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IP网络摄像机IP网络摄像机 IP网络摄像机 摘要:基于网络的IP监控摄像机提供诱人的可能性。但,在决定你希望的IP摄像机工程 是哪种类型之前,你必须评估多项因素。比如说,你是想要全IP还是部分IP,需要多少带 宽,西蒙?纳什,索尼欧洲的高级营销经理将为你来说明整个评估过程。 关键词:网络摄像机 IP network camera buyer's guide: do's and don'ts Taking time to evaluate some do's and don'ts before buying an IP net...
IP网络摄像机 IP网络摄像机 摘要:基于网络的IP监控摄像机提供诱人的可能性。但,在决定你希望的IP摄像机工程 是哪种类型之前,你必须评估多项因素。比如说,你是想要全IP还是部分IP,需要多少带 宽,西蒙?纳什,索尼欧洲的高级营销经理将为你来说明整个评估过程。 关键词:网络摄像机 IP network camera buyer's guide: do's and don'ts Taking time to evaluate some do's and don'ts before buying an IP network camera在购买IP网络 摄像机以前最好花点时间来评估那些需求是必要的哪些是不必要的 IP network-based surveillance cameras offer enticing possibilities. However, you need to evaluate several factors before deciding on the type of IP camera installation you'd like to go for. For example, do you want full or partial IP? How much bandwidth? Simon Nash, Senior Marketing Manager at Sony Europe explains the entire process. 基于网络的IP监控摄像机提供诱人的可 能性。但,在决定你希望的IP摄像机工程是哪种类型之前,你必须评估多项因素。比如说, 你是想要全IP还是部分IP,需要多少带宽,西蒙?纳什,索尼欧洲的高级营销经理将为你来 说明整个评估过程。Transition to IP surveillance向IP监控转化Network cameras for IP-based video surveillance systems have been around since 1996. These are attached directly to the network and send video to a network video recorder or to a server equipped with video management software, which stores, displays or broadcasts the images. While it will be another couple of years, according to consultancy and research firm Gartner, before the market favours IP over analogue, IP cameras are considered a fast-growing market; according to IMS Research, the global network video market grew will reach an expected $2.6 billion by 2010.应用于基于IP的 视频监控系统的网络摄像机自1996年就已经出现了。这些摄像机都是直接连接到网络并发 送图像到网络视频录像机或配置了视频管理软件的服务器上的,它们被用于存储、播放或者 发布图像。根据顾问和研究公司Gartner称,虽然市场偏好由模拟转向IP还需要几年的时间, 但IP摄像机市场已经因其快速增长而被看好;根据IMS研究数据,全球网络视频监控市场 到2010年增长将达到预期的260亿美元。Experts say the reasons for analogue's continued dominance centre mainly around upgrade costs and a general lack of knowledge about networking technologies in many physical security departments.专家们说,模拟持续保持优势的原因主要是 围绕升级的成本以及有关物理安全部门网络技术知识的缺乏。 本篇文章来源于:安防知识网(www.asmag.com.cn) Points to consider when opting for a network video surveillance solution 选择网络视频监控解决 时需要考虑的要素When looking at your options, the first thing you need to consider is whether you should use full or partial IP. You can still get some of the advantages of IP while maintaining your investment in analogue by using video encoders that convert the analogue signal to one that can run over IP. Though this kind of system works well, it is not architected for growth. Full IP installations are more streamlined and efficient and require less maintenance. They're digital from one end to another and are very reliable because there are fewer moving parts. Second, consider if there is enough bandwidth on the corporate backbone. 在检视你的选择的时候,首先 要考虑的是你到底是要选择全IP还是部分IP。你仍然可以以模拟监控投资为主,通过用视 频编码的方法把模拟信号转为IP信号,从而取得一些IP的优点。虽然这种系统可以工作的 不错,但它不支持扩展升级。全IP工程更精简和高效而且需要的维护更少。由于经过的部 件更少,以数字的方式从一端到另一端是非常可靠的。其次,要考虑到骨干企业是否有足够 的带宽。 When looking at your options, the first thing you need to consider is whether you should use full or partial IP在检视你的选择的时候,首先要考虑的是你是到底是要选择全IP 还是部分IP Because IP-based surveillance places new demands on existing network infrastructures, the physical security department has to work with IT to implement or even choose the best system, which means overcoming a traditional barrier between the two groups. "The best decisions on network design will be made jointly between the two groups", says Jeff Vining, research vice president at Gartner. "For instance, because streaming live video is bandwidth-intensive, it can be too costly to upgrade networks or too difficult to use in situations where there are many users. To optimise bandwidth, you may need to use application delivery controllers and/or wide-area-network optimisation controllers," he says.由于基于IP的监控系统给现有的网络基础 设施提出了新的需求,物理安全部门不得不与IT打交道,以便于开展工作乃至选择最好的 系统,这意味着要克服两者之间的传统障碍。“关于网络设计的最好的决定将是把两者相结 合起来”,Gartner研究副总裁杰夫?