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rfid读卡器相关的英文翻译rfid读卡器相关的英文翻译 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 射频识别在物品跟踪与追溯系统中的应用 摘要:针对供应链全过程的物品跟踪和追溯需求,提出了基于射频识别语义事件的物品跟踪模型 和追溯方法;定义了五种射频识别业务事件,使用可扩展标记语言元素描述产品物流信息。通过 缓存优先级排队策略处理并发射频识别复杂事件,实现了射频识别事件与业务单据的自动匹配和 集成。设计了物品跟踪与追溯系统的功能架构、网络结构和安全体系,通过Web Service和手机 短信等多种方式查询追溯信息。 关键词:无线射频识别;跟踪与追溯;事件;产品电子...
rfid读卡器相关的英文翻译 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 射频识别在物品跟踪与追溯系统中的应用 摘要:针对供应链全过程的物品跟踪和追溯需求,提出了基于射频识别语义事件的物品跟踪模型 和追溯;定义了五种射频识别业务事件,使用可扩展标记语言元素描述产品物流信息。通过 缓存优先级排队策略处理并发射频识别复杂事件,实现了射频识别事件与业务单据的自动匹配和 集成。设计了物品跟踪与追溯系统的功能架构、网络结构和安全体系,通过Web Service和手机 短信等多种方式查询追溯信息。 关键词:无线射频识别;跟踪与追溯;事件;产品电子代码信息服务 1 引言 目前国内外对物品的跟踪和追溯十分重视。 欧盟相关法律法规要求在欧盟国家销 售的牛肉制品和生鲜水果、蔬菜都要具有可追溯功能。美国食品与药品管理局(FDA) 要求对食品安全进行跟踪与追溯。中国于2007年7月和12月,相继出台的《食品召回 管理规定》和《药品召回》,以及国家最新颁布的《食品安全法》,都要求 食品,药品制造和流通企业能够动态地跟踪同批次产品的当前位置等信息,以便及 时、方便地召回有问题产品。 在国际标准化组织IS04802:1949中,“可跟踪性”定义为:通过记录标识的方 法确定某个实体来历、用途和位置的能力。物品“可追溯性”指原料或部件的来源、 产品的加工历史、产品配送过程中的流通和位置可追溯. 射频识别(RFID)具有无线、非接触、高速自动目标识别等特点,已逐步应用于铁 路运输监控与管理、高速公路收费、危险品管理、农产品,食品,药品跟踪管理、动 物识别管理、集装箱管理、高档商品防伪识别等领域。 文献[3]提出的区域RFID信息公共服务平台包括中间件服务模块和底层硬件模 块、企业数据中心模块和企业应用模块。通过RFID中间件服务,使用消息队列将各读 写器读到的事件驱动过程链(EPC)信息主动发给企业数据中心,企业数据中心由数据 库和产品电子代码信息(EPCIS)组成,存储产品EPC信息,并提供数据交换和查询。 文献[4]设计了轻量级的RFID信息追踪模型和架构,包括物品命名解析服务器、 物品溯源服务器、物品信息服务器和公共服务代理器。文献[5]采用数据网格与RFID 相结合的方式,构建农产品跟踪与追溯系统,将RFID数据以规格化的可扩展标记语言 第 1 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 (XML)文档形式描述,采用事件机制、消息发布与订阅机制统一处理RFID事件。广东 省和福建省检验检疫部门应用RFID技术对出口鳗鱼产品质量控制信息进行实时追踪 和管理,上海对生猪采用RFID技术进行质量追溯。文献[7]提出制造业动态 追踪任务 模型,加强了供应链的追溯功能,文献[8]和文献[9]提出了仅应用于单一闭环领域的 RFID跟踪系统。 RFID系统通常将读写器r在t时刻识别的标签s形成数据元组(r,s,t)直接发送给 应用系统,将底层数据流变换成可管理的RFID数据流。文献[11]在简单事件处理中引 入标签识别状态和事件驱动状态转换,使用应用无关和应用相关的复合事件处理机 制,将RFID原始数据转换为应用系统需求信息,并可定制特定的复合事件处理。 文献[12]提出了复合订阅语言,设计了基于图和时间事件的订阅匹配算法,以支持时 序和非触发式事件的检测。文献[13] 分析了基于流的共享事件处理(Stream-based and Shared Event Processing,SASE)的复杂事件算法存在的不足,采用Hash表和有 限自动机(DFA)来存储和检测RFID复杂事件。 综上所述, 已有RFID产品跟踪追溯的研究集中在RFID数据采集和物品RFID信息跟 踪记录、RFID信息公共服务平台的研究开发,RFID中间件和RFID事件处理机制的研究 集中在RFID数据无冗余采集、数据过滤、简单数据转化成RFID复杂事件、RFID复杂事 件的处理机制和事件发布与订阅机制。目前,RFID的应用研究缺乏RFID事件的业务应 用分析和技术实现研究;缺乏对并发RFID事件的处理机制研究,未涉及RFID事件与企 业业务单据之间的集成。 针对RFID技术用于物品跟踪和追溯的需求, 业之间共享。EPCIS接口 包括EPC事件定义、获取与查询。 调 度,生成事件处理优先队列。根据事件处理优先队列,RFID复杂事件处理组件依次将 RFID事件与企业业务单据进行自动匹配,完成RFID应用的业务操作或错误报警提示。 同时将产品物流的RFID业务事件用XML、通过超文本传输(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,HTTP)上传并存储到EPCIS服务器,提供供应链全过程的产品追 第 4 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 溯查询。 RFID事件实时调度策略包括基于业务规则的优先级处理、缓存优先级处理、时间 序列先后顺序处理等策略。操作用户通过企业内部系统生成业务单据,RFID数据采集 并生成RFID事件, 计算机缓存中RFID事件与企业内部系统业务单据之间的匹配由系统 自动完成。RFID复杂事件的处理也是由RFID应用系统自动处理,但需要人工事先定义 复杂事件的实时处理规则或缓存优先级。 RFID事件的缓存优先级处理策略为: ?RFID数据和RFID事件采用数据对象并存储 在本地缓存中,EPC事件处理优先级由所在的缓存赋予,根据不同阅读器的业务处理 重要程度(人工定义),分别设置其各自的缓存优先级高低,使重要的EPC得到优先处 理;?缓存大小监控模块对每个缓存控件进行实时监控,当缓存中的数据达到或已超 出缓存上限时,此模块就将此缓存的优先级动态更改为最高,并通知缓存数据处理模 块进行处理;?缓存数据处理模块按缓存的不同优先级,优先处理优先级高的缓存, 系统自动对RFID业务事件进行排序处理。 4基于射频识别的物品跟踪与追溯系统 4(1 系统功能和网络结构 物品跟踪与追溯系统的功能架构不仅包括传统RFID中间件的数据接入层、 数据层 和RFID事件管理服务层,还包括面向业务单据集成的单据解析与转换、数据交换、 EPCIS服务等功能组件。硬件层是产品流通各环节安装的固定或手持RFID读写器和天 线,以及追溯单元(产品,6装箱,托盘,集装箱)上粘贴的RFID电子标签;接入层包 括RFID读写器适配器、RFID数据过滤、加密和数据格式转化处理;数据层包括EPCIS 数据库、产品数据库、业务单据数据库;服务层包括RFID事件处理组件、XML业务单 据解析与转化组件、EPCIS事件上传与查询组件、数据流管理、数据交换服务;基础 管理包括用户和权限管理、产品数据和供应链企业信息管理和维护。RFID应用层包括 产品RFID数据采集(涉及制造商、分销商、配送中心、零售商)、产品制造过程跟踪管 理、流通跟踪管理、产品追溯查询、RFID应用与企业业务系统数据交换。 企业商品物流操作的主要步骤、需要跟踪和共享的物品RFID信息。供应链企业在 局域网内通过USB,串口,IP端口多方式连接RFID读写器, 采集物品跟踪的RFID信息, 第 5 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 将RFID事件与企业应用系统进行业务数据集成,通Internet将物品状态变化的RFID 事件(XML文件)实时上传到据中心的RFID事件数据库。 物品数据中心由数据库和EPCIS 组成,存储产品EPC信息并提供数据交换,包括物品跟踪服务器、物品追溯EPCIS服务 器、公钥,私钥安全服务器。 4(2射频识别事件与企业业务集成 企业应用系统(如企业资源计划(ERP)、销售点终端(Point,POS)、仓库管理系统 (WMS))将业务单据通过XML文件传递给RFID跟踪追溯系统,系统自动将业务单据与 RFID业务事件进行匹配比较,核对并保持产品物流和信息流的一致性,生成复杂EPC 事件,上传到EPCIS服务器,实现产品的追溯和查询。 