首页 > 国内十大警匪剧推荐 这些霸屏的神剧你看过吗

国内十大警匪剧推荐 这些霸屏的神剧你看过吗

2018-05-25 11页 doc 82KB 25阅读




国内十大警匪剧推荐 这些霸屏的神剧你看过吗国内十大警匪剧推荐 这些霸屏的神剧你看过吗 国内十大警匪剧推荐 哪些警匪剧好看 警匪剧的剧情内容通常是:刑事案件侦破、反恐案件侦破、打击黑社会犯罪等,警匪剧通常贯穿警察和匪徒之间的斗智、斗勇,动作、追车、爆炸等场面也是主要特点。看警匪剧常常不是被里面的男女主角帅哭要么就是被其中的场面震到,或者是被缜密的情节吸引,那么国内都有哪些警匪剧值得推荐看呢,高端营销推广平台鹿豹座就为你整理一下这些年霸屏的十大警匪剧。 NO.1 征服 警方循江湖恩怨抓捕了一批横行衡州的黑团伙成员,经调查得知,盘踞桥北一带的黑势力团伙头子、刘华强...
国内十大警匪剧推荐 这些霸屏的神剧你看过吗
国内十大警匪剧推荐 这些霸屏的神剧你看过吗 国内十大警匪剧推荐 哪些警匪剧好看 警匪剧的剧情内容通常是:刑事案件侦破、反恐案件侦破、打击黑社会犯罪等,警匪剧通常贯穿警察和匪徒之间的斗智、斗勇,动作、追车、爆炸等场面也是主要特点。看警匪剧常常不是被里面的男女主角帅哭要么就是被其中的场面震到,或者是被缜密的情节吸引,那么国内都有哪些警匪剧值得推荐看呢,高端营销推广平台鹿豹座就为你整理一下这些年霸屏的十大警匪剧。 NO.1 征服 警方循江湖恩怨抓捕了一批横行衡州的黑团伙成员,经调查得知,盘踞桥北一带的黑势力团伙头子、刘华强的弟弟刘华文不久前曾被人打成重伤,似为另一股黑社会势力封飙所为,警方在调查刘华文时,刘华文三缄其口,只字不吐被伤原因,而此时,刘华强在两年前已因伤害他人潜逃,封飙亦在吴天被杀后逃离本市,徐国庆将刘华强列为重点,展开追捕。正在此时,在郊区某歌舞厅门前,俗称宋老虎的宋运来又被人用同样的方式枪杀。宋运来系当地赫赫有名的黑道人物,是本市七十年代起家的硕果仅存的几个黑势力成员之一,刚刑满释放,专心在歌舞厅看场子,再不过问江湖中事。吴天与宋运来互有耳闻,但无任何联系。并且二人近两年来都有退隐之意,恩怨多为数年前的事情。 据调查得知,吴天与宋运来系在与刘华强结仇,刘华强的弟弟刘华文被打伤后,已潜回本市。徐国庆敏锐地感觉到刘华强正在逐步实施他的复仇计划,一面继续调查,一面四处布控。果如徐国庆所料,刘华强与情妇李梅、两个年轻的杀手租住在某小区内,窥伺着警方的行动,继续着蓄谋已久的复仇计划。警匪之间的追捕与反追捕,复仇与阻止复仇的较量由此展开。 豆瓣评分:8.6分 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the NO.2 法证先锋 《法证先锋》系列,是香港电视广播有限公司出品系列时装电视剧。首部《法证先锋》于2006年6月13日首播,共25集;于2007年7月开拍续集《法证先锋?》,2008年5月19日首播,共30集;2011年1月开拍《法证先锋?》,2011年10月10日首播,30集。《法证先锋》系列由香港无线电视"金牌监制"梅小青导演。 豆瓣评分:8.3分 NO.3 黑洞 天都市龙腾集团董事长、副市长聂大海之子聂明宇是一个全省闻名的青年企业家,但是暗地里,他却操纵着天都市最大的地下黑社会活动。他设立赌场,有计划有预谋地拉拢腐蚀天都市的干部队伍,并利用父亲的市长背景,大肆收买海关各级人员,走私贩私,牟取暴利。他的副手张峰更以为人阴损、手段毒辣著称于世。在这些人的"苦心"经营下,龙腾集团逐渐发展壮大,但很明显这其实是一个不折不扣的、具有黑社会性质的犯罪团伙。 豆瓣评分:8.2分 NO.4 重案六组 重案六组是中国内地一部警匪题材的系列电视剧,共有4部,总剧集达到130集,堪称内地警匪剧之最。本剧在刻画上主要把视角放在公安干警身上,以一个刑侦大组(代号“六组”)为主要描叙对象。由于其情节复杂、悬念叠生,演员特征突出,在内地极受欢迎。自2001年第一部开播起,就在内地创下了警匪题材的收视最高峰。 豆瓣评分:7.9分 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the ,www.lbzuo.com, 鹿豹座 高 端 营 销 推 广 平 台 NO.5 使徒行者 《使徒行者》是香港电视广播有限公司制作的时装警匪电视剧。由林峯、苗侨伟、佘诗曼领衔主演,陈敏之、沈震轩、江美仪、许绍雄、梁烈唯、梁靖琪主演,文伟鸿监制。该剧是林峯离开TVB的告别之作和佘诗曼重返TVB的回归之作。 该剧聚焦在灰色地带下挣扎求存的警队卧底生活。