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11315全国企业征信系统11315全国企业征信系统 11315全国企业征信系统,是第三方公众征信平台,是我国社会信用体系建设的重要组成部分。创建于2002年,在国家工商行政管理机关和电信部门依法注册备案。2004年,在北京市工商行政管理局依法注册征信公司,将“企业信用的征集、评定”等征信业务明确列入法人执照营业范围之内,获得征信机构的合法主体资格。2013年3月15日,为庆祝国务院《征信业管理条例》实施,11315全国企业征信系统正式启动,发布会在北京召开。 一、11315全国征信系统的含义 11315全国征信系统是具有合法主体资格的第三方公众...
11315全国企业征信系统 11315全国企业征信系统,是第三方公众征信平台,是我国社会信用体系建设的重要组成部分。创建于2002年,在国家工商行政管理机关和电信部门依法注册备案。2004年,在北京市工商行政管理局依法注册征信公司,将“企业信用的征集、评定”等征信业务明确列入法人执照营业范围之内,获得征信机构的合法主体资格。2013年3月15日,为庆祝国务院《征信业管理条例》实施,11315全国企业征信系统正式启动,发布会在北京召开。 一、11315全国征信系统的含义 11315全国征信系统是具有合法主体资格的第三方公众征信平台,是我国社会信用体系建设的重要组成部分。11315全国征信系统是既是政府职能部门监管信息发布平台又是消费者投诉维权平台,同时还是企业信用查询平台。 二、11315全国征信系统职能 政府职能部门监管信息发布平台 11315企业征信系统为全国各级政府职能部门提供了企业监管信息发布端口,实现了把分散在不同区域、不同部门、不同文档格式、不同类别、不便查询的零散监管信息,汇聚于本平台内相关联的企业信用档案中,按照各职能部门对企业的行政许可、认定、奖罚及质量all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 技术监督监测和法院判决等不同信息分类,通过科学客观的统一征信规则和信息加工流程,使之成为企业信用档案的重要组成部分,并免费供大众查询、参考。11315企业征信平台,让每一条政府监管信息,都发挥出其应有的功效和威力。 消费者投诉维权平台 11315企业信用档案征信系统与实名制下的消费者维权档案系统有机结合,为企业与消费者搭建了“面对面”、“点对点”的在线沟通渠道,是从征信角度化解消费纠纷、商业纠纷、劳务纠纷等信用危机的友好和解机制。将实名制下的消费投诉纳入企业征信系统,置于公众监督之下,帮助尊重消费者、重视社会责任的企业树立良好形象。对于持“不理会”、“敷衍”态度的不负责任商家,系统将按统一规则自动削减其信用分值,并对每条投诉信息按不同处理情况分类,客观,成为企业信用档案的重要组成部分,免费供大众查询、参考。11315企业征信平台,让每一条实名制下的消费投诉得到尊重。 企业信用查询平台 市场经济是信用经济,信用是企业的命脉。11315企业征信系统,把政府各职能部门的监管信息、行业协会(社团组织)的评价信息、银行信贷信用信息、企业管理信息、媒体的评价信息,以及实名制下的消费者评价信息(包括消费信息、交易信息、合作信息、劳务信息等),按照统一的征信规则,汇集到相关企业信用档案。通过科all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 学的数学分值计算,适时反映出企业动态的信用状况。11315企业信用查询平台,是消费者消费之前进行决策的指南,是商家交易之前进行决策的重要参考,是有效规避消费侵权、商业欺诈的重要保障,是政府政策支持、银行信贷的重要依据。11315企业征信平台,帮助企业建立客户信任,促成更多交易。 三、11315全国征信系统优势特点 信用信息全面性 信用档案数据涵盖所有政府职能部门监管信息(归类为企业基本身份信息,行政许可、认定信息,行政奖罚信息,产品质量监测信息,法院判决信息,知识产权信息六项),银行信贷信用信息(包括中国人民银行信贷信用评价信息、各商业银行信贷评价信息、小贷公司信贷评价信息、民间借贷信用评价信息),行业协会评价信息(各行业协会评价信息、水电气电讯交通等社会公共事业单位评价信息),媒体评价信息,企业运营管理信息,市场反馈信息(消费者、交易对方、合作伙伴、员工等)。任何一个方面的信用缺失都可能引发企业整体的信用危机,因此,只有全面性的信息才能比较客观的反映出企业的信用状况,才有较高的参考价值。 截止到2013年11月,公司库的企业数达2600多万家,各政府职能部门评价信息、行业评价信息、媒体评价信息等达数亿条,是目all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 前中国最庞大的企业库,最全的企业信用信息数据库,并且,信息量还在不断的积累增加中。 覆盖全国、跨行业性 随着市场经济的深入发展,世界经济一体化不断深化,只有覆盖全国、跨区域跨行业、统一的社会信用体系,才真正具有社会价值。 标准统一、征信化 本系统采用统一征信标准、统一数学模型下的信用分值(信用评级)计算方法,统一数据库、统一查询平台,保证了企业信用档案分值的可比性、通用性和实用性。本系统立足于大范围、多角度、高透明度的公开“征信”,为广大消费者提供免费信用查询服务,在庞大数据基础上将开展“信用报告”、“信用评级”等信用服务,这是我们与国内外同行业信用机构差异性服务之一。 客观、真实、独立第三方 本系统在信息采集渠道的源头设定了严格把关机制和纠错反馈机制,保证了信息的客观性、真实性。 四、11315拥有中国最大的企业信用数据库 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 11315全国征信系统拥有最庞大的中国征信系统信息数据库。所有信用档案、信用评级、信用评估等信用产品,都是依据数据库的信息记录来评判过去、预测未来。信用产品的价值和公信力,主要取决于所依据数据库信息的“质”和“量”。 五、11315全国企业征信系统三大基本工作原则 ? 对信用档案中每条信息的真实性负责,随时纠错; ? 评判结果依据客观数据、统一标准得出,本机构不做任何主观评价; ? 恪守“客观、真实、公正”独立第三方国际征信准则,从信息采集、见证、核实、录入 到评判结果,全过程不受外界干预。征信结果,接受全社会监督。 六、11315全国征信系统文化理念 指导方针 以道德为支撑,以产权为基础,以法律为保障 运营机制 政府推动,依法征信,记录真实,市场运营 经营理念 让事实作证,让数据说话 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 七、关于信用档案的建立 中华民族拥有五千年历史文明,尊崇诚信与仁爱。近年来,由于少数人道德出现滑坡,制假售假、商业欺诈等失信行为渐成漫延之势,致使诚信的企业无法得以证实,大众消费顾虑重重,交易出现信任危机。国务院高瞻远瞩,大力推行社会信用体系建设,要求建立长效机制,让诚信者得到保护、失信者受到严惩,确保社会经济健康发展。 按照国务院《关于社会信用体系建设的若干》、《关于社会信用体系建设规划的部署》、《征信管理条例》及“十二五”规划要求,以工商、税务、质检、法院等全国各级、各区域54个职能部门对企业的监管信息为基础,吸纳社团、媒体、金融、消费者等评价信息,建成覆盖全国、标准统一的11315全国企业征信系统,为合法注册的企业依法建立信用档案,并匹配与法人执照唯一对应的信用编码和信用网址。 11315征信系统是我国社会信用体系建设的重要组成部分,为我国 市场经济的健康发展承载着重要。 八、全国企业征信系统产业简介11315 中国征信业――2013年3月15日,国务院赋于法律地位的崭新行业。 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with 11315全国企业征信系统――远远走在中国征信业前边的一支奇葩~一直以来,先期拿到征信许可的同行业征信机构热衷于出具纸质信用报告,或依托某个职能部门影响力搞活动、发信用牌子(证书)进行单方评价,大把获取成绩的情况下,11315团队没有去轰抢这块利益,而是在国务院和相关领导、专家指导下,艰苦研发征信系统、不断进行市场征信实践,紧紧咬定建立强大数据库的目标不放,在各部门支持下,抢先建立起了源源不断获取分散在各地政府职能部门的企业监管信息通道,在此基础上吸纳各行业协会社团组织、金融机构、媒体及广大消费者的实名制评价信息,建成中国最大的企业信用信息数据库,奠定了依靠国家、社会的整体力量开展征信工作的基础; 11315立足国情、接轨国际、创新模式,克服了单一部门、单一行业或区域性评选、信息披露的局限性,以标准统一的信息采集、加工和数据计算模型,形成跨行业、覆盖全国、数据动态等强大优势,为11315发布动态信用分值、信用评级奠定了公信力基础; 在部分城市征信试点中,11315又成功的摸索出一套适合中国国情的征信运营模式:11315对任何企业不发表任何主观评价,只需要严格审核、把控每一条进入信用档案的信用信息的真实性,通过对大量社会各方评价信息统一计算自动得出所有企业的信用分值和信用评级结果,真正体现了特色国情下的“客观、公证、独立第三方”国际征信模式。 