

2017-10-10 33页 doc 82KB 90阅读




关于机动车驾驶证、行驶证、年审、保险、过户等办理流程的说明关于机动车驾驶证、行驶证、年审、保险、过户等办理流程的说明 关于机动车驾驶证、行驶证、年审、保险、过户等办理流程的说明帖~ 近来,经常看到有同学在本版发帖,询问如何办理机动车及驾驶人员相关证件、手续及关于 车辆保险、过户的提问,但很遗憾这样帖子通常都没人搭理~~现将自己收集的相关介绍及个人体会整理集合如下,希望能对各位车主和准车主起到一定作用。 同时也希望各位同学积极补充、完善~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 不同车型的最佳保险模式~ 申请办理机动车驾驶证的流程 如何补办机动车行驶证 部队驾驶证如何换领地方驾驶证 ...
关于机动车驾驶证、行驶证、年审、保险、过户等办理流程的说明 关于机动车驾驶证、行驶证、年审、保险、过户等办理流程的说明帖~ 近来,经常看到有同学在本版发帖,询问如何办理机动车及驾驶人员相关证件、手续及关于 车辆保险、过户的提问,但很遗憾这样帖子通常都没人搭理~~现将自己收集的相关介绍及个人体会整理集合如下,希望能对各位车主和准车主起到一定作用。 同时也希望各位同学积极补充、完善~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 不同车型的最佳保险模式~ 申请办理机动车驾驶证的流程 如何补办机动车行驶证 部队驾驶证如何换领地方驾驶证 购车砍价秘籍 各种汽车手续办理目录: 车辆过户、变更业务规定及程序 * *补换证、换牌业务规定及程序 *国产汽车申办临时牌移动证业务规定及程序 *汽车报废更新业务规定及程序 *汽车转籍转入规定及程序 *汽车转籍转出业务规定及程序 *如何进行车辆变更、改装登记 *补牌、补证(第三次)业务规定及程序 *驾驶证变更手续 *新车注册登记业务规定及程序 *改装车如何办理变更手续 *办理进口、敏感机动车转籍 *购买外地车如何过户到本地 *机动车驾驶员参加适应性检查的须知 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work *怎样办理初次申请机动车驾驶证手续 *机动车登记备案的手续 *申请办理抵押,解除抵押登记 *申请办理机动车定期检验 *办理补(换)领《机动车行驶证》和机动车登记证书》 *旧车交易过户办证 *持有驾驶证者如何办增驾 *怎样申请机动车证 *新车(包括进口车)入户程序 *临时牌照的办理 *交通事故索赔需提供哪些证件 *外籍驾驶员换证 外国人的驾驶执照如何转为中国驾驶执照 * *购买新车如何缴纳车辆购置附加费 *机动车如何延缓报废 *撤销机动车驾驶证、机动车号牌和行驶证的程序 *机动车驾驶员定期审验须知 *出国、回国驾驶员驾驶证的办理不同车型的最佳保险模式~~ 当一番艰难的比较选择后我们终于购买到自己的爱车,接下来就是上牌和办理各种保险事宜了。看上去,给爱车保险好像也挺容易,省事的甚至问都不问就直接买个全险。其实有些险种我们很少涉及,更不必为此多花不应该支出的金钱。根据经验,保险基本占据了每年养 车费用的1/3到1/4的支出,可见保险投入占了后期成本开支的一个大头。 一、国内常见车险种类 1.车辆损失险 车辆损失险是指保险车辆遭受保险责任范围内的自然灾害(不包括地震)或意外事故,造 成保险车辆本身损失,保险人依据保险的规定给予赔偿。 2.第三者责任险 指合格驾驶员在使用被保险车辆过程中发生意外事故而造成第三者的财产直接损失与provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 人员伤亡的。 3.盗抢险 机动车辆全车盗抢险的保险责任为全车被盗窃、被抢劫、被抢夺造成的车辆损失以及在被盗窃、被抢劫、被抢夺期间受到损坏或车上零部件、附属设备丢失需要修复的合理费用。