因警队高层的离奇死亡,与死者联系的五名卧底全部失踪,他们掌握着警队的高度机密,谁是卧底,谁是黑警,是敌是友,难以分辨。 该剧于2014年8月25日在TVB翡翠台首播。该剧以单日内地网络播放量突破1亿和总播放量超24亿,打破港剧网络播放量最高记录,成为首部进入“20亿俱乐部”的港剧;以30.5的跨平台收视率成为TVB年度收视冠军。 豆瓣评分:8.1分 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the NO.6 暗黑者 《暗黑者》讲述了一起连环杀人案的曝光造成巨大轰动,一张张署名"暗黑者"的通知单悄然而至,面对神秘凶手的公然挑衅,警方立即成立专案组与之抗衡,令人大跌眼镜的是,这个团队的成员们个个"人中龙凤"--高智商low人品的罗飞、高冷嘴损的穆剑云、扑克脸组长韩灏、"警界耻辱"尹剑、"暗黑萝莉"梁音、"网游超人"曾日华以及不说话先动手的熊原啊啊„„专案组阵容堪称一群怒放的奇葩。一桩桩离奇罪案接踵而至,专案组众人在不断磨合中日益强大,拼尽全力与神秘暗黑者斗智斗勇,随着案情的推进,一个惊人的秘密即将被揭开。 豆瓣评分:8.1分 NO.7 湄公河大案 该剧讲述了中国公安机关在老、缅、泰三国警方的支持配合下,成功侦破杀害中国船员一案并破获重大国际贩毒团伙的故事,将展现出中国警察忠于职守、坚忍不拔、敢于担当的职业精神以及跨国警务合作取得的积极成果,彰显党和政府保护人民的坚强决心的故事。 豆瓣评分:7.5分 NO.8 刑警队长 本剧根据南通市公安局刑警支队原支队长顾瑛等干警的改编。上世纪九十年代初江海市,担任派出所所长的顾铭,热衷于办案。公安分局局长吴剑南力排众议,把并不是科班出身的顾铭提拔为刑警队长。顾铭上任之初就大胆提出“命案必破,不破不休”,结果他上a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the ,www.lbzuo.com, 鹿豹座 高 端 营 销 推 广 平 台 任后遇到的第一起命案就成为无头案。挫折面前,顾铭并不气馁,在此后的十几年里,他由 担任区公安分局刑警队长,到担任市局刑警支队长,始终奋战在刑侦破案第一线,置个人生命、健康于度外,带领手下破获了无数疑难案件。连续15年,江海市杀人案件侦破率连年保持在95%以上,其中6年全部告破。顾瑛最终破获了那起曾经令他败“走麦城”的杀人案。2010年,顾铭于办案途中,不幸遭遇车祸牺牲。 豆瓣评分:7.9分 NO.9 读心神探 姚学琛是一名精于身体语言的“读心神探”,往往能透过细微的身体语言,阅读出 读心神探对方所隐藏的事实,看穿对方真实的一面,再加上细微的观察力,配合一群精英手下,每能屡破奇案。学琛自小常被父亲姚天保作弄,其实天保要他从中学习,因此,父亲可说是他的启蒙老师。但有一次,天保带学琛垂钓,竟发生“意外”,在学琛面前“死去”,此事在学琛心中造成了很大的阴影,当日的恐惧感直至现在仍挥之不去。学琛大学毕业后加入警队,因为擅长鉴貌辨色,破案率很高,深得上司器重,是警队的风头人物。不过,组内两名新人:何礼贤和叶展婷,对以读心破案闻名的学琛抱怀疑态度,礼贤更认为只是单纯的碰运气而已,而且见学琛处事之圆滑,更觉此人十分虚伪。二人同一阵线对抗学琛,以自己一向所用的传统查案方式调查。 豆瓣评分:7分 NO.10 使命 主要讲述了清水市是某省的一座小城,近来的治安混乱,猖獗的黑恶势力打破了这里原有的宁静,给百姓的安定生活带来威胁。秦志剑等一批正直的公安干警对此感到困惑竟束手无策。此时,年轻的林荫临危受命,被任命为渭水市新的公安局长,林荫按下决心定要铲除黑恶势力,扫除百姓心中的阴霾的故事。 某夜,市委万书记(徐敏 饰)办公室被盗,林荫立下限期破案的军令状。从此,林荫依靠秦志剑(刘均 饰)、高翔(于俭 饰)等刚正不阿的干警,在市委陈副书记、洪市长支持下,与郑光军(谢钢 饰)和公安内部的腐败势力展开了殊死斗争。神通广大的郑光军游说上层领导,暗示要在清水开赌场,林荫将计就计,制定了行动"雷雨行动",他决定彻查黑势力之后的保护伞。 豆瓣评分:7.9分 以上就是这些年霸屏的警匪剧了,相信你在切换电视台的时候或多或少都有看到过他们的身影。高端营销推广平台鹿豹座认为,不妨在闲暇的时候回味一下这些经典的电视剧。 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the
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