

2017-09-28 50页 doc 188KB 16阅读




农历公历转换农历公历转换 目 录 摘 要 关键字 前 言 第一章 VB语言概述 1(1、VB简介 1(2、VB语言的基本特点及VB应用程序的基本持点 1(3、为何我选择VB作为开发语言 1(4、VB6.0应用的基本开发方法 第二章 用VB开发多功能日历程序 2(1、本程序运行界面简介 2(2、本程序部分控件的设置 2(3、主程序部分代码 第三章 毕业设计总结 第四章 主要参考文献 附录 摘 要: 在日常生活和工作中经常有人用到农历和公历的查询问题。因此,我借这次毕业设计之机,在辅导老师的指导下,编写了一个可以在VB...
农历公历转换 目 录 摘 要 关键字 前 言 第一章 VB语言概述 1(1、VB简介 1(2、VB语言的基本特点及VB应用程序的基本持点 1(3、为何我选择VB作为开发语言 1(4、VB6.0应用的基本开发方法 第二章 用VB开发多功能日历程序 2(1、本程序运行界面简介 2(2、本程序部分控件的设置 2(3、主程序部分代码 第三章 毕业设计总结 第四章 主要参考文献 附录 摘 要: 在日常生活和工作中经常有人用到农历和公历的查询问。因此,我借这次毕业设计之机,在辅导老师的指导下,编写了一个可以在VB6下正常运行的日历、计算器多功能应用程序,编程的思路是:先把公、农历的数据用数组查询设置好,再通过算法转换成具体应用。程序应用了不规则窗体技术,使得窗体比较美观。单击属相标志可以退出程序。单击时钟数字将返回到今天。单击查询控制面板开关将向下拉出查询控制面板。 . 关键字,农历公历转换及计算器、查询控制面板、VB6。 多功能电子日历的开发 前 言 电脑已经成为挂在我们嘴角的一句口头禅,它已经深入到日常工作和生活的方方面面,比如文字处理、信息管理、辅助设计、图形图像处理、教育以及游戏娱乐等。Windows系统的推出使电脑从高雅的学术殿堂走入了寻常百姓家,各行各业的人们无须经过特别的训练就能够使用电脑完成许许多多复杂的工作。然而,虽然现在世界上已经充满了多如牛毛的各种软件,但它们依然不能满足用户的各种特殊需要,人们还不得不开发适合自己特殊需求的软件。以前开发Windows下软件是专业人员的工作,需要掌握许多专业知识和经过特殊的培训才能胜任。现在不同了,即使你没有接受过严格的程序设计训练,使用Visual Basic也一样能够开发出功能强大、适合自己特殊需求的应用程序了。Visual Basic继承了Basic 语言易学易用的特点,特别适合于初学者学习Windows系统编程。 我作为一名中央电大的学生,对从事计算机操作和编程工作有着特殊的爱好,在工作和学习之余,我时常钻研专业课基础理论,经常用VB搞一些小程序,在工作中经常有人问到农历和公历的查询问题。网页上有一些这方面的介绍,但是关于VB方面的编程资料却比较少。因此,借这次毕业设计之机,我编写了一个可以在VB6下正常运行的日历、计算器多功能应用程序,欢迎各位老师提出批评改进。 第一章 VB语言概述 一、VB简介 VB是微软公司出品的一个快速可视化程序开发工具软件,借助微软在操作系统和办公软件的垄断地位,VB在短短的几年内风靡全球。VB是极有和功能强大的软件,主要表现在:所见即所得的界面设计,基于对象的设计方法,极短的软件开发周期,较易维护的生成代码。 美国微软公司在1991年推出VB1.0至今已经经历了6个版本,VB6.0运行在win9x或winme,win2000,winxp,windowsNT等操作系统下,是一个32位的应用程序开发工具。 二、VB语言的基本特点及VB应用程序的基本持点 VB程序语言具有许多优秀的特性,用其设计应用程序时有两个基本特点:可视化设计和事件驱动编程. 1、可视化设计 同其他的一些可视化程序开发工具一样,VB具有可视化设计的特点,微软的Word在刚刚进入市场时,同WPS竞争的一个重要的功能砝码就是"所见即所得"的字处理功能,VB在设计应用程序界面时也可以说是"所见即所得".在设计时,头脑中所想象的应用程序界面,完全可 以通过键盘鼠标以及徒手画出来,而不是编制大量的代码然后再编译生成,如果需要修改,也是利用键盘鼠标和手画,而底层的一些程序代码由VB自动生成或修改。 VB为用户提供大量的界面元素(在VB中称为控件对象),这些控件对象对于熟悉Windows应用程序的用户而言是一点也不陌生,如"窗体"、"菜单"、"命令按钮"、"工具按钮"、"检查框"等等,用户只需要利用鼠标、键盘把这些控件对象拖动到适当的位置,设置它们的大小、 就可以设计出所需的应用程序界面。 形状、属性等, 2事件驱动编程 Windows操作系统出现以来,图形化的用户界面和多任务多进程的应用程序要求程序设计不能是单一性的,在使用VB设计应用程序时,必须首先确定应用程序如何同用户进行交互.例如发生鼠标单击、键盘输入等事件时,由用户编写的代码控制这些事件的响应,这就是所谓的事件驱动编程。 前面已经谈到,在VB中把窗体以及"菜单"、"按钮"等控件称为对象,如果设计出了应用程序,那么与应用程序的用户直接进行交互的就是这些对象组成的图形界面,也称为用户接口或用户界面,在设计应用程序时就必须考虑到用户如何与程序进行交户.更进一步,甚至程序和程序之间也会有通讯和交户,基本上用户是通过鼠标、键盘与应用程序进行交互的,这时那些对象就必须对鼠标和键盘操作所引发的事件做出响应.响应就是指执行一段应用程序,它不沿预定的路径执行,而是在响应不同事件时执行不同的代码.因此,应用程序代码的路径 在每次响应而执行时可能都是不形同的。 三、为何选择VB作为开发语言 除了VB之外,当前能够编制Windows应用程序的可视化编程工具还有很多,所针对的编程领域也各有侧重,就微软系列的可视化开发工具而言,就有VB,VisualC++,VisualJ++,Visual Foxpro等,其中Visual Foxpro是针对数据库编程的开发工具;Visual C++是为专业程序设计员提供的开发工具,变量声明和定义严密,功能强大灵活,必须经过相当的努力才能掌握;而VB不支持虚类、多态性和类的继承,相对而言VB简单易学,变量定义不太严密,对于非专业程序员而言功能足够强大,同Visual C++一样也支持网络编程和数据库编程。 除了微软之外,其他公司也在为Windows操作系统平台制作应用程序开发工具,例如前Borland的公司出品的Delphi,C++Bulider, J++Bulider等,其他一些公司出品的针对数据库编程的PowerBulider, PowerDesigner等,不可否认,这些产品相当出色,如果能够熟练掌握将是编程者能力的体现,但是必须承认,对Windows操作系统最熟悉的还是微软,而且微软本身Windows操作系统的源代码采取不公开的策略,使得其他公司出品的产品在实现相同功能时多少都要走些弯路,用户在使用这些产品设计应用程序时,程序的效率将会受到影响。 在选择所需要的应用程序开发工具时,不但要考虑开发工具的功能是否强大,还要考虑所花费的时间和效果,单纯地追求功能的强大,也许会事倍功半。 中央电大陈明主编的《Visual Basic程序设计》是计算机应用专业采用的一本难得的教材,使我受益匪浅。通过这门课程的学习,我已能用VB编写简单的程序,为了搞好这次毕 业设计,我决定使用VB作为编程语言。 四、VB6.0应用的基本开发方法 1、交互式开发 传统的应用程序开发过程可以分为三个明显的步骤:编码、编译和测试。但是VB与传统的语言不同,它使用交互式方法开发应用程序,使三个步骤之间不再有明显的界限。 在大多数语言里,如果编写代码时发生了错误,则在开始编译应用程序时该错误就会被编译器捕获。此时必须查找并改正该错误,然后再次进行编译,对每一个发现的错误都要重复这样的过程。VB在编程者输入代码时便进行解释,即时捕获并突出显示大多数语法或拼写错误。看起来就像一位专家在监视代码的输入。 除即时捕获错误以外,VB也在输入代码时部分地编译该代码。当准备运行和测试应用程序时,只需极短时间即可完成编译。如果编译器发现了错误、则将错误突出显示于代码中。这时可以更正错误并继续编译、而不需从头开始。 由于VB的交互特性,因此在开发应用程序时,系统频繁地运行着应用程序。通过这种方式,代码运行的效果可以在开发时进行测试,而不必等到编译完成以后。 第二章 用VB开发多功能日历程序 一、本程序运行界面简介 编程的主导思想是:先把公、农历的数据用数组查询设置好,再通过算法转换成具体应用。程序的运行界面见图1, 查询控制面计算器面板属相标志,单击 板开关 退出本程序开关 图1 程序应用了不规则窗体技术,使得窗体比较美观。单击属相标志可以退出程序。单击时 钟数字将返回到今天。单击计算器面板开关将向下拉出计算器面板,单击查询控制面板开关将向下拉出查询控制面板,见图2。 