
卜算子 咏梅 陆游

2017-09-20 20页 doc 96KB 37阅读




卜算子 咏梅 陆游卜算子 咏梅 陆游 驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。 无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 卜算子?咏梅 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。 俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。 阅读下面的文字,回答后面的问题。(4分) 繁花似锦的夏季来临,她牵着我的手慢步在田纳西河的岸边,望着田野、山坡,人们正在田间地头翻土播种,我们在河边温软的草地上坐下,开始了人生的新课程。在这里,我明白了大自然施与人类的恩惠,我懂得了阳光雨露如何使树木在大地上茁壮成长,我...
卜算子  咏梅   陆游
卜算子 咏梅 陆游 驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。 无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 卜算子?咏梅 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。 俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。 阅读下面的文字,回答后面的问题。(4分) 繁花似锦的夏季来临,她牵着我的手慢步在田纳西河的岸边,望着田野、山坡,人们正在田间地头翻土播种,我们在河边温软的草地上坐下,开始了人生的新课程。在这里,我明白了大自然施与人类的恩惠,我懂得了阳光雨露如何使树木在大地上茁壮成长,我懂得了鸟儿如何筑巢,如何繁衍,如何随着季节的变化而迁徙,也懂得了松鼠、鹿等动物如何觅食,如何栖息。我了解的事情越多,就感到自然的伟大和世界的美好。 (1)给下面词语中加着重号的字注音。 ?繁衍( ) ?栖( )息 (( (2)这段文字中有两个错别字,请找出来并加以改正。 ? 应改为 ? 应改为 1.诗文默写。(10分) 。 ? ,月有阴晴圆缺。 ?大漠孤烟直, ?有位同学经常高谈阔论,确立了许多目标,可常常不能实现,请你用《<论语>十则》中的一句话告诫他:“_______________________,_________ __________。” (2)下面是从笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》中摘录的一则“鲁滨逊日记”: 五月四日。出去钓鱼,但没有钓到一条我敢吃的鱼,当我感到十分厌倦,正要离开的时候,却钓到一只小海豚。我所用的长长的钓丝,是用绳纰,pī,搓成的,只是没有钓钩。可是我还是经常钓到足够的鱼来吃。我把它们晒干了吃。 ?在这则日记中,鲁滨逊的生存智慧具体表现在哪里,(2分) (((( 答: ?富有生存智慧的鲁滨逊在荒岛还做了哪些事来解决他的生活难题,(概述两个事例)(2分) (((((( 事例一: 事例二: (二)阅读王晓明的《深情海棠》,回答问题。(9分) 宋代诗人苏东坡歌咏海棠的名句“只恐夜深花睡去,故烧高烛照红妆”把“花中神仙”的娇柔之态活脱脱地勾画出来,流露出一片爱花之情。然而,这爱却远不及周恩来与邓颖超对海棠的眷眷深情。 位于北京中南海的西花厅,是周恩来夫妇的住处。庭院里种有许多海棠树。这些海棠树每年都是花丰叶茂,姿影绰约。虽然娇媚温柔却不妖冶,有超群绝类之势。我想,当年周恩来选中这里,定是被这海棠structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 深深地吸引了。