可见,机动车辆全车盗抢险的保险责任包含两部分:一是因被盗窃、被抢劫、被抢夺造成的保险车辆的损失;二是因保险车辆被盗窃、被抢劫、被抢夺造成的合理费用支出。对上述两 部分费用由保险公司在保险金额内负责赔偿。 4.车上座位责任险 车上人员责任险负责赔偿保险车辆发生意外事故,导致车上的司机或乘客人员伤亡造成 的费用损失,以及为减少损失而支付的必要合理的施救、保护费用。 5.玻璃单独碎险 指使用过程中发生本车玻璃单独破碎,注意“单独”两字,而如是其他事故引起的,车 损险里也可以赔偿。 6.自燃险 车辆在行驶过程中,因本车电器、线路、供油系统发生故障及载运货物自燃原因起火燃 烧,造成车辆损失以及施救所支付的合理费用。 7.划痕险 在使用过程中,被他人剐划(无明显碰撞痕迹)需要修复的费用。 8. 不计免赔率 车辆发生车辆损失险或第三者责任险的保险事故造成赔偿,对应由被保险人承担的免赔 金额(20%),由保险公司负责赔。 9. 不计免赔额 车辆发生车辆损失险或第三者责任险的保险事故造成赔偿,对应由被保险人承担的免赔 金额(500元),由保险公司负责赔。 10.交强险 交强险是由保险公司对被保险机动车发生道路交通事故造成受害人(不包括本车人员和 被保险人)的人身伤亡、财产损失,在责任限额内予以 赔偿的强制性责任保险。 11.新增设备损失险 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 新增设备损失险负责赔偿车辆发生碰撞等意外事故造成车上新增设备的直接损失。新增设备是指除车辆原有设备以外,车主另外加装的设备及设施。如:CD、DVD及电视录像设备、 GPS车载定位终端、真皮或电动座椅等等。 二、新车和老车的车险区别 新车上保险自然是要齐全一点,但不宜盲目。要根据自己的实际情况来正确选择险种。一般来讲,自燃险不推荐购买。保险公司曾有这样的案例:新车车主购买了自燃险,结果由于新车电线质量不过关导致自燃,最后还是得不到保险公司的一分钱赔偿。因为自燃需要做事故鉴定。新车自燃肯定说不过去,如果不是用车的问题的话,自燃都需要由车型生产厂商 负责。所以新车完全没有必要购买自燃险种。 划痕险可以根据自身情况来购买,如果新车本身为中高级车型,喷漆维修费用又比较高的话,可以考虑购买。至于经济类车型,本身价值不高,即便是新车,也没有太多必要购 买这类险种。 推荐新车购买最佳险种搭配为:交强险(必保),第三者责任险,车辆损失险,不计免 赔率,不计免赔额,盗抢险,在根据适当情况是否加上车身划痕险。 老车某些保险也是需要的,比如车损险。同时随着车的使用年数加长,自燃的风险机率 加大,自燃险更是不可或缺。 推荐老车购买最佳险种搭配为:交强险(必保),第三者责任险,车辆损失险,不计免 赔率 三、新手和老手的车险区别 很多新手刚拿驾照就买了自己的车,这种情况在国内很普遍。新手尽管开车比较小心,但经验不足,难免有一些磕磕碰碰的事情发生。所以对于新手我们建议多买几个险种。而不要抱着侥幸心理,仅仅是购买交强险了事。要知道,一但出了事故,所需要花的钱比当时节 约的买保险的投入要多出很多。 所以除了“交强险”以外,新手应该还购买“车辆损失险”。以保障自己的车辆发生事故时能够获得足够赔偿。交强险赔偿额度比较低,对于较大事故,比如撞伤人,或撞了奔驰宝马之类的名贵车辆以及造成了路面损失的话。交强险肯定是不够的。所以应该再购买“第三者责任险”,保额不应太低,在10万-20万之间为佳。如果不是很有把握,50万保额也 是可以的。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 同时不要忘记,如果购买了车辆损失险或第三者责任险的保险,最好也要买上“不计免赔率”。这个花钱不多,但效果却很显著。当然,针对新手容易发生较多挂擦事故的情形,“不计免赔额”也应该购买。