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2011年河南省专升本2011年河南省专升本 2011年河南省选拔普通高等学校优秀专科 毕业生进入本科阶段学习本、专科专业对照 及考试课程一览表 查表说明:此表是用于查询可以报考哪些本科专业和考试科目使用的。 使用方法: 1、先在“专科专业名称”列中查询到大专时候所学的专业,看面对应的“本科专业代码、名称”列中所显示的专业是什么,那就是此专科专业可以报考的本科专业。注意,专科专业有可能重复出现在不同的本科专业之后,那说明这一专科专业可以从这些多个本科专业选择其一进行报考。 2、在表的最后一列有“考试课程”,显示的是报考此本科专业的考生需...
2011年河南省专升本 2011年河南省选拔普通高等学校优秀专科 毕业生进入本科阶段学习本、专科专业对照 及考试课程一览 查表说明:此表是用于查询可以报考哪些本科专业和考试科目使用的。 使用方法: 1、先在“专科专业名称”列中查询到大专时候所学的专业,看面对应的“本科专业代码、名称”列中所显示的专业是什么,那就是此专科专业可以报考的本科专业。注意,专科专业有可能重复出现在不同的本科专业之后,那说明这一专科专业可以从这些多个本科专业选择其一进行报考。 2、在表的最后一列有“考试课程”,显示的是报考此本科专业的考生需要考试的专业课。专升本考试采取“英语+专业课”的模式,这里所显示的考试课程就是专业课的课程,其余一门是英语。英语专业考试专业英语,其他专业考试公共英语。 专业代号 本科专业代码、名称 专科专业代码 专科专业名称 考试课程 财政 620101 税务 620102 国际金融 620104 金融与证券 620105 金融保险 620106 保险实务 620107 资产评估与管理 620109 020101 经济学 01 证券投资与管理 620110 020102 国际经济与贸易 02 投资与理财 经济学 620111 020103 财政学 03 财务管理 620201 020104 金融学 04 会计 620203 会计电算化 620204 经济管理 620301 经济信息管理 620302 国际经济与贸易 620303 国际贸易实务 620304 国际商务 620305 司法助理 690101 法律文秘 690102 司法警务 690103 法律事务 690104 030101 法学 书记官 法学基础 05 690105 检察事务(豫) 690107 刑事执行 690201 司法鉴定技术 690302 司法信息技术 690304 职务犯罪预防与控制(豫) 690311 安全保卫 680103 030101 法学 法学基础 05 治安管理 680105 交通管理 680106 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 警察管理 680107 公共安全管理 680108 信息网络安全监察 680109 警察指挥与战术 680201 侦查 680101 刑事技术 680301 刑事侦查技术 690301 经济犯罪侦查 680102 警卫 680104 社会工作 650101 030302 社会工作 社区管理与服务 06 650102 思想政治教育 660212 社会工作 650101 社区管理与服务 650102 030404 思想政治教育 思想政治教育 07 660212 文秘 660112 综合文科教育 660219 教育 660201 数学教育 660202 英语教育 660203 物理教育 660204 化学教育 660205 生物教育 660206 历史教育 660207 教育学 地理教育 心理学 660208 040101 教育学 08 音乐教育 660209 040104 教育技术学 09 美术教育 660210 040105w 教育 10 初等教育 660213 040102 学前教育 98 综合文科教育 660219 综合理科教育 660220 科学教育 660243 特殊教育 660216 现代教育技术 660215 实验管理与教学 660245 学前教育 660214 计算机教育 660221 体育教育 660211 运动训练 660302 040201 体育教育 11 社会体育 660303 体育专业 040202 运动训练 12 体育保健 综合 660304 040203 社会体育 13 体育服务与管理 660305 武术(豫) 660308 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 汉语 660101 文秘 660112 语文教育 660201 主持与播音 670307 050101 汉语言文学 14 新闻采编与制作 大学语文 670308 050103 对外汉语 99 初等教育 660213 特殊教育 660216 综合文科教育 660219 法律文秘 690102 应用英语 660102 商务英语 660108 050201 英语 大学语文、专业英语 15 旅游英语 660109 英语教育 660203 应用日语 660103 050207 日语 商务日语 16 660110 旅游日语 660111 编导 670207 影视表演 670205 主持与播音 670307 050301 新闻学 17 新闻采编与制作 大学语文 670308 050302 广播电视新闻学 18 文秘 660112 050414 戏剧影视文学 84 汉语 660101 050419 播音与主持艺术 85 广播电视技术 670301 050420 广播电视编导 93 出版与发行 610405 电视节目制作 670309 语文教育 660201 影视多媒体技术 670304 摄影摄像技术 670302 广告设计与制作 670112 美术专业 050303 广告学 19 影视广告 综合 670306 出版与发行 610405 电视节目制作 670309 音乐教育 660209 表演艺术 050401 音乐学 670201 20 音乐专业 050403 音乐表演 音乐表演 21 670202 综合 050410 舞蹈编导 94 舞蹈表演 670203 影视表演 670205 美术教育 660210 艺术设计 050406 美术学 670101 美术专业 22 050408 艺术设计 产品造型设计 670102 综合 23 050418 动画 视觉传达艺术设计 