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星之海洋2攻略星之海洋2攻略 星海传说2(STAROCEAN的第二个故事)(SO2) 综合攻略跳到内容(C)跳到导航(N) 本攻略以女主角流程为主线,一方面我在一些网站,杂志上看见的都是男主角流程,另一方面用女主角可以收得强力剑士迪亚斯^ ^ B 蕾娜开始便可以去神护森林,发展情节以后怪兽出现,这时控制克罗德(以下简称克),按R1几次便好,随后2人一起回到村子(村子里有几个宝箱),蕾娜告诉克这里是エクスペル星球,回家很兴奋的和妈妈说看见手持光之剑的勇者了,妈妈被搞的一头舞水的…克很不好意思,先出去在村子里游荡,随后蕾娜也出家门,和几...
星之海洋2攻略 星海传说2(STAROCEAN的第二个故事)(SO2) 综合攻略跳到内容(C)跳到导航(N) 本攻略以女主角流程为主线,一方面我在一些网站,杂志上看见的都是男主角流程,另一方面用女主角可以收得强力剑士迪亚斯^ ^ B 蕾娜开始便可以去神护森林,发展情节以后怪兽出现,这时控制克罗德(以下简称克),按R1几次便好,随后2人一起回到村子(村子里有几个宝箱),蕾娜告诉克这里是エクスペル星球,回家很兴奋的和妈妈说看见手持光之剑的勇者了,妈妈被搞的一头舞水的…克很不好意思,先出去在村子里游荡,随后蕾娜也出家门,和几个村民交谈过以后(主要是村口那个老伯以及恋爱的那对年轻人)便又会看见克,叫上一起回家,蕾娜妈妈做了非常丰富的晚餐,然后拜访村长,他说不久之前有巨大陨石下落,随后怪兽开始狂暴化数量也大大增加等一些情报便休息了。 第2天仍旧去神护森林,和克告别,回村子时候村长之子阿伦向她求婚…之后挟持至撒路巴村他的大宅中,接下来蕾娜一个人的时候先四处荡荡,得到自己的画像(可以卖1500gil),想出宅子的时候那个管家会告诉你需要钥匙才行,来到一楼右边第一间,发现机关,进入撒路巴坑道,坑道里有不少宝箱,不过没有什么特别的道具,随后进入坑道,沿着右边一直走,看见一个记录点以后进入右边的小洞穴发生情节(被阿伦绑架)接着克”凑巧”来到解救蕾娜,并与妖怪化的阿伦发生战斗,结束以后阿伦恢复正常,原来他是被魔石所迷惑。蕾娜和克又回到了阿利亚村。晚上蕾娜又出去找克,(先往神护森林方向走一下,回来就可以遇到了),蕾娜决定和克一起探察陨石的秘密,交谈以后蕾娜先回家了,克独自对着月亮星辰发呆的… 终于要开始正式冒险了(建议把战斗主控制人员换成克),众人都聚 集在村口为2人送行,蕾娜的妈妈更是依依不舍,叮嘱蕾娜如果觉的 外面苦的话就马上回家… 再次来到撒路巴村,去拜访阿伦,反复交谈以后可得幸运的指轮。接 着就去克罗斯王国,建议先PA进入一下,可遇到3眼男(艾尔尼斯 特),这个是以后奥贝拉加入的必要条件。如果想收双头龙剑士的话 此PA是否进行则完全无所谓。然后2人去王宫觐见国王,得知陨石 位于艾鲁大陆,必须坐船出海,国王又给了他们通行证便于行动(这 个国王真好,不象不少游戏里稍微给点道具便要求主角们四处奔波办 事^ _ ^)。出来以后在广场中心看见一男一女2个纹章使为了一张藏 宝图而争论,蕾娜好管闲事的脾气又发作了,前去阻止,男纹章使竟 然要对其下手,结 Is the female arms that beat away, then get the treasure map, and invited 2 people after she promised to treasure together, join the name is Sally. (hereafter referred to as "plug") The treasure is located in the East North Cross King cave, maze is not complicated, the only thing that has made the treasure 3 must enter into a hidden passage, but it is not what good props, is to have a full recovery of the HP is the resurrection of her "in Japanese, Japanese Michiru noyes. Go straight inside, pronouncing them open in Shimen there are several box on the right end of the thing, one of which is the treasure of the ancient book, objective: there is a gas, there are several, and, in order to experience point play me. After the hole, the stopper asks if he wants to join, and chooses the first item to be formally joined. The man's alchemical stunt is the main target. PS: this time there should be some savings in hand, go to the northeast side of the port Harry buy a new skill book, can learn to swim the root and the heart of the 2 important skills, SP this time in general due to low level so there is very little, so the school, do not blossom to earn Noyes SP, the former is all the skills SP consumption are greatly reduced, which can be a lot of GIL upgrade at the same time, to 10 to 100000GIL, the 2 skills up to level 10 respectively in 80 and 45SP, and the Institute of Japanese flowering once, Noyes 100SP reward, it is cost-effective, confirm the Lena institute do not have for the Noyes, which is first and buy 40000GIL thief gloves, and try to make special topics: Lena fries in genesis of fries into the election a little higher level, after the reason. The next goal is to the northwest of Hong Kong, klick by boat, please immediately after the arrival of PA (one of the necessary conditions for the final BOSS of the body), will encounter a female fortune teller predicted here will be flooded, but no one believes (who can be stolen, an organization for once, the effect of equipment after randomly get a variety of props. And this is the only chance now understand why do the preparatory work in front of it, because things are not easy to steal, so repeated S/L is inevitable). Then they find the conversation he said to the captain dock tomorrow to set sail called Lena to walk in the street, I do not know who they step out of dock will be kids but the stolen wallet fell to Claude to find the child ablaze with anger and said a lesson, first find the pier on the 2 children playing around, and then found the child in a warehouse door, after a round of persuasion it back but to take the child home and then took him to the right below the house but he called mother Lena with the child to play only do shopping in the clothing store (after changing clothes plot a bit funny, I most love to plug a ^_^). At the dock at the left to play again and captain his conversation with other kids, he said to wait a while when stepping out of the dock sudden earthquake destroyed the whole street and walked to the tower of refuge, but the waves to drown all the ships and the port town, the captain also feel helpless had to call another port Lena they go to the northeast of Harry by boat. They were on their way Ma Shu Village into the foot found here is the original home of the dew and Sally were brought to the elders at the meeting in that forest with their arms thieves is to "secret Indian Book" and dispatched, and held many children, ask for high compensation. Met Lena here (fellow Dias ho finally debut, hereinafter referred