

2017-09-18 40页 doc 100KB 20阅读




水文特征与水系特征水文特征与水系特征 1. 水文特征与水系特征 水文:水量 含沙量 汛期 结冰期 流程 流速 水能 性质(内流 外流) 水系:干流流向 支流数量 支流分布 流域面积 注入何处 巧计:两量两期三流干支水能性质 2. 地形特征 (1)地形:山地 平原 丘陵 高原 盆地 (2)地势:_高_低 起伏大小 (3)地貌:褶皱 断层 (流水 风力)堆积地貌 (流水 风力)侵蚀地貌 (4)特征:山高谷深 沟壑纵横 3. 水坝建造条件 (1)落差大 (2)水量大 (3)峡谷地形 2. 4. 企业应该怎么做 (1)制定正...
水文特征与水系特征 1. 水文特征与水系特征 水文:水量 含沙量 汛期 结冰期 流程 流速 水能 性质(内流 外流) 水系:干流流向 支流数量 支流分布 流域面积 注入何处 巧计:两量两期三流干支水能性质 2. 地形特征 (1)地形:山地 平原 丘陵 高原 盆地 (2)地势:_高_低 起伏大小 (3)地貌:褶皱 断层 (流水 风力)堆积地貌 (流水 风力)侵蚀地貌 (4)特征:山高谷深 沟壑纵横 3. 水坝建造条件 (1)落差大 (2)水量大 (3)峡谷地形 2. 4. 企业应该怎么做 (1)制定正确的经营战略 (2)坚持自主创新,提高劳动生产率,树立竞争优势 (3)诚信经营,树立良好的企业形象和信誉 (4)面向市场,生产适销对路的高质量产品 (5)遵纪守法,积极承担社会责任,坚持经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三效益的统一 (6)坚持“引进来”与“走出去”相结合的原则 (7)积极参与国内外市场竞争 5. 多条等值线分析 (1)变化规律(从_向_递减) (2)走向/弯曲方向 (3)疏密程度、均匀程度 (4)局部的特殊弯曲/极值 6.气候特征的表述 (1)气温(均值/极值/年较差) (2)降水(总量/变率) (3)昼夜温差 (4)光照 (5)热量 3. 7.河流航运条件分析 自然条件 (1)水量大,季节变化小 (2)地形平坦,水流平稳 (3)结冰期短或无 (4)含沙量小,河流不易淤塞 社会条件 (1)人口 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (2)经济发展程度 (3)河流流向与客货流向是否一致 8.小农经济特点 (1)自给自足 (2)男耕女织 (3)精耕细作 (4)分散性 (5)封闭性 (6)落后性 (7)脆弱性 9.河流沿岸多城市的原因 (1)地形平坦,便于建设 (2)土壤肥沃,农业发展条件好 (3)临近河流,生产生活用水充足 (4)水陆交通便利 4. 10.文化的作用(发展文化的意义/为什么要发展文化) (1)文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量 (2)文化反作用于经济政治,文化与经济政治相交融 (3)文化是综合国力的重要组成部分 (4)文化影响人的交往行为、交往方式、实践活动、认识活动和思维方式 (5)文化对人的影响具有潜移默化、深远持久的特点 (6)文化对人的影响来自于特定文化环境,多种形式的文化活动 (7)优秀文化丰富人的精神世界,增强人的精神力量,促进人的全面发展 (8)文化为经济建设提供正确的方向保证,强大的精神动力,不竭的智力支持 5. 11.如何促进文化发展 (1)社会实践是文化创新的源泉和动力,要立足实践进行文化创新 (2)人民群众是文化创造的主体,要发挥人民群众的主体作用 (3)文化继承是文化发展的前提,文化发展是文化继承的必然要求,要坚持继承与发展的统一 (4)继承传统,推陈出新,对传统文化取其精华,去其糟粕,批判继承,古为今用 (5) 面向世界,博采众长,坚持以我为主,为我所用,汲取世界优秀文化成果 (6) 正确对待文化多样性,加强文化交流;既认同本民族文化,又尊重其他民族文化 (7)坚持先进文化的前进方向,克服错误的倾向 (8)发挥大众传媒的作用,促进文化的传递、沟通、共享 6. 12.