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人大金融专硕考研经验人大金融专硕考研经验 徐老师:诸位同学,大家好,我是凯程的徐老师,我们今天给大家再介绍凯程的成功学员,坐在我旁边的是我们凯程集训营的贾zz同学,那么他今年考高了人大的共融硕士,之前我们还录了一个同学的经验谈,你们好像是互为上下铺的兄弟。 贾zz:是是。 徐老师:那么都来自于同一个的本科院校,那么大家可以都去了解一下,tz考的是贸大的金融硕士,然后zz考的是我们人大的金融硕士,首先,先请zz做一个自我介绍,让大家认识一下这位师兄。 贾zz:好的,大家好,我叫贾zz,我毕业于北京交通大学经济管理学院金融学专业,今年报考的是...
人大金融专硕考研经验 徐老师:诸位同学,大家好,我是凯程的徐老师,我们今天给大家再介绍凯程的成功学员,坐在我旁边的是我们凯程集训营的贾zz同学,那么他今年考高了人大的共融硕士,之前我们还录了一个同学的经验谈,你们好像是互为上下铺的兄弟。 贾zz:是是。 徐老师:那么都来自于同一个的本科院校,那么大家可以都去了解一下,tz考的是贸大的金融硕士,然后zz考的是我们人大的金融硕士,首先,先请zz做一个自我介绍,让大家认识一下这位师兄。 贾zz:好的,大家好,我叫贾zz,我毕业于北京交通大学经济管理学院金融学专业,今年报考的是中国人民大学的金融硕士,我的初试成绩是393分,其中政治72,英语是82,396经济联考类是131,431金融学综合是108分。 徐老师:很好,就是我们可以说是经过了一年的奋战,今年学习是大概几月份开始的, 贾zz:今年大概是七月份开始的。 徐老师:七月份开始的,刚才在咱们聊天的时候,就是还没有录正式的经验谈之前,说到自己是一个二战的情况,对吧, 贾zz:是的。 徐老师:我首先第一个问题就是你觉得一战的学习是 什么原因导致我们考研失利,那么二战你觉得自己的进步在哪里, 贾zz:好的,其实一战的话我觉得有两个方面的原因,一个是心态方面,另外一个就是的方面,首先从心态方面来讲,我觉得一战的时候有一些患得患失的心理,因为身边有同学要么保研或者工作,他们会对你产生一些干扰,这个时候你可能就静不下心来,就可能对自己的复习产生一些干扰,这些心态方面。 在方法方面,我觉得这四个科目的分配有一些不太科学,其中我觉得比较重要的一点,对396经济类联考的复习有点疏忽就导致一战争的时候这门科目的比较低,二战因为我是和两个二战的同学一起租房,有了一种背水一战的感觉。在第一年患得患失的心理就没有了。在第二年对396的复习更加的侧重,就是这样。 徐老师:是的,就是我听完之后,你刚才说的第一点,我是挺感同身受的,就是如果是the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 应届生这一年,往往我们既要顾忌本科的很多任务,还有考试,还要再去考研,如果一个学校它是特别爱开展活动的,或者说它的老师在本科成绩抓的紧,那么可能考研受到干扰就会比较大,这时候可能没有那么多时间全力以赴去学习。 贾zz:对对对,我觉得除了这个之外,就是我们一个宿舍,可能大家的奔头目标是不一样的,可能一个宿舍五个人只有两个人考研,那么剩下三个人他的作息也好,平时一些话题也好,可能大家没有那么一致,这个氛围就是一个比较大的问题,但是在第二年的时候,因为我们三个人都要考研。大家平时没事都会开玩笑用那些政治语言有的时候,互相的辩论反驳,就是你这是形而上学,你这是什么唯心主义,这样一方面活跃了气氛,另一方面也是对所学知识的一种巩固。 徐老师:对明白,三个人就把这个氛围给营造起来了,就泡在考研里面了,我觉得这也是,就是说和考研人在一起我们的话题也是一致的,目标也是一致的,而且心理上相互之间也是一个依赖和安慰。 贾zz:对对对,除此之外,你要考研的时候,会有一种考研人所表现出的特有的焦虑,有的时候心理不稳定,只有和你在做事情的人才能感同身受,才能够分享你的这种心理。 徐老师:是这样,所以我也建议大家,考研的时候,不管你在哪里考研,最好身边有个伴,不然考研这条路一个人走太寂寞,太孤独,这是可以说心理说跟大家一块讲到的。刚才你说觉得第一年的时候各科目的规划上做的不太好,导致一个科目变成了短版,自己最后没有成功。第二年的时候势均力衡每个科目都给时间,我们就直接上了这个分数线以上,但我知道的是你在复试的这个过程当中进步也更大,那么这样,两次这么一叠加,我们就更顺利地考进人大了,那么接下来我想我们就进入到了讲解的环节当中。我想先了解的一个问题就是咱们在初试,专业课也接触到凯程了,复试也接触到凯程了,你对凯程的总体评价是怎样的, 贾zz:我觉得我对凯程的看法从三个方面来谈一下吧,首先我们的老师方面来谈,就是凯程老师挺认真负责的,他会切实地关心到每一个学生真实的学习情况和心理状况,他会最后的速度和你沟通,你比如说有心理的问题,他会非常耐心地跟你谈话,帮你排解。学习上面遇到什么问题,你也可以随时向专业的老师去请教,这是第一个方面。 第二个方面我想从学习氛围来讲,就是来凯程学习的这些同学,他们都是非常的努力,非常的认真,当你坐在一个教室里面,你发现大家都在学习的时候,你可能想掏出手机,然后又默默地放回去了。 徐老师:也就是大家都在营造这个氛围。 贾zz:对对,第三点凯程对于课程的设置我觉得是非常的合理,就是框架感非常的强,the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 一条线下来让你整个复习思路更加的清晰,对于时间的规划也更加的科学合理,因为我觉得我们要是摸着石头过河,会碰到走进死胡同或者一些想不明白的问题,在这个时候如果及时有老师的指导,有一个外力推你一把,会起到事半功倍的效果,但是如果什么问题都自己解决,不仅要花费大量时间,其他的一些问题,可能得不到一个正确的解决。 