以销售出库业务为例,ERP系统提供的销售出库单包括物料编码、物料名称、规 格型号、应发数量、计量单位、单据号、发货仓库、发货单位、接收单位等信息。将 销售出库单的XML文档生成文档对象模型(DOM)单据对象,XML节点数据赋值给对象属 性,完成单据对象的数据转化,从而屏蔽不同应用系统单据的异构性。以下给出RFID 事件与出库单据对象间的业务匹配算法的伪码表示。 for(each EventNode child node eNode),,将事件链表中的每个事 件与单据对象匹配 {if(eNode(bizStep==Orde(outbound),,判断事件是否出库业务 {if(ListNode(RFID—id包含Orde(product—id) ,,判断事件 中EPC编码是否属于出库商品类型 Quantity=quantity+1 I else alert(发错商品)l}}if(Quantity:>Order(number) alert(商品出库数量多了!); if(Quantity?Order(number) Order(number=Quantity I if(eNode is a tail event) capture(every eNode);,,将每个出库事件上传到EPCIS数 据库 4(3产品物流信息追溯查询 第 6 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 根据上述产品追溯体系, 由制造商维护的产品数据库提供产品原料信息和产品属 性,EPCIS事件数据库提供产品制造和流通过程的物流信息,以及产品查询过程记录, 对单品,包装箱的物流信息进行多纬度统计分析。 系统能够提供产品RFID标签实时查 询方式和发布,订阅信息方式,用户可以通过RFID固定设备、web网站、具有RFID读 取功能的近距离无线通讯(NFC)手机来读取商品的RFID标签,通过Web Service服务和 手机短信访问产品追溯查询平台,得到产品的物流追溯信息。 信息查询服务使用Web Service方式,将查询内容全部封装在一个查询服务内, 用户用NFC手机或RFID固定读写器一次查询就可以获得所有信息。 4(4射频识别应用系统的安全 随着计算机网络开放性、共享性以及互联程度的提高,基于Internet的供应链物 品跟踪与追溯系统的信 息安全越来越重要, RFID跟踪追溯系统要采取可靠的安全措施 来保证RFID数据不可篡改和数据网上传输的安全。因此,RFID跟踪追溯系统的安全设 计有以下方法: (1)RFID标签数据加密为实现贵重物品RFID标签防伪,可将EPC编码通过AES算法 加密后再写入标签,具有私钥的读写器读取标签密文,再进行编码解密得到EPC明码. (2)用户和读写器身份认证RFID跟踪追溯系统需要验证操作用户的RFID身份卡, 只有具有私钥的读写器才能够读取RFID标签信息,实现系统的权限控制,保证操作信 息不可篡改。 (3)采用数字签名技术实现RFID数据传输的安全以数字签名技术对RFID客户端与 数据中心跟踪服务器间进行双向身份鉴别, 双向身份鉴别采用的是国际通用的高强度 128位RSA非对称算法。 传输过程中的机密RFID数据通过加入报文鉴别码(MAC)的方式, 实现报文加密和数据完整性校验。 根据RFID应用系统的安全要求,可以独立或组合应用上述三种安全加密方法。经 过对成本投入和安全强度的折衷考虑, 安全体系的密钥存储和加密运算完全由软件实 现,也可改为硬件加密以及硬件密钥存储。 5 系统实现 根据上述的物品跟踪模型和系统功能架构, 设计开发了基于RFID的物流跟踪与追 第 7 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 溯系统。系统开发选用微软Visual Studio开发平台,C编程语言,数据库。采用客户 端 ,务器和浏览器,服务器混合技术架构,其中数据采集、RFID事件处理、ERP业务 单据 集成采用C,S架构,实现了RFID应用系统与用友ERP(U871软件业务单据匹配集 成和 数据交换;RFID复杂事件的上传和物品跟踪查询采用B,S架构。使用Java 2平台 企业版 的轻量级框架Spring来管理整个EPCIS事件上传和产品信息查询服务,使用来 持久化数据 库,集成Quartz来管理事件定时上传任务。手机和服务器之间通过Web Service进行通讯和 交换物流信息。手机短信服务器端采用工业级GSM MDEM(俗称短信 猫)和移动公司的SP 短信服务器两种模式。 供应链全过程的跟踪和追溯管理,产品 物流信息与企业业务系统之间缺乏实时信息的采 集和数据同步。 ct distribution and location of the circulation process can be traced back. [3] RFID information for regional public service platform, including middleware service modules and the underlying hardware modules, the enterprise data center modules and enterprise application modules. RFID middleware services through the use of message queues to each reader to read the event-driven process chain (Event-driven Process China, EPC) information sent to the enterprise data center initiative, database and enterprise data centers by the Electronic Product Code Information (Electronic Product Code InformationService, EPCIS) composed of EPC information storage products, and provides data exchange and query. [4] designed a lightweight RFID tracking information model and framework, including the item name resolution server, the server tracing items, items of information and public service proxy server. [5] using the data grid with a combination of RFID, tracking and tracing system of agricultural building, the RFID data to standardized extensible markup language (eXtensible Markup Language, XML) document formal description, using the event mechanism, disseminating Unified treatment with RFID event subscription mechanism. Guangdong Province and Fujian Province, inspection and quarantine departments to RFID technology eel products for export quality control information in real time tracking and management, the Shanghai RFID technology on the quality of live pigs using retrospective. [7] proposed dynamic tracking task model of the manufacturing sector, strengthening the supply chain traceability, [8] 第 10 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 and [9] proposed a closed-loop field applies only to a single RFID tracking system. RFID systems typically reader r at time t s the formation of the data tag identifying tuple (r, s, t) sent