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西安建筑科技大学研究生口语考试题目及答案总结西安建筑科技大学研究生口语考试题目及答案总结 1----- Two memorable events in your own life. 1.First time I got to Beijing three yeas ago,and stood in the front of the Tiananmen,it was so pageantry and beautiful,that sense is memorable forever to me. The first year I went to my universi...
西安建筑科技大学研究生口语#考#目及 1----- Two memorable events in your own life. 1.First time I got to Beijing three yeas ago,and stood in the front of the Tiananmen,it was so pageantry and beautiful,that sense is memorable forever to me. The first year I went to my university,that was my first time took a train,and the scenery outside the window was so beautiful that I will never forget it. 也可以写第一天上大学,第一次远游,第一次太多了大家自由发挥,自己感动的 事情,或者昨天圣诞节,生日, 2-------What do you notice most about a person when you meet them for the first time? Do you go by first impressions when you meet new people? .face,eyes,cloth... yes\no. The first impression can help us know about a person we don't know before. 比较关注关注一个人的,着装看出一个人的性格,是追求名牌,追求品质,追求 时尚,是活泼可爱,是沉稳大方,眼睛-心灵之窗----是单纯:,是忧郁,是机敏, 3----- Who is your favorite celebrity? Why do you like him/her? 你最喜欢的名 人是谁,为什么喜欢, ? My favorite celebrity is Yaoming, Yao is one of the best basketball players in China, so he can keeps his legs in NBA, and because of his wonderful acting, more and more foreigners start to notice us now, not only basketball but also many other aspects. As we konow Yao is very tall, at the very beginning of his NBA life, a lot of people adoubted his value and ability. But later, all of the person who did not trust Yao were hushed, because they saw Yao's splendid performance. Beside these, Yao is a kind hearted man, he subscribes to charity, help the disabled children who starve for salvation, and so forth. ? 最喜欢的明星是姚明,姚明是最好的篮球运动员之一中国,所以他可以保持他 的腿在NBA,因为他的精彩表演,越来越多的外国人开始注意到我们现在,不仅篮 球,还很多其他方面。当我们知道姚明是非常高的,在刚开始的时候他的NBA的 生活,很多人怀疑他的价值和能力。但之后,所有的人都没有相信姚明,因为他们看 到姚明安静的精彩表现。除了这些,姚明是一个善良的人,他订阅慈善机构,帮助残 疾儿童谁渴望拯救,等等。 ? My favorite celebrity is Zhang Ailing~she is a very famous writer in China, her novel are very popular in the nearly 70 years, I have read all of her books. In her novels I can learn some new views that is different from others. And I like her forthright character very much. 我最喜欢的明星是张爱玲,她是中国非常著名的作家,她的小说近70年来都很受 欢迎,我读过她所有的书。在她的小说我可以学到一些新的观点,不同于其他人。 我喜欢她非常直率的性格。 4------Explain the following words: trendy/casual 1. trendy >流行的;赶时髦的 iphone,ipid,衣服色彩搭配的好 2. casual 非正式的 He was wearing casual clothes. 他穿着便服。 1 5-----What kind of image do you find most/least appealing? 6---- Explain the following words: apprehensive/frustrated. What makes you feel apprehensive / frustrated? 7-----Explain the following words: rude/respectful. What really annoys you? rude -- having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feeling respectful-- showing or feeling respect 8-----Do you think men are more image-conscious(注重形象) these days than in the past? 不同场合选择得体的服装,是对周遭人的尊重Choose decent clothes on different occasions, is respect for the people around them 男人注重外貌不一定是为了取悦别人,而是一种社会责任的需要。Men focus on appearance may not be in order to please others, but a need for social responsibility. 男人开始希望拥有美好的外表以吸引女性。女性不再像以前那样喜欢擅长发号施令的男人 Men begin to want to have a better appearance in order to attract females. Women no longer like men are good at shots as before. 三个主要原因:一个富有的社会、个人主义的兴起和女性权力的上升。Three main reasons: the rise of a rich society, individualism and the increase in women. 9---- What is “taboo”? Which are most common taboos in china? Do you have any taboos? social custom or emotional aversion 社会习惯/风俗或者感情上的厌恶 “taboo” means sth you shouldn’t do, because it’s ominous.禁忌 1. Berore you begin the meal, u can’t use your chopsticks to knock the bowls. 2.You’d better not to share a pear with your friends,because in China,it means “leave”. 3. Your bed shoud not be placed to a mirror. 10.----what is “Generation Gap”?Give some examples. Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed. The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than 2 many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don’t quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents’ tendency to interfere in children’s daily activities. In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding. 11. Which points do you think parents would consider important/not important in their son or daughter’s future partner? 你认为父母会考虑重要的/不重要的在他们的儿子或女儿的未来伴侣吗? For boys,their parents would consider important in their son’s futur e partner is “goodness”. Goodness person’s is full of love.They would be care of their family and be filial piety to the elderly. For girls,their parents would consider important in their daughter’s future partner is “responsibility”. The boy who has the sense of responsibility would pay more attention for their family and give more time to their son and wife. 12 ? Explain the meaning: “put one’s foot into one’s mouth”. Give an example. Put one's foot in one's mouth说错话 “He put his foot in it in his mouth when he declared that the proposal was ridiculous. The proposal was made by the boss himself.” (他不该那样明明白白说这个建议荒唐的。这建议是老板提出的啊。) 我们来举个例子看看什么样的情况才 to put your foot in your mouth: "When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth. She didn't know the man across the dinner table had a brother at home in a wheelchair." 这句话翻成中文就是:“沙莉吃晚饭时说了一个笑话,拿一个只有一条腿的水手 开玩笑。她可不知道坐在饭桌对面那个人的哥哥就是个残废,行动都得靠轮椅。” Sally如果事后了解情况的话,她肯定会说: "Well, I certainly have put my foot in my mouth." 下面我们再来举一个例子: "I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mister 3 Brown to say hello to his wife for me. Somehow I'd forgotten that his wife died six months ago." 这人说:“我昨晚在那个聚会上无意中说错了话。我让布朗先生替我向他的太太 问好。不知怎么回事,我忘了他太太已经在半年前去世了。 ” 13-----Describe an embarrassing(困窘) situation that you or others have experienced. 例如,不小心走错厕所,走错上课的地方,认错人等自己发挥 14-----Imagine someone is going to meet their girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s parents for the first time. What advice would you give? generally,girlfriend's parents always pay attention to the first impression.Therefore,besides giving them some meaningful gifts,you'd better have good manners and behavior.For example ,talk to them with a smile ,propose a toast on your own initiative,wear some cloths which makes you look like reliable and mature. 16-----Choose (make, take or have): a fortune/advice/duty/responsibility/sense 17.Choose (make, take or have): a living/ a guess/ office/ a risk / Make a living 维持生计 养家糊口 He makes a living buying old cars and souping them up. Have a guess 猜想 Well, you little child, have a guess and figure out what is it Take office 就职 任职 The new President take office next month Take a risk 冒险 You take a risk by investing it all in one area 18.? Choose (make, take or have): way/ a word/action/ a start make way 让开~让路~让位~腾出 have a word 简短的和某人说话 take action 采取行动 make a start 开头~发端 Your project will have to make way, for the main project. 你们的工程得给重点工程 让路。 I think I'll have a word with the man in private. 我想要和这人私下谈一谈。 The medicine will not take action until two hours later. 这药在两小时后才会起作 用。 The time has come for us to make a start. 是我们该开始进入议程的时候了。 19-----Choose (make, take or have): a profit/ a loss/ a laugh/ a right 20-----When was the last time you splashed out on something?上次花一大笔钱钱去 做某件事情是什么时候, 如上次花了一大笔钱去买了写自己喜欢的书,到很远的地方旅行,双十一和朋友 4 购物,假期去提高自己,。。。。 21(does it matter if a wife earn more than husband你妻子赚钱比你多你怎么看 观点1:nowadays, more and more women overearn the men, which may cause men feel uncomfortable and stressful. here maybe silent war in home, the communications between wife and husband may be less and less. the husband may be pround of his wife in public, but may be envious and feel low-level inside. the husband may even insult his wife,saying she dosen't care about family but her career, dosen't concern the child but the job. what's worse, they may divorce because the men feel humiliated and the women feel his husband is cowardly and inability. one extreem solution is the wife give up her career for her husband and child, living a boring life . 