徐老师:zz的一个建议,就是说有的时候要善于借助外人的力量,让自己可以说学习的路上少走弯路,跟成功更接近,那么刚才我问的这个问题可能比较直接,一是我们要把凯程的教学理念要告诉大家,因为我们认为这样的一个学习方式是考研上应该走的路径,而不太赞成的一些路径也告诉大家,防止大家走走弯路。另外一点,因为咱们跟凯程接触过,了解过,也希望借此让更多的同学来熟悉这个机构,那么我们在这个初试的整个过程当中,可不可以分科目的跟同学们讲一讲,因为这样可以把你个人的经验讲得更细一些。 贾zz:好的,先讲政治吧,就按照我们考试的顺序。政治去年开始的比较晚,政治大纲我们都是九月份出,根据整个大家的时间,有一种随波逐流的感觉。九月份出大纲,然后开头看书,这样就导致在第一年考的时候,政治的分数其实并不是很高,60分出头,特别是那个选择题错的挺多的,最大一个问题就是基础知识不够扎实,那么在第二年的时候,就开始稍微的早一些,因为我们是大概七月份的时候开始复习,那时候我就买了肖秀荣的知识点精讲精练,这两本资料,每天也不用花特别多的时间,看一章然后做一章的题,第一遍的时候,用铅笔做,把做错的题和自己模棱两可的题用红笔圈出来,然后把那个答案抄下来以后,第二遍做的时候,看到有红笔圈的,然后就会思考一下我当时因为什么在这样卡壳,这对知识点又是一个巩固。 在往后就是(红毛书)和大纲配套的1600题,之后到了十一月份左右,就开始进入疯狂背诵的节奏,其实我觉得政治拿分最重要的还是选择题,选择题里面比较重要的是多选题,你要选择题能够达到40分以上的话,就是上70应该是没什么问题,因为第二卷大家答的其实拉不大差距的。 徐老师:这是你对政治的一个感悟,我觉得zz三言两语给大家把政治的核心点到了,得选择者得天下,他可能跟很多没有考研同学不一样的,zz也是两年的经验的发现,这个大题好像这个大家考前的时候去背都能够抓到重点,得分最后的差距拉的不是很开,除非是特别不懂答题方法的同学才会在大题上失分失很多,那么一般同学什么导致我们的英语出现了75以上,70包括到60包括到50这样的阶段,就是选择题,而选择里面最重要的就是多选。所以你看zz在下一年提早复习的时间了,觉得政治不能轻视,要好好来,不然量太大也背不一下来,另外一点,就是觉得我要多做这个选择题,包括刚才你讲到的1600的题,就是我要多做。 但是我觉得你刚刚讲的点特别好,就是我的知识叫做学习的有效策略,我要把我错的题,用标记标出来,那么在我下次做的时候,我要再去想,而且这个时候就注重了思考,来引导自己注重思考了,所以我也建议大家这样,我的一个认为就是合理的考研,学政治的时间就 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 3 页 共 3 页 是从7月份开始,你最晚也不能够放到八月末以后了,我觉得要提早一点,尤其是咱们一战的同学,二战的同学不管怎么样,学过一些,一战的同学是全新的去了解哲学,这些东西,他背诵的量很大,而且你得留出时间来做选择题,选择题做的一定的程度,自然你的知识体系就会有了解了,再去进入到背诵的状态,这些都是可以的,好这是我们政治的内容,有没有给大家补充的了, 贾zz:补充是吧,就是我跟我的舍友,我们一块做了一件事情,因为我们现在随着手机技术的普及,许多APP,我就下载了一个APP,大概每天早晨或者是早晨醒来,或者晚上睡觉之前,掏出手机来做一套题,然后掐着时间。 徐老师:相当于模拟,这个也很好。 贾zz:对对对,占不了多少时间,政治是33道选择题,大概也就15分钟,最多不会超过20分钟时间,其实说实话这件事情倒更助于睡眠。 徐老师:为什么呢,就是晚上的时候专门又复习了一遍,心里面更踏实了,然后睡觉。确实有的时候到了晚上看书,反而也有助于催眠了,效果也很好,其实你做这工作就是要注重模考,短时间之内,计时来练习,这个补充的很重要,也要有一个模考的作用,模考真的能够让你在考场上正确的把握时间,因为我知道,每年相当多的同学,政治就是难题,而且他是第一科,题又没做完,特别影响以后考试的心情,所以希望大家也像zz这样,把政治也来做几次模拟,效果会比较好,以上我们谈了是政治。 贾zz:徐老师:我还能补充一点吗, 徐老师:好,可以可以。 贾zz:是这样,我觉得考试之前,最好能拿到考试的答题纸,然后把它大概的试题的分布看一下,因为今年就有一个发生在我身边的故事,跟我一个考场的同学,就是因为我们的试卷基本上是左面是选择题的涂卡区域,右面是第34题,翻过来是35和36,他以为这个答题卡背面就没有东西,然后就把第34的答案,写到了第37题上面,他把这个题全部写错位置了,当他发现的时候,我们考场分配的答题纸和人数正好是相等的,那个时候如果是犯了这么严重的低级错误就太可惜了。 徐老师:心里也很慌了。 贾zz:哪怕有多余的纸,政治考试的时间特别的紧张,那个时候就会产生比较大的影响。 徐老师:我觉得你给大家补充的这个例子特别好,为什么呢,我在每一年都会看到很多人没有涂答题卡,导致自己跟考研成功就失之交臂了,特别可惜,我觉得确实zz说得很对,每个同学都有必要去了解一下之前的答题纸是什么样的,你早早了解一下,当然你还要注意the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 变化,并不代表着他在未来的几年这个纸就一点变化都没有,有的时候它也会有细微的变化。我们曾经英语就有出现过一次纸张的大型的改革,那么这个时候,一个是我提前了解到,我心里面有数,一个是我在考场上先拿到整个翻一下,看一下它的标题,标号,这个你都看明白了,然后你再动手去答题,我觉得也不晚,这个时候大家要注意这个细节,还有很多同学都没有来得及涂卡,最后发现里面还有一个涂卡的一个答题卡,这样的低级错误,咱们最好去避免它,你早早准备到不就好了吗,最好也给大家说一下,那么在我们这个集训营里面,我们是在考前两次很正式的模考,这个模考包括答题纸和怎么装袋,防止大家在这个过程当中产生错误,我们希望大家把一切东西都知道在前头,不要导致自己产生混乱,考场上去做一些不明智的事情。