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人民是依法治国的主体人民是依法治国的主体 作者:张恒山 《光明日报》( 2015年01月04日 07版) 在立法过程中,要广泛地吸收人民群众参与。 新华社发 中国共产党第十八届四中全会决定提出为实现全面推进依法治国的总目标必须坚持人民主体地位的原则。这里的人民主体地位是指人民是国家治理的主人,人民在依法治国中处主要地位,起主要作用。人民通过法治的方式实现当家作主,人民以法治的方式治理国家,人民也在法治中自我约束、遵法守制。 为什么说人民是依法治国的主体 首先,由于人民拥有国家主权,人民是国家的主人,所以,人民是治理国家的主体。近 现...
人民是依法治国的主体 作者:张恒山 《光明日报》( 2015年01月04日 07版) 在立法过程中,要广泛地吸收人民群众参与。 新华社发 中国共产党第十八届四中全会决定提出为实现全面推进依法治国的总目标必须坚持人民主体地位的原则。这里的人民主体地位是指人民是国家治理的主人,人民在依法治国中处主要地位,起主要作用。人民通过法治的方式实现当家作主,人民以法治的方式治理国家,人民也在法治中自我约束、遵法守制。 为什么说人民是依法治国的主体 首先,由于人民拥有国家主权,人民是国家的主人,所以,人民是治理国家的主体。近 现代法治国家是伴随着近现代民主政治形成、发展起来的。近现代民主政治建基于对关于 “国家权力归属于谁”这一问的回答:国家权力属于组成这一国家的全体成员,即,人民拥有国家主权。这一判断带有公理性质。它是不容置疑,不容反对的。与之相应,其他任何关于国家权力属于君主、国家权力属于某个机构、国家权力属于某个组织或某个政党之类的判断都是错误的。人民拥有国家主权意味着人民是国家的主人,所以,人民也是治理国one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 家、处理国家事务的主人。这就是本源意义上的民主。在这一意义上,人民必然是治国理政的主体。依法治国作为体现现代民主和文明的治国理政的一种特定方式,也必然要以人民为主体。 其次,中国特色社会主义中根本性制度——人民代大会制度——决定了人民是依法治国的主体。我国作为社会主义国家,承认所有的社会成员主体资格平等、社会地位平等,所有的社会成员都属于人民的范畴,都是国家的主人。但是,在实践中,由于时间、人力、物力等成本代价的限制,若是由人民中的所有成员都直接行使国家管理权却是不现实的。人类社会的政治实践证明了这样一个事实,在地域广袤、人口众多的国家中,无论民众的民主意识多么强烈,也不可能由所有的社会成员都行使国家管理权力,不可能由所有的社会成员都担任执掌公共权力的各机构的领导职务,不可能由所有的社会成员都从事国家事务的决策和处理。所以,这就需要探索一个既能够保证体现人民当家作主治国理政、又能够大幅度地减少在这种治国理政中的时间人力物力的成本代价、以至在现实中切实可行的国家制度形式。中国人民在中国共产党领导下探索自己的文明发展道路,创建了具有中国特色的社会主义制度体系。这一制度体系中的一项根本性政治制度就是人民代表大会制度。人民代表大会制度的基本构成原则是,人民选举代表组成人民代表大会,并赋予其立法权、重大人事任免权、重大事项决定权和监督权,人民政府、人民法院、人民检察院由人民代表大会产生、向人民代表大会负责、受人民代表大会监督。在这一制度中,人民代表大会是国家权力机构。其代表人民全体行使上述四大权力,体现人民当家作主、处理国家重大政务、事务。我国当代所要全面推进的依法治国是在坚持中国特色社会主义制度基础上、尤其是坚持人民代表大会制度的基础上的依法治国,这就必然要求也必然体现人民在依法治国的主体地位。 one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 第三,法来自人民、体现人民共同意志,所以,人民是依法治国的主体。在全面推进依法治国中,国家治理所依据的法,并非来自人民之外的某个机构、组织的命令、强制,而是源自人民自己的意志。在坚持人民代表大会制度的基础上,人民代表大会行使立法权。由于人民代表大会的组成成员是人民选举产生的人民代表,人民代表们通过特定的程序、规则对未来的各种事务加以讨论、协商所形成的对未来事务加以处理的共同的意见、,代表着全体人民对这些未来事务处理的意志、意愿。这些意见、方案就是未来人们处理政务、事务的依据、根据,就是法。这种作为治国理政的根据、依据的法来自于人民的共同意志,所以,人民理所当然地在依法治国中处于主体地位。 