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【中学教材全解】2013-2014高中英语外研版选修六 同步练测 模块检测:MODULE4 Music 同步练测(外研版选修6).doc

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【中学教材全解】2013-2014高中英语外研版选修六 同步练测 模块检测:MODULE4 Music 同步练测(外研版选修6).doc【中学教材全解】2013-2014高中英语外研版选修六 同步练测 模块检测:MODULE4 Music 同步练测(外研版选修6).doc MODULE 4 Music Section A INTRODUCTION & VOCABULARY AND READING 题组1 单项选择 station. 1. Many people die of illnesses ______ smoking A. relative to B. relate to tobacco every year. C. relevant wit...
【中学教材全解】2013-2014高中英语外研版选修六 同步练测 模块检测:MODULE4  Music 同步练测(外研版选修6).doc
【中学教材全解】2013-2014高中英语外研版选修六 同步练测 模块:MODULE4 Music 同步练测(外研版选修6).doc MODULE 4 Music Section A INTRODUCTION & VOCABULARY AND READING 题组1 单项选择 station. 1. Many people die of illnesses ______ smoking A. relative to B. relate to tobacco every year. C. relevant with D. connected in A. related by B. related to 2. Whatever is left over may be put into the C. relative on D. relative for refrigerator, ______ it will keep for two or three 2. The band played many songs, ______ some of my weeks. favorites. A. when B. which A. including B. included C. where D. while 3. —Why didn?t you tell him about the meeting? C. containing D. contained —He rushed out of the room ______ I could say a 3. His new proposal of improving the quality of products may not be ______ our company. word. A. suitable at B. fit to A. before B. until C. true of D. beneficial from C. when D. after 4. He is firm in ______, for which I admire him. 4. The ceremony was not for the ______ of the dead, A. character B. characters but for the comfort of the living. C. characteristic D. characteristics A. sake B. purpose 5. —As is known to all, Marx was born in Germany C. respect D. impression and German was his native language. 5. Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly —______ Engels. ______ the newborn babies. ,A. So was B. So does[来源:学,科 A. sure about B. sure of 网] C. true of D. true about C. It was the same with D. So it is the same to 6. The reform ______ the present situation. 6. Jack is good at English but he doesn?t like physics. A. comes to life B. gives its life to ______ his twin brother. C. gives life to D. brings to life A. So is B. Neither does 7. My cousin is good at playing computer games but C. So it is the same with D. So it is with works hard. ______ my brother. 7. When these substances are ______ with other A. So is B. So does chemicals, no new substance is found. C. Neither does D. So it is with 8. —In this day and age, women can have children A. united B. connected C. joined D. combined and jobs as well. —I can?t agree more. It?s great to have the two 8. Soon he had a(n) ______ to explain that to her. A. occasion B. opportunity ______. C. chance D. time A. linked B. related 9. He had to make ______ with wealthy people in C. connected D. combined raising money for the project. 9. We could not buy anything here because trade in the A. approach B. connect town is ______. C. contact D. touch A. depressed B. deprived 题组2 C. demonstrated D. flourishing 单项选择 10. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare. You 1. Experts believe that a large number of cancer cases must learn to ______. in this area are directly ______ nuclear power A. support B. care C. spare D. share A. shares B. spares 11. The chemistry teacher asked the pupils what water C. takes D. brings 16. What did he say just now ______ what happened was ______ of. yesterday? A. consisted B. compounded C. composed D. conceived A. related with B. in relation to 12. Unfortunately, she ______ her son in the World C. in relation with D. with relation of War ?. 17. The young man ______ to saving a drowning A. lost contact with B. made contact with child. C. lost contact to D. made contact to A. gave his life B. gave life 13. Their diplomatic principles completely laid their C. gave the life D. gave a life ______ for world conquest bare. 18. In Chinese, the same pronunciation with different A. admiration B. ambition tones has different meanings. The same is ______ C. administration D. orientation music. 14. We should ______ work ______ pleasure. A. real to B. sure of A. combine; for B. combine; to C. real for D. true for C. combine; with D. combine; at 15. Everyone in the house ______ the bathroom. 答案与解析 表达前述的多种情况也适用于后者,同时要注意题组1 1. B 句意:每年有很多人死于和吸烟有关的疾病。时态的变化。故C项符合语境语义。 be related to意为“与„„相关联(有关系)”,在6. D 句意:杰克擅长英语但他不喜欢物理。他的本句中用过去分词形式作后置定语,修饰名词孪生兄弟也是这样。谈论两种或两种以上情况也illnesses,可以拓展成which is related to…;relative适用于后者时常用It is the same with...或So it is 作形容词是“相对的,比较的”之意,不符合题with…。 意。7. D 句意:当这些物质与其他化学药品结合时, 2. A 句意:这个乐队演奏了很多首歌曲,包括一没有新物质产生。be combined with…意为“与„„些我最喜欢的。contain通常指包含内容、元素等,结合”。unite常指“团结,紧密结合”,connectinclude指整体中的部分。including是介词,表示指连接,join指事物的直接连接,均不符合题意。 “包括„„在内”,此处也可用some of my 8. B 句意:不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。favorites included表达。 have an/the opportunity to do sth.意为“有机会做某3. C 句意:他新提出的提高产品质量的建议有可事”。chance常意味着因为运气或偶然而出现的机能不适合于我们公司的情况。be true of/for意为遇。occasion意为“场合”,不合题意。 “对„„适用,符合于,与„„情况相同”,符合9. C 句意:为了为这项筹款,他不得不与许语境语义。be suitable常与for或to搭配表示“适多有钱人来往。make contact with是固定搭配,意合于”,fit作形容词常表示“适合(某个职位),为“与„„接触,来往”。其他各项都不合题意。。 称职”之意,与for搭配。be beneficial意为“有题组2 益的”,常与to搭配。 1. A be relative to“与„„有关系”。 4. A 句意:他性格坚强,为此我很钦佩他。character2. C 考查定语从句。句意:无论剩下什么东西,有“性格,品质”之意,characteristic通常用来描都可以放到冰箱里,在冰箱里食物可以保存两周述人或事物的特征、特性。