

2017-11-26 30页 doc 106KB 50阅读




体重体脂秤开题报告体重体脂秤开题报告 2013.1.10 目 录 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset approp...
体重体脂秤开题报告 2013.1.10 目 录 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall 一、wifi体重体脂秤的市场需求 .......................................................................................... - 2 - 二、wifi体重体脂秤的发展现状 .......................................................................................... - 3 - 1、国外的发展现状 ....................................................................................................... - 3 - 2、国内的发展现状 ....................................................................................................... - 3 - 三、设计概要 ....................................................................................................................... - 4 - 1、整体设计框架 ........................................................................................................... - 4 - 2、整体设计概述 ........................................................................................................... - 4 - 四、主要器件 ................................................................................................................ - 4 - 1、AFE4300.................................................................................................................... - 4 - 2、飞思卡尔KL系列...................................................................................................... - 5 - 3、TI CC3000 ................................................................................................................ - 5 - 五、设计思路 ....................................................................................................................... - 5 - 1、针对AFE4300的设计思路 ......................................................................................... - 5 - 2、针对飞思卡尔KL的设计思路 .................................................................................... - 6 - 3、针对CC3000的设计思路 ........................................................................................... - 6 - 4、针对体重体脂秤与网络连接的设计思路 .................................................................... - 6 - 5、针对其他方面的设计思路 ......................................................................................... - 7 - 附录:.................................................................................................................................. - 7 - 1、Seanywell 公司的wifi体重体脂秤简介................................................................... - 7 - 2、体重体脂秤以及wifi体重体脂秤的报价................................................................... - 9 - 一、wifi体重体脂秤的市场需求 当代人们进入了网络化社会~生活水平、生活质量也都在不断提高~多种高速发 展的自动化、网络化管理技术使得当今的食品产业愈加兴盛。