

2017-09-21 50页 doc 143KB 21阅读




臭氧杀菌适不适合饮水机用臭氧杀菌适不适合饮水机用 臭氧杀菌适不适合饮水机用, 在去除细菌等有机物方面,臭氧可以大显身手。事实上,国外早已广泛应用于空气净化、水处理、食品加工、医疗卫生、水产养殖等领域。臭氧也已成为所有矿泉水、纯净水生产 企业必选的先进杀菌消毒设备。 据专家介绍,使用了臭氧技术的饮水机在机体内安装了臭氧发生器,通过高压放电方式将空气中的氧气变成臭氧。进而,臭氧可以破坏细菌(病毒)的蛋白质和遗传物质达到杀菌效果。由于气体的发散性特征,臭氧杀菌可以对饮水机内部的管路、冷罐、热罐、水龙头和接水区等实现全效的杀菌效果。研究表明,臭氧溶于...
臭氧杀菌适不适合饮水机用 臭氧杀菌适不适合饮水机用, 在去除细菌等有机物方面,臭氧可以大显身手。事实上,国外早已广泛应用于空气净化、水处理、食品加工、医疗卫生、水产养殖等领域。臭氧也已成为所有矿泉水、纯净水生产 企业必选的先进杀菌消毒设备。 据专家介绍,使用了臭氧技术的饮水机在机体内安装了臭氧发生器,通过高压放电方式将空气中的氧气变成臭氧。进而,臭氧可以破坏细菌(病毒)的蛋白质和遗传物质达到杀菌效果。由于气体的发散性特征,臭氧杀菌可以对饮水机内部的管路、冷罐、热罐、水龙头和接水区等实现全效的杀菌效果。研究表明,臭氧溶于水中后的杀菌能力是氯气的600~3000倍,可杀灭细菌芽孢、病毒、真菌等,同时可去除铁、锰、氯等无机物。经广东疾病预防中心今年3月的检测,采用了臭氧杀菌技术的饮水机对于大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等的 杀菌率达到了99.9%以上。 超高压杀菌保鲜技术应用 近年来,超高压食品技术频频出现在各种媒体上,引起了许多食品从业人员的兴趣。那么,这种技术在食品生产中有什么作用,其作用机理是什么,该技术可用在哪些食品中, 据我国从事超高压食品技术研究专家、江苏大学超高压食品技术研究所所长马永昆教授介绍,超高压食品技术是一种理想的非热力杀菌保鲜技术,其特点是:温度升高值很小,能很好地保留食品原有的风味、营养和保健成分;杀菌快速、高效、均匀;能耗比热力杀菌法更低;可提高食品卫生安全性;有利环保。经超高压处理的食品,符合现代食品“天然、营养、卫生、安全”的发展方向,市场潜力巨大。 超高压杀菌保鲜技术的作用机理 据江苏大学马永昆教授介绍,对食品进行超高压杀菌保鲜,是通过用压力可达800Mpa的超高压设备来实现的。超高压食品技术是这样一种措施:将食品密封于弹性容器或置于无Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 菌压力设备中,用100Mpa(约987个大气压)以上超高压处理一段时间,从而达到杀菌保鲜、保存食品的目的。用超高压处理时,在液体介质中的食品物料体积被压缩,超高压产生的极高的静压不仅会影响细胞的形态,还能使形成的生物高分子立体结构的氢键、离子键和疏水键等非共价键发生变化,使蛋白质凝固、淀粉等变性,使酶失活或激活,使细菌、寄生虫、病毒等生物被杀死。超高压技术也可用来改善食品的组织结构或生成新型食品。 食品杀菌时所用的超高压力一般在为200,600MPa之间,多种生物体经200MPa以上加压处理即会出现生长迟缓,甚至死亡。一般情况下,寄生虫的杀灭和其它生物体相近,只要低压处理即可杀死,病毒在稍低的压力下即可失活,无芽孢细菌、酵母、霉菌的营养体在300,500MPa压力下可被杀死,而芽抱杆菌属和梭状芽孢杆菌属的芽孢对压力比其营养体具有更强的抵抗力,需采用更高的压力才会被杀灭。压力处理的时间与压力成反比,压力越高,则处理所需的时间越短。 超高压杀菌保鲜技术的特点 利用超高压对食品杀菌,是一个纯物理过程,具有瞬间压缩、作用均匀、操作安全、温度升高值小、耗能低、污染少、利于环保的特点。 用超高压技术处理食品,可达到高效杀菌的目的,且对食品中的维生素、色素和风味物质等低分子化合物的共价键无明显影响,从而使食品能较好地保持原有的色、香、味、营养和保健功能,这是超高压技术Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 的突出优点,也是超高压技术与其它常规食品杀菌技术的主要不同之处。 蒸汽、远红外、微波、高频电场和电磁场等食品杀菌技术,都存在较明显的热效应,加工过程中温度的升高较明显。采用热力杀菌,会对保健食品的热敏性功能成分造成破坏,导致保健作用降低、产生不愉快的异味,有的功能成分会甚至降解为没有任何保健作用的物质。利用辐照方法处理食品,虽然温度的变化值较小,但会发生辐照裂解反应,产生复杂的化学物质和辐照异味;而且,辐照食品的安全性尚无定论,日本、欧盟等西方国家禁止或者限制辐照食品的进口;消费者对包装上已经明示的辐照食品,也持十分谨慎的购买态度。 江苏大学超高压食品技术研究所所长马永昆教授认为,在食品生产中,采用超高压技术杀菌保鲜,可以避免热力杀菌和辐照杀菌存在的缺陷。超高压处理是一种常温非热力杀菌技术,在加工杀菌过程中,食品温度升高值很小,以400,600Mpa的超高压力处理,在绝热条件下,食品的温度升高值只有10,12?,因温度变化引起的热效应很小,发生化学反应的可能性极小。