很好,这是我们讲到的整个政治的完整的内容。不过刚才讲这个细节也给大家说清楚一点,不要小看政治。 贾zz:对对对。 徐老师:早点学,此外要注重这个练习,还有一点就考场上时间很紧张,三个小时写到手疼,最后是紧张地写完的,千万不要给自己招致很多不必要的麻烦,这是政治。那么政治考完了下面一科就要考英语,好,谈谈你的英语。你的英语就学得很不错,考了80多分。 贾zz:好的,英语其实我并没有用过太多时间,大概只有两本资料,一本就是单词本,另外一个就是真题集,其实我觉得这两个东西已经完全足够,真题我记得有一个学长提过三条标准,没有不会的单词,没有看不懂的句子,没有不知道为什么选它的选项。 徐老师:很好,总结的很到位。 贾zz:我觉得能把真题全给吃透了,再进行考试就完全没有问题了,就比如说从单词来讲,做个七八年的真题,你想七八年都没有出现过的生词,直接出现在下年的考试中,它的概率是很小,哪怕出现了也只是几个,你可以通过联系上下文,联系文章的背景这些技巧给大家推断出它的意思来,但是我觉得最重要的就是单词。举个比较极端的例子,如果我们单词学得非常好,就导致看英语和看中文是一样的感觉,那就完全没有什么问题,而且我身边就有这样的同学,其实说得细一点,英语里面比较重要的是阅读理解,因为它占的分比较重,我做阅读理解的方法是先看题目,你看完题目就大概能明白这篇文章主要讲的什么内容,真题设置它有一个特点是,一道阅读理解里面五道题的顺序是根据文章的顺序出现的,就比如说第一道题,它往往就在文章的第一段第活着二段,第一段第几行专门扣出来一个单词,它和下面哪个单词的意思最接近什么的。我觉得只有把握住这个规律,再把文章整体的思想把握住了,比较重要的一点就是文章的主旨和作者的态度,作者的立场,这种大概是最后一道题的内容,能够把这几点做好,我觉得阅读应该问题大。 徐老师:对,你会发现所有的阅读题,都会同一个模式里在出题,很好,不打扰你,接着往下说。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 5 页 共 5 页 贾zz:接下来我觉得比较重要的是作文,作文其实,我第一年的时候,考试出现这种情况,因为之前觉得自己英语学得还可以,写作文觉得应该比较顺理成章,发现真正到考研作文,它跟高考作文不一样,和四六级作文也不太一样,这导致自己写起来没话写了,到中间空了那么大一段直接就慌了,其实这个时候,我觉得更突出所谓的模板的作用。模板并不是说让大家去照搬模板,照搬会重复率特别高,会被打成抄袭作文,给判特别分,特别低的分。在平时没事自己写几篇,形成一套自己的模板,这样在考试的时候就从容不迫,比如说第二道作文,它是图表作文,就是那种饼状图还是柱状图什么的,第一句话怎么写,第一段怎么写,最后一段怎么写,他基本都是固定下来的,需要你结合它给的内容去写的,就是中间那么一段,这样的话,在考场上的时候就会比较得心应手。 徐老师:很好,这是写作,这是谈的整个英语,我就发现你在整个英语里,特别抓两个体系,一个就是写作,一个就是阅读,认为就把它们掌握好,几乎整个卷子整个就没有什么问题了,刚才在你讲的这一段英语当中,我觉得说的好几段话都是很经典的,我不知道师弟师妹们有没有其中搜索到,我慢慢跟大家来分析。 我看到 你的这套方法也是向师兄他们了解到的,我可以这么说,任何一个考研人你不去了解上面师兄师姐的建议,你就别想考好研,为什么呢,你看我们考研说白了是社会上少数人做的事,其实我们去看,整个考研大军是一百万多万人,但是这一百万人是加社会上的每个不同地区的不同角落里的,而在你身边去考的人可能比较少,因为大部分都要去就业,或者怎么样的,而考成功的人也会比较少的,那么这个时候你会觉得我如果对这个学校里面没有去听到一个师兄师姐的建议,你完全用自己的方式去学英语,学政治,几乎第一年用来试水的,第二年才发现,试过去了原来这么回事,你就耽误了一年时间了,我就很直白地说这种情况了,我希望同学们一年就考研成功,但是一年想考研成功怎么办呢,不要着急,多看一些这样咱们经验谈,或者是多找一些你自己专业的师兄师姐,我该怎么做,你看像zz的话,多了解一下就会了解到学真题的重要性,而且刚才一句话就是说一个真题,一个单词就可以了,足够了,不需要你去英语上多去添加那么多无关紧要的模拟题什么的,分散自己的注意力。你看自己一个人的中心思想主旨就会很明确,然后怎么学就会很明确了。 接下来怎么学,你刚才讲到也很关键的,真题就是要做到三点,刚才大家说,没有不认识的单词,没有不认识的长难句,没有你不知道为什么得出来的选项,就很清楚了,只要围绕着这个主旨这么去学阅读,就等于把阅读给超精读了,很细致。我觉得这个方法特别值得给大家推荐的,而且是最靠谱最直接的方法,我还听到很多人说去听那些技巧课,听过这样的建议吧, 贾zz:听过。 徐老师:好,你也是英语考过来的,对这种认为英语就是抓技巧去对词或者说做这个阅读有很多的技巧方式,你赞同吗, the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 贾zz:我这个绝对不赞同,因为我就第一年的时候被坑的比较惨,根据我看的真题,好像从2011年开始,一直到2014年,好像它每年都是选项就是五个A,五个B,五个C,五个D这么分布的,当我第一年去考试的时候,我就在草稿纸上,把我这个选项全部给抄了一遍,把我选的ABCD全部给它数了一遍,发现不是这么分布的,然后就强行把答案改了,后来发现改错了。所以说我觉得不要相信技巧,相信自己就好了。 徐老师:对,还有一点,我觉得我自己虽然也在辅导机构,我也敢说有些辅导机构挺迎合学生学习的心理,因为每个人的心理都是要走捷径,走更快的捷径。