670103 86 电脑艺术设计 670104 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 人物形象设计 670105 装潢艺术设计 670106 装饰艺术设计 670107 雕塑艺术设计 670108 旅游工艺品设计与制作 670111 广告设计与制作 670112 多媒体设计与制作 670113 美术 670118 服装表演 670204 服装设计 610204 影视多媒体技术 670304 摄影摄像技术 670302 影视动画 670305 影视广告 670306 工业设计 580109 图形图像制作 590109 动漫设计与制作 590110 室内设计技术 560104 环境艺术设计 560105 染织艺术设计 610205 包装技术与设计 610401 园林技术(园林艺术设计) 510202 历史教育 660207 060101 历史学 24 综合文科教育 660219 070101 数学与应用数学 数学教育 25 660202 教育学 心理学 070201 物理学 物理教育 26 660204 化学教育 660205 070301 化学 27 应用化工技术 530201 070301 化学 电厂化学 27 550311 生物教育 660206 生物技术及应用 530101 070401 生物科学 28 生物化工工艺 530103 微生物技术及应用 教育学 530104 地理教育 心理学 660208 070701 地理科学 29 综合文科教育 660219 应用心理学 660222 071502 应用心理学 心理咨询 30 650304 初等教育 660213 煤矿开采技术 540301 矿井建设 080101 采矿工程 540306 31 高等数学 080106y 地质工程 32 矿山机电 540307 矿井通风与安全 540308 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 石油工程技术 540407 宝玉石鉴定与加工技术 540110 煤炭深加工与利用 540504 工程地质勘查 540202 水文与工程地质 540203 基础工程技术 560303 冶金技术 550102 磨料磨具制造 550109 建筑装饰材料及检测 550106 高分子材料应用技术 550103 复合材料加工与应用技术 550104 材料工程技术 080203 无机非金属材料工程 550105 97 080302 材料成型及控制工程 化纤生产技术 87 530204 080205y 材料科学与工程 33 模具设计与制造 580106 材料成型与控制技术 580107 焊接技术及自动化 580108 电线电缆制造技术 580150 计算机辅助设计与制造 580110 高分子材料加工技术 610102 机械设计与制造 580101 机械制造与自动化 080301 机械设计制造及其 580102 34 自动化 数控技术 580103 080308w 汽车服务工程 88 电机与电器 580104 模具设计与制造 580106 计算机辅助设计与制造 580110 精密机械技术 580111 电线电缆制造技术 580150 机电一体化技术 580201 汽车制造与装配技术 580401 汽车检测与维修技术 580402 080301 机械设计制造及其 34 汽车电子技术 580403 自动化 高等数学 汽车改装技术 580404 080308w 汽车服务工程 88 汽车技术服务与营销 580405 汽车整形技术 580406 机电设备维修与管理 580301 电气自动化技术 580202 生产过程自动化技术 580203 计算机控制技术 580205 印刷技术 610402 080301 机械设计制造及其 印刷图文信息处理 610403 34 自动化 高等数学 印刷设备及工艺 610404 080308w 汽车服务工程 88 矿井通风与安全 540308 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 矿山机电 540307 汽车运用技术 520104 工程机械运用与维护 520110 工业设计 580109 食品机械与管理 610304 制冷与冷藏技术 550204 080501 热能与动力工程 35 汽车运用技术 520104 发电厂及电力系统 550301 电厂设备运行与维护 550302 电厂热能动力装置 550303 火电厂集控运行 550304 供用电技术 550306 071201 电子信息科学与技术 36 电力系统继电保护与自动化 550308 080601 电气工程及其自动化 37 农村电气化技术 550310 080603 电子信息工程 38 电厂化学 550311 080606 电子科学与技术 39 建筑电气工程技术 560403 080602 自动化 89 楼宇智能化工程技术 560404 水电站动力设备与管理 570301 电机与电器 580104 精密机械技术 580111 电线电缆制造技术 580150 机电一体化技术 580201 电气自动化技术 580202 生产过程自动化技术 580203 电力系统自动化技术 580204 计算机控制技术 580205 检测技术及应用 580207 071201 电子信息科学与技术 36 理化测试及质检技术 580208 080601 电气工程及其自动化 37 机电设备维修与管理 580301 080603 电子信息工程 38 数控设备应用与维护 580302 080606 电子科学与技术 39 自动化生产设备应用 580303 080602 自动化 89 医用电子仪器与维护 高等数学 580304 计算机应用技术 590101 电子信息工程技术 590201 应用电子技术 590202 电子测量技术与仪器 590203 电子仪器仪表与维修 590204 软件技术 590108 071201 电子信息科学与技术 36 电子设备与运行管理 080601 电气工程及其自动化 590205 37 080603 电子信息工程 电子声像技术 38 590206 080606 电子科学与技术 39 电子工艺与管理 590207 080602 自动化 89 信息安全技术 590208 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 微电子技术 590210 