对酸性食品而言,用超高压杀菌处理的速度很快,一般在400-600Mpa条件下,仅需10,25分钟。 超高压能破坏高分子的氢键、离子键、盐键,对共价键影响小,尤其对食品中的小分子色素、维生素、氨基酸、多肽、果酸、果糖、呈香物质和果蔬抗诱变活性成分等物质的破坏作用较小。经超高压处理的功能食品,能较好地保持功能因子的活性和产品的原有风味,符合现代功Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 能食品“天然、营养、卫生、安全”的发展方向。超高压技术在功能食品的开发和生产中,具有重要的营养价值。 超高压杀菌技术的简要? 用超高压设备对食品杀菌时所用的压力一般在200,600MPa之间,可用水作为压力介质。但当压力超过600MPa以上时,因水的密封性达不到要求,故需用特种油作为压力介质。 对于固态食品和液态食品,应采用不同的超高压处理工艺。肉、禽、鱼、水果等固态食品,应先装在耐压、无毒、柔韧并能传递压力的软包装容器内,进行真空密封包装,以避免压力介质混入、造成污染;然后放在超高压容器中,进行加压灭菌处理。处理简要工艺为:升压?保压?卸压三个过程,通常进料、卸料为不连续方式生产。 用超高压设备对果汁、奶、液蛋、饮料、酒等液态食品进行处理,既可以象固态食品一样,用容器密封包装、由压力介质从外围加压处理;也可以直接用被加工食品取代水、作为压力介质,但密封性要求很严,简要处理工艺为:升压?动态保压?卸压三个过程,用第二种方法,可进行连续生产。 超高压技术在食品行业的应用范围 据江苏大学超高压食品技术研究所所长马永昆教授称,超高压技术可起到杀菌、杀虫、杀酶、杀病毒、催熟等目的,可用于所有含液体成分的固态或液态食品„„ 1.黑莓、草莓、蓝莓、荔枝、猕猴桃、芒果、柑橘、西瓜、哈蜜瓜、胡Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 萝卜等各种果蔬汁饮料。2.牛奶、羊奶、杏仁奶、花生奶、核桃奶、豆奶等动植物奶类制品。3.牛肉、羊肉、鸽肉、兔肉、鹅肉等畜禽肉类制品。4.蛋制品。5.鱼、虾、贝等水产品。6.白酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、啤酒等酒类产品。7.酱油、醋等调味品。8.保健品。 高压杀菌锅 精度高 速度快 时间 食品加工目的之一是保护与保存食品,杀死微生物,钝化酶类等。食品腐败变质的主要原因是某些微生物和菌类的存在,每年因此而造成很大的损失,灭菌是食品加工的必经工序。然而传统的热力灭菌不能将食品中的微生物全部杀灭,特别是一些耐热的芽孢杆菌;同时加热会不同程 度破坏食品中的营养成分和食品的天然特性。 高压杀菌技术是指将食品放人液体介质中,加100MPa,1000MPa的压力作用一段时间后,如同加热一样,杀灭食品中的微生物的过程。高压灭菌避免了热处理而出现的影响食品品质的各种弊端,保持了食品的原有风味、色泽和营养价值。由于是液体介质的瞬间压缩过程,灭菌均匀,无污染,操作安全,且较加热法耗能低,减少环境污染。励建荣等研究了经高压处理后的果汁和蔬菜汁,试验证实了高压处理后能达到杀菌效果,而且Vc损失很少,残存酶活只有4,,色香味等感官指标不变,其综合效果优于热力杀菌;动物食品也能达到杀菌效果。目前,国外已将其用于肉、蛋、大豆蛋白、水果、香料、牛奶、果汁、矿泉水、 啤酒等物品的加工中。 食品包装杀菌技术近年来,节省能源、安全可靠、效果好、成本低Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 的包装食品杀菌技术相继得到开发和应用,大大促进了包装食品的生产 与发展。 辐照杀菌技术:是利用放射线同位素钴60、铯157产生的γ-射线或低能加速器放射出的β-射线对包装食品进行辐照处理。加拿大、以色列、法国、日本等国家普遍使用放射物质钴60,它放射出的强力γ射线可彻底摧毁细菌的遗传因子,彻底破坏他们的生理活性,使用高剂量 时几乎可以消灭任何细菌。 辐照完全杀菌:将密封包装后的食品以2500,5000千拉德辐照,能使所有损坏食品的致病性微生物死灭,从而达到商品消毒目的。辐照前可在食品中加入食盐和三磷酸钠等,能减少食品的水分损失,又能增强射线对细菌的杀伤能力。经辐照完全杀菌法处理后的牛肉、鸡肉、火腿、猪肉、香肠、鱼虾等在常温(21?,38?)下能贮藏2年以上,可保持色 香味佳。 辐照消毒杀菌:剂量100,1000千拉德,可有效地限制有损大众健康的生物及致败性微生物生长,能有效清除对高蛋白质食品如肉类、乳制品、蛋制品危害极大的沙门氏菌,用50万拉德照射,就能使之成亿倍减少,也能杀死冷冻食品深处的沙门氏菌。现全世界已有20多个国家批准应用辐照杀菌的食品供人类食用,如鸡肉、猪肉、鲜鱼、蘑菇、香料、土豆、大米、洋葱、小麦等。辐照食品安全可靠,经世界各国40多年实践证明,辐照食品从未发现有放射性物质残留,能保持原有质量和色香味。在美国,辐照食品已带上太空,宇航员食用后证明对身体也无害。