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呼吸系统 组织学中英文课件

2010-10-14 32页 ppt 2MB 78阅读




呼吸系统 组织学中英文课件nullnullRespiratory system15nullKey points The structure of trachea. The structural change of pulmonary conductive portion. The composition and structureof pulmonary respiratory portion. The structure and function of alveolus.null掌握的内容 1.鼻黏膜呼吸部和嗅部的结构和功能; ...
呼吸系统 组织学中英文课件
nullnullRespiratory system15nullKey points The structure of trachea. The structural change of pulmonary conductive portion. The composition and structureof pulmonary respiratory portion. The structure and function of alveolus.null掌握的内容 1.鼻黏膜呼吸部和嗅部的结构和功能; 2 .气管和支气管的结构和功能; 3 .肺小叶的组成及功能意义; 4 .肺导气部的组成及管壁结构的变化规律; 5 .肺呼吸部的组成及各部的结构,肺泡上皮、肺 泡隔、气-血屏障、肺巨噬细胞 null一、概述 呼吸系统包括鼻、咽、喉、气管、支气管和肺等器官,执行呼吸功能。从气管至肺内的肺泡是连续而反复分支的管道。 鼻还兼为嗅觉器官,喉兼为发音器官,肺的内分泌功能。null外呼吸 肺通气,肺换气 内呼吸 导气部 从鼻腔至肺内的终末细支气管,空气进出的通道呼吸部 从肺内的呼吸细支气管至终末肺泡,气体交换的部位null二、鼻(nose) 鼻由软骨和骨构成支架,腔内衬有鼻黏膜,由上皮和固有层构成,可分为前庭部、呼吸部和嗅部。 (一)前庭部 (vestibular region) 1 .上皮 前部 有毛区, 角化的复层扁平上皮,含有鼻毛和皮脂腺。 鼻毛的对颗粒性物质的阻挡作用。 后部 无毛区,未角化的复层扁平上皮 2 .固有层 致密结缔组织,含汗腺、混合腺及淋巴组织。null(二)呼吸部(respiratory region) 1 .上皮 假复层纤毛柱状上皮,杯状细胞多,纤毛向咽部摆动。 2 .固有层 血管丰富,含许多鼻腺(分支管泡状、混合性)。 鼻旁窦黏膜与呼吸部黏膜结构相似。 respiratory part.null(三)嗅部(olfactory region) 1 .上皮 嗅上皮(olfactory epithelium),为假复层柱状上 皮,由嗅细胞、支持细胞(柱状,支持、分隔) 和 基细胞(干细胞)组成。 olfactory mucosa-2.ppt olfactory mucosa.ppt 嗅细胞(olfactory cell) 双极神经元 树突,嗅泡(olfactory vesicle),嗅毛(olfactory cilia) 轴突,嗅丝(嗅神经,olfactory nerve) 功能 产生嗅觉nullOlfactory epithelium Pseudostratified columnar epithelium There are 3 cell types: supporting cells, basal cells and olfactory cells. Olfactory cells are bipolar neurons. A central part with a rounded nucleus and 2 projections. The end of distal projection (dendrite) form olfactory vesicle with olfactory cilia(long, non motile cilia), which can respond to odoriferous. Proximal process (axon) form a fiber of olfactory nerve.null2 . 固有层 含嗅神经、三叉神经的分支及嗅腺。 嗅腺(olfactory gland) 又称鲍曼腺(Bowman’s gland),为 浆液性腺,分泌物可溶解吸入空气中的化学物质,清洗上皮表面,保持嗅细胞的敏锐性。 嗅腺黏液性化生,嗅觉障碍。null三、气管(trachea) 和支气管(bronchus)null(一)粘膜 TRACHEA.PPT 1.上皮 假复层纤毛柱状上皮,由柱状纤毛细胞、杯状细 胞、基细胞、刷细胞和神经内分泌细胞等构成。 respiratory epithelium-1.ppt respiratory epithelium.ppt 刷细胞(brush cell) 细胞表面密集的微绒毛 吞咽黏液、感觉上皮细胞 2 .固有层 疏松结缔组织,淋巴组织丰富null(二) 粘膜下层 疏松结缔组织,有较多的混合腺(气管腺, tracheal gland)和淋巴组织。也可以形成SIgA, 在气管腔内发挥免疫防御作用。 (三)外膜 由透明软骨环和结缔组织构成 16~20个 “C”形的透明软骨环构成管壁支架,软骨环缺口朝向气 管后壁,缺口处有弹性纤维和平滑肌束封闭。 咳嗽时平滑肌收缩,气管腔缩小,利于清除痰液。null三、肺(lung) 肺是机体与外界进行气体交换的器官 表面浆膜,肺组织分为实质和间质 LUNG.PPT 实质 肺内支气管的各级分支和终末肺泡 间质 肺内的结缔组织、血管、淋巴管、神经等 肺小叶(pulmonary lobule) 每个细支气管及其分支至终末肺泡,是肺的结构单位。null(一)肺导气部 1.叶支气管至小支气管 管壁结构移行变化:管径渐细,管壁渐薄 上皮为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,上皮逐渐变薄,杯状 细胞 数量逐渐减少; ② 粘膜下层中腺体数量减少; ③ 软骨由环状变为不片状,散在分布于管壁; ④ 管壁平滑肌相对增多,渐成环行肌束环绕管壁。 