通信技术 590301 汽车运用技术 520104 汽车电子技术 580403 广播电视技术 670301 商检技术 650106 通信技术 590301 移动通信技术 590302 计算机通信 590303 通信网络与设备 590305 080604 通信工程 40 计算机控制技术 580205 080605 计算机科学与技术 41 计算机应用技术 590101 080611 软件工程 42 计算机网络技术 590102 080613 网络工程 43 计算机多媒体技术 590103 计算机系统维护 590104 计算机信息管理 590106 网络系统管理 590107 软件技术 590108 图形图像制作 590109 动漫设计与制作 590110 080604 通信工程 40 电子信息工程技术 590201 080605 计算机科学与技术 41 应用电子技术 590202 080611 软件工程 42 信息安全技术 590208 080613 网络工程 43 印刷技术 610402 数学教育 660202 计算机教育 660221 建筑设计技术 560101 建筑装饰工程技术 560102 城镇规划 560201 建筑工程技术 高等数学 560301 供热通风与空调工程技术 560402 建筑电气工程技术 560403 080701 建筑学 楼宇智能化工程技术 560404 44 080702 城市规划 市政工程技术 560601 45 080703 土木工程 建筑装饰材料及检测 46 550106 080705 给水排水工程 47 城市燃气工程技术 560602 080704 建筑环境与设备工程 48 消防工程技术 560605 给排水工程技术 560603 建筑工程管理 560501 工程造价 560502 工程监理 560504 建筑设备工程技术 560401 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 基础工程技术 560303 公路监理 520107 道路桥梁工程技术 520108 高等级公路维护与管理 520102 工程测量技术 540601 工程测量与监理 540602 地理信息系统与地图制图技术 540605 制冷与冷藏技术 550204 水利工程施工技术 570202 水利水电建筑工程 570203 基础工程技术 560303 080801 水利水电工程 49 水利水电建筑工程 570203 水利工程 570201 水利工程施工技术 570202 灌溉与排水技术 570204 水利水电工程管理 570208 水务管理 570209 080801 水利水电工程 49 水利工程实验与检测技术(豫) 570213 水电站动力设备与管理 570301 水文与水资源 570101 水土保持 570401 电力系统自动化技术 570208 工程测量技术 540601 矿山测量 540607 摄影测量与遥感技术 540603 地理信息系统与地图制图技术 540605 公路监理 520107 高等数学 080901 测绘工程 道路桥梁工程技术 50 520108 建筑工程管理 560501 水文与水资源 570101 水利工程施工技术 570202 水利水电建筑工程 570203 水务管理 570209 环境监测与治理技术 600101 环境监测与评价 600102 农业环境保护技术 600103 081001 环境工程 资源环境与城市管理 600104 51 081002 安全工程 地籍测绘与土地管理信息技术 52 540606 070702 资源环境与城乡规划 90 城市检测与工程技术 600105 管理 城市水净化技术 600107 工业环保与安全技术 600301 救援技术 600302 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 安全技术管理 600303 应用化工技术 530201 矿井通风与安全 540308 电厂化学 550311 给排水工程技术 560603 水环境监测与保护 600106 081101 化学工程与工艺 应用化工技术 53 530201 有机化工生产技术 530202 化纤生产技术 530204 精细化学品生产技术 530205 工业与检验 530208 化工设备维修技术 530209 冶金技术 550102 高分子材料应用技术 550103 081101 化学工程与工艺 复合材料加工与应用技术 53 550104 材料工程技术 550105 电厂化学 550311 染整技术 610101 环境监测与治理技术 600101 煤炭深加工与利用 540504 农产品质量检测 510111 理化测试及质检技术 580208 公路运输与管理 520101 高等级公路维护与管理 520102 路政管理 高等数学 520103 汽车运用技术 520104 交通安全与智能控制 520105 城市交通运输 520106 公路监理 520107 道路桥梁工程技术 520108 工程机械运用与维护 520110 081201 交通运输 54 高速铁道技术 520201 081202 交通工程 55 电气化铁道技术 520202 铁道车辆 520203 铁道机车车辆 520204 城市轨道交通车辆 520301 城市轨道交通控制 520302 城市轨道交通运营管理 520304 汽车检测与维修技术 580402 汽车技术服务与营销 580405 民航商务 520505 081401 食品科学与工程 食品加工技术 610301 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 食品营养与检测 56 610302 食品贮运与营销 610303 食品机械与管理 610304 食品生物技术 610305 农畜特产品加工 610306 粮食工程 610307 081401 食品科学与工程 56 食品检测及管理 610312 烹饪工艺与营养 640202 生物技术及应用 530101 纺织品检验与贸易 610208 现代纺织技术 610201 针织技术与针织服装 610202 服装设计 610204 高等数学 081405 纺织工程 57 纺织品装饰艺术设计 610206 081406 服装设计与工程 58 新型纺织机电技术 610207 纺织品设计 610209 服装营销与管理 610215 服装工艺技术 610210 生物技术及应用 