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12.23,陈姗姗,李老师,白雷刚,建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测要素分析,3000字符12.23,陈姗姗,李老师,白雷刚,建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测要素分析,3000字符 建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测要素分析 摘要:随着我国经济的高速发展,工程建设的进程也逐步加快,人们对于建筑质量的关注程度逐渐提升,建筑以及成为社会广泛关注的热点话题,对于建筑质量的监督管理工作也变得越来越规范和合理。水泥作为建筑工程中重要的建筑材料,其性能情况对建筑质量有着不可忽视的影响,因此必须要加强对水泥物理性能的检测。本文主要分析了水泥物理性能检测的实用性意义,介绍了在水泥物理性能检测的主要内容和常用方法,最后分析了影响水泥物...
12.23,陈姗姗,李老师,白雷刚,建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测要素分析,3000字符 建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测要素分析 摘要:随着我国经济的高速发展,工程建设的进程也逐步加快,人们对于建筑质量的关注程度逐渐提升,建筑以及成为社会广泛关注的热点话题,对于建筑质量的监督管理工作也变得越来越规范和合理。水泥作为建筑工程中重要的建筑材料,其性能情况对建筑质量有着不可忽视的影响,因此必须要加强对水泥物理性能的检测。本文主要分析了水泥物理性能检测的实用性意义,介绍了在水泥物理性能检测的主要内容和常用方法,最后分析了影响水泥物理性能检测的要素,希望能够推动水泥物理性能检测相关工作的开展。 关键词:水泥;物理性能;建筑工程;影响因素 作为建筑工程中用量巨大的基础性材料,水泥在建筑工程的用途十分广泛,因此水泥的质量和物理性能也严重影响着建筑工程的质量。在我国目前的水泥物理性能检测工作中,一般主要通过建筑工程领域的检测进行完成,他们的检测工作为我国的建筑工程行业的水泥质量提供了重要的依据,也保证了我国建筑行业和水泥制造行业的稳步发展。但是由于地域环境、人员配备、设备配置、检验能力等多方面的原因,我国的水泥物理性能检测水准参差不齐。笔者通过对建筑工程检测过程中的水泥物理性能进行分析和研究,分析了影响水泥物理性能的主要原因,为提升我国水泥物理性能检测水平提供建议。 一、建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测的实用性意义 在水泥物理性能检测中,主要的检测项目包括以下几个方面:对水泥细度的检测、对凝结时间的检测、对安定性能的检测以及对水泥强度的检测。通过对这些方面的数据分析,能够全面了解水泥的物理性能,对水泥的质量进行定性。水泥的物理性能检测也是现阶段水泥质量检测的重要手段,其具有检测成本较低、检测方式简单等优点。虽然通过水泥物理性能的分析,能够大致反映水泥的总体mobilize the people for donations of 21 million yuan, the new repair group road nearly 4 km of four big pond more than 2000 108 meters trench dredging of village health room of the transformation and the new 40 square meters of village medical observation room, new the tan Gong group fitness culture square, equipped with basketball, table tennis table tennis and fitness equipment, to declare the 2016 beautiful countryside construction. At the same time, solid do good poor households annual filing riser information acquisition and dynamic management, strict control standards and requirements for filing riser poor households households to screening and verification of obviously does not meet the conditions for eliminating, and on account of the measures and policies to develop supporting measures to implement the responsibility to help people. Since last year, a total of 21 households in poor households send 1050 0 yuan of agricultural, 10 families in poverty free installation of the solar water heater, for two difficult family college students apply for funding 6000 yuan, for six poor families left behind children subscribe to newspapers, five poor families left behind children "bag of love" as a gift; organizational difficulties sympathy of Party members and the poor households, households enjoying the five guarantees 117 passengers, the cumulative distribution of condolences to the material of 43800 yuan. I also with Tan group of male poor single parent families children Wu Qian formed a pair of helping, sent to the material nearly 1000 yuan. Two, this year's work plan 质量,但是这种检测效果也存在着一定的局限性,由于未能对水泥的具体生产环 [1]节进行分析,导致未能从根本上发现水泥的质量问题。 水泥物理性能检测工作能够及时发展水泥存在的性能缺陷,从而推动水泥行业及时进行改良和完善。通过物理性能的检测,提升水泥行业改革的效率,推动整个行业的高效发展。 二、水泥物理性能的检测方法 (一)对水泥细度的检测 水泥细度是水泥物理性能的主要检测项目。水泥的细度对与水泥的凝固强度、凝固时间都会产生一定的影响。水泥的细度越大,其水化的速度就越慢,其早期凝固的强度也就越低、凝固的速度越慢。因此可以看出,水泥的细度对于水泥质量有着巨大的影响。在实际的检测过程中,负压筛析法以及勃氏法是利用最多的检测方法。在这两种检测方法之中,应用更为广泛的方法是负压筛析法。在国内学术界,有一部分专家致力于高效能、低污染的负压筛析检测设备的研究工作,同时也取得了不俗的成绩,为负压筛析法的推广和使用工作提供了重要的理论和技术保障。 (二)对于水泥凝固时间的检测 水泥的凝固周期对于建筑工程的施工工作尤为重要,同时也是很多施工单位采购水泥时需要重点考虑的参数。水泥浆的凝固周期对混凝土和水泥砂浆的凝固硬化速度产生直接影响。因此在建筑工程的施工过程中,一般情况下会采用凝固 较短的水泥品牌,因为通过这种水泥的应用,能够有效提升整个工程的施工进展,节约施工成本。但是水泥的凝固周期并不是越小越好,如果水泥的凝固周期过短,很容易出现搅拌过程出现凝固的现象,从而对整个建筑工程的质量产生影响。对于水泥凝固周期主要集中在初凝周期、终凝周期以及标准稠度、用水情况等几个项目的检测,在实际的工业运用中,一般通过维卡仪器进行凝固周期的测定工作。在进行水泥凝固周期测定的过程中要注重对检测设备的定期检修和维护,确保装 [1]置的准确性,只有这样才能保证整个检测数据的可信度。 (三)对水泥安定性能的检测 mobilize the people for donations of 21 million yuan, the new repair group road nearly 4 km of four big pond more than 2000 108 meters trench dredging of village health room of the transformation and the new 40 square meters of village medical observation room, new the tan Gong group fitness culture square, equipped with basketball, table tennis table tennis and fitness equipment, to declare the 2016 beautiful countryside construction. At the same time, solid do good poor households annual filing riser information acquisition and dynamic management, strict control standards and requirements for filing riser poor households households to screening and verification of obviously does not meet the conditions for eliminating, and on account of the measures and policies to develop supporting measures to implement the responsibility to help people. Since last year, a total of 21 households in poor households send 1050 0 yuan of agricultural, 10 families in poverty free installation of the solar water heater, for two difficult family college students apply for funding 6000 yuan, for six poor families left behind children subscribe to newspapers, five poor families left behind children "bag of love" as a gift; organizational difficulties sympathy of Party members and the poor households, households enjoying the five guarantees 117 passengers, the cumulative distribution of condolences to the material of 43800 yuan. I also with Tan group of male poor single parent families children Wu Qian formed a pair of helping, sent to the material nearly 1000 yuan. Two, this year's work plan 水泥的安定性能是指水泥在凝固硬化的过程中形成的体积变化不均的情况,这也是反映水泥物理性能和总体质量的重要指标。如果在水泥凝固硬化的过程中,出现体积变化极不均匀的情况,那么很有可能导致在浇筑完成后出现小型裂缝甚至是断裂等质量问题,这对建筑工程的施工工作相当不利。标准法和代用法一般是检测安定性能的重要方法,标准法是通过对水泥浆在煮沸之后的膨胀度进行分析,来进行安定性的检测;而代用法则通过对水泥浆煮沸之后的外形变化过程进行观察和研究,进行安定性能的检测工作。从理论上分析,标准法的测算精度相对更高,这也是现阶段其应用更为广泛的原因。在水泥物理性能的检测过程中,对于水泥安定性能的分析对水泥强度测算具有一定的影响,因此只有在安定性能测算合格的样品才能进行强度检测,否则水泥的强度检测就缺乏科学性意义。 (四)对水泥的强度的检测 水泥的强度是水泥性能中最重要的一个指标。如果水泥的强度不够,那么其细度、凝固周期、安定性能等方面再有优势也没有实质性意义。水泥的强度是指水泥在凝固硬化之后所能承受外力的水平和能力。目前水泥强度是我国的水泥行 [3]业等级划分的主要标准。一般而言,水泥的强度越差其质量也就越差。在实际的检测过程中,一般通过水泥胶砂的强度检测来完成对水泥强度的检测工作。对水泥胶砂的测定工作主要包括样品成型、样品脱模、样品养护、加载试验四个主要部分。由于实际的检测环节只是对样品的强度进行测算,因此必须对试验的制定过程进行严格的控制和管理,确保整个检验过程更具代性。 三、影响水泥物理性能检测的主要因素 (一)取样方面的影响 由于建筑工程的特殊性,因此不可能对所有产品进行检测,只有通过抽样的方式才能实现检测目的。由于取样的方法、取样的数量都会对检测的结果产生了重要的影响。例如在细度和凝固时间的检测中,如果取样方式的不科学或者不合理,很容易导致全然相反的检测结果。因此要求在水泥物理性能的检测过程中,mobilize the people for donations of 21 million yuan, the new repair group road nearly 4 km of four big pond more than 2000 108 meters trench dredging of village health room of the transformation and the new 40 square meters of village medical observation room, new the tan Gong group fitness culture square, equipped with basketball, table tennis table tennis and fitness equipment, to declare the 2016 beautiful countryside construction. At the same time, solid do good poor households annual filing riser information acquisition and dynamic management, strict control standards and requirements for filing riser poor households households to screening and verification of obviously does not meet the conditions for eliminating, and on account of the measures and policies to develop supporting measures to implement the responsibility to help people. Since last year, a total of 21 households in poor households send 1050 0 yuan of agricultural, 10 families in poverty free installation of the solar water heater, for two difficult family college students apply for funding 6000 yuan, for six poor families left behind children subscribe to newspapers, five poor families left behind children "bag of love" as a gift; organizational difficulties sympathy of Party members and the poor households, households enjoying the five guarantees 117 passengers, the cumulative distribution of condolences to the material of 43800 yuan. I also with Tan group of male poor single parent families children Wu Qian formed a pair of helping, sent to the material nearly 1000 yuan. Two, this year's work plan 尽量使用随机取样的方法,同时在条件允许范围内,尽可能收集更多的样品,保 [4]证整个检测结果的说服力。 (二)检测设备的影响 检测设备的精确度会对检测效果产生不可忽视的影响。