否则有的公司有免赔金额,数字虽然不大,但每次都要扣除一些,车主承担的损失则较多。一些小事故可能损失就只有数百元,扣除掉免赔金额后,得到 的赔偿对车主很不划算。特别是新手,小事故比较频繁的情况。 为了降低风险系数,新手也可以购买车上座位责任险。值得注意四的是新版车险对车上人员责任险的条款也做了一定的修改。将车上人员责任险分为驾驶员和乘客座位,投保人可以购买单独承保驾驶员或者单独承保乘客的险种。如果车主的车辆不常载客,可以选择投保驾驶员座位的车上人员责任险;如果车上经常需要搭载乘客的,可以选择驾驶员及乘客座位都投保车上人员责任险。如车上经常乘坐的是家人,而且你和家人都已经投保过其他保险公司的意外伤害保险和意外医疗保险,那就没有必要再投保车上人员责任保险了,因为意外伤害和意外医疗保险所提供的保障范围基本可以覆盖到车辆意外出险对人员造成的伤害。 对于新手,我们推荐的最佳保险模式为:交强险(必保),第三者责任险20万,车辆 损失险,不计免赔率,不计免赔额,有需要的话,可以适当投保,车上座位责任险。 相对新手,老手的驾驶经验更足,相应的回避风险的机率也更高。所以我们针对老手的 推荐则更注重保险的经济性和保障性,而不是险种的齐全性。 推荐的最佳模式为:交强险(必保),第三者责任险10万,车辆损失险,不计免赔率,必要时也可以加上不计免赔额,但不是所有的保险公司都有免赔额规定。老手可以选择一些规模不是太大的保险公司。不仅购买保险更经济,同时也没有免赔额的规定。对于新手来说,还是投保规模大的保险公司更合算。毕竟自己不了解保险流程,大保险公司管理更严格。同 时赔偿也较为及时到位。 四、男性和女性的车险区别 男性用户驾车比较老道,即便是新手,熟悉的过程比较快,很多人对于一些小挂擦也不在意。所以险种购买也可以尽量偏向经济方面。但大的险种不应该省略,特别是需要常常跑长途的车主。而女性车主虽然开车比较小心,但因为操作技术不够熟练,常常造成小事故比较多。而大事故几乎还是很少。所以险种尽量偏向齐全和更多的保障性。比如盗抢险,对于 身单力薄的女性用户还是很必要的 推荐男性购买最佳险种搭配为:交强险(必保),第三者责任险20万,车辆损失险,provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 不计免赔率 而女性用户推荐的投保最佳模式为:交强险(必保),第三者责任险10万,车辆损失 险,不计免赔率,不计免赔额,盗抢险,划痕险 希望对大家能有所帮助 申请办理机动车驾驶证的流程 申请机动车驾驶证应首先填写《机动车驾驶证申请表》,到车管所窗口受理、缴费、考 试,考试合格后领取驾驶证。并按以下几种情况,提交有关证明、凭证: 一、初次申请机动车驾驶证,应提交以下证明 1、申请人的身份证明(身份证或户口簿或者户籍证明); 2、县级或者部队团级以下医疗机构出具的有关身体条件证明。 二、申请增加准驾车型的,应提交以下证明 1、申请人的身份证明; 2、县级或者部队团级以下医疗机构出具的有关身体条件证明。 三、持军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证的人员申请机动车驾驶证,应提交以下证明 1、申请人的身份证明,属于复员、转业、退伍的人员,还应当提交军队、武装警察部provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 队核发的复员、转业、退伍证明; 2、县级或者部队团级以下医疗机构出具的有关身体条件证明; 3、军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证。 四、持境外机动车驾驶证的人员申请机动车驾驶证,应提交以下证明、凭证 1、申请人的身份证明; 2、县级或者部队团级以下医疗机构出具的有关身体条件证明; 3、所持机动车驾驶证。属于非中文表述的,还应当出具中文翻译文本。 