530101 生物化工工艺 530103 081801 生物工程 59 微生物技术及应用 530104 070402 生物技术 95 医学生物技术 630402 生物教育 660206 作物生产技术 510101 中草药栽培技术 510107 农产品质量检测 510111 植物保护 510109 茶叶生产加工技术 510106 种子生产与经营 510102 观光农业 510104 园艺技术 510105 药用植物栽培加工(豫) 090101 农学 510130 60 090102 园艺 茶文化 动物、植物遗传学 61 660137 090401 园林 62 设施农业技术 510103 环境艺术设计 560105 园林工程技术 560106 林业技术 510201 园林技术 510202 城市园林 510213 野生植物资源开发与利用 510204 森林生态旅游 510207 生物技术及应用 530101 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 水产养殖技术 510401 水生动植物保护 510402 畜牧兽医 510301 畜牧 510302 饲料与动物营养 510303 090501 动物科学 特种动物养殖 510304 动物、植物遗传学 63 090601 动物医学 兽医 510305 64 兽医医药 510306 动物防疫与检疫 510307 兽药生产与营销 510308 动物医学 510310 宠物养护与疫病防治(豫) 510320 临床医学 630101 口腔医学 630102 医学检验技术 630401 医学生物技术 630402 医学影像技术 100301 临床医学 630403 65 100303 医学影像学 眼视光技术 生理学、病理解剖学 91 630404 100304 医学检验 92 康复治疗技术 630405 口腔医学技术 630406 医学营养 630407 医疗美容技术 630408 卫生检验与检疫技术 630410 中医学 630103 中西医结合 630107 100501 中医学 66 中医骨伤 中医基础 630109 100502 针灸推拿学 67 针灸推拿 630108 体育保健 660304 630201 100701 护理学 生理学、病理解剖学 68 助产 630202 生物制药技术 530302 化学制药技术 530303 中药制药技术 530304 药物制剂技术 100801 药学 530305 69 高等数学 100802 中药学 食品药品监督管理 70 530401 药品经营与管理 530403 药学 630301 中药 630302 计算机应用技术 590101 计算机网络技术 590102 110102 信息管理与信息系统 管理学 71 软件技术 590108 计算机信息管理 590106 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 经济信息管理 620302 电子商务 620405 工程机械运用与维护 520110 机械设计与制造 580101 机械制造与自动化 580102 数控技术 580103 电机与电器 580104 模具设计与制造 580106 计算机辅助设计与制造 580110 机电一体化技术 580201 电气自动化技术 580202 110103 工业工程 生产过程自动化技术 高等数学 72 580203 电力系统自动化技术 580204 计算机控制技术 580205 机电设备维修与管理 580301 数控设备应用与维护 580302 自动化生产设备应用 580303 电子设备与运行管理 590205 矿山机电 540307 矿井通风与安全 540308 水电站动力设备与管理 570301 建筑设备工程技术 560401 建筑工程管理 560501 建筑经济管理 560503 工程监理 560504 工程造价 560502 110104 工程管理 房地产经营与估价 73 560701 物业设施管理 560703 管理学 物业管理 560702 工程测量技术 540601 建筑工程技术 560301 水利水电建筑工程 570203 经济信息管理 620302 110201 工商管理 74 工商企业管理 620501 110202 市场营销 75 工商行政管理 620502 商务管理 620503 连锁经营管理 620504 市场营销 620401 110201 工商管理 74 市场开发与营销 管理学 620402 110202 市场营销 75 营销与策划 620403 医药营销 620404 电子商务 620405 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 财务管理 620201 投资与理财 620111 物流管理 620505 酒店管理 640106 旅游管理 640101 物业管理 560702 汽车技术服务与营销 580405 房地产经营与估价 560701 公共事务管理 650201 民航商务 520505 会计 620203 财政 620101 税务 620102 资产评估与管理 620109 投资与理财 620111 会计电算化 620204 110203 会计学 会计与统计核算 76 620205 110204 财务管理 77 会计与审计 620206 071601 统计学 A1 统计实务 620208 审计实务 620207 财务管理 620201 财务信息管理 620202 商务管理 620503 电子商务 620405 国际经济与贸易 620303 人力资源管理 650204 酒店管理 640106 旅游管理 640101 110205 人力资源管理 工商企业管理 78 620501 市场营销 620401 电子商务 620405 商务管理 620503 公共事务管理 650201 经济信息管理 620302 110205 人力资源管理 78 社区管理与服务 650102 文秘 660112 森林生态旅游 510207 管理学 航空服务 520504 旅游管理 640101 110206 旅游管理 79 涉外旅游 640102 导游 640103 旅行社经营管理 640104 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 景区开发与管理 640105 酒店管理 640106 