如今,越来越多的妇女收入超过男性,这可能会使男人觉得不舒服和压力。也许在 家里有沉默的战争,丈夫和妻子之间的通信可能会越来越少。这位丈夫在公共场 合可能以他的妻子为骄傲,但可能会嫉妒和感觉低一等在家。丈夫甚至侮辱他的 说她只在乎她的事业,不在乎家庭,不关心孩子。更糟的是,他们可能离婚,因妻子, 为男人和女人觉得感到羞辱他的丈夫是懦弱和无能。一个极端的解决是妻子 放弃她的职业生涯,为了她的丈夫和孩子,过着枯燥的生活。 观点2:A wife earns more money does not mean she does not care the family, in some cases a wife can manage both well. Although the social consensus makes us think a husband is supposed to earn more, no others can really intefere/bother if the couple does not care. In western countries, there is usually a job called life coach to help people handle those family issues. 一个妻子挣更多的钱并不意味着她不能照顾家庭,在某些情况下一个妻子可以管 理都好。尽管社会共识让我们认为丈夫应该挣得更多,没有其他人可以真正打扰 如果这对夫妇并不关心。在西方国家,通常有一个工作称为生活教练来帮助人们 处理那些家庭问题。 22、 If you were given 100000RMB to save spend or invest, what would you do? 如果你有十万人民币~你会用来存着~消费还是投资? 1、 I would use the money to invest. Because if I save it ,it will depreciate. First, I want to use a small part of the money to learn investing in stocks. Even I failed, I would not too sad. I can threat it just as an exercise. Then, after I have the knowledge about the stocks, I would put the rest of the money in. Through some skills and informations about stocks, I can earn so much money and I would give the money to the poor areas in China. 我想用来投资。 首先~我会用一小部分钱来学习炒股。即使这样失败了~我也不会太灰心。我可 以仅仅只是把这次失败当做是练习。随后~在我掌握了一定的炒股知识后~我会 把剩余所有的钱投资在这里面~通过了解一些炒股的信息和技巧来赚钱~把赚的 5 这些钱捐给中国的贫困地区。 2、 I would use it to consum. Because I think, if I put the money in the bank, it always belongs to the bank, can not reflect the role of money as money. If I used it to investment, for I don't understand investment skills,I may put the money out of. I want to use the money to consumption, but not random disorderly to buy things, however,I would treat it as my travelling funds. I want to see more of the world when I am young, and know more about the world,because reading books, lining miles. When I'm old, turning head to think of the youth travel, I'll glad to tell yourself "I have young memories". 我会用来消费。因为我认为~如果把钱存在银行~它始终属于银行~没有体现出 钱作为货币的作用。如果用来投资~我不懂投资的技巧~很可能会让这些钱付诸 东流。 我想用这些钱来消费~并不是随意的乱买东西~而是用它作为我旅行的经费。 我想趁着年轻多看看世界~多了解世界~读万卷书~行万里路。等我老了~回头 想起青春时的旅行~我会欣慰的告诉自己“我年轻过”。 23--- Complete the sentences to make them true for you: a) If I’d been born a member of the opposite sex, …. b) If I’d had famous parents…. a)I will have more responsbility for my parents and my family. For example I must take care about my health so that I can have a strong body to protect and help my family. More over, I must have a clear mind about future so that can give me a direction for my family. b)I think that will be a contradictory question. First,I will enjoy some convenient of VIP for famous and not need to waiting in line for all time. However, it also give me lot of press, I must be decent for everywhere. In addition, I may have less friend, because famous always give people a sense of distance. So I want to be myself who God give me. 24 、 For what reasons might somebody want to sell their life and then start a new one? 如果一个人觉得生命没有意义的时候~他就会选择出售自己的生命,开始一段新 的生命 If a person think life is meaningless, he will choose to sell his own life, and start a new life 对于一个女人来说~我觉得最大的可能会是婚姻生活不顺心。比如说丈夫不忠心~ 失去孩子~生活过于艰辛。 For a woman, I think the biggest reason may be that her marriage life is unsatisfactory. Such as having a faithless husband, losing a child or living a hard life. 对于一个男人来说~我觉得最大的可能会是工作不顺心。比如说遭遇失业了~公 司破产了 6 As for a man , I think the biggest reason may be having a bad day at work. Such as he lost his job, or his company went bankrupt. 对于一个孩子来说~可能会是玩具被抢了~被同学欺负了~考试考砸了。 For a child, it may be that his toy was robbed ,he was bullied by others or he didn`t get high scores 25 . If you were selling your whole life, what would be the one possession you would try to keep? what is the destination of life? death, of course. No matter how rich we are, how happy or sorrowful we may feel , the only one road in the end is leading to death. It can be regarded as selling whole our lives in proper time. 