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“水性彩色喷墨打印机墨水的研制”通过成果鉴定 第 3期 吴忻生 等:非完整移动机器人轨迹跟踪的最优模糊控制 49 on Computer.1991,40(12):1 320—1 329. Zhang M L.Peng S X,Meng Q H、Neural network and fuzzy logic techniques based collision avoidance for a mobile robot[J].Robotica,1997,15:627—632. Takata H.Automatic choosing control desig...
第 3期 吴忻生 等:非完整移动机器人轨迹跟踪的最优模糊控制 49 on Computer.1991,40(12):1 320—1 329. Zhang M L.Peng S X,Meng Q H、Neural network and fuzzy logic techniques based collision avoidance for a mobile robot[J].Robotica,1997,15:627—632. Takata H.Automatic choosing control designed by GA and its application[A].The Fifth lnternational Conference on Contro1.Automation,Robotics and Vision[C],9—11 December,1998,1:85—90 Carlos C C A,Christiansen A D,Aguirre A H.Using a new GA·based mu1tiobjective optimization tech— nique for the design of robot arms l J .Robotica, 1998.16:401—414. W onchang Lee,Geuntaek Kang.A fuzzy model— based control of all underwater robotic vehicle under the influence of thruster dynamics A J.Proceedings of the 1 998 IEEE lnternational Conference on Robotics&Automation[C],1998、750—755、 Tang J,W atanabe K ,Kuribayashi K、Servocontrol of a mobile robot by using genetic algorithms lJ J、Jour— nal of Robotics and Mechatronics.1999,1 l(2):140 — 146. 张明路 ,彭商贤 ,曹作 良 基于模糊逻辑控制技 术的移 动机器人路径跟踪 中的偏差 纠正 [J 、机 器 人,1998, 20(6):407—411. 丁承民,张传生,刘辉.遗传算法纵横谈 [J].信息与控 制 ,1997,26(1):440—470. An Optimized Fuzzy Control Approach to the Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Wu Xin·-sheng Ren Hua·-ying (College of Automation Science and Engineering,South China Univ.of Tech.,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China) Abstract:Aiming at the high nonlinearity and uncertainty of the dynamics of nonholonomic mobile robots,as well as the fact that the robot can not be asymptotically stabilized by the continuous state feedback method,an optimized fuzzy control approach to the trajectory tracking of the robots was pro- posed on the basis of genetic algorithm .The fuzzy rules of the approach were optimized by genetic algo- rithm ,and the structure as well as the parameters of the fuzzy logic controller was effectively deter- mined,thus achieving desired tracking performance.The numerical simulation results indicate the effi- ciency of the proposed approach. Key words:mobile robot;trajectory tracking;fuzzy control;genetic algorithm ,川l◆⋯◆¨¨◆【{¨◆¨¨◆l{¨◆ ◆ ◆lIIl·¨¨◆ ◆l{¨◆lIIl◆ ◆ ◆ “¨◆ ◆¨¨◆⋯◆¨¨◆¨¨◆¨¨◆ ◆ “¨·【{{l◆【{{l◆¨¨◆ ◆洲 ◆ “¨◆ ◆川 ◆⋯ ◆¨¨◆ ◆l{{l◆ ◆ ◆¨¨◆¨¨◆ ◆¨¨◆¨¨◆㈩◆l{Il◆ u¨◆ ·¨¨ ◆【{l_’ “ 水性彩色喷墨打印机墨水的研制”通过成果鉴定 2003年 l2月22日,华南理工大学材料学院夏成林教授等和广州珠江化工集团有限公司红云化工 涂料厂共 同承担的广州市重点科技攻关项 目“水性彩色喷墨打印机墨水的研制”通过由广州市科技局主 持的成果鉴定。 该墨水采用水溶性树脂作为连接剂,加入颜料或者染料 、分散剂、溶剂和助流剂 、光稳定剂 、表面活 性剂、防霉剂及其他助剂;采用高分子化合物使墨水与吸收墨水的介质材料生成离子键,增强固色性 ,打 印效果清晰,不产生洇色 ;墨水流畅性好 ,耐水性优异 ,不会堵塞喷头 ,快速干燥 ,用 Data Color仪 配色,色泽还原性好 ,色彩艳丽。该项 目组已建立 了墨水中试生产装置。 鉴定委员会专家经过认真讨论与评议 ,认为该项 目已经完成 了合 同书的研究内容 ,达 到了预期指 标,其研究成果达到国内领先水平 。该产品质量与国外同类产品相当,具有很高的应用价值和广阔的市 场前景 。鉴定委员会一致 同意该项 目通过成果鉴定。 1◆ l11_◆ ◆⋯1◆⋯ ◆ 洲 ◆ 川l◆ ⋯l◆⋯l◆ ⋯l◆ ⋯I◆⋯J◆ll【l◆ ⋯f◆ ⋯l◆⋯l◆ ⋯l◆ ⋯ ◆⋯f◆ ⋯l◆ ⋯l◆⋯l◆ ⋯f◆ 【¨l◆ 川¨◆⋯J◆ ⋯f◆⋯f◆ ⋯l◆ ⋯f◆川 ◆ ⋯l◆ ⋯f◆⋯l◆⋯l◆ ⋯f◆⋯l◆⋯l◆ l{{_◆ llll◆⋯l◆ ⋯l◆⋯ ◆川 ◆ ⋯l◆⋯l◆⋯J◆ ⋯J◆ ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆ 三 ◆三 f ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 兰 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 兰 ◆三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 ◆ 三 ◆三 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
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