首页 > 2015-2016圭尔夫大学研究生学费


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2015-2016圭尔夫大学研究生学费2015-2016圭尔夫大学研究生学费 Political Science and International Relations, Sociology, Accounting, International Business, Business Administration, 圭尔夫大学是加拿大一所规模中等却有着全面教育的综合性 公立大学。圭尔夫大学提供超过90个主修科(majors),13个荣誉学位 及63个海外遥距课程。根据加拿大麦考林杂志(Maclean’s),圭尔夫 大学排名为加拿大第四的综合类大学,更是在1999...
2015-2016圭尔夫大学研究生学费 Political Science and International Relations, Sociology, Accounting, International Business, Business Administration, 圭尔夫大学是加拿大一所规模中等却有着全面教育的综合性 公立大学。圭尔夫大学提供超过90个主修科(majors),13个荣誉学位 及63个海外遥距课程。根据加拿大麦考林杂志(Maclean’s),圭尔夫 大学排名为加拿大第四的综合类大学,更是在1999, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007年度在此排名中名列第一。学校享有“全加本科教育质量第一” 的名誉,更以“宽进严出”、高淘汰率的研究生高等教育(包括硕士和 博士)而出名。 UHIP: $将被加上,如果没有在秋季学期被收取。 英文原文请浏览第二页 International Graduate Student Tuition and Fees (Full-Time)Fees excluding charges for Cooperative Program, Meal Plan, Residence and ParkingProgramFull-time TuitionCompulsory ($CAN)Program Specific FeesOther University FeesStudent Organization FeesLandscape $6,Applied $8, StayN/$5,MA(LEAD) Sept StayN/$6,MA(LEAD) May/Jan StayN/$7,Other Master’s /$6,Other PHD /$6, UHIP: $ will be added if not charged in the fall semester Regardless of the type of graduate degree program you intend to pursue, financial planning is important. We know that thinking about financial matters related to attending graduate school can be stressful and we want to provide you with as much information as possible. Below you will find more information about tuition and fees by degree type. 芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称芝大(UChicago), 位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学。这里诞 生了世界约40%的诺贝尔经济学奖得主,是世界经济学研究中心之 一。2015-16年,芝加哥大学在US News本科排名中位列全美第4, 在世界大学学术排名位列世界第9,在2015-16年QS、泰晤士高等教 育(THE)以及usnews世界大学排名中均位列世界第10。 Total Estimated Costs for One YearTuition and Incidental Fees 1 2$ and Supplies 3$ (Lodging and Food)4$ Arts&Social Science - Doctorate Part-time ProgramsInternational StudentsMaster of Engineering Innovation and EntrepreneurshipEngineering Innovation and EntrepreneurshipFor detailed fee information, please see the Master of Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEIE) Part-Time International Fees Detail ProgramsInternational StudentsMaster of NursingNursingFor detailed fee information, please see the Nursing Part-Time International Fees Detail ProgramsInternational StudentsMaster of ScienceData Science and Analytics$10,
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