在依法治国中如何坚持和体现人民主体地位 人民通过代表大会立法,通过有序参与立法,表现自己管理国家的意志,体现主体地位。要确保人民在依法治国中的主体地位,就必须确保人民代表大会履行立法职能,加强人大对立法工作的组织协调功能,健全立法起草、论证、协调、审议机制,使人民代表大会在立法中确实起主导作用。在发挥人民代表大会作为会议性机构的整体职能的同时,还必须发挥人民代表个人在参与立法起草和修改法律中的作用。这要通过建立在立法中征求人大代表意见制度,增加人大代表列席人大常委会会议人数等方式加以保证。 立法是要体现人民对未来政务、事务处理的意见、意志。在充分发挥人民代表大会的主导作用的同时,在立法过程中越是广泛地吸收人民群众参与,就使最终被制订出来的法律越能充分地体现人民的意见、意志。所以,四中全会决定提出,要健全立法机关主导、社会各方有序参与立法的途径和方式;健全立法机关和社会公众沟通机制,开展立法协商,充分发one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 挥政协委员、民主党派、工商联、无党派人士、人民团体、社会组织在立法协商中的作用,探索建立有关国家机关、社会团体、专家学者等对立法中涉及的重大利益调整论证咨询机制;拓宽公民有序参与立法途径,健全法律法规规章草案公开征求意见和公众意见采纳情况反馈机制,广泛凝聚社会共识。 人民通过人民代表大会加强重点领域立法、保障公民的各项权利,体现人民主体地位。确保人民在依法治国中的主体地位,必须坚持法治建设为了人民、保护人民、造福人民的人本主义价值观。这就要在一些重点领域的立法中加强对公民基本权利的保护。首先,要完善社会主义市场经济法律制度,健全以公平为核心原则的产权保护制度,加强对各种所有制经济组织和自然人财产权的保护。其次,要推进社会主义民主政治法治化,在坚持和完善中国特色社会主义基本政治制度的同时,加强社会主义协商民主制度建设,完善和发展基层民主制度,完善国家机构组织法,完善选举制度和工作机制,加快推进反腐败国家立法,等等。第三,要加快保障和改善民生方面的法律制度建设,依法加强和公共服务,使人民在教育、就业、收入分配、社会保障、医疗卫生、食品安全、扶贫、慈善、社会救助方面享受平等权利和利益,使妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人合法权益得到充分的法律保障。第四,要强化对生态环境的法律保护制度,使人民在持续的经济发展中能够享受洁净的空气、纯净的用水、安全的食品、绿色的能源,等等。 人民通过人民代表大会、人民代表行使监督权,通过舆论监督,通过行使检举权,通过行政诉讼行为等,对政府的行政执法行为、司法机关的司法行为加以监督,体现主体地位。国家的主人要监督国务、政务。坚持人民在依法治国中的主体地位,就要确保人民充分行使对政府处理各种事务的监督权。人民代表大会、人民代表行使法定监督权,是人民监督政府、one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income, 司法机关的主渠道,此外,还必须保障媒体的舆论监督权、保障公民的检举权、提起行政诉讼权、人民陪审员和人民监督员的司法监督权等,确保人民在依法治国中的主体地位。 人民通过在基层社会组织中直接参与民主协商、参与自治、参与制定市民约定、乡规民约等,体现主体地位。坚持人民在依法治国中的主体地位,要在法治社会建设中倡导、促进人民群众的自我约束、自我治理。依法治国中的基层社会生活,需要充分的自由空间。人民群众、各类社会主体在基层社会生活中通过制订市民公约、乡规民约、行业规章、团体章程等社会规范实现自我约束、自我管理、自我服务,人民群众通过参与立约、监督践约、自我守约,有利于每个社会个体的道德人格成长、发育、完善。基层社会的立约、守约实践,会使人民群众形成自我是社会的主人从而对社会秩序的维护承担着责任的意识,会使人民群众加深对主人翁的自我道德义务乃至法律义务的认识,深化关于义务的履行是自我权利成立的依据之认识,提升关于权利的获得、权利的享有离不开规则、离不开法律的观念,从而在发生利益矛盾、冲突时,形成依法维权、依法寻求保护和救济的理性行为习惯。 (作者单位:中央党校中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心) one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
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