一般不用来表示性格。 到三周。先行词为refrigerator,先行词在定语从5. C 句意:“众所周知,马克思出生在德国,德语句中作地点状语,故用where。 是他的母语。”“恩格斯也是如此。”常用It is/was 3. A 句意:“为什么你没告诉他会议的事呢,”“还the same with sb./sth.或So it is/was with sb./sth.来没等我说一句话,他就跑出了房间。”before用作 连词,意思是“在„„之前,还没来得及„„就”。不景气的”。 由句意可知答案为A项。 10. D 由句意可知是说话者在教育孩子要和别的 4. C 句意:这个仪式不是为向死者表示尊敬,而孩子分享自己的玩具。share“分享”。 是对生者的慰藉。not for和but for的后面应引出11. C 句意:化学老师问学生们水是由什么构成 两个相对的事物。 的。be composed of“由„„构成”。 5. C 句意:婴儿需要大量的睡眠,新生儿尤其如12. A 句意:不幸的是,在第二次世界大战中,她 此。be true of/for…“与„„情况相同”。 与她的儿子失去了联系。make contact with6. C 考查词组的用法。give life to意为“增加„„“和„„取得联系”,A项表示“和„„失去联 的生气,给„„带来生机”。句意:这场改革给系”。故选A。 目前的局势带来了生机。 13. B 句意:他们的外交政策完全暴露了他们征服 7. D 句意:我的表弟擅长电脑游戏,但是学习很世界的野心。A项意为“钦佩,赞美”;B项意 刻苦,我弟弟亦是如此。So it is with…意为“„„为“野心,志气,抱负”;C项意为“(公共事务、 也是一样/也是如此”,表示前面出现的情况也适国家政策等的)管理,经营”;D项意为“定位, 用于后者。故选D。 朝向”。 8. D 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:“在这个年代,14. C combine…with…“把„„与„„结合起来”。 妇女可以养育孩子,也可以有自己的工作。”“我15. A 句意:房子里的每个人共用浴室。share“共 非常赞同,把这两者结合起来是非常好的。”用,分享”。 combine(使)结合;link“连接”;relate“把„„16. B in relation to“关于”。 联系起来”;connect“使„„连接。” 17. A give one?s life“献出自己的生命”。 9. A 句意:我们不能在这里买任何东西,因为这18. D be true of/for“与„„情况相同,符合„„, 个镇上的贸易不景气。depressed意为“萧条的,对„„也适用”。 Section B FUNCTION & READING AND LISTENING & GRAMMAR 题组1 单项选择 C. will be trying 1. Zhang Ning is taking notes of the grammatical rules D. had tried in class, and she ______ English for a year. 5. Since she is out of a job, Lucy ______ going back to A. is B. studies school, but she hasn?t decided yet. C. studied D. has been studying A. had considered B. has been considering 2. —I?m sure John will win the first prize in the final. C. considered D. is going to consider —I think so. He ______ for it for months. 6. —Where is Mother? —She is in the kitchen. She ______ the housework A. is preparing B. was preparing C. had been preparing D. has been preparing[来源:all morning. 学。科。网Z。X。X。K] A. is doing B. was doing 3. —Hi, Jenny, you look tired. C. has done D. has been doing —I am tired. I ______ the living room all day. 7. Millions of dollars? worth of damage ______ by a A. painted B. had painted sandstorm which broke out in the western area in C. have been painting D. have painted America last night. 4. —You haven?t got the tickets for the concert. A. has been caused B. had been caused —I know, and we ______ to get some for the last C. has been causing D. will have been caused five weeks. 8. You should have put the milk in a right place; I A. will have been trying expect it ______ undrinkable by now. B. have been trying A. became B. has become 中学教材全解 全解专区 C. had become D. has been becoming C. as D. even though 9. Our team ______ very well in the sports meeting 5. Flags were flown at half-staff ______ those who lost yesterday, ______ made all of us excited. lives in the disaster. A. accomplished; that B. achieved; which A. in favour of B. in need of C. carried out; that D. performed; which C. in the hope of D. in honour of 题组2 6. To our ______, Geoffrey?s illness proved not to be as 单项选择 serious as we had feared. 1. The boy ______ to buy the bike. A. anxiety B. relief A. wants B. hope C. view D. judgement 7. —Look at those clouds! C. wish D. want —Don?t worry. ______ it rains, we?ll still have a great 2. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes time. from taxation might actually ______. A. Even if B. As though A. shrink B. delay C. In case D. If only C. disperse D. sink 8. The teacher ______ her fingers on the desk, but the boy 3. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the still played with his ruler. university, there are very few ______ apartments in the A. beat B. hit area. C. struck D. tapped A. free B. vacant 9. When asked why to apply for the ______ position, she C. empty D. reserved replied she loved working with children. 4. We thoroughly understand each other, ______ we don?t A. bare B. vacant always agree. C. empty D. hollow A. if B. unless 答案与解析 一些票。”由前者的话可知,后者尚未弄到票,题组1 1. D 句意:课上张宁正在做语法规则笔记,她学后者意为“我们在最近5个星期一直都在设法弄 习英语已经一年了。由句意知,study这一动作票(现在仍在努力)”,故用现在完成进行时(过一年前已开始,持续到现在,还有可能继续持续去开始的动作一直持续到现在,有可能持续下 下去,故须用现在完成进行时才符合语境语义。 去)。故B项符合语境语义。 2. D 句意:“我确信约翰会在决赛中夺得第一名。”5. B 句意:因为失业,露西一直在考虑返校学习,“我也这样认为,他已经准备了好几个月了。”但她到目前为止还没有定下来。根据句意应选现由句中for months与will可知prepare的动作应在完成进行时,表示过去的动作(考虑返校学习)发生在过去而且到目前还在继续,故用现在完成持续到现在(还没有决定)今后有可能继续。故进行时符合语境语义。 B项符合语境语义。 3. C 句意:“嗨,詹妮,你看上去很累。”“是啊,6. D 句意:“母亲现在在哪里,”“她在厨房里。我已经粉刷这个起居室一整天了。”由句意可知她整个上午都在忙着做家务。”根据句意可知应从早上起来一直在粉刷房间,到现在还在粉刷,该用现在完成进行时表示从过去至今一直在持 并可能持续下去。只有现在完成进行时可表达此续的动作,截止到说话者说话时,母亲还在忙碌意,故选项C符合语境语义。 着。故D项符合语境语义。 4. B 句意:“你们还没有弄到这场音乐会的票。” 7. A 句意:昨晚发生在美国西部地区的沙尘暴造 “我知道,我们在最近五周一直在尽力想办法弄到成了数百万美元的损失。根据句意可知本句强调 中学教材全解 全解专区 对现在的影响或结果,又因damage是不可数名上可能会减少”。 词,谓语动词只能用第三人称单数并且和cause3. B 句意:由于每个人都想在大学附近找到一间 之间是动宾关系,故用现在完成进行时的被动语公寓,所以那个地区几乎没有空房。 态,故选A。 4. D 句意:我们彼此非常了解,虽然有时候也有 8. B 句意:你本应该把牛奶放到一个合适的地方,一些分歧。根据句意,前后句是让步关系,故选 我估计到现在为止它已经不能喝了。注意关键信D。 息词by now,同时注意become这个动词在此句5. D 考查短语辨析。句意:降半旗纪念那些在这 中不能用于进行时结构表示相应的语义。故B次灾难中死去的人。in honour of“为了纪念”;in 项符合语境语义。 favour of“支持,赞成”;in need of“需要”;in the 9. D 句意:在昨天的运动会上我们队表现得很出hope of“怀着„„的希望”。 色,这使我们大家都很兴奋。perform用作不及6. B 句意:使我们宽慰的是,杰弗里的病情不像 物动词,意为“表现”。accomplish意为“完成,我们原先担心的那样严重。relief“宽慰,宽心, 达到,实现”;achieve意为“达到,完成”;carry 减轻”;anxiety“焦虑,挂念”;view“观看,视 out是及物动词短语,意为“执行,实行”。which力,视野”;judgement“判断,裁判,审判”。 引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是主句所陈述的7. A 考查状语从句连接词。