

2017-09-26 50页 doc 107KB 79阅读




行星地球10行星地球10 1 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:28,000 字幕校对+特效: 月亮花@MySiLU思路高清 2 00:00:37,090 --> 00:00:43,570 树木是众多生命中的伟大一员 Trees. Surely among the most magnificent of all living things. 3 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:51,080 有些树是地球上最大的物种, 其他生命在它面前显得相当渺小 Some are the largest o...
行星地球10 1 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:28,000 字幕校对+特效: 月亮花@MySiLU思路高清 2 00:00:37,090 --> 00:00:43,570 树木是众多生命中的伟大一员 Trees. Surely among the most magnificent of all living things. 3 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:51,080 有些树是地球上最大的物种, 其他生命在它面前显得相当渺小 Some are the largest organisms on Earth 4 00:00:51,140 --> 00:00:54,300 这些是长得最高的一种树. dwarfing all others, and these are the tallest of them all. 5 00:01:07,910 --> 00:01:13,020 落叶林和针叶林都生长在 地球上有明显季节变化的地区 The deciduous and coniferous woodlands that grow in the seasonal parts of our planet 6 00:01:13,300 --> 00:01:16,480 在地球上分布最为广泛 are the most extensive forests on Earth. 7 00:01:24,910 --> 00:01:29,210 它们的分布之广,超出想象 Their sheer extent stuns the imagination. 8 00:01:30,430 --> 00:01:36,310 季 相 林 9 00:01:42,230 --> 00:01:45,120 冰雪覆盖的北极地区 The barren snows of the Arctic. 10 00:01:45,260 --> 00:01:49,580 这是距离北极点以南1000英里的地方 A thousand miles from the North Pole, and heading south. 11 00:01:52,870 --> 00:01:56,460 这也是树木长到的最北处 This is the very first place that trees can grow. 12 00:01:59,530 --> 00:02:02,180 一开始松树比较稀疏 To begin with the conifers are sparse 13 00:02:02,570 --> 00:02:05,830 再往南它们便马上支配了大陆 but soon they dominate the land. 14 00:02:13,880 --> 00:02:17,090 这就是泰加针叶林 This is the Taiga Forest. 15 00:02:19,190 --> 00:02:25,010 它的面积,是所有热带雨林面积的总和 There are as many trees here, as in all the world's rainforests combined. 16 00:02:26,320 --> 00:02:31,780 针叶林环球分布 占全球所有树木总量的三分之一 The Taiga circles the globe and contains a third of all the trees on Earth. 17 00:02:32,410 --> 00:02:38,720 它制造了大量的氧气 是我们这个地球的空气清新剂 It produces so much oxygen, that it refreshes the atmosphere of the entire planet. 18 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:50,660 在针叶林的北部区域 树木的一年内的生长时节只有1个月 At the Taiga's northern extent the growing season can last for just one month a year. 19 00:02:51,890 --> 00:02:56,120 一棵树从秧苗到成年需要50年的时间 It can take fifty years for a tree to get bigger than a seedling. 20 00:03:10,550 --> 00:03:14,770 除了偶有动静,这里万籁俱寂 It's a silent world where little stirs 21 00:03:16,760 --> 00:03:19,870 即使在满是冰雪的童话世界中 But there are occasional signs of life. 22 00:03:20,020 --> 00:03:22,460 也有非常特别的生命 Stories written in the snow. 23 00:03:24,270 --> 00:03:29,630 北极狐追捕野兔的脚印 The prints of an Arctic fox and the hare it might've been stalking. 24 00:03:35,320 --> 00:03:37,120 这是雌性北极熊 A female polar bear 25 00:03:37,290 --> 00:03:39,440 和她的2个孩子的脚印 and her two cubs. 26 00:03:49,660 --> 00:03:52,580 有些动物如幽灵般 Some animals are so difficult to glimpse 27 00:03:52,740 --> 00:03:54,690 难得一见 that they're like spirits. 28 00:03:55,260 --> 00:03:58,340 你可能在森林里呆一辈子 One could live a lifetime in these woods 29 00:03:58,670 --> 00:04:00,710 也不会见到一只猞猁 and never see a lynx. 30 00:04:04,590 --> 00:04:08,090 这只猫(猞猁属于猫科的一种) 为寻找猎物跋涉了几百英里 The cat must roam hundreds of miles in search of prey 31 00:04:08,610 --> 00:04:13,120 而且树林中同一地方它可能不会来第二次 and may never visit the same patch of forest twice. 32 00:04:14,380 --> 00:04:17,300 这是在原始森林中生存的基本 It's the very essence of wilderness. 33 00:04:22,490 --> 00:04:28,580 猎物是如此至少,捕猎对于它们来说是极端困难 With so few prey animals here, life for a hunter is particularly hard. 34 00:04:31,590 --> 00:04:35,930 这里缺乏生物的原因是很少有生物以针叶为食 Creatures are scarce because few can eat conifer needles. 35 00:04:36,830 --> 00:04:38,760 北美驼鹿是个例外 The moose is an exception. 36 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:51,070 因为生长困难 针叶树木用树脂来保护宝贵的叶子 Growth is so difficult that conifers protect their precious leaves by filling them with resin. 