

2010-10-23 15页 doc 76KB 30阅读




回复技巧请问你需要的是哪一系列的产品呢? which series of products do you need? 我们产品的价格是根据产品的数据及产贷期来确定的 The price of our products is according to the demand of the quantity and the delivery to determine 我们的发动机主要的大马力段的 our engines are a major segment of high-powered 主要用途是商用车和工程机械车系列的 Main pu...
请问你需要的是哪一系列的产品呢? which series of products do you need? 我们产品的价格是根据产品的数据及产贷期来确定的 The price of our products is according to the demand of the quantity and the delivery to determine 我们的发动机主要的大马力段的 our engines are a major segment of high-powered 主要用途是商用车和机械车系列的 Main pupose is commercial vehicles and construction machinery truck series 但是相对于BF6M2012,同等系列的BF4M2012的马力更小一些,而且又具有BF6M2012的优点!however,as BF6M2012,the horsepower of the same series of BF4M2012 eren smaller,but also has the advantage of BF6M2012 I’m pleased to serve you ! Our engines are a major segment of high-powered ,the main purpose is commercial vehicles and construction machinery truck series . however,as BF6M2012,the horsepower of the same series of BF4M2012 even smaller,but also has the advantage of BF6M2012. 1. 文体介绍 在对外贸易中,询盘,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方或买方对于所要购买或出售的商品向另一方作出的询问。询盘是交易的起点,可以分为: 普通询盘(a general inquiry):索取普通资料, 诸如:目录(a catalogue)、价目或报价单(a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品(a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints)等。 具体询盘(a specific inquiry): 具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quantity)、单价(the unit price FOB… CIF…),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。 询盘一般多为买方向卖方发出,买方通过询盘信,简明扼要的向卖方了解一般的商品信息。利用E-mail 写询盘信,无须写的过分客气,只需具体、简洁、措词得体。有的询盘信开门见山,直截了当说明订购打算,希望对方给予一定优惠条件;有的询盘信则以征询信息的方式,不许下订货诺言,以避免结果未订购可能形成的日后交易中的障碍 。 2。实用范例 Subject: Enquiry Dear Sir, We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us. We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. We look forward to hearing from you by return E-mail. Sincerely, Xxx 询盘: 亲爱的先生: 本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本价运费价格。如蒙惠赐上述报价单,不胜感激。如能惠寄样本和价格表,亦必感激不尽。 本公司素来从其他公司购买此类货物,闻悉贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系。 盼复。 你真诚的xxx 3.典型句型 (1) Could you give us some idea about your price? 请介绍贵方的价格好吗? (2) Do you offer FOB or CIF? 你们报船上交货价还是到岸价? (3) How long does your offer remain valid/firm/open? 你们的报价多长时间有效? (4)Will you let us know what your terms of payment are? 能否告知贵方付款条件? (5)Please make us an offer within this month since we have made an inquiry for your products. 我们已对你们的产品进行询价,请在本月内给予报盘。 (6)Please send us your best offer by Internet stating payment terms and time of shipment. 请用互联网向我们报最优价,说明支付条件和装运期。 (7)Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated. 请详告价格、质量、可供数量及其它有关情况。 回复询盘:      很多客户只询价,不下单,是很正常的,如果他们不询价或一次询价就下订单,倒真的要小心了!(外贸风险时时存在!不要初生牛犊不怕虎!还是慎重点好!)   除此之外,可以自行以下原因:      1)你公司(包括你自己)给客户的信誉度如何?      2)你的产品报价的价位(与市场行情差价)如何?      3)你的商贸语言及技巧如何(是否会产生误解或含糊不清)?      4)你可以把自己发出去的传真、电子邮件换个角度看一看?(如果你是客商,你会不会接受?)      分享B      将电子询盘转化为真实订单:一个较好的回复询盘样本      Sample      a better reply      Dear buyer:      It is good to hear from you again.You inquired about my bamboo baskets on September 15,1998.I sent you a company catalog at that time.I can send you a second catalog if you need?      