even if“即使”,符合 事情,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故选D。 句意。 8. D 句意:这位老师用手指轻轻敲着桌子,但是题组2 1. A 句意:那个男孩想买这辆自行车。主语为第那个男孩仍然玩着他的尺子。beat着重指“殴打, 三人称单数,且句子时态为一般现在时。故选A。 体罚”,一般直接跟宾语;hit着重指敲打或打击 2. A shrink“减少,缩小”。句中表示“税收实际对方某一点;strick表示“非有意敲打”,不合句 意。D项指“轻敲”,符合句意。 9. B vacant“(房屋、座位、职位等)空着的,未 被占用的”。 Section C SPEAKING AND WRITING & READING AND VOCABULARY 题组1 单项选择 C. hollow D. blank 1. The driver was at ______ loss when word came 5. Many ______ crushed into the small shop to watch ______ he was forbidden to drive for speeding. the football match, including some ______. A. a; that B. /; that A. passerbys; boy students C. the; which D. a; which B. passerbies; boys student 2. When Yao Ming first arrived in the USA, he was an C. passersby; boys students instant ______ among basketball fans nationwide. D. passersby; boy students A. knock B. affect 6. I recognized her ______ I saw her, though she wore C. beat D. hit sunglasses. 3. When they crossed the river, they had to ______ A. the year B. immediate their way. C. the moment D. as long as A. push B. force 7. Hardly ______ his wife started complaining. C. make D. feel A. had he arrived than B. did he arrive when 4. A(n) ______ seat was found in this compartment. C. had he arrived when D. did he arrive than A. vacant B. empty 8. ______ historical evidence, they tried their best to defend their point of view. 题组2 单项选择 A. Draw on B. Drawing upon 1. He set up a standard for himself, which seldom C. Drawn upon D. To draw on permitted him to ______. 9. There will be a party ______ the new-elected chairman. A. free B. loosen A. to be honoured B. to be honoured for C. dismiss D. relax C. in honour of D. in honour for 2. She had recently left a job and had helped herself to 10. All of them try to use the power of the media copies of the company?s client data, which she ______ information in a more effective way. intended to ______ in starting her own business. A. presenting B. presented A. depend on B. come upon C. being presented D. to present C. base on D. draw upon 11. ______ are the leaders of many countries to 3. What a luxury when you finish some hard work and discuss the problem of global warming. ______ a deep armchair! A. Absent B. Present A. sit on B. relax in C. Gifted D. Past C. sit up into D. install 12. He was down with the flu, and ______ couldn?t 4. The city dedicated a monument ______ those killed come to the party. in battles. A. therefore B. so A. with respect to B. in line with C. according D. consequent C. in answer to D. in honour of 13. He began to take political science ______ only 5. You should ______ your own knowledge to solve when he left school. these problems. A. strictly B. truly A. draw out B. draw in C. carefully D. seriously C. draw on D. draw up 答案与解析 hollow的意思是“空心的,中空的”,它常与题组1 1. A 句意:当消息传来他因超速而被禁驾时,tree,ball,sound,promise等词连用。blank这名司机不知所措了。be at a loss是固定搭配,意为“空白的,空的”,常与check,form等词 意为“不知所措”。关键词word前面没有冠词连用。 时,意为“消息”,是不可数名词。后面的从句5. D 句意:许多过路人挤进这个小商店看足球 是指消息的内容,所以是同位语从句,用that赛,包括一些男学生。passerby,boy student而不能用which引导。 的复数形式要在主体名词后加-s或-es。 2. D 句意:当姚明第一次到美国的时候,他立6. C 句意:我一眼就认出了她,尽管她戴着太 刻在美国的篮球迷中成为一个风行一时的人阳镜。the moment可用作连词,意为“一„„ 物。hit作名词,意为“因成功而风行一时的人就„„”,引导时间状语从句。the year也可用 或事物,热门人物”。其他各项都不符合题意。 作连词,但是表示“就在„„的那一年”,不 3. D 句意:过河时,他们不得不摸索前进。feel 合题意。immediate是形容词,不能用作连词, one?s way意为“摸索前进,谨慎行事”。其他但其副词形式immediately可以。as long as意 各项搭配都不符合语言环境。 为“只要”,不合题意。 4. A 句意:在这个车厢里找到了一个空座位。7. C 句意:他一到他的妻子就开始抱怨。 vacant指“闲着的,未被占用的”,而emptyHardly…when/No sooner…than…意为“一„„ 的意思是“里面没有东西的,一无所有的”,就„„”,是固定搭配。Hardly/No sooner所在 有“空无一物的”隐含意义,它可以用来描绘的主句中通常用过去完成时,when/than所引 box,bag,purse,room,house,street等词。导的时间状语从句中通常用一般过去时,而且 Hardly/No sooner置于句首时,主句用部分倒and连接,所以不能用连词so,而是选择副词 装语序。 therefore。according作副词,意为“依照”, consequent是形容词,意为“作为结果的”。8. B 句意:凭借历史证据,他们尽全力维护他 可以用accordingly或consequently,都有“因们的观点。draw on/upon意为“利用,凭借”, 且与句子主语they之间构成逻辑上的主动关此”之意。 系,是谓语动词try their best的伴随动作,所13. D 句意:直到离开学校以后他才开始重视政 以用现在分词形式作状语。 治学。take…seriously是固定搭配,意为“认9. C 句意:为了向新当选的主席致敬将会举办真对待„„,重视„„”。其他选项均不符合 一个晚会。honour可作动词,意为“尊敬,致题意。 敬”,在句中可表示为to honour,但不能用被题组2 动语态,也不能和for连用。in honour of意为1. D 句意:他为自己制订了一个,使他处在 “向„„致敬”,符合题意。 忙碌的状态。free作动词用时,表示“使自由,10. D 句意:为了用一种更有效的方法展示信解放”。relax既指精神上,也指身体上“松弛, 息,他们所有人都尽力利用媒体的力量。放松”,符合句意。 present有“呈现”之意,符合句意。在句中2. D 句意:她最近离职了,擅自带走了原公司客 作目的状语,故用动词不定式。[来户的资料副本,以便在开办自己的公司时加以 源:Z#xx#k.Com] 利用。draw upon“利用”。[来源:Zxxk.Com] 11. B 句意:来自很多国家的领导人出席,讨论3. B relax in a deep armchair“坐在一个深深的扶手 全球变暖的问题。present是形容词,意为“在椅里休息”。 场的,出席的”。在句中作表语,置于句首时4. D 句意:这个城市为了纪念战争中死去的那些 主谓倒装。正常语序为The leaders from many 人修建了一座纪念碑。in honour of“为了纪 countries are present。念„„,向„„表示敬意”。 absent是其反义词,意 为“缺席的,不在场的”。 5. C draw on/upon“利用”;draw out“(天黑得)12. A 句意:他患了流行性感冒,因此未能前来渐晚”;draw in“(天黑得)渐早”;draw up“起 草,拟订”。 参加宴会。前后两句是因果关系,且有连词 Section D EVERYDAY ENGLISH & READING PRACTICE 1. All the people ______ at the party were his A. beat B. defeated supporters. C. won D. got A. present B. thankful 5. He wanted to ______ 100 miles by dark. C. interested D. important A. take B. cover 2. The disc, digitally ______ in the studio, sounded C. uncover D. discover fantastic at the party that night. 6. _______ today ______ sure to be praised. A. recorded B. recording A. The present comrades; are C. to be recorded D. having recorded B. Those present; is 3. —Do you have enough to ______ all your daily C. Those present; are expenses? D. Present those; is —Oh, yes, enough and to spare. 