directly to the application system to manage the underlying data flow into the RFID data streams. [11] introduced a simple event processing and event-driven state labels identify state transitions, the use of application-independent and application-related complex event processing mechanism, the raw RFID data into information system requirements for the application, and can customize a particular complex event processing Rules. [12] proposed a composite subscription language, design and timing of events based on the subscription graph matching algorithms to support timing and non-triggered events testing. [13] analyzed the flow based on a shared event handler (Stream-based and Shared Event Processing, SASE) the complexity of the shortcomings of the event algorithm, using Hash tables and finite automata (DeterministicFinite Automaton, DFA) to store and complexity of testing RFID Events. In summary, there are RFID product tracking retrospective study focused on RFID RFID data collection and item information tracking records, RFID information on research and development of public service platform, RFID middleware and RFID e vent handling mechanism of the studies focus on RFID data without redundant I acquisition, data filtering, simple data into RFID complex event, RFID complex event processing mechanism and the event publish and subscribe mechanism. Currently, RFID Application of a lack of business applications of RFID events and technology research; the lack of concurrent RFID event processing mechanism, not related to RFID events and business integration between business documents. For RFID technology for tracking and tracing of goods demand, this paper presents the semantic events based on RFID tracking model and tracing of goods means the RFID XML-based business events, recording, storage and traceability 第 11 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 products, logistics information, research RFID event concurrent Processing mechanism, designed RFID-based item tracking and tracing system of the functional architecture, network architecture and security methods to achieve event-based RFID real-time tracking and tracing items of information inquiries. 2 radio frequency identification-based tracking and tracing items model In order to establish information systems to track model and product logistics corresponding relationship between the entities, need to address the physical entity identification and management system for encoding data in the corresponding mapping problem. Logistics unit can be traced back as the product tracking and tracing of objects, which can be product raw materials, semi-finished products, single items, boxes, trays, containers, etc., can be traced back unit [14], including the definition of identification information and record information in two parts. Identification information of the main function is to ensure the continuity of the process of tracking and tracing; record information to achieve the main function is to trace the internal and external circulation. Unit can be traced through the design and construction, will be tracking and tracing of physical entities in the supply chain into different units of information can be traced back back, back to the information from the physical realization of the change retroactive. 3 the semantic definition ofRFID event handling EPC global organization EPCIS interface standards issued H nails, EPCIS provides a modular, scalable data and service interface, making the EPC 第 12 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 related data can be shared within the enterprise and between enterprises. EPCIS interfaces, including the definition of EPC events, access and query. This follows and extends the EPCIS interface, using XML semantic description and storage logistics, RFID business event. 