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应用文体写作模版doc应用文体写作模版doc 应用文体写作模版 应用文体写作模版 应用文写作 1.海报 【参考模版】 Topic ?Under the auspices 可以直接用 Poster 作为 标题 of to , .?It aims (Topic)或根据海报内容撰写标 . ?The main 题,注意要简洁 明快。 features of / The detailed arrangements about are as follows: ?交代活动主 办单位或组织机构, ?(at first, ) more, ?交代活动的主要目的;...
应用文体写作模版doc 应用文体写作模版 应用文体写作模版 应用文写作 1.海报 【参考模版】 Topic ?Under the auspices 可以直接用 Poster 作为 标题 of to , .?It aims (Topic)或根据海报撰写标 . ?The main 题,注意要简洁 明快。 features of / The detailed arrangements about are as follows: ?交代活动主 办单位或组织机构, ?(at first, ) more, ?交代活动的主要目的; ? ? . ?Besides, what . ?引出活动的主要特点或具体安 排; is ?描述活动主要特点一/具体安排 一 .? ? 描述活动主要特点二/具体安排 will interest you is . ?Anyone who . ?What’s 活动名称以及活动时间、地点; 标题 welcomed warmly. ?You are expected to .?If you need further information, please Looking forward to your coming and 二 joining us! Signature ?进一步说明主要特点二/具体安 排二 ?描述活动主要特点三/具体安排 三 ?进一步说明 主要特点三/具体安 排三 ?交代参加活动的条件 ?交代参加活动的方式 ?交代联系或咨 询方式 ?发出号召,增加感染力 最后落款给出主办单位或组织机 构名称 【精彩句型】 ?An activity has been arranged for„ 已安排了一项为期„的活动 ?Those who would like to go please register yourselves with „/If interested, please sign up at„ 有意者请到„等级报名 ?Anyone who is enthusiastic and willing to dedicate your time to this activity is welcome. 有热情、愿意花时间参与活动者皆受欢迎。 ?Looking forward to your participation! 期盼您的参与~ ?You are an important part of„ 您是„不可或缺的部分。 ?If you have any questions about„,please do not hesitate to contact„ 如 果您对于„有任何疑问,请及时联系„ 1. 演讲词 【参考模版】 Topic Dear : 称呼 ?It is great honor for me to stand ?表达自己的心情; here and give my speech. ?To begin with, let me introduce myself, ?简单 介绍自己; my name is . ?As ?进一步介绍自己的情况,如职 some of you may know, I 标题 am . ?As for the position of there are , 位; ?说明竞选职位,引出自己所具备 的条件; ?所具备的条件一; some things making me feel qualified to take the job. ?Firstly, I I at . ?Secondly, . ?Thirdly, I am good . ?所具备的条件二; ?所具备的条件三; ?Looking into the future, I will try my best to serve my am lucky enough to be the ?On the one hand, I, with my co-workers, will other hand, I will addition, I will . ?On the .?In . ?承诺二 ?承诺三 ?演说结束语 【精彩句型】 ?Today I am very glad to run for „ 今天我很高兴参加竞选„ if I ?展望未来,作出承诺(当选后会 . 做些什 么) ?承诺一 ?I wish all of you the best and thank you all for listening. Thank you! ?I am sure that I am qualified for this position. 我相信自己有胜任这一职位的能力。 ?If I am selected as „, I will go all out to meet your demands and not let you down.. 如果我当选„,我将竭尽全力满足你们的要求,不让你们失望。 ?I sincerely hope will give me a chance, and please believe me that I will be a good„ 真诚希望你们能给我一次机会,相信我会成为一名出色的„ 期盼您的参与~ ?Reaching these goals will require your broad support. 实现这些目标需要你们的大力支持。 ?I beg you, at the same time, to be me the justice to„ 同时,我请求你们公正地对待„ 2. 导游词 【参考模版】 Topic Ladies and Gentlemen/Dear ?Welcome to , 称呼 . ?To begin ? 向听众表示欢迎; ?简单作自我介绍,如姓名身份或 . ? . with, please allow me/ I’d like to introduce myself. It’s my pleasure to 标题 ?Now I will share the schedule of with you. /The following is . ? . ? 所代表的组织; ?点明自己的任务; ?引出日程安排/游览安排; the schedule of During At firstly, , you will . / The first spot .? we are going to visit is Then / After that, sight to look around is ?介绍总体日程安排/总体游览安 . /The next . 排; ?具体活动安排一/参观景点一; ? 具体活动安排二/参观景点二; ?激发听众兴趣; ?提醒听众要注意的事项:如出发 时间; ?有问题的可以随时提出; ?向听众表示良好祝愿; ?向听众致谢。 ?There is no doubt that you will have wonderful and fruitful day /tour/experience. ?By the way, please keep in mind that . ? If any of you have questions , please feel free to ask me at any time. ?I hope that . ?Thank you very much for your attention. 【精彩句型】 ? Now I will share the schedule with you. 现在我将给你们介绍日程安排。 ?To begin with, I would like to introduce„ 首先,我想介绍一下„ ?A visit has been arranged to„for„ 安排了前往„为期„的参观。 ?He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 ?It is always has a pleasure to great a friend from afar. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎~ ?The first place we are going to visit is„Next we will visit„ 我们要游览的第一个地方是„,接下来我们将参观„。 ?I wish you a good time. 希望您过得愉快~ ?If you have any question, please do not hesitate to let me know. 如有疑问,请马上告诉我。 3. 建议信 【参考模版】 Topic Date Dear , 信件启首 . ?写信的原因 ?引出写信人的建议 . ?On . ?提出建议的理由一; ?As to If you to addition, ,I suggested . ? .?It is unnecessary for ?