

2017-08-29 12页 doc 38KB 49阅读




谐音歇后语大全谐音歇后语大全 十八岁的宫娥,,正享福(想夫) 十文钱掉了一文,,久闻(九文) 十五的月光,,大量(亮) 十月里的桑叶,,谁来睬(采)你 八十岁的老太打哈欠,,一望无涯(牙) 八月的核桃,,挤满了人(仁) 八百个铜钱穿一串,,不成调(吊) 九月初八问重阳,,不久(九) 刀子切元宵,,不愿(圆) 三九天穿单衣,,威(畏)风 三十年的纺织娘,,老油(蚰)嘴 三个钱买个牛肚子,,尽吵(草) 三个菩萨堂,,妙妙妙(庙庙庙) 三 尺长的梯子,,搭不上言(檐) 三毛加一毛,,时髦(四毛) 三月的杨柳,,分外青(亲) 三更半夜出世,,...
谐音歇后语大全 十八岁的宫娥,,正享福(想夫) 十文钱掉了一文,,久闻(九文) 十五的月光,,大量(亮) 十月里的桑叶,,谁来睬(采)你 八十岁的老太打哈欠,,一望无涯(牙) 八月的核桃,,挤满了人(仁) 八百个铜钱穿一串,,不成调(吊) 九月初八问重阳,,不久(九) 刀子切元宵,,不愿(圆) 三九天穿单衣,,威(畏)风 三十年的纺织娘,,老油(蚰)嘴 三个钱买个牛肚子,,尽吵(草) 三个菩萨堂,,妙妙妙(庙庙庙) 三 尺长的梯子,,搭不上言(檐) 三毛加一毛,,时髦(四毛) 三月的杨柳,,分外青(亲) 三更半夜出世,,害死(亥时)人 大车拉煎饼,,贪(摊)的多 大麦掉在乱麻里,,忙(芒)无头绪 土地堂里填窟窿,,不妙(补庙) 土地爷坐秤盘,,志诚(自称) 土地爷坐班房,,劳(牢)神了 土地爷洗脸,,失(湿)面子 土地爷掉井,,劳(捞)不起大驾 土地老爷的内脏,,实(石)心实(石)肠 土地老爷穿素,,白跑(袍) 土杏儿,,苦孩(核)子 土蚕钻进花生壳,,假充好人(仁) 下雨天不打伞,,吝啬(淋湿) 下雨天出太阳,,假情(晴) 下雨天不戴帽,,临(淋)到头上 丈二宽的褂子,,大摇(腰)大摆 上鸡窝摔筋头,,笨(奔)蛋 山上滚石头,,实(石)打实(石) 山头上吹喇叭,,名(鸣)声远扬 山西的胡桃,,瞒人(满仁) 山沟里敲鼓,,回想(响) 千年的枯庙,,没声(僧) 门神里卷灶神,,话(画)里有话(画) 门神老爷吃甘蔗,,指教(纸嚼) 马背上打掌子,,离题(蹄)太远 弓起腰杆淋大雨,,背时(湿) 小豆做干饭,,总闷(焖)着 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 小和尚头上拍苍蝇,,正大(打)光明 小炉灶翻身,,倒霉(煤) 小炉匠戴眼镜,,找咱(碴) 小姑娘梳头,,自便(辫) 小葱拌豆腐,,一清(青)二白 雨打黄梅头—倒霉(倒梅) 半两棉花——免谈(免弹) 和尚打伞——无法无天(无发无天) 腊月天气——动手动脚(冻手冻脚) 父亲向儿子磕头——岂有此理(岂有此礼) 公共厕所扔石头——引起公愤。(引起公粪) 孔夫子搬家——净是输(净是书) 外婆死了儿子——无救(无舅) 大葱拌豆腐——一清(青)二白 咸菜煎豆腐——有言(盐)在先 外甥打灯笼——照旧(舅) 嘴上抹石灰——白说(刷) 精装茅台——好久(酒) 猪八戒拍照——自找难堪(看) 怀里揣小拢子——舒(梳)心 小苏他爹——老输(苏) 四两棉花——谈(弹)不上 梁山泊军师——无(吴)用 空中布袋------------装疯。(装风)。 宋江的军师----------无用。(吴用)。 老太婆上鸡窝--------笨蛋。(奔蛋)。 卖草帽的丢扁担------留神。(留绳)。 哥哥不在家----------少来。(嫂来)。 外甥打灯笼----------照旧。(照舅)。 雨打黄梅头----------倒霉。(倒梅)。 半两棉花------------免谈。(免弹)。 秃子打伞------------无法无天。(无发无天)。 矮子过渡------------安心。(淹心)。 马店买猪------------没那事。(没那市)。 腊月天气------------动手动脚。(冻手冻脚)。 父亲向儿子磕头------岂有此理。(岂有此礼)。 公共厕所仍石头------引起公愤。(引起公粪)。 反穿皮袄------------装佯。(装羊)。 孔夫子搬家----------净是输。(净是书)。 孕妇走独木桥--------铤而走险。(挺而走险)。 外婆死了儿子--------无救。(无舅)。 老公拍扇------------凄凉。(妻凉)。 秀才的毛巾----------包输。(包书)。 乌龟爬门槛----------但看此一番。(但看此一翻)。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 空中布袋------------装疯。(装风)。 宋江的军师----------无用。(吴用)。 老太婆上鸡窝--------笨蛋。(奔蛋)。 卖草帽的丢扁担------留神。(留绳)。 哥哥不在家----------少来。(嫂来)。 外甥打灯笼----------照旧。(照舅)。 雨打黄梅头----------倒霉。(倒梅)。 半两棉花------------免谈。(免弹)。 秃子打伞------------无法无天。(无发无天)。 矮子过渡------------安心。(淹心)。 马店买猪------------没那事。(没那市)。 腊月天气------------动手动脚。(冻手冻脚)。 父亲向儿子磕头------岂有此理。(岂有此礼)。 公共厕所仍石头------引起公愤。(引起公粪)。 反穿皮袄------------装佯。