37 00:04:51,110 --> 00:04:55,790 以减少水分流失.这样也让针叶变得难以食用 That reduces water loss, but it also makes them very distasteful. 38 00:05:07,280 --> 00:05:10,590 至少松果是可以食用的 At least the conifer's seeds are edible 39 00:05:11,060 --> 00:05:14,070 但松果被层层装甲包围着 but they're protected within armor plated cones 40 00:05:14,310 --> 00:05:17,460 还是有破甲专家可以吃到 and it takes a specialist to reach them. 41 00:05:20,540 --> 00:05:25,050 交喙鸟用非常特别的喙分开松果的鳞片 The crossbill's extraordinary beak can prise apart the scales, 42 00:05:25,090 --> 00:05:27,860 然后用舌头来卷取种子 so that it's tongue can extract the seeds. 43 00:05:32,160 --> 00:05:37,760 鸟类是幸福的.当收获季节结束时,它们可以向南方飞去 Birds are fortunate. When the seasonal crop is gathered, they can fly south 44 00:05:42,590 --> 00:05:47,550 不过有一种动物是在这个冰雪森林中生存的专家 But one animal is so expert at survival in this frozen forest 45 00:05:47,770 --> 00:05:51,590 所以它可以终生在这里活动 that it stays here and is active all year long. 46 00:05:54,680 --> 00:06:01,940 当地传说狼獾 是人跟灵界的连系而且是狼跟熊的混血儿 In local folklore, the wolverine is a link to the spirit world and a cross between a bear and a wolf. 47 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:06,460 实际上,它不过是最大的鼬科动物罢了 In reality, it's a huge weasel. 48 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:13,620 它的体型有利于 帮助保持体内热量和扩充食物来源 It's bulk helps to conserve body heat and also broadens it's menu. 49 00:06:13,740 --> 00:06:18,620 它大而强壮,甚至可以干掉一头成年北美驯鹿 It's so big and powerful, it can even bring down an adult caribou. 50 00:06:21,020 --> 00:06:25,750 据说它每一餐的食量是同体型动物的一倍半 For it's size, it's said that the animal can eat more in one sitting than any other 51 00:06:26,120 --> 00:06:29,420 可以被认为是暴食型动物 which is why it's also known as the glutton. 52 00:06:47,400 --> 00:06:51,750 在这种环境下,暴食不失为一种有效策略 Being gluttonous here is a very effective strategy. 53 00:06:51,960 --> 00:06:55,680 能吃多少就吃多少 It's wise to eat all you can, when you can 54 00:06:57,730 --> 00:07:05,490 当吃不下的时候 就把食物储存起来,以应付酷寒的到来 and when even a glutton can't eat more it stores what's left for later, in the surrounding deep freeze. 55 00:07:13,140 --> 00:07:16,430 冰雪森林的春天 Spring in the ice forest. 56 00:07:27,330 --> 00:07:31,370 北欧雷鸟也吃针叶林的针叶 The capercaillie can also digest conifer needles 57 00:07:31,950 --> 00:07:35,440 不过此时它还没有享用的优先权 but feeding is not it's priority at the moment. 58 00:07:38,210 --> 00:07:42,500 如同角斗士,雄鸡们为战斗摆好了架势 Like gladiators, the males square up for a battle. 59 00:07:53,630 --> 00:07:58,400 只有一个机会来取得雌鸟的芳心 Each may have just a single chance to impress a female. 60 00:08:00,160 --> 00:08:03,510 必须全神贯注,不能失败 Neither can afford a lapse in concentration. 61 00:08:28,820 --> 00:08:32,820 受伤的雷鸟不会活下来 The injured loser may not survive. 62 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:40,510 这片广阔森林的居民们 The inhabitants of this great wilderness 63 00:08:40,740 --> 00:08:44,800 可以不受人类干扰,自由生存和死亡 may live and die without ever having contact with humanity. 64 00:08:45,840 --> 00:08:47,670 希望永远如此 Long may it be that way. 65 00:08:58,430 --> 00:09:01,920 地球北部的森林可能地球上最大的森林了 The northern forest may be the largest on Earth 66 00:09:01,920 --> 00:09:09,360 不过想要一览针叶林的全貌, 你要还要再向南走1000英里 but to see coniferous trees that have reached their full potential you must travel a thousand miles south of here. 67 00:09:16,090 --> 00:09:18,500 北美洲,太平洋沿岸 The Pacific Coast of North America. 68 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:30,880 铁杉,花旗松,巨杉 The land of hemlock, douglas fir and giant redwood. 69 00:09:38,770 --> 00:09:42,210 这里,水再也不会冰封 Here, water is never locked up in ice 70 00:09:42,570 --> 00:09:49,780 即使不下雨, 针叶也可以从海上蜂拥而来的水雾中汲取水分 and even if rains fail the needles can extract moisture from the fogs that roll in from the sea. 71 00:09:58,380 --> 00:10:01,110 太阳给森林带来的生长能量 The Sun's energy powers these forests 72 00:10:01,210 --> 00:10:05,590 不是北极的一个月,而是半年 not for one month as it does in the Taiga but for half the year. 73 00:10:15,870 --> 00:10:20,070 这些树木的生长速度是北极圈附近树木的10倍 These conifers grow at ten times the rate of those near the Arctic 74 00:10:20,190 --> 00:10:23,190 寿命更可达数千年 and they live for thousands of years. 