而这个捷径有的时候,在教育市场化的过程当中可能会带来一些偏激的地方,我希望大家有双明亮的眼睛,去找一下真正的靠谱的学习方式,至少我个人不是特别推荐技巧,其实什么样的技巧是我认为心里面比较赞同的技巧呢,就是用一种真正理性的推理方式在告诉大家我们怎么去推导这个文章当中的主旨,你得根据文章的意思来推导,你完全要托你的文章的主旨和意思不用把文章读懂,然后就是说去对词或各种方式去做技巧,我是一丁点都不赞同的,所以说我希望大家抓英语的基本功,基本功才是最重要的,不单是老师的一个建议,也是我们成功学员的建议,不信的话,大家可以去听,的部分成功学员认为,你怎么能够想办法让自己考到80多分,很简单(25:06)你看懂文章才是最重要,最基本的,这是我们刚才说道的阅读理解。 至于说写作,我告诉大家就按照zz说的(25:18)就完全 好了,准备一个自己的模板,这个模板是大众化的,不是你随便抄来的,而是你自己总结出来的,精心罗列出来的,跟别人不一样的就可以了,还有一点多列上几篇再上考场,如果练的少了,考场上会觉得,除了模板上的几句话再用自己的话来讲,解读这个图表的时候就没有词了,解释不下来了,这样也不好,所以说,还是要多练上几篇,这也是很重要的,我觉得这样的话,我们就把英语的两大重要体系包括学习英语的根本所在跟大家讲的很清楚了,好,这是我们讲到的英语,我们接下来再来谈一下第二天上午要考的。 贾zz:好的,396的话,首先分为三个部分就是逻辑数学和写作,我认为在这三门课里面比较重要的就是数学,因为数学占到70分,它又比较简单,我觉得同学们最好做到不错,或者尽量少错,少错就是指,如果错了超过5分的话,可能就会有点多。 从逻辑开始说吧,逻辑我其实就用了一本书,就比较厚的机械工业出版社的(26:40)的逻辑分册,其实并不会考察逻辑学的专业知识,都是根据现实生活中的一些背景,或者它构造出来的命题去考察你,其实我的做法就是每天抽出来一个固定的时间,比如说晚饭之后,就是做20道题,考试导向型,因为我们考试就是20道逻辑题。第一注重速度,第二注重正确率,就是说我要是接连做三天,发现我那个形式推理老是错,比如因为什么所以什么或者是逆否命题这种东西老是错,那就先暂停一下,把这个专题找出来,专门练。这样就是问题导向型,有什么问题就解决什么问题,我觉得这样能坚持一段时间,就会发现逻辑其实并不是很难,它出来出去就是那么几十种题型,甚至说根本就没有那么多。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 7 页 共 7 页 徐老师:你去找到每一个专题里面的共性, 贾zz:不,老师我说错了,不是几十种,是几种题型,因为它分为两部分,形式逻辑,第二部分是推理逻辑还是演义逻辑,大我记不太清楚概就是这么个意思。 徐老师:总之,就是把逻辑题分成不同的类型,很多同学都这么说,某一种就是我的瓶颈,总是在这一种题型上去错,而在你的学习过程当中也有这个情况,那怎么办呢,就是我停下来,不要去傻傻的做题,而且要去总结,去多看一下基本知识点的介绍,然后把这些错题放在一块来对比,找原因,这就是一个思考的过程,那么你这样学逻辑我挺赞赏的。我就20道题,每天抽一点时间来练,保持这种实施的手感,然后在不懂的地方多去总结,多去思考,逻辑其实不难,只要我们保持这种感觉走,我们就可以学下来,很好,这是逻辑上的,还有其他的。 贾zz:好,现在就是数学部分,我觉得它虽然说比较简单,但是不能忽视,它是分为三个部分,高等数学,现代数还有一个概率论,我用到的书是两本,一本也是机械工业出版社的数学精练,它既有讲解,也有题型的训练,第二个就是我在后期用的一本书是人大出版社的一个叫周建武老师编的396联考模拟试题,里面有20套,大概就是用了一个月的时间,大概每隔一两天就做一套。 徐老师:也就是说,后期开始做套题。 贾zz:对,真正到考场上做题跟我们平时学习的氛围是不一样的,它有时间的限制,你看旁边的同学在哗哗的翻卷子,你这题不会,你会受干扰,所以说,我觉得尽量真实的还原,就是考场的环境,气氛挺重要的。就是数学部分。 关于写作的部分,其实也没有什么好说的,好讲的,它就是两篇作文,一篇是论证有效性分析,另外一篇是论述文,大概就是我们高中时代的议论文。 徐老师:对对对,高考的议论文是很像的,你的方法是练习。 贾zz:练习倒没有练得很多,我就大概从十一月份的时候开始看那本,就是两本书,就是那个也是机械工业出版社的写作分册。 徐老师:写作分册或者说精练。 贾zz:对对对,关于论证有效性分析,它也是有固定的结构,第一段就是上文,比如说上文通过一系列与问题的论证得出了一个什么看似正确的结论,其实这种论证是有待商榷的。是存在问题的,最后一段,综上所述怎么怎么样,它有点像刚才讲的,英语作文它有固定的模板,所以说总结出一套自己的模式来,到考场去写,也会比较轻松,你看它要求两篇作文都是60,其实划了格子然后在一个地方给你写上600,但是除去标点符号,再除去我the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 们换自然段这种,也就四五百字的样子,其实并没有我们想象的压力那么大,两篇作文大概留个半个小时到四十五分钟,四五十分钟的样子我觉得就足够了。 徐老师:很好,这是我们把整个396给大家捋了一遍,刚才先说了一下逻辑,以练习为主,而且我发现你这样子按每20道题来做,在晚上吃完饭去做,时间固定,而且用的时间也不长,就把逻辑给解决了,这种方式真的是特别可取。 再者就讲到了数学,而数学我也建议大家不要小视,尤其是我们经济学(32:06)就2017年考研开始,更不能认为数学很简单,因为考396它分大年和小年,咱们今年可以说396卷正好简单一点,我们以后可能碰到这个数学就会难度上来,而这个难度要是上来,大家要怎么去对应,我个人建议,在学习的前期,听上一点数三的课,因为数三的知识点我们有很多的396会学的,你抛掉,不用管,你把要做这部分,要学的这部分知识点,去听一下,这个课程会稍微有一丁点的深度,这样我们在应对396数学,尤其是遇到这样难的卷子和年份的时候,同学们不吃亏,总之数学上大家不要掉以轻心。 