但是由此带来的问题也 是层出不穷。其中最关键的就属人体健康问题。食品行业的产业化发展、各种食品的 供不应求~导致了人类糖类、脂肪等大幅度摄取~人体健康则遭到了威胁。因此~我 们迫切需要一个“度量衡”来给人们预警信号~保证人体的正常需要以及健康发展。 “体重体脂秤”便由此应运而生。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall wifi体重体脂秤 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 体重体脂秤可以测量用户的体重、脂肪、BMI指数等等~使人们更加深入、透彻、明晰、全面地了解自己的身体状况~从而发现自己的健康状态~便于及时发现问题并且及时补救解决。 体重体脂秤已经在国内外都有较为成熟的产品~但是只能满足人们在家里等固定地点的称量~无法满足人们对一段时期内的对变化曲线的知悉要求。Wifi体重体脂秤则可以将秤终端产生的数据通过wifi无线网络传输到云终端~使人们可以通过下载相应的应用软件即可登陆相应的网站随时查看体重、脂肪的变化曲线情况~及时总结发现个人体态变化~如有问题则可尽早采取相应措施加以补救:Wifi体重体脂秤能够能识别多个用户~让人们能够同时的、随时随地的关心到全家的身体健康。通过wifi网络~用户可在互联网浏览器和iPhone、iPod touch、Android等智能手机上查询自己的信息~随时随地了解体重、脂肪等健康情况~方便而快捷。 并且~根据目前体重体脂秤与wifi体重体脂秤的报价情况~wifi体重体脂秤与普通体重体脂秤价格相当~用户会参照性价比选择更方便的设备~易用性可加速产品的上市进程。因此wifi体重体脂秤有更广阔的商业前景~在专注于低成本高性能的研发前提之下的wifi体重体脂秤会更加受到人们的欢迎。 二、wifi体重体脂秤的发展现状 体重体脂秤在国内外都有一定的成熟产品出现~但是相对来说~wifi体重体脂秤还属于比较新型的一类产品。 1、国外的发展现状 在国外~法国SAS WiThings公司推出世界首创搭载了WiFi和互联网的体重计~能够自动保存体重、脂肪、瘦体重和BMI指数~可在互联网浏览器和iPhone、iPod touch、Android等智能手机上查询自己的信息~iPhone有免费的应用软件下载。 Withings balance能识别8个用户~iPhone用户只要通过下载Withings应用软件~便可登陆相应的网站查看体重信息以及数据变化图标等~随时随地了解体重情况。 2、国内的发展现状 在国内~深圳市樂福衡器有限公司、新力维,Seanywell ,电子科技有限公司、中山市奧特賽電子有限公司、振衡華電子有限公司、松北衡器禮品有限公司等在体重秤、体重体脂秤等行业都有了较为成熟的产品。其中~新力维,Seanywell ,电子科技有限公司则着力于将称量产生的数据流通过wifi传输到云终端~使得人们只需下载相应的软件即可实现对体重、脂肪的实时监控。 Seanywell 公司长期专注于无线产品的研发~他们综合国外同行的WiFi先进技术~开发出了专门应用于电子称和脂肪称领域专用的WiFi模块,CC3000,:WM001S.具有体积小~重量轻、功耗小等特点。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall - 3 - 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 WM001S Wi-Fi模块集成微控制器,MCU,和802.11 b/g 2.4GHz 无线射频收发芯片为一体。模块部分的射频电路已经通过出厂校准测试~客户能够根据自己的需求来设计接口电路和进行二次开发~WM001S模块可为客户提供一种简单、低成本、可靠的Wi-Fi网络产品设计方案。 三、设计概要 1、整体设计框架 体重传感器 输入 MCUCC3000 SPI接口SPI接口与无线网络通讯AFE4300(暂定为飞思卡wifi模块 尔的KL0系列) 体脂传感器 输入 2、整体设计概述 如上图所示~整体设计可大体分为三部分:第一部分AFE4300模拟前端~负责处理传感器采回的模拟信号~并将其转换为数字信号传给MCU,第二部分是主控制器MCU~主要负责对传感器采集的数据进行滤波等处理~同时存放部分CC3000的协议栈~与CC3000通信,第三部分无线WiFi模块选用TI的CC3000~将数据通过无线wifi网络传给上位机。 四、主要器件分析 1、AFE4300 AFE4300是TI公司推出的一款专用于体重体脂测量的模拟前端芯片~它集模拟信号的采集、放大处理、数字化等于一身~使模拟电路部分的设计变得简单快捷~缩短了产品的设计周期。同时~其程控特性有助于提高系统的整体性能~使软件设计更加灵活。AFE4300内部集成了两个相对独立的信号通路:一路用于体重测量,一路用于体脂测量。在体重测量通路中~AFE4300加入了DAC偏移补偿~第二级程控放大等措施~使得设计者可以通过编程来有效地补偿信号采集部分的电压偏移~同时~程控放大对于放大后信号的精度也有着十分重要的意义。在体脂测量通路中~AFE4300内部使用信号发生器结合一个6位的DAC调制出用于注入人体的正弦电流~测量电压即可得出人体的内阻~结合年龄、性别、体重等其它参数就可得出人体的脂肪含量了。 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall wifi体重体脂秤 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 2、飞思卡尔KL系列 飞思卡尔推出的Kinetis L 8/16位系列单片机针对中低端单片机调研市场~其低功耗、高性能、低价位的特点使其具有很强的吸引力~其48M的工作频率、8K到32K的Flash以及丰富的外设,包括两路SPI接口,已经可以满足本次设计要求。 3、TI CC3000 TI公司的CC3000是一款集无线接收器与通讯协议于一身的无线WiFi模块,CC3000,~其低功耗、低代码尺寸及内嵌协议栈等特点~使其可以在满足系统设计要求的前提下~使用户不用十分了了解wifi的具体协议就方便地使用wifi来进行通讯~减小了开发难度~缩短了开发周期。 