3.1 The state of radio frequency identification products, logistics semantic description of events Based on product logistics in the supply chain changes state, the RFID business event divided into five types of complex: ? object events, said the EPC tag read event; ? polymeriza tion events, events that merge multiple labels; ? number of events that the number of tags similar items; ? trade events, to represent business processes associated with the event, which can bind to specific business orders; ? query event, to represent the number of event queries. RFID event in the XML element used to identify the parameters of product logistics real state {time, tag, reader locations, units, business type, associated labels, documents value}. Based on product logistics tracking and tracing needs, identifying business events, including raw material testing RFID warehousing, recipients of raw materials, key component assembly, off the production line, single-product packing, storage box, box a library, storage and distribution, distribution of the library, transportation tracking, retail warehousing, commodity split, marketing, product information, product return and so on. EPCIS server products, the main function as follows: ? the state capture products businesses, the RFID business events in real time through the collection of XML files uploaded to the EPCIS database stored; ? through port mapping, external network to provide a query service. Figure l shows an aggregate production of packing event. Among them, the aggregated object 012000011000000010000000; polymer EPC tag contains 01000001 1000000030000000. 0100000110000000F0000000, 01000001 第 13 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 1000000060000000. Action to increase the label, bizStep operational steps for packaging; disposition for the storage stage; readPoint 102 reader; bizLocation 001 business location for manufacturers. <Aggregat ionEvent> <eventTime>2007—09-20T15:55:04<, eventTime> <eventTimeZoneoffset>+08:00<,eventTimeZoneoffset> <parentID>urn:epc:id:GID:012000011000000010000000<,parentID> <chi IdEPCs> <epc)urn:epc:id:GID:010000011000000030000000<,epc> <epc>urn:epc:id:GID:0100000l 10000000F0000000<,epc> <epc>urn: epc:id:GID:010000011000000060000000(,epc> <,childEPCs> <action>A< ,action> <bizStep>urn:demo:bizstep:package<,bizStep> <disposition>urn:demo:disp:storage<,disposition> <readPoi nt> <id>urn:demo:readpoint:102<,id> <,readPoint> <bizLocation> <id>urn:demo:bizloc:manufacture:001<,id> <,bizLocation> <, AggregationEvent> Figure 1 RFID products, packing the definition of business events 3.2 RFID complex event stream processing mechanism RFID data acquisition is responsible for configuration and monitoring equipment, access to RFID data, RFID data filtering and integration, and in accordance with Operational Directive, the RFID data with the semantics of the RFID package for the event. RFID event detection component responsible 第 14 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 for finding a large number of concurrent RFID event and the event to be processed into the cache pool. RFID event scheduling component query the rule base in the event processing rules or conditions, all pending event processing and weighted priority scheduling, priority queues generated event handling. Priority queue according to event handling, RFID complex event processing components in order to RFID events and enterprise business documents automatically matched to complete the RFID applications for operational or error alarm. At the same time RFID product logistics business events with XML format, through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP) to upload and store the EPCIS server, the whole process of supply chain traceability queries. RFID events, including real-time