图2 二、本程序部分控件的设置 C_clock G_y,下面两个n_y,下面两个Gz Picture1 为g_m,g_d 为n_m,n_d 该时钟是画 出来的,还 有L1,L2,L3 三个line控 件 Pt : picturebox 控件 Lable4 Picture2 cmdt Picture2 Picture5 图中我们看到的一个个小按钮是用 photoshop画出来的,实际上在每个按钮 上面我都加上了透明的lable控件 Updown1 Text1:textbox 控件 三、主程序部分代码: Option Explicit '*************************************** '拖动无标题窗体 Const HTCAPTION = 2 Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long '============================================================================= Private Declare Function GetObjectAPI Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long Private Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CombineRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestRgn As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn1 As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn2 As Long, ByVal nCombineMode As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long Private Type BITMAP bmType As Long bmWidth As Long bmHeight As Long bmWidthBytes As Long bmPlanes As Integer bmBitsPixel As Integer bmBits As Long End Type Private Const RGN_OR = 2 Dim bmByte() As Byte '*************************************** '滚动字幕 Private Declare Function DrawText Lib "user32" Alias "DrawTextA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal nCount As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Const DT_BOTTOM As Long = &H8 Const DT_CALCRECT As Long = &H400 Const DT_CENTER As Long = &H1 Const DT_EXPANDTABS As Long = &H40 Const DT_EXTERNALLEADING As Long = &H200 Const DT_LEFT As Long = &H0 Const DT_NOCLIP As Long = &H100 Const DT_NOPREFIX As Long = &H800 Const DT_RIGHT As Long = &H2 Const DT_SINGLELINE As Long = &H20 Const DT_TABSTOP As Long = &H80 Const DT_TOP As Long = &H0 Const DT_VCENTER As Long = &H4Const DT_WORDBREAK As Long = &H10 Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Const ScrollText As String = "1901-2049" & vbCrLf & _ "多功能电子日历 " '*********************************************** Dim EndingFlag As Boolean, jS As Integer Dim e As String Dim f As String Dim g As Double Dim S_mem As Double Dim op As String Dim chk As Integer Const Pi = 3.14159265358979 Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = 2 Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = 1 Private Const FLAGS = SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 Dim flAge As Boolean, color_index As Integer, tiAo As Boolean, jiSuan As Boolean Dim s_mem_B As Boolean, tip As Integer, ziShi As String '************************************************** '数字按下、松开 Private Sub cmdNum_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdNum(Index) End Sub Private Sub cmdNum_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdNum(Index) End Sub '************************************************** '角度、弧度 Private Sub cmdOp_1_Click(Index As Integer) MPl.Play Select Case Index Case 0 If g = 1 Then If op = "" Then e = Str((Val(e) * 180 / Pi)) txtDisp.Text = e Else f = Str((Val(e) * 180 / Pi)) txtDisp.Text = f End If chk = 1 g = Pi / 180 End If ShowNumARG Pt, wPw1(3), 19 Case 1 If g <> 1 Then If op = "" Then e = Str((Val(e) * Pi / 180)) txtDisp.Text = e Else f = Str((Val(e) * Pi / 180)) txtDisp.Text = f End If chk = 1 g = 1 End If ShowNumARG Pt, wPw1(3), 20 Case 2 ' g = 1 ShowNumARG Pt, wPw1(3), 21 End Select End Sub Private Sub cmdOp_1_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdOp_1(Index) End Sub Private Sub cmdOp_1_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdOp_1(Index) End Sub '************************************************** '单一功能键按下、松开 Private Sub cmdops_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdOps(Index) End Sub Private Sub cmdops_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdOps(Index) End Sub '************************************************** '单一功能键按下、松开 Private Sub cmdOps_Click(Index As Integer) Dim sum As Double, i As Integer On Error GoTo eh1 MPl.Play Select Case Index Case 0 e = Str(Sqr(Val(e))) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), 10 Ji_suan Case 1 If e <> 0 Then e = -Val(txtDisp) Else e = 0 End