辐照食品的优点是保藏期长,照射一次可保鲜数年,既杀死细菌,又抑制与Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 延缓食品本身的新陈代谢,消除了食品变质根源。辐照杀菌可节省大量能量,任何食物用辐照法杀菌后仅采用普通包装便可贮藏,省去大量制 罐、冷冻冷藏等材料以及能量,以辐照保藏已可代替部分冰箱。 紫外线照射:紫外线照射即利用紫外线杀伤目标微生物的DNA,使之发生化学变化形成嘧啶二聚物,以破坏遗传因子而失去繁殖能力或死亡,杀菌效果以250,260nm最强。国外研制的强力紫外灯,照射强度达 200mw/cm2,为高性能紫外线装置,对包装材料杀菌安全有效。 固体表面杀菌器:将包装好的食品通过传送带,送入照射轨道内,用杀菌灯灭菌处理,然后用传送带送出。适用于塑料薄膜包装的食品,要求 包装材料用光线穿透率好的聚乙烯或聚丙烯塑料薄膜。 液体杀菌器:可分两种,有外部照射的外部照射式和让水及液体从内部流过的内部照射式。杀菌效果可以从初始浓度经照射后达到零。 紫外线杀菌:紫外线杀菌不需或只需少量添加杀菌剂和防腐剂,比加热处理及过滤杀菌法省能、成本低,维护简便,使用安全可靠,杀菌后不损害食品香味及光泽等优点,应用较广泛。美国先后开发了系列产品,放射量比过去大数十倍的紫外灯已经实用化,已可逐渐用于透射。紫外线杀菌如配合加热、过氧化氢、热柠檬酸溶液、乙醇、超声波等处理方 法,效果则更好。 微波杀菌:微波杀菌就是用微波使水分子发生振动,利用分子产生的摩擦热进行杀菌。适用于导热不良的食品和因加热而易降低品质的食品。对于采用塑料包装材料的食品,能在包装原状下,短时间内从食品中 心加热杀菌,还能防止二次污染 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 微波杀菌只适用于霉菌、酵母菌、大肠杆菌等不耐热的微生物,但对附着在食品背面,水分含量低的食品和无水分、诱导小的塑料或玻璃上的 微生物,因温度不能充分提高,效果不显著。 微波加热法:微波加热法有烤炉或导管式两种,后者应用于处理液 体,液体流过斜贯于导管的玻璃管中被加热。 无菌包装技术:无菌包装技术是经过杀菌、冷却的无菌食品在无菌状态下,充填到预先杀菌过的容器中,经过密封而能长期贮藏的包装技术。近十年来,无菌装罐由流体发展到固体,包装材料由金属罐向包装材料推移.无菌包装技术在欧美、日本等国迅速发展,广泛应用于牛乳为主的乳制品,果汁、布丁、肉类等加工食品,蔬菜汁、肉汤、清凉饮料和咖 啡饮料、豆浆等领域。 无菌包装优点很多:制品风味、组织色泽变化及营养成分损失和蛋白质热变性都较少,无菌包装的肉制品没有脂肪析出和肉汁分离现象,能更好保持原口感和风味;无菌包装的果汁易于保管,味道新鲜,实用方便。无菌包装对包装容器强度要求低,材料可用纸板、塑料、铝等。特别是纸容器成本低,重量轻,无金属溶出现象,用后可弃,处理简单,美国饮用牛乳70%都用纸包装。无菌包装还有节约能源、适合大批量生产等 优点。 无菌包装系统包括食品的杀菌和无菌充填密封两大部分。食品杀菌通常采用高温短时杀菌工艺(HTST法)和超高温瞬间杀菌(UHT),用耐热性塑料薄膜与铝箔组成的复合薄膜,更能大幅度缩短杀菌时间。无菌充填包装用的软包装材料杀菌一般采取紫外线杀菌、放射线杀菌及过氧化Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 氢溶液浸渍、喷雾、热风干燥,或用气体杀菌剂杀菌。 国际上典型的无菌包装装置有美国Dole公司的无菌装罐,用于金属罐包装的流体、胶体和含有固形物的食品,如多种布丁、炼乳、酱状食品、酸奶鲜奶等。无菌装罐设备由空罐杀菌、充填、罐盖杀菌、封罐四部分构成,空罐210?,220?杀菌45秒后进入无菌室时,从其下部喷射无菌水使空罐冷却,一般采用槽流式装罐机连续装罐。日本的MM无菌充填装置是将苯乙烯塑料薄膜用双氧水杀菌后,加热成形膜冲压成环状容器,自动定量充填,送出经双氧水杀菌的盖用铝箔,用密封膜封口,落料膜切断,用于布丁、果酱、冰淇淋、牛乳、果汁等无菌充填。在无菌包装过程中,除对包装用材料、包装食品消毒杀菌外,对车间、工作机械、空气,整个操作都需清洁无菌,彻底实现微生物控制的生产管理和流通 管理。 目前,还开发了更适用的新杀菌技术。如使罐头在高速旋转中用气体火焰直接加热的火焰灭菌法,可加速热传导,防止受热不均匀,应用于罐头食品与蒸煮袋食品效果好;还有包装材料不必杀菌、食品处理设备简单的液体食品杀菌的独特方法;利用过热蒸汽对干燥食品进行气流式杀菌法,不会象饱和蒸汽使原料受潮,对谷物及粉粒状食品效果更好。 食品加工设备进行杀菌的多种方法 食品加工机器的洗净,防止食品污染是控制微生物生长繁殖的极重要的手段。设备经清洗后微生物绝对减少,而且洗去了以蛋白质和碳水化合物为主的微生物营养源,杜绝了微生物繁殖。清洗时,使用水和洗涤剂,Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 需达到清洁度高、不影响加工机械及食品质量、操作方便卫生又要安全、 废水处理容易、经济的目的。 食品加工设备进行杀菌也是保持设备卫生方法的重要措施,除采用物理杀菌法外,食品机器的杀菌几乎都可用化学杀菌。