每当海棠花开时,日理万机的周恩来总要抽空和邓颖超一起漫步欣赏那如霞似锦的鲜花。每每工作到深夜,累了,周恩来也爱在海棠树下散步。那沁人心脾的花香,使夜间的空气显得格外清新。于是,一切烦扰和疲劳都被暂时忘却。 有时,周恩来走到海棠树下,赞叹地说,“海棠是一种非常清香的花,人人喜爱。”夜空中,花枝在轻轻地摇曳着,似乎在感谢周恩来的夸奖。 海棠花是楚楚动人的,而由此引出的周恩来与邓颖超之间的故事,恐怕比它还要动人。还记得美国著名作家斯诺的夫人曾谈起,当年,邓颖超送给她一束新鲜的海棠花,并告诉她这是周恩来生前最喜爱的花。斯诺夫人高兴极了,给花拍了照,然后压在书中保存了起来。 1954年春,西花厅的海棠花又开了。而这时,周恩来正在瑞士参加日内瓦会议,不能亲临赏花。于是,邓颖超便剪下一枝海棠花做成标本,压在书中托人带给周恩来。真是“羁客有家归不得,对花无语两含情”。看到这蕴含着祖国亲人深情厚谊的海棠花,周恩来十分感动。百忙之中,他压了一朵芍药花托人带回中南海。回国时,他又把那枝海棠带了回来。邓颖超随即用一张纸做衬,把海棠和芍药放在一个镜框里挂了起来。人们见了,都以为是一幅静物油画呢,北京——日内瓦,海棠——芍药花。直到现在,这两枝花还完好地保存着。看到它,会引起人们多少美好的遐想。 啊,深情的海棠, 10.为什么说苏东坡的爱花之情“远不及周恩来与邓颖超对海棠的眷眷深情”,(3分) 答: 11.周恩来为什么爱在海棠树下散步,(用第二段的原话回答)(2分) 答: 12.第三段中“花枝在轻轻地摇曳着,似乎在感谢周恩来的夸奖”一句使用________的修辞方法。(1分) 13.为什么见了放在一个镜框里的海棠花和芍药花,会引起人们美好的遐想,(2分) 答: (2)阅读,根据要求作文。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 我们曾关切蚂蚁王国的命运,猜想奥妙宇宙的奥秘,还有堆沙、玩水、痴想„„纯粹而真实。 少年的心里住着童心,不经意间,你会发现枝头的花儿在匿笑,墙角的蟋蟀在欢唱„„ 大人的心里藏着童心,不信你看,爷爷和你的忘年之交,严谨的老师天真的一笑„„ 让我们用眼睛去“听”,用耳朵去“看”,童心可以装下整个世界。 请以“ 童心”为题写一篇不少于600字文章。要求:?补全题目,可以填入“拥有”“发现”“久违了”“美丽的”“爸爸的”“啊~”等; 语文出版社《语文》期中学习目标检测 九年级(上)语文 参考及解析 一(语文积累与运用(35分) 1.(1)?yǎn ?qī 【本题中“衍”易读成yán,“栖”易读成xī;每个1分,共2分】 (2)?慢 漫 ?慧 惠 【第一处根据语境可知是在田纳西河岸边轻松悠闲地散步,所以应该为“漫步”,第二处“惠”是好处的意思,“慧”是智慧的意思,根据语境应该是“恩惠”;指出错误并改正才可得1分,若只写出错误未改正或只写改正后的字未指出错误甚至未填,皆不得分,共2分】 2.【本部分出现错别字、少写、多写、未写皆不得分;每空1%,共10分】?长河落日圆 ?人有悲欢离合 ?士不可以不弘毅 任重而道远 ?即从巴峡穿巫峡 便下襄阳向洛阳 ?商女不知亡国恨 隔江犹唱后庭花 一曲新词酒一杯 去年天气旧亭台 3.【示例】严于责己、勇于自新 要孝敬父母、报答父母 高尚的爱情是永恒的美和力量、是人类精神性的需要、它应该远远超越“传宗接代”的生理需要 ,写出自己的感悟,任选三处作答;每处1分,共3分, 4.