If Ji_suan Case 2 e = Str(Sin(Val(e) * g)) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 3 e = Str(Cos(Val(e) * g)) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 4 e = Str(Tan(Val(e) * g)) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 5 e = Str(Atn(Val(e))) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 6 e = Str(1 / Sin(Val(e) * g)) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 7 e = Str(1 / Cos(Val(e) * g)) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 8 e = Str(Exp(Val(e))) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 9 e = Str(Log(Val(e))) ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Ji_suan Case 10 Randomize If op = "" Then e = Str(9999999999# * Rnd) txtDisp.Text = e f = "" Else f = Str(99999999 * Rnd) txtDisp.Text = f End If ShowNumFun Pt, wPw1(3), Index - 1 Case 11 e = Str(1 / Val(e)) Ji_suan *** 第11-23种情况略**** Case 24 If s_mem_B = False Then If op = "" Then e = Str(S_mem) txtDisp.Text = e f = "" Else f = Str(S_mem) txtDisp.Text = f End If s_mem_B = True Else S_mem = 0 s_mem_B = False End If End Select Exit Sub eh1: txtDisp.Text = "-E-" e = "" f = "" op = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdAC_Click() MPl.Play g = 1 ShowNumFun Pt, wPw2(3), 1 ShowNumARG Pt, wPw1(3), 20 e = "" f = "" op = "" txtDisp.Text = "0" End Sub Private Sub cmdAC_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdAC End Sub Private Sub cmdAC_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdAC End Sub Private Sub cmdEq_Click() MPl.Play If op = "" Then e = Str(-(Val(e))) txtDisp.Text = e Else f = Str(-(Val(e))) txtDisp.Text = f End If chk = 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdEq_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdEq End Sub Private Sub cmdEq_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdEq End Sub Private Sub cmdNum_Click(Index As Integer) On Error GoTo eh2 MPl.Play If chk = 1 Then e = "" f = "" op = "" chk = 0 End If If op = "" Then e = e & Trim(Str(Index)) txtDisp.Text = e Else f = f & Trim(Str(Index)) txtDisp.Text = f End If Exit Sub eh2: txtDisp.Text = "-E-" e = "" f = "" op = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdOp_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdOp(Index) End Sub Private Sub cmdOp_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdOp(Index) End Sub Private Sub cmdOp_Click(Index As Integer) On Error GoTo eh3 op_Sub txtDisp.Text = e op = "" chk = 0 Select Case Index Case 0 op = "+" Case 1 op = "-" Case 2 op = "*" Case 3 op = "/" Case 4 op = "^" End Select Exit Sub eh3: txtDisp.Text = "-E-" e = "" f = "" op = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdPi_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdPi End Sub Private Sub cmdPi_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdPi End Sub Private Sub cmdPi_Click() MPl.Play If op = "" Then e = "3.141592654" txtDisp.Text = e Else f = "3.141592654" txtDisp.Text = f End If End Sub Private Sub cmdPM_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdPM End Sub Private Sub cmdPM_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdPM End Sub Private Sub cmdPM_Click() On Error GoTo eh1 op_Sub txtDisp.Text = e op = "" chk = 1 Exit Sub eh1: txtDisp.Text = "-E-" e = "" f = "" op = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdPt_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P8, cmdPt End Sub Private Sub cmdPt_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Show_b Picture5, P9, cmdPt End Sub Private Sub cmdPt_Click() MPl.Play If op = "" Then e = e & "." txtDisp.Text = e Else f = f & "." txtDisp.Text = f End If End Sub Private Sub cmdT_Click() '显示查询面板 If tiAo Then Timer4.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = True Else Timer4.Enabled = True Timer3.Enabled = False End If Label4.Enabled = False Picture4.Visible = True Picture5.