

2017-09-29 9页 doc 28KB 11阅读




定向越野策划书定向越野策划书 主办单位: to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lend...
定向越野策划书 主办单位: to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 活动背景 定向运动作为一项集体能和智能于一体的时尚体育运动~兼备马拉松、铁人三项和国际象棋的特点~在国际上被称为“智者”的运动。团体赛能够培养人的集体思考、共同解决困难的能力。由于这个项目适应的人群广泛~既能提高判定方向的能力~掌握识图用图的能力~又能培养和锻炼人的顽强意志~同时花费也不多~实用性和娱乐性兼备~因此已经发展成为一项新兴时尚的户外体育运动。 作为学生社团的成员~在以后的工作上~更多的集体讨论、集体工作、共同解决问。定向越野运动正好适合我们提高这些方面才能的一项活动。 一、 活动的目的、意义 1. 推广定向运动~普及定向知识。让更多的人充分体验到定 性运动的魅力~积极参与到这项运动中来。 2. 通过该活动增进学生社团各部门、干事们的沟通~感受社 联的人文氛围~增进会员的友谊~加强会员的凝聚力。 3. 放松身心~挑战自我~感受自然~度过愉快周末。 4. 参赛者根据抽签抽到的障碍点~利用地图~在规定的时间 内穿越于校园~运用你的智慧去“寻宝”或完成任务。 二、 活动主题 to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 三、 活动内容 1. 定向运动宣传。 2. 定向运动报名、分组。 3. 定向运动的举行。 四、 活动时间 五、 活动流程 ,1,参赛队员共分为5组~每组10人~每组参加两轮比赛~接力进行。 ,2,校园定向越野起点在西大门广场~终点在一食堂门口~之间共设置15个障碍点~包括5个体育运动障碍~5个寻宝障碍~5个小游戏障碍。 1号:障碍地点运动场~参赛队员需背着身子跑100米~途中不允许转头向前看~否则重新出发。完成任务即可得到通关令牌。 2号:交通楼五楼~参赛队员需用左手打乒乓球~赢得5球即可得到通关令牌。 3号:足球场~参赛队员在一分钟之内过杆射门~若失败则重新开始直到通关。 4号:篮球场~参赛队员需要连续投中三个球~若失败则重新开始直到通关。 5号:羽毛球馆~参赛队员赢十个球即可通关。 6号:通关令牌随意放在其中一辆火车下~找到即算通关,提示信息:在火车下, to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 7号:通关令牌放在世纪楼顶楼~工作人员在每层电梯按停阻碍参赛队员。 8号:通关令牌放在女生食堂某一个位置上。 9号:通关令牌放在图书馆的某一类书中间~仅告诉参赛队员书目大类号。 10号:通关令牌放在通往高速中心的路边的土木学院的那些模型中。 11号:地点铁路园的鹅卵石小路上~参赛队员被蒙上眼睛~在其他队员的指引下~光脚踩爆气球。 12号:地点通往东大门的上坡路~一名队员背着另一名队员爬坡一百米~其中要喊出比赛口号。 13号:二综楼前~参赛队员被束住双手~跳双人扯的跳绳。 14号:创南创北之间的小路上~参赛队员需转10圈后到指定地点端一杯水倒入桶里~多次取水。要求水量要达到一定容量。 15号:大排档门口~在气球里加些水~吹到指定大小~在气球上写上队名~最后用一块石头拴住~扔到树上挂着。 ,3,将15项障碍点分成体育运动~寻宝~游戏三类~参赛队在每类中随机抽一个~每队的障碍点不同。第一轮每组根据任务独立路线并派队员参赛~其余人在终点等待接力~并抽取下一轮障碍路线,已选过的障碍点不得选择,。再由终点跑到起点~按总耗时长排名。 to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 六、 活动参与对象 交通院所有研究生。 七、 活动详细实施 前期,筹备阶段,: 时间 项目 内容 负责部门 选点踩点 结合所选地点作出相应策划部 人员安排。 所需物品 罗列所需要的物品~如地策划部 图、笔、纸、应急用品、 奖品及奖状、马甲队服 等。 物资申请 统计所需要的物资。 财务部 活动宣传 在各个部门的QQ群公告。 报名登记 策划部 工作分布 设立总台、赛程跟踪、后策划部 勤部。 中期,实施阶段,: 时间 项目 内容 负责部门 工具准备 准备复印校园地图、、笔、财务部 纸、水、应急用品、奖品 及奖状、马甲队服。 资料打印 把相关资料、流程打印出财务部 to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 来。,障碍要求保密:, 赛程跟踪 比赛进行全程跟踪。 策划部 后勤安全 若有参赛者出现不适~作策划部 出相关处理。 总台服务 分数、时间、名次登记。 策划部 后期,善后阶段,: 时间 项目 内容 负责部门 活动总结 活动总结~为下次活动积 累经验 质料记录 对本次活动进行资料存 档 八、 具体活动时间安排 日期 星期 活动内容 备注 定向运动报名 各组员准备所需物品 定向运动的举行 活动总结~心得交流 九、 活动当天的具体流程 时间 活动内容 备注 to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 8:00 工作人员到达比赛起点集中布置比 赛场地 8:30-9:00 所有的参赛者准时到场~派发所需用 品 9:00-9:30 活动正式开始~由相关负责人发表开 幕词~宣读比赛各项 9:30 比赛正式开始~以短信或电话对比赛 进行全程跟踪。 10:40 比赛时间结束~各参赛者必须返回起 点~清点人数 11:00 进行比赛后的分享以及颁奖仪式,证 书+纪念品,~宣布此次比赛完满结束 十、 活动详细经费预算 物品 价格,元, 数量 费用,元, 桌子~塑料凳 借 球类 借 地图 场地 纸~笔 水,工作人员, to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check 应 创可贴 急 风油 用 跌打喷雾 品 奖状 队服 借 总计: 十一、 活动紧急状况的替换方案 ,一, 要注意天气~提前留意当日的天气~做好准备措施。 ,二, 如因天气关系~定向运动不能如常进行~必须由主席、 副主席和活动相关负责人共同决议处理~最后由主席 批示。由活动负责人统一发布通知~说明处理情况的 措施。 ,三, 若在活动进行途中~发生事故~相关负责人应第一时 间到场~做出相应的措施。 十二、 注意事项 ,一, 注意安全~听从活动负责人指挥~服从主办方关于比 赛时间、地点、规则、裁判的安排。 ,二, 参赛者请熟悉了解报名要求~对自己的身体等状况负 责~保证确实具备参加活动条件~活动过程中注意安 全~主办方对参赛者在比赛过程中出现的任何意外~ 不承担任何责任。 ,三, 如报名名单与赛事当日的参赛人员有出入~应马上向 工作人员说明情况~以作安排。 to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check ,四, 参赛人员最好穿运动鞋~患有,心脏病等,不适于剧 烈运动疾病的人员不得报名。 ,五, 参赛队竞赛前必须充分热身。不提倡空腹运动。 ,六, 各队伍必须服从工作人员的管理~如在活动过程中遇 到问题和困难~可向工作人员反映。 ,七, 障碍任务要做好保密措施。 ,八, 以上活动一切解释权~归社团所有。 to contract loans in a timely manner, and management requirements of payment was paid by the Bank. Line with the requirements of the trustee to pay, should be entrusted to pay. Fourth Festival account manager is in charge of loan management post-lending management functions performed in the first person. Account Manager, according to the Bank's loan management to require performance monitoring and early-warning management, credit checks and other duties. Marketing line management should guide and supervise daily, check
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