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【权威】自考英语语法书 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 Page 1 名师大讲堂名师大讲堂名师大讲堂名师大讲堂 高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点 语语语语 法法法法 知知知知 识识识识 ...
自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 Page 1 名师大讲堂名师大讲堂名师大讲堂名师大讲堂 高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点高等教育自学考试公共英语课程重点 语语语语 法法法法 知知知知 识识识识 北京福来得实用管理培训学校北京福来得实用管理培训学校北京福来得实用管理培训学校北京福来得实用管理培训学校 (内部资料,翻印必究) 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 Page 2 福来得自考英语辅导班——轻松过关金钥匙 一、权威教师+“通关”=学员权益保障 以王振光、胥国红、曲航等多名最具权威的教师授课并与通关班学员签定“通关”, 特设“专家辅导班”,保证过关,不过退费,保障学员利益! 二、独门秘籍——“超觉英语学习法” “超觉英语学习法”是王振光校长通过自身学习并结合多年实践,针对自学考试人员创立的 独特英语教学法。通过对学生记忆能力的训练,在短时间内提高学生英语水平。包括“四维记 忆法”、“一目十行法”和“索引惠顾法”等多项技巧,非常适合成人的英语学习和应试教育。 三、培训模式完整 采用科学的教学体系和完善的教学模式。即“精讲+冲刺+串讲+特色辅导”在系统详尽学 习的同时,掌握一套独特高效的学习方法,使学员迅速提高英语成绩,突破自考分数线。 四、强大的师资阵容: 王振光——自考英语辅导专家 素有“自学考试第一人”之称,是中国首批通过自学考试获得大学文凭者之一,并通过自 学考取北京大学英语硕士,主编出版了 30多专著和教学辅导书,其独创的“超觉英语学习法” 被称为“英语自学考试特别解决”。 现任自考公共英语特别辅导教师并亲自授课。 胥国红:北京航空航天大学副教授 曾参与全国高等教育自学考试公共英语的命题和阅卷工作,熟悉考试大纲和考试要求。具 有多年讲授自考英语和考前辅导的经验,讲课重点突出,注重实效,语言简练生动,符合成人 英语学习的特点,在广大自学考生中享有很高的声望。 现主讲福来得自学考试英语(二) 曲航:北京航空航天大学优秀讲师 多年来一直参与全国高等教育自学考试公共英语(一)的授课和阅卷工作,非常熟悉教材 和考纲,讲课具有内容丰富、针对性强、形式活泼、深入浅出的特点,深受广大自考学生的喜 爱。不少学生展转从各地前来听课,并一致认为“收获颇丰”。 现主讲福来得自学考试英语(一) 传授独家秘籍传授独家秘籍传授独家秘籍传授独家秘籍 快速突破语快速突破语快速突破语快速突破语 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 Page 3 每年上半年每年上半年每年上半年每年上半年、、、、下半年各开一次新班下半年各开一次新班下半年各开一次新班下半年各开一次新班,,,,常年招生常年招生常年招生常年招生!!!! 第一讲第一讲第一讲第一讲 主语主语主语主语 【语法讲解】 主语的位置通常在句首,一般不省略。它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是谓语动词所表示 动作的发出者。例如: 1) The question is difficult. 2) She is difficult to understand. 3) 9483276105 is difficult to remember. 4) To understand his words is difficult. 5) Thinking in such a noise is difficult. 6) That they will leave ahead of time is difficult. 上述的六个例句分别说明了主语的位置、特点及能够担当主语的成分。可以担当主语的有 名词(例如 1)、代词(例如 2)、数词(例如 3)、动词不定式(例如 4)、动名词(例如 5)和 主语从句(例如 6)。 1.名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称: 名词分类 概念 例子 普通名词 某一类某一类某一类某一类人、事物、某种某种某种某种物质 或抽象概念的名称 书 book,音乐 music,朋友 friend 专有名词 特定的特定的特定的特定的某个人、地方或机构 的名称 玛丽 Mary, 巴黎 Paris, 联合国 United Nations 2.代词是用来指代的词。能用来做主语的人称代词有 单数 复数 我 I 我们 we 你 you 你们 you 他 he 她 she它 it 他们 they 3.数词是表示“数量”和“顺序”的词。 4.动词不定式为非谓语动词的一种形式,形式为动词不定式符号 to加动词原形,即 to do (do代表所有动词)。当动词不定式做主语时,往往放在谓语动词的后面,而用 it做形式主语 放在谓语动词的前面。例如上述例句 4还可以改写为:It is difficult to understand his words.其 中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式 to understand his words. 5.动名词为非谓语动词的另一种形式,形式为动词原形加词尾-ing 构成,即 doing (do 代表所有动词)。某些结构中,也可以用 it做形式主语放在句首,而将真正的主语(即动名词 放到句尾)。例如 It is no use asking her advice. 6.主语从句指的是在句子中做主语的名词从句。按英语的习惯,有些句子可以把 it放在 句首做形式主语,而将真正的主语-主语从句放在句子的后面。例如 It is well known to all of us that the moon moves round the earth. 【特别提示】 1) 祈使句的主语(you)经常省略;如:(You)Open the door, please. 