新建交通显得意义 (1)扩大运力,完善将通运输网,缓解运输压力 (2)提升运输速度,节约运输时间 (3)加强区域经济社会联系 (4)带动沿线经济发展和城镇化进程 (5)维护国家统一,民族团结 13.建设新城区(卫星城)的意义 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (1)缓解城市化问(市中心环境差,交通拥挤) (2)推动城市的建设与发展 (3)带动城市的经济发展 7. 14.经济生活:如何解决某问题 首先要先根据材料,从国家、企业、消费者等主体切入 (1)坚持科学发展观 (2)加强宏观调控,发挥市场的调节作用,促进资源合理配置 (3)转变经济发展方式,优化产业结构,走新型工业化道路 (4)坚持自主创新,推动科技进步、管理创新、劳动者素质提高 (5)统筹城乡发展,协调区域发展,缩小区域、城乡差距 (6)坚持资源节约、环境保护,实现可持续发展 (7) 坚持“引进来”与“走出去”相结合的原则,深化改革开放 8. 15.“政府”相关问题 (1)我国政府是人民意旨的执行者,人民利益的捍卫者 (2)政府应积极履行自身政治、经济、文化、公共服务职能(根据材料、分值,可分为四 条或合为一条) (3)政府的宗旨是为人民服务,原则是对人民负责 (4)政府应坚持为人民服务的工作态度,求真务实的工作作风,从群众中来到群众中去的 工作 (5)政府应坚持依法行政,自觉接受人民监督,树立政府权威(可分为三条) 9. 16.寒潮的影响 (1)导致大风降温,对农业生产造成冻害 (2)导致冰雪、风沙,破坏交通通信线路,影响人类活动 (3)带来降水,缓解冬半年的干旱 (4)杀死土地中的虫卵,减少病虫害 10. 19.承接产业转移地区的区位优势 (1)水陆交通便利 (2)市场广阔,经济发展快 (3)廉价劳动力丰富,劳动力素质高 (4)工农业基础好 (5)教育发达,人才众多 (6)国家政策扶持 11. 20.某地人口稠密的原因(如美国东北部) (1)地形平坦,土壤肥沃 (2)气候温和,适宜农业发展和人居 (3)矿产资源丰富 (4)水陆交通便利 (5)工业发达,经济繁荣 (6)开发历史悠久 12. 21.科举制的影响 积极 (1)将读书与做官相结合,提高官员素质 (2)扩大统治基础 (3)打破世家大族对官位的垄断,加强中央集权 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (4)为后世所沿用 消极 (1)明清时期八股取士,内容僵化,禁锢人们思想,阻碍社会进步 13. 22.宗法制 (1)是什么:以血缘关系亲疏确定等级序列 (2)核心:嫡长子继承制 (3)作用:保证贵族在政治上的垄断和特权地位,维护统治集团内部的稳定 14. 23.郡县制 (1)地位:中央集权制的基础 (2)优点:加强中央对地方的管理,有利于防止分裂割据,维护国家统一,民族团结 (3)弊端:中央权力过大,地方缺乏自主性 15. 24.秦朝政治 (1)皇帝制度:皇权至上,皇位世袭„ (2)官僚体系:三公九卿制、地方官制(郡守县令由皇帝任命,对皇帝负责) (3)政治制度:推行郡县制、中央集权制 16. 25.元朝行省制的影响 (1)有利于维护国家统一,民族团结,加强中央集权 (2)促进民族融合,增强民族凝聚力 (3)为中国的省制奠基,影响后世 17. 26.自然经济的弊端 (1)是封建制度的经济基础,阻碍社会的进步与发展 (2)阻碍明清资本主义萌芽的发展和近代民族资本主义的发展 (3)是重农抑商政策、闭关锁国政策的经济根源 (4)阻碍古代科技向近代科技转变,是近代中国落后的根源 18. 27.宋代商品经济繁荣的表现 (1)坊市界限被打破,商业活动不再受时间空间限制 (2)出现“夜市”,隋唐时期出现的草市更加繁荣 (3)商业活动不再受官吏直接监视 (4)出现纸币“交子” 19. 28.“商帮”出现的原因 (1)小农经济与市场联系日益紧密 (2)城镇经济繁荣 (3)农业手工业的发展,产品的丰富 20. 29.