7. If we can ______ the Italian team, we’ll be the first A. cover B. spend one. C. fill D. offer A. win B. beat 4. He practised his oral English day and night and C. conquer D. surpass ______ the competition at last. 8. The Americans ______ a new world record in the 9. This type of fridge is very expensive, ______, I can’t spring relay. afford it. A. gave B. set A. but B. while C. kept D. cut C. therefore D. however 答案与解析 1. A present在此处作形容词,意为“在场的”,表示“走完一段路程”。 常作后置定语。句意:参加聚会的人都是他的6. C present作定语,意为“出席的,到场的”, 支持者。 常作后置定语,位于所修饰词的后面。those为 2. A 考查非谓语动词的用法。从record和disc复数,指“那些人”,故谓语动词要用复数形式。 之间的逻辑关系分析,此处应该表示被动,并7. B 句意:如果我们能够击败意大利队,我们就 且该动作发生在过去且已经完成,故选A。 将是第一名。beat后接击败的对手。 3. A 句意:“你有足够的钱支付所有的日常费用8. B set a record“创纪录”。 吗,”“是的,足够多了并且还有多余的。”cover9. C 前后分句是因果关系,故选表示“因此”的 “(钱)够„„之用”;spend“花费”;fill“填therefore。 充”;offer“提供”。由句意可知选A项。 [来源:学.科.网] 4. C 句意:他日夜练习英语口语,最终在比赛中 获得了胜利。win the competition“赢得比赛”。 5. B 句意:他想在天黑之前走完100英里。cover Section E CULTURAL CORNER & TASK 1. The manager ______ the workers how to improve C. had tried D. had been trying the program since 9 am. 4. We ______ for cheap houses but haven’t found A. has told B. is telling ______ we like yet. C. has been telling D. will have told A. are looking; one B. have looked; it 2. When Lucy came to, she did not know how long C. have been looking; one D. looked; them she ______ there. 5. Tom ______ in the library every night over the last A. had been lying B. has been lying three months. C. was lying D. has lain A. works B. worked 3. —Did you find the missing couple in the mountain C. has been working D. had been working yesterday? 6. I’m sure you’ll do better in the test because you —No, but we ______ to get in touch with them ______ so hard this year. ever since. A. studied B. had studied A. have tried B. have been trying C. will study D. have been studying 答案与解析 1. C 考查动词时态。句意:经理从早上9点开始目。现在完成进行时表示过去某一动作从过去 就一直在不停地告诉工人们如何改进这个项开始一直延续到现在,有可能还会继续进行下 去,故选C。 以用现在完成进行时指过去开始的动作一直持 2. A 考查动词的时态。句意:当露西苏醒过来时,续到现在,one指代“a+前面提到的名词”,即 a house。 她不知道她在那儿躺了多久了。过去完成进行 5. C 考查动词的时态。句意:在过去的3个月里,时主要表示持续到过去某时之前的动作。came to“苏醒过来”,是过去时,苏醒前的情况是过汤姆一直每晚都在图馆工作。根据时间状语 去的过去,故选A。 over the last three months可知用现在完成进行 3. B 考查时态。根据答语中的时间状语可知“自时,故选C。 从那对夫妇在山中失踪以后,人们一直在尽力6. D 考查动词的时态。句意:我确信你将在这次 和他们取得联系”,所以用现在完成进行时,表考试中取得更好的成绩,因为这一年里你一直 示这个动作一直持续到现在,而且还有可能继用功学习。have been studying表示一直持续到 续进行下去。 现在的动作,故用现在完成进行时。故选D。 4. C 句意:我们一直在找便宜的房子,但是(到 现在)仍未能找到我们喜欢的(一所房子)。根 据语境可知,找房子这一动作一直在进行,所 模块练测卷(一) I. 单项选择 A. draw upon B. draw out 1. —Is there a place ______? C. draw in D. draw up —I?m afraid there?re no other places free at the 8. Tom is good at physics and likes playing moment. basketball. ______ his elder sister. A. vacant B. bare A. So is B. So does C. empty D. hollow C. It is so with D. It is the same with 2. What do you often do between classes to ______ 9. While ______, it is good manners to ______ an yourself, listening to music or going out for a chat? eye contact with the person you are speaking to. A. relax B. behave A. speaking; make B. speaks; hold C. believe D. remind C. spoke; take D. to speak; fix 10. —How do you find the new movie directed by 3. Mr Zhang, a man calling himself Peter, ______ all day. Could you speak to him now? Zhang Yimou? —______. A. phones B. has phoned C. has been phoning D. phoned A. On the post first 4. Beauty is in the eye of the watcher and the same is B. I went there alone true ______ both the appreciation of art and music. C. My sister took me there A. in B. from C. for D. to D. I think it is wonderful 5. —What do you think of Jane, John? 11. If your skill can be ______ with my experience, —It?s not too difficult to get along with her, but we are sure to succeed. sometimes she is too ______ to what people say. A. joined B. united A. sensitive B. permanent C. connected D. combined C. similar D. brilliant 12. He suddenly saw Sue ______ the room. He 6. His health is in bad condition, and ______ he is able pushed his way ______ the crowd of people to to work no longer. get to her. A. anyway B. however A. across; across B. over; through C. otherwise D. therefore C. over; into D. across; through 7. We may ______ our past experience to develop 13. There is a party tonight ______ our new president, new technology. and I am ______ to be invited. 中学教材全解 全解专区 prospect(前途) he had, he didn’t fear it and still A. in honour of; in honour 33 his dream. B. in honour of; honoured C. in place of; honoured Every failure can make us gain new 34 D. in favour of; in honour and make us strange! Only when we beat the fear, 14. In preparing scientific reports of laboratory can we really make our dreams 35 ! As we all experiments, a student should ______ his findings know, what we fear is fear itself. in clear languages. 16. A. common B. similar A. propose B. furnish C. handle D. present C. small D. unusual 15. —I can?t stand Tom any more. He?s lazy, selfish 17. A. chance B. time and… C. courage D. need —______ He isn?t so bad actually. 18. A. successful B. careful A. Oh, come on! B. Up to you! C. clever D. strange C. You are right. D. Go ahead! 19. A. leaves B. wants ?. 完形填空 C. refuses D. serves I believe that everyone has a dream. A dream 20. A. In all B. First of all can be great or petty, 16 or ordinary, good or C. Above all D. After all bad. In my opinion, the real problem is not whether 21. A. everyone B. somebody you have a dream, but whether you have enough C. nobody D. no one 17 to admit that you have a dream. 