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二年级《英语》二年级《英语》 2017年上学期武冈市蓝深职业技术学校 二年级《英语》期中考试试卷 考试时间:90分 总分:100分 考号: 姓名: 分数: 一、 英汉连线(每小题2分,共20分) A 1.as well as A. 立即,马上 2. be similar to B. 和,也,又 3. be involved in C. 与……相似 4.get used to D. 参与 5. in no time E. 习惯于 B 6.community center A. 能胜任…… 7. be qualified for B.社区活动中...
二年级《英语》 2017年上学期武冈市蓝深职业技术学校 二年级《英语》期中考试试卷 考试时间:90分 总分:100分 考号: 姓名: 分数: 一、 英汉连线(每小题2分,共20分) A 1.as well as A. 立即,马上 2. be similar to B. 和,也,又 3. be involved in C. 与……相似 4.get used to D. 参与 5. in no time E. 习惯于 B 6.community center A. 能胜任…… 7. be qualified for B.社区活动中心 8. make it C.投诉 9. make a complaint D.处理 10.deal with E. 取得成功 二、选择题 (每题2分,共20分) 11、I didn’t go, I was afraid. A、because B、because of C、so as to 12、She iskind girl that all of us like her. A、such a B、such C、so 13、I attended an English course I could improve my speaking. A、in order to B、so that to C、so that 14、I’ll have to have my watch. A、replace B、replaces C、replaced 15、I have done all the workhe told us to do. A、which B、that C、who 16、You might be just the personwe’ve been looking for. A、who B、whose C、 whom 17、We need a salespersoncan read the instructions for our products in English. A、whoB、whose C、whom 18、Would you mindsomething about your work experience? A、say B、to say C、saying 19、Is there any placeI can exercise? A、where B、when C、what 20、Could you tell me the time the library opens? A、where B、when C、what 三、补全对话(每小题2分, 共10分) B: I bought this watch in your shop but it doesn’t work very well. A: B: The alarm doesn’t work and when I took off the watch yesterday. A: B: No. I took it off before taking the shower.. A: B: I bought it one week ago and it’s still under guarantee. A: B: No, I’d rather have the watch replaced please. A: No problem, sir. Would you show me you receipt? We’ll get this watch exchanged for you in no time. B: Thank you. A. How can I help you, sir? B. When did you buy this watch? C. What’s the problem? D. Did you wear the watch in the shower, sir? E. Would you like a refund? 四、完形填空(每题1分,共10分) Mr. White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was (近视). But he wouldn’to him some trouble. a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth(平坦). He fell over some times and it 30 his clothes dirty. 31 he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if it . And he ran into a house, A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “for?” 26. A. ears B. nose C. mouth D. eyes 27. A. anybody else B. nobody C. woman D. somebody 28. A. follows B. takes C. brings D. carries 29. A. took off B. got off C. got on D. came on 30. A. let B. made C. gave D. felt 31. A. At first B. Home C. At times D. At last 32. A. clothes B. bag C. hat D. glasses 33. A. legs B. hands C. shoes D. arms 34. A. always B. also C. either D. too 35. A. What B. Why C. Which D. Who 五、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分) A The men work all week in the factory. And at the end of the week they get their pay. Naturally enough, they open the envelopes and they all count the money. One man is standing in the corner. He’s counting his money. Suddenly he realizes that it is wrong. He counts the money again. No doubt about it—there is a mistake. There is too much. Five pounds too much. He puts the money carefully in his pocket and says nothing to the others. A week goes by. It’s payday again. The men are counting their pay. The same man is standing in the corner. Suddenly he starts shouting. This time there isn’t enough money in his envelopes. It’s five pounds short. He goes immediately to see the boss. He is very angry. “look,” he says, “there isn’t enough money in my pay envelope.”“That’s right,” says the boss. “But didn’t you notice last week? There was a mistake. There was too much. Five pounds too much.”