我觉得刚才你有一个方式特别可取,一个就是我前期的时候注重基本功和练习,那么到了后期的时候,我必须抽出一段时间来套题。如果我没有一个做套题的习惯,我就每天由着自己的性子练习,这样的同学在考场上往往会吃亏,因为考场的那种短时间内要求把速成的那种状态和我们平时练习实在是相差千万里。我在我们凯程内部做过一个也是像一个小样本的统计,凡是在考试的前一到一个半月的时间段里面,特别注重把时间来做练习,或者做模考的同学,他的成功的几率远远的增加,如果有同学说,老师我第一年只差一分没有考上,第二年的时候他觉得我就平时保持我的手感,不去做这样的计时练习,我也见过这样的同学,他第二年反而相差了20分到30分,没有他的第一年表现的出色,原因是什么呢,我觉得主要的原因就是计时练习,他练习的方式对不对,我把这种方式推荐给大家,我们这种方式几乎是保证后期能够成功的一个巨力法则。这是很重要的,好这是我们讲到的数学。 写作就是一样的模板,所以推荐大家去练习一下,我个人不认为像这类写作是要听多少课能听出名堂的,我觉得听上三到六小时足够,那么剩下的时间干嘛,应该是一对一批改,老师把你的东西如果能够一对一的批改,再去点,你的这个进步在写作是非常大的,大小作文应该是这么去练习。如果我们凯程设置课程,理论课只讲那么一天,剩下的时间用来干嘛呢,全部都是同学上课的实战练习的一篇篇同学们对比,这篇怎么来修改会更好,只有这样,才能把写作的本事练起来,希望大家也这样来做,这是我们讲到的写作,我们就把这类课文讲完了,接下来我们就要再谈一谈专业课。也是大家最想听的,因为大家总是觉得各个学校专业课自己命题,这个难度要更大,那么你的专业课的把握和你的看法。 贾zz:好的,关于专业课,它是分为两个部分,金融学和公司理财部分,先说金融学,金融学我们就按考试的题型来讲,首先它是单选题,单选题就是名词解释,名词解释就是简答题,最后再到大题的论述题,单选题,人大考试的特点就是非常的细致,喜欢考一些年代 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 9 页 共 9 页 相关的,还有一些关于金融史的知识,还有一些比较细的数据,比如说商业银行的贷存比,第一家商业银行建立的时间,我国什么法律颁布的时间,这些考察的就比较细致。这样同学们平时在看书的时候,就要看得比较细。因为黄达那本书说实话挺厚的,每看一遍都感到是一种莫大的煎熬,它里面还有很多考试考不到的东西,但是你也不敢跳,因为你真的不知道它要考什么,就比如说我们(36:14)就是第十章金融基础设施那一章都觉得不重要怎么怎么样,但是就像今年就考到一道原题,就是四种结算方式,我当时是拿着pad在考场外,我看着,看到第十章,当时它是十五分钟考试,大家都拿着书乌拉乌拉的背。然后我就看到那道题,这怎么可能考,就把一扔掉就进考场了。后来发现(36:45),那道题就放在哪儿,然后那道题我就不会,这一分也白白的扔了.这就是关于单选的部分,我觉得只要把书看的足够的细,还有一点就是可以总结出一套属于自己的金融大百科的。碰到比较敏感的数字,比如说2013年我国取消了贷款利率管制,比较敏感的时间,我们平常拿笔来记下来,然后到后期没事自己翻翻,就像看小说一样。 徐老师:不停地给自己留下一个深刻的印象。 贾zz:对,再往下是名词解释,它其实2014年和2014年以前是考判断题,2015年开始改成名词解释,就会比判断题的难度更大,因为判断题就是对和错,哪怕不会可以通过一些推理,或者怎么怎么样,但是名词解释如果不会真的就是不会。 徐老师:一句话都写不出来。 贾zz:对,2015年的时候,考了一个金融脱媒,当时好多同学就不会,所以我觉得还是看书的问题,它应该不会跳出黄达金融学的这本书,只要看的足够细致,应该是问题不大。 下面是关于说到简答题的问题,2015年包括2015年以前,它有一个规律,就是一年会出利率的决定理论,再往下年就会出利率的期限结构理论,这仿佛成为了一种福利,今年我也把这个准备的挺充分的,但一看试卷,今年的风格变了,它出了简答题是去年复试的内容,去年复试的真题,我觉得这有点增加了我们复习的难度,因为它是从复试的商业银行业务运营这本书里边出的,所以说我觉得同学们在复习的话,今年可以稍微的把复试的那本书也捎带的翻一翻,这是简答题。 再往下就是论述题,论述题出题的风格,人大喜欢根据当年的国内的金融热点出题,但是它最终要回归课本的知识,所以说我觉得应对它,可以平时多看一些金融新闻,结合书本上的知识,思考一下我怎么用书本上的知识把它给解释出来,还能比较有框架的,有条理的,考试的时候一定要分点,一二三,它一般都会问对我国经济有什么影响,或者对我国利率市场化有什么什么影响,分点写就OK了。这是金融学的部分。 公司理财也是四种题型,就是单选,判断,简答还有计算,单选和判断我觉得其实和金融学复习的方法应该差不多,就是把罗斯那本书看得细致一些问题应该不大,简答题它也喜the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 欢结合比较重大的金融问题,还有一点它喜欢考优先股,这个咱们凯程对于优先股有个特别详细的总结,我觉得把那个东西看一看,简答题的10分应该问题就不大。 徐老师:很好,这是给大家按照整个题型的,真题的出题方式,分别给大家整个点了一下,有没有从整个主旨上跟大家说怎么去看书,要注意哪些问题的。 贾zz:从主旨上我觉得复习专业课,框架感挺重要的,举例来说,比如说金融学,在我看来就像英语从ABC开始学习,而我们学金融学就要从货币利率和汇率开始学起,这是一个基础,再往下就是一个金融机构与金融市场,再往下就是双层次的货币窗的体系,这是整个金融学我个人认为是一个基石,对,是一个基础,然后再往下引申出货币政策,它是核心。