75 00:10:34,070 --> 00:10:36,950 加利福尼亚的这块红杉林 One grove of redwoods in California 76 00:10:36,980 --> 00:10:40,890 世界树木高度排行前三名的树都在这里 contains three of the tallest trees on Earth. 77 00:10:46,490 --> 00:10:52,190 这颗超过100米的树有30层楼房那么高 This one is over a hundred meters high, the size of a thirty story building. 78 00:11:21,100 --> 00:11:26,220 这片森林远在人类直立行走之前就出现了 These forests were growing here long before humans walked the Earth. 79 00:11:26,470 --> 00:11:29,760 2000万年前它们就已经在这里 They were in their prime twenty million years ago 80 00:11:29,860 --> 00:11:37,270 甚至比阿尔卑斯山(欧洲) 和洛基山脉(美洲最长的山脉)隆起的时间还要早 and existed before the Swiss Alps or the Rocky Mountains were even raised. 81 00:11:48,780 --> 00:11:52,570 比起热带雨林来 There is more living matter in a forest of giant conifers, 82 00:11:52,750 --> 00:11:58,500 巨大针叶林里的有机物质要多的多 但是都在大树里 than in any tropical rainforest but it's all contained within the trees. 83 00:11:59,310 --> 00:12:05,700 针叶依然如北极针叶林那样难吃 所以动物仍然稀少 These are as inedible as those in the Taiga so animals are still scarce, 84 00:12:06,420 --> 00:12:08,450 还是有意外的惊喜 but they are present. 85 00:12:11,970 --> 00:12:13,400 松貂 A pine marten. 86 00:12:13,490 --> 00:12:18,440 春天,是松貂找食的最佳时节 It's spring, the best time of year for a marten to find food. 87 00:12:35,040 --> 00:12:41,320 鸟卵是季节性的美餐 虽然数量众多,只是不能长时间享受 Bird's eggs are a seasonal snack and for a short time, there's plenty of them 88 00:12:43,360 --> 00:12:45,490 有时候可能是„太多了 Sometimes perhaps, too many. 89 00:12:49,630 --> 00:12:54,620 要在这里常住,松貂就需要稳定的食物来源 But to live here permanently, the marten needs a more reliable food source. 90 00:12:56,260 --> 00:12:58,480 松鼠就是 Squirrels fit the bill. 91 00:12:58,620 --> 00:13:06,970 松鼠以松果为食, 虽然松果是季节性生长的,但可以贮藏起来吃一整年 They thrive here on the pine cones and although these are also seasonal they can be stored and eaten throughout the year. 92 00:13:12,050 --> 00:13:14,280 松鼠忙着交配 The squirrels are busy mating 93 00:13:18,500 --> 00:13:24,380 这是猎人的好消息 心烦意乱的松鼠,就十分容易被抓住了 Good news for the hunter. A distracted squirrel, is a vulnerable squirrel. 94 00:13:31,310 --> 00:13:34,440 不过,这对情意绵绵的情侣十分安全 But, this time, the amorous couple is safe. 95 00:13:34,880 --> 00:13:39,790 有一只正在他的储藏室里美餐的松鼠 是更容易捕捉的目标 There is a loner stocking his larder, who will be the easier target. 96 00:14:15,330 --> 00:14:20,180 早夏,乌林鸮的孩子刚刚长大 Early summer, and great grey owl chicks are fledging. 97 00:14:23,150 --> 00:14:30,300 成鸟能在这里养育小宝宝 表示今年的田鼠够多可以养活它们 Adults can only raise young here in years when the seasonal vole crop is big enough to support them. 98 00:14:35,520 --> 00:14:38,660 小乌林鸮的第一次飞行时间到了 The moment has arrived for their first flight. 99 00:14:44,280 --> 00:14:49,440 要从世界上最高的树木上跳下,可不能恐高 Leaping from the world's tallest trees is not for the faint hearted. 100 00:15:16,170 --> 00:15:21,490 想要从这里落下,分阶段进行不失为一种好方法 If you're going to fall here it's quite a good idea to do it in stages. 101 00:15:40,480 --> 00:15:43,860 地面对乌林鸮来说只是个落脚点 The ground is no place for an owl. 102 00:15:46,220 --> 00:15:50,700 想要在班上名列前矛,必须有毅力 If he's to climb to the top of his class he'll need to persevere 103 00:15:53,850 --> 00:15:56,660 现在,可以再来一次了 So now, let's have another go. 104 00:16:17,550 --> 00:16:19,730 美洲的针叶林 The American conifer forests 105 00:16:19,740 --> 00:16:22,650 可能不是动物的乐园 may not be the richest in animal life 106 00:16:23,280 --> 00:16:25,820 但这些树木非常特别 but their trees are extraordinary. 107 00:16:26,880 --> 00:16:32,770 这些美洲杉是红杉的亲戚,也是世界上最大的生物 This giant sequoia, a relative of the redwood, is the largest living thing on Earth. 108 00:16:33,810 --> 00:16:38,680 谢尔曼将军树有十头蓝鲸那么重 Known as General Sherman, it's the weight of ten blue whales. 