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 Page 4 2) 动名词,不定式和从句做主语时,谓语动词为单数。如上述例句中的 4、5、6。 【强化练习】 判断下列各句的主语的位置及性质: 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 5 1) Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language. 2) He is very strict. 3) What they want is money. 4) Even a child can do it. 5) It is kind of you to say you like it. 6) It is still a question whether she will join us. 7) 1000 miles is a long distance. 8) It is no use asking her advice. 9) The milk remains fresh for a week. 10) To take care of so many children is not an easy job. 【练习解析】 1) 主语是动名词短语 Reading aloud; 2) 主语是代词 He; 3) 主语是主语从句What they want; 4) 主语是名词 a child; 5) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式 to say you like it; 6) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的主语从句 whether she will join us; 7) 主语是数词 1000 miles; 8) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动名词短语 asking her advice; 9) 主语是名词 The milk; 10) 主语是不定式 To take care of so many children。 【巩固练习】(四) 以下各句选自《大学英语自学教程(上册)》,请大家按照上述讲解对主语进行判断和分析。 1) Most adults would disagree with this statement. 2) It is known that bones, muscles and nerves develop faster in baby girls. 3) To tell the difference between the two is not so easy. 4) For some of us, having a family simply means having children. 5) Successful language learners are learners with a purpose. 6) What is accepted as true is often relatively, and not absolutely, true. 7) They are the hardest substance found in nature. 8) 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467, 13, 63. 9) The movie was said to be very interesting. 10) It’s a great honor to be invited to your country. 11) For most adults learning a language is a very difficult task. 12) What to do next will be discussed at the next meeting. 13) Among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory. 14) Look it up in the dictionary. 15) 12 is the number of months in the year. 16) The waiter understood that he didn’t want tea. 17) Advertising is only part of the total sales effort. 18) It is useful to know how these principle work. 19) The solutions to real problems cannot be seen in advance. 20) Success in life often starts with a job we like. 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 6 第一讲【巩固练习】答案 (四) 1) 主语是名词Most adults。 2) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的主语从句 that bones, muscles and nerves develop faster in baby girls.。 3) 主语是不定式 To tell the difference between the two 。 4) 主语是动名词短语 having a family 。 5) 主语是名词 Successful language learners。 6) 主语是主语从句What is accepted as true 。 7) 主语是动词 They。 8) 主语是数词 4671363 。 9) 主语是名词 The movie 。 10) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式 to be invited to your country. 11) 主语是动名词短语 learning a language 。 12) 主语是动词不定式短语What to do next 。 13) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的主语从句 that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory. 14) 祈使句,主语 you被省略了。 15) 主语是数词 12。 16) 主语是名词 The waiter 。 17) 主语是动名词 Advertising。 18) it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语 to know how these principle work. 19) 主语是名词短语 The solutions to real problems 。 20) 主语是名词短语 Success in life 。 第二讲第二讲第二讲第二讲 谓语谓语谓语谓语((((一一一一)))) 时态时态时态时态 (Tense) (Tense) (Tense) (Tense) 一、现在时 【语法讲解】 汉语里,动词没有时态的变化,而是使用时间副词或助词来表示不同的时间或事件的进程 或状态。例如, 1)我每天每天每天每天步行上班。 2)妈妈正正正正在看书。 3)他已经已经已经已经病了三天了。 4)小强从上课开始一直一直一直一直在说话。 而英语的时态主要体现在动词的变化上。所有的动作和状态从时间上看,都可以分为现在、 过去、将来和过去将来,其中现在时间里的四个时态是理解过去、将来和过去将来时间里的时 态的关键。 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 7 现在时(以动词 do为例) 形式 主要用法 一般现在时 do (does) 1.经常或反复发生的动作或存在的状态; 2. 客观事实或普遍真理 现在进行时 am is doing are 现在正在进行的动作 现在完成时 have done has 1.过去开始并持续到现在;2.过去发生的 动作但对现在仍留下某种后果和影响 现在完成进行 时 have been doing has 从过去某一时间开始一直一直一直一直延续到现在的 动作(中间基本无停顿),并且很可能将 继续进行下去 根据表中所述内容,上面列举的四个汉语的例句与相应的英语译文对比如下: 时态 汉语 英语 一般现在时 我每天每天每天每天步行上班。 I walk to work everyday. 现在进行时 妈妈正正正正在看书。 My mother is reading. 现在完成时 他已经已经已经已经病了三天了。 He has been ill for 3 days. 现在完成进行时 他从上课开始一直一直一直一直在说话。 He has been talking since the beginning of the class. 【强化练习】 判断下列句子的时态 1) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 2) Mary is doing her homework. 3) My mother has been ill for three days. 4) I have been looking for you everywhere. 5) They are discussing how to sell the goods elsewhere. 6) My mother works at the same company as my father. 7) She has been waiting for her boss for almost an hour. 8) I have not seen her since 1991. 9) Japan lies to the east of China. 10) What are you doing? 【练习解析】 1) 一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数 the sun,所以两个动词 rise和 set的词尾都加上了 -s; 2) 现在进行时,主语Mary是第三人称单数,所以 be动词采用的是 is; 3) 现在完成时,主语 my mother是第三人称单数,所以助动词 have采用的是 has; 4) 现在完成进行时,主语为第一人称; 5) 现在进行时,主语 they是复数,所以 be动词采用的是 are; 6) 一般现在时,主语 my mother是第三人称单数,所以动词 work的词尾加上了-s; 7) 现在完成进行时,主语 she是第三人称单数,所以助动词 have采用的是 has; 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 8 8) 现在完成时,主语为第一人称; 9) 一般现在时,主语 Japan是第三人称单数,所以动词 lie的词尾加上了-s; 10) 现在进行时,主语为第二人称。 【巩固练习】(五) 1. 判断下列各句的时态: 1) We have been living here for 20 years already. 2) He is reading outside. 3) He has just come back. 4) Light travels faster than sound. 5) I have studied English since I was ten. 6) She studies very hard. 7) It’s been snowing. 8) The teacher is talking with his students. 9) We go there once a week. 10) We’ve been waiting for you. 2. 用括号中动词的适当时态填空 1) I __ (look) for my book all the morning. 2) Tom __ (sing) well. He __ (sing) a song now. 3) I cannot go out because I __ (not, finish) my homework. 4) He can speak two foreign languages. Now he __ (learn) a third one. 5) He usually __ (drink) coffee but today he __ (drink) tea. 6) Mary __ (pass) all her examinations. Let’s have a party and celebrate it. 7) You __ (speak) too fast. I can not understand you. 8) He __ (sleep) since ten o’clock. It’s time for him to get up. 9) My daughter __(watch) TV every other day. 10) I __ (not, see) him for three years. 