You are not the only importer in Brazil that has asked us about bamboo baskets. I have also received inquires from ABC company,Universal Co Ltd in Brazil,but they always inquired another kind of baskets.I will introduce this kind of basket for you if you need.Would you like me to help you by making a special sample for you Brazil market?      We are a professional bamboo products manufacture with 14 years experiences in China,offering over 1,500 various kinds of bamboo products and monthly output up to 5 millions pieces.We are the best manufacturer that you can trust in China.The details for the product(as the attached photo)you inquired as following :FOB XXX,Min.Order:2,000,Price:USD1.80/pc,Delievery Time:30 days after the receipt of send you a smaple with catalog together.      I look forward to see your reply!      买家您好,      很高兴再次收到您的查询:您在去年9月15日曾向我们查询过竹篮,那时我们曾寄过公司目录给您,如您需要我可再寄一次给您。      您并不是巴西唯一向我们查询过竹篮的进口商,我们也曾收到来自巴西ABC、Universal等的进口商的查询,但他们总是查询另一种竹篮,如您有需要,我可以向您介绍那一类的竹篮,您是否希望我为您的巴西市场做些特别的样品给您?      我们是有十四年专业竹制品经验的中国制造商和提供超过1,500种多样的竹制品,月产量达五百万个,是您最值得信赖的中国竹制品供应商。您询问的产品如附图资料如后:XXXXXXXXXXXX。我明天会寄一份目录给您,若您能提供您的快递帐号,我们将把样品一同寄给您!      期待尽快收到您的回复。      点评:     (1)给买家提供最初查询您产品的回忆参考点,这样有助于买家回忆起他是在什么时候,通过什么方式,对什么产品产生了什么样的兴趣或问题。因为固有的熟悉感会增加买家与您合作的兴趣与信心。买家一天中会发出许多查询,如果您的回复与其它回复相比无任何出众地方,只能陷于一大堆无聊的产品报价,不会吸引买家。这种回忆的参考点有时间,事件或物件等。在本例中,供应商使用的是时间和事件:“您在去年9月15日曾向我们查询过竹篮,那时我们曾寄过公司目录给您”;     (2)给买家适当的增加些许压力。目的在于促进买家回复的速度与认真程度,有些目的甚至在于迫使买家不得不进行采购行为。在本例中,供应商告诉买家你的竞争对手或同行正在与我取得联系,并且我一直协助你的同行抢占你的巴西市场。如果供应商原先的合作客户是A级买家,那么对这位新买家就具有带动作用;如果是同级,这位新买家就会更加迫切的进入竞争状态中来;当然你不能告诉你的买家“我们原先一直和比你规模小的买家合作”,这样会使他觉得对你的信心不足。原句是:“您并不是巴西唯一向我们查询过竹篮的进口商,我们也曾收到来自巴西ABC,Universal等的进口商的查询”;     (3)告诉买家作为供应商你是做什么产品的?你能做到如何?买家凭什么完全的相信你?这就是企业介绍与实力规模证明。在本例中,供应商用一系列数据证明了自己的规模与实力,如:“十四年专业竹制品经验”、“提供超过1,500种多样的竹制品”、“月产量达五百万个”;     (4)不是我要向你索取什么,而是我能为你做什么。切记服务理念。在本例中,供应商热忱与负责的服务态度使买家能够感受到与其合作的良好基础。如:“如您需要我可再寄一次(目录)给您”、“如您有需要,我可以向您介绍那一类的竹篮”、“您是否希望我为您的巴西市场做些特别的样品给您?”;     (5)主要问题:所答即所问,所答非所问;     很多供应商认为网络营销首先就会遇到一个问题,即样品寄送的问题。其实到目前为止我们也没很好的办法解决这一问题,但这位供应商就很聪明。买家要样‘品’,那我就免费寄一份样‘本’给你看,也算所答即所问。但样‘品’呢,怎么说?反正供应商没表示是否免费寄送,只要你给了快递帐号,我就会一同寄送,如果你要不给快递账号呢?我也没说不送(但后来,他告诉笔者,还是送了,轻品,不看样品不成)。这也算所答非所问吧。     (6)不寄样本行不行?行!网络沟通无极限,虽说样品不能电子传送,但样本总归是能够电子传送吧,而且方便,快捷,成本较低。我们说不仅是回复时可以传送样本,而且平时就应该使用这种方式做推广。在本例中,加上上面附的图和后来附的资料,就是一个完整的产品样本。如果你还有其它样口可以推荐,也完全可以一并附上。     (7)记住:吸引买家回复你的回复。本例是如何做到的呢?     A,我可以再寄样本给您,如果你回复我;     B,我可以向您介绍您的同行采购的那种产品,如果您回复我;     C,我可以为您做些特别的样品,如果您回复我;     D,如果你想知道1,500种样品如何,我可以向您介绍,如果你回复我;     E,如果你想要样品,请回复我;     F,期待尽快收到您的回复;     一封完整的感谢信:感谢+公司介绍+负责人的签字或署名     分享C     1、你的行业出口量和前景。本行业内各个企业报价的平均水平和报价趋势。你的产品质量在国内同类产品属于哪个水平面(高中低),以达到报价的正确性。     2、在我每一个报价和寄样后都必须请求客人有反馈的过程。对价格和质量以及其它问题的意见。大部分都有回复。     3、在来往邮件中尽量语言的专业性和针对性。     让内行的客人看到你的邮件就知道你是此行业内的熟手。     4、开发一个新客人的周期是半年到一年,特别是在网络上。别老是想到客人的订单而是先交朋友和交换有价值的信息和意见。     5、现在做外贸的人越来越多,竞争也越来越历害。故特别注意服务和经常学习,避免出错。     分享D     1、首先将客人谈判的细节做好详细的记录和回忆,先判断此客户的购买欲有多强,也就是说,要区分清楚他是“真的买家”还是“打听行情的买家”;有的客户其实他已经有长期稳定的供应商,他其实只是把你当报价的参照物罢了,要特别小心这类客户。对这类客户,我个人的意见:不但不要报价,连资料都不要给。因为在这样的客户身上花费太多的时间精力不值。我不否认也有“精诚所至,金石为开”的客户,但以我做外贸的经验,骗“财”(价格)骗“色”(样品、资料)的客户太多,不值得追捧。     