109 00:16:49,310 --> 00:16:56,650 附近的高山上,狐尾松 是地球上最长寿的生物 Higher up in the nearby mountains, bristlecone pines, the oldest organisms on the planet. 110 00:16:59,060 --> 00:17:03,060 有的在这里已经待了5000年 Some have been here for five thousand years. 111 00:17:03,060 --> 00:17:11,240 它们在金字塔建造之前就发芽了, 耶稣诞生的时候它们已经活了3000年 They were alive before the pyramids were built and were already three thousand years old when Christ was born. 112 00:17:16,370 --> 00:17:23,160 穿越赤道来到南半球 这里的森林如同北半球的翻版 Across the Equator, in the southern hemisphere there are forests that mirror those of the north. 113 00:17:25,170 --> 00:17:31,860 这是南美洲, 绰号叫“猴子谜”的南洋杉看上去和极地针叶林没什么两样 Here in South America araucaria trees or monkey puzzles are like the conifers of the Taiga. 114 00:17:32,370 --> 00:17:38,220 它们用防水的鳞片代替了针叶.球果也有些不同 They have waterproof scales, instead of needles and their cones look a little different 115 00:17:38,300 --> 00:17:40,960 不过它们在本质上还是一样的 but the principles are the same. 116 00:17:45,500 --> 00:17:50,740 尖嘴锥尾鹦鹉和交喙鸟来一样啄出种籽取食 Slender billed parakeets rather than crossbills, extract their seeds. 117 00:17:59,300 --> 00:18:07,610 由于更长的生长季节, 南半球也有红杉-智利柏树 Where the growing season is longerm, there are alerce trees the redwoods of the south. 118 00:18:21,490 --> 00:18:28,020 难道如同寒冷的北极, 巴尔第毕亚温带森林只有很少的动物? As in the frozen north, the Valdivian forests of Chile support very few animals 119 00:18:28,590 --> 00:18:31,510 这种相似性在这里是不存在的 but that is the end of the similarity. 120 00:18:35,630 --> 00:18:39,610 这里是小动物的奇异世界 This is a bizarre world of miniature creatures. 121 00:18:42,870 --> 00:18:48,800 智利普度鹿 世界上最小的鹿之一,正在吃根乃拉草的大叶子 The pudu, the world's smallest deer feeds on the giant leaves of the gunnera plant. 122 00:18:57,310 --> 00:19:01,340 雌鹿肩高仅仅30厘米高 The female is just thirty centimeters high at the shoulder 123 00:19:01,510 --> 00:19:04,220 她的孩子不比小猫大多少 and her infants are hardly bigger than kittens. 124 00:19:22,290 --> 00:19:27,920 妈妈必须保持警惕,猎人正在觑觎着孩子 The male must stay alert. There are hunters here who would snatch his young. 125 00:19:30,680 --> 00:19:34,260 另一种小动物--南美林猫 Another miniature. The kodkod cat. 126 00:19:38,100 --> 00:19:43,960 对于这种美洲最小的猫科动物来说 小普度鹿无疑是它的美餐 It's the smallest cat in all the Americas and a young pudu would be a feast for it 127 00:19:45,660 --> 00:19:50,440 由于母鹿在警戒着,南美林猫只好放弃 But, with the male on guard, the kodkod must lower his sights. 128 00:19:56,280 --> 00:19:58,040 飞蛾正在孵化 Moths are hatching. 129 00:19:58,340 --> 00:20:03,770 今年夏天最后一批, 小猫应该可以抓到它们 They're the last of the summer. The tiny cat should be able to score with these. 130 00:20:07,150 --> 00:20:09,850 没人知道为什么这里的动物这么小 No one knows why the creatures here are so small 131 00:20:10,220 --> 00:20:13,980 至少它们可以在这个贫瘠的地方存活 but at least they can survive on meager rations. 132 00:20:41,120 --> 00:20:44,480 你可以称这个游戏为:猫抓飞蛾 You might call this a game of cat and moth. 133 00:21:09,150 --> 00:21:11,280 冬季逼近智利 As winter approaches in Chile 134 00:21:11,510 --> 00:21:15,000 北半球的春天却来了 spring is arriving in the northern hemisphere. 135 00:21:23,560 --> 00:21:27,520 这是我家乡的落叶林 These are the deciduous forests of Homme. 136 00:21:28,670 --> 00:21:36,140 从冬天苏醒后,它们开始了自然界最神奇的转变 Dormant throughout the winter, they now undergo one of the most magical transformations in the natural world. 137 00:21:48,420 --> 00:21:53,770 到了晚春,大地一片翠绿,风景如画 By late spring the landscape is wrapped in a vibrant fresh green. 138 00:21:54,130 --> 00:21:58,420 阔叶林代替针叶林 Here, instead of conifers, there are broad leaved trees 139 00:21:58,510 --> 00:22:02,660 同时也展现了完全不同的世界 and that makes the character of this forest entirely different. 140 00:22:08,120 --> 00:22:12,030 不仅叶子能比针叶吸收更多阳光 Being broad, these leaves trap much more light than needles 141 00:22:12,450 --> 00:22:16,120 而且叶子更薄,更软,更好吃 but they're also thin, soft and edible. 