政治:与“价格”有关的大题 (1)价值决定价格 (2)供求影响价格 (3)价格变动的影响生产,有助于生产者及时调节生产规模,面向市场,生产适销对路的 高质量产品 (4)价格变动影响人民生活 (5)物价水平影响消费(消费本身、消费观) (6)价格变动有助于促进资源合理配置,引导生产消费 (7)价格变动有助于促进资源节约、环境保护,促进可持续发展 (8) 价格变动有助于促进转变经济发展方式,优化产业结构 21. 30.对古希腊民主制的评价 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 积极 (1)为西方近代民主制度奠基 (2)民主氛围下,在精神文化领域取得辉煌成就 消极 (1)范围:局限于成年男性公民,是少数人的民主 (2)过分泛滥的直接民主,易导致公民暴政 (3)维护奴隶主阶级的利益,维护奴隶制度 22. 33.我国的外交政策 (1)我国坚持独立自主的和平外交政策 (2)我国外交政策的基本目标:维护我国独立和主权,促进世界和平与发展(维我促发) (3)我国外交政策的基本宗旨:卧虎世界和平,促进共同发展(维和促发) (4)我国外交政策的基本立场:独立自主 (5)我国外交政策的基本准则:和平共处五项原则 (6)我国坚持走和平发展道路,树立负责人的大国形象 , 23. 4.泥石流发生的原因 (1)陡峭的沟谷地形 (2)暴雨/持续降水 造成洪水 (3)大量松散堆积物 (4)植被覆盖差 24. 35.滑坡发生的原因 (1)坡度陡 (2)土质疏松,土层稳定性差 (3)植被覆盖差 (4)工程、降水加剧不稳定性 25. 36.沙尘暴发生的原因(以华北地区为例) (1)春季冷空气势力仍较强,且距冷远近,风力大 (2)北部地区多沙漠分布,提供沙源 (3)春季升温快,蒸发旺盛,地表易起沙 (4)地形平坦,对风力削弱作用弱 26. 37.地理环境区位要素(强烈推荐) 地理位置 (1)经纬度位置(2)海陆位置(3)半球位置(4)地区方位 例:巴基斯坦 位于北半球低纬度,东半球,南亚西北部,南临阿拉伯海 自然区位要素 (1)地形(详见no.2)(2)地价(3)地理位置(是否优越)(4)气候(详见no.6)(5)水文(详 见no.1)(6)植被(7)土壤(8)自然资源 社会区位要素 (1)工农业基础(2)经济水平(3)人口(4)劳动力(5)交通(6)市场(7)教育(8)科技(9)基础设施(10) 历史(11)政策 巧记 自然:三地气水土长树,自然资源土里埋 社会:工农基础经济好,人口众多劳力**通便利市场广,教育发达科技强,基础设施建 设好,历史悠久政策帮 , 27. 38.为什么要促进就业 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (1)就业是民生之本 (2)就业使劳动者与生产资料相结合,从而实现社会物质财富和精神财富的生产 (3)劳动者通过就业获得劳动报酬,从而实现劳动力的再生产 (4)就业能够促进劳动者实现人生价值,促进人的全面发展 (5)就业是社会主义本质要求,是实现共同富裕的需要 (6)就业是劳动者的基本权利 (7)就业能够提高消费水平,扩大内需,带动经济增长 (8)就业能促进社会和谐,促进和谐社会建设,推进全面建设小康社会 28. 39.为什么要实现收入分配公平(实现收入分配公平的意义) (1)社会主义本质要求,实现共同富裕的需要 (2)是贯彻落实科学发展观的要求 (3)有助于全体人民共享发展成果,提高人民生活水平 (4)收入是消费的前提与基础,有助于提高收入水平,促进消费扩大内需,带动经济增长 (5)有助于控制收入差距,防止两极分化,促进社会和谐,推进全面建设小康社会 (6)有助于维护劳动者利益,提高劳动者生产积极性 (7)效率是公平的物质基础,公平是效率提高的保证,有助于处理好效率与公平的关系 , /title 29. 40.如何实现收入分配公平 (1)大力发展生产力,落实科学发展观,提升居民收入水平 (2)坚持按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的分配制度 (3)保证居民收入在国民收入中的合理比重,劳动报酬在初次分配中的合理比重 (4)再分配更加重视公平,保护合法收入,调节过高收入,取缔非法收入 (5)加强宏观调控,运用财政税收政策调节分配 (6) 效率是公平的物质基础,公平是效率提高的保证,要处理好效率与公平的关系 30. 