五、持境外机动车驾驶证的外国驻华使馆、领馆人员及国际组织驻华代表机构人员申请 机动车驾驶证,应提交以下证明、凭证 1、申请人的身份证明; 2、所持机动车驾驶证。属于非中文表述的,还应当出具中文翻译文本。 TOP 如何补办机动车行驶证 补办机动车登记证书、行驶证、牌照业务如下: (一)补领机动车登记证书 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 所需手续: 机动车所有人的身份证明。 办理程序: 1.领取并填写《机动车补领、换领机动车牌证申请表》; 2.拓印机动车发动机号和车架号,检验机动车; 3.到档案管理窗口核对档案无误后,到业务窗口办理受理业务并领取受理凭证; 4.在收费岗交费后,由档案管理窗口在受理凭证上签注领取机动车登记证书时间; 5.15日后到档案管理窗口领取机动车登记证书。 (二)补领机动车行驶证、牌照 所需手续: 1.机动车所有人的身份证明; 2.补领行车证车辆照片一张; 3.同时申请补二面牌照由所辖区或丢失地派出所出具丢失证明。 办理程序: provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 1.领取并填写《补领、换领机动车牌证申请表》; 2.丢失一面牌照的,需将另一面牌照交车管部门; 3.在业务窗口办理补领手续,并领取受理凭证; 4.到收费岗交费后,领取行车证或临时牌照; 5.补领牌照的15日后,凭临时牌照和受理凭证到牌照发放处领取号牌。 部队驾驶证如何换领地方驾驶证 1.到各区、县交通支(大)队宣传科或车管所(含车管分所)领填《机动车驾驶证申请表》, 经体检合格,到所在车管分所办理; 2.复员、转业、退伍的军队、武警人员,须交验身份证和复员、转业、退伍证; 3.现役军人、武警需同时持军队驾驶证和地方驾驶证的,须交验军人身份证件和总政保 卫部警卫局批准证明或武警总部运输处证明,经车管所主管所长批准后办理; 4.交验军队、武警部队有效驾驶证,属复员、转业、退伍人员收存军车驾驶证;属现役 军人持双证的收存军车驾驶证复印件存档; 5.现役官兵及军内企业人员家在北京、有私车、需办理地方驾驶证的,交验所在部队政工或人事部门出具的注明居住地址的证明、军人身份证件、本人机动车行驶证办理本市驾驶证,与机动车行驶证登记车主是直系亲属的(指夫妻和父母、子女),须由居住地派出所出 具亲属关系证明; provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 6.经考试道路驾驶合格换发地方驾驶证,持有军队、武装警察部队小型客车、摩托车驾 驶证 3年以上的,免道路驾驶考试。 验车的步骤以及提车注意事项 1)确认新车 *)出厂日期(必须是一个月内生产的) *)车架号 *)发动机号 *)产品合格证(号码与车架号,发动机号一致) *)产品说明书 *)车型、功率、排量、坐椅数量、发动机等均要求说明书与实物一致 总里程数<50km *) *)轮胎磨损 *)刹车盘磨损:如前刹车盘已磨出明显沟槽印,不能要 *)保修单(保修单上必须有4S的印章,证明是4S正式发的货,日后就可在其它维修站 享受保修了) 2)查动力、传动和制动部分 *)检查各种油品:看地上有没有机油点、底盘有没有油污。要看上、下、左、中、右,上就是发动机上盖,下就是油底壳,左右就是两边传动轴皮套处,中是飞轮盘旁护盖下部,这些部位可从狭逢处看到,标准是不能有湿润的沾灰现象,地面无油迹。拉起机油尺(黄色的拉手),检查机油是否清亮,是否油位合适。拉起变速箱油尺(红色的拉手,自动档SX4), 检查变速箱油是否清亮,是否油位合适。 *)水箱冷却液液面满,水管无泄漏 *)看电瓶液面是否合适、电瓶接头有否腐蚀、小窗是否绿色、蓄电池连线是否紧固,其它各 处线头联接是否有晃动等。 *)看发电机、压缩机的皮带松紧度*)第一次点火后不要轰油门,看会不会自动熄火 *)启动发动机,转速表应打到1000转以上,再平顺滑落至750转左右 *)怠速时发动机声音应均匀,平稳,连续 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work *) D挡怠速时有无明显的抖动(听不见声音只是抖动),怠速时方向盘是否抖得厉害 *)慢加油发动机声音无异响,急加油发动机反应准确、迅速、干净 *)猛踩猛放油门时声音要和顺,中间不能有杂音 *)远听发动机声音:打着两辆车,站在中间位置,感觉声音大而杂的淘汰掉 *)试刹车:务必细心体会刹车踏板踩下去的深浅变化~ *)手心接近排气管,不要碰到,感觉应该是排气管排气连续,掌心潮湿但没有机油味 *)试车以后,打开发动机罩盖,看看里面是不是烟雾腾腾 3)查外观和门窗 *)顺光、逆光检查车漆,看有无划痕、小坑、异色、斑点 *)引擎盖、车门、保险杠、后备箱表面平整、光亮,缝隙要小,车面要平 *)门缝、前后车灯缝隙是不是均匀、对称 *)前大灯与前盖缝隙是否过大 *)发动机舱左右前端、大灯部位金属板和尾箱后端左右金属板有无扳金的痕迹(褶皱) *)分别打开左右两个前门门锁,看按钮是否过紧、不能转动 *)看车门踏板和门框、水槽的外观 *)玻璃是不是原配的(看玻璃下脚的标记) *)各块玻璃是不是平整、透亮 *)前风挡必须特别平整,从各个角度看外部景物都无形变 *)用手轻敲后风挡和车门玻璃,不应炸裂 *)车门开启是否灵活,开门锁时不应太吃力,门轴转动时不应有杂音 *)关门是否能一步到位,4个门都要试 *)检查4个门的内外拉手(共8个),都应该顺滑、干脆且无杂音 *)车门密封胶条严不严,洗车时漏不漏水 *)行李箱盖密封严不严 *)按住四个轮子上方的车身向下压几下,看四个角的反弹能力。可用手大力按动车身一角, 松开后,看其弹动次数,在1,2次之间为好 *)把车停住按一下车前角,如果减震会响可能是弹簧上边的胶垫坏了 *)检查4个轮胎和备胎的胎压、胎纹,螺栓和螺帽的扭力,气帽嘴在否,轮毂饰盖安装到 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 位 *)备胎与4个轮胎规格应该一致 *)后备箱下面的缝隙是否均匀,不均匀会使其受力不均,卡口易裂 *)检验遥控器的各项功能 *)四个电动窗的升降,反复多次试: a)升降是否顺畅,玻璃到底后位置正不正,是否冲底 b)左前窗玻璃能不能一次升到顶,玻璃与胶条是否较劲 *)试中控门锁、儿童锁是否起作用,门锁对位准确否 *)调节方向盘上下角度 *)晃动助力转向方向盘,上下不应有间隙,左右自由行程不应过大 *)打开空调,试A/C开关,冷热都要试,时间长些 *)按汽车喇叭,听鸣笛声 *)试雨刷:要看它会不会喷水,喷水角度对不对,测不同档的速度是否明显、顺滑,是否刮 干净,噪音如何*)雨刷能不能回到底 *)眼镜盒打开后能否关到位*)天窗开关控制有无问题,试验各项功能 *)升起、放下后窗电动遮阳帘*)浏览说明书,对着说明书详细检查各项功能、各种按钮、开 关是否都有效 查看点烟器工作是否正常 *)查看车内各种灯:前后阅读灯、开门灯、前门槛灯、行李箱灯(车内灯可能虚接,有时不 亮) *)查看仪表盘指示灯、开门报警、燃油告警灯、安全带灯、手刹灯和其它告警指示灯是否正 常*)调节仪表盘夜光灯、指示灯亮度以及大灯俯仰角度 *)测试电动座椅8向调节功能和电加热功能 *)查看真皮座椅有无开裂(小口子) *)试验安全带功能,快速拉动安全带,应该会卡死拉不动 *)两侧电动后视镜:各个方向调整测试、电动折叠测试 *)试内后视镜、遮阳挡板及开关 *)测试后窗电加热除霜功能,后雨刮(小S) *)熄火后试听CD音响和收音机功能:换碟、AM/FM、选台、音量、各个按钮 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work *)点火后音响有无高频交流声(熄火时没有的) *)看档位显示是否正确,测里程复位功能 *)查看仪表盘上时钟是否正确,学习怎样调节之 *)车内开启加油口、后备箱和发动机舱盖 *)在平地上测试手刹功能,自动档的挂N档推车 *)检查车内饰板、拉手、手套箱和带锁的杂物箱 *)检查内饰件是否过于粗糙,各组件安装是否紧固、有无松动,有LD最好,LD通常心细 *)看车内地毯下面有没有水。