142 00:22:36,210 --> 00:22:39,080 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 And others can eat the leaf eaters. 143 00:23:01,680 --> 00:23:09,430 这是跨越东欧-亚洲-俄罗斯的 世界上最大的落叶阔叶林的春天 It's spring in the great broad leaved forests of Eastern Europe and Asiatic Russia. 144 00:23:10,080 --> 00:23:12,430 鸳鸯正在示爱 The mandarin ducks are courting. 145 00:23:26,360 --> 00:23:29,790 雌鸳鸯在树上筑巢 The female mandarin nests in a tree hole 146 00:23:30,020 --> 00:23:35,020 她正在带着所有的宝宝们离开巢穴 and when it's time for everyone to leave she leads the way. 147 00:23:38,210 --> 00:23:41,460 小鸳鸯才24个小时大 The ducklings are only twenty four hours old. 148 00:23:44,300 --> 00:23:48,850 要让它们从这么高的地方落下 妈妈鼓励的叫声是必须的 It's a long drop, and a few calls of encouragement are required. 149 00:24:02,400 --> 00:24:05,190 2只降落,还有7只 Two down seven to go. 150 00:24:39,860 --> 00:24:41,730 还少着2只 There are still two missing. 151 00:25:03,780 --> 00:25:06,710 如数到齐 All present and correct. 152 00:25:06,920 --> 00:25:09,990 在赶到水中之前它们还很不安全 But they won't be safe until they reach water 153 00:25:10,070 --> 00:25:13,460 林中的池塘还有1英里远呢 and the forest pool is almost a mile away. 154 00:25:50,050 --> 00:25:53,210 6月是白昼最长的时候 By June the days are at their longest 155 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:58,110 所有北半球的阔叶树木努力生长 and all across the northern hemisphere the broad leaves are hard at work. 156 00:26:08,150 --> 00:26:10,170 在北美洲的东部 On the east coast of North America 157 00:26:10,240 --> 00:26:13,220 这里的夏日傍晚和其他地方一样 it seems like any other summer's evening 158 00:26:15,740 --> 00:26:18,730 不过今晚非常特别 but tonight is special. 159 00:26:23,010 --> 00:26:25,690 在17年的地下潜伏后 After seventeen years underground 160 00:26:26,200 --> 00:26:28,510 一种生物开始活跃起来 creatures are stirring. 161 00:26:35,030 --> 00:26:40,480 布鲁德X蝉(一种周期蝉)的若虫 为这个机会等待了很长时间 The nymphs of the periodical cicada have been biding their time. 162 00:26:40,600 --> 00:26:46,980 现在它们如朝圣般向最近的树进军 并开始攀爬 Now they march like zombies towards the nearest tree, and start to climb. 163 00:26:55,300 --> 00:26:58,430 一开始,不过几千只 At first, there are merely thousands 164 00:26:58,600 --> 00:27:03,640 马上,10亿只若虫爬满了整个森林 but soon, more than a billion swarm all over the forest. 165 00:27:03,720 --> 00:27:08,010 地球上最大规模的昆虫羽化就要开始了 The biggest insect emergence on the planet is underway. 166 00:27:39,390 --> 00:27:48,320 占据上端的树枝后 若虫开始进行转变到蝉的蜕皮动作 They invade the upper branches, where they climb out of their external skeletons and assume their adult winged form. 167 00:27:57,120 --> 00:27:59,810 一开始它们又白又软 At first they're white and soft, 168 00:27:59,990 --> 00:28:03,490 直到黎明它们才完全转化完毕 but they have until dawn to complete their transformation. 169 00:28:18,030 --> 00:28:24,510 在17年的缺席之后 森林中的蝉泛滥成灾 After an absence of seventeen years, the forest is now overrun by cicadas. 170 00:28:33,040 --> 00:28:37,420 成年蝉不仅笨拙而且非常美味 The adults are clumsy and very edible. 171 00:28:46,850 --> 00:28:56,920 对于龟和其他森林居民来说, 可能再也没有运气能这样狼吞虎咽,大快朵颐 For turtles and other inhabitants of the forest this is a feast they're lucky to see once in their lifetime and they gorge themselves while they can. 172 00:29:10,790 --> 00:29:13,030 美好时光~ Times have never been so good. 173 00:29:13,030 --> 00:29:18,940 蝉毫无防卫而且好像是 把自己送上门供享用 The cicadas have no defenses and virtually offer themselves to their attackers. 174 00:29:29,980 --> 00:29:32,620 这种昆虫川流不息的出现 The stream of insects is so relentless 175 00:29:32,750 --> 00:29:36,630 使得捕食者数量很快就暴涨 that soon all the predators are full to the point of bursting 176 00:29:49,010 --> 00:29:51,460 仍然有大量的蝉赶来 and still the cicadas come. 177 00:29:51,750 --> 00:29:56,630 当捕食者达到饱和,存活的蝉也在完成它们的使命 With the predators overwhelmed the survivors can achieve their purpose. 178 00:30:00,300 --> 00:30:05,680 成蝉在交配完并产卵后,它们的工作也完成了 After mating, the adults lay their eggs and then their job is done. 179 00:30:06,550 --> 00:30:11,140 几天的时间内他们全将死去,森林又会恢复平静 In just a few days they will all die and the forest will fall silent. 