

2018-10-05 23页 doc 70KB 13阅读




QZZN论坛_浙江05文秘专业真题QZZN论坛_浙江05文秘专业真题 浙江05文秘专业真题 1. 本卷分为客观题和主观题两部分,总分100分,考试时间为2小时; 客观题部分(一、二、三大题) 一、单项选择题(下列各题备选答案中,只有一个是最符合题意的,请将其选出,并在答题卡上将对应题号后的字母涂黑。每小题1分,共40分) 1.“相形见绌”的“绌”应读作( )。 A. ;,ù B. ;ù C. ,,,ō D. ;,,ò 2.“穷人要是遇到不痛快的事就哭鼻子,那真要淹死在泪水里了。”其修辞手法为( )。 A. 比喻 B. 借代 C. 比拟 D. 夸...
QZZN论坛_浙江05文秘专业真题 浙江05文秘专业真题 1. 本卷分为客观题和主观题两部分,总分100分,考试时间为2小时; 客观题部分(一、二、三大题) 一、单项选择题(下列各题备选答案中,只有一个是最符合题意的,请将其选出,并在答题卡上将对应题号后的字母涂黑。每小题1分,共40分) 1.“相形见绌”的“绌”应读作( )。 A. ;,ù B. ;ù C. ,,,ō D. ;,,ò 2.“穷人要是遇到不痛快的事就哭鼻子,那真要淹死在泪水里了。”其修辞手法为( )。 A. 比喻 B. 借代 C. 比拟 D. 夸张 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( )。 ?海峡两岸的统一是人心所向,如长江黄河的滚滚东流,不可 。 ?全校学生纷纷拿出自己的零花钱 南亚灾区的学生,以救他们的燃眉之急。 ?有些人利用税制改革的机会,故意把水搅浑,乘机哄抬物价, 暴利。 A. 遏止捐助牟取 B. 遏制捐助谋取 C. 遏止捐献谋取 D. 遏制捐献牟取 4.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten A. 演绎剑拔弩张毗邻真知卓见 B. 吊销绵里藏针松驰苦心孤诣 C. 谰言欲盖弥彰售罄置若罔闻 D. 殒落呕心沥血狼藉同仇敌忾 5.“下午,他拣好了几件东西 两条长凳,四把椅子,一副香炉和烛台,一杆台秤。”画线处的标点符号应为( )。 A. 句号 B. 逗号 C. 分号 D. 冒号 6.“地平线上的太阳开始只露出一条弧形的边,然后又变成了半圆形。那半圆不断地上升着,越来越圆, ,最后终于跃上了天际。”填入画线处最恰当的是( )。 A. 就像一个火球在跳动着 B. 好像一个不断膨胀的红色大气球 C. 好像吞没地平线一样 D. 就像一块巨大无比的红色帷幕 7.下列句子中,标点符号使用不正确的一句是( )。 A. 一根普通电话线,只能通三路电话,一条微波线路,可通十万路电话,而一条激光通讯线路,可以通一亿路电话~ B. 不错,这样的人往往经验很多,这是很宝贵的;但是如果他们就以自己的经验为满足,那也很危险 C. 恩格斯说:“运动本身就是矛盾。” D. 老人说,她儿子是工人,出来好几年了,她是第一次management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 来抚顺。 8.填入下文横线处的关联词正确的一项是( )。 你怎样费尽心机,( )不能把这被动局面扭转过来, 以失败告终。 A. 尽管但只能 B. 无论也只能 C. 即使但而且 D. 既然但只能 9.“各级银行要积极 税款征收部门做好这项工作。”画线处应该是( )。 A. 帮助 B. 辅助 C. 协助 D. 互助 10. 行政机关公文的作者是( )。 A. 公文的撰拟者 B. 公文的印制者 C. 公文的签发者 D. 法定的组织或该组织的领导人 客观题部分 二 11. 信息工作的核心是( )。 A. 收集 B. 储存 C. 整理加工 D. 传递 12. 高层次信息必须具备的三个要素是( )。 A. 有情况、有分析、有建议 B. 有情况、有动态、有归纳 C. 有情况、有加工、有观点 D. 有典型、有事例、有经验 13. 下列文种属于上行文的是( )。 A. B. 通知 C. 议案 D. 决定 14. 发文机关标志应当使用发文机关全称或者规范化简称;management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 联合行文时,( )排列在前。 A. 主送机关 B. 主办机关 C. 抄报机关 D. 协办机关 15. 向上级机关、部门请求指示、批准的公文是( )。 A. 报告 B. 函 C. 通知 D. 请示 16. 总结的写作一般使用( )。 A. 第一人称 B. 第二人称 C. 第三人称 D. 三种人称互用 17. 公文办理完后,要在“文件办理笺”上注明结果,这叫( )。 A. 承办 B. 批办 C. 拟办 D. 注办 18. 规范的议案内容包括( )。 A. 案由、案据和方案 B. 建议、论证和方案 C. 情况、分析和方案 D. 案由、分析和结论 19. 具有统计发文数量,便于公文管理,同时作为查找和引用某一公文的代号等作用的是( )。 A. 公文格式代码 B. 印制顺序号 C. 发文字号 D. 收文处理标记 20. 收文办理的最后一道程序是( )。 A. 承办 B. 批办 C. 