理想的杀菌剂应该是杀菌范围广、杀菌效果快、对机器及食品质量无影响、杀菌的持续效果高、洗脱容易、万一混入安全无毒、对废水处理设施及环境的不利影响小、经济等要求。工厂可根据微生物污染情况合理选用杀菌剂。国 外主要洗净剂和杀菌剂 洗净剂 (1)中性洗剂,用于轻度污染和油污染的清洗,主要有直链烷基磺酸盐为代表的阴离子表面活性剂、聚乙二醇型、多元醇型等非离子界面活性剂。中性洗剂对蛋白质与碳水化合物污物的洗净力不足。 (2)碱性洗剂,根据pH分强碱性洗剂和弱碱性洗剂两类。 主要碱性洗剂的洗涤性能不同,洗净性最佳的为Na2SiO3(5H2O(PH12(1)和NaP2O7(PH10(2);浸透性最佳的为Na3PO4.12H2O(PH12);分散性最佳的为PH6(8的(NaPO3)6、Na2SiO3(5H2O、Na2O(NaHSiO3(5H2O(PH12(5);乳化性最佳的为pH12(0的Na3PO4(12H2O;洗涤性最佳的为Na2SiO3(5H2O(PH12(1)、Na2O(NaHSiO3.5H2O(PH12(5)、Na3PO4(12H2O(PH12(0);杀菌性佳的是NaOH(PH12(0)、2Na2O(SiO2(5H2O(PH12(8);防腐蚀性佳的为NaHCO3(PH8(4)、Na2CO3(NaHCO3(2H2O(PH9(9),Na2SiO3(5H2O(PH12(1)、Na5P3O10(PH8(7)和(Na2PO3) 6(PH6(8)。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 食品厂使用的洗涤剂的种类、成分、用途及特征一般如下: 强碱性洗剂成分为NaOH、无机盐类、有机螯合剂、表面活性剂,主要配合苛性碱,对蛋白质分解和油脂有凝聚作用和杀菌作用,适用于严重无机、有机质污染,用于自动洗瓶机,加热处理设备,乳制品、发酵制品、畜产、水产加工装置,加热处理时除去加工设备上的牢固的有 机质与无机质的污染物,与螯合剂配合可除去水锈。 弱碱性洗剂配合Na2CO3、Na3(PO4)2、硅酸钠、三聚磷酸钠等,成分为弱碱性有机及无机盐类、表面活性剂。有分解污物与分散污物的作用及对金属离子的封闭作用,适用于清洗加工机器的床壁输送带等中等程度的油脂、蛋白质、碳水化合物污染、浸渍或半自动洗瓶(果汁饮料瓶)等,氯素系洗剂适用于严重的有机质污染。为了使碱性洗剂的一般表面张力降低,提高浸透性及污物分散性,需加少量表面活性剂。 中性洗剂成分为中性的无机有机盐,为界面活性剂。用于食品原料及容器类手工洗净、一般机器洗净,适用于轻度一般污染,中等污染时 要加温冲洗。 酸性洗剂成分为有机酸、无机酸。有机酸为柠檬酸、苹果酸、葡萄糖酸等,无机酸为磷酸类。为表面活性剂。用于除去乳制品、发酵制品 机器的乳石;除洗瓶机的水锈;除去严重铁锈、水锈。 杀菌性洗剂成分为无机有机氯素化合物及过氧化物、碘化合物及表面活性剂。有碱性与酸性两种,适合中、轻度的有机无机质的污染,用 于各种食品厂机械的壁、床、工作衣、手指的清洗。 氨基磺酸在食品设备中十分广泛地应用于清洁去污。用于清洗酿酒Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 设备中储放酒设备的内壁与底部的结垢、浓度20,25g,l,70?,再用水冲洗。用于蔬菜预煮设备水垢(碳酸钙和其他各种盐类)的清除(用量3,,5,重量比),温度70?。用于牛奶输送管道的清洗,防止形 成硬水沉淀以及钻炉的清洗(去垢),等等。 杀菌剂次氯酸钠对食品加工设备杀菌效果迅速,对微生物非选择性,能充分发酵杀菌效率,器具表面不会形成皮膜,几乎不受水硬度及其他成分的影响,杀菌浓度低时无毒性,浓度测定容易,是液体、易计量,含有高浓度活性成分,能除去恶臭,价格低廉等优点。但也存在一些缺点,如具有特殊味,能将污染物漂白,冷时冻结,必须保存在低温阴暗处,制品碱度显著影响杀菌效果,使用不当会成为生锈与腐蚀之因,接触有机污染物时会降低杀菌液的浓度,加在含铁水中会产生沉淀不能 使用等。 杀菌性界面活性剂在阳离子表面活性剂和两性界面活性剂中,持有杀菌力的大多是阳离子表面活性剂,40?以上就能杀灭用其他杀菌剂难以死灭的孢子。缺点是在有机物和阴离子表面活性剂共存状态下杀菌力 明显下降。 两性界面活性剂以十二(胺)乙氨基甘氨酸为代表,即使有阴离子 表面活性剂和有机物存在也不会影响其杀菌力。 过氧化氢为广谱杀菌剂。因为杀菌时间短,要求高温高浓度条件,用于容器、器具的杀菌脱臭。有人认为,H2O2有毒辣性,不能直接用 于食品杀菌,多用于无菌化包装纸、塑料容器的表面杀菌。 其他杀菌剂有碘系杀菌剂等。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 杀菌洗净剂 为防止微生物二次污染,可使用杀菌洗净剂,具有杀菌与洗净两方面的作用。如氯素、碘素系、胍系、酚系、阴离子等杀菌性洗净剂,使 用时各有优缺点 二氧化氯在蒜粒保藏中的杀菌作用 摘 要:本实验研究了二氧化氯在蒜粒保藏中的杀菌作用,结果表明:二氧化氯浓度达到 40mg?kg-1以上时,其杀菌作用明显表现出来,60mg?kg-1可以抑制各种菌类的生长。