to as di), because the language is very arrogant and aloof, plug discontent, the elders said this person known to participate in rescue activities have brought, how many odds. Lena is looking for her own conversation, the two sides after a night off, 2 people found that grams and plug have team together into the forest, di gave Rena, mud boots, 2 people also into the forest. There are swamps in the forest, and mud boots are used to pass. Because itself has 35 Di grade level, various aspects ability and high, so after the battle is very easy (don't forget his SP run out, after adding is still all restored), and when BOSS is fighting the other Zabing a lot, so pay attention to proper run Nade bud, to restore the HP can concentrate on di. After the battle, all the children were saved, and at this time they found that the captain had solved the thief's leader, and that he had gone away. Thank you for all the family night plug Lena, plug the fathers influence of meteorites do guess that may have a special ability to send out within meteorites, led the world all sorts of changes. Rena and grams of sleep plug father, body is not good, but also need its care, not convenient to explore together, so want to secretly leave, and unexpectedly still be plug found, partners again gathered. PS: standing outside the hotel at the old man's hand can steal the box, is random variable 3 props, like,,,, don't harmed to just assess, Ma, is, assess, as a graduate, I don't,,,,, etc. alpha fries in these powerful weapons you can change out, S/L several times, to hand themselves with weapons. Harry came to the entrance in the town has heard Shaluba jakiro infested, if you want to receive jakiro if they immediately rushed to the back to his Shaluba Town, find out intelligence after that pit was jakiro appeared once again came to the pit, continue to move forward along the left side at the end of two will see a knife is the biggest flow swordsman jakiro but it was a distraction that was jakiro attached to the back after Gorod promised to help him under the Hom jakiro "first line" but to find another method he finally joined the companion "about him to join will not get Austria Bella", and the name is Ann heugten. Then, first came to the village of Ma Long home, on the shelf will find a two headed dragon method, respectively, to the mountain palace, take the cup of eyes, and to Ross, Garth mountain, take the king's tears. To the king after permission to enter the north and west of the city, the mountain palace in a building at the end of the BOSS can be down with silver cup and then go to the Luo Si City West Ross Garth mountains, against the magic bird at the top of the mountain, after the defeat will have tears with magic bird back to Shaluba at deep mine the ceremony, but Ann heugten said have been accustomed to life jakiro decided not to cut them and then returned to Harry street to the sea by boat, Raquel,. If you want to collect Austrian Bella, you can ignore the information and go straight to Bill Stay overnight after arriving at Bill, and Lena will be there Now he went out and tried to contact his father's ship and failed. After leaving the first in no hurry to go to the Southeast Fanglakeer Kingdom, go to the South Lijiacun (where you could see Pooley Sith in the play), buy skills book back the way to the Kingdom, leveling, at present, the monster experience is not low, especially gram level, it will be too low the fighting skill will have little trouble. After they came to the kingdom of Wu Raquel that with the upcoming general assembly, but the king was too busy and can't see the tournament when Guluode proposed in the tournament, and then follow the registration at the counter to the city town four weapons estates for one to get out with Wu, Wu to try to decide whether the equipment. It is convenient, I choose the counter. After the selection, everyone opens the room. Lena began to act alone. Go to the kingdom of the upper left corner of the metalworking housing plot, Lena immediately with the granddaughter of Sifeiya craftsmen around in the bar Lisifeiya provoked several swordsman, Dias this time again for the rescue, Lena and talk to him after the di with Sifeiya Xianzou, Lena went back to the hotel to rest. Along the way, always worried about the tournament and played against the gram if di.... A night of rest after we came to the arena for registration, G passed, and Di is not with standard weapons failed to approve the approach, Lena will accompany him to the house of metalworking with weapons, only after the arrival of that rush around the Sifeiya, the original Di weapons has not knowing who is away. In the downtown bar Di memories earlier that unhappy swordsman, 2 people came to the bar to find those people and weapons in their hands, fighting hand weapons, also successfully apply through di. Into the arena to find friends, talk