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商友卡市场营销心得体会商友卡市场营销心得体会 本学期,河北金融学院秉承一贯求真务实的办学风格,为提高学生的社会实践能力,将来为社会输送更多优质金融人才的目标下,河北金融学院与中国工商银行保定分行联合举行了商友卡实战营销活动。校方和保定工行分行各级领导均对此次活动倾注了大量心血,这也为我们这次活动取得阶段性胜利打坚实的基础。 2011年4月21日,河北金融学院与中国工商银行保定分行各级领导和专业指导老师,全体营销团队人员,汇聚金院模拟法庭举行了此次活动的开幕式暨培训大会,在历时三个小时的培训会中,工行各个指导老师向我们简单的介绍了工行的各种业务,...
商友卡市场营销体会 本学期,河北金融学院秉承一贯求真务实的办学风格,为提高学生的社会实践能力,将来为社会输送更多优质金融人才的目标下,河北金融学院与中国工商银行保定分行联合举行了商友卡实战营销活动。校方和保定工行分行各级领导均对此次活动倾注了大量心血,这也为我们这次活动取得阶段性胜利打坚实的基础。 2011年4月21日,河北金融学院与中国工商银行保定分行各级领导和专业指导老师,全体营销团队人员,汇聚金院模拟法庭举行了此次活动的开幕式暨大会,在历时三个小时的培训会中,工行各个指导老师向我们简单的介绍了工行的各种业务,以及本次活动的主要推销产品:商友卡。以及一些营销技巧,充分的丰富了我们的行囊。4月22日,出发前一天,在教学楼再次将我们学生营销团队聚集起来,由指导老师和工行的各业务经理对我们进行指导,旨在更好的完善好我们的知识储备,为我们此次活动作出发前得动员。 4月23日,我们开赴白沟市场,这次活动正式拉开序幕,此次活动共分八个小队,每个小队分别由一名指导老师员和一个专业银行业务员带领。八个小分队将白沟市分为八个版块,作为10级投资超越团队的一员,我们被分到了白沟辅料市场。于上午九点二十,我们开始了自己的第一次市场调查以及营销。在这次营销的活动中主要遇到了以下几点困难。 (1)在我们的辅料市场,商户对工行的印象不是很好,所以在我们做自我介绍时有少许抵触心理,对我们的营销或做调查问卷造成了attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 一定难度。 (2)自身的问题,对业务不是很熟悉。有些问题我们不能对商 户作很好的解答,在我们尽自己努力解释的情况下,有时只能 说请商户到工行具体咨询,给了商户不是很信任的感觉。 (3)不能灵活的使用对话方式,问题和提问方式太过拘泥,没 有跳出问卷的范围,限制了我们的思维。例如,在个人资产这 一块,这是个比较敏感的话题,大多时候我们都跳过这个问题,从而在有些时候,我们可能会有潜在的客户会被忽略。 (4)不能主动的开拓业务。在与商户的对话中,常常是这样的,有时商户自己的需求,被商户遗漏了,而在被我们提及时,才会想起自己确实是很需要工行烦人业务。例如说有家商户自家发货有三辆车,每年的耗油量达6—7万元,车险也是一笔不小的花销,我们的工行畅通卡是非常适合这家商户朋友的,而只是我们提起,他才会想起自己非常需要工行的这张卡。 这次的实践活动虽然很辛苦,也遇到了很多问题,然而在校方领导,工行领导,专业的指导老师等的悉心、耐心指导下。以及整个白沟工行作强大后盾的基础下。我也从这次活动的问题中学到了很多,从自身的问题以及遇到的问题中,我也有以下几点很深的体会。 (1)面对困难要有自信心,对自己的自信很重要,对工行商友卡 这种工行的优质产品,自己的不自信可能会对这种产品的推销产 生不好的影响,而从大的方面说,会影响整个工行的整体形象。 在面对商户时,自信心也是获得更多信任感的前提。在今后真正attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 走向社会,这种体会都是终身受益的。 (2)遇到意见与投诉,不要过多的去争辩或解释。营销是一门技巧性要求很高的一门学科。在与商户的走访中,我们开始听到了很多不和谐的声音,面对对工行的指责,我们迫切的想纠正商户对的误解,以及树立我们工行良好的形象,所以在这些投诉中,我们没有细心去倾听,而是急于去辩护或者解释。在听指导老师和工行专业业务经理的指导下,我才明白,这种做法往往会取到适得其反的效果,你想澄清,却留下了更坏的印象,相反,这个时候,我更需要做的是去倾听和,去聆听商户的感受,反而能给商户带来更好的感觉。这给了我很大的启发,在与人交流与营销中,过多的语言反而是不适合的,怎样能有效的沟通才是最有效的,而让商户能接受我们,愿意与我们又实质性的交流,用心的聆听很重要。 (3)处理问题的方面上,专业技能的重要性。在前往白沟的时候,我是满怀热情,可谓身体充满了能量,而在遇到了问题后,多少有些灰心也丧气,因为有些专业知识的不熟悉,不能对商户所提出的问题做出明确而清晰的答复,而失去商户的信任,进而不愿意与我们交谈。而在跟从工行的个人信贷经理翟老师时,深深被翟老师的专业技能所折服,正是凭借着专业知识的扎实,整个过程非常顺利,这让我知道,空有一腔热情是远远不够的,也许在大学的我们确实都是满怀梦想,充满激情,但这远远不够,这段经历让我明白了现实与理想的差距,认认真真的重要性。 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability (4)充分而深刻的是至关重要的。从上午的青涩开始,到下午的明显好转,有半天的经验积累,更重要的是总结给了我们很大的帮助,而这只是中午的一个小小的队内总结。在当天结束的实践活动后,工行领导,指导老师,工行各个业务经理,以及我们八个小队,作了总结。在这个会上我们分享一天所遇到的问题,交流经验,汇报成果,并由知道老师总结,工行各个业务经理的解答。特别是工行白沟分行刘行长,对我们的问题做了最为精彩而深刻的指导,教会我们如何去从对话中寻找商机,为我们第二天工作的顺利开展,可为是起到了定海神针的作用。也许平常我们都懂总结是非常重要的这个简单的道理,然而经历了这次实践活动后,我想说,充分而深刻的总结是至关重要的。正因为有前一天充分而深刻的总结,第二天在许多细节上都得到了很大的提高。 (5)团队协作是取得好成绩的关键。在这次实践活动中,我们这个团队分为了三个小组,每组负责一条街道。在实践活动的过程中,我有时在想,我的队友,他们怎么样了,是不是也遇到了很多诸如我遇到的很多困难,自己的不好的表现是否会拖累我们团队。在中途的实践中,我们在交叉路口碰见过几次,是我们的队友,把一些问题和注意事项及时的提出来,提醒我,鼓励我。在整个活动过程中,我们始终是互帮互助,互相协作的。可以说没有好的协作,我们团队的业绩肯定会大打折扣。因此,在这次社会实践活动中,让我知道我应该相信我们的团队。团队协作是取 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 得良好成绩的关键。 这次活动暂时落下了帷幕,从中我学会了很多,不仅在营销技巧方面收获颇丰,在与人交流方面能力也获得了很大的飞跃,更加重要的是工行的领导以及各个专业的工行业务经理,一种职业的精神让我感动。这次短暂的白沟之旅虽然是短暂的,但却是意义非凡的,它教会了我很多,让我觉得自己各个方面的能力到提升。最后,对我们所有的工行的领导表示最衷心的感谢,感谢他们无微不至的关怀,衣食住行,有他们的照顾,我被感温暖,并衷心祝愿中国工商银行越开越 好,事业蒸蒸日上~ 10投资本超越队童盼 2011年4月24日 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability
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