2、关于真假买家,可以通过交谈(面谈、电话、传真、EMAIL)来辨别(这种的条件是--你所提的问题客人要有所反应):真还是假?行家还是生手?只要问他几个关键性的问题,比如:产品的规格、技术参数,希望接受的价位,打算订购的数量,做什么品牌,该品牌在当地是否有影响力,和中国的哪些企业有过生意往来,和中国做生意有多长时间(也就是说是否为“中国通”)等等,通过这些大致可以区分出客户的“真”与“假”,“实”与“虚”,“大”与“小”。     3、从外商提供的名片也可以判断客户的实力,如:公司所处该城市的地段,有几条电话线、传真线,有没有自己的网站,是零售商、批发商还是进口商?在当地是否代理过一些著名的品牌,等等。     4、做外贸其实就是做服务,谁的服务好,谁就能赢得客户。服务好包括如下几方面:     A)报价恰如其分,不能过低,也不能过高;好东西不能*卖,普通的产品不要报高。因为客户往往会从你的报价来判断你的诚实性,并同时判断你对产品的熟悉程度;如果一个非常简单普通的产品你报一个远离市场的价位,这说明你的诚实性不够,你根本不懂这一行,自然而然别人会对你的传真不屑一顾;     B)对客户的任何信息要及时响应并回复;对客户的回复不能简单的一问一答,要尽可能全面、周到,但切不可啰嗦。     最后再问一句:“你的同行都可以做成生意,别人都可以做成生意,你为什么不行呢? 我们的条件是10日内付款为2%的折扣, 30日内付款无折扣。 Our terms are 2% ten days, thirty days net. 我公司仅限于从发票开出之日起10日内付现金者给予折扣优待。 We only allow a cash discount on payments made within ten days of date of invoice. 顾客向我公司购货一律用现金支付。从发票开出之日起, 30日内将货款付清。如当即支付现款, 我公司当按年利5%计付30日的利息。 Terms to approved buyers strictly net cash, payment within thirty days from invoice date, for prompt cash we will allow thirty days interest, at the rate of 5% per annum. 条件: 即期发货。在货到我方工厂, 经过验讫重量品质后, 立即以现金支付。 Terms: early delivery, and net cash payment after receipt of the material at our works, and verification of weight and quality. 现金支付折扣, 仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打折扣。 Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit. 你将发现, 我公司对贵方的报价所给予的优惠是前所未有的。 You will find that we have given you the best terms customary in our business. 每月一日以前提供的汇票, 依我公司惯例应在25日全部结帐。 My habit is to settle on the 25th all bills rendered on or before the 1st of each and every month. 我公司付款条件为交货后3个月内支付现金。1个月内付清货款者, 可打5%折扣。 Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month. 兹就贵方对该商品的询价回复如下: In answer to your inquiry fo rthe article, we reply you sd follows. 针对你方昨日的询盘, 现寄上与你来函要求相似的墙纸样品一宗。 In reply to your enquiry of yesterdays date, we are sending you herewith several samples of wall paper closely resembling to what you want. 兹就该商品向贵方报价如下: We are pleased to quote you for the goods as following. 兹随函寄上该商品的现行价格表一份, 请查收。 Enclosed we hand you a price-current for the goods. 上述报价, 无疑将随市场变化而变动。 Of course these quotations are all subject to the fluctuations of the market. 上述价目单是以付现金拟订的, 我们认为还可以打很多折扣。 We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list prices, which we see are quoted net cash. 对这批数量大, 以现金支付的货, 如你方能从价目表中, 再给些折扣优待, 当不胜感谢。 We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for cash for this quantity. 我公司的支付条件: 以现金支付。自发票开出之日起10天内付款者, 打2%的折扣。 Our terms, as our invoice states, are 2% cash discount, only within ten days of date of invoice. 例 一: Thanks very much for your greet interesting in our products. I'd like to introduce you our company as a main manufacture of XXX products in XXX place. We specialized in A,B,C,D,etc. And our proudcts are welcomed by many countries in the world. For more information, pls visit our website: ww.xx.com. Enclose our latest price list for reference. It include the pictures, unit price, MOQ,etc. If any item is interesting you, pls feel free to contact with us.Thanks! Your early reply will be highly appreciated! 范文 第一:各种订单情况回复一:未付款 询盘 回复: 这一环节是一个卖家第一次接触买家,有几个注意事项和大家分享一下: 第一主动出击,当买家下单后应及时主动与买家联系,联系内容可以按照先后顺序包括为打招呼,对产品进一步的介绍,并告知请付款以及时查看库存备货,尽快发货。