生命在何方, 当然是死亡。 不管,你多富有,感到多么快乐或者痛苦,最后的 仅有的一条路是走向死亡。这个可以看做是在合适的时间,“卖”了你的生命。 I thoughtfully think the most valuable possession in my life I must keep is spirit. Even though we overestimate how important we suppose wealth is in our daily lives in material times, one question should be noticed that what you can remain after your natural death. Still, that’s also spirit, as a result of many reputable people now or in the past , who keep unreachable spirit . For example, Confucius in China built up many theories affecting chinese people deeply up to now for his particular and profound spirit. 我细心想了下, 我想保存的生命中最有价值的东西是精神。即使我们在物质的 年代高估了我们认为的财富有多么重要,在我们的日常生活当中。有个问题应该 被注意到,在你自然的死去后,你能留下什么,那仍然是精神,因为许多出名的 人不管在现在还是过去,都有着遥不可及的精神。例如,中国的孔子,许多理论 深深的影响中国人至今以来,全因由于他独特和具有深远意义的精神。 So, wealth may disappear, but spirit in one’s mind can spread and exist permanently. 所以,财富也许会消失,但是一个人心中的精神却源远流长。 27--Talk about your most treasured possession. 28--Talk about a time when you did something challenging. 29--If you are asked to make a project to raise money for the poor, what would you do? 30---Give advice for the following ailments: difficulty sleeping/a twisted ankle 30---晒伤咋办,,冷敷皮肤以减轻肿胀及疼痛; If you have a cold, maybe you should drink a lot of water, it is good for your illness. Of course, you can lie down and rest, too. If you do not feel well, you must go to see a doctor. The doctors will give you some good advice to feel better soon. Maybe you should take some medicine and you have to pay lots of money for them. 7 Apply a cold compress to the skin to relieve the swelling and pain; 用湿 的冷毛巾大约半小时敷一次,持续四到五个小时 Deposited a wet cold towel for about half an hour, continue to 4-5 hours , 头疼怎么办,---偶尔这样没有问题的,可能有很多原因,比如风寒,比如过于劳累, 都可能导致头部血液流通不畅而引起头疼,只要按摩按摩,疏通脉络就好了。不用 吃药。如果是经常这样,那可能有器质性病变,建议去医院做详细检查,由医生下 结论 , Occasionally this is not the problem, there may be many causes, such as cold, too tired, is likely to lead to poor blood circulation to the head caused a headache, as long as the massage, dredging the context would be nice. Do not have to take the medicine. If this is often the case, it may be organic disease, suggested going to the hospital for a detailed examination, doctors concluded 31---难以入睡咋办,---睡前喝杯热牛奶,洗个热水澡,以松弛全身肌肉,帮助入睡;而睡 前应避免思考问题及烦扰的心事,以免影响睡眠。Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed, take a hot bath, relaxing body muscles to help sleep and before going to bed thinking and feelings of annoyance should be avoided, so as not to affect sleep. , 不要在白天午睡:因白天睡太饱,晚上就易睡不著. 若有吃宵夜的习惯,宜吃八分饱 即可:因吃太饱反而会睡不著,Don't sleep during the day: sleeping during the day so full, it is difficult to sleep at night. If there was having a late night snack habit should eat eight full: eating too full you won't be able to sleep 发烧咋办, If you have a cold, maybe you should drink a lot of water, it is good for your illness. Of course, you can lie down and rest, too. If you do not feel well, you must go to see a doctor. The doctors will give you some good advice to feel better soon. Maybe you should take some medicine and you have to pay lots of money for them. 每当我发烧,我经常会开始发抖。这时候,泡个温水澡是最舒 服不过了When I have a fever, I began to tremble. At this time, soaking in a warm bath is the most comfortable 多喝水,吃过药后,上床睡觉 Drink plenty of water, and after taking the medicine, go to bed 32---礼仪---握手礼仪,握手用右手,掌心向里,握手的用力不宜软弱无力或用力过大 Handshaking etiquette, shaking hands with the right hand, and Palm inward, force should not be weaker or hands too hard 8 当入座的时候,应该让长辈坐在右侧或者面向门的位置,以表示尊敬When it comes to admission, elders should be sitting on the right side or door location, to show respect , 交谈礼仪,专注倾听,不打断对方,适当反馈。。。 会议礼仪,手机关机、振动状态。他人发言,安静倾听。。。Meeting etiquette, turn off your phone or keep it be vibration. If Others are speaking ,please keep quiet and listening to what he say , 就餐礼仪,吃的时候应闭嘴细嚼慢咽。