提出建议的理由二; .?In . ?I am sure .?I am . ?建议内容的另一方面; ? 其他的建议; ?对建议内容所作的承诺; ?希望对方做出的回应; ?表达本人的愿望。 . ?供被建议人选择的条件; ?Please inform me looking forward to ?具体到某一方面的建议内容; ?表述建议的内容; 标题 ?I am delighted to learn that ?It opinion, . ?In my . ?On the one hand, the other hand Sincerely yours, Signature 信件结尾与签名 【精彩句型】 ?I would like to suggest that„/I am writing with my suggestion/ proposal about„/I am writing to express my views concerning„ 我想建议„。/我写信来想就„一事提出我的建议。/我写信来表达我 关于„的看法。 ?You have asked me for my advice with regard to„and I will try to make some conductive suggestions. 关于„你让我给你一些建议,我会尽量提出一些有益的建议。 ?I hope you will find these suggestions/ proposals/ recommendations helpful/ practical/ useful. 我希望你会觉得这些意见/提议/建议是有帮助的/实用的/有用的。 ?I trust you will take my suggestion into account. 我相信你会考虑我的建议的。 ?I would be more than happy to see improvements in this regard. 我会很高兴看到这方面的改善。 ?I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. 我会准备和你进一步详谈此事。 5.求职信 【参考模版】 Topic Date Dear , 信件启首 标题 ?I would like to apply for the ?直接表达自己想申请的职位 position ?介绍自己大 学期间的专业 of in advertised/posted ?强调自己符合要求,加深印象 . ?I major in . ?My ?告知随信附详细简历 ?介绍教育背景一 ?介绍相关经历一 ?介绍相关经历二 ? 表明自己有能力胜任 ?加强对方对自己的信心 ?希望被考虑 ?争取面谈机会 training in definitely meets your qualifications. ?My complete resume is attached. ?I will graduate on from . ?In addition to the required courses, I have .?My working at the spare time in as provided me the opportunity to believe my training and experience me to be . .?You will find . ?I ?I hope you will consider me for your position. ?May I have a personal interview at your convenience? ?I can be reached by telephone between and . ?告知联系方式 信件结尾与签名 Sincerely yours, Signature 【精彩句型】 ?I am writing to apply for the post of „advertised in „. 兹申请刊登在„上的„工作。 ?In reply to your advertisement in „, I beg to apply for the post of „ in your company. 见„上刊登的贵公司广告,我谨申请应聘贵公司„职务。 ?Immediately I saw your advertisement in the paper for„, I felt it was just the kind of post for which I have the qualifications and for which I have been looking for some time. 看到贵公司在报上的招聘„的广告,我感到这正适合 我,并且是我 这段时间所要寻找的工作。 ?The kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me. 贵公司目前开展的这种业务使我特别感兴趣。 ?I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experiences needed for the position of „advertised in the paper. 我认为我具备了报纸上刊登的贵公司„一职所要求的素质 和。 ?I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification more fully. 希望您能同意给我一个面试机会,届时我可以更充分地说明我的条 件。 ?I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience, when I could give you further details concerning myself. 我将乐意在您方便的时候参加面试,届时我将进 一步介绍自己。 ?I seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of „in a firm such as yours. 对我 来讲,这些经验加上我的学历,使我具备了担任贵公司„一职 的资格。 6.邀请信 【参考模 版】 Topic Date 标题 Dear ? , . ?It would be pleasant / 信件启首 ?开门见山,提出事件(活动)的 honor to have you here . ?Will you join us / give me the pleasure of your company? ?During the party time / conference, we will have lots of activities / points you will be interested in. ?First, ?Second, . ?正式发出邀请; ?承上启下,引出活动 的内容; ?具体介绍要举行的活动内容一; ?具体介绍要举行的活动内容二; 地点和时间 ?表达邀请愿望 .?I believe that you will be very interested in this occasion. ?First / For one thing, another, .?Second / For .?The conference / ?引出对方参加的理由; party would not be complete without you! ?“我”希望对方参加的理由一; ?The party / conference will begin at ??We do hope you can come. ?对方参加的必要性; Sincerely yours, Signature ?提出具体的约定时间; ?再一次发出邀请。 信件结尾与签 名 【精彩句型】 ?“我”希望对方参加的理由二; ?It is with greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the meeting. 我怀着积极愉快的心情给您写信,诚恳地邀请您参加这次会议。 ?It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition. 十分高兴能邀请您参加此 次展览。 ?Will you and Mrs. Green give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October the tenth, at eight o’clock P.M.? 10 月 10 日(周日)晚 上八点您和格林夫人能来北京饭店与我们共 进晚餐吗, ?I am writing to invite you to„ 我写信邀请您„ ?I wonder if you could come„ 我想您是否能来„ ?My family and I would feel honored if you could come. 如果您能来将是我家人以及我本人的荣幸。 ?We would be looking forward to your participation in the party. 我们期待您能来参加这 次聚会。 ?I really hope you can make it. 我真诚地希望您能接受邀请。
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