(装羊)。 孔夫子搬家----------净是输。(净是书)。 孕妇走独木桥--------铤而走险。(挺而走险)。 外婆死了儿子--------无救。(无舅)。 老公拍扇------------凄凉。(妻凉)。 秀才的毛巾----------包输。(包书)。 乌龟爬门槛----------但看此一番。(但看此一翻)。 针尖尚挑毛巾--------不足为奇。(不足为旗)。 钝刀破竹------------想不开。(响不开)。 电线杆上绑鸡毛------好大的胆子。(好大的掸子)。 磕瓜子磕出臭虫------什麼人都有。(什麼仁都有)。 灯草打鼓------------不想。(不响)。 灯草拐杖------------做不了主。(做不了拄)。 盐店里谈天----------闲得没事做。(咸得没事做)。 张天师过海不用船----自有法度。(自有法渡)。 隔窗吹喇叭----------名声在外。(鸣声在外)。 龙王爷搬家----------厉害。(离海)。 老九的兄弟----------老实。(老十)。 空棺材出葬----------目中无人。(木中无人)。 王八中解元----------规矩。(龟举)。 六月裏戴手套--------保守。(保手)。 生花生--------------非吵不可。(非炒不可)。 皮匠不带锥子--------真行。(针行)。 何家姑娘嫁给郑家----正合适。(郑何氏)。 和尚的房子----------庙。(妙)。 河边洗黄莲----------何苦。(河苦)。 盲人戴眼镜----------假聪明。(假充明)。 做梦变蝴蝶----------想入非非。(想入飞飞)。 猴子学走路----------假惺惺。(假猩猩)。 精装茅台------------好久。(好酒)。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 蜘蛛拉网------------自私。(自丝)。 瞎子背瞎子----------忙上加忙。(盲上加盲)。 万岁爷流鼻血--------正红。(朕红)。 打破沙锅------------问到底。(纹到底)。 西瓜地裏散步--------左右逢源。(左右逢圆)。 脱了旧鞋换新鞋------改邪归正。(改鞋归正)。 麻布袋草布袋--------一代不如一代。(一袋不如一袋)。 碗底的豆子----------历历在目。(粒粒在目)。 卖布不带尺----------存心不良。(存心不量)。 穷木匠开张----------只有一句。(只有一锯)。 砖窑裏失火----------谣言。(窑烟)。 灯盏无油------------枉费心。(枉费芯)。 钟馗嫁妹------------鬼混。(鬼婚) 粪船过江------------装死。(装屎)。 黏窝窝掺黄莲--------一年一年的苦。(一黏一黏的苦)。 药铺裏开抽屉--------找玩。(找丸)。 癞虾蟆跳水井--------不懂。(噗咚)。 唱戏的骑马----------不行。(步行)。 炒咸菜不放酱油------有言在先。(有盐在先)。 吃饺子不吃馅--------调皮。(挑皮)。 从河南到湖南--------难上加难。(南上加南)。 打灯笼搬石头--------照办。(照搬)。 大水冲走土地庙------留神。(流神)。 耕地裏甩鞭子--------吹牛。(催牛)。 孩子的脊梁----------小人之辈。(小人之背)。 航空兵翻觔斗--------颠倒是非。(颠倒试飞)。 耗子掉到水缸裏------时髦。(湿毛)。 老和尚住山洞--------没事。(没寺)。 货轮出了海----------外行。(外航)。 火烧旗杆------------长叹。(长炭)。 黄鼠狼钻鸡笼--------投机。(偷鸡)。 酱缸裏泡石头--------一言难尽。(一盐难进)。 井裏放爆竹----------有原因。(有圆音)。 老母鸡抱空窝--------不简单。(不见蛋)。 吃人参----------候补。(后补)。 皮皇帝的妈妈--------皮太厚。(皮太后)。 千年的石佛像--------老实人。(老石人)。 牵著羊进照相馆------出洋相。(出羊相)。 墙上栽菜------------无缘。(无园)。 扇著扇子说话--------疯言疯语。(风言风语)。 十两纹银------------一定。(一锭)。 守著厕所睡觉--------离死不远。(离屎不远)。 唐僧的书------------一本正经。(一本真经)。 小碗儿吃饭----------靠天。(靠添)。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 肉锅丢进河----------昏昏沉沉。(荤荤沉沉)。 王八肚裏插鸡毛------归心似箭。(龟心似箭)。 寺后有个洞----------妙透了。(庙透了)。 寿星齐仙鹤----------没路了。(没鹿了)。 十八个钱放两下------久闻久闻。(九文九文)。 染房的姑娘不穿白鞋--自然。(自染)。 后边扎小辫------违法乱纪。(尾发乱系)。 炉子翻身------------倒楣。(倒煤)。 饭锅冒烟------------迷糊了。(米糊了)。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group
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