after grams will be called to participate in the competition, because it is the only article Lena grams win enough qualification into the finals, of course the opponent is a little bit of strength, be careful oh. Every time after a fight, Lena just needs to talk to the soldier at the entrance to the registry and start the next fight right away. (the house of God, two, also watched the contest at the technical arena). Finally, the last thing she wanted to see was that he finally played with Dee in the final! Of course, due to various irresistible elements, our hero is not face what is brought down. After the game... See g again Deeley left Lena (who really trouble). After the end of the tournament must not forget to take weapons, metalworking house field or a few grams of the Tokyo fries, but the strongest weapon material ah (if previously failed to enter the finals will get the sword), and then to provide equipment item shop to receive the prize. If not previously received an heugten. Then you can go to the bar to find Obera Bill who, after she left the boat back to the cross realm of an audience with the king, gathered after getting permission to enter the mountain palace, to find Obera, make it become the companion. Then go to visit Lijiacun language scholars, but was driven out, his aides said back a month after the visit, they only find another way to find the top pharmacy pharmacist Portman, he said he could help Lena busy, but the condition is to help him to the Holy Land and herbs with no choice under the condition of have to promise. here PA, Lena can go home Pulixisi plot, finally left the village when Pulixisi became his companion, Ma, for her, the stunt is key to the development of nano objects (Portman can be companions) And after they came to Lijiacun beside the shrine "mountain", in which the somewhere of herbs, the deepest cave will have BOSS war, want to earn a little more experience would destroy each other after the return to the herb to Portman, he will follow along with the crowd to the big house on the linguistic scholars in ancient documents to language home, but had to wait a long time to rest this evening we stayed in the family of Portman (previously at no charge Pulixisi, so when Portman will join the crowd back to the city around Raquel). Arrived to find the figure in front of flying, the soldier said AI Lu Kingdom has been captured, a legion of demons coming here to attack, most people have been to the city so they also came to the city of refuge. In a study room right below the king will see they are discussing countermeasures, accidentally discovered and caught out asked to explain everything, because powerful weapons Particle Cannon lack of energy raw materials, and then called the people to the ruins of Hoffman mining, boy genius Dr. Leon also joined together to. How to Cyprus harbor later arrived in the snow, after landing into the middle of the ruins of Hoffman Lena and Leon two people together to open the door, take the elevator down into the ruins of the internal ground. This labyrinth is quite large, please understand the direction of the way to continue explosive to pave the way, in the end will find the energy and raw materials, BOSS war, please be sure to close combat, try not to let the whole thunder magic. After the battle the hand material, timid Leon was laughing at a few grams, to stop Deleina. Back to the city of Syracuse Road, Leon immediately began his research work at this time the king called Lena et al to the front base for help. For people to the north of the front base to enter command room report, Dias also found a soldier out of the room after Claude and Lena dispute, and Lena has gone out of the camp to talk with Dias after the wordsman finally officially joined! (very troublesome ah) because he once again with 35 levels of SP to add the appropriate suggestions after the upgrade ability preferred course topics, and replication level, because of the special consumption of SP is not low, while other SP personnel are not well-off, di each addition of a few SP, of course, is the first choice. Dee hesitated for a while, worried that he would be prejudiced against him, and Lena said that he had always been very respected. Later, go to the observatory to find g as expected, adding to the di grams very happy and on di Kuayang a fencing greatly, it is di ~ ~. Go to the room to rest for a night, walking around, suddenly struck the people immediately catch the monster lookout against the leader of Essien, can only defend each other at this time is invincible, the number of rounds he will retreat. A few days after the Legion of demons, heavily hit, fortunately the particle cannon has just been completed, they will be shot off and after all want to grow to Ai Road follow up a victory with hot pursuit, cargo ship, en Xin struck again, but the Particle Cannon had invalid. They only