scheduling policy priorities based on business rules processing, caching, priority processing, order processing, time-series strategy. Operating system users to generate business documents within the enterprise, RFID data collection and generate RFID event, RFID event in the computer cache and internal systems match between business documents automatically by the system. RFID complex event processing is handled automatically by the RFID application, but the need to manually pre-defined real-time complex event processing rules or cache priority. RFID event cache priority treatment strategy: ? RFID data and RFID event using data objects and stored in the local cache, EPC event processing priority by the host’s cache to give, depending on the reader’s business process importance (artificial definitions) their respective caches were set high and low priority, so that the EPC be an important priority; ? size of the cache control module controls for real-time monitoring of each cache, when data in the cache reaches or exceeds the upper limit of the cache, this module to this dynamically change the cache as the highest priority and notify the cache data processing module for processing; ? cache cache data processing module 第 15 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 according to the different priority, priority to high priority buffer, the system automatically sort the RFID business event processing. 4 items based on radio frequency identification tracking and tracing system 4.1 system functions and network structures Item tracking and tracing system function structure includes not only traditional RFID middleware data access layer, data layer and the RFID event management service layer, but also the documents for the integration of business analysis and document conversion, data exchange, EPCIS service and other functional groups pieces. Hardware layer is the product flow of all sectors of the fixed or handheld RFID installation of readers and antennas, as well as trace elements (product / 6 packing / pallet / container) pasted on the RFID tag; access layer consists of RFID reader adapter , RFID data filtering, encryption and data format conversion processing; data layers, including EPCIS database, product database and business documents database; service layer components, including RFI D event processing, XML parsing and transformation components business documents, EPCIS events and queries group upload cases, data flow management, data exchange services; based management, including user and rights management, product data and supply chain management and maintenance of enterprise information. RFID RFID application layer, including product data collection (involving manufacturers, distributors, distribution centers, retailers), the product manufacturing process tracking management, circulation tracking management, product traceability query, RFID applications and enterprise business system data exchange. 第 16 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 Corporate goods major steps in the logistics operation, the items need to track and share RFID information. Supply chain in the LAN through the USB / Serial / IP port number connected RFID readers, RFID tracking information collected items will be RFID event for business and enterprise data integration applications, through Internet will change the RFID event Condition (XML file) in real time uploading (webservice method) to the data center of the RFID event database. Items from the database and EPCIS data center components, storage products and to provide data exchange EPC information, including item tracking server, goods back EPCIS servers, public key / private key secure server. 