满嘴都是食物时,不宜说话。不要大声说话。 不要多说话。剔牙时要以手遮口。不能用筷子或手代替牙签剔牙。不要乱吐东西。 正餐时不吸烟。不能用自己的餐具为别人夹菜。不能乱挑,拨乱食物Dining etiquette, eating should shut up to chew on. Your mouth is full of food, you’d better don’t talking. Don't talk loudly. Don't talk much. When you pick your teeth you should cover your mouth. Cannot use chopsticks or hands instead of a toothpick. Do not spit. Meals without smoking. Don’t use your own toothpick pick up food for others. Not wasting food! 33---- Is there anything you are attached to? 你关心/喜欢/的 事物 , 友谊---我喜欢在闲暇之时,约上三俩好友,然后小酌几口红酒,然后与朋友分享 着各自的快乐。I liked in your spare time, about two of three on a friend, and then drink some wine, and then share joys with friends , 亲情--- 34------Explain the meaning and give an example: , a) Have a go at something. 尝试 , I'll have a go at mending your bike today.我今天修修你的自行车。 , My son asked me to let him have a go at the heavy box.我儿子要我再让他试 一试,把这个沉重的箱子抬起来。 , Dick wanted to have a go at making the experiment.迪克想再得到一次做实验 的机会 b) Give something a go. 试一下 , It is very easy to try, won't hurt anything. Give it a go.尝试一下是很容 易的,也不会带来什么损失。试一下。 , Slimming without tears is Lyn's theme. Too good to be true? Give it a go. 轻松愉快保身段是琳的口头禅。难以置信吗?试一下吧。 35----- Explain the meaning and give an example: a) Have a go on something. 试一下 9 , Can I have a go on your new bike?我能骑骑你的新自行车吗? , I'd give anything to have a go on that merry-go-round. 我很想坐坐那个旋转 木马。 b) On the go. , I seem to have been on the go all day.我似乎整天一直忙忙碌碌。 , A sudden rush of business kept us on the go.营业突然激增使我们忙个不停。 36---- Explain the meaning and give examples: a) Make a go of something. , I am sure(that) he'll make a go of it.我确信他会干得很出色。 , She's determined to make a go of her new career.她决心在新事业上有所成就。 b) In one go. 做出一定的成就 It is not easy to answer this question in one go. 想一下子回答出这个问题不是那么容易。 37----Describe your daily routines 网上找的不要吐槽~ She has classes to take in her regular high school for eight hours a day. She joins many extracurriculum 课程外;业余的activities after school, such as basketball team, swimming team, math and science club and her school band. She is a busy girl. She also needs to do all the housework because her parents have to work all day to make a living. If you think that she doesn't get good grades, then you are totally wrong. She really knows how to study and she can learn lots of stuffs in a very short period of time. I admire her a lot. 38.、 Describe a Chinese wedding you have ever attended. 描述一个你参加过的中国婚礼。 I attended a wedding many years ago. because i was just a little child that time, I can't remember what happened during that wedding, the most I can remenber is that I just ate. but I can tell you some details about chinese wedding. Chinese wedding is quite different from wedding in western counties.In western country people always hold a wedding in a church, but chiese always hold a wedding in a restaurant.At first, groom should pick up the bride with a motorcade go to a square to take some photos. besides taking photos some people also make a video during wedding. The bride and the groom must not see each other for at least a night before the wedding. On the wedding day the groom will go to the brides’ house to pick her up. And then, he will ask the relatives of the bride to open the door and let him pick his bride. He must give some red envelops,hongbao,to the relatives of the 10 bride in order to let them open the door. The groom must find a bride's shoes, and put on her .Later he will pick the bride and in his arms and will carry her to the wedding car. but as a guest, you can just go to the restaurant directly. and everyone should give money in a red envolope for the wedding. at the wedding begining the officiator speaks something to wish the new couple good luck. then groom and bride can exchange their alliance rings, after some little programes such as painting and singing, everyone can have lunch, and all of adult guests should drink a toast to the bride and bridegroom to show blessing. if you finish the lunch you can go away. 