还有两点,就是国际金融还有金融监管,大概就是这么一个框架,别看它二十八章的书也很厚,但是其实我们把这个框架给提炼出来,然后再往里边添加知识,我们的思路就会比较清晰。比如说我们答大题的时候,就会用哪部分的知识,一条一条地列出来,就会比较有框架感。 徐老师:很好,这是我们在这里讲到的整个专业课,我感受到的是,一学习要全面,尤其是黄达那本书,它厚但是你得翻它,如果你不翻它可能会错过很多客观题的学习知识点,这是很重要的,还有一个就是一定一要注重知识的框架感。说到这个框架感,那么是在你一开始学习当中你就有很强的框架感,还是后来逐渐形成框架感呢, 贾zz:这个我觉得分两方面来讲,首先第一点,你光看第一遍的时候,肯定是没有的,因为感觉就像一团糨糊一样,他讲得挺散挺乱的,你要是看第二遍地第三遍,再自己做笔记,这个框架感就大概会有一个雏形了,再根据咱们在凯程上课的情形,老师还有学长学姐,它每一章都会给你总结出来比较详细的框架,这样其实就会有非常大的帮助,有一种事半功倍的效果。 徐老师:好的,刚才你提到了,就是这个正好课堂上老师也在这么讲了,你当时听的是哪个老师的课程。 贾zz:金融学是咱们2014年考入人大的状元,贺l学姐讲的。 徐老师:还有一个公司理财是听丁fw和这个蒋h,蒋h的课听过吗, 贾zz:听过。 徐老师:也听过一些是吧,那你觉得这个课程上哪一方面对你的帮助最大,框架, 贾zz:对,就是框架。他们的思路都会非常非常的清晰。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 11 页 共 11 页 徐老师:明白了,好的,大家在学习的过程当中,要注重框架的方式,我们老师在整个教学过程当中,不光是金融,各个专业,是凯程的死规矩,定下来,就是必须有框架的方式来教,不允许ppt,就是一页页展示知识点,这么展示过去,为什么呢,那个展示就是一个知识点一个知识点就这么过去,然后不会留下任何的印象,那么框架的讲课方式就是要把这一本书的思路提起来,因为你只有这么学,才会把任何一本书读薄,如果说到了我们人大金融硕士,肯定要去读黄达的金融学,那本书就是很厚,所以说如果没有把知识框架提起来,大家如果去散着看书,看到猴年马月我觉得也有可能,很难说考研成功,所以大家这种方法,我们也把框架的方法推荐给每一位同学,如果你的第一遍没找到框架,你的第二遍一定要去找框架,如果你读了三遍还没有很强的框架感,这个时候你特别需要别人的帮助。没有框架就没有办法建立知识体系,更不要谈考研成功,更不要谈提取知识,所以我们把认识框架就是学习的基础规律,必须要这么来做。 那你要是在听这个专业课的过程当中,必然会有凯程的序列的金融凯程通,还有真题通和热点通,你对这些书有怎样的评价。 贾zz:他是四个系列,首先序列一就是对整个知识点的提炼,其实我觉得它就是整个黄达金融学的浓缩版,知识点也挺全面的,我是看了一两遍黄达金融学之后就把书给扔了就直接翻序列一,我觉得可以当课本来用,序列二,老师是真题吗, 徐老师:是题库,二是题库,三是真题。 贾zz:对对对,我想起,序列二是特别厚的题库,其实我觉得可以当平时练时候来用,公司理财还好,它有比较多的题,但金融学我们其实并没有什么用来练手的题,因为真题就那么点,而且还都是网上的回忆版,并不完整,而我们题库就提供了一个比较好的训练的方式,我觉得挺好的,它后面还给出了人大历年的期末好事考试的真题,公司理财的真题有的时候就是从本科生的期末生的期末考试里面拿出了原题。序列三我觉得做的最好的,因为它不光有真题,还把一些经常考的热点问题专门地拿出来讲,就比如说金融学我们经常考的银行体系,利率市场化,就是这些专题的知识。其实我们如果自己去总结,一方面并不能把框架感划分的这么好,另外我们信息搜集的能力也比较有限。 徐老师:没有时间。 贾zz:对对对,咱们老师代劳把这个不说给咱们完成了,其实说实话,君子生非异也,善假于物也,我们就是善于去吸收,去借鉴这些是挺好的。 徐老师:好好,以上是我们讲到的,就是这一套书的帮助,那么正好给大家说以下,我们从今年起收集了各大名校的金融硕士的真题,出一个真题集,为什么,我个人建议说我要考人大,也抽点时间看看上财,复旦,贸大的题,也是一种帮助,又是相同题型,而且大部分的学校要考试,几乎都会考公司理财,都会考金融学,这是一个相同点,而且这个里面,the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 有利于大家去做这种客观题,为什么,说白了其实客观题是金融的常识,你的常识的量越大,那么就会越好,一个办法多做题的过程当中去弥补,另外一个办法,就是刚才zz讲到的你总结这么一个金融常识的知识库,那么用笔记本把它总结下来,不断地去翻看,保持印象,这个方法是也很好,也非常适合我们人大金融硕士同学考试用的一个方法,同时也把人大金融硕士的凯程通,真题通包括题库,热点通,推荐给大家,大家在学习过程当中,我觉得除了课本之外,有这些辅助材料,足够了,不需要再额外去找什么东西,因为要找的本科模拟题什么都已经纳入其中了。我还有一个问题要和大家详细的说一下,我不认为,凯程的金融硕士凯程通你可以完全替代黄达的书,不去看黄达的,我觉得他们有户部的作用,而不是代替的作用,这个(48:15)因为你是专门学科的,你有这种感受,你可以跟大家来谈一谈怎么来用这个教材和辅助性材料之间的用法。 贾zz:就像我刚才说的,因为我去年属于看过几遍书,今年看了一两遍之后,并没有忘掉,所以我就,大概在九月份以后,就把金融学书放在一边,我就翻开咱们的凯程通,但是毕竟,它不是(48:49)就像老师讲的,它并不完全替代咱们的教材,所以说有个别没有记到知识点比较细的东西,我们还是要回去翻书,我觉得就是这么个大概互补。其实说实话看黄达的金融学挺痛苦,我们凯程通大概起到了抽丝剥茧的作用,把一些去粗取精,比如说必然不可能考的东西给你拿出来。 