41.“人民群众”的哲学意义(就是说你在材料了看见“人民群众”,能想到的要点) (1)人民群众是历史的创造者,要坚持群众观点、群众路线 (2)价值观具有导向作用,要树立正确的价值观 (3)要自觉站在人民群众的立场上做出正确的价值判断与价值选择。将维护人民群众利益最为最高价值诉求 , /title 31. 42.税收(这个可能考的比较少) (1)本质:国家为实现职能,凭借政治权利,依法取得财政收入的基本形式 (2)特征:强制性,无偿性,固定性 (3)作用:财政收入的重要形式;市场监督的重要方式;经济调节的重要杠杆; (4)意义:?在我国,税收取之于民用之于民,个人利益与国家利益本质上是一致的 ?有助于维护公平公正的市场秩序,促进资源合理配置 , 32. 44.与“消费”有关的大题 (1)生产决定消费(生产是消费的动力;生产决定消费的对象、方式、质量、水平) (2)消费对生产具有反作用(消费是生产的目的;消费需求对生产具有导向作用;一个新的消费热点的出现往往会带动一个产业的出现与发展) (3)收入是消费的前提与基础(当前收入;预期收入;社会收入差距) (4)物价水平影响消费(消费水平;消费观念) (5)要树立正确的消费观(量入为出,适度消费;避免盲从,理性消费;保护环境,绿色消费;勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗) , /title 33. 45.专制主义中央集权 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 趋势 (1)君权逐步加强,相权逐步削弱(明朝废除宰相) (2)中央集权逐步加强,地方权力逐步削弱 影响 (1)有利于国家统一,社会安定,促进经济文化繁荣 (2)阻碍资本主义萌芽发展,不利于社会进步 34. 46.中国古代政治制度特点 早期(先秦) (1)王权与神权相结合 (2)未实现高度集权 (3)家国一体 中晚期(秦及之后) (1)地域关系代替血缘关系 (2)官僚体系代替宗族体系 (3)官吏任免制代替世袭制 对了 历史必修一 第一单元的单元导语中还有一组 政治制度特点 最好也记住 , /titl 35. 47.如何促进消费 (1)生产决定消费,要大力发展生产 (2)收入是消费的前提和基础,要提高居民收入水平 (3)运用宏观调控手段,稳定物价 (4)全面改善人民生活,完善社会保障,促进收入分配公平,促进就业 (5)国家要建立一个以道德为支撑,法律为保障的社会信用体系(这条可不答) (6)企业坚持诚信经营,保证产品质量 (7)消费者要树立正确的消费观 , /title 36. 48.如何促进就业 (1)政府实行积极的就业政策,保持经济稳定增长,支持非公有制经济发展,提供更多就 业岗位 (2)企业积极承担社会责任,维护劳动者合法权益 (3)劳动者要树立正确的就业观,发展个人才能,提高个人素质 Ps 正确的就业观: 竞争的就业观 多种方式就业观 职业平等观 自主择业观 , 37. 49.文化交流的意义 (1)推动中华文化走向世界,促进世界文化的繁荣 (2)推进中华文化对外来文化的借鉴、吸收,促进中华文化发展 (3)促进中华文化的传播,增强中华文化影响力 (4)有助于维护世界文化多样性(这条可不答) 38. 50.如何看待文化多样性(或 文化交流的要求) (1)既要尊重和认同本民族文化,又要尊重其他民族文化,求同存异,和睦相处 (2)坚持各民族文化一律平等的原则 (3)各民族文化相互交流,相互借鉴,共同促进世界文化的繁荣与发展 39. 51.热带雨林地区土壤贫瘠的原因 (1)气温高,有机质分解快 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (2)降水多,淋失作用强 (3)植物根系发达吸收强,养分储存在植物体内 40. 52.水土流失 原因 (1)地貌形态不稳定,土壤垂直节理发育,易被侵蚀 (2)降水量大且集中,多暴雨,冲刷作用强 (3)植被覆盖差 (4)土地的不合理利用 治理措施 (1)植树种草,恢复植被 (2)小流域综合治理 (3)修建水库,打坝淤地,修建梯田 41. 