并将其杀菌能力与山梨酸钾、苯甲酸钠等常用防腐剂的杀菌力作了比较,研究了二氧化氯浓度、烫漂温度以及添加山梨酸钾、柠檬酸和氯化钠对二氧化氯杀菌效果的影响。 关键词:蒜粒;保藏;二氧化氯;杀菌作用 大蒜为百合科葱属植物蒜的鳞茎,具有很高的营养价值,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素和钙、磷、铁、硒、锗等矿质元素,是人们日常生活中常用的香辛蔬菜和调味佳品,1,。此外,大蒜及其制品还具有很高的药用价值,如抗菌、抗肿瘤、降血脂、增强机体免疫力等。由于其特殊的营养价值和保健功能,大蒜系列制品受到消费者的青睐。为了方便消费,大蒜常加工成蒜片、蒜粉、蒜泥、蒜蓉、蒜粒等制品。但是大蒜加工中加热杀 菌会使大蒜风味变差,营养成分损失率高。 目前,二氧化氯作为一种新型消毒杀菌剂受到人们的关注。二氧化氯是一种强氧化剂,具有广谱的抗微生物作用,能杀灭细菌、病毒、真菌、藻类等,而且世界卫生组织指出,该物质完全没有致癌、致畸性,具有Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 高度的安全性。目前,欧、美、日等国家普遍将二氧化氯消毒剂广泛应用于食品加工行业中的水净化、消毒处理,设备消毒、漂白、除味,果蔬消毒保鲜等方面。我国也在1996年将二氧化氯列为食品添加剂和食品加工助剂,2,。本实验拟研究二氧化氯在蒜粒保藏中的杀菌作用, 为蒜粒冷杀菌保藏提供有效的工艺参数。 1 材料和方法 1.1 试验材料 大蒜(购于泰安农贸市场) 1.2 主要试剂 新陆牌第四代二氧化氯消毒杀菌剂,邻联甲苯胺(分析纯),山梨酸钾(分析纯),苯甲酸钠(分析纯),氯化钠(分析纯), 柠檬酸(食品级),营养琼脂。 1.3 主要仪器 UV-2000紫外分光光度计,康宝系列净化工作台, LRH—250A生化培养箱,杀菌锅,水浴锅,组织捣碎机。 1.4 试验方法 1.4.1 工艺流程 大蒜?去皮、去蒂?清洗?切粒?漂洗?烫漂?冷却 ?沥水?装罐?杀菌?保温检验?成品 1.4.2 余氯含量的测定 取同型50ml比色管,加入2.5ml邻联甲苯胺溶液,再加不同浓度的二氧化氯溶液至刻度,混匀,放置10min,在400,750nm范围内进行扫描,测出各试样的最大吸收波长。确定其最大吸收波长为440nm。 按照邻联甲苯胺显色法,3,测定余氯的方法,分别取浓度为0.2mg?kg-1、0.4mg?kg-l、 0.6mg?kg-1、0.8mg?kg-1、1.0mg?kg-1二氧化氯标准溶液与邻联甲苯胺溶液反应,在显色10min时测定各试样Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 在440nm时的吸光度,得出方程:y=0.2969x+0.0016(R2=0.9979)其 中,纵坐标为二氧化氯溶液浓度。 1.4.3 细菌总数的测定 采用平板计数法。取lml蒜粒罐头的汤汁用灭菌生理盐水进行10倍递增稀释,选择2,3个适宜稀释度,各吸取lml稀释液加入灭菌平皿内,每个稀释度作两个平皿,然后向平皿中注入46?左右的营养琼脂约15ml,转动平皿使之混合均匀。待琼脂凝固后,翻转平皿,置培养箱内以36?1?培养24?2h,选取菌落数在30,300之间的平皿计数,对应 稀释倍数,得出每毫升样品所含的菌落总数,4,。 2 结果与分析 2.1 二氧化氯与苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾抑菌效果比较 果蔬罐头的保温检验标准是在25?下保温5昼夜达到商业无菌的产品为合格,5,,故以下菌落总数均为蒜粒在25?下放置5d后测得。低浓度二氧化氯、苯甲酸钠和山梨酸钾在蒜粒保藏中的抑菌效果如图1、 图2所示。 从图中可知,在蒜粒保藏中,二氧化氯的抑菌效果最好,当其浓度达到10mg?kg-1时,能够使细菌总数降低一个数量级;而苯甲酸钠在0.05,的浓度时抑菌效果还极不明显;山梨酸钾在浓度为0.03,到0.05,之间时其抑菌能力变化不大,在较低浓度时,抑菌能力不及二氧化氯的1/4。苯甲酸钠的抗菌有效性的最适pH值为2.5,4.0,pH值为3.5时,0.125,的溶液在1h内可杀死葡萄球菌和其它菌;pH值为5时,即使5,的溶液,杀菌效果也不可靠。山梨酸钾使用的pH值范围比苯甲酸钠要Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 宽,pH值在4.5、5.5时完全抑制绝大多数微生物种类生长的最低含量分别为0.05,、0.1,,6,。而蒜粒的pH值在5.0左右,虽然山梨酸钾对蒜粒的防腐作用比苯甲酸钠稍好,但在限量范围内远远不能达到防 腐目的,二氧化氯的使用效果明显好于山梨酸钾等常用防腐剂。 2.2 二氧化氯浓度对蒜粒保藏效果的影响 使用10,60mg?kg-1浓度的二氧化氯溶液对蒜粒杀菌,并将蒜粒于25?下放置5d后测定其细菌总数及各自余氯量,结果如图3和表1所 示。 由图3可知,二氧化氯浓度在10mg?kg-1到40mg?kg-1间变化时,其杀菌力增长趋势比较缓慢,当二氧化氯浓度达到40mg?kg-1时,菌数可降低约4个对数级,高于40mg?kg-1时,杀菌力迅速增长,60mg?kg-1 可以完全抑制蒜粒中各种菌类的生长。 