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Label4_Click() Pt.Visible = True cmdT.Enabled = False Picture5.Visible = True Picture4.Visible = False If jiSuan Then Timer6.Enabled = True Timer5.Enabled = False Timer1.Enabled = True Timer8.Enabled = False Else Timer6.Enabled = False Timer5.Enabled = True Timer8.Enabled = True Timer1.Enabled = False End If Picture5.SetFocus End Sub '单击返回今天 Private Sub C_clock_Click() Text1.Text = Year(Date) Text2.Text = Month(Date) Text3.Text = Day(Date) txt_Sub disPlay (Date) End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() RunMain picScroll End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() '=============================================== Dim t As Single, rtn Form1.Height = 2715 Form1.Width = 5400 rtn = SetWindowPos(Form1.hwnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, FLAGS) tip = 1 t = Timer If Me.Picture <> 0 Then Call SetAutoRgn(Me) tiAo = False jiSuan = False '----------------------------------------------- Picture4.Visible = False Picture5.Visible = False '--------------------------------------- '计算器变量初始化 s_mem_B = False S_mem = 0 chk = 0 e = "" f = "" op = "" txtDisp.Text = "0" g = 1 ShowNumFun Pt, wPw2(3), 1 ShowNumARG Pt, wPw1(3), 20 '----------------------------------------- fhSec3 = 0 color_index = 1 jS = 0 picScroll.ForeColor = vbRed picScroll.FontSize = 8 Picture2.Visible = False color1 = 1 flAge = False shxing '========================================= Text1.Text = Year(Date) Text2.Text = Month(Date) Text3.Text = Day(Date) txt_Sub disPlay (Date) End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 1 Then Dim ReturnVal As Long x = ReleaseCapture() ReturnVal = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0) End If End Sub Private Sub Gz_Click() End End Sub Private Sub picScroll_Click() Picture2.Visible = True RunMain Picture2 End Sub Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 1 Then Dim ReturnVal As Long x = ReleaseCapture() ReturnVal = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0) End If End Sub Private Sub Picture2_Click() Picture2.Visible = False RunMain picScroll End Sub Private Sub Picture4_Click() Timer3.Enabled = True Timer4.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Picture5_Click() Pt.Visible = False Timer6.Enabled = True Timer5.Enabled = False Timer1.Enabled = True Timer8.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub Private Sub Picture5_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case 13 cmdPM_Click Case 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 cmdNum_Click (KeyAscii - 48) Case 46 cmdPt_Click Case 42 cmdOp_Click (2) Case 43 cmdOp_Click (0) Case 45 cmdOp_Click (1) Case 47 cmdOp_Click (3) Case Else KeyAscii = 0 End Select End Sub Private Sub Picture8_Click() Picture8.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Pt_Click() Timer6.Enabled = True Timer5.Enabled = False Pt.Visible = False Timer1.Enabled = True Timer8.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() txt_Sub s_Disp End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() txt_Sub If (Val(Text3.Text) > UpDown3.Max) Then Text3.Text = Str(UpDown3.Max) End If s_Disp End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() s_Disp End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim textTime As String, h As Integer, m As Integer, s As Integer Dim hh As String, mm As String, ss As String, zIs As Integer fhHour = Hour(Now) fhMin = Minute(Now) fhSec = Second(Now) If (fhHour Mod 2) = 1 Then zIs = (fhHour + 1) / 2 Else If fhHour = 0 Then zIs = 12 Else zIs = fhHour / 2 End If End If G_z.Caption = ziShi + Zhi(zIs - 1) + "时" If (fhHour < 10) Then fhHour1 = 0 fhHour2 = fhHour Else fhHour1 = Int(fhHour / 10) fhHour2 = fhHour - fhHour1 * 10 End If If (fhMin < 10) Then fhMin1 = 0 fhMin2 = fhMin Else fhMin1 = Int(fhMin / 10) fhMin2 = fhMin - fhMin1 * 10 End If If (fhSec < 10) Then fhSec1 = 0 fhSec2 = fhSec Else fhSec1 = Int(fhSec / 