53.能源跨区域调配的意义 对输入区(如西气东输的长三角) (1)带动相关产业发展 (2)优化能源结构 (3)缓解能源短缺 对输出区(如西气东输的新疆) (1)将资源优势转化为能源优势,带动经济发展 (2)带动就业,增加收入 (3)完善基础设施 42. 54.稳定物价(这个是抄的板书) 原因 (1)宏观调控的目标之一 (2)物价水平影响消费水平 (3)价格变动影响企业生产、人民生活 (4)有助于提高消费水平,扩大内需,带动经济增长 (5)有助于促进社会和谐,全面建设小康社会 (6)消费对生产具有反作用,有助于促进生产力发展(感觉这条扯远了) 措施 (1)加强宏观调控 (2)供求影响价格,扩大生产,增加供应 (3)坚持自主创新,提高劳动生产率,降低成本 (4)实行适宜的财政政策,货币政策(5)市场秩序,打击哄抬物价 43. 55.城市空间形态(其实适用于一切问分布形态的题) (1)条带状(典例:兰州市) (2)团块装(典例:很多) (3)放射状(典例:北京) (4)组团状(典例:武汉) 44. 56.“公民”相关问题(公民应该怎么做) (1)依法有序参与民主政治,行驶政治权利,履行政治性义务 (2)维护国家统一,民族团结;遵守宪法和法律;维护国家的安全,荣誉,利益 (3)坚持权利与义务统一的原则;个人利益与国家利益相结合的原则 (4)依法行使监督权,坚持实事求是的原则,监督国家机关工作 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (5)了解政府的性质与职能,支持政府工作(这条很少用到) 45. 57.台风的防治 (1)加强监测预报 (2)营造沿海防护林 (3)修建沿海堤坝,修筑护坡工程 (4)制定应急预案 46. 58.旱灾的防治 (1)加强监测预报 (2)人工增雨 (3)修建水库,跨流域调水 (4)发展节水农业,培育抗旱品种 47. 59.经济生活:“资源配置”相关大题 (1)市场在资源配置中起基础作用,但存在自发性,盲目性,滞后性弊端 (2)宏观调控对资源配置具有调节作用,有助于资源合理配置 (3)财政、货币、税收政策有助于调节资源配置 (4)我国实行公有制为主体,多种所有制共同发展的基本经济制度 48. 60.文化生活:“教育”相关大题 (1)含义:人类特有的,传递文化的能动性活动 (2)功能:选择,传递,创造文化 (3)地位:?文化传播的重要方式 ?影响文化发展的重要因素 ?在现代化建设上上具有基础性,先导性,全局性作用 ?是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容 49. 61.科技 经济生活:科技进步的意义 (1)科技是第一生产力 (2)科技是综合国力的重要组成部分,有助于提高国际竞争力 (3)有助于带动相关产业发展,转转变经济发展方式,优化产业结构 (4)有助于增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家 (5)有助于落实科学发展观,促进节能环保,实现可持续发展 文化生活:为什么要重视科技 (1)文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量 (2)文化反作用于经济政治,文化与经济政治相交融 (3)文化是综合国力的重要组成部分 (4)科技是影响文化发展的重要因素 (5)科技是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容 (6)文化创新推动社会实践的发展 50. 62.