徐老师:对对对,为什么我非常希望你以学长的身份跟大家说一下这个内容,我特别怕同学们不会用这个辅助材料,我个人认为不管你是考哪个学校的,我们现在讲的是人大金融硕士,你就是考任何一个专业,一个同学扔掉了教材就扔掉了考研,我可以这么说,为什么,任何学校它考试还是在全面性里面选拔的,甚至它会挑重点。但是也必然它会有几个题非重点来出题,这是每个学校的出题风格,什么样的人可以以不变应万变,复习的时候保证我的全面性,所以说教材是我们前期学习过程当中非常重要的工具,而且是自始至终都需要用的,可能前面用的会更多,更扎实,看得会更细,后面掌握到一定程度,就很需要一个薄一点的东西来提纲挈领地来写知识点,然后再特别,自己需要补充的地方再补充就可以了。 所以我建议教材要用到前端,如果你的教材没有读透不能够轻易地用一本状元笔记或者什么资料去替代,这个时候教材是最重要的,包括我们考程前期的,整个基础课都是讲教材,我们是完全讲教材,就是为了让大家把教材给吃透,好了学到后期了,这个时候觉得金融学的书太厚了,你可能(50:40)没必要了,你需要拿出这个凯程通,它是把这个知识点一个精细的总结,量也少了,特别方便大家去背的一个版本,你在背的时候,结合前面看的,这个地方我要去补充,而且我要提醒,每个人的思维方式是不一样的,协定的薄弱点和厚实点也是不一样的所以每个人补充的地方还不一样,不要完全借用别人状元笔记,那是状元他自己的看法,你这个时候要有自己的笔记的补充,结合着,这时候才能把专业课学好,我认为这么用更好。虽然我在给大家推荐一套很好的辅助教材,但是我要告诉大家怎么用,你这么去配合能够帮助你把书给读薄了,而且不丢失任何的知识点,同时能够考研成功,我觉得这个是值得给大家推荐的思路,好这是我们讲到的专业课,也没有要补充的地方, the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 13 页 共 13 页 贾zz:暂时没有。 徐老师:我也觉得已经说的比较全面了,包括考题的出题风格,包括大家补充看什么书,包括我们怎么用这个资料,课堂上要建立一种知识框架,我觉得几乎专业课的学习几大法都给大家谈好了,那么我们整个的初试就这样考过了,初试过了之后在等成绩,一个是二战的同学会不会觉得心里面更焦虑,有没有这样的感受,还是挺平坦的等成绩出来了。 贾zz:其实说实话真的挺平静的,真正付出了以后,就不后悔。 徐老师:是不是当时就在想,我今年考上考不上都觉得挺满意的。 贾zz:是,至少对得起自己,也对得起父母的期望。 徐老师:很好,我觉得凡是在后期等成绩说出这样的话同学,都有个共同特点,那就是初试很努力,完了之后就不再想这个成绩能不能上,就是我觉得已经满意了,对自己放心了,当自己得知考了393分,今年有望进入分数线,稳了,分数出来了确实进入了,那么就开始准备复试了,你的复试怎么准备的,可以给大家谈谈吗, 贾zz:其实我觉得对我帮助最大的,咱们关于面试的课程,它会定期组织那种完全模拟真实的情况来面试,因为像我们之前都是意中笔试,或者说老师看到是你的试卷而不是你这个人,但是如果缺乏经验,就像我第一次来咱们凯程这边面试,其实是完全整个人都懵了,我直接进入这种状态,直接去参加真实的面试,可能100%就被刷掉了,但是你看咱们进入凯程以后,老师会非常细致的首先从基本的礼仪讲解,就比如说整个人的言谈举止,然后跟老师眼神的交流,自我介绍的一些,大概这么几个流程走下来之后,第一就是没那么紧张了,第二就是面试的时候,大概知道怎么样去表现,怎么样去说,这是我觉得对我帮助最大的地方。 徐老师:好,我们可能直接跳入到这个面试当中了,可见复试里大家认为最重要的就是面试,我可以给大家这么说,如果面试你让老师心生厌恶的话,很有可能其他分数不高了,分数直接被打下去,面试如果这个老师非常喜欢一个学生,那么可能你的其他科目都不会保证你,你的整体的成绩也不高,刚才zz直接就讲了这个面试的问题,可见得面试者得天下,我觉得这个面试是非常重要的。 希望每个同学都在面试的过程当中赢得老师的好感,我觉得这一点非常重要,一个是就是我的基本礼仪,还有一个就是我说话的语气,语调,还有一点我是怎么答题的,我们去年一个同学如果答题的过程当中,既展现逻辑性又展现思想性,那最完美了,但是这一点在短时间内,尤其是很多同学复试成绩出来以后再准备,不见得能准备的那么精细化。 贾zz:对时间很仓促。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 徐老师:那么我首先应该准备什么,逻辑性,我在一开始早年教学的时候,觉得没必要跟大家讲礼仪,人人都懂,我们后来在模拟面试发现,不是这个样子,同学们(55:11)可能很容易忽略的,而且每个人忽略的点都不一样,包括我们看来很简单的自我介绍,也很大部分同学很难准备好的,所以就觉得模拟面试要很细,从进门然后大最后出门,从怎么去做,从怎么跟老师说话,怎么抽题,抽到题应该怎么去答这个题,都是需要有所准备的,而且我认为人大很好准备,人大我们几乎有一个抽题库,把这个抽题库里的题首先要准备好,就是你可能在考场上很大几率碰到的题就是原题了,那对大家来讲就会很棒,那么再准备一个很好的自我介绍,常见的一些问题,包括礼仪方面要准备好,还需要多练习几次,因为这个面试想的和你做的是不一样的,那么最后在正式考场上的时候你就不紧张了,正好想请你讲一下你自己正式面试了故事,因为有同学特别想听一听到底是怎么一个过程。 