很多年以前我参加过一个婚礼。当时我还是个孩子~我不记得婚礼上发生了 什么~我最能记得的是我只是吃。但是我可以告诉你一些中国婚礼的细节。 中国婚礼与西方的婚礼有所不同。在西方婚礼一般在教堂举行~而中国婚礼 则是在餐馆。新郎和迎亲队伍去接新娘的同时会拍一些照片~除此之外还会全程 录像。新娘和新郎至少在结婚前一晚不能见面。在结婚当天~新郎到新娘家接她。 然后~他将要求新娘的亲属打开门~让他来接新娘。他必须给新娘的亲属一些红 包~让他们打开门。新郎要找到新娘的鞋并且给她穿上。之后他将新娘包上婚车。 作为一个客人你可以直接去餐馆~每一个人都要随红包~婚礼开始的时候司 仪会给一对新人送上祝福~然后他们交换戒指。之后会有一些小节目比如画画~ 唱歌~其他人可以用餐~而且所有的来宾举杯向新郎新娘以示祝福。如果你一吃 完午饭你可以走了 39、 What do you know about weddings in the UK/USA? 婚礼在英国/美国是什么样的, The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes. The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played. The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will “give her away[2]”. The groom enters the church from a side door. When the wedding party is gathered by the altar(教堂的圣坛), the bride and groom exchange vows,誓言,. It is traditional to use the words "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part". Following the vows, the couple exchange rings. 11 Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom. After the ceremony there is often a party, called a “reception”,喜宴, which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.The car in which the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons, streamers,装饰彩纸 条, and shaving cream,刮须膏,. The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of rice thrown by the wedding guests. When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them. And then the couple go on their honeymoon 婚礼通常持续20至40分钟。新人伴随着结婚进行曲进入教堂。新娘手持一 束鲜花和她的父亲最后进来把它交给新郎。新郎从侧门进入教堂。当婚礼的人聚 集到教堂的祭坛,教堂的圣坛,~新娘和新郎交换誓言。 这是传统的用“拥有来自这一天前进~更好~坏的~富有~贫穷~疾病和健 康~爱和珍惜~直到死亡做我们的一部分”。宣誓后~这对夫妻交换戒指。结婚 戒指戴在左手的第四只手指上是一个古老的习俗。 仪式结束后~通常会有个聚会~称为“接待”,喜宴,给参加婚礼的来宾有机 会祝贺新婚夫妇。 汽车离开教堂~装饰着气球~彩带,装饰彩纸条,和剃须膏 ,刮须膏,。 婚礼的客人要向新婚夫妇头上撒米。小两口儿开车离开教堂时~朋友们常常 开车追赶他们~不断地按喇叭~引起他们注意。然后他们去度蜜月 40\42Roman ticthing 浪漫的事 1。漫长的一天在办公室或施工现场将有这个人你爱饿的时候他回家。你可以做一些真正特 别的为他吃晚饭准备好了。但不要只是停留在烹调一顿最爱的食物。 假装你再次约会。建立一个整个的气氛,包括蜡烛、简易的装饰和浪漫的音乐设置的情绪。 浪漫并不开始和结束与食物本身。 。这个过程有一个浪漫的晚餐是一样重要的设置。调情有点与他,使他记得为什么他爱上了 你一遍。 1.A long day at the office or the construction site will have the man you love hungry by the time he gets home. You can do something really special for him by having dinner ready. But don't just stop at cooking his favorite meal. Pretend you're dating again. Set up an entire atmosphere, including candles, improvised decorations and romantic music to set the mood. The romance doesn't 12 begin and end with the food itself. .The process of having a romantic dinner together is just as important as setting it up. Flirt a little with him, making him remember why he fell in love with you all over again. 2。早上醒来的时候告诉她你爱她,也让这个短语是最后一个单词,你对她说在你闭上你的眼睛 在晚上。 2.When you wake in the morning tell her that you love her and also let this phrase be the last words that you say to her before you close your eyes at night. 3。做一个好的聆听者。女人是传播者,但人们常常忘记这个,所以一定要保持沟通两人之间的 流动。鼓励她谈论她的一天。她吐露你感觉和讨论问题,关心你。确保每天花一些时间只是 与你的伴侣保持联系。 握着她的手,当你走在一起或者只是坐在一起坐在沙发上看电视。触摸没有性含义是非常重 要的关系。让她知道你只是喜欢亲近她。 3.Be a good listener. Women are communicators, but men often forget this, so be sure to keep communication flowing between the two of you. Encourage her to talk about her day. Confide your feelings to her and discuss issues that concern you. Make sure that some time each day is spent just keeping in touch with your partner. Hold her hand when you are walking together or just sitting on the couch watching television together. Touch without sexual implication is very important in a relationship. Let her know that you simply enjoy being close to her. 41----Explain the following funny quote: “A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished.”一个恋爱中的男人,到结婚之后才能变得完整, 那时候他就完美的男人了~ 个人看法---恋爱的时候男人 ,只要love自己的女人可以了,没有太多的顾 虑烦恼,但是结婚之后,就必须要承担更多的家庭责任,社会责任,这样男人就 完整了 43---- Talk about all the people and things that annoy you. How do you handle them? 