“国际社会”答题常用要点(政治生活第四单元) (1)我国坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,这是由我国的国家性质,国家利益决定的 (2)我国外交政策的基本目标:维护我国独立和主权,促进世界和平与发展(维我促发) (3)我国外交政策的基本宗旨:维护世界和平,促进共同发展(维和促发) (4)我国外交政策的基本立场:独立自主 (5)我国外交政策的基本准则:和平共处五项原则 (6)我国坚持走和平发展道路,树立负责任的大国形象 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion (7)当今世界,国家间的竞争和主要是综合国力的竞争 (8)国家利益是国际关系的决定因素;维护国家利益是主权国家对外活动的出发点,落脚点;国家间的共同利益是国际合作的基础,利益对立是国际冲突的根源 (9)和平与发展是当今时代的主题,要反对霸权主义强权政治,建立国际经济政治新秩序 (10)主权国家的权力和义务(书上有,不赘述了) (11)联合国的宗旨与原则(材料中涉及联合国才需写出) 51. 63.产业转移的影响 (1)促进区域产业结构调整 (2)促进区域分工合作,加强区域经济社会联系 (3)促进工业化、城市化,也带来环境污染,加剧资源消耗 (4)增加就业机会,改变劳动力空间分布 52. 64.文化生活:“XX精神”的影响(为什么发扬“XX精神”) (1)文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量 (2)文化影响人的交往行为、交往方式、实践活动、认识活动和思维方式 (3)文化对人的影响具有潜移默化、深远持久的特点 (4)文化对人的影响来自于特定文化环境,多种形式的文化活动 (5)优秀文化丰富人的精神世界,增强人的精神力量,促进人的全面发展 (6)中华民族精神有助于增强民族凝聚力,创造力,有助于弘扬和培育民族精神 (7)有助于坚持先进文化前进方向,建设社会主义核心价值体系,加强社会主义精神文明建设 (8)有助于弘扬主旋律,发展先进文化,抵制落后腐朽文化 53. 65.“辩证否定观”常用要点 (1)辩证否定观是事物自身的否定,即自己否定自己,自己发展自己 (2)辩证否定观是联系与发展的环节 (3)辩证否定的实质是“扬弃”,即既肯定又否定,既保留又克服 (4)辩证否定观要求树立创新意识 54. 66.经济生活:怎么做, (1)坚持科学发展观,大力发展生产力 (2)加强宏观调控,发挥市场的调节作用,促进资源合理配置 (3)促进收入分配公平,控制收入差距,实现共同富裕 (4)企业应制定正确的经营战略 (5)企业应坚持自主创新,提高劳动生产率,树立竞争优势 (6)企业应诚信经营,树立良好的企业形象和信誉 (7)企业应面向市场,生产适销对路的高质量产品 (8)企业应遵纪守法,积极承担社会责任,坚持经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三效益的统一 (9)企业应积极参与国内外市场竞争 (10)转变经济发展方式,优化产业结构,走新型工业化道路 (11)坚持自主创新,推动科技进步、管理创新、劳动者素质提高 (12)统筹城乡发展,协调区域发展,缩小区域、城乡差距 (13)坚持资源节约、环境保护,实现可持续发展 (14)坚持“引进来”与“走出去”相结合的原则,深化改革开放 (15)坚持独立自主,自力更生的立场 (16)积极应对经济全球化挑战,运用WTO规则、法律维护经济安全 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 55. 67.文化生活:怎么做 (1)社会实践是文化创新的源泉和动力,要立足实践进行文化创新 (2)人民群众是文化创造的主体,要发挥人民群众的主体作用 (3)文化继承是文化发展的前提,文化发展是文化继承的必然要求,要坚持继承与发展的统一 (4)继承传统,推陈出新,对传统文化取其精华,去其糟粕,批判继承,古为今用 (5) 面向世界,博采众长,坚持以我为主,为我所用,汲取世界优秀文化成果 (6) 正确对待文化多样性,加强文化交流;既认同本民族文化,又尊重其他民族文化 (7)坚持先进文化的前进方向,克服错误的倾向 (8)发挥大众传媒的作用,促进文化的传递、沟通、共享 (9)大力发展先进文化,支持健康有益文化,努力改造落后文化,坚决抵制腐朽文化 (10)积极发展面向广大人民群众,反映人民群众利益与呼声,为人民群喜闻乐见的大众文化 (11)对文化市场加强管理,正确引导 (12)牢牢把握先进文化前进方向,建设社会主义核心价值体系 (13)推动社会主义精神文明建设,促进思想道德建设 (14)加强科学文化素养,提高思想道德素养,树立社会主义荣辱观 56. 