguised restriction on trade. 之遵守,而該等法令未與本協 定各條規定牴觸,且其施行未 對貿易構成隱藏性之限制者, 得援用第一項例外規定。 Article 4 Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment With regard to the protection of intellectual property, any advent- age, favour, privilege or immunity granted by a Member to the nationals of any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the nationals of all other Members. Exempted from this obligation are any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity accorded by a Member: (a)deriving from international agreements on judicial assistance or law enforcement of a general nature and not particularly 第 4條 最惠國待遇 關於智慧財產保護而言,一會 員給予任一其他國家國民之任 何利益、優惠、特權或豁免權, 應立即且無條件給予所有其他 會員國民,但其利益、優惠、 特權或豁免權有下列情形之一 者,免除本義務: (a)衍自一般性之司法協助或 法律執行,而非侷限於智慧財 產權之國際協定者; 單元四 重要條約節錄 119 confined to the protection of intellectual property; (b)granted in accordance with the provisions of the Berne Convention (1971) or the Rome Convention authorizing that the treatment accorded be a function not of national treatment but of the treatment accorded in another country; (c)in respect of the rights of performers, producers of phonog- rams and broadcasting organizat- ions not provided under this Agre- ement; (d)deriving from international agreements related to the protect- ion of intellectual property which entered into force prior to the entry into force of the WTO Agreement, provided that such agreements are notified to the Council for TRIPS and do not constitute an arbitrary or unjustif- iable discrimination against nati- onals of other Members. (b)依據(一九七一年)伯恩 公約或羅馬公約之規定,所容 許以另一國家所給予之待遇為 準而授予,而非由於國民待遇 之功能而授予者; (c)關於本協定所未規定之表 演人、錄音物製作人及廣播機 構之權利者; (d)衍自較世界貿易組織協定 更早生效之關於智慧財產保護 之國際協定者;惟此項協定須 通知與貿易有關之智慧財產權 理事會,且不得對其他會員之 國民構成任意或不正當之歧 視。 Article 5 Multilateral Agreements on Acquisition or Maintenance of Protection The obligations under Articles 3 第 5條 取得或維持保護之多邊協定 第三條及第四條規定之義務, 專利英文152 誘引A之踐行期間,或將不經意地(inadvertently) 揭露某些該等資訊。  If either party shall be in default of any obligation hereunder, or shall be adjudged bankrupt, or become insolvent, the other party may terminate this Agreement by giving twenty days’ notice to the other party. "in default" means:  abide by  fail to perform  fulfill one’s obligation  timely comply :fail to perform疏於履行 倘一方疏於(in default)履行合約義務、破產或 無力清償,他方得於 20天前通知該方,終止本 合約。   An application may be expressly abandoned by filing a written declaration of abandonment identifying the application in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. "abandoned" means:  appeal  correct  demand  give up :give up 放棄 在美國專利商標局,專利申請得藉由提出放棄 (abandonment)之書面聲明,而明確地放棄。   The act of consciously inventing and designing a new product that does not infringe the claims of a patent but does substantially the same or a better job than the patented invention is often called:  design dictum  emulate design  design around  design closet  單元五 97年專利師考試試題暨解析 153 :design around迴避設計 所謂「迴避設計」(design around),係指在不 侵害既有專利權申請範圍,卻又能在實質上達成 相同甚或更好的成果的前提下,發明或設計某項 新產品的一種行為。  A " " is a consortium of several companies agreeing to cross-license patent rights.  patent domination  patent pool  patent annuity  patent troll :patent pool專利聯盟 所謂「專利聯盟」(patent pool),乃是數家公司 彼此同意交互授權其專利權的一種聯合型態。  專利英文154 98年專利師考試試題暨解析 甲、申論題部分: 一、Before 1873, bicycles did not have chains and the pedals were attached directly to the front wheel. The first bicycle with a chain was invented by H. J. Lawson. His bicycle was driven by a chain connected to the back wheel. This chain-driven bicycle was called the "safety bicycle" at that time. Please draft the abstract of the "safety bicycle" patent application in English. 【擬答】 An safety bicycle includes a driving section for driving the back wheel, with a drive mechanism using reciprocal pedal motion to propel a pinion gear against a rear gear associated with the back bicycle wheel and rotating the back wheel by a chain connected to the back wheel. 二、Your client's patent application has been rejected by the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) , please advice her available administrative or judicial remedies in English. 【擬答】 In case of dissatisfaction with a rejection decision rendered for an invention patent application, the applicant may, within 60 days from the date the rejection decision is served, apply for re-examination by submitting a statement of reasons. In case of dissatisfaction with a decision rendered for an 單元五 98年專利師考試試題暨解析 155 invention patent application re-examination, the applicant may, within 30 days from the date the decision is served, file an administrative appeal to Ministry of Economic Affairs. If the application is rejected on procedural grounds or on the ground of the ineligibility of the applicant, the applicant may directly appeal for an administrative remedy in accordance with the act. 三、Please translate the following paragraph into English: 專利代理人對於下列案件,不得執行其業務: 本人或同一事務所之專利師或專利代理人, 曾在行政機關或法院任職期間處理之案件。 【擬答】 The patent agent is prohibited from engaging in professional services in the following situations:  Instances where he/she or another patent attorney in his/her firm has previously accepted representation of the same matter from a respondent party to his/her or their client;  Instances where a matter had been previously handled while employed at an administrative institution or the court. 專利英文156 乙、測驗題部分:  According to Article 22, Subsection 3, of the Patent Act, an applicant claiming the application of the causes prescribed under Item 1 or 2 of Article 22, Subsection 2, meaning, claiming the ______ period, shall not only file the application within six months from the date of actual occurrences of the foregoing causes, but also indicate the occurrences and the relevant dates in his/her application and submit evidential documents within the time limit specified by the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO). Choose the one word that best completes the above sentence:  exemption  protection  grace  waiver :grace寬限 依據專利法第 22 條第 3 項,申請人主張第 22 條第 2項第 1款或第 2款情事者,即為主張法定 緩衝期(Grace Period 法定緩衝期),應於其事 實發生之日起 6個月內,提出申請,並敘明事實 及其年、月、日,且應於經濟部智慧財產局指定 期間內檢附證明文件。《參見我國專利法第 22 條之規定》   After the patent period runs out, the invention enters the public ______, which means that anyone can freely produce and sell the invention without paying the prior 
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