下面请看举例: Dear Tracey, we have got your order of..... The bag you order is one of the best selling products from my store and it is made of high quality leather. But the order seems unpaid. If there’s anything I can help with the price or size etc.Please feel free to contact me. When the payment is finish, I can stock up the item and get it ready for shipping. Thanks Best Regards Cindy 二:已付款订单的回复: 主要内容包括确认产品的颜色、规格、尺码等等具体事宜,表现卖家的专业性。请看举例: Dear David, I am very glad to hear from you. The biggest size we have is 39.And this shoes is little bigger in size. So I think 39 will fit. If you have any other questions, Please feel free let me know. Thanks waiting hear from you soon. Best Regards Cindy 三:发货后的回复 从货物离开中国 海关 至买家收到货物建议每个阶段卖家都给买家发一封邮件通知买家,直到买家收到货为止。因为买家付款后都急于收到货物,而邮寄过程一般又是5-10天不确定的,因此这样随时通知买家货物状态。一是表现自己商业城信度;二是及时的沟通能让买家不再急切询问。请看举例: 1.Dear David, The item you order is already shipped and the tracking number is EA935185185CN The mail status is as follows: 20071130 21:43:12 SHANGHAI Dispatch from Sorting Center This is the status of your order. You will get it soon. Thanks for your support and understanding. 2. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USSFOA Handed over to Customs this is the status showing on EMS.Have you already get the items? If you have got the items, please let me know. Thanks UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 91316 Delivery Dear alejandro, I am very happy to see that you have received the items. Thanks for your support. I hope you satisfy with the item and looking forward to do more business in the future with you. Thanks Best Regards cindy 四:货物收到后的询问 Dear Cindy, I received the boots but I cant sell them because the Gucci box was ripped up if you cant secure the packages better than that then you will not be hearing from me again! Dear friend, I am very sorry to hear that. The damage must happened during transportation. I usually make sure everything is in good condition  before shipping products out. I make sure giving you more discounts to make up when you buy from me next time. Thanks for your understanding. Best Regards cindy 五:提醒买家给自己留评价,这是在交易结束后很重要的一环节 Hi there, Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are improving ourselves from service, quality, sourcing and so on. it would be appreciated if you can leave us a positive feedback ,it's a great encouragement to us,if there's anything I can help with ,don't hesitate to tell me . Best wishes Cindy 第二:买家常见问题回答: 一:推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。 Hi there, As Christmas is coming, we found hair straightened has a large potential market. Many customers bought them for resale on eBay or in their retail store because it's a high profit margin product.we have a wide range of GHD mk4 STRAIGHTER products on sell as well. Please click the following link to check them out.If you have more than 10 pieces in one order we can help u get a wholesale price. Thanks. Regards Cindy 二:货物断货,货物偶尔的断货只要认真解释一下,买家一般能够理解,最好的办法是告诉买家自己会积极尽量帮他找到库存,同时向他介绍类似的款式供其选择。 