180 00:30:12,270 --> 00:30:17,630 在接下来的17年里,不会再听到布鲁德蝉的声音了 The cicadas here, will not be heard again for another seventeen years. 181 00:30:28,090 --> 00:30:34,620 喂饱了掠食者后,蝉给森林留下了最后的礼物 Having fed the predators, the cicadas leave one final gift for the forest itself. 182 00:30:35,160 --> 00:30:40,880 这些蝉给土壤提供了大量养分 The nutrients in a generation of cicadas are returned to the soil, all at once 183 00:30:41,390 --> 00:30:45,030 树木也可以享受疯长的乐趣 and the trees enjoy a marked spurt in growth. 184 00:30:45,540 --> 00:30:51,030 这可能是自然界最大剂量的一只营养针 This may be the single largest dose of fertilizer in the natural world. 185 00:31:12,440 --> 00:31:15,710 在东欧的大片落叶阔叶林那边 In the great broad leaf forests of Eastern Europe 186 00:31:15,960 --> 00:31:17,880 白昼开始缩短 the days are beginning to shorten, 187 00:31:18,280 --> 00:31:23,500 一声富有攻击力的原始声音在宣布秋天的到来 and a primeval sound heralds the onset of autumn. 188 00:31:42,440 --> 00:31:46,370 雄性马鹿正在按惯例行事 Male red deer are starting their rut. 189 00:31:52,180 --> 00:31:55,590 空气中弥漫着雌马鹿的气味 The air is heavy with the scent of females. 190 00:32:07,840 --> 00:32:09,980 规则很简单 The rules are simple. 191 00:32:10,090 --> 00:32:12,600 胜利者取得一切 Winner takes all. 192 00:33:06,580 --> 00:33:08,710 环绕整个北半球 Across the northern hemisphere 193 00:33:08,830 --> 00:33:11,480 可以看到落叶林在不断变化 the deciduous forests are changing. 194 00:33:12,080 --> 00:33:17,330 从春天开始提供给动物食物和掩护的树叶 开始脱落了 Leaves that have provided food and shelter since the spring, are now shed. 195 00:33:22,440 --> 00:33:25,050 在俄罗斯 In the broad leaf forests of Russia 196 00:33:25,170 --> 00:33:28,260 落叶林的冬天是严酷的 winter is particularly severe 197 00:33:33,680 --> 00:33:37,980 但总是有一些动物从中获益 but there will always be some who benefit from hardship. 198 00:33:42,520 --> 00:33:48,950 黑秃鹫寻找死去和饿死的鹿,以它们的腐肉为食 Black vultures scavenge from the carcass of a seeker deer that has died of cold or starvation. 199 00:33:49,530 --> 00:33:57,340 这些濒临灭绝的鸟儿从更加寒冷的西伯利亚来访 These endangered birds are visitors. They've come down from the north to escape the even colder conditions in Siberia. 200 00:34:35,250 --> 00:34:37,070 一只远东豹. An Amur leopard. 201 00:34:37,310 --> 00:34:39,830 世界上最稀少的猫科动物 The rarest cat on Earth. 202 00:34:40,840 --> 00:34:43,630 冬天对这个动物来说相当难熬 Winter is a difficult time for this hunter. 203 00:34:43,670 --> 00:34:47,930 没有树叶可以掩护,没有幼小的猎物 There are no leaves for cover and no young prey animals. 204 00:34:48,540 --> 00:34:54,460 这只雌豹因为要抚养她的一岁大的孩子 而担负着更大的压力 This female has the added pressure, of having to provide for her one year old cub. 205 00:34:54,670 --> 00:34:59,110 还得再过一年,小豹才能照顾自己 It'll be another twelve months, before he'll be able to fend for himself. 206 00:35:12,620 --> 00:35:15,970 秃鹫的叫声说明它们放弃了那块畜体 The bickering vultures have abandoned the carcass. 207 00:35:16,580 --> 00:35:20,030 对于豹子来说这是重要的发现 It's a valuable discovery for the leopards. 208 00:35:25,210 --> 00:35:29,470 小豹却不知道她妈妈着急的心情 But the cub doesn't share it's mother's sense of urgency. 209 00:35:59,530 --> 00:36:03,040 秃鹫虽然留下了这块上好的肉 The vultures have left behind plenty of good meat 210 00:36:03,160 --> 00:36:05,730 不过这块肉冻得太硬了 but it's stiff with frost. 211 00:36:08,530 --> 00:36:13,770 母豹撕开兽皮,好让她的小豹吃起来容易点 The mother works to open the hide, and make feeding a little easier for her cub. 212 00:36:25,890 --> 00:36:30,460 目前仅有40只左右的远东豹 There are only forty Amur leopards left in the wild 213 00:36:32,560 --> 00:36:35,410 而且它的数量还在减少 and that number is still falling. 214 00:36:36,340 --> 00:36:41,320 严酷的冬天阻碍了这个种群数量的增长 The harshness of the winter here hinders their increasing numbers. 215 00:36:41,440 --> 00:36:48,270 比起非洲豹来 母豹养大她的孩子成人所花的时间要长很多 It takes one of these females longer to raise her young to independence than it does a leopard in Africa. 216 00:36:56,350 --> 00:37:01,340 如果母豹能和小豹多坚持几个星期 If the mother can sustain her cub for a few more weeks 217 00:37:01,580 --> 00:37:05,870 等到春天随着食物的回升 母豹的任务也会变得轻松一些 spring will bring an increase in prey and her task will lighten. 