五、设计思路 整体的设计划分为三个部分~设计思路即围绕这三个部分展开。 1、针对AFE4300的设计思路 一是AFE4300模拟前端~该部分主要是电路部分的设计以及AFE4300与MCU的RGSPI通信。虽然已经集成了大部分的模拟电路~但是仍有一些是需要用户自己搭的~如体重测量信号通路部分就需要加入滤波电路以滤除锯齿波的干扰~其第一级放大部分的增益要靠外接的电阻 来调节等。其它还有基准电压~供电电源等电路的设计。该部分我们可以将TI公司的评估板做为参考。在调试AFE4300的过程中可以先使用tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall - 5 - 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 其它较为熟悉的单片机作为控制器。 2、针对飞思卡尔KL的设计思路 二是熟悉飞思卡尔KL系列单片机的开发环境和工作特点。由于之前没有用过该款单片机~所以本次设计要有一个熟悉的过程。首先要熟悉该单片机的IDE~能够熟练配臵其编程环境,其次~要熟悉该单片机编译及优化设臵及下程方式,最后~要在使用该单片机的过程中深入了解它的一些性能和特点~虽然许多单片机的都有相同的资源~如串行接口、AD转换模块、SPI接口等~但不同单片机的资源都是有差别的~甚至有些资源是存在BUG的。 3、针对CC3000的设计思路 三是针对无线WiFi模块,CC3000,CC3000部分的。主要工作是在熟悉飞思卡尔单片机的基础上~将CC3000的一部分外跑的协议栈移植到该单片机上~使其能够在该系统平台下正常工作~进行数据传输。由于之前没有接触过类似芯片~所以可能会花一段时间来对其进行了解~熟悉其提供的API函数的使用等。公司之前已经用该模块进行过产品开发~所以在开发过程中也要注意吸取之前的开发经验。 4、针对体重体脂秤与网络连接的设计思路 体重体脂秤秤模块通过标准UART接口同WiFi模块,CC3000)进行连接~WiFi模块,CC3000,可以支持两种组网方式~一种是不需要AP路由器~直接以Ad-hoc模式工作~这样可以同笔记本,PC,或iPhone、IPAD等具有wifi功能的设备直接互联,另外一种是以Infra模式工作~连接到AP路由器上~通过路由器转发数据~连接到家庭无线局域网中的笔记本/PC~或者直接转发到互联网上的数据服务器~从而实现数据集中存储。 方式一:体重体脂秤将数据上报到互联网服务器 用户准备开始秤重~唤醒体重体脂秤~体重体脂秤MCU在被唤醒的同时也唤醒 WiFi模块,CC3000,~WiFi模块,CC3000,自动连接到已经设定好的AP路由器上。用户秤完体重后~体重体脂秤MCU将数据通过UART接口发送到WiFi模块,CC3000,上~WiFi模块,CC3000,自动将测量数据通过TCP/UDP/HTTP方式传送到预先设定好的互联网数据服务器上。 用户可以通过web页面登录互联网服务器~也可以通过iphone客户端软件连接到互联网服务器上~浏览自己的历史体重及脂肪率等数据~并进行相应数据分析及提供一些健康建议。 在体重体脂秤休眠的时候~WiFi模块,CC3000,也进入休眠状态~以节约供电。 方式二:体重体脂秤将数据上报到家用PC 用户准备开始秤重~唤醒体重体脂秤~体重体脂秤MCU在被唤醒的同时也唤醒 WiFi模块,CC3000,~WiFi模块,CC3000,和笔记本以AD-Hoc模式建立直接连接。 用户秤完体重后~体重体脂秤MCU将数据通过UART接口发送到 WiFi模块,CC3000,上~WiFi模块,CC3000,自动将测量数据通过TCP/UDP方式传送给笔记本上的运行的体重体脂秤上位机软件。 体重体脂秤上位机软件收到秤重数据后~存储相应的体重数据~并提示给用户。体重体脂秤上位机软件也可以根据用户的要求~通过图形或表格的方式~显示用户的历史tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall wifi体重体脂秤 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 体重数据~并进行相应数据分析及提供一些健康建议。 5、针对其他方面的设计思路 大体部分分为在进行设计之前要对系统的各项参数进行一次较全面的评估~要考虑产品的功耗、性能参数、成本、工作环境等各项指标。在开发过程中~我们可能会用到其它一些调试工具~如用液晶显示数据~用其它单片机接收处理高度信息等~对于这些调试工具的驱动编写及调试也要安排好时间。 所需成本分析: AFE4300 2.75美金 飞思卡尔单片机 1美金左右 CC3000 9.9美金 1美元=6.2267人民币元 嵌入式产品的开发是一个遇到问题解决问题的过程~可能会有很多预先没有想的问题出现。我们要有一个良好的心态~不急不躁~分析问题解决问题。 附录: 1、Seanywell 公司的wifi体重体脂秤简介 Seanywell 公司凭借多年无线开发经验~综合国外同行的WiFi先进技术~及时地开发出专门应用于电子称和脂肪称领域专用的WiFi模块,CC3000,:WM001S.具有体积小~重量轻、功耗小等特点。 模块名称:WM001S WM001S Wi-Fi模块集成微控制器,MCU,和802.11 b/g 2.4GHz 无线射频收发芯片为一体。模块部分的射频电路已经通过出厂校准测试~客户能够根据自己的需求来设计接口电路和进行二次开发~WM001S模块可为客户提供一种简单、低成本、可靠的Wi-Fi网络产品设计方案。 