

2017-10-26 11页 doc 34KB 29阅读




两到三岁宝宝食谱两到三岁宝宝食谱 为了使家长能够更好地掌握幼儿期的饮食喂养,现将幼儿一天的进食量作一简单介绍。2,3 岁小儿,主食100,200克,豆制品15,25克,肉、蛋50,75克,蔬菜100,150克,牛奶250 ,500克,水果适量。如果能按上面的量食用,就可以得到较充足的热量和营养。但是,仅 有丰富的食物珲不够,还要合理安排吃饭的时间和进餐的次数,才能保证摄取足够的营养。 一般小儿进食次数可随年龄的增长而逐渐减少,也就是说,年龄越小,进餐次数应越多,2 ,3岁小儿,每天大约吃4,5顿饭。同时幼儿一天中各顿饮食要有个合理的比便安排...
两到三岁宝宝食谱 为了使家长能够更好地掌握幼儿期的饮食喂养,现将幼儿一天的进食量作一简单介绍。2,3 岁小儿,主食100,200克,豆制品15,25克,肉、蛋50,75克,蔬菜100,150克,牛奶250 ,500克,水果适量。如果能按上面的量食用,就可以得到较充足的热量和营养。但是,仅 有丰富的食物珲不够,还要合理安排吃饭的时间和进餐的次数,才能保证摄取足够的营养。 一般小儿进食次数可随年龄的增长而逐渐减少,也就是说,年龄越小,进餐次数应越多,2 ,3岁小儿,每天大约吃4,5顿饭。同时幼儿一天中各顿饮食要有个合理的比便安排。早饭 要让孩子吃得好,一般以面包、糕点、鸡蛋、牛奶、稀饭等配以小菜,营养要占全天总热量 的25%左或。午饭应最丰富,量也最多,应给烂饭、馒头、肉末、青菜、动物肝脏、豆腐羹 、菜汤等,营养要占全天总热量的35%;午点可适量加点牛奶或豆浆、水果等,约占全天总 热量的10%左右。晚饭要给小儿吃得清淡一些,如烂饭、面条、菜包、青菜、浓汤等,要占 全天总热量的30%左右,同时要注意晚餐不要吃得过饮,以免小儿夜间睡眠不安。 2,3岁小儿食谱举例 : 下面为2,3岁小儿准备一些简单食谱,供家长参考: (1)、早餐:大米粥,鸡蛋面饼。 午餐:软米饭,肉末炒胡萝卜,虾皮紫菜汤。 加餐:牛奶,饼干。 晚餐:肉末碎青菜面。 (2)、早餐:牛奶,面包夹果酱。 午餐:豆沙包,小米粥,猪肝炒黄瓜。 加餐:水果,点心。 晚餐:软米饭,油菜炒香菇,海米冬瓜汤。 (3)、早餐:玉米面粥,小烧饼,蒸蛋羹。 午餐:软米饭,红烧鱼,炒青菜,西红柿鸡蛋汤。 加餐:豆浆,饼干。 晚餐:馒头,炒绿豆芽、青菜肉丸汤。 (4)、早餐:牛奶,葱油花卷。 午餐:菜肉小包子,豆腐小白菜汤。 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 加餐:水果,点心。 晚餐:软米饭,西红柿炒鸡蛋,炒碎菠菜。 (5)、早餐:碎菜粥,面包片,煮鸡蛋。 午餐:馒头,红烧鸡块,炒青菜,菠菜粉丝汤。 加餐:牛奶,饼干。 晚餐:菜肉馄饨。 (6)、早餐:牛奶,煎鸡蛋馒头片。 午餐:葱油饼,肉末炒青菜,丝瓜蘑菇汤。 加餐:水果,饼干。 晚餐:菜包,葱油蛋花汤。 (7)、早餐:面片肉松粥,枣泥包。 午餐:菜肉水饺。 加餐:牛奶,点心。 