二、过去时 【语法讲解】 相对于现在时,过去时就是将事件发生的时间向过去推移。下面将现在时和过去时进行对 比: 过去时(以 do为例) 形式 用法 一般式 did (动词过去式) 过去过去过去过去某时发生的动作或状态 进行式 was doing were 过去过去过去过去某一时刻正在进行的动作 完成式 had done(动词过去分词) 1.过去过去过去过去某个时间或某个动作之前之前之前之前 就已经完成已经完成已经完成已经完成的动作;2.过去某个 时间开始延续到过去另一个时间延续到过去另一个时间延续到过去另一个时间延续到过去另一个时间 的动作的动作的动作的动作 完成 进行式 had been doing 过去某个时间以前开始并延并延并延并延续到续到续到续到 过去这个时间过去这个时间过去这个时间过去这个时间的动作 【特别提醒】 动词过去式和过去分词的规则变化为在动词后面直接加-ed,而不规则变化则需要特殊记忆。 【强化练习】 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 9 判断下列句子中黑体字部分黑体字部分黑体字部分黑体字部分的时态 1) He said that he had written her a letter. 2) He lived in London when he was young. 3) The telephone had been ringing for three minutes before somebody answered it. 4) I was doing my homework when he called me. 5) I went to school at six. 6) He often came to help me at that time. 7) Dick had been smoking for ten years before he decided to give it up last year. 8) When I saw her, she was working at the computer. 9) We were surprised at what she had done. 10) I waited until he had finished his work. 【练习解析】 1) 过去完成时,had written表明在 said这个过去的动作之前就已经结束的动作; 2) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作; 3) 过去完成进行时,表明过去开始并延续到 somebody answered it这个时间的动作; 4) 过去进行时,表明在 he called me这一时刻正在发生的动作; 5) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作; 6) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作; 7) 过去完成进行时,表明过去开始并延续到 he decided 这个时间的动作; 8) 过去进行时,表明在 I saw her这一时刻正在发生的动作; 9) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作; 10) 过去完成时,had finished表明在 waited这个过去的动作之前就已经结束的动作。 【巩固练习】(六) 1. 判断下列各句的时态: 1) We had been waiting for her for two hours by the time she came. 2) I was writing a paper in the library at 3 yesterday afternoon. 3) The train had left before we got to the station. 4) He was here just now. 5) She bought the bike two years ago. 6) The old man had been ill for a long time before he died in 1983. 7) I saw him yesterday. 8) It had been raining before you came back. 9) We were having a meeting when he came in. 10) By the end of 1993, this factory had produced 200000 cars. 2. 用括号中动词的适当时态填空 1) When I came, the students __ (do) their homework. 2) The teacher was very angry when he __ (see) what the boys __ (do). 3) When I arrived, the class __ (begin). 4) When the teacher came to the classroom, they __ (do) their homework for an hour. 5) I __ (share) a flat with him when we __ (be) students twenty years ago. 6) She __ (not, pass) the exam yesterday because she __ (not, prepare) her lessons well. 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 10 7) You __ (seem) very busy when I __ (see) you last night. 8) I __ (find) the ring as I __ (dig) the garden. 