22. A. easier B. more tiring Of course there are so many people who can’t C. harder D. more serious be 18 . The fact is that the No.1 winner is just 23. A. get rid of B. go against one and others are losers. The fact is that everyone C. take care of D. take part in 19 the position but only one can get it. 20 , 24. A. if B. until we don’t have enough resources which can be C. because D. while given to 21 . So, how can we do? Maybe if we 25. A. writer B. runner hide the dreams, life can be 22 . Maybe we C. jumper D. winner had better not 23 the competition, 24 26. A. comfortable B. normal it’s so easy to fail and so hard to be a 25 . C. unpleasant D. natural Maybe we should give up the dreams because it’s 27. A. failure B. death really 26 to bear all the jeerers(嘲笑)and C. accident D. trouble blamers. In a word, we are often afraid of 27 . 28. A. go on with B. carry on But a man won’t 28 his dream because of C. give up D. get back the fear of failure. Benjamin Franklin, we all 29. A. forget B. doubt remember him as Doctor Franklin, philosopher, C. expect D. remember[来 源patriot, scientist, philanthropist and statesman. But :Zxxk.Com] the most valuable things we should 29 is that 30. A. punished B. received how he peddle(叫卖)ballads(歌谣)in Boston, and C. guided D. defended how he walked the streets of Philadelphia, 31. A. always B. never homeless and unknown, with three penny rolls for C. ever D. usually his breakfast. But he also had dinner at the tables of 32. A. how B. which princesses, and 30 his friends in a palace. This C. when D. what poor Boston boy, with hardly a day’s schooling, 33. A. stuck to B. broke down became master of six languages and 31 gave C. turned to D. got away from up his dream for studying. No matter 32 a 34. A. room B. relation 中学教材全解 全解专区 C. experience D. pity C. come on D. come back 35. A. come along B. come true 答案与解析 1. A 句意:“有空位吗,”“恐怕现在没有空位9. A 句意:当说话时,眼睛看着对方是有礼貌的。了。”vacant意为“空着的,未被占用的”,指第一个空while speaking相当于while you are 暂时没有人居住或占据而空闲着的,符合题意。 speaking;第二个空make an eye contact with意为bare意为“光秃秃的,无遮蔽的”;empty意为“与„„进行眼神交流”。 “(房间等)空的,没有物的”;hollow意为“中10. D 句意:“你认为张艺谋导演的新电影怎么空的,空心的”,指所描绘之物的中心是空的。 样,”“我觉得很精彩。”说话者问对方新电影2. A 句意:课间时间你如何放松,是听音乐还是怎么样,答话者感觉很精彩。 出去聊天,relax yourself意为“放松一下”;11. D 句意:如果你的技巧能和我的经验相结合,behave yourself意为“规矩点”;believe yourself我们一定会成功的。combine…with意为“把„„意为“相信你自己”;remind yourself意为“提与„„相结合”。join指“事物的直接连接”,醒你自己”。 unite常指“团结,紧密结合”。connect指“连3. C 句意:张先生,一个自称彼得的人整天不停接”,均不合题意。 地打电话。你现在和他讲话吗,现在完成进行时12. D 句意:他突然看见苏穿过房间,他挤过人群表示从过去某一时间开始,直到说话时为止的一去找她。across表示横穿过,动作在物体的表面段时间内一直重复的动作。 进行,从一边到另一边。over指“在„„之上”。4. C the same is true for意为“符合于„„,适用across the room意为“穿过房间”。through指于„„”。句意:美在观察者的眼中(情人眼中从内部穿过,从人群中挤过表达为push one?s 出西施),美术和音乐的欣赏也是如此。 way through the crowd。 5. A 句意:“你认为简怎么样,约翰,”“和她13. B 句意:为了对我们的新总统表示敬意,今晚相处起来不难,但是有时候她对人们所说的话有会有一个晚会,而且我很荣幸被邀请。in honour 点儿过于敏感。”A项意为“敏感的”,符合语of是介词短语,意为“为了向„„表示敬意”;境语义要求。B项意为“永恒的,持久的”,Cin place of意为“代替”;in favour of意为“赞项意为“类似的”,D项意为“极好的”,均不同,有利于”。honour作动词意为“尊敬,尊合题意。 重,对„„表示尊敬”。 6. D 句意:他身体状况不好,因此不能再工作了。14. D 句意:在准备实验的科学中,一个学生therefore意为“因此,所以”;anyway意为“无应该以清晰的语言呈现他的发现。present意为论如何,不管怎样”;however意为“然而,但“呈现,提出”,符合题意。propose意为“提是”;otherwise意为“要不然,否则”。 议”;furnish意为“装备,布置”;handle意7. A 句意:我们或许可以利用我们过去的经验来为“处理,操作”。 发展新科技。draw upon意为“利用,凭借,依15. A 句意:“我再也不能忍受汤姆了。他又懒又赖”;draw out意为“(天黑得)渐晚”;draw in自私还„„”“噢,得了~他事实上没这么糟意为“(天黑得)渐早”;draw up意为“起草”。 糕。”come on可表示觉得某人所说的话不正确,8. D 句意:汤姆擅长物理而且喜欢打篮球,他的不同意某人所说的,符合题意。 姐姐也是这样。第一个句子中有两种情况:谓语16. D 通过or前后的内容表选择关系可以推断空动词有系动词和实义动词两类,故用It is the same 格处为ordinary的反义词,故选unusual。 with…或者So it is with…,表示某人也具备同样17. C 根据全文中心(实现梦想)可推断答案。首的情况。 先要有勇气承认自己有梦想,才能为以后梦想 的实现打好基础。 中学教材全解 全解专区 18. A 从下文推断答案。下句提到争第一很困难,27. A 末句为本段的主题句。通过以上分析,归纳 说明不是人人都能成功。 为一点:人们放弃梦想的原因是因为害怕失败。 19. B 事实是每个人都渴望第一,但是第一只有一28. C 上段通过反例说明,本段又举成功的例子。 个。 通过本段下文可以推断答案:Benjamin Franklin20. D in all总共;first of all首先;above all最重的例子告诉我们,不能因为担心失败而放弃梦 要的;after all毕竟。句意:毕竟我们的社会资想。 源有限„„ 29. D 提醒我们要记住Benjamin Franklin也曾经 21. A 考查不定代词的用法。社会没有足够的资源很艰难地奋斗,然后才取得了成功。 满足每个人(everyone)。 30. B 本句提到后来Benjamin Franklin成功以后 22. A 本段开头陈述观点,然后用三个句子来举的事情。receive指“接待”他的朋友。 例,末句进行总结。本句指放弃梦想,生活会31. B Benjamin Franklin因为从来没有放弃梦想才 比较安逸(easier)。 会成功。 23. D 考查动词短语辨析。take part in指参加活动32. D no matter what…引导让步状语从句,不论他 等。 的前途如何,Benjamin Franklin都没有因为害怕24. C 给出竞争激烈的原因是因为成功太难了。而放弃。 because引导原因状语从句。 33. A Benjamin Franklin不放弃梦想,不断坚持 25. D 根据平行结构…so easy to fail and so hard to (stick to),最后获得了成功。 be a __34. C 每次失败都会给我们带来新的经验25__可推断答案。 26. C 这里指由于失败而带来的不良后果:受到别(experience)。 人的嘲笑和责备,这都是令人不愉快的35. B 文末点题:坚持梦想,不断努力,梦想才能 成真。 (unpleasant)感觉。 模块练测卷(二) ?. 单项选择 —______, and so are radio waves. 1. They were dancing to ______ music when all of ______ sudden the lights went out. A. So are they B. So they are A. the; a B. the; the C. It is the same with them D. It?s true of them C. /; / D. a; a 6. During the discussion he ______ historical 2. We paid a visit to the bronze statue constructed evidence to support his pint of view. ______ the nurse Florence Nightingale while A. drew upon B. insisted on staying in London. C. called upon D. put on A. in celebration of B. in honour of 7. We?ll get in touch with you as soon as a decision is C. in favour of D. in place of made ______ your application. 3. It?s known that diets are most effective when A. to regard B. regard ______ with exercise. C. regarding D. regarded A. joined B. connected 8. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes C. combined D. related ______ people were eaten by the shark. 4. In order to keep a good figure, she ______ body-shaping exercises for many years. A. in which B. on which A. did B. will have done C. which D. as C. has been doing D. had done 9. ______ improving the quality of our product, we 5. —Light waves and heat waves are electromagnetic. need open more international markets. 中学教材全解 全解专区 a note by the vibrations(振动)I feel through my body A. In need of B. In addition to C. Instead of D. Owing to and through my 24 . My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every 10. Don?t mention that at the beginning of the story, or 25 that I it may ______ the shocking ending. have.” A. give away B. give out “I was 26 to be assessed as a musician, not C. give up D. give off as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal 11. This photo of mine was taken ______ stood the Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student famous twin-tower before the 9?11 event. had 27 this before and some teachers 28 A. which B. in which my admission. Based on my performance, I was 29 C. where D. there admitted and went on to 30 with the Academy?s 12. To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, highest honours.” ______, honest. “After that, I established myself as the first A. therefore B. above all full-time solo percussionist. I 31 and arranged a C. however D. after all lot of musical compositions since 32 had been 13. The house was too expensive and too big. ______, written specially for solo percussionists.” I?d grown fond of our little rented house. “I have been a soloist for over ten years. 33 A. Besides B. Therefore the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn?t 34 C. Somehow D. Otherwise that my passion couldn?t be realized. I would 14. There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western encourage people not to allow themselves to be 35 part of the country.[来源:学科网] by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart; A. present B. available they will lead you to the place you want to go.” C. precious D. convenient 16. A. conditions B. opinions 15. These days, only a few people continue to take the C. actions D. recommendations story ______. 17. A. enjoying B. choosing A. lightly B. jokingly C. taking D. giving C. seriously D. properly 18. A. sight B. hearing ?. 完形填空 C. touch D. taste Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo 19. A. evidence B. result percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled C. excuse D. cause how she became a percussion soloist(打击乐器独奏20. A. left B. excited 演员)in spite of her disability. C. accompanied D. disappeared “Early on I decided not to allow the 16 of 21. A. purpose B. decision others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew C. promise D. goal up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began 17 22. A. turned B. learned piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the C. used D. ought more my passion(酷爱)for music grew. But I also 23. A. tell B. see began to gradually lose my 18 . Doctors C. hear D. smell concluded that the nerve damage was the main 19 24. A. carefulness B. movement and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my C. imagination D. experience love for music never 20 me.” 25. A. sense B. effort “My 21 was to become a percussion soloist, C. feeling D. idea even though there were none at that time. To perform, 26. A. dissatisfied B. astonished I 22 to „hear? music differently from others. I C. determined D. discouraged play in my stocking feet and can 23 the pitch of 27. A. done B. accepted 中学教材全解 全解专区 diversification(多样化)in nature. He examined C. advised D. admitted 28. A. supported B. followed human evolution and sexual selection in The Descent C. required D. opposed of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, followed by 29. A. usually B. finally The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. C. possibly D. hopefully His research on plants was published in a series of 30. A. study B. research books, and in his final book, and he examined C. graduate D. progress earthworms and their effect on soil. 31. A. wrote B. translated He was buried in Westminster Abbey, close to C. copied D. read John Herschel and Isaac Newton after he died in 1882. 32. A. enough B. some 36. From the passage we learn that Darwin ______. C. many D. few A. lived close to Isaac Newton since he was born 33. A. However B. Although B. studied medicine before theology C. When D. Since C. formed his theory of natural selection in his 34. A. mean B. seem forties C. conclude D. say D. published his evolutionary theory in 1838 35. A. directed B. guided 37. Which book of the following better explains the C. taught D. limited[来源:学科网variety in nature? ZXXK] A. The Descent of Man. ?. 阅读理解 B. Selection in Relation to Sex. A C. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Charles Robert Darwin(1809-1882)was an D. On the Origin of Species. English naturalist, who provided scientific evidence that all species of life have developed over time called 38. The passage mainly______. natural selection. The fact that evolution occurs A. gives a brief account of Charles Robert Darwin B. tells about Charles Robert Darwin?s famous became accepted by the scientific community and the general public in his lifetime, while his theory of works natural selection came to be widely seen as the C. tells something about how all species of life develop primary explanation of the process of evolution in the D. tells about a famous geologist in English 1930s, and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory. history Darwin developed his interest in natural history 39. We can infer from the passage that ______. A. natural selection was first put forward bywhile studying first medicine at Edingburgh University, then theology(神学)at Cambridge. His Darwin five-year voyage on the Beagle established him as a B. the theory of natural selection was widely geologist, and publication of his journal of the voyage accepted before Darwin?s death made him famous as a popular author. Puzzled by the C. Darwin didn?t publish books on his research on geographical distribution(分布)of wildlife and fossilsplants (化石)he collected on the voyage, Darwin formed D. no one accepted evolution occurred in Darwin?s his theory of natural selection in 1838. Although he lifetime discussed his ideas with several naturalists, he needed B Polar bears are born in dens(洞穴)on land and time for further research. He wrote up his theory in 1858. their mother stays with them for the whole winter His book On the Origin of Species established without eating anything. The mother and the babies evolution as the better scientific explanation of emerge around March, famished from a long winter 中学教材全解 全解专区 and must immediately go hunting to find food stay C. Excited. D. Tired. 42. Now that the polar ice cap is smaller, ______.[来alive. Now, the only hunting they know is to catch 源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K] seals from floating ice in the open ocean. In March, polar bear mothers and cubs have to swim from the A. it is easy for polar bears to find food land in Spitsbergen to the edge of the polar ice cap. B. it takes them less time to catch seals Normally this is a short swim, since in March the C. they have to swim farther to get food polar ice cap is very close to the land, and the polar D. fewer seals will come to the shore ?. 阅读表达 bears, and even the babies, are good swimmers. 阅读下面短文并回答问题。 However, last year we saw that the polar ice cap had Music is often divided into several categories or really shrunk in size due to global warming. groups. Some of the categories are classical music, Swimming following them hundreds of miles, traditional music, rock music, and jazz music. especially when they are hungry and have babies, is The first kind, classical music, refers to orchestra really hard, and many bears are dying because of (管弦乐)music that originated in Europe a few starvation. hundred years ago. Most of the original classical The polar bear population in the Spitsbergen area music was composed or written in Italy, Germany, was once threatened by hunters. In the 1970s, a ban on Austria or Russia. Beethoven and Bach were two hunting was imposed and the polar bear population famous composers of classical music. Classical music has been steadily increasing from just a few hundred is usually played by a variety of string(弦)to about 2,000 to 3,000. This was a great success story. instruments, such as the violin, and wind instruments, However, now, because of global warming, the such as the flute. population is again in danger. If we do not stop The second type of music is traditional music. It making so much carbon dioxide, we will lose these comes from a particular culture. Every culture has its beautiful animals forever. own special forms of traditional music, and its own The polar bears are just one example of animals special instruments for playing its traditional music. that have become endangered because of man?s Another kind of music is rock music. Rock is appetite for energy obtained by burning fossil fuels. generally a loud kind of music, played with a strong All life on earth could be in danger unless we change beat. Rock musicians often use electric instruments, our ways. What can we do? To reduce the amount of such as electric guitars and electric pianos, but carbon dioxide in the air we must conserve and make ______ can also be used. It probably began in Europe energy without burning coal and oil. Instead, we can about 30 or 40 years ago. Rock music became very use the sun or the wind to generate electricity. popular, especially among young people. We must also cut down on needless driving and The fourth kind of music is Jazz. Jazz probably turn off things that use electricity when we are not comes from Africa originally. Jazz has a different kind using them. In addition, we have to stop cutting down of rhythm from other kinds of music. A variety of forests and start planting more trees. musical instruments are used to play this kind of 40. Why do the bears swim to the edge of the polar ice music, especially wind instruments. cap? These are the four general types of music. In A. To get back to the ocean. addition, many kinds of music are combinations of B. To catch seals for food. classical and traditional, or classical and jazz, and so C. To get to a colder place. on. D. To teach their children how to swim. 43. What is the main idea of the passage?