10) fhSec2 = fhSec - fhSec1 * 10 End If ShowNum wPw1(color_index), C_clock, fhHour1, color1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), C_clock, fhHour2, color1, 2 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), C_clock, fhMin1, color1, 4 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), C_clock, fhMin2, color1, 5 ShowNumS wPw2(color_index), SecP, fhSec1 + 1, color1, 2 ShowNumS wPw2(color_index), SecP, fhSec2 + 1, color1, 3 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), C_clock, 10, color1, 3 If flAge = True Then ShowNumS wPw2(color_index), SecP, 0, color1, 1 flAge = False Else ShowNumS wPw2(color_index), SecP, 11, color1, 1 flAge = True End If End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Dim fhsec4, fhsec5 If (fhSec3 < 10) Then fhsec4 = 0 fhsec5 = fhSec3 Else fhsec4 = Int(fhSec3 / 10) fhsec5 = fhSec3 - fhsec4 * 10 End If ShowNumS wPw2(color_index), mSecP, fhsec4 + 1, color1, 1 ShowNumS wPw2(color_index), mSecP, fhsec5 + 1, color1, 2 If fhSec3 > 99 Then fhSec3 = 0 Else fhSec3 = fhSec3 + 1 End If End Sub Private Sub Timer8_Timer() Dim ss L1.X1 = 234 + 5 * Sin(6 * Second(Now) * Pi / 180) L1.Y1 = 21 - 5 * Cos(6 * Second(Now) * Pi / 180) L1.X2 = 234 + 18 * Sin(6 * Second(Now) * Pi / 180) L1.Y2 = 21 - 18 * Cos(6 * Second(Now) * Pi / 180) L2.X1 = 234 - 2 * Sin(6 * Minute(Time) * Pi / 180) L2.Y1 = 21 + 2 * Cos(6 * Minute(Time) * Pi / 180) L2.X2 = 234 + 15 * Sin(6 * Minute(Time) * Pi / 180) L2.Y2 = 21 - 15 * Cos(6 * Minute(Time) * Pi / 180) ss = Hour(Time) If ss > 12 Then ss = ss - 12 L3.X1 = 234 - 2 * Sin(ss * 30 * Pi / 180 + Minute(Time) / 2 * Pi / 180) L3.Y1 = 21 + 2 * Cos(ss * 30 * Pi / 180 + Minute(Time) / 2 * Pi / 180) L3.X2 = 234 + 11 * Sin(ss * 30 * Pi / 180 + Minute(Time) / 2 * Pi / 180) L3.Y2 = 21 - 11 * Cos(ss * 30 * Pi / 180 + Minute(Time) / 2 * Pi / 180) End Sub Public Sub disPlay(kDay As Date) Dim mY1 As Integer, mY2 As Integer, dY1 As Integer, dY2 As Integer, wY As Integer Dim temP As String, temP1 As Integer, temP2 As String, temP3 As String, temP4 As String, temP5 As String ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(Year(kDay))), 1, 1)), 1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(Year(kDay))), 2, 1)), 1, 2 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(Year(kDay))), 3, 1)), 1, 3 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(Year(kDay))), 4, 1)), 1, 4 If Month(kDay) < 10 Then mY1 = 0 mY2 = Month(kDay) Else mY1 = Int(Month(kDay) / 10) mY2 = Int(Month(kDay) Mod 10) End If ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_m, mY1, color1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_m, mY2, 1, 2 If Day(kDay) < 10 Then dY1 = 0 dY2 = Day(kDay) Else dY1 = Int(Day(kDay) / 10) dY2 = Int(Day(kDay) Mod 10) End If ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_d, dY1, 1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), G_d, dY2, 1, 2 Gl_j.Caption = "今日是:" + ssFtv(Month(kDay), Day(kDay)) J_q.Caption = seaSonYx(kDay) '---------------------------------------------------------------------- temP = sdayF(Year(kDay), Month(kDay), Day(kDay)) Ljf.Caption = seaSonYxr(kDay) temP1 = Val(Trim(Mid(temP, 1, 4))) temP2 = Trim(Mid(temP, 10, 2)) temP3 = Trim(Mid(temP, 20, 2)) temP4 = Trim(Mid(temP, 9, 1)) temP5 = Trim(Mid(temP, 17, 3)) If temP5 = "Big" Then temP5 = "大 " Else temP5 = "小 " End If If temP4 = "Y" Then ziShi = yTGDZ(temP1) + "年 润" + nStr1(Val(temP2)) + "月" + temP5 + sdayF_gzr(kDay) + "日 " Else ziShi = yTGDZ(temP1) + "年 " + sdayF_gzm(temP1, Val(temP2)) + "月" + temP5 + sdayF_gzr(kDay) + "日 " End If ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(temP1)), 1, 1)), 1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(temP1)), 2, 1)), 1, 2 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(temP1)), 3, 1)), 1, 3 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_y, Val(Mid(Trim(Str(temP1)), 4, 1)), 1, 4 ShowNumGz wPw1(6), Gz, ((temP1 - 1900) Mod 12), 1, 1 mY1 = Val(Left(temP2, 1)) mY2 = Val(Right(temP2, 1)) ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_m, mY1, color1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_m, mY2, 1, 2 dY1 = Val(Left(temP3, 1)) dY2 = Val(Right(temP3, 1)) ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_d, dY1, 1, 1 ShowNum wPw1(color_index), N_d, dY2, 1, 2 Nl_j.Caption = "今日是:" + llFtv(Val(temP2), Val(temP3)) Label2.