came to fight this war will be lost after the defeat, jumping in the sea to escape his floating Ai Road, shore. bud She woke up to find that only a few grams, very sad, everyone thought it was no hope of survival, but first came to the village next to the AI Lu Li Ya, on the occasion of the orthogonal grams also found here, Lena excited out of control... To.... home village has intelligence that the meteorite in Lu Zhongyang's AI Lu Li yatagan, many kinds of variation phenomenon before were produced by it. Go to the left warehouse, search around the shelf, get a lot of equipment and props, and get the ID card when you leave. AI Lu Li came to open the door card yatta, continue to advance the use of ID, on the 2 floor of the left can be found in the success rate of UP composer Michiru, fierce Tokyo fries in their school, and after the equipment can randomly get props do not leak, fries in graduate school, is the only one, don't miss. In a central office in accordance with the order of the input position 14241 sculpture continue to uplink on the left of Claude will be sent back to the Mothership, Lena can not help but sad, who knows this Lipetsk determination and partners together to fight back immediately, Lena glad that he started scolding grams, after missing this game... On the way... Once again encounter Essien, not this time, let him go, try to use remote attack stunts, the difficulty is not high, can quickly win. At the top of the tower finally saw the meteorite, also found that 10 is a group of people claiming to be a sage, who said the goal was to conquer the whole universe, a legion of demons is they created. And then ten sage one battle, war and the first battle and symplectic time, to a period of time will occur plot, planetary collision, or disappear, in, planet in the universe... (DISK2). A few days after impact when Lena woke up and found the body in a strange place and meet after transfer to peer inside a building to the right room and talking to the mayor, that there is a new design, Planet San Lu Xi. Trapattoni said he had also received ten sage threats, he they destroyed the, design star was forced to move here. Gorod et al to fight against them, even called the people to the North North West. By flying vehicles to Sally beast promised stroll after in the city on the left, will encounter a strange red haired woman. Then set out for North Point city. PS: this time we would be the first to buy musical instruments together, and make all the tunes corresponding to the other, such as "no, lumira Noyes, studies this kind of props can be purchased, please be sure to be ready for Celino's gold, the Pulixisi, Ma, Dias, nano leak, copying reach 10 level, the details of the general Di 5, level 6 is sufficient, Lena the topics of fries in Genesis best fries into the election to 10, everyone's Dhaka, Ta 4--5 out while the Internet have enough, the super stunt lumira, Michiru, be sure to fries in 10, this should be the VERY EASY thing. If not, the SP Institute, do not increase the Noyes flowering, because of the increasing success rate of the stunt ensemble with music: the goddess comes, can be very convenient to all the flowers, all do not graduate Noyes acquisition, these preparations in the first star also can be done, but the time of the need luck is definitely much more than now, and in the first planet the enemy is not strong, do not need these preparations. When you arrive at North Point They found the strange redhead... To the top right of the animal farm in Sullivan and curator of conversation will be checked with collecting information on the beast suddenly Sullivan runaway, and they stepped forward to stop, only after the defeat of artificial feeding beasts after -__-b OVER Sullivan director Lena to find don't call Sally into the beast the left shift to another continent. The silly red haired woman appeared again after the scene, and in desperation she fell a dog and ate the mud The crowd moved into a hut and met Luo Ailu, a zoologist. From the conversation that Western wild animal living with cave Sullivan came to the west of the red crystal cave, the way will be picking up the redhead: reporters cut Saudi Press card. At the bottom will see Sally beast monster attacks. They repulsed after grams to Sally animal still wary, after the discovery of the birth of small mammals, G could not help but think of my mother... Choose the first order then they joined Luo Erol by Sally (the beast beast flight shape it is less a bit) to fly back to San Trapattoni Road West. Go to the municipal building 2 layer will press card back and then cut it into Saudi Arabia is talking to the mayor after that we want to beat the ten sage four orb force can be. And their position is the field of knowledge in the north, the field of force in the northwest, the field of love in the northeast and the field of courage in the southeast, and