会展策划与管理 640107 烹饪工艺与营养 640202 应用俄语 660104 应用德语 660105 应用韩语 660107 旅游英语 660109 茶文化 660137 影视表演 670205 电子商务 620405 物流管理 620505 110209 电子商务 80 物业管理 560702 110210 物流管理 81 经济信息管理 620302 市场营销 620401 商检技术 650106 涉外事务管理 650108 行政管理 650203 农业经济管理 510501 农村行政管理 510502 渔业资源与渔政管理 510505 都市林业资源与林政管理 510551 公共事务管理 650201 110301 行政管理 警察管理 82 680107 110302 公共事业管理 83 家政服务 650301 心理咨询 650304 文物鉴定与修复 660113 劳动与社会保障 650205 国土资源管理 650206 公共关系 650105 社会工作 650101 社区管理与服务 650102 空中乘务 520503 物业管理 560702 110301 行政管理 82 文秘 660112 110302 公共事业管理 83 物流管理 620505 电子商务 620405 管理学 工程造价 560502 计算机信息管理 590106 110502 档案学 会计与统计核算 96 620205 经济信息管理 620302 公共关系 650105 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote 涉外事务管理 650108 公共事物管理 650201 文秘 660112 文物鉴定与修复 660113 法律文秘 690102 公路监理 520107 道路桥梁工程技术 520108 080724W 道路桥梁与渡河 公路工程检测技术 520115 高等数学 A2 工程 建筑工程技术 560301 地下工程与隧道工程技术 560302 市政工程技术 560601 应用化工技术 530201 有机化工生产技术 530202 精细化学品生产技术 530205 工业分析与检验 530208 080204 高分子材料与工程 化工设备维修技术 高等数学 A3 530209 化纤生产技术 530204 高分子材料应用技术 550103 高分子材料加工技术 610102 生物化工工艺 530103 Secondly, attention and corrective action. We want to make full use of education practice of the mass line of the party, "three-three" special education, problem rectification and municipal inspection of good experiences, good practices, and find out the problem and establish the corrective action account, clear problem rectification of schedules, practice the questions one by one pin number system. Modification of personality questions to learn, that is, acknowledge the change, on common issues to linkage, rectification, change one specific issue, doing one specific thing. To do a good job "two" combines study and education reform with problem rectification, deepening the expanding "three-three comments on" solid "bright sun on" action, persistently lax rectification of false problems, problem-solving Act in cooperation, continued to promote and further improve the overall image of water systems, improve the water conservancy work and career development center. Four to the "urge" as intended, other work and promote development and successful. "Learning" how "to do" is eligible, "change" is in place will eventually be reflected in the ability to promote water conservation work, promoting the development of water conservancy. This study and education, and must stick around water management center, both hands, two promoted. We to to this learning education for opportunity, guide full system members cadres accurate grasp China economic social development of big situation, firm set "innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared" five big development concept, accurate grasp water career development of new situation, continues to promote
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