主要特性: 2.4GHz, IEEE 802.11b/g 内部PCB天线~可选外部天线 支持基于AP的网络,Infrastructure,/对等网络Ad-Hoc ,IBSS))/ 虚拟AP 模式~IPHONE/ IPAD/Android 设备也能不用AP/路由器而直接连接 支持802.11i加密方式:WEP-64/128, TKIP (WPA-PSK) and AES (WPA2-PSK) MCU内臵TCP/IP协议栈 3路UART串行接口(其中1路支持 DMA 模式, 全功能串口,波特率最高支持tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall - 7 - 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 921.6Kbps) SPI接口 I2S/PCM接口 Digital Video端口 高达24个GPIO口,部分GPIO将会和上述接口复用, 全功能TCP/IP协议栈~TCP/IP传输带宽达到10Mbps以上 支持三种带有定时自动唤醒功能的WiFi节能模式 单3.3V供电 工作温度范围: 0?C ~ +70?C 尺寸: 25 mm x 45 mm,内部PCB天线, / 25 mm x 39 mm,外部天线, 应用: 串口,RS232/RS485,转WiFi 、SPI 转WiFi, WiFi 远程控制/监控、TCP/IP 和 Wi-Fi协处理器, WiFi 遥控飞机、车等玩具领域, WiFi 网络收音机、摄像头、数码相框, 医疗仪器、数据采集、手持设备, WiFi脂肪称、智能卡终端,家居智能化, 仪器仪表、设备参数监测、无线POS 机, 现代农业、军事领域等其他无线相关二次开发应用。 产品特性 Features Specifications 处理器 80MIPS CPU 无线标准 802.11b/g, 2.4Ghz Code size 1MB Flash Data size 64KB SRAM IEEE 802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps 数据传输速率 IEEE 802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps 频率范围 2.412 ~ 2.484 GHz 频道 14个频道. 可配置成美国,加拿大,欧洲,日本,中国等地区规范。 802.11b: DSSS with DBPSK, DQPSK and CCK Radio 调制方式 802.11g: DSSS with DBPSK, DQPSK and CCK OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM 天线 内部PCB天线和外部天线可选 802.11b DSSS: -5 dBm RF 最大接收功率 802.11b CCK: -10 dBm 802.11g OFDM: -15 dBm 802.11b: -92dBm @ 1 Mbps; -90dBm @ 2 Mbps; -89dBm @ 5.5 Mbps; -85dBm @ 11 Mbps RF 接收灵敏度 802.11g: -82dBm @ 6 Mbps; -82dBm @ 9 Mbps; -82dBm @ 12 Mbps; -82dBm @ 18 Mbps; -79dBm @ 24 Mbps; -76dBm @ 36 Mbps; -71dBm @ 48 Mbps; -70dBm @ 54 Mbps 802.11b: 16.5 ?1dBm RF 最大输出功率 802.11g: 14 ? 1dBm @ 54 Mbps; 15 ? 1dBm @ 48 Mbps; 16 ? 1dBm @ 6 ~ 36 Mbps 加密模式 802.11i security: WEP-64/128, TKIP (WPA-PSK) and AES (WPA2-PSK) tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall wifi体重体脂秤 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 支持3种WiFi节电模式 l 基本节电模式 WiFi节电模式 l 快速节电模式 l 休眠模式 I/O 功功能接口 3 路串行接口, SPI, I2S/PCM, 数字视频接口 能 GPIO 24 通用I/O口 (部分I/O口将会与其他接口复用) WLAN 模式, 数据传输 250mA 或 825 mW WLAN 模式, 无数据传输, 121mA 或 369 mW typical WiFi 基本节电模式使能 平均功WLAN 模式, WiFi 基本节80mA or 264 mW typical 率 电模式使能 WLAN 模式, WiFi 快速节25mA or 82.5 mW typical 电模式使能 WLAN 断开, 睡眠模式) 1.18mA or 3.9 mW typical 操作电压 3.3V 串口转WiFi工作模式下3.3V峰值360 mA 电流 操作温度 0?C to +70?C 产品尺寸 25 mm x 45 mm(内部PCB天线) / 25 mm x 39 mm(外部天线) 2、体重体脂秤以及wifi体重体脂秤的报价 产品报产品名称 产品品牌 生产厂商 产品介绍 价 健康秤不锈钢金属 粘接点: 四点式 健康秤体重指示: 液晶数字显示 体重体脂Life 深圳市乐心医疗电子 型号: GBF-950 298 健康秤形状: 正方秤 Sense/乐心 有限公司 形 健康秤特殊功能: 人体脂肪与水份测试 健康秤面板图案: tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall - 9 - 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 其它健康秤图案 健康秤面板材质: 钢化玻璃 颜色分类: 黑色 紫色 售后服务: 全国联保 驱动类型: 电子 健康秤不锈钢金属粘接点: 四点式 健康秤体重指示: 液晶数字显示 健康秤形状: 长方形 健康秤特殊功能: 人体脂肪与水份测试 体重体脂中山市佳维商贸有限 香山EF896 99 健康秤面板图案: 秤 公司香山衡器专卖店 有图案健康秤面板材质: 钢化玻璃 颜色分类: 水晶玫瑰粉 钻石海洋蓝 青花瓷 售后服务: 全国联保 驱动类型: 电子 健康秤不锈钢金属粘接点: 四点式 健康秤体重指示: 液晶数字显示 健康秤形状: 正方形 TRiOMP 健康秤特殊功能: 体重体脂深圳翠飞贸易有限公H/翠飞 225 人体脂肪与水份测试 EMSC30 秤 司 健康秤面板图案: 纯色 健康秤面板材质: 钢化玻璃 售后服务: 全国联保 驱动类型: 电子 能够自动保存体重、脂肪、BMI指数~可在互 wifi体重鞍山市广禾经贸有限 Withings 联网浏览器和iPhone、1233 秤 公司 iPod touch、Android等智能手机上查询自己 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall wifi体重体脂秤 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 的信息~iPhone有免费 的应用软件下载。 