(1)【连线人文】【示例】黄河壶口瀑布——大禹治水传说(或:李白“君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”) 岳阳楼-洞庭湖——范仲淹《岳阳楼记》(或:孟浩然“气蒸云梦泽,波撼岳阳城”) 桃花源——陶渊明《桃花源记》 南京钟山——毛泽东“钟山风雨起苍黄,百万雄师过大江” ,将景、人及与之有关的诗文故事等写出来;若写诗文故事,需要写出作者;不能与示例相同;要求写2处,每处1分,共2分, (2)【广告美景】【示例】清水岩——老君岩笑迎天下客 ,本题的范围是泉州十八景,泉州十八景为:涂门街、东湖公园、西湖公园、深沪湾、郑成功史迹、开元寺、五里桥、蔡氏古民居、牛姆林、府文庙、崇武古城、洛阳桥、清水岩、天后宫、黄金海岸、仙公山、岱仙瀑布、黄金海岸;选择其中一处,抓住景点特征来写,不能与示例相同,注意语言优美、对称、整洁;2分, (3)【评说现象】画面:某人正在一处旅游景点的石狮上书写“到此一„„”还没写完,石狮奋起自卫,恼怒地给了他一记耳光,并气愤地说:“我叫你写~” 讽刺意义:讽刺一些人在旅游中到处乱写乱画,破坏风景文物的不文明行为。 ,本题属于图文转换类考题;首先客观地、有条理地将画面及文字内容描述出来,然后结合画面、文字揭示其讽刺意义;将画面描述完整、语言简洁得1分,将讽刺意义简洁、明了地写出来得1分;共2分, structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof (4)【分享收获】【示例】爸爸(妈妈),你们好~我马上安全返程了。本次旅游既让我强健了体魄,又拓宽了视野,增长了见识,还让我对书本上的知识进行了验证,获得了真知。真是受益匪浅啊~ ,本题是口语表达;注意写出称呼,概括列举出游览的收获一两点,语言流畅连贯;共2分, 5.(1)B(2分) (2)?,要求与评分:点出其生存智慧的具体表现得1分;表达1分;共2分, 【例一】用绳纰做成钓丝来钓鱼„„【例二】钓到足够的鱼来充饥„„【例三】把剩余的鱼晒干了吃„„ ?(2分),要求与评分:事例能体现其生存智慧,每个事例1分;若表达不好,扣1分;共2分, 【例一】种大麦和水稻,获得一个稳定的食物来源。 【例二】成功驯养山羊,得到了固定的美食。 【例三】几经失败做成陶器,用来盛放各种食物等。 【例四】用收获的粮食烘烤面包,改善了自己的饮食。 【例五】驯化野人,使之成为自己忠实的仆人。 【例六】找到山坳前的一块平地,搭起帐篷,拥有了临时的安身之所。 【例七】及时将搁浅船中可用的东西搬到岸边,使之成为今后生活的物质基础。 【例八】伐倒一棵树,花了两年时间,造成一只独木舟,进行沿岛航行。 【例九】每天用刀子在方柱上刻一个斫痕,来计算年月日。 【例十】设法用水手的值夜衣改制了两件背心,用来抵御太阳的照射。 【例十一】用山羊皮制成帽子、外衣和裤子,用来抵御寒冷。 【例十二】患病时,咀嚼烟叶,治好了自己的病。 (3),要求与评分:联系小说内容,言之成理2分;语言表达1分;共3分, 【例一】唐僧最富有人情味。因为他有菩萨心肠,富于同情心。路遇白骨精时,因不忍孙悟空滥杀无辜而逼走孙悟空,虽好坏不分,显得软弱,但也凸显其富有人情味„„ 【例二】唐僧最富有人情味。当他惩戒孙悟空,对着孙悟空念紧箍咒时,不时因孙悟空的求饶,而不忍心往下念„„ 【例三】孙悟空最富有人情味。孙悟空因打死白骨精而遭唐僧驱赶,走前那声声“师父”,体现了他的人情味。他为了拜一下师父,“即变了三个行者,连本身四个,四面围住师父下拜。”对师父的留恋和无奈,显露无疑„„ 【例四】猪八戒最富有人情味。在高老庄时,耕田耙地,收割田禾,表现得很勤快。取经路上,与孙悟空协力合作,虽不时偷懒,有时立场不坚定,但仍是孙悟空最得力的助手„„ 【例五】沙僧最富有人情味,被唐僧收服后负责挑担,老实本份,任劳任怨„„ 二(阅读与感悟(50%) (一)阅读《扁鹊见蔡桓公》(节选),回答问题。(12分) 6.