4.2 RFID and enterprise business integration event Enterprise application systems (such as enterprise resource planning (EnterpriseResource Planning, ERP), Point of Sale (Point ofSale, POS), warehouse management system (Warehouse Manage-ment System, wMS)) through the XML file documents the business passed to the RFID track and trace system , The system automatically documents the business matching events with the RFID business of comparison, check and maintain product consistency of logistics and information flow to generate complex EPC events, uploaded to the EPCIS server, and product traceability and queries. To sell the library business, for example, ERP systems, including sales materials code, material name, model specifications, should be made the number of units of measurement, ticket number, shipping warehouse, shipping units, the receiving unit and other information. the XML document will generate sales document object model (Document Object Model, DOM) document objects, XML nodes in the data assigned to object attributes, document object Or-der to complete the data conversion, thereby shielding the documents of different heterogeneous applications . given below, according to RFID events and business matching between objects that the pseudo-code. 第 17 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 for(each EventNode child node eNode) {if(eNode(bizStep==Orde(outbound) {if(ListNode(RFID—id包含Orde(product—id) Quantity=quantity+1 I else alertl}}if(Quantity: >Order(number) alert(!); if(Quantity?Order(number) Order(number=Quantity I if(eNode is a ta il event) capture(every eNode); 4.3 Logistics Information Product traceability query According to the product tracing system and the product by the manufacturer to maintain a database of information to provide products and product properties of raw materials, EPCIS events database provides manufacturing and distribution process of the logistics information, and product inquiries, process recording of a single product / package of logistics information More latitude statistical analysis. RFID tag system can provide real-time products, ways to search for and publish / subscription information, the user can be fixed RFID devices, web sites, with RFID read capabilities of Near Field Communication (Near Field Communication, NFC) mobile phone to read the RFID goods Label, by SMS Web Service to access services and search platform product back, get back information on the logistics of products. Information services using the Web Service method, the query service all packaged in a query, the user with a NFC mobile phone or fixed RFID readers can get a check of all information. 4.4 RFID Application System Security As computer networks open, sharing, and a higher level of Internet, 第 18 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 Internet-based supply chain item tracking and tracing system, more and more important information security, RFID track and trace system, reliable security measures to be taken to ensure that RFID data is not tampered with and Online data transmission security. Therefore, RFID track and trace system safety design has the following methods: (1) RFID tag data encryption to achieve security valuables RFID tags can be encoded EPC written by AES algorithm to encrypt and then label with the private key of the tag reader reads the ciphertext, and then decrypt the received encoded EPC codes. (2) user authentication, and RFID readers track and trace system needs to verify the operation of the user’s RFID identity cards, only with the private key of the reader to read RFID tag information to be able to realize the access control system to ensure the operational information can not be tampered with . (3) using digital signature technology for the security of RFID data to digital signature technology to RFID tracking client and data center servers a two-way authentication, two-way authentication is used