68.“收入分配”相关要点 (1)分配是连接生产与消费的桥梁与纽带,对生产具有反作用 (2)我国实行按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的分配制度 (3)收入分配公平能调动劳动着生产积极性,促进生产力发展 (4)财政、税收政策有助于资源合理配置,促进收入分配公平 57. 69.“市场经济”相关要点 (1)市场在资源配置中起基础作用,但存在自发性,盲目性,滞后性弊端 (2)宏观调控对资源配置具有调节作用,有助于资源合理配置 (3)社会主义市场经济以公有制为主体,共同富裕为目标,具有强有力的宏观调控 (4)构建一个以道德为支撑,法律为保障的社会信用体系是维护市场秩序的治本之策 58. 70.XX地理事物分布特征 (1)_多_少 (2)沿_分布 (3)集中区域(例:我国人口集中分布在东南沿海) (4)均匀程度 59. 71.哲学:如何看待XX社会问题 (1)物质决定意识,坚持一切从实际出发,实事求是 (2)人民群众是历史的创造者,要树立群众观点、群众路线 (3)价值观具有导向作用,要树立正确的价值观 (4)要自觉站在人民群众的立场上做出正确的价值判断与价值选择。将维护人民群众利益最为最高价值诉求 60. 72.“意识能动性”相关要点 (1)意识对物质具有能动作用,人能够能动的认识世界,改造世界 (2)意识对人们认识改造世界具有指导作用 (3)意识对人体生理活动具有调节和控制作用 (4)意识具有目的性、性;主动创造性、自觉选择性 (5)发挥主观能动性要尊重规律客观性,坚持一切从实际出发,实事求是 theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 61. 73.“社会发展规律”相关要点 (1)社会存在决定社会意识,社会意识反作用于社会存在 (2)生产力决定生产关系,生产关系反作用于生产力 (3)经济基础决定上层建筑,上层建筑反作用于经济基础 (4)社会历史发展的趋势是前进的、上升的;道路是曲折的 (5)社主义的自我发展和自我完善,是推动社会主义社会发展的直接动力 62. 74.历史答题模式 (1)结合XX/根据XX/从XX角度分析„:先列出XX 再分析 (2)如何认识XX/如何理解XX:,怎么样(影响) (3)比较A和B:分别列举A和B的背景 内容 影响 (4)评述XX:先述(是什么,为什么)后评(意义,影响) (5)评价:是什么,怎么样 (6)特点:目的,方式,性质 63. 75.火山爆发的影响 积极 (1)提供地热资源 (2)产生多种矿产资源 (3)火山灰增强土壤肥力 消极 (1)影响空中交通 (2)火山灰加暴雨形成泥石流,破坏路桥城镇,危及人身安全 64. 来自笔记边角的细碎心得: 1.问“某地气候特征”时,点明气候类型,几个字也许就是2分 2.加勒比海的岛屿北部是热带雨林,南部是热带草原,可别忘了哦 3.文化生活的大题,除非限定第四单元,大都要一前三单元为主体,第四单元一笔带过 例如:把握先进文化前进方向,加强社会主义核心价值体系建设和社会主义精神文明建 设 4.地理大提问水文特征的 不要忘了河流的补给方式;水量不仅要写大小,还要写变化 65. 尽管拿去,呵呵。 文综三门 政治 这没办法 只能背了 建议买那种速记小本 啥牌子都行 全一点的 最好 买薄本的那种 合订本不好带。政治先要把小本记个差不多,然后再回归课本,查漏补 缺。之后,便是大量做题了,文综现在都是材料题,做题一方面能够巩固已背的知识, 又能有效发现知识上的不足,更重要的是,要训练题感。例如选择题 “引导宗教与社 会主义相适应”这话明显就错了,做题多的直接就把它否了。再说大题,在再有题感的 情况下,假如在材料里看见“着重”“重点”你肯定会想到主要矛盾 这样审题快 做题 也快 节省时间 效率高 66. theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion
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