恰逢2013年3月15日国务院《征信业管理条例》实施之际,11315全国企业征信系统这一巨型产业在中国全面启动。 all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with all fire safety site instructions to eliminate the serious fire accident occurs. 1, all access to the construction site personnel, in accordance with its work, learning assessment, respectively, obtained the required safety certificates, certificates. Or complex-for-jobs for new workers, education professional, trained workers, fill in "educate new workers job security", "return to worker safety education sheet", and archived for future reference. 2 adequate fire fighting facilities, construction sites, temporary facilities, warehouses and construction sites must set the appropriate uses and a certain number of fire-fighting equipment. 3, paint and other flammable liquids should be kept; smoking is not allowed, and warehouse sheds, cigarette butts, fires are not allowed to throw, vessels shall have a smoking room or clothes. 4, the site must ask the owner for permission to fire with fire. Hot work must be strict compliance with the "eight don't", "four", "clear" safety fire requirements, welding pipe or hole must be covered when wet sacks, preventing slag splashing permeability combustibles, such as fire. Fire management system in construction site, equipment meets the requirements. Fire-fighting facilities, standby status and should remain intact. 14th Festival, construction site security management team and members of the construction team of the timely reporting of the general contractor, go out at night the site staff must be returned within a specified time, or refused entry. Strengthen the management of migrant workers, to find out the personnel base, grasp the thinking of everyone, non-construction personnel aregoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply withgoods and construction waste from a height; Construction of strict security measures, ensure that the entire construction in full accordance with construction plans, building plans, building codes and construction organization plan, methods of use after the procedure before the procedure, eliminate the quality so that the project can achieve excellent quality standards. Establishment of responsibility system of construction safety, established a full-time safety officer on site, construction safety jobs once found unsafe seedling should be resolved immediately, and record; Site safety signs, warning signs, entered the construction site shall wear a helmet; Construction machinery entering must pass through a security check, check before they can be used, and cannot take jobs, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner, expert management and operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment; Construction of electricity lines, electrical equipment and facilities on site installation and use must comply with the installation specifications and safety procedures, required to set up any cable contact is strictly prohibited; Construction site safety and labor protection appliances, are subject to regular inspection and maintenance to eliminate hidden perils, and guarantee its safe and effective; Fire safety for the 13th day, conscientiously implement the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" policy, and provincial and municipal construction site fire management requirements, ensure the earnest implementation of the People's Republic of China fire prevention law of basic measures for fire prevention and the Ministry of public security on the construction site, comply with
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