in international high-strength 128-bit general-purpose RSA asymmetric algorithms. RFID transmission of confidential data by adding message authentication code (Message Authentication Code, MAC) approach to achieve message encryption and data integrity check. RFID application system based on security requirements, can be independent or combined application of the above three security encryption methods. After the cost of investment and security on the strength of the trade-off, security system and encryption key storage operations entirely by software, hardware encryption can also be changed, and hardware key storage. 5 System i mplementation 第 19 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 Tracking model based on the above items and system functional architecture, design and development of RFID-based logistics tracking and tracing system. System selection of Microsoft Visual Studio development platform, C programming language, database. Client / Service and browser / server structure of hybrid technology, in which data collection, RFID event processing, ERP integration business documents using C / S architecture that RFID applications and UF ERP. U871 documents matching software business integration and data exchange; RFID complex events of track and trace goods used to upload and B / S structure. Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition using the lightweight Spring framework to manage the entire upload EPCIS events and product information services, the use to persist the database to manage the event timing Quartz integration uploads. Between phone and server to communicate through the Web Service and exchange of logistics information. SMS server-side use of industrial GSM MDEM (commonly known as SMS cat) and the SP Mobile SMS server mode. This item tracking and tracing method has been applied to model liquor Shuang’gou RFID integrated management system for the treasure box Square series of liquor and application of RFID tags, security management, dealer management and anti-Cuanhuo inventory management, application scenarios, including alcoholism Plant a single product label and package write RFID warehouse management applications, marketing a library’s RFID anti FALSIFYING distribution, RFID mobile security anti Cuanhuo query. RFID integrated management system can track and manage well the authenticity of each bottle of wine and manufacture of flow of information tracking and tracing. Figure 6 shows the integrated management system for RFID Shuang’gou liquor products in the database application interface; Figure 7 shows the installation of mobile RFID reader reads the RFID encoded products, check product through the web Service logistics information. 第 20 页 共 22 页 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 6 Conclusion Currently, most industrial products and the lack of fast moving consumer goods supply chain track and trace the whole process management, product logistics information with enterprise business systems lack real-time information collection and data synchronization. This paper presents RFID products based on dynamic tracking of logistics models and retrospective methods, in accordance with the application of business types on the classification of RFID event, RFID event XML element used to describe and logistics information storage products, through the cache priority queuing rules dealing with concurrent events RFID , the RFID events and business documents for a business integration. Tracking and tracing system designed functional modules, network infrastructure and security system, use the Web Service and mobile phone text messages back in formation to achieve the user query, the system for large wineries RFID integrated management system. 第 21 页 共 22 页
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