the people immediately set out, starting with the knowledge field of the five corner island in the north. PS: this time don't rush to 4 games, there are a lot of interesting things to do first, ^_^ Ma, nano, her stunt, let Pulixisi will improve the props are made out of various stunts, and make efforts to use the special Kayseri those precious ore best each do 20 A, if there is, Ma, to assess, this time the words have no direct copy, each can sell more than 10 W, if not also never mind, with the super stunt lumira fries in, produce, so Michiru ", and we use, and the Internet have a member of the Institute, the ore field everything can be sold, about 10W (also can copy), by the way, a fierce, and the Internet have also made them a few pairs, Dias will use an acrobatic and,, Noyes and produce, do not leak, lumira, group, sytec, and in fact, produce, so, Do not, for the reason,, with his personal feeling is above 2 kind of decoration he most likely to do it. The work can be completed quickly (remember when using the stunt to ensemble or goddess come oh), money and savings ore after almost on a flying beast to need to hide the store to buy advanced weapons and armor, refining out the form of communication tools, the Tokyo, lumira snowy area, and it can refer to: behind the stunt lumira, Michiru, and fries in Dhaka, Ta out while making a design or the Internet have fierce, their Dhaka,,,,, Harbin, no leak, pulp, lumira, Te, lumira, Tokyo, with fierce, her once, didn't Noyes fries in a joint, so, head, and these powerful armor, and produced the strongest weapon everyone synthesized (say that in front of everyone, the form of the Internet have actually 4 TA out while enough, with the ensemble, the success rate is almost 100%). Dias, Obera, Plymouth Sith, Lena et al weapons materials on a flying beast to Muluo grams weapon shop southeast can directly buy. Now the personnel should be equipped with the kind of small Mega rifle How does it feel to get into an airplane cannon?. Then go across the playground around the city Muluo grams, first of all to the bunny rabbit race field, the entrance body has accelerated, so fierce, second clima shoe, the Internet have very good to steal, combat movement speed increased to a great extent, also added 80 STM, a pair of suspicion and not enough to run the game field bet, the rule is very simple, I can not say here, good luck to sb. 15 minutes 2 pairs, bad luck one hour a double -__-b go to the Colosseum practice level, with this equipment, in addition to the 1 pick 50 is a bit difficult, the other should be able to cope EXP, start fast oh, I am here to spend about 2 hours on average rating from about 40---75, very fast, basically rely on LV to enhance the learning effects or operation after acquisition almost all arms can leave (arena details I will in a special article In the introduction, of course) if you want to fight again for a while I have no opinion suggestion here... Claude, a Japanese stunt rose to 10, back to the store when the fighting experience increased GIL ah, ah, ah ah props, automatic revival of these cards are done, can now be copied to the 20. Go to the big 4! First of all to know, is the first of all points are open to switch to the central challenge room BOSS, each of the red stone for a Huangshi plate, a tube into a is out, very simple, because now the equipment and it is a very good grade equal, after basically have no what special attention should be paid to the enemy, even if the BOSS is 2 minutes to fix things. In the force field there will be several area guard gorilla, when fighting if they come into contact with the switch would have to find a way to instantly knock out them, have the strength, then slip out justice ah on the bridge ^_^ finally meets BOSS: Guardian robot. Under normal circumstances in the amount of damage will become only the upper half of the state then ordered all people away, because it will do great harm to the in situ wide range of attacks, absolutely not the body buried in the melee, can only continue next to various remote attack to knock down, but I said to the equipment level of it fast direct general physical attacks it is no chance of that happening, can KO easily! To the brave, here to Rao Road, should enter from the left several second channels, along the right and left on the left will come to a special room, to take the courage like after the back entrance with the right right to another room, choose the second row placed courage after turn to like BOSS room, this is called Guardian robots, like a. Go to the last station: located in the center of the world to love field by floating island flying beast falls, as long as the way to press the button at the end of the channel connection can challenge the sorceress, very simple. After getting all 4 precious pearls scattered back to pull the road in the West. Special report to the mayor, said