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香港历史博物馆《香港故事》短片简介资料 SCENE 1 : 序場 (字幕) 中華 文化 香江 往事 考驗 經歷 蛻變 發展 盛事 (片名字幕) 香港歷史博物館 SCENE 1 : Opening (Caption) Chinese Culture Hong Kong History Challenges Experiences Transformation ...
SCENE 1 : 序場 (字幕) 中華 文化 香江 往事 考驗 經歷 蛻變 發展 盛事 (片名字幕) 香港歷史博物館 SCENE 1 : Opening (Caption) Chinese Culture Hong Kong History Challenges Experiences Transformation Development Glory (Title) Hong Kong Museum of History SCENE 2 : (字幕) 星光行舊址(1975-1983) (旁白) 香港歷史博物館於一九七五年成立,通過蒐集、 修復、整理、研究與展覽香港及鄰近地區的歷史 文物,從而增進市民對香港歷史文化的認識和興 趣,提高文化質素,培養市民對中國和香港的歸 屬感。 (字幕) 九龍公園舊址 (1983-1998) (旁白) 經過三十多年來不斷的發展和改進,今天的香港 歷史博物館,已是一座綜合性的現代化博物館。 為了因應社會的需求,香港歷史博物館的功能服 務也變得多樣化:設有大型展覽廳、先進的多媒 體設備、現代化的藏品儲存倉庫和各種教育活動 設施。 (旁白) 全面介紹香港歷史文化的常設展覽《香港故事》, 可以說是博物館工作人員多年努力的成果,也是 博物館的精華所在。 (Caption) Old Premises at Star House (1975-1983) (Narrator) Established in 1975, the Hong Kong Museum of History aims at preserving and promoting historical and culture heritage of Hong Kong and the South China region. Through collecting, conserving, processing, studying and displaying artifacts, the Museum enhances the public’s understanding of and interest in the history and culture of Hong Kong, enriches culture lives and fosters a sense of belonging, among the local people to the community and the country at large. (Caption) Old Premises in Kowloon Park (1983-1998) (Narrator) After almost thirty years of continuous progress and improvement, the Hong Kong Museum of History is now situated in a state of the art premises. To meet the public’s need, the Hong Kong Museum of History offers a wide range of services which comprise large exhibitions, latest multi-media technologies, modern storage and varied visitor facilities. (Narrator) “The Hong Kong Story” permanent exhibition introduces the historical development of Hong Kong. It is the soul of the Museum and a showcase of the dedicated hard work of the Museum staff for years. SCENE 3: (字幕) 展區 1︰ 自然生態環境 (旁白) 參觀者一踏進展覽廳內,就像進入了一條時光隧 道,回到四億年前,經歷香港地貌演變的進程, 以及六千年前的生態環境。 (字幕) 展區 2︰ 史前時期的香港 (旁白) 了解遠古史前生活和香港在歷朝的發展。 (字幕) 展區 3︰ 歷代發展:從漢至清朝 (旁白) 珍貴的文物為我們解說香港在六千年中華文化長 河裡的角色。 (字幕) 展區 4︰ 香港的民俗 (旁白) 介紹早期香港聚居的族群和日漸式微的傳統風俗 習慣。 (字幕) 展區 5︰ 鴉片戰爭及香港的割讓 (旁白) 細說鴉片戰爭的緣起、英國殖民統治的開展。 (Caption) Gallery 1 : The Natural Environment (Narrator) Visitors are taken on a journey through time returning to Hong Kong of four hundred million years ago and witnessing Hong Kong’s geological development and environmental changes in the past 6,000 years. (Caption) Gallery 2 : Prehistoric Hong Kong (Narrator) Though the display of precious artifacts and relics pertaining to the region. (Caption) Gallery 3 : The Dynasties: From the Han to the Qing (Narrator) The exhibition unfolds the role of the Hong Kong in the 6,000 years of Chinese cultural heritage from prehistoric times to the dynastic periods. (Caption) Gallery 4 : Folk Culture in Hong Kong (Narrator) It relives the fading customs, beliefs and folk traditions of Hong Kong’s earliest ethnic groups. (Caption) Gallery 5 : The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong (Narrator) And gives an account of the events leading to the Opium Wars, the subsequent inception of the British colonial rule. (字幕) 展區 6 : 香港開埠及早年發展 (旁白) 重現十九世紀末的香港風情。 (字幕) 展區 7 : 日佔時期 (旁白) 帶大家回到三年零八個月日佔時期。 (字幕) 展區 8 : 現代都市及香港回歸 (字幕) 重溫戰後香港的都市發展至九七回歸的盛況。 (旁白) 博物館還經常舉辦不同類型的專題展覽,內容、 題材遍及中外古今,藉以增進市民對世界歷史文 化的認知,開拓國際視野。 (Caption) Gallery 6 : Birth and Early Growth of the City (Narrator) Visitors can walk through the streets of the streets of the late 19th century Hong Kong. (Caption) Gallery 7 : The Japanese Occupation (Narrator) Witness the hardship experienced during the Japanese occupation. (Caption) Gallery 8 : Modern Metropolis and the Return to China (Narrator) Trace the growth of postwar Hong Kong to modern a metropolis and finally join the celebration for the reunification of Hong Kong with China in 1997. (Narrator) To promote public awareness and understanding of world history and culture, the Museum frequently organizes different thematic exhibitions which cover a wide spectrum of subjects on the culture and heritage of Hong Kong, China and the rest of the world. SCENE 4 : (字幕) 創意無限 精益求精 (旁白) 為了迎合不同的文化背景、國籍和年齡的參觀者, 博物館突破傳統,寓教育於娛樂,在各展廳內採 用了新穎的演繹手法,包括:互動電腦裝置、手 觸展品、電子錄音系統、錄像以至多媒體節目, 都經過精心策劃。公眾可以在一個立體和互動的 環境下學習,感受知性探索的樂趣。 (Caption) Creativity Continuous Improvement (Narrator) In order to attract visitors of different cultural backgrounds, nationalities and ages, the Museum has adopted a new visitor-oriented approach by installing a series of interactive computer devices, hands-on exhibits, digital audio system, videos and multi-media programmes. Through the use of (旁白) 要知道內裡乾坤,不妨問一問這裡的導賞員。他 們對香港歷史文化都非常熟悉。如果你有興趣參 加免費的導賞團,只要按集合時間到博物館的導 賞站等候出發即可。 advanced technology. The public can now experience the excitement of exploration in a more educational and entertaining environment. (Narrator) The best way to explore the numerous exhibits is to follow a guided tour led by the Museum’s experienced docents. They are familiar with every bit and piece of Hong Kong’s history. To join the free guided tour, all you need to do is to wait at the docent stop at the scheduled time. SCENE 5 : (字幕) 專業精神 服務社群 (旁白) 展廳的背後鮮為人知的,是工作人員以專業精神 為博物館的理想和使命默默耕耘。 (字幕) 蒐集收藏 (旁白) 藏品室裡儲存著數以萬計的珍貴香港文物,都是 博物館經過多年不斷努力搜集得來的。 (字幕) 整理修復 (旁白) 文物修復室裡的人員,每天在這裡進行整理、修 復和研究工作。 (字幕) 研究 展示 (旁白) 在專題展廳裡,工作人員正小心奕奕地裝置展品 為一個大型展覽而忙碌。博物館的考資料室內, (Caption) Professionalism Serving the Community (Narrator) To serve the community, members of our staff are persistently devoted to achieving the Museum’s goals and missions. (Caption) Collection (Narrator) Inside the stores are tens of thousands of historical artifacts and materials collected through the painstaking effort of the Museum staff. (Caption) Conservation & Processing (Narrator) Every day, the conservations pay much effort to examine, conserve and study artifacts. (Caption) Study Display (Narrator) They are now meticulously preparing for the setting up of a large-scale thematic exhibition. The Resource 收藏了大量有關中國和香港歷史、文化書籍、圖 片以至影音資料,以供市民使用,為公眾提供另 一個進行資料搜集和研究的空間。 