218 00:37:11,830 --> 00:37:15,030 对于这个季相林的所有居民来说 For all the inhabitants of this seasonal forest 219 00:37:15,140 --> 00:37:18,360 漫长寒冷的冬天即将过去 the long, cold wait is nearly over. 220 00:37:31,010 --> 00:37:35,580 春天的落叶林是很特别的 Spring in a deciduous woodland is special. 221 00:37:39,400 --> 00:37:44,560 由于没有树叶遮蔽,阳光可以直射到森林地表上 With no leaves overhead, the rays of the sun strike the forest floor directly 222 00:37:44,630 --> 00:37:47,920 这种温暖让植物们从冬眠中苏醒过来 and their warmth rouses plants from their winter sleep. 223 00:37:56,060 --> 00:38:03,920 地表植物正在匆忙生长, 不久之后,树木长出的新叶将会重新把阳光夺去 The ground living plants are in a hurry. Before long the trees above will come into leaf and steal their light. 224 00:38:13,610 --> 00:38:21,140 花,是森林地表的天然装饰. 它们以花蜜为广告,来吸引新生的昆虫 Their flowers decorate the forest floor as they advertise their sweet nectar to the newly emerged insects. 225 00:38:39,130 --> 00:38:47,970 春--使落叶林与针叶林和雨林没有任何相似性 The spring blooms of the deciduous woodlands have no equivalent in either the great conifer forests, or the tropical jungles. 226 00:38:53,190 --> 00:39:01,970 再过几个星期,树冠层重新遮蔽天空, 透到地面的只有丝丝缕缕的阳光 Within a matter of weeks the canopy has closed and only a few wheeling shafts of light penetrate the woodland. 227 00:39:10,740 --> 00:39:19,170 在树梢 树叶很快生长开来并保持这个状态一直到夏末 In the treetops, the broad leaves rapidly expand to their full size to make the most of summer while it lasts. 228 00:39:25,400 --> 00:39:30,320 几个月后,白昼又开始缩短 Then, after a few months, the days begin to shorten again 229 00:39:30,440 --> 00:39:37,430 树木开始减缓代谢,树叶开始凋零, 以准备迎接寒冬的到来 and the trees must shut down and shed their leaves in preparation for the cold dark time ahead. 230 00:39:42,500 --> 00:39:48,250 随着季节的变换 北美的大片地域万山红遍,层林尽染 Great tracts of North America flush red as the season progresses. 231 00:39:49,760 --> 00:39:53,990 这种壮观的景象发生的地域之广 The effect is so spectacular and so extensive 232 00:39:54,040 --> 00:39:56,490 甚至可以在太空中看到 that it can be seen from space. 233 00:40:12,160 --> 00:40:18,070 寒冬的威胁不是树木落叶的唯一原因 The threat of winter frost is not the only reason for trees to shed leaves. 234 00:40:22,680 --> 00:40:25,460 这片森林在热带地区 These forests stand in the tropics. 235 00:40:25,630 --> 00:40:28,710 在这里白昼没有变化 Here day length never changes 236 00:40:28,790 --> 00:40:37,460 在炎热干燥的季节 树木无法承受水分从叶子上的大量流失 but the dry season is so severe that the trees can't afford to loose the amount of water that would evaporate from their broad leaves, 237 00:40:37,640 --> 00:40:39,510 所以,必须落叶 so the leaves must be shed. 238 00:40:57,860 --> 00:41:02,510 这片森林看上去和冬季欧洲的森林相似 The forest resembles a European woodland in mid winter 239 00:41:02,810 --> 00:41:07,770 但是这里的酷热让人无法承受,动物也不为人熟悉 but the heat is overpowering, and it's inhabitants, unfamiliar. 240 00:41:12,430 --> 00:41:15,530 对于印度的这个柚木林的动物们来说 For the creatures of India's teak forests, 241 00:41:15,610 --> 00:41:19,000 这是让人绝望的时刻 these are desperate times 242 00:41:19,560 --> 00:41:21,960 不过救命稻草就在附近 but salvation is at hand. 243 00:41:22,140 --> 00:41:25,870 山榄正在开花 The mahwa tree is about to bloom. 244 00:41:29,510 --> 00:41:33,730 多汁的花让动物们疯狂 It's flowers are full of liquid making them irresistible. 245 00:41:41,050 --> 00:41:45,560 山榄对于它们来讲就是沙漠中的绿洲 The mahwa is an oasis in a hot dry desert. 246 00:41:56,370 --> 00:42:01,520 这些花也不是只给会飞的和会爬树的享用 Those that fly or climb are not the only ones to get a share. 247 00:42:05,390 --> 00:42:11,210 白斑鹿跟随着长尾叶猴,收集掉下的花 Chital deer follow the langur monkeys collecting the flowers that fall. 248 00:42:17,380 --> 00:42:23,170 叶猴对白斑鹿的到来表示欢迎, 因为鹿可以帮助侦察掠食者 The monkeys welcome the deer, for deer are unrivaled at spotting predators. 249 00:42:25,220 --> 00:42:32,080 如果白斑鹿显得无拘无束 那么叶猴可以安心从地面上采集食物 If they are relaxed, it must be safe to come down to the ground and gather the food that lies there 250 00:42:42,840 --> 00:42:47,300 不过远离哨兵是不明智的 but it's not wise to travel far from the sentinels. 