he has summoned defense forces decided to attack the ten sage stronghold, and the defense captain Li Yana (what we know is a woman as a defensive captain?). Then the men came to pull up the ancient base and sit in the deep sea to explore the creatures and pass through the outer barrier into the dark tower. Inside Find ten sage is waiting for them in order to show the strength of fire attack Claude's father Luo nickeas warships, a fierce shelling finally resistthe and sunk (poor generation protagonist so over) Claude anger to fight each other but did not, and only one person, it is a could not win the battle... (obviously computer shamelessly, really want to fight if we can block the 3 minutes it will be strange) results again defeat defense forces captain stops when ten sage, called Lena et al immediately retreat, to the public think, everyone immediately return to the road in the West. San Trapattoni, mayor said. Can make all the past can return back to the, design, research of arms weapons called the people to see the beauty of city. As soon as he came to open the gate of the seal above, the crowd would move to a dilapidated institution with the entrance to the top of a forest. Inside the mayor would say here with space-time transfer device, said seven hundred million years ago here was ten sage destruction, and the director's daughter Lena before the explosion was planeshifting away. So, now that Lena was seven hundred million years ago, it's amazing. Lena could not accept the fact. She ran off and went to comfort her And after all go back to Muluo grams of the city, to the middle of the house for Meilazu Dr. she said has been developed against the ten sage anti weapons (Yoko her, in fact, is able to steal, and I, now only), so they lack the ore energy immediately rushed to the nearby Murray cave by a flying beast after arriving at the end of BOSS ~ (if you want to clean the beast ore point to take the treasure box would first direct down BOSS, cave no enemy appears) special ore ore get back to Meilazu Dr. he said to use a three day time to complete the call people to play games for recreation is came to the fighting skills the playground for special training after third for then there will be a strong weapon in the fight against the ten sage assistant sent, received after ten and two respectively (I can take over the sage battle beat them, no one can. A 2 minute oh) and then go to the Muluo g, Dr. Merazu is down repair third sages, is also very weak, but sometimes sends rogue Technology: that any protective cover attacks, this time will be a little later he lifted the shield flat. PS: after the battle of PA immediately go to the playground, in the arena before will find the injured captain placed her defense, after repeated conversations can get precious ornaments: ordinary attack 2 times, and her group,, noyes. When everything was ready, he went to the ancient Greek base, talked to the mayor on the right and waited for tomorrow's departure. Claude and Lena had a romantic night. The following will give us razuvius Dr. Lena "Ward arms" in case the ten sage will do "make the whole universe collapse.". Once again by the deep exploration of biological to the Dark Tower of ten there will be three sage start immediately waiting for the battle inside, Lena to reply, the other 3 partners who pick up a ^_^ beat up after. The other two will meet ten sage on the five floor, use fire magic Mika Eyre launched magic very fast, but because there are attributes of defense, less harmful, but also accelerate the boots, basically not Give him time to launch, but the voice and magic picture I personally love, let him a few times... Another sage magic with petrochemical effect is not good, but other ability, stick to attack you no chance, I heard ^_^: oh oh oh In the seven floor to meet the ninth ~ ten sage Lucifer Seoul, who launched the wind magic faster, but in vain: this resistance is useful to destroy.... we face such strength, teeth almost. Anyway, I just couldn't let him have the opportunity to launch magic, but the sound collection, or may be appropriate to let him off. Continue to go up, the way through ninth layers to fall back on the eighth floor, three straight staircase will come to the last BOSS room, and finally the ten sage Gabriel to the final battle. PS: before the final battle in the first BOSS record record, and then leave this place and go back to San Lu Xi. PA Trapattoni, met Gabriel's daughter (Hong Kong, the prophecy of the cleary g), so that the final BOSS Mami, otherwise the game is white to play oh. Go to the arena to hide a maze adventure, and finally to challenge BOSS super mami. Detailed information will be hidden in the special maze and BOSS's article by Cao Gang brother for everyone to do wonderful specially introduced ^_^ Note: hide the store picture
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