如表1所示,余氯量随着二氧化氯使用量的增加而增加。当二氧化氯使用量大于40mg?kg-1时,余氯量迅速增长。60mg?kg-1二氧化氯可以 完全抑制蒜粒中各种菌类的生长,但余氯已经高达0.60。根据 GB5479—85《生活饮用水标准》中规定:出厂水的余氯量小于 0.3mg?kg-1,末梢水的余氯量大于0.05mg?kg-1,因此考虑通过降低pH值等方法来减少二氧化氯的使用量,同时降低余氯量。在蒜粒保藏过程中要达到杀菌目的,使用二氧化氯的浓度比较大,可能是由于二氧 化氯的杀菌效果受有机物含量影响非常明显的缘故。 2.3 烫漂温度对二氧化氯杀菌力的影响 大蒜经前处理,破碎成粒状并漂洗后,采用不同温度烫漂,烫漂时间均Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 为2min,然后分别加浓度为40mg?kg-1的二氧化氯溶液处理。烫漂温 度对保藏效果的影响如图4。 可以看出,烫漂温度对二氧化氯的杀菌力有较大影响,80?烫漂时菌数最少,可能是因为此温度既能初步对蒜粒表面杀菌又不会使大蒜抑菌成分破坏严重,而当烫漂温度达到90?时,菌数比80?烫漂时高出一个对数级。因此,我们采用80?进行烫漂,在护色的同时也有助于杀菌。 2.4 山梨酸钾、柠檬酸、氯化钠对二氧化氯杀菌作用的影响 二氧化氯使用量采用40mg?kg-1对蒜粒进行杀菌的同时,添加山梨酸钾、柠檬酸和氯化钠,看它们对二氧化氯杀菌效果的影响,结果如图5、 图6、图7所示。 由图5、图6、图73个图可以看出,在使用二氧化氯杀菌的同时,添加山梨酸钾和氯化钠对杀菌效果仅略有增效作用。而使用柠檬酸降低蒜粒的pH值,可以大大提高二氧化氯的杀菌能力,当柠檬酸浓度达到0.2,时,蒜粒的最终pH值从5.0左右降至3.9左右,菌数可以降低约5个 对数级。 3 结论 在蒜粒保藏中,使用低浓度时,二氧化氯的杀菌能力高于山梨酸钾和苯甲酸钠。当二氧化氯浓度为50,60mg?kg-1时,单独使用就可以达到蒜粒保藏要求。添加柠檬酸降低pH值可以大大增强二氧化氯的杀菌能力,减少二氧化氯使用量,从而降低余氯量。烫漂温度的不同所引起的蒜粒成分变化,对蒜粒使用二氧化氯保藏的效果影响也较大。今后可以针对烫漂温度、pH值及二氧化氯浓度进行组合,找出最佳参Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 数 微波杀菌的特点及三种杀菌工艺的特点 微波杀菌工艺时间大大短于传统加热杀菌时间,它使食品内部和外部同时均匀加热,一般不需要食品达到杀菌温度所需的预热时间,而且微波杀菌的因素不仅仅是热力单方面的因素,还有非热效应。因此,根据微 波杀菌不同于传统加热杀菌的特点,可采用以下杀菌工艺。 1、微波间歇辐照 日本赤星教授曾用脉冲式微波辐照食品,取得了较理想的杀菌效果;脉冲式是指短时间产生较强微波电场间歇地作用于食品,使食品吸收微波能量后温度升高,但由于是瞬间的高能量,食品升温变化并不大,从而大大提高了杀菌效果;据赤星的实验数据表明,把常见的大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌以及曲霉等菌种接种于培养基的悬浮液中,用微波频率为2800MHz,脉宽1μs,脉冲重复频率为2000Hz的强微波脉冲对样品辐照,当脉冲功率分别为200kW和400kW时,辐照时间分别为90s和60s可达到完全杀菌,此时样品的温度分别由17?上升86?和由22?上升到92?,如果用传统加热灭菌方法杀灭枯草芽孢杆菌,一般在温热条 件下杀菌温度为100?,需要时间11.3min。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 另外,对香肠做微波间歇辐照,传统加热(90-95?、热水煮沸4.5min)杀菌与对照组杀菌对比试验,结果表明:尽管微波辐照平均功率较低(370W),时间短(160s),但其杀菌效果好于传统加热杀菌法,与对 照组相比有明显的杀菌效果。 微波间歇辐照法的长处在于能用较高的电场强度短时间内达到杀菌效果,可是高电场强度和功率密度将对微波设备和被处理物料的耐击穿性提出更高要求,比如需要精确控制辐照时间等,这些要求都会使微波设 备成本提高。 2、微波连续辐照 为弥补微波间歇辐照的缺陷,可使用较低场强,适当延长微波辐照时间 的连续性微波辐照杀菌工艺。 一般说,隧道式箱型微波设备的箱体内功率密度较低,能适合于上述工 艺要求。在物料 对温度及加热时间(耐热性)允许的前提下,适当延长辐照时间,将有利于强化杀菌效果,同时也能使物料加热状态均衡,因此能有足够的时间借助热传导使物料内外温度差异减少。用频率、功率为连续可调的箱式微波设备,对调味海带(塑料复合袋装)、啤酒、酱油(均为玻璃瓶Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 装)作杀菌处理,结果表明:调味海带经微波辐照40~120s后,大肠杆菌完全被杀灭;啤酒则需150~180s,酱油则需120~170s,与传统加热杀菌相比,调味海带经微波辐照2min的杀菌效果与蒸煮加热处理30min的相当,而酱油经微波辐照2min的杀菌效果将好于水浴加热4min的效果,并且经对酱油的理化指标和还原糖、氨基酸等成分分析,其等级均有所提高。