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(temP))) + "" + Str(LenB(Trim(temP))) + " " + temP + vbCrLf + Str(temP1) + " " + Str(temP2) + " " + Str(temP3) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- wY = Weekday(kDay) Select Case wY Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ShowNumW wPw1(0), Week_p, wY - 1, 1, 1 ShowNumWs wPw1(2), wWeekP, wY - 2 Case 1 ShowNumW wPw1(0), Week_p, 0, 1, 1 ShowNumWs wPw1(2), wWeekP, 6 End Select End Sub Private Sub RunMain(picScroll As PictureBox) ' 滚动字幕 Dim LastFrameTime As Long Const IntervalTime As Long = 40 Dim rt As Long Dim DrawingRect As RECT Dim UpperX As Long, UpperY As Long 'Upper left point of drawing rect Dim RectHeight As Long Form1.Refresh rt = DrawText(picScroll.hdc, ScrollText, -1, DrawingRect, DT_CALCRECT) If rt = 0 Then 'err MsgBox "Error scrolling text", vbExclamation EndingFlag = True Else DrawingRect.Top = picScroll.ScaleHeight DrawingRect.Left = 0 DrawingRect.Right = picScroll.ScaleWidth RectHeight = DrawingRect.Bottom DrawingRect.Bottom = DrawingRect.Bottom + picScroll.ScaleHeight End If Do While Not EndingFlag If GetTickCount() - LastFrameTime > IntervalTime Then picScroll.Cls DrawText picScroll.hdc, ScrollText, -1, DrawingRect, DT_CENTER 'Or DT_WORDBREAKDT_SINGLELINE And DrawingRect.Top = DrawingRect.Top - 1 DrawingRect.Bottom = DrawingRect.Bottom - 1 If DrawingRect.Top < -(RectHeight) Then 'time to reset DrawingRect.Top = picScroll.ScaleHeight DrawingRect.Bottom = RectHeight + picScroll.ScaleHeight End If picScroll.Refresh LastFrameTime = GetTickCount() End If DoEvents Loop End Sub Private Sub Timer3_Timer() Dim hei As Integer tiAo = False Form1.Height = Form1.Height - 50 hei = ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) - Picture4.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels) Picture4.Top = hei - 2 ' Picture4.Top + 1 If Form1.Height < 2745 Then Timer3.Enabled = False Label4.Enabled = True cmdT.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Timer4_Timer() Dim hei, w, h tiAo = True If Form1.Height > 5065 Then Timer4.Enabled = False Else Form1.Height = Form1.Height + 50 hei = ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) - Picture4.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels) Picture4.Top = hei ' Picture4.Top + 1 End If End Sub Private Sub Timer5_Timer() Dim hei, w, h jiSuan = True If Form1.Height >= 6225 Then Timer5.Enabled = False hei = Int(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) - Picture5.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels) Label3.Caption = Str(Picture5.Height) & Str(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) & " " & Str(hei) Picture5.Top = hei '- 70 ' Picture4.Top + 1 Else Form1.Height = Form1.Height + 50 hei = Int(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) - Picture5.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels) Label3.Caption = Str(Picture5.Height) & Str(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) & " " & Str(hei) Picture5.Top = hei '- 70 ' Picture4.Top + 1 End If End Sub Private Sub Timer6_Timer() Dim hei Pt.Visible = False jiSuan = False Form1.Height = Form1.Height - 50 hei = Int(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) - Picture5.Height) ', vbTwips, vbPixels)) Label3.Caption = Str(Picture5.Height) & Str(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) & " " & Str(hei) Picture5.Top = hei '- 70 If Form1.Height < 2745 Then Timer6.Enabled = False Label4.Enabled = True cmdT.