如果有,就是车的封闭性不好或者有其它问题 5)车外部灯光 *)大灯(远光、近光),左右前照灯灯光强度、角度是否一致 *)方向灯、故障警告灯:6个都看(前、后、左、右、两侧后视镜) *)前、后雾灯 *)刹车灯,包括高位刹车灯 *)倒车灯 6)试驾并接车 *)加93#汽油约60升*)调好驾驶员座椅和三个后视镜 *)试刹车:仔细体会刹车踏板踩下去的深浅变化和制动力大小的关系 *)油门:提速、降速都可由油门平顺控制;油门踏板跟脚,反应灵敏;腿脚自然舒适 *)在平直的路上松开方向盘,车应该直行;拐弯以后松开方向盘,车应该自己跑回直线,需要做一些微调,SX4不会完全回正,是正常现象同时,大角度专项回正以后,转向灯应能 自动回位 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work *)打尽方向,听听有无异响,不要超过5秒。 *)遇颠簸时车的前后减震会发出类似硬塑料摩擦的声音(此声不应有但却普遍存在,尽量找 出声音的来源,可以查看DEX8 TX的帖子) *)检查随车配件是否齐全,特别是产品说明书、千斤顶、工具包 *)试驾一段路程再上快速主路,关键是要先熟悉一下车性 *)头500公里以内车速应控制在80km/h以下,发动机转速不要超过3000rpm 车辆过户、变更业务规定及程序 办理车辆过户、变更登记规定及程序如下: 一、领填《机动车变更、过户、改装、停驶、报废审批表》一份,按表格栏目要求填写, 加盖与原注册登记相同的印章,私车需交验车主身份证。 二、到交警支队车管科登记受理岗交验经办人审核,有下列情况之一的不予办理过户: 、申请车主印章与原登记车主印章不相符的。 1 2、未经批准擅自改装、改型更变更载质量、乘员人数的。 3、违章、肇事未处理结案的或公安机关对车辆有质疑的。 4、达到报废年限的(对已达到报废使用年限,但车辆技术状况较好,使用性质为自用的汽车,经特殊检验合格后,在达到报废使用年限后两年内,准予申办过户登记,但不准转 籍)。 5、未参加定期检验或检验不合格的。 6、新车入户不足三个月的(进口汽车初次登记后不满二年的,但法院判决的除外)。 7、人民法院通知冻结或抵押期未满的。 8、属控购车辆无《申报牌照证明章》的。 9、进口汽车属海关监管期内,未解除监管的。 三、符合过户条件的车辆送机动车检验岗检验、认定。 四、检验合格后,本县(市)过户或变更的直接到牌证管理岗等候通知交费。跨县过户的先到登记审核岗编新车号,档案管理岗审核后签发牌通知书,牌证管理岗收旧牌,发新牌、 照像后等候取证(进口车发待办凭证)。 过户、变更业务流程图: provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 领表申请,,,登记审核岗受理,,,机动车查验岗验车,,,登记审核岗审核,,,档案管理岗复核,,,牌证管理岗编号,,,收费、领牌、照像、保险,,,档案管理岗 领证 (注:各地办牌程序可能略有不同,以当地规定为准) 换证、换牌业务规定及程序 行驶证遗失或记录填满、车牌使用后老化或损坏时,请按下列规定办理: 1、领取《补换证申请表》,加盖注册登记时的车主印章,补证应登报报失。 2、到登记受理岗申办补换证、换牌手续,检验岗对车辆进行认定。 3、到牌证管理岗等待通知交费、照像,国产车当日取证,进口车开具《待办证》,换 牌者45天后以旧换新。 