拟办 D. 传阅 21. 会议的召开时间应在( )确定之后。 A. 会议名称 B. 会议议题 C. 会议规模 D. 会议的参加者 22. 发慰问电的名义通常是( )。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten A. 办公室或秘书 B. 单位或领导人 C. 办公室或领导人 D. 单位或办公室负责人 23. 由( )负责立卷,是公文处理工作与档案工作实行科学分工、互相协作的标志,也是一项行之有效的合理。 A. 文书部门 B. 档案部门 C. 承办人员 D. 职能部门 24. 秘书人员在参谋过程中要做到( )。 A. 既谋且断 B. 只谋不断 C. 只断不谋 D. 不谋不断 25. 现代公共关系理论的精髓是( )。 A. 传播沟通 B. 管理职能 C. 咨询功能 D. 协调作用 26. 适用于组织公关严重失调,形象受到损害时的公关活动方式是( )。 A. 维系型公关 B. 防御型公关 C. 进攻型公关 D. 矫正型公关 27. 对谈判活动起导向作用的是( )。 A. 谈判的议题 B. 谈判的内容 C. 谈判的进程 D. 谈判的诚意 28. 进行民意测验的主要工具是( )。 A. 问卷表 B. 抽样 C. 资料 D. 实施调查 29. 宴会请柬上一般注上R.S.V.P字样,其意思是( )。 A. 备忘 B. 欢迎惠顾 C. 务必出席 D. 请答复 30. 会见合影时的礼宾次序,主人居中,( )。 A. 主客双方随意站列 B. 主客双方前后排列 C. 主客双方左右分列 D. 主客双方间隔排列 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 31. 秘书随领导陪同客人同坐一辆轿车时,应坐在( )。 A. 后排右座 B. 后排左座 C. 前排右座 D. 后排中间 32. 调查人的某一方面观念或某一方面所具有的潜在特征时,宜采用( )。 A. 观察法 B. 检索法 C. 量表法 D. 问卷法 客观题部分 三 33. 秘书工作的辅助性主要体现在地位的( )与工作的被动性两个方面。 A. 从属性B. 卑微性 C. 特殊性 D. 崇高性 34. 选定文本的一个方法是:将光标置于选定文本的一端,按下( )键,再用鼠标点击另一端。 A. Tab B. Ctrl C. Caps lock D. Shift 35. 在带领客人进入会客室时,通常是( )。 A. 外开门客先入,内开门己先入 B. 外开门己先入,内开门客先入 C. 外开门、内开门都客先入 D. 外开门、内开门都己先入 36. 请示的正文一般由三个部分组成。它们是( )。 A. 请示时间、请示地点、请示原因 B. 请示目的、请示意义、请示方案 C. 请示内容、请示原因、承诺条件 D. 请示缘由、请示事项、请求 37. 在会场色彩布置中,宜将( )布置成天蓝、绿、米management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 黄等色调。 A. 庆典性会议 B. 严肃的工作会议 C. 总结交流性会议 D. 礼节性招待会议 38. 《××县人民政府关于开展春耕生产工作的指示》,其主题词中的类别词是( )。 A. 县政府 B. 农业 C. 春耕生产 D. 指示 39. 秘书辅助领导进行协调的前提是( )。 A. 受领导委托 B. 行使法定权力 C. 履行秘书职责 D. 利用领导权威 40. 督查工作的主要方法是( )。 A. 现场督查 B. 会议督查 C. 书面督查 D. 电话督查 二、多项选择题(以下各题的备选答案中都有两个或两个以上是符合题意的,请将它们选出,并在答题卡上将对应题号后的相应字母涂黑。多选、错选均不得分,少选的选对一个得0.5分,每小题2分,共20分) 41. 下列史书中,记事的史书是( )。 A. 《汉书》 B. 《战国策》 C. 《史记》 D. 《春秋》 42. 下列词语里的“好”,读音与“好胜”的“好”一致的是( )。 A. 好处 B. 嗜好 C. 好客 D. 好奇 43. 下列句子中,使用比喻修辞手法的句子是( )。 A. 这几分钟的动摇好像使她更坚定了 B. 各种想法在他的脑子里像火花似的一个个爆发,然后management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 又熄灭了 C. 我已完全卷入了这场漩涡,不得不继续这场斗争 D. 蜜蜂是在酿蜜,又是在酿造生活 44. 演讲稿的特点是( )。 A. 受众广泛 B. 口头传播 C. 号召力强 D. 富有情感 45. 使用印章的原则是( )。 A. 印章由单位主要领导人具体负责使用 B. 盖出的印章要清晰美观 C. 在落款处加盖的印章要“骑年盖月” D. 公章只要盖在落款处即可 46. 秘书在会议期间的文书工作主要包括( )。 A. 会议文件的分发 B. 会议结束前文件的清退 C. 会议文件的修改 D. 会议文件的立卷和归档 47. 下列属于简报报头要素的是( )。 A. 发送范围 B. 印发份数 C. 期号 D. 编发单位名称 48. 秘书人员在纵向协调中,应重点了解协调的( )。 A. 问题 B. 方案 C. 实施 D. 