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Timer7_Timer() If S_mem <> 0 Then ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 16, 1, -1 Else ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 17, 1, -1 End If If tip > 0 Then tip = tip + 1 End If If tip > 2 Then frmTip.Show tip = -1 End If End Sub Private Sub txtDisp_Change() Dim deLc As String, i As Integer, kL As Integer For i = 24 To 14 Step -1 If (i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) > 0 Then deLc = Mid(txtDisp.Text, i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)), 1) Label3.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) Else deLc = "" End If Select Case deLc Case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" kL = Val(deLc) ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, kL, 1, i - 9 Case "." ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 11, 1, i - 9 Case "E" ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 13, 1, i - 9 Case "+" ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 14, 1, i - 9 Case "-" ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 15, 1, i - 9 Case Else ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 12, 1, i - 9 End Select Next i For i = 13 To 1 Step -1 If (i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) > 0 Then deLc = Mid(txtDisp.Text, i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)), 1) Label3.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) Else deLc = " " End If Select Case deLc Case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" kL = Val(deLc) ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, kL, 1, i Case "." ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 11, 1, i Case "E" ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 13, 1, i Case "+" ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 14, 1, i Case "-" ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 15, 1, i Case Else ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 12, 1, i End Select Next i '小字符显示 For i = 24 To 1 Step -1 If (i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) > 0 Then deLc = Mid(txtDisp.Text, i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)), 1) Label3.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) Else deLc = " " End If Select Case deLc Case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" kL = Val(deLc) ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, kL + 1, 1, i Case "." ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 14, 1, i Case "E" ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 12, 1, i Case "+" ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 13, 1, i Case "-" ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 15, 1, i Case Else ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 0, 1, i End Select Next i End Sub Public Sub SetAutoRgn(hForm As Form, Optional transColor As Byte = vbNull) Dim x As Long, y As Long Dim Rgn1 As Long, Rgn2 As Long Dim SPos As Long, EPos As Long Dim bm As BITMAP Dim hbm As Long Dim Wid As Long, Hgt As Long '获取窗体背景图片尺寸 hbm = hForm.Picture GetObjectAPI hbm, Len(bm), bm Wid = bm.bmWidth ' ScaleX(Picture2.Width, vbTwips, vbPixels) Hgt = bm.bmHeight ' ScaleY(Picture2.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) ReDim bmByte(1 To Wid, 1 To Hgt) GetBitmapBits hForm.Picture, Wid * Hgt, bmByte(1, 1) '获取图像数组 If transColor = vbNull Then transColor = bmByte(1, 1) Rgn1 = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0) For y = 1 To Hgt '逐行扫描 x = 0 Do x = x + 1 While (bmByte(x, y) = transColor) And (x < Wid) x = x + 1 '跳过透明色的点 Wend SPos = x While (bmByte(x, y) <> transColor) And (x < Wid) x = x + 1 '跳过不是透明色的点 Wend EPos = x - 1 '这一段是合并区域 If SPos <= EPos Then Rgn2 = CreateRectRgn(SPos - 1, y - 1, EPos, y) CombineRgn Rgn1, Rgn1, Rgn2, RGN_OR DeleteObject Rgn2 End If Loop Until x >= Wid Next y SetWindowRgn hForm.hwnd, Rgn1, True '设定窗体形状区域 DeleteObject Rgn1 End Sub Public Sub Ji_suan() f = "" txtDisp.Text = e op = "" chk = 1 End Sub Public Sub txt_Sub() Select Case Val(Text2.Text) Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 UpDown3.Max = 31 Case 4, 6, 9, 11 UpDown3.Max = 30 Case 2 If ((Val(Text1.Text) Mod 4) = 0) And ((Val(Text1.Text) Mod 100) <> 0) Or ((Val(Text1.Text) Mod 400) = 0) Then UpDown3.Max = 29 Else UpDown3.Max = 28 End If End Select End Sub Public Sub s_Disp() Dim kDay1 As Date, skDay1 As String Text4.Text = sdayF(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text), Val(Text3.Text)) skDay1 = Text1.Text + "," + Text2.Text + "," + Text3.Text kDay1 = skDay1 disPlay (kDay1) End Sub Public Sub op_Sub() MPl.Play Select Case op Case "+" e = Str(Val(e) + Val(f)) f = "" Case "-" e = Str(Val(e) - Val(f)) f = "" Case "*" e = Str(Val(e) * Val(f)) f = "" Case "/" e = Str(Val(e) / Val(f)) f = "" Case "^" e = Str(Val(e) ^ Val(f)) f = "" End Select End Sub 二、提示信息模块相关代码: Option Explicit Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = 2 Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = 1 Private Const FLAGS = SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 Const HTCAPTION = 2 Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long ' 内存中的提示数据库。 Dim Tips As New Collection ' 提示文件名称 Const TIP_FILE = "TIPOFDAY.TXT" ' 当前正在显示的提示集合的索引。 Dim CurrentTip As Long Private Sub DoNextTip() If Op1.Value = 1 Then ' 随机选择一条提示。 CurrentTip = Int((Tips.Count * Rnd) + 1) Else ' 或者,您可以按顺序遍历提示 CurrentTip = CurrentTip + 1 If Tips.Count < CurrentTip Then CurrentTip = 1 End If End If ' 显示它。 frmTip.DisplayCurrentTip End Sub Function LoadTips(sFile As String) As Boolean Dim NextTip As String ' 从文件中读出的每条提示。 Dim InFile As Integer ' 文件的描述符。 ' 包含下一个自由文件描述符。 InFile = FreeFile ' 确定为指定文件。 If sFile = "" Then LoadTips = False Exit Function End If ' 在打开前确保文件存在。 If Dir(sFile) = "" Then LoadTips = False Exit Function End If ' 从文本文件中读取集合。 Open sFile For Input As InFile While Not EOF(InFile) Line Input #InFile, NextTip Tips.Add NextTip Wend Close InFile ' 随机显示一条提示。 DoNextTip LoadTips = True End Function Private Sub chkLoadTipsAtStartup_Click() ' 保存在下次启动时是否显示此窗体 SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Options", "在启动时显示提示", 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdNextTip_Click() DoNextTip End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ShowAtStartup As Long, rtn frmTip.Height = 4530 frmTip.Width = 4515 rtn = SetWindowPos(frmTip.hwnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3) ' 察看在启动时是否将被显示 ShowAtStartup = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Options", "在启动时显示提示", 1) If ShowAtStartup = 0 Then Unload Me Exit Sub End If ' 设置复选框,强行将值写回到注册表 'Me.chkLoadTipsAtStartup.Value = vbChecked ' 随机寻找 Randomize ' 读取提示文件并且随机显示一条提示。 If LoadTips(App.Path & "\" & TIP_FILE) = False Then blTipText.Text = "文件 " & TIP_FILE & " 没有被找到吗? " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "创建文本文件名为 " & TIP_FILE & " 使用记事本每行写一条提示。 " & _ "然后将它存放在应用程序所在的目录 " End If End Sub Private Sub Picture3_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 1 Then Dim ReturnVal As Long x = ReleaseCapture() ReturnVal = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0) End If End Sub Public Sub DisplayCurrentTip() If Tips.Count > 0 Then lblTipText.Text = Tips.Item(CurrentTip) End If End Sub 第三章 毕业设计总结 历时近两个月的毕业设计终于快到了尾声,通过这次毕业设计,在老师的指导下,我初步掌握了用VB开发软件的方法,使我意识到在开发一个应用软件的同时,搞好准备工作的 分校重要性,特别是各种素材的准备,尤其是对数据结构算法要心中有数。感谢中央电大**的指导老师对我的悉心指导与帮助。由于时间仓促,这个软件还很不完善,比如农历的转换我还没能设计成功,计算器功能也有错误。这些有待我以后继续完善。 第四章 主要参考文献 1、《数据结构(c++描述)》 中央电大出版 2000年12月第1版 徐孝凯主编 2、《Visual Basic 程序设计》中央电大出版 2000年12月第1版 陈明 主编 3、《Visual Basic 程序设计》清华大学出版 2002年7月第1版 李大友主编 4、《Visual Basic开发人员指南》机械工业出版社 1999年1月 EricBrierley主编 5、《Visual Basic6.0实效编程百例》人民邮电出版社 2002年7月 刘韬、骆娟主编
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