能够自动保存体重、脂 肪、瘦体重和BMI指数~ 可在互联网浏览器和Wifi体重新力维香港新力维科技有限iPhone、iPod touch、 199 体脂秤 WM001S 公司 Android等智能手机上 查询自己的信息~ iPhone有免费的应用 软件下载。 能够自动保存体重、脂 TANITA百 Wifi体重肪、BMI指数~可在互 利达百利达商贸有限公司 199 体脂秤 联网浏览器和智能手机 UM-040 上查询自己的信息~ 能够测量保存体重、脂 苹果肪、BMI指数~可下载Wifi体重苹果电脑国际有限公 Fitbit IOS或者Andriod APP130美金 体脂秤 司 Aria 即可浏览自己的对应记 录 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall - 11 - 北京奥尔斯电子科技有限公司 tablets cover, placed overnight, reset electric Board Shang slowly heating to digest liquid colorless transparent, and appeared large perchlorate smoke, removed tapered bottle, joined 0.5 mL sulfuric acid, Without glass cover. reset appropriately elevated temperature remove perchlorate on the heating plates. Add 10 mL~15 mL of water, heat to boiling. After taking down cold volume to 50 mL with water, if the dilution of the sample is different, should ensure that samples containing 1% sulfate in solution. While two reagent blanks. Determination of drawing 5, 0.0,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0mL aluminium standard solution (the equivalent of aluminium-containing 0,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,6.0 μg g) were placed in a 25 mL colorimetric tube. In turn each tube add l mL sulfuric acid solution l%. 吸 ... Pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus), GB/T4789.4, GB/T4789.5, GB/T4789.10, mold yeast ticket GB7718 starch and starch products inspection and testing the senses taking 50 grams or more of samples placed in a white porcelain plates, in natural light with eye color, nose and smelling and tasting it. Test 1, definition of net content of starch water and starch water principle: starch samples dry weight loss. Sample weight loss weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample. This standard applies to 130 c, 1 starch starch property stability samples at atmospheric pressure. Principle: the samples at a temperature of 130-133 c, an atmospheric pressure of electric heating in the oven-drying 90min, get the sample weight loss. 2, instruments and analytical balance; Metal plate: not under the influence of starch in the test conditions. Dish should be evenly distributed on the surface the test samples shall not exceed 0.3G/cm2. The specifications for the diameter 55-65mm, high 15-30mm, wall
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