Centre provides people from all walks of life with substantial reference materials on Chinese and Hong Kong’s history, archaeology and ethnography as well as historical photos and other audio-visual materials. SCENE 6 : (字幕) 優質節目 以人為本 (旁白) 博物館亦是一個支援「終生學習」的場所,為了 實踐普及教育和學術並重的理念,博物館還在傳 統正規教育的學生活動以外,定期推出多元化的 教育及推廣節目。 (字幕) 學生活動 (字幕) 推廣節目 (旁白) 館內經常舉辦不同主題的工作坊和示範項目。每次 次參與的學生及公眾人士都非常踴躍,參加者透過 身體力行,進一步認識中國傳統藝術和文化,建立 立一份鄉土感情和民族認同感。 (字幕) 專題講座 (旁白) 每逢星期六下午,不同的專家學者會被邀請在演 講廳內進行免費的專題講座,題材廣泛,內容充 實。 (Caption) Quality Programming People-oriented (Narrator) The Museum supports the notion of “life-long learning”. In order to accomplish both general and academic education objectives, the Museum runs a great variety of education and extension programmes to complement the formal education in schools. (Caption) Student Activities (Caption) Extension Programmes (Narrator) The Museum frequently stages demonstrations and workshops for the public. Through hands-on experience, participants not only learn traditional Chinese handicraft techniques but also develop a closer sense of national identity. (Caption) Lectures (Narrator) Scholars and experts are invited to give free weekend lectures on a wide range of topics on Saturday afternoons. SCENE 7 : (旁白) 然而,博物館舉辦的活動並不局限於一室之內。 香港歷史博物館定期舉辦形形色色的參觀活動讓 公眾參加,在專家學者帶領之下,你可以考察到 本地的古蹟、歷史建築、自然保護區,甚至是一 些日常難以涉足的地方。 (字幕) 羅屋民俗館 (旁白) 除了舉辦各式各樣的展覽和活動外,博物館亦都 十分關注保存和管理本地的重要古蹟,不遺餘力 地透過不同渠道向各界展示香港的文化遺產。 (字幕) 香港海防博物館 (字幕) 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 (Narrator) However, the Museum’s activities are not confined to its premises. From time to time, various field trips are organized for the general public. Under the guidance of experts, participants are able to visit different local historical monuments, nature reserves and even the most remote parts of Hong Kong. (Caption) Law Uk Folk Museum (Narrator) The Museum also assists in the conservation and management of various declared monuments in the territory converting them into branch museums to promote the history and cultural heritage of Hong Kong. (Caption) Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense (Caption) Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum SCENE 8 : (旁白) 在香港歷史博物館的努力推動之下,研究歷史從 此不再被動,讓我們與香港歷史博物館一起突破 空間,主動探索! (字幕) 香港歷史博物館 (Narrator) With the relentless efforts of the Hong Kong Museum of History, history is no longer distant, knowledge lies within your reach. (Caption) Hong Kong Museum of History SCENE 9 : Ending (字幕) 香港歷史博物館 地址:香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南 100號 電話:2724 9042 (Caption) Hong Kong Museum of History Address :100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel No.:2724 9042 網址:http://hk.history.museum 開放時間:上午十時至下午六時 ( 星期一及星期三至六 ) 上午十時至下午七時 ( 星期日及公眾假期 ) 逢星期二休館 ( 公眾假期除外 ) 康樂及文化事務署 2003 Web Site: http://hk.history.museum Opening Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ( Mondays, Wednesdays – Saturdays ) 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. ( Sundays & Public Holidays ) Closed on Tuesdays ( Except Public Holidays ) Leisure and Cultural Services Department 2003
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