9) By the time Tom left school, he __ (learn) English and French. 10) He said that he __ (work) at it for half an hour. 三、将来时 【语法讲解】 相对于现在时,将来时就是将事件发生的时间向将来推移。下面将现在时和将来时进行对 比: 将来时(以 do为例) 形式 用法 一般式 shall will work 将来将来将来将来发生的动作或情况 进行式 Shall be working will 将来将来将来将来某一时刻正在进行的动作 完成式 Shall have worked will 将来将来将来将来某个时间或某个动作之前之前之前之前 就已经完成已经完成已经完成已经完成的动作 【特别提醒】 1) 在美国英语中不论是第几人称,将来时都可以用“will +动词原形”。 2) 由于将来完成进行时将来完成进行时将来完成进行时将来完成进行时很少使用,这里将不作介绍。 3) 一般将来时除了有 will (shall)的构成形式之外,还有: A. am (is, are) going to +动词原形,表最近打算去做的事情或可能要发生的事情。 B. am (is, are) about to +动词原形,表示即将发生的动作。 C. am (is, are) to +动词原形,表必须或计划要进行的动作。 【强化练习】 判断下列句子的时态 1) We won’t be free tonight. 2) This time next week she will be working in that company. 3) I’ll have done all the work by the time you are back this evening. 4) They will leave for Beijing tomorrow. 5) We shall be having a business talk with Mr. Brown in a minute. 6) The birds will have moved to the south before winter comes. 7) He is going to meet Mary at the airport. 8) The train will arrive soon. 9) I’ll be waiting for you at school after supper. 10) We hope it will have stopped raining before we set off for the picnic. 【练习解析】 1) 一般将来时; 2) 将来进行时,表明将来某个时间正在发 生的动作; 3) 将来完成时,表明到将来某时间将要完 成的动作; 4) 一般将来时; 5) 将来进行时,表明将来某个时间正在发 生的动作; 6) 将来完成时,表明到将来某时间将要完 成的动作; 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 11 7) 一般将来时; 8) 一般将来时; 9) 将来进行时,表明将来某个时间正在发 生的动作; 10) 将来完成时,表明到将来某时间将要完 成的动作。 【巩固练习】(七) 1. 判断下列各句的时态: 1) He will come and help you. 2) By this time next year, I shall have lived here for 20 years. 3) I’ll be back at 7:30 this evening. 4) By this time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the beach. 5) Hurry up! Or she will have left before we get there. 6) It’s going to rain. 7) The lecture is about to begin. 8) Hurry up! The guests will be arriving at any minute. 9) We are to put up a new school by the river. 10) By the end of this term, the students will have learned 2000 English words. 2. 用括号中动词的适当时态填空 1) I __ (believe) it when I see it. 2) By six this evening, my parents __ (return) from their work. 3) You’d better go back now. Your mother __ (wonder) where you are. 4) I’m sure that you __ (go) with me. 5) The film __ (start) by the time we get there. 6) I’ve reminded you once; I __ (not, do) it again. 7) This shop __ (close) down by next week. 8) When you arrive, I __ (pick) fruit. 9) In a few days’ time, we __ (fly) over the Pacific. 10) By the end of this month, they __ (complete) the road construction. 四、过去将来时 【语法讲解】 过去将来时主要用来表示过去某一时间内将要发生的动作或存在的状态,可以看成时一般 过去时和一般将来时的合并。过去将来时(以 do为例)的形式如下: 1) would (should) do 2) was (were) going to do 3) was (were) about to do 4) was (were) to do 【强化练习】 将下列句子译成汉语 1) He told me that he would see me off at the station. 2) I asked her where she would spend her holiday. 3) They were going to have a meeting. 