同样,若微波加热器为平板式,对调味海带等杀菌试验也取 得较好效果。 3、微波多次快速辐照和冷却 这种杀菌工艺的目的,旨在快速改变微生物的生态环境温度并且多次进 行微波辐照杀菌, 从而避免让物料长时间连续地处于高温状态,为保持物料的色、香、味及营养万分提供有利条件,该工艺适合于对温度敏感的液体杀菌,例如饮料、米酒的杀菌保鲜。杀菌温度条件可视不同杀菌对象设定控制。 据日本横内洋文专利(1990)报告,对日本清酒中乳酸菌杀灭试验结果:若乳酸菌浓度为102个/mL数量级,则经15kW功率的微波辐照,温度达到63~65?,多次加热冷却微波杀菌时间1s,可将上述浓度的乳酸菌 全部杀死。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 酱油杀菌最有效方法--微波液体杀 酱油杀菌最有效方法--微波液体杀菌机 利用微波对酱油透射、干射、衍射杀菌是非常有效的方法。其特点: 1.杀菌彻底不需防腐剂,长期存放不发酶,不破坏氨基酸态氮并促进老 熟。 2.酱油中细菌微波后生理活动发生变化生育异常,数秒钟全部死亡,杀 菌速度。 3.微波杀菌比煤气设备杀菌节省百分之五十时间,比其它电设备杀菌节 省电百分之四十。 4.没有工业废水和残留物,不污染环境,也不会产生副作用。 5.操作简单维修方便,依据生产需要调节功率。 6.微波杀菌机还可对饮料、保健酒、葡萄酒、牛奶、香醋、中药液、调 味液等杀菌。 食品加工设备的清洗杀菌 为了制造符合卫生要求及高质量的食品,在食品加工过程中,除了重视防止原料微生物污染(一次污染)外,还须防止微生物二次污染,即防止制造机械、生产工具等微生物污染,保持制造设备的清洁环境,这也 是防止食物中毒等事故最有效的方法。 保持食品加工设备的卫生方法 食品加工机器的洗净,防止食品污染是控制微生物生长繁殖的极重要的手段。设备经清洗后微生物绝对减少,而且洗去了以蛋白质和碳水化合物为主的微生物营养源,杜绝了微生物繁殖。清洗时,使用水和洗涤剂,Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 需达到清洁度高、不影响加工机械及食品质量、操作方便卫生又要安全、 废水处理容易、经济的目的。 食品加工设备进行杀菌也是保持设备卫生方法的重要措施,除采用物理杀菌法外,食品机器的杀菌几乎都可用化学杀菌。理想的杀菌剂应该是杀菌范围广、杀菌效果快、对机器及食品质量无影响、杀菌的持续效果高、洗脱容易、万一混入安全无毒、对废水处理设施及环境的不利影响 小、经济等要求。工厂可根据微生物污染情况合理选用杀菌剂。 国外主要洗净剂和杀菌剂 洗净剂 (1)中性洗剂,用于轻度污染和油污染的清洗,主要有直链烷基磺酸盐为代表的阴离子表面活性剂、聚乙二醇型、多元醇型等非离子界面活性剂。中性洗剂对蛋白质与碳水化合物污物的洗净力不足。 (2)碱性洗剂,根据pH分强碱性洗剂和弱碱性洗剂两类。 主要碱性洗剂的洗涤性能不同,洗净性最佳的为Na2SiO3(5H2O(pH12(1)和NaP2O7(pH10(2),浸透性最佳的为Na3PO4( 12H2O(pH12)、分散性最佳的为pH6(8的(NaPO3)6、Na2SiO3(5H2O、Na2O(NaHSiO3(5H2O(pH12( 5),乳化性最佳的为pH12(0的Na3PO4(12H2O,洗涤性最佳的为Na2SiO3(5H2O(pH12(1)、Na2O(NaHSiO3( 5H2O(pH12(5)、Na3PO4(12H2O(pH12(0)杀菌性佳的是NaOH(pH12(0)、2Na2O(SiO2(5H2O (pH12(8),防腐蚀性佳的为NaHCO3(pH8(4)、Na2CO3(NaHCO3(2H2O(pH9(9),Na2SiO3(5H2O (pH12(1)、Na5P3O10(pH8(7)和(Na2PO3)6(pH6(8)。 食品厂使用的洗涤剂的种类、成分、用途及特征一般如 下: Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 强碱性洗剂成分为NaOH、无机盐类、有机螯合剂、表面活性剂,主要配合苛性碱,对蛋白质分解和油脂有凝聚作用和杀菌作用,适用于严重无机、有机质污染,用于自动洗瓶机,加热处理设备,乳制品、发酵制品、畜产、水产加工装置,加热处理时除去加工设备上的牢固的有机质 与无机质的污染物,与螯合剂配合可除去水锈。 弱碱性洗剂配合Na2CO3、Na3(PO4)2、硅酸钠、三聚磷酸钠等,成分为弱碱性有机及无机盐类、表面活性剂。有分解污物与分散污物的作用及对金属离子的封闭作用,适用于清洗加工机器的床壁输送带等中等程度的油脂、蛋白质、碳水化合物污染、浸渍或半自动洗瓶(果汁饮料瓶)等,氯素系洗剂适用于严重的有机质污染。为了使碱性洗剂的一般表面 张力降低,提高浸透性及污物分散性,需加少量表面活性剂。 中性洗剂成分为中性的无机有机盐,为界面活性剂。