谈一下你遇到的烦心事,怎么处理, 朋友欠钱,女朋友或者男朋友提出分手,考试没考好,被别人邀请但是没 法参加如何拒绝, 44---- Tale about most common gestures that people do in a restaurant. , 服务人员在请客人进门、就座、为客人指引方位、物品或为他人做介绍等情况下都 会用到引导手势语,在使用过程中正确的做法是:Service personnel treat people the door, table, guidelines for the guest orientation, the goods or for any other person to make presentation cases are used to guide sign language , 1、要使用手掌,而不能仅用手指,因为用手指指点他人带有指挥、教训或傲慢 13 之意,是不礼貌的行为;Hands to use(Using palms), not only with your fingers because finger-pointing with a commanding, lessons learned and arrogant of others, it is impolite to others 2、是要掌心向上,而不宜掌心向下。因为掌心向上,且手指微曲,具有虚心、 坦诚、尊重他人之意;而掌心向下则会让客人感到带有强制和命令的意味,不够坦 率、缺乏诚意。Palm is up rather than down the Palm. Because palms up and fingers slightly curved, with the meaning of modesty, honesty, respect for others and palms down with coercion and commands that will make guests feel, Frank enough, lack of good faith , 同一种手势,在不同的国家、地区,往往会有不同的含义,如竖起大拇指,多数国 家表示“好”、“称赞”之意,而在欧洲则表示“请求搭车”,在日本指“老爷子”, 在澳大利亚却是一种粗野的动作With a gesture, in different countries and regions, will often have different meanings, such as OK, most States indicated "good" or "praise", while in Europe it said "request a ride" in Japan means "master" in Australia it was kind of rough action 45---- What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming vegetarian? the positive benefits of being a vegetarian are well known. these include: more energy less chance of being overweight healthier glow/clearer complexion higher fiber diet less chances of getting certain medical conditions such as colon cancer not participating in the inhumane way that animals are slaughtered for food the list of positive benefits of being a vegetarian go on and on. how can anyone of us not want to reap these benefits? so the question that begs itself to be asked is, if there are so many positives to being a vegetarian, why do so many people still eat meat and what are some of the disadvantages of being a vegetarian? disadvantages of being a vegetarian 1) decreased protein - meat provides us with adequate store of protein which our body needs to use for activities related to the repair, growth and maintenance of cells in our body. protein gives us energy and helps our body fight against infections. there are other foods that give us protein such as eggs, milk, spinach, soybean, fish, whole grains, rice, beans, corn, oats, nuts, peas and peanut butter. 2) lack of food choices – some restaurants and grocery stores still do not offer a wide selection of vegetarian entrees to choose from. also, when 14 someone who is a vegetarian goes out to eat over at a friends house, there are not always vegetarian options available. 3) difficulty when with a crowd – it’s just easier to fix a meal for everyone then to fix two different alternatives. one meal for everyone else in your family who eats meat and then another meatless meal just for you. 4) decreased creatinine – creatinine, which comes from meat, helps our body build muscle mass, an essential function for every movement we make. 5) decreased vitamins and minerals – strict vegans who do not partake in the use of any animal products of any kind, have to be more conscious of getting vitamins b12 vitamin, iron and calcium. fortunately, these deficits can be made up for and supplements can be taken. whether you are a vegetarian for religious, health or moral reasons or if you are considering becoming a vegetarian, look at the list of disadvantages of becoming a vegetarian and think of ways to combat or anticipate each one. also, people with a need for a larger body mass such as weight lifters may need to rethink their desire for a vegetarian diet as supplements may not give you adequate protein stores needed. 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------精品范文 ------------------------------------------------------------- 精品范文 16 / 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------精品范文 ------------------------------------------------------------- 精品范文 17 / 17
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