晚餐:软米饭,肉末蒸蛋羹 还有更多食谱 1、金色阳光 原料:鲜鱼籽一两,鸡蛋一个、盒装豆腐半盒 配料:色拉油、香油、醋少许,盐、葱,香菜 做法: (1)将鲜鱼籽洗净,放入豆腐,鸡蛋清(完整蛋黄备用),色拉油,少许醋,盐及葱末搅拌均匀,放入蒸锅蒸5分钟左右,蒸的过程中要搅拌一次,使油盐均匀浸入鱼籽中 (2)将备用蛋黄放在鱼籽中央,继续慢火蒸10分钟,起锅加入香油香菜即可。 注:食时可加入米饭或粥中。此菜做法简单,营养丰富,味道鲜美,十分适合1岁以上宝宝食用。 【花鲢两式美食 】 主料:花鲢鱼1条 配料:盐、油、葱、姜 做法: 2、 花鲢鱼头汤 做法:切下鱼头洗净,油烧开后将鱼头放入并略过油,放入葱姜,加入水煮,烧开后Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 煮15—20分钟,待鱼汤变为奶白色,放入适当盐即可。给宝宝喝鱼汤,可别忘了把鱼脑和粘滑的鱼肉剔给宝宝吃。 特点:易于消化,营养丰富,含有蛋白质、脑黄金、微量元素等。适合7个月以后的宝宝吃。 3、花鲢鱼丸 做法: (1) 先将葱姜水煮好,放凉待用。 (2) 去掉鱼刺,将鱼肉剁碎,越细越好,放入盆中,边加葱姜水,变搅拌,并加入适量盐,搅拌均匀后待用。 (3) 用锅将水加热至温,用手将鱼肉挤到锅内,待全部挤好后,大火将鱼丸烧开,至鱼丸上浮即可。 特点:鱼肉细腻、润滑、营养丰富。适合8个月以上宝宝。 以上鲢鱼两式美食富含胶原蛋白、脑黄金、核酸、钙、磷等矿物质和微量元素,对宝宝大脑及肌肉、骨骼发育特别有益,建议各位妈妈多给宝宝吃鱼。 4、小饺子 主料:猪里脊肉、虾仁、香菇、胡萝卜、小白菜的叶子(或油菜叶、嫩芹菜叶均可) 配料:油、盐、葱、酱油 做法: (1) 先将里脊肉(因为容易烂、不带筋,宝宝易于消化)、虾仁分别剁碎放入盆中,将烧开的油浇入,放入葱末、酱油、少许水,搅拌均匀后待用。 (2) 将香菇几片,用开水料过后切碎。再将胡萝卜、青菜叶子分别切碎,将上述一起放入已搅拌好的肉馅中,再放入一点盐,搅拌均匀。 (3) 擀饺子皮,要薄、小,加入馅,包成小饺子。 (4) 水烧开后,将饺子放入,要多煮一会,待饺子上浮后,即可。 特点:营养全面,口味鲜美。胡萝卜富含维生素A,对宝宝眼睛和皮肤有利,绿叶菜含有多种维生素、矿物质,特别是维生素C、叶酸较多。虾仁、瘦肉含有丰富蛋白。每次包饺子可以多包一点,分袋包装,放入冰箱冷冻,随吃随拿,非常方便,可以经常调剂宝宝口味。 适合12个月以上宝宝 1,家常凤尾菇肉片 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 这一道菜,适合两岁以上牙齿出齐了的宝宝。 主料:凤尾菇500克猪里脊200克红色和绿色甜椒各一只 配料:色拉油100克姜两片蒜片适量大葱两根切成段水淀粉少许鸡蛋一个取清盐酱油(味精) 做法: (1).凤尾菇撕成小块,清洗后捏干;甜椒切丝;里脊切成片(比我们大人吃的要小一点),加少许盐和酱油,嫩肉粉(淀粉也行),蛋清拌匀,渍半小时。 (2).倒50克色拉油入锅烧热,下肉片翻炒至熟,盛起。 (3).