(Please 41. What does the underlined word “famished” mean answer with as few words as possible.) in this passage? A. Hungry. B. Thirsty. 中学教材全解 全解专区 _______________________________________[ 2. 参考词汇:原著:original work/book in the 来源:学*科*网] original 44. Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with Film or book, which do you prefer? proper words or phrases to complete the Some of us think that it is better to see the sentence. film than to read the book in the ________________________________________ original.__________________________________ _________________________________________45. Is every kind of music independent? Why?(Please _________________________________________answer within 30 words.) _________________________________________ ____ ?. 书面表达 _________________________________________ 当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择_________________________________________看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, _________________________________________which do you prefer?”为题写一篇英语短文。 _________________________________________提示:1. 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂; _________________________________________ 2. 读原著:细节更多、语言优美; _________________________________________ 3. 你的看法及理由。 _________________________________________注意: 1. 词数100~120,文章题目和开头已给出,_________________________________________ 不计入总词数; 答案与解析 1. A 句意:他们正伴着音乐跳舞,这时灯突然灭to“由于,因„„的缘故”。根据句意“除了改 了。dance to the music“伴着音乐跳舞”;all of a 进我们的产品质量以外,我们还需要开拓更多的 sudden“突然”。 国际市场”可知答案为B项。 2. B in honour of“纪念”;in celebration of“庆祝”;10. A give away“(有意无意地)泄露”;give out in favour of“支持”;in place of“代替”。根据“分发”;give up“放弃”;give off“放出, 句意可知选B项。 散发出”。 3. C 句意:大家都知道当节食和锻炼结合在一起11. C 句意:我的这张照片是在9?11事件前著名 的时候(减肥)才会有效。 的双子塔耸立的地方拍摄的。where引导地点状 4. C 句意:为了保持好的身材,她多年来一直坚语从句采用了倒装语序,正常语序为:where the 持做塑身运动。 famous twin-tower stood。 5. B “So+主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词”结构表12. B 句意:要想变得伟大,你必须既聪明又有信 示对前面句子的赞同。 心,尤其要诚实。本题考查副词及短语。 6. A draw upon“利用”;insist on“坚持”;call upontherefore“因此”;above all“首先,最重要的 “拜访”;put on“穿上”。根据句意“在讨论中是,尤其是”;however“然而”;after all“毕 他利用历史证据来支持自己的观点”可知选A项。 竟,终究”。 7. C regarding“关于,有关”,此处介词短语作定13. A 根据题中的The house was too expensive and 语,修饰a decision。 too big.可知这座房子太大又昂贵,而且说话人 8. A 本题考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。越来越喜欢自己租住的小房子,由此推断说话 scene“场景,场面”时,与介词in搭配。句意:人不倾向于买房子。前后两句为递进关系,答 很多看过这部电影的人,当回想到人被鲨鱼吃掉案为A项。besides意思是“此外,而且”。 的场景时,他们就不敢在海里游泳了。 14. B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该国西部有大 9. B in need of“需要”;in addition to“除此之外,量的工作机会。available“可以得到的,可以利 还„„”;instead of“代替,而不是„„”;owing 用的”;present“出席的,在场的”;C、D两 中学教材全解 全解专区 项修饰名词时通常放在名词的前面。 接受,advise建议,admit承认。故选A。 15. C 考查副词词义辨析。句意:如今,仅仅少数 28. D 因为以前没有失聪学生被录取,所以一些老 人拿这个故事当回事儿。take...seriously“严肃 师反对(oppose)Glennie进入the Royal Academy 对待„„”。故答案为C项。A项意为“轻微 of Music。 的”;B项意为“开玩笑地”;D项意为“恰当 29. B 由于Glennie的表现,最终(finally)被录 地”,均不符合题意。 取。 136. B 从上下文可知Glennie不想让别人的看法 0. C 以最高的荣誉从the Royal Academy of 左右自己成为音乐家的理想。A项意为“条件”; Music毕业(graduate)。 C项意为“行动”;D项意为“推荐”。 31. A 表示“作曲”用“write musical compositions”。 137. C Glennie八岁开始学习钢琴。take lessons上 2. D 自己作曲的原因是很少(few)有人专门为 课,固定短语。 打击乐器独奏演员作曲。 18. B 从下文可知,Glennie听觉(hearing)逐渐 33. B 尽管医生认为Glennie完全聋了,但并不意 失去,直到12岁时完全失聪(completely deaf)。 味着她的热情被忽视了。Although在句中引导 1让步状语从句。从语意判断B项最佳。 9. D 神经损伤(the nerve damage)是Glennie失 3去听觉的主要原因(cause)。evidence证据;result 4. A mean意味着。conclude作结论。 结果;excuse借口。 35. D Glennie根据自己的切身体会告诫人们:不 20. A 此处意为“但是我对音乐的爱从来没有离开 要被别人这样或那样的说法所禁锢(limit)。 过我”。根据never,句意否定,所以B项excite 36. B 根据第二段中的第一句可知,达尔文先学医 sb.令人激动,C项accompany sb.陪伴某人不正 学,后来才学神学。 确。D项应为disappear from sb.。 37. D 第三段第一句是问题的答案所在。 238. A 本文介绍了达尔文的生平,因此选项A是文 1. D 人生的目标 (goal),purpose目的;decision 章的主旨大意。 决定;promise许诺。 22. B “我学会了‘听’音乐”。turn to 转向(某 39. A 根据第一段中的“...called natural selection.” 人寻求帮助);used to 过去常常(做某事);ought 可知,自然进化论是达尔文首先提出的。 to应该做某事。 40. B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的最后两句话 23. A tell 辨别;see看到;hear听到;smell闻到。 可知。 此处句意是“通过振动来辨别音调的高低”。 41. A 第一句点明它们好长时间没吃东西,故选A。 42. C 根据文章第二段第一句可知冰盖原本距离24. C 因为Glennie以前没有失聪过,所以不会有 陆experience(经验);而carefulness(细心)和身 体的movement(运动)对聋人来说是无法分辨 地很近,可是由于地球变暖,冰融化,距离陆地 音调高低的。故选C。 就远了,所以北极熊的游泳距离变长。 25. A 此处意为“我只有通过调动全部的感觉 43. Different kinds of music. (sense)器官才能弥补失聪的遗憾来感受周围 44. other instruments 世界”。定语从句that I have修饰sense。effort 45. No. In fact, many kinds of music are combinations 努力;feeling感情;idea想法。故A项符合句意。 of classical and traditional, or classical and jazz, 26. C Glennie下定决心(be determined to do)要 and so on. 被别人评价为一名音乐家,而不是一名聋人音乐 One possible version: 家。dissatisfied不满意的; astonished惊讶的; Film or book, which do you prefer? discouraged气馁的。A、B、D三项都是Glennie Some of us think that it is better to see the film 对别人评价的反应,而Glennie这时实际上还没 than to read the book in the original. The reason is that 有成名,所以不可能有这些感觉。 it takes less time to understand the whole story. 27. A “以前没有失聪学生做过(done)这件事 Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is (applied to the Royal Academy of Music)”。easier to follow. accept Some others have just the opposite opinion. They 中学教材全解 全解专区 think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful. Personally, I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons for it. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what?s more, I am able to better understand the author?s ideas. In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.
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