韦宁说,“例如,因为实时视频流是带宽密集型的,所以 要要么升级网络的成本太高,要么在当许多用户使用的情况下会变得十分困难。为了优化带 宽,您可能需要使用应用交互控制器和(或)广域网优化控制器。” Evaluation Criteria for a network camera system 网络摄像机系统的评价The range of features available on network cameras is constantly changing, but here are some basic things to look for, according to analysts.分析师指出,网络摄像机可提供的功能范围是不断变化的,但 是还是有一些基本的东西可以参考。Field of view: According to Vining, most surveillance applications call for a 240-degree field of view and a zoom capability of 500 feet. For those who need more, there are pan/tilt/ zoom (PTZ) cameras, which can provide 360-degree views. "These cameras can cost more than twice as much as fixed cameras", Vining says, "and normally require more maintenance because of their moving parts." 视角:根据韦宁的观点,大多数监控应用要 求一个240度视角和一个500英尺变焦能力。对于那些需要更大视角的使用者,可以使用可 以提供360度全景的平移/倾斜/缩放(PTZ)摄像机。“这些摄像机比固定摄相机的成本高2倍 以上”,韦宁说,“因为它们的可活动部件平常需要更多的维护。”Bandwidth: "It's a huge issue, especially as demand grows for more cameras on the network and higher-resolution images. You can reduce bandwidth consumption by putting intelligence into the camera," says Simon Harris, senior analyst at IMS Research, so, for instance, only certain images are forwarded. However, that means you're not recording non-events that may supply needed context. "You need to use that selectively," he says. 带宽:“这是一个巨大的问题,特别随着的网络和高清摄像机需求的增 长。你可以把智能分析功能放入摄像机当中以减少对带宽的消耗,”IMS Research的高级分 析师西蒙?哈里斯说,“并且,只需转发某些特定图像。”当然,那意味着你不会记录下可能 是支持前后关系的必要非事件内容。“你需要有选择的使用,”他说。Power source: The state-of-the-art approach for network cameras is to use power over Ethernet (POE), which means you power the camera through the same wire that sends the IP signal, saving up to $300 per camera. POE is not always available on PTZ cameras, however, because of the amount of power they consume.电源:对网络摄像机来说最先进的电源方案是使用以太网供电(PoE),这意味 着你可以通过一条电缆就可以同时发送,,信号并给摄像机供电,从而使得每台摄像机可节 省多达,,,美元的费用。尽管如此,由于耗电量的原因,PoE并不常在PTZ摄像机上应 用。Resolution: Many users are moving toward megapixel network cameras, which offer five times the resolution of video graphics array (VGA) cameras. Not only do you get a clearer image, but because of the higher resolution, you can also reduce the number of cameras you need. 解决 方案:许多用户正在逐步转向使用百万像素网络摄像机,这样可以获得五倍的视频图形阵列 (VGA)摄像机分辨率。你不仅可以的到更清晰的图像,由于有了更高的分辨率,你甚至可以 减少你所需的摄像机数量。 Assessing needs: is it enough to monitor cars for speed or license plates need to be read as well?评 估需求:是否有足够监测车辆速度或抓拍牌照, Auto filtering: For image clarity in various lighting situations, it's important to get a network camera with adjustable lenses to control the amount of light that is received. This is especially important, Vining says, when a camera is facing east or west. However, he says, some organisations will simply elevate camera mounts and then angle downward to view the horizon rather than incur the additional costs of adjustable lenses. 自动过滤:对于在各种光线条件下的 图像清晰度来说,得到一个拥有可调节镜头来控制光量接收的网络摄像机是十分重要的。这 一点特别重要,韦宁说,当一个摄像机头朝东或朝西的时候。尽管如此,他还指出,一些组 织会简单的抬升摄像机支架,然后下调角度来看地平线,而不是在可调镜头上花费额外费用。 Open platforms: Look for vendors that comply 100 percent with industry standards, such as in the areas of security (PSIA or ONVIF) and video compression (H.264), Gartner recommends. Also look for open application programming interfaces and multiple supported software applications.开 放式平台:Gartner建议大家尽量寻找百分之百符合行业标准的供应商,比如在安防领域 (PSIA或)以及视频压缩领域(H.264)。另外也要寻找开放式应用编程接口和支持多种应 用的软件。Scalability: Companies with large installations will want the equipment to be compatible with tools that locate, update and monitor the status of the devices and their IP addresses. 可扩展性:有大型工程项目的公司将想要带有工具的设备,以便可以查找、更新 和监测设备的状态和IP地址。Service/support: Make sure the camera vendor or reseller is able to send replacement parts quickly and can readily offer engineering support. Many network camera manufacturers sell indirectly through channel partners, which is common in the IT industry but not in the security industry. This takes some getting used to among traditional security personnel.服务 /支持:确保摄像机供应商或者经销商能够迅速的发送更换零件和随时提供工程支持。许多 网络摄像机厂商通过渠道合作伙伴进行间接销售,这在IT行业中很普遍,但在安防行业却 不是这样。因此,对于传统安防行业人士需要一些时间来适应。
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