“Yes, that’s right,” says the man (He is very angry). “There was a mistake last week. For one mistake, I can shut my eyes—but two mistakes, no, I can’t.” 36. The men get their money. A. once a month B. twice a month C. once a week D. every five days 37. According to the passage, “I can shut my eyes” means. A. I can close my eyes B. I can’t see it C. I can’t notice it D. I can stand it 38. The extra five pounds put in the man’s envelope suggests that . A. they are put in the envelope by mistake B. the boss wants to give him a test C. the boss wants to make his glad D. the boss wants to increase his wage 39. What does the man do when he finds five pounds too much? A. He goes to see the boss immediately. B. He gives the five pounds back to the boss. C. He puts the money secretly in his pocket. D. He says something about that to others. 40. On the next payday, what happens after he counts the money? A. There is much more money in his envelopes. B. The money is exactly what he is given. C. There isn’t enough money. D. There is enough money in his envelope.. B At a country house in France, there was a little elephant. The elephant was a pet to the people. It used to come into the dinning-room at dinner and ask for food from the visitors. One day when many visitors were sitting at table, the elephant came around and put its trunk between the visitors, asking for food. A young man, however, instead of putting any food into the trunk, took his fork and stabbed(刺)at it. The animal left him and went to other visitors, one after another, who treated it well. When it had finished its round of the table, it went back into the garden, tore off a branch of tree, returned to the room and shook the branch over the head of the young man who had stabbed it with his fork. In a moment he was covered with the ants that had fallen from the branch. The ants filled his hairs and ran down his neck. He did his best to get them away but could not. The other visitors were amused(被逗乐)at the sight and thought the young elephant was very clever indeed. 41. Why did the elephant go into the dinning-room? A. Becauseit wanted to amuse the visitors by asking for food. B. Because it wanted to ask for something to eat. C. Because it was very hungry. D. Because it hadn’t eaten anything yet before. 42. Which of the following is true? A. The young man did not give the elephant anything to eat but stabbed at it. B. As soon as the young man stabbed it, he was punished. C. The elephant was seldom given anything toeat by the visitors D. The young man made the elephant very angry by putting food into its trunk. 43. Who treated the elephant well when it came to the dinning-room one day? A. The young man. B. Everyone in the dinning-room. C. Nobody. D. Everyone except the young man. 44. How did the elephant punish the young man? A. It beat him with its trunk. B. It beat him with a tree branch. C. It made him covered with ants from the branch. D. It tore off a branch of the tree. 45. Which is the best title of the text? A. A French Elephant. B. An Impolite Young Man. C. A Lesson from Impoliteness. D. It’s Not Good to Stab an Elephant. 六、书面表达 第一节:英汉互译(每小题2分,共10分) 46. The convenience store is over there. 47. I’m very disappointed at its quality. 48. Sorry to bother you. 49. Your company has a good(声誉). 50. Studying in a foreign country is not easy. But I will never(放弃). 第二节:应用文写作(每小题1分, 共10分) 请你根据所给的中文信息,填写下列所缺的内容。 某中外合资企业刊登在昨天的China Daily上的一则广告。 Office secretary, with experience in bookkeeping, typewriting, public relations, operating PC (personal computer), Address, age, health condition. Write to A518, Charlie Office. 假设你是张林,现年20岁,身体健康,学习英语6年,学过广告中所列项目。通信地址是滨海市745信箱(P.O. BOX745)。请根据广告中提出的招聘职务,应聘条件和你自己的简要情况,写一封自荐信。 P.O. BOX745 A518, Dear Sir, I have read your advertisement in yesterday’your company. I’ and public relations. I’and have a good command of English. I’. I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company. Yours, Zhang Lin 武冈市蓝深职业技术学校2017年上学期 二年级《英语》期中考试答题纸 考试时间:90分 总分:100分 考号: 姓名: 分数: 一、 二、选择题 (每题2分,共20分) 五、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分) 六、书面表达 第一节:英汉互译(每小题2分,共10分) 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ______________________ 第二节:应用文写作(每小题1分, 共10分) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
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