用于食品原料及容器类手工洗净、一般机器洗净,适用于轻度一般污染,中等污染时要加 温冲洗。 酸性洗剂成分为有机酸、无机酸。有机酸为柠檬酸、苹果酸、葡萄糖酸等,无机酸为磷酸类。为表面活性剂。用于除去乳制品、发酵制品机器 的乳石;除洗瓶机的水锈;除去严重铁锈、水锈。 杀菌性洗剂成分为无机有机氯素化合物及过氧化物、碘化合物及表面活性剂。有碱性与酸性两种,适合中、轻度的有机无机质的污染,用于各 种食品厂机械的壁、床、工作衣、手指的清洗。 氨基磺酸在食品设备中十分广泛地应用于清洁去污。用于清洗酿酒设备中储放酒设备的内壁与底部的结垢、浓度20,25g,l,70?,再用水Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 冲洗。用于蔬菜预煮设备水垢(碳酸钙和其他各种盐类)的清除(用量3,,5,重量比),温度70?。用于牛奶输送管道的清洗,防止形成 硬水沉淀以及钻炉的清洗(去垢),等等。 杀菌剂次氯酸钠对食品加工设备杀菌效果迅速,对微生物非选择性,能充分发酵杀菌效率,器具表面不会形成皮膜,几乎不受水硬度及其他成分的影响,杀菌浓度低时无毒性,浓度测定容易,是液体、易计量,含有高浓度活性成分,能除去恶臭,价格低廉等优点。但也存在一些缺点,如具有特殊味,能将污染物漂白,冷时冻结,必须保存在低温阴暗处,制品碱度显著影响杀菌效果,使用不当会成为生锈与腐蚀之因,接触有机污染物时会降低杀菌液的浓度,加在含铁水中会产生沉淀不能使用 等。 杀菌性界面活性剂在阳离子表面活性剂和两性界面活性剂中,持有杀菌力的大多是阳离子表面活性剂,40?以上就能杀灭用其他杀菌剂难以死灭的孢子。缺点是在有机物和阴离子表面活性剂共存状态下杀菌力明显 下降。 两性界面活性剂以十二(胺)乙氨基甘氨酸为代表,即使有阴离子表面 活性剂和有机物存在也不会影响其杀菌力。 过氧化氢为广谱杀菌剂。因为杀菌时间短,要求高温高浓度条件,用于容器、器具的杀菌脱臭。有人认为,H2O2有毒辣性,不能直接用于食 品杀菌,多用于无菌化包装纸、塑料容器的表面杀菌。 其他杀菌剂有碘系杀菌剂等。 杀菌洗净剂 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 为防止微生物二次污染,可使用杀菌洗净剂,具有杀菌与洗净两方面的作用。如氯素、碘素系、胍系、酚系、阴离子等杀菌性洗净剂,使用时 各有优缺点。 国际市场上流行五种食品杀菌设备 近年来,杀菌设备在食品行业应用十分广泛,目前国际市场流行的食品 杀菌设备有: (一)高压电场杀菌设备 该技术是利用强电场脉冲的介电阻断原理,对微生物产生抑制作用。法国、美国一些厂家已将这种强电场杀灭细胞的新技术用于食品加工中。这种技术可避免加热法引起的蛋白质变性和维生素被破坏。该系统的工作原理是:当食物送入装有平行的两个碳极的脉冲管时,触头接通,电容器便开始充电;充电后,触头转向另一端,电容器通过一对碳极放电,并在几秒钟内完成。使用温度,,?,,,?、场强在,,, ,,;,时,对微生物的杀灭效果尤佳。 (二)感应电子杀菌设备 以电为能源的线性感应电子加速器所产生的电谱辐照技术,可导致微生物细胞发生变化,进而钝化和杀死有害微生物。这种新技术设备是将电子加速,去撞击重金属铅板。铅板产生具有宽带电子能量频谱的强射线,因此具有较高的杀菌能量,使用也较方便。另外,强光脉冲杀菌Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 新方法是用连续的宽带谱短而强的脉冲,抑制食品和包装材料表面、透 明饮料、固体表面和气体中的微生物。 (三)微波杀菌设备 德国贝斯托夫公司新近研制成功微波混合室系统,利用微波对食品进行杀菌处理,效果十分理想。该系统由附有相应电源设备的微小发生器、波导管连接器及处理室组成。它能够以食品内极其微小的温度差异,对在连续流动的食品进行快速的巴氏处理。在处理室内,微波的能量可以均匀地分布于被处理的食品上,加热到,,?,,,?的巴氏灭菌温度,时间保持,,,分钟,而后送入贮藏室,贮藏前温度降至,,?以 下。 (四),射线杀菌填充包装机 一种利用,射线杀菌的密封连带式无菌食料填充包装机,由日本东洋自动机构公司和滕森工业公司联合研制开发成功。这种机器采用,射线对食品进行预杀菌。杀菌过程不像其他同类填充包装机那样先制袋,然后将袋一只只送到填充包装机前进行袋内杀菌,而是将以复合膜为原料、经过杀菌制成袋,在密封状态下直接送到填充包装机前进行填充包装,从而简化普通包装机采用的填充后再加热杀菌的工序,既快捷,又可避 免破坏食品的风味。 (五)红外线杀菌包装机 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 日本三兹公司首创的红外线无菌包装机,全机由封装机和通道式红 外线收缩机组成。该机可根据被包装物的形状和大小,选用相应厚度和 颜色的热收缩薄膜,同时在辐射中灭菌。其灭菌程序、包装率提高了,, ,倍 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To
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