4) I was about to go out when a friend of mine dropped in. 5) They were to visit the White House that afternoon. 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 12 【练习解析】 1) 他告诉我他要到车站给我送行。 2) 我问她将在什么地方度假。 3) 他们当时正要开会。 4) 我刚要出去,这时我的一个朋友来了。 5) 他们计划那天下午参观白宫。 【巩固练习】(八) 用所给动词的适当时态填空 1) Who __ (invent) the world’s first computer? 2) Language teachers often __ (offer) advice to language learners. 3) Go out and get some fresh air! You __ (sit) there reading all morning. 4) The waiter soon __(bring) him a cup of tea but the Englishman shook his head. 5) Since his father died three years ago, he __ (not, pay) any taxes. 6) Mary told me that she __ (see) you before. 7) When I entered the lab, she __ (make) an experiment. 8) My father went to Shenzhen in 1988 and he __ (work) there ever since. 9) “What are you doing now?” “I __(prepare) my lessons for the final exam.” 10) What __ (happen) here? There is blood on the floor. 第二讲第二讲第二讲第二讲【【【【巩固练习巩固练习巩固练习巩固练习】(】(】(】(五五五五))))答案答案答案答案 1. 判断下列各句的时态: 1)现在完成进行时; 2)现在进行时; 3)现在完成时; 4)一般现在时; 5)现在完成时; 6)一般现在时; 7)现在完成进行时; 8)现在进行时; 9)一般现在时; 10)现在完成进行时。 2. 用括号中动词的适当时态填空 1) have been looking; 2) sings / is singing; 3) have not finished; 4) is learning; 5) drinks / is drinking; 6) has passed; 7) have spoken; 8) has been sleeping; 9) watches; 10) have not seen。 【巩固练习】(六) 1. 判断下列各句的时态: 1)过去完成进行时; 2)过去进行时; 3)过去完成时; 4)一般过去时; 5)一般过去时; 6)过去完成时; 7)一般过去时; 8)过去完成进行时; 9)过去进行时; 10)过去完成时。 2. 用括号中动词的适当时态填空 1) were doing; 2) saw / had done; 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 13 3) had begun; 4) had been doing; 5) shared / were; 6) did not pass / had not prepared; 7) seemed / saw; 8) found / was digging; 9) had learned; 10) had been working。 【巩固练习】(七) 1. 判断下列各句的时态: 1)一般将来时; 2)将来完成时; 3)一般将来时; 4)将来进行时; 5)将来完成时; 6)一般将来时; 7)一般将来时; 8)将来进行时; 9)一般将来时 10)将来完成时。 2. 用括号中动词的适当时态填空 1) will believe; 2) will have returned; 3) is wondering; 4) will go; 5) will have started; 6) will not do; 7) will have closed; 8) will be picking; 9) will be flying; 10) will have completed。 【巩固练习】(八) 用所给动词的适当时态填空 1) invented; 2) offer; 3) have been sitting; 4) brought; 5) has not paid; 6) had seen; 7) was making; 8) has been working; 9) am preparing; 10) has happened。 第三讲第三讲第三讲第三讲 谓语谓语谓语谓语((((二二二二)))) 语态语态语态语态 (Voice) (Voice) (Voice) (Voice) 【语法讲解】 一、形式 汉语里, 我们会听到类似这样的句子: 1)“我打他了。” 2)“他被我打了。” 这两个句子表达的是同样的内容,但第一句强调的是“是我打的他”,而第二句强调的是 “是他挨打了”。两个句子的侧重点有所不同。第一句“我”是主语,谓语“打”这个动作是 “我”发出的,所以第一句在语法上叫做“主动语态”;第二句“他”是主语,“他”是“打” 这个动作的承受者,所以第二句在语法上叫做“被动语态”。与之相对应的英语译文是: 1)I beat him. 2) He was beaten by me. 汉语里的被动语态是通过“被”字体现的,而英语中,被动语态是通过 “be+及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词 的过去分词”的这一形式体现出来的。以动词 do为例,常用的被动语态的各种时态的形式如 下: 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 14 现在时 过去时 将来时 过去将来时 一般 is (am, are) done was (were) done will (shall) be done would (should) be done 进行 is (am, are) being done was (were) being done _____ _____ 完成 have (has) been done had been done _____ _____ 【特别提醒】 1) 被动语态中,助动词 be有时态、人称和数的变化。 