评估 49. 下列公文不属于国家行政机关公文的是( )。 A. 会议记录 B. 议案 C. 办法 D. 50. 秘书部门的数据库,从信息格式上可分为( )。 A. 框架式数据库 B. 条法式数据库 C. 文摘式数据库 D. 目录式数据库 三、判断题(判断下列各题对错,并在答题卡上将对应management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 题号后的相应字母涂黑。对的涂黑,,错的涂黑,,每小题1分,共10分) 51. 公文的归档时间应在次年的1月底以前。(× ) 52. 文件与一般文章的根本不同点在于它有行动效能。(? ) 53. 意向书不像书、那样具有法律效力,它对任何一方都没有约束力。(× ) 54. 拟办是领导人对应办的来文由谁或哪一部门办理及如何办理写出的指示性意见。(×) 55. 凡属会议通过的公文,应以通过和批准日期为准。(×) 56. 情况通报用于在一定范围内批评不良的人和事,归纳教训,引以为戒。(×) 57. 权力是发生在人与人之间的一种服从关系,这种关系是绝对的、有约束范围的。(× ) 58. 美誉度是指一个组织被公众知晓、了解的程度,即组织对社会公众影响的广度和深度。(×) 59. 安排签字仪式时,面向签字桌,左方为客人,右方为主人。(× ) 60. 主席台座次排列应当以职务最高者居中,然后面向主席台依先右后左向两边顺序排开。(× ) 主观题部分(第四、五大题) 注意:本部分请用蓝(黑)色钢笔或圆珠笔直接在试卷上management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 作答。 题号 四 五 合分人 复核人 四、案例分析(阅读下面的材料,试用秘书工作的基本原则分析下面的案例,本题12分) 梅锦县供销社办公室王秘书,接待了一位姓张的来访者,据反映,三年前他与乡供销社签订了承包一供销门市点的合同,期限五年。 前二年,因该门市点地处穷乡僻壤,群众购买力低,几乎是保本经营。后来许多农户也经营起农村日用品来,他承包的门市点生意更难做了,但他改变经营范围,向农民供应优良种子和各种树苗,并学会栽培技术,帮助农民发展生产。本乡农民逐渐富裕起来了,乡里也通了公路,张某的供销门市点的生意日益兴隆。此时,与县供销社副经理关系密切的本乡农民周某,对门市点的经营十分眼红,通过“关系”中止了张某的承包合同。张某上访,请求县供销社领导主持公道。 王秘书记录了张某反映的情况后,感到此事很棘手,他有以下方式可以选择: (1)将此事压下来,不向领导汇报。如果以后有人问起,就推说忘记了。 (2)将此事只告知与周某关系密切的副经理,让其定夺。 (3)在报告办公室主任和供销社经理前,给副经理“透风”。 (4)直接向办公室主任和供销社经理汇报,并提出处理management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 意见。 请你对上述4种方式判断正误,并结合案例内容,运用相应的理论进行分析,逐条说明理由。 五、根据下列材料,代近江市工商行政管理局制作一份版头文件(要求格式规范,文种准确,行文条理清楚)(18分) 这些年来,办公室工作现代化的发展速度很快,其中特别是电脑在办公室工作中逐步普及,应用范围越来越广泛。电脑这种高科技产品确实有它优越的地方,不但可以代替人进行计算处理和存储各种各样的信息,对各种数据进行比较和分析,而且还能够完成许许多多人力所不能及的工作。一个单位或者部门,如果能够建立以电脑为中心的信息处理系统,可以大大地加快信息处理的速度,提高工作效率。近江市工商行政管理局考虑到以上情况,为了使所属各县、市、区工商行政管理局适应新的形势,更好地面对市场,发挥本机关的职能,决定在2005年3月份办一个电脑操作方面的培训班。于是近江市工商行政管理局在2005年1月24日向各县、市、区工商行政管理局下发了一个文件,要求各县、市、区工商行政管理局都能根据实际情况,派出2,3人来参加培训。培训学习的内容包括电脑基础知识,Windows2000、Word、Execl的操作,电子邮件收发,网上浏览,信息查询的方法与技巧。培训学习的时间是3月6日开始到3月20日结束,前后总共是15天的时间。考虑到最近几年来进局里工作的大学生电脑水平都还好,这次培训的对象主要是年龄在45岁以上的人。由于掌握电脑操作management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 有一定的难度,对学员的素质要求相对比较高一些,所以参加培训班学习的人都要达到高中或高中以上毕业的文化程度。学员参加培训需要交纳一定数量的费用,包括资料费50元,培训费300元。吃饭和住宿由市工商行政管理局统一安排。培训班学员报到的时间是3月5日,报到的地点是市工商行政管理局招待所。市工商行政管理局招待所的具体位置在尚贤路56号,学员可以乘坐503路电车或19路公共汽车在海鸿新村站下车。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten
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