Hi there, We are really sorry that the bag you order is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when they are going to be available again. I would like to recommend you some other pretty bags which have the same style. Hope you like them as well.You can click on the following link to check them out. If there’s anything I can help with, Please feel free to contact us. Thanks. Regards Cindy 三:改完价格再次催款,很多情况买家下单后觉得运费过高,不愿意付款希望卖家能够给与折扣,下面的回复可以借鉴一下: Hi there, We already reset the price for you. I give you another 10% discount on top of the original shipping price. Because the price we offer is lower than the market price and as you know the shipping cost is really high, we do not make much profit from this product. Hope you are happy with it and feel free to contact me if there’s anything I also can help,please feel free to cantact us. Regards Cindy 四:大量订购询问价格,大量订单 询盘 买家若是赶上采购季节应该是很有诚意的买家,对他们的回复要详尽一些,内容一般包括样品的价格,采购量和相应的价格,这个报价建议是包括运费的,给买家感觉是给他的一个优惠。 Hi there, thanks for your inquiry, and we really want to do more business with you, and I think it is the best way to place an sample order which is 45 usd shipping included, If 100 pieces in one order, we can offer you the bulk price which is 39.5 usd/piece.I am looking forward to your reply. Regards Cindy 五: 海关 问题,某些国家 海关 由于定期的严格检查或者罢工等问题造成邮件延误,建议及时和买家通知,及时的沟通让买家感觉你是一直在跟踪货物的状态,以免置之不理造成误会 Hi there, According to the news from EMS in China, large quantity of mails to England is blocked by the custom due to the inspection. For the safety of the goods I suggest to send the goods after a few days. I am wondering if the delay going to be a problem for you. I am looking forward to your reply.Thanks Regards Cindy 六:买家几天后还没有收到货物的询问,需要及时地与快递公司联系察看货物状态。 hi Ruiz , we did send the package out on 2007-10-16,I think there must be some issues with the shipping company ,and we have been contacting them till now .we called the package back and resent them ,the new tracking number is 111814176 it's shipped via TNT . I apologize for the inconveniences and hopefully you can receive the items soon.If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to tell me. 七:若你没有STS分数,买家对于你的产品表示怀疑,可以借鉴这个卖家给买家的回复 Hi dear ***, First of all, I am very happy to receive your message. Although I have not much score on tradetang,I have been doing business on eBay for many years and I am quite confident about my products. Also tradetang offer escrow payment service which means the payment won't be released to seller till customer satisfy with the product and transaction. With the aim of seeking long term business parterner, we cherish every customer we deal with. Please fell free to contact me if you have any questions. Regards Cindy 看看老外是怎么回复询盘的! 昨天收到一西班牙询盘,客户是个大头虾,把CC给一法国供应商的询盘及该供应商的回复都发给我了。看看人家是怎么回复的吧!希望对所有不知道怎么回复第一次询盘或回复效果不理想的新手有所帮助。 