产汽车申办临时牌移动证业务规定及程序 一、临时牌适用范围: 1、购买新车时,由甲地到乙地跨地(市)区行驶的。 2、在用车辆转籍时,由原籍驶往新籍的。 3、其它需要临时上路行驶的。 二、临时牌的办理程序: 1、车主凭单位介绍信、车辆的发票(调拨单)、合格证到支队车管科业务领导岗审批 后到机动车查验岗检验车辆。 2、检验合格后到牌证管理岗等候通知收费,领取临时牌,按规定时间、路线行驶。 三、移动证的适用范围: 无牌证的车辆,需要在本地(市)辖区内移动时,发给移动证,如车站、码头、生产厂家移到仓库,车主提取新车,以及新车到车辆管理机关申报牌照或报停车辆申请复驶需要检 验时。 四、移动证的申领程序: 申领移动证时,凭车主证明或个人身份证明,车辆来历证明,到所辖车管所(站)均可provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 办理。 国产汽车申办临时牌、移动证业务流程图: 申请,,,业务领导岗审批,,,机动车查验岗验车,,,收费,,,牌证管理岗开 具临时牌、移动证 汽车报废更新业务规定及程序 一、根据《报废标准》及交警总队文件规定,汽车报废年限及可延缓报废年限如下: 1、出租汽车使用年限8年,不得延缓报废。 2、带拖挂的载货汽车、矿山作业车、厂定总质量小于1.8吨的轻型载货汽车使用年限 为8年,允许办理最长不超过4年延缓报废,延缓期间每年检验2次。 3、1990年7月6日以后注册登记,厂定最大总质量大于1.8吨,小于或等于6吨的轻型载货汽车使用年限为10年,允许办理最长不超过5年的延缓报废,延缓期间每年检验2次。1990年7月6日以前注册登记的,使用期限为8年,允许办理最大不超过4年的延缓 报废,延缓期间每年检验2次。 4、自用客车和总质量6吨以上的大货车使用年限为10年,允许办理最长不超过5年延缓报废,延缓期间每年检验2次;从事营运性运输的各种客车使用年限为10年,允许延缓 4年报废,延缓期间每年检验4次(每三个月检验一次)。 5、消防车、吊车、钻探车等从事专门作业的车辆使用年限为10年,可根据实际使用情 况和检验情况延缓报废,延缓报废期间每年检验1次。 6、右置方向盘汽车不得延缓报废。 7、延缓报废参加特殊检验的各类汽车,当年度首次到总队直属检测站检验,当年的其 它次在支队检测站检验。 二、办理报废登记有关程序和要求: 1、申请报废更新的汽车车主领填《机动车变更、过户、改装、停驶、报废审批申请表》 一份,加盖车主印章。 2、登记受理岗申请,对已达报废年限的车辆开具《汽车报废通知书》。对未达到报废年限的机动车,经机动车查验岗认定,符合汽车报废标准,核发《汽车报废通知单》。 3、车主持《通知书》自行选择一家符合规定的回收企业将车辆送交解体。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 4、回收企业经查验《通知书》后将车辆解体并照相。要求发动机与车辆分离,发动机 的缸体应打破,车架(底盘)要割断。 5、车主持《变更表》、《XX省更新汽车技术鉴定表》和《报废汽车回收证明》及车辆解体照片,经机动车查验岗核对并签字,回收牌证,按规定上报审批,办理报废登记。 三、交警支队车管办证大厅办理汽车报废业务流程: 1、车主带报废手续到办证大厅登记审核岗审核; 2、到牌证管理岗等候通知收费,收车牌; 3、到档案管理岗领取盖好业务章的报废申请表。 办理汽车报废业务流程图: 领表申请,,,登记审核岗受理,,,机动车查验岗验车,,,缴交行驶证、车牌,,,交费,,,回收公司解体照像,,,机动车查验岗查验解体情况,,,业务领导岗审批 ,,,支队办公室盖章,,,注销机动车档案 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work
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