small bronchus.pptnull2.细支气管(bronchiole)至 终末细支气管(terminal bronchiole) 上皮由假复层渐变为单层纤毛柱状上皮,杯状细胞逐渐减 少直至消失; ② 管壁腺体、软骨片消失; 管壁平滑肌由散在分布渐成层分布,形成完整的环形平滑肌层. bronchioles.ppt terminal bronchiole.ppt null克拉拉细胞(Clara cell) 部位 细支气管、终末细支气管和呼吸细支气管 结构 柱状,顶部胞质内含分泌颗粒。 功能 分泌物内含细胞色素P450氧化酶系。 解毒、抗炎和免疫抑制作用 Clara cells Located in the epithelium of terminal bronchioles. No cilia, contain secretory granule in the apex. Secreting proteins that protect the bronchiolar lining against oxidative pollutants and inflammation.null(二)肺呼吸部 从呼吸细支气管起管壁上有肺泡的结构,因此肺呼吸部 具有气体交换的功能,而气体交换实际发生于肺泡。 respiratory part.ppt 肺呼吸部由呼吸细支气管、肺泡管、肺泡囊和肺泡构成 null1.呼吸细支气管(respiratory bronchiole) 管壁结构从导气性 转为呼吸性,管壁上有肺泡的开口。 上皮由单层纤毛柱状移行为单层柱状或立方状,上皮中无杯状细胞,上皮外有薄层结缔组织和平滑肌束,管壁上有肺泡的开口所以不连续。 respiratory part.ppt2.肺泡管(alveolar duct) 呼吸细支气管的分支 管壁由肺泡组成,自身管壁结构仅存在于相邻肺泡开口部分,呈结节状膨大(表面为单层立方或扁平上皮,上皮下有弹性纤维和少量平滑肌,因此管壁收缩呈结节状)3.肺泡囊 (alveolar sac) 与肺泡管相延续,是许多肺泡的共同 开口围成的囊腔,在肺泡开口处无结节状膨大。null4.肺泡 (pulmonary alveoli) 支气管树的终末部分,气体交换的主要场所 肺泡为半球形囊泡,肺泡壁很薄,腔面由单层肺泡上皮覆盖,相邻肺泡上皮之间为肺泡隔。 ALVEOLI.PPT(1)肺泡上皮 由Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种细胞组成 Ⅰ型肺泡上皮细胞 LM 细胞扁平,含核部分略厚,面积较大,覆盖肺泡的大部分 EM 胞质内细胞器较少,有较多的吞饮小泡 功能 吞噬作用,参与构成气血屏障 ALVEOLI.PPTnullType I cell most numerous cells, form 90% of the alveolar surface. LM: flattened, 0.2μm EM: pinocytotic vesicles and tight junction Function: constitute the blood-air barrier phagocytosisnullⅡ型肺泡上皮细胞 LM 细胞体积小,呈立方形,分散于Ⅰ型细胞之间,细胞 凸向肺泡腔,胞质着色浅。 EM 细胞内有较多的线粒体、粗面内质网、溶酶体和嗜锇性 板层小体 功能 ① 分泌肺泡表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant, PS),PS能降低肺泡表面张力,维持肺泡结构稳 定,并能改善气道黏膜表面黏液特性,有利于纤 毛的运动。 ②具有分裂增殖能力 type2 cell.ppt nullType II cell scattered, 5~8/per alveolus LM: cuboidal, with round nucleus and pale- stained cytoplasm EM: Microvilli, usually organelles, secreting granules / multilamellar body (phospholipid, glycosaminoglycan and protein). Function: Secreting surfactant to reduce surface tension Differentiate into type I cell. null(2) 肺泡隔(alveolar septum) 相邻肺泡之间的结构,由密 集的毛细血管网和薄层结缔组织构成连续性毛细血管弹性纤维丰富气血屏障(blood-air barrier,BAB) 肺内气体与血液内气体进行气体分子交换所通过的结构,包括: 肺泡表面液体层(PS),Ⅰ型肺泡上皮细胞和基膜, 薄层结缔组织,毛细血管内皮和基膜。 气-血屏障.pptnullThe Blood-Air Barrier: The structure through which the gas exchange takes place. Components: The surfactant and the cytoplasm of type I alveolar cell. The fused basal lamina of alveoli and endothelial cells. The cytoplasm of endothelial cells. null肺泡孔(alveolar pore) 相邻肺泡间的小孔,肺泡扩张 时肺泡孔开放,可均衡相邻肺泡内气体的通道。 (4)肺巨噬细胞 进入肺泡腔的称为肺泡巨噬细胞(alveolar macrophage); 吞噬了尘埃颗粒的肺泡巨噬细胞称为尘细胞(dust cell); 心衰肺瘀血时,红细胞进入肺间质被肺巨噬细胞吞噬后,肺巨噬细胞胞质中含大量血红蛋白分解产物——含铁黄素颗粒,称为心衰竭细胞 (hart faliure cell) macrophage.pptnull(三)肺的血液循环 肺有两组循环管道:肺循环、支气管循环1.肺循环 功能性循环 肺动脉 肺泡隔毛细血管 小静脉 肺静脉2.