2) 能够在被动语态中使用的动词必须是“及物动词”,因为只有及物动词才有宾语,才 能将其宾语转换为被动语态句中的主语。 3) 在被动语态句中,通常不用指出动作的执行者。如果有必要指出,则在句末用介词 by +代表动作执行者的名词或代词来表示。 【强化练习】 判断下列被动语态句的时态 1) Cars are seen everywhere in cities. 2) The work was finally finished. 3) Mary will be invited to dinner tonight. 4) The window has been broken. 5) The classroom is being cleaned by the students. 6) The house had been repaired before he came back. 7) He said that no water would be brought to the river if there was no rain. 8) The program was being broadcasted when he cooked. 【练习解析】 判断被动语态句的时态主要以助动词 be的变化为依据。因此: 1句中 are说明本句是一般现在时; 2句中 was说明本句是一般过去时; 3句中 will be说明本句是一般将来时; 4句中 has been说明本句是现在完成时; 5句中 is being说明本句是现在进行时; 6句中 had been说明本句是过去完成时; 7句中 would be说明本句是过去将来时; 8句中 was being说明本句是过去进行时。 二、主动语态向被动语态的转换 主动语态向被动语态的转换可以分为三步: 1) 确定句子的主、谓、宾; 2) 确定句子的时态; 3) 将主动语态句中的宾语转换为被动语态句中的主语,并要求被动语态句中的助动词 be 在人称和数上与之保持一致。被动语态句的时态与原句一致,原句的谓语动词要变为 过去分词放在助动词 be之后。 例如: People keep all the books in good order in the library. 1) 句子的主语是 people,谓语是 keep,宾语是 all the books; 2) 句子的时态是一般现在时; 3) 将主动语态句的宾语 all the books用作被动语态句的主语,助动词 be变为一般现在时 are, 将 keep变为过去分词 kept。动作执行者 people在被动语态句中可以省略。 自学者在线 http://english.zixuezhe.cn 提供参考资料下载 15 所以,这句话的被动语态的形式为: All the books are kept in good order in the library. 再例如: The police asked each of them about the accident. 1) 句子的主语是 the police,谓语是 asked,宾语是 each of them; 2) 句子的时态是一般过去时; 3) 将主动语态句的宾语 each of them用作被动语态句的主语,助动词 be变为一般过去时 was, ask的过去分词是 asked。动作的执行者 the police可以放在句末,通过介词短语 by the police 来表示。 所以,这句话的被动语态的形式为: Each of them was asked about the accident by the police. 【特别提醒】 1) 含有情态动词的被动语态的结构构成是:情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词。例如: Bad things sometimes can be turned into good things. 2) 短语动词(即动词+介词或副词等)应作为一个整体看待,变为被动语态时不能丢掉构成 短语动词的介词或副词等。例如: The children have been taken good care of by the nurse. 3) 主动语态中若是有双宾语,变被动语态结构时,只将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个宾语 不变。例如: I gave him a watch. 在这个句子中有两个宾语,him(间接宾语)和 a watch(直接宾语)。可以选择间接宾语 him作被动语态中的主语,则这句话的被动语态为:He was given a watch by me. 或者选 择直接宾语 a watch作被动语态中的主语,则这句话的被动语态为:A watch was given to him. 注意注意注意注意::::当直接宾语用作被动语态的主语时,后面保留的间接宾语前有时要加一个介词 to。 【强化练习】 将下列句子改为被动语态 1) Someone had cleaned the window. 2) We use the room only on special occasions. 3) They were starting a new system. 4) You must finish the homework before 9. 5) Somebody has already told him to come. 【练习解析】 1) 句子的主语是 someone,谓语是 had cleaned,宾语是 the window;句子的时态是过去完成 时;将主动语态句的宾语 the window用作被动语态句的主语,助动词 be变为过去完成时 had been,clean的过去分词为 cleaned,动作执行者 someone在被动语态句中可以省略。 所以,这句话的被动语态的形式为:The window had been cleaned. 2) 句子的主语是 we,谓语是 use,宾语是 the room;句子的时态是一般现在时;将主动语态 句的宾语 the room用作被动语态句的主语,助动词 be变为一般现在时 is,us
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