(1)跑 (2)通“烫”,用热水焐 (3)特意 (4)管辖 【写出加点字的意思,注意:第(2)要写出通假字并解释;每个1分,共4分】 7.C 【A/B/D三个选项的“之”都是放在主谓间,取消句子的独立性,C是代词,代他;2分】 8.“疾”是文中是指一般的小病,“病”则是指达到一定程度的疾病。 【对两个字进行解释,大意相同即可;每个1分;共2分】 9.(1)(桓侯得病)现在已到了骨髓,所以我不再过问了。【重点字词解释:是以;2分】 (2)过了五天,桓侯浑身剧痛,派人去寻找扁鹊,(扁鹊)已逃到秦国去了。【重点字词解释:居、使、索;2分】 (二)阅读王晓明的《深情海棠》,回答问题。(9分) 10.周恩来与邓颖超对海棠的眷眷深情,不仅表现在对海棠花的喜爱,(1分)也寄托了他们两人之间动人心弦的挚爱深情,(1分)更表达了两位革命领袖共同的革命理想和为理想而奋斗的革命志向。(1分)【写出对海棠的眷眷深情表现在哪里(1分),寄托了什么(1分),表达了什么(1分);共3分】 11.“花丰叶茂,姿影绰约。虽然娇媚温柔却不妖冶,有超群绝类之势”,(1分)“那沁人心脾的花香,使夜间的空气显得格外清新”。(1分)【原因有两句,每句1分;共2分】 12.拟人 【写出修辞手法即可;1分】 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 13.因为它很像一幅“对花无语两含情”的静物油画,(1分)其中蕴含着亲人的深情厚谊。(1分)【言之有理即可;共2分】 (三)阅读下文,回答问题。(12分) 14.?记取从前的教训,作为以后各种的借鉴。?不顾事实,随口乱说。?丧失理智,象发了疯一样,形容言行昏乱而荒谬或残忍可恶到了极点。 【写出词语大意即可;每个1分,共3分】 15.日本帝国主义的侵略罪行。 【大意相同即可;共2分】 16.举例论证。 【写出论证方法即可;共1分】 17.直接批驳。(1分)直接反驳对方论点,即日本前运输大臣石原慎太郎的言论,(1分)指出石原先生不顾历史事实而信口雌黄决非是对历史的无知,而是别有用心地捏造谎言。(1分)【批驳方法1分,如何批驳2点,每点1分,2分;共3分】 18.【从日本首相小泉纯一郎再三参拜靖国神社,日本删改历史教科书,否认侵略历史等角度去讲;言之有理即可;共3分】 (四)阅读李丹崖的《和自己竞争,与别人合作》(节选),完成下列问题。(18分) 19.“懂农事的”是指整天在地里侍弄庄稼的大人,他们熟悉玉米等庄稼的习性和生长规律,因此他们的意见有权威性。(1分)如果将这几个字删去,“大人们”所说的话就少了那种特有的权威性,(1分)表达效果就减弱了。(1分)【写出“懂农事的”的含义得1分,写出删去后的表达效果得2分;共3分】 20.按时间顺序来写,既符合玉米“生长、开花、结果”的生长过程,(1分)又突出了“我”的坚持使玉米打破了大人们的固有看法,(1分)为后面探寻玉米结果的原因作铺垫。(1分)【言之有理即可;共3分】 21.该句采用比喻,(1分)将墙角那整棵玉米比作“如同穿了火红的裙子”,从色彩、外形等方面将凌霄缠绕在玉米上开花的情状生动形象地描写出来,(1分)让人如见其景。“嘤嘤嗡嗡”模拟了蜜蜂在花间飞舞时发出的声音,既表现出墙角的生机,(1分)又衬托了凌霄花开得热闹的特点,(1分)表达了作者的喜爱之情。(1分)【按点得分,每点1分;共5分】 22.承上启下。(1分)以“这样的玉米”承接上文,以“怎么会结果呢”设问,引起读者的思考,引出对玉米结果原因的深入,使文章自然转入下面的议论。(2分)【作用1分,解释说明2分;共3分】 23.以自己小时候曾种了一棵玉米为切入点,(1分)先叙述这棵玉米在别人的疑惑中开花结果的奇异经历,(1分)再由这一经历引出议论,(1分)然后由物及人,点出“和自己竞争,与别人合作,谋求共赢”这一主题。(1分)【按点得分,每点1分;共4分】 三(笔下生花(65%) 24.