251 00:43:41,110 --> 00:43:46,070 马达加斯加岛(非洲)的热带地区 湿季 Tropical Madagascar. The wet season. 252 00:43:52,490 --> 00:43:55,750 现在波巴布树长出了新叶 It's now that the baobab trees regrow their leaves 253 00:43:55,850 --> 00:44:02,420 用来收集水分并储存到巨大的躯干中 用以对付干季的到来 and collect water to store in their huge trunks, ready for the dry season ahead. 254 00:44:23,990 --> 00:44:27,720 波巴布树的外形已经相当被人们熟悉了 The prehistoric shape of these trees is rightly famous 255 00:44:27,840 --> 00:44:31,430 但是很少有人能看到波巴布树的真正魔力 but few have ever witnessed the baobab's real magic 256 00:44:31,840 --> 00:44:35,650 这发生在夜晚,波巴布树的树顶 for that happens at night and high in the treetops. 257 00:44:41,700 --> 00:44:48,110 在水的作用下 波巴布树正在准备一场让人终生难忘的演出 Flush with water, the baobab prepares itself for an unforgettable display. 258 00:45:05,810 --> 00:45:12,020 长长的花可以在1分钟之内完全展开„ Once started the foot long flowers can open fully in less than a minute. 259 00:45:56,330 --> 00:46:01,190 当花开的时候,动物们也被唤醒了 As the flowers open, the creatures of the forest wake. 260 00:46:13,260 --> 00:46:17,420 鼠狐猴从干季的冬眠中醒来 The mouse lemurs have been hibernating throughout the dry season. 261 00:46:17,780 --> 00:46:21,460 雨季来临时,它们就开始忙碌了 With the return of rains it's time to get busy. 262 00:46:27,060 --> 00:46:36,390 12只鼠狐猴同居此洞.对于这种巴掌大小 世界上最小的灵长动物来说,空间足够了 A dozen share this tree hole, but there's plenty of room. The world's smallest primate is no bigger than your hand. 263 00:46:41,790 --> 00:46:46,740 高处的波巴布树已经开始分泌花蜜了 High in the branches above, the baobab's nectar is starting to flow. 264 00:47:01,630 --> 00:47:05,080 饮用这些高糖高能的花蜜 A drink of this sugary energy packed liquid 265 00:47:05,080 --> 00:47:09,080 对狐猴来讲是美好一天的开始 is an ideal way for the lemurs to start their day. 266 00:47:13,310 --> 00:47:18,550 花蜜从花中央渗出 流到花瓣上 Liquid oozes from the flower's center and trickles down the petals 267 00:47:35,220 --> 00:47:38,550 不过花蜜不是只留给狐猴的 But the nectar is not intended for lemurs. 268 00:47:42,810 --> 00:47:48,910 这些大天蛾才是树木想要吸引的 These giant hawk moths are the drinkers the tree needs to attract. 269 00:47:58,400 --> 00:48:06,230 当它们在树与树之间采蜜的时候 也给树完成了传精授粉 As they sip, moving from tree to tree, so they transfer pollen and fertilize the flowers. 270 00:48:20,250 --> 00:48:24,350 花蜜是鼠狐猴的美妙的饭前点心 Nectar was an excellent first course for the lemurs 271 00:48:24,800 --> 00:48:27,600 飞蛾才是正餐 but moths are the main dish. 272 00:48:29,420 --> 00:48:32,040 飞蛾对狐猴相当重要 The moths are very important to the lemurs 273 00:48:32,270 --> 00:48:38,840 飞蛾是狐猴挺过干季的重要的脂肪来源 for they will replenish the fat reserves that the lemurs need to survive the barren dry season. 274 00:48:47,120 --> 00:48:50,300 鼠狐猴好像对波巴布树来说是害虫 The lemurs might seem to be a pest for the baobab. 275 00:48:50,850 --> 00:48:56,990 它们杀死授粉者又抢夺花蜜, 不过鼠狐猴的确对树木有所回报 They kill it's pollinators and rob it of it's nectar but they do give something in return. 276 00:48:57,190 --> 00:49:02,680 因为,当狐猴捕捉飞蛾的时候, 它们的毛皮不可避免的会沾上花粉 For, as the wrestle with the moths, their fur inevitably becomes dusted with pollen 277 00:49:02,820 --> 00:49:06,450 所以,它们也成了授粉者 so they, too, become pollinators. 278 00:49:28,870 --> 00:49:35,670 干季雨季的交替变换给热带的树木带来了变化 As the alternation of wet and dry seasons brings change to some tropical forests 279 00:49:35,730 --> 00:49:42,280 从夏季到冬季的变换 也决定了温带地区的生物物种 so the progression of summer to winter dictates life in more temperate regions. 280 00:49:51,120 --> 00:49:54,860 不管树木是针叶还是阔叶 Whether trees have needles or broad leaves 281 00:49:54,930 --> 00:49:58,340 它们这种在季节变化生存的本领 it is their ability to survive annual change, that has enabled them to cover 282 00:49:59,180 --> 00:50:03,550 使得季相林覆盖了地球上大片的地方 such vast areas of the Earth 283 00:50:03,610 --> 00:50:08,720 也使季相林变得最为伟大 and made the seasonal forests the greatest forests of all.
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