买家询盘Dear Sirs, Please let me introduce myself, my name is Solène Lucas and I'm Product manager in the marketing department in Spain. XX is a multinational implanted in various countries in Europe and all over the world (we have a buying office in HK and QC offices in China). For more information, pls feel free to visit our web-site :XXXXX We are currently beginning our selection for novelties to be introduced in our next catalogue. The average life time of a product placed in our catalogue is between 3 and 5 years. If we propose a nice product, well accepted by the Spanish market, and with a competitive price, we might re-order several times a year, which means good business for us as for you. So please, I need your best FOB prices for these items I have checked in your catalogue (with Rhos) and pictures : WS-1700-IT WS-9623-IT WS-9624-IT WS-9724-IT WS3600 We would appreciate your prompt reply, please. Best regards, XX 法国供应商回复: Dear Solène Lucas,    Thanks for your e-mail and sorry for my late reply.    After review for your company web-site, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company.    XXX is one of pioneers in Radio Controlled products since 1992 in Far East and in RF high frequency utilizing 433MHz since end of 1997.    For your information, we have our own office in Strasbourg - France named XXXX, which is 100% subsidiary of XXX and dealing with Southern and Western European markets such as France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal.    We recommend you to contact our French Office, XXXX, for all products information. The details of the Office is as below: TEL: FAX: ADD: EMAIL: ATTN: WEBSITE: Please feel free to contact Miss Hartmann directly for more information or visit our Web-site as mentioned above.    Thank you for your kind attention.    Best regards,    Karman 本公司断定我们所提供的货色优良,价格公道,感谢贵公司给我们一个机会,使我们的要求得以实现。     We are certain that we are offering a sound article at popular price, and we should appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims.    贵公司5月6日函悉,本公司无法承购贵公司开价的商品。此复。     In answer to your favour of the 6th May, we inform you that we are unable to take the goods offered by you.     关于贵公司所询麦麸一事,现可提供该货20吨。     In answer to your inquiry for bran, we offer you 20 tons of the same.     贵函收悉,此地商场仍保持平静。     Answering to your letter, we state that the market remains quiet.     至今未复5月8日贵函,甚感歉疚,还望原谅。     Kindly excuse our not replying to your favour of the 8th May until today.     本月8日贵函敬悉。??先生是位诚实可靠的人,特此告知。     In response to your letter of the 8th inst., I am pleased to say that Mr. ?? is a man of trustworthy character.     关于所询H.先生的情况,谨此高兴地告知,他是一位足以信赖的人。     In response to your inquiry respecting Mr. H., we have pleasure in stating that he is a thoroughly reliable man.     关于S.公司的情况,我们特此欣然函复。     We are glad to answer your inquiry concerning S. & Company.     关于J.先生的情况,谨此高兴地告知,我们认为他是绝对可以信赖的人。     Answering to your inquiry respecting Mr. J., we are pleased to say that we found him absolutely reliable.     17日贵函关于结帐一事,谨此告知,我们将很快寄去支票。     Replying to your letter of the 17th respecting the account, I will send you a cheque shortly.     谨复贵公司本月10日函询; 我们不能提供贵公司特定的那种餐盘的报价。     Replying to your inquiry of the 10th inst., we are unable to offer you plates of the size you specify.     贵函收悉,我们已将样品提交本公司的买方,特此奉告。     In reply to your letter, we are pleased to inform you that we have shown the sample to our buyer.     你方6月12日的来函收悉,兹寄去面额为150美元的支票一张,谨此奉复。     In reply to yours of 12th June, I send herewith a cheque, valuing $150.
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