请按要求完成下面这篇习作《感恩父亲》。(5%) (1)示例:我最应该感谢的人是我的父亲。【符合“感恩”的内容,语句通顺即可;共1分】 (2)将“他也弄了个光头”后面的逗号改为分号。【指出错误并改正才可得分;共1分】 (3)“道貌岸然”使用不恰当,改为“风度翩翩”或“关怀”等。【能表现父亲的风度及关心“我”的词语均可;共1分】 4)第?段。“父亲是个工作狂”这一内容在文中没有体现,因此显得多余,建议删去。【指出不妥并修改才可得分;( 共1分】 (5)示例:我的眼睛湿润了,父亲啊~您每天不辞辛劳地呵护着我,我感谢您。【符合题目要求即可;共1分】 25.【作文评分表】 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 语文出版社《语文》期中学习目标检测 九年级(上)语文试题 (本卷共3个部分 25小题 满分:150分 考试时间:120min 考试范围:全册) 注意:所有答案必须转移至答题卡上,本卷做答皆不得分! 题号 一 二 三 总分 题分 35% 50% 5 60 150 得分 1 2 3 4 1 2 开卷语,经过半个学期的学习,相信你已经掌握了许多新的知识,进一步提高了文学素养了吧?希望你能认真完成这份答卷,以此检测一下自己的语文学习情况,注意把握时间哦,千万不要浪费一分一秒,祝你成功, 一(语文积累与运用(35分) 1.(4分)(1) ?繁衍( ) ?栖( )息 (2)? 应改为 ? 应改为 (( 2.(10分)? ? ? ? ? , , 3.(3分) ; structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof ; 。 4.(8分)(1)(2分)答: (2)(2分)答: (3)画面内容: ;讽刺意义: (4)(2分)答: 5.(9分)(1)(2分) (2)?(2分)答: ?(2分)事例一: 事例二: (3)(3分)答: 二(阅读与感悟(50%) (二)阅读《扁鹊见蔡桓公》(节选),回答问题。(12分) 6.(4分)(1)( ) (2)( ) (3)( ) (4)( ) 7.(2分) 8.(2分)答: 9.(4分)(1) (2) (二)阅读王晓明的《深情海棠》,回答问题。(9分) 10.(3分)答: 11.(2分)答: 12.(1分)________ 13.(2分)答: ,三,阅读下文,回答问题。(12分) 14((3分)?前事不忘,后事之师: ?信口雌黄: ?丧心病狂: 15.(2分) 16.(1分) 17.(3分)答: 18.(3分)答: structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof (四)阅读李丹崖的《和自己竞争,与别人合作》(节选),完成下列问题。(18分) 19.(3分)答: 20.(3分)答: 21((5分)答: 22((3分)答: 23((4分)答: 三(笔下生花(65%) 24.(5%)(1)(1分)答: (2)(1分)答: (3)(1分)答: 4)(1分)答: ( (5)(1分)答: 25.请从下面两道作文题中自选一题,写一篇文章。(60%) 我选择第 道。 题目: 200 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 400 600 700 800 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 900 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof
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