例如在细度检测中,如果采用的水泥标准筛出现堵塞或者破洞的情况,那么很容易导致实际的检测结果出现一定的偏差,这样的检测结果也就失去了其客观性的要求。因此要想提升水泥物理性能检测的可信度,就必须提升设备的精度,加强设备的维护管理水平,及时发现设备检测中出现的问题,保证检测结果的可信度和科学性。 (三)实验环境和养护水平 在水泥的物理性能检测中,一般采用制作样品的方式对水泥的凝固周期、安定系数以及强度进行系统的分析。因此样品的制作水准对检测结果也会产生不小的影响。由于样品的质量受到实验环境、养护水平等因素的影响,因此这些因素也会对检测结果产生较大影响。特别是在凝固过程中,要重视对实验环境的合理控制和管理,加强对实验室的湿度、温度等要素的考虑,只有在符合建筑施工环境的实验背景下,才能确保检测结果的可比性。 结束语 水泥物理性能的检测结果能够有效反映出水泥的质量情况,在今后的发展过程中,要努力提升我国水泥物理性能检测的水准,确保水泥行业的生产质量,进而提升整个建筑行业的工程质量,带动建筑行业的良性发展。 参考文献: [1]孟芳.水泥物理性能检测中容易忽略的细节浅析[J].科技风,2013,(20):148-148. [2]赵晟.水泥物理性能检测及前瞻[J].城市建设理论研究(电子版),2015,(16):1841-1842. [3]温富胜.探讨建筑工程检测中水泥物理性能检测的要素[J].建材与装饰,2015,(29):145-146. mobilize the people for donations of 21 million yuan, the new repair group road nearly 4 km of four big pond more than 2000 108 meters trench dredging of village health room of the transformation and the new 40 square meters of village medical observation room, new the tan Gong group fitness culture square, equipped with basketball, table tennis table tennis and fitness equipment, to declare the 2016 beautiful countryside construction. At the same time, solid do good poor households annual filing riser information acquisition and dynamic management, strict control standards and requirements for filing riser poor households households to screening and verification of obviously does not meet the conditions for eliminating, and on account of the measures and policies to develop supporting measures to implement the responsibility to help people. Since last year, a total of 21 households in poor households send 1050 0 yuan of agricultural, 10 families in poverty free installation of the solar water heater, for two difficult family college students apply for funding 6000 yuan, for six poor families left behind children subscribe to newspapers, five poor families left behind children "bag of love" as a gift; organizational difficulties sympathy of Party members and the poor households, households enjoying the five guarantees 117 passengers, the cumulative distribution of condolences to the material of 43800 yuan. I also with Tan group of male poor single parent families children Wu Qian formed a pair of helping, sent to the material nearly 1000 yuan. Two, this year's work plan [4]张丹.对于水泥物理性能检测问题的研究[J].科技与创新,2014,(21):86-86,88. mobilize the people for donations of 21 million yuan, the new repair group road nearly 4 km of four big pond more than 2000 108 meters trench dredging of village health room of the transformation and the new 40 square meters of village medical observation room, new the tan Gong group fitness culture square, equipped with basketball, table tennis table tennis and fitness equipment, to declare the 2016 beautiful countryside construction. At the same time, solid do good poor households annual filing riser information acquisition and dynamic management, strict control standards and requirements for filing riser poor households households to screening and verification of obviously does not meet the conditions for eliminating, and on account of the measures and policies to develop supporting measures to implement the responsibility to help people. Since last year, a total of 21 households in poor households send 1050 0 yuan of agricultural, 10 families in poverty free installation of the solar water heater, for two difficult family college students apply for funding 6000 yuan, for six poor families left behind children subscribe to newspapers, five poor families left behind children "bag of love" as a gift; organizational difficulties sympathy of Party members and the poor households, households enjoying the five guarantees 117 passengers, the cumulative distribution of condolences to the material of 43800 yuan. I also with Tan group of male poor single parent families children Wu Qian formed a pair of helping, sent to the material nearly 1000 yuan. Two, this year's work plan
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