贾zz:好的老师,其实您刚才讲到那个关于咱们复试题库的问题,其实我挺想补充一下的,就是我面试的时候,大概是几十个人坐在一个备考教室里面,面试到谁,学长就会进来,谁去面试,气氛都特别紧张,面试出来的同学都说今年的题怎么这么怪,比如说怎么看待创业板市场和主板市场的这种背离的趋势,我们就是和初试金融学的这种关系并不是很大的,当其他已经面试完了的同学进来说这些题,都感到很紧张的时候,我觉得就感到非常的放松,以后,这全部是咱们凯程给的题库里的题,就是今年金融转硕保研的同学的题库,重合率真的挺高的,我觉得你要是有这么一本武功秘籍在手的话,就比较胸有成竹了,您刚刚说大概面试的一个整体的过程,大概是这样的,在名额处五个教室里面面试,大概是五个老师,并排的坐,坐在前面,坐一排,左边是两个负责记录的学长或者学姐,你进去之后先自我介绍,自我介绍以后,如果老师对你有什么感兴趣的问题就会提问,如果没有问题的话抽题,抽题是两个信封,两个信封里装了分别是中文题和英文题,抽出来之后做的,因为凯程那边其实交流细节我觉得真的比较重要的,比如说抽到英文题的时候,就直接会说,my question at什么什么,然后开始回答,当时王z老师就提醒了,你用这个英文把题念出来之后,最后再用中文翻译一下,咱们再解答,当时我这么做以后,注意到这个细节,坐在最边上的一个老师就点了一下头。 徐老师:很满意是吧, 贾zz:对,就觉得这些细节其实说实话挺重要的,包括我们在面试的时候,和老师的一些眼神的交流,无形当中就是一个加分的项目,因为很多同学,他就会比较腼腆,刚进去的时候就会很紧张,在我旁边就有一个,其实今年就400多分的同学被刷下来,对就是面试比较可惜。 徐老师:所以我觉得这个复试更需要准备,而且有的时候他似乎比初试更需要被培训,因为我看到我们很多同学,应试上还是可以的,但是在这种面试过程当中太缺乏技巧性,其实像刚才你讲到的,把英文题目用英文读完之后翻译一下,再开始回答,给老师的直观感受就是你特别懂行,你知道这个题是什么意思,自己看懂了,我才来作答,给老师一个很强的 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 15 页 共 15 页 信息就是你很会处事,很会处理这个武装的关键点,所以可能你当时在看到老师在点头对你也是一种强化。 贾zz:鼓励。 徐老师:是一种鼓励,后面可能更有信心地走下去,可以看到我们这个面试就很平稳的,就完了,相反也给自己加了很多分,因为咱们最后复试是又上升了将近十多名,这个上升空间可以说很大了,可以说让自己的整个最后一步走的更稳妥了,刚才给大家讲了这么详细的细节点,我觉得主要的好处什么,就是让你知道一下,在那个面试的过程当中,老师们都是挺和蔼可亲的,重要的是自己要放松下来,但你自己怎么才能在众多的考生里放松下来呢,那就是你前面准备的很到底,你才可能上考场的时候任何一个细节都会很自如,你和老师的对话会很轻松,他就跟你交流起来了,那么任何一个老师都喜欢找能交流起来的学生,你必然就在他的入选名单里面,所以希望同学们注意一定要给自己模拟面试的机会,好这是我们讲到的整个复试的过程,整个让我们去考研全程就走下来。 对了,我还记得今年的人大是比较残忍的,他几乎在考完了以后在三周时间让大家在等待时间。 贾zz:是的。 徐老师:这跟往年的情况都不一样,几乎让同学们调剂吧,不敢调,不调剂吧,又不知道自己最后情况怎么样,你经历了这样的纠结吗, 贾zz:我其实是的,那个时候大概是两手准备吧。 徐老师:好,你说说。 贾zz:其实调剂是一件挺痛苦的事情,所以说我希望就是同学们,学弟学妹们去考的话,最好一年就能拿下,因为调剂它毕竟是一个下策,或者说是下下策,你只能去找别的学校没有招满的名额,这其实并不是件容易的事,特别是像我们考人大的金融专硕,因为首先是我们考396,考396是不能调剂到考数三的,这好像是一个规定,但是好像并不是那么死的规定。 徐老师:要去找哪些学校容易接纳考396的同学。 贾zz:第二点咱们是专硕,专硕是不能调剂到学硕的,人大里面每年都有一些调剂的名额,但是基本上都是学硕的调剂名额,所以说我觉得这其实真的是一个独木桥,所以说最好同学们能够直接顺利地考上,也就免去了许多去联系调剂的烦恼。 徐老师:我看你也做了一些调剂的准备,但更多的几率在等,就希望自己能够进人大。最终的效果是我们稳妥的进去了,也非常好,那么也想告诉大家,只要你在做完全的准备,the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 一般来说,考研都不会亏待我们,而这个过程当中需要我们特别的努力,我用的词是特别努力,不是说你一般努力,我不希望大家把考研看成是社会上的资格考试,考好就完了,没这么简单,就是说它确实需要你拿出一年的时间很努力地去复习,但是如果你这一年方法对,策略对,规划是正确的,每一步都走到了应该完成的这个目标上,你这一年是可以达成目标的,所以我希望听视频的一战的同学,要对自己有信心,就像zz讲的这样,我一年要拿下来,而且要稳稳妥妥的,不要给自己留下调剂和二战这样的事情,有的时候再去二战说白了,有一段时间还是挺痛苦的,如果你正是一个二战的学生,那么也没必要总是浸泡在伤心或者彷徨失落的情绪里面,对你来讲更重要的是,我接下来这一年要干嘛,如果我决定了要考研,我应该会去学习的,我们没有时间悲伤,我们只有使劲奋进,我把这句话也送给大家,让你们更有信心去面对下一轮考验,只要你找到自己到底第一年没考上的瓶颈在哪里,找对方法,对症下药,我相信第二年,也会像zz这样,就顺利的考走了,很好,这是我们今天给大家讲到的一个全程。我今天非常开心跟你对话,zz几乎把学习的要点的东西很明确地告诉大家你该怎么做,各个科目上怎么做,能保证自己成功,希望大家把它说的关键的地方,哪怕再倒回去再听一遍,做点笔记,这是一个很正确的学习思路,大家要去跟,好今天我们经验谈就到这里了,最后就是zz还有没有要补充的地方。 贾zz:没有了,谢谢老师。 徐老师:没有了,好,我们就一起祝愿未来的学子能够梦圆考研,好谢谢大家,也谢谢zz。 贾zz:谢谢老师。 徐老师:拜拜。 贾zz:拜拜。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were第 17 页 共 17 页
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