锅洗净后再倒50克色拉油烧热,依次下姜片,蒜片,葱段爆一下,放入凤尾菇大火翻炒后改用小火烧,放适量盐,十分钟后加入红绿甜椒丝翻炒,这时候把肉片倒入炒几下,放少量味精(也可以不放),最后加水淀粉,勾芡收汁即成。 特点:颜色鲜艳,容易引起孩子的食欲;味道清淡鲜香,很适合孩子的口味。 (注:凤尾菇有的地方叫平菇。) 2 、萝卜饭 主料:胡萝卜、瘦肉、大米 配料:香菇、青菜、姜 做法: (1)、将胡萝卜、瘦肉、香菇切成丁,备用 (2)、起锅,放瘦肉、胡萝卜丁快炒,放生姜丝酒(少许),放入香菇一起炒 (3)、加水,放淘好的大米,放点盐,放入青菜,盖好锅和平时一样煮熟(最好用铁锅) (4)、盛出前加点蒜叶 说明:此主食味道鲜美,易消化,营养充分,是1—2岁的宝宝爱吃的 3、咸粘粥 做法: (1)从超市购回的玉米面小饼,把饼从中间分开,炸至金黄,夹上煎好的荷包蛋、烤的软软的厚火腿,再来两片黄瓜,就是“三明治”; (2)蒸好山药、胡萝卜,胡萝卜去皮、切成一排小花,摆在盘子四周;山药去皮压成泥,用一点点油放白糖翻炒,再加一些现成的山楂果脯切成碎丁,零星地撒在上面,很开胃。 (3)切菠菜、豆腐干、粉条,熟锅后诸项加入,撒上几粒煮好的红小豆、用凉水和好小米面,煮个开锅,放一点盐,就是一锅很好喝的“咸粘粥”。 4、小蛋饺 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 主要原料:猪瘦肉、鸡蛋一个、香菇少许、青菜少许 配料主要有:油、盐、葱、料酒、味精、生粉 作法: (1)、将肉剁成肉末、香菇青菜切碎,肉末和香菇青菜末搅拌均匀,加入适量料酒、酱油、盐、生粉、味精、葱末,调好味。 (2)、把鸡蛋打匀,制作小蛋饺时用勺子,先把蛋摊成一小块蛋皮,再放入调好的肉末,注意要用小火,做成蛋饺状即可。 (3)、将做好的小蛋饺放入烧开的水中或做好的汤中继续烧,熟之后即可食用。 注:此菜吃起来比较方便,蛋饺小而灵巧,对孩子有新奇感,易引起食欲。 宝宝发烧了 宝宝发烧的时候,体温上升,体内的水分流失的很多。因此,饮食方面首先要补充水分,其次是维他命和矿物质。没断奶的宝宝可以吃妈妈的奶,大一点的宝贝可以喂米汤。因为米汤可补充水分和维他命。另外,可以煮点雪梨汤给宝宝喝,因为雪梨汤含有丰富的维生素C,且有助舒缓孩子的咳嗽。 宝宝腹泻 宝宝腹泻时,大便次数多,排泄物呈蛋花状,带酸味。因此,宝贝此时严重缺水和电解质。应减少宝宝肠胃负担,不要让她吃固体食物。 应给他吃点液体或流质食物。可短期食用白粥或米汤。如腹泻不止,可吃些淮山栗子糊,据中医说,可止泻及健脾消食。 以下几款适合宝宝的食谱是我从杂志上看到,已经试验过的,比较见效的: 淮山栗子糊 : 淮山30克(常见于清补凉汤内),栗子10粒,冰糖适量。 做法: (1).栗子去壳,去除外衣,肉洗干净。淮山用水浸透,洗净。 (2).将栗子和淮山放入搅拌机内加适量清水,绞成浆再到入锅内。 (3).加入3-4碗水,加入冰糖慢火煮成糊状即可。 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the
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