支气管循环 营养性循环 支气管动脉 有孔毛细血管 支气管静脉肺泡隔毛细血管 肺静脉nullOUTLINE The respiratory system consists of the lung and a series of tracts that link the pulmonary tissue with the external environment. It is customary to separate the respiratory system into 2 principal portions: a conducting portion, including the nasal cavity, nasopharynx , larynx, trachea , bronchi , and bronchioles ; and a respiratory portion , which consists of the alveoli and their associated structures. nullThe gas exchange occurs between the air and the blood only within the alveoli, specialized sac-like structures that make up the greater part of the lung . In order to ensure uninterrupted supply of air, a combination of cartilage, elastic fibers and smooth muscle provide the conducting portion with a rigid structural support and a necessary flexibility and extensibility. Both the conducting and respiratory portions are richly endowed with elastic fibers that provide the structures with flexibility and allow them to spring back after distention. In the conducting portion, the elastic fibers are found in the lamina propria and are mainly longitudinally oriented. Elastic fiber concentration is inversely proportionate to the diameter of the conducting tubules and thereby regulates air-floe during inspiration and expiration. nullA major function of the conducting portion is to “condition” the inspired air. Before it enters the lung, inspired air is cleaned, moistened, and warmed. To carry out these functions, the mucosa of the conducting portions is lined by a specialized respiratory epithelium, and there is a heavy investment of mucous and serous glands as well as a rich superficial vascular network in the lamina propria. The characteristic structure of respiratory portion are the alveoli. The alveoli are specialized sac-like structure that are the main sites for the exchanges of 02 and CO2 between inspired air and blood. nullThe blood-air barrier refers to the cells and cell products across which gases must diffuse between the alveolar compartment and capillary compartment. The thinnest blood-air barrier consists of a monomolecular layer of surfactant, the type I epithelial cells and its basal lamina, and a capillary endothelial cells and its basal lamina. Often, these two basal laminae are fused. Except gas exchange, respiratory system has olfactory for the olfactory epithelium, vocalization for the larynx, metabolish and transform of materials for the lungs. null QUESTIONS Describe the components of alveolar septum and their function. 2. What structures does the respiratory portion of lung include? 3. Describe the components and function of blood- air barrier . 4. Describe the structure of alveolus.
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