

2018-02-27 10页 doc 33KB 11阅读




苏州科技城人口普查普查员的选聘苏州科技城人口普查普查员的选聘 苏州科技城人口普查普查员的选聘、培训 及其工作细则 根据《苏州市第六次全国人口普查实施方案》,结合苏州科技城实际情况,制定本细则。 普查员的选聘: 一、人口普查所需的普查员从苏州高博软件技术学院内抽调,国家鼓励符合条件的公民积极参与人口普查工作。 二、普查员在普查任务完成之前,原则上不得随意更换。 三、普查员应具备以下条件: (一)具有大专以上文化水平,能工整、清楚地填写普查表。 (二)热心社会公益事业,服从安排,积极主动,乐于沟通。 (三)认真负责,工作细致,能独立工作,吃苦耐劳...
苏州科技城人口普查普查员的选聘 苏州科技城人口普查普查员的选聘、培训 及其工作细则 根据《苏州市第六次全国人口普查实施》,结合苏州科技城实际情况,制定本细则。 普查员的选聘: 一、人口普查所需的普查员从苏州高博软件技术学院内抽调,国家鼓励符合条件的公民积极参与人口普查工作。 二、普查员在普查任务完成之前,原则上不得随意更换。 三、普查员应具备以下条件: (一)具有大专以上文化水平,能工整、清楚地填写普查。 (二)热心社会公益事业,服从安排,积极主动,乐于沟通。 (三)认真负责,工作细致,能独立工作,吃苦耐劳,有奉献精神。 (四)身体健康,能坚持工作。 四、每个普查小区至少配备一名普查员。为了在规定时间完成普查登记工作,针对科技城内人员分布不平衡的现状,灵活安排普查员的分配。科技城人普办预计选聘100名普查员,对普查员的配备留有百分之十左右的预备数。 五、科技城人普办对普查员的选调采取“有酬招聘”的方式,依普查员的工作成绩,按规定支付其报酬。 六、普查员选调工作在9月8日前完成。 普查员的培训: 普查员的培训由科技城人普办统一安排在9月8日——9月20日期间,组织进行。 普查员工作细则: 一、思想端正,认真负责,态度温和,行为规范。 二、认真参加普查员培训,掌握普查的各项工作技能。 三、普查登记前,认真做好摸底工作,包括熟悉普查小区边界、编制《户主姓名底册》、安排普查登记的时间和顺序;做好对群众的宣传工作。 四、普查登记期间,按照普查对象的和《普查表填写说明》的规定,认真填写普查表,做到不漏、不错、不重。发现问题要及时向普查指导员请示汇报,不得自作主张。 五、普查登记后,按照要求,认真进行复查,发现差错据实更正。 六、根据《快速汇总工作细则》的规定,做好快速汇总的过录、汇总工作。 七、根据统一要求,做好所有调查表的交接工作。 八、填写保密信誉承诺书,严格遵守保密规定。对各户申报的情况,必须保守秘密。严禁公开个人和家庭的登记资料。 苏州科技城人口普查办公室 2010年8月16日 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 附1:普查员保密信誉承诺书 苏州科技城人口普查普查员保密信誉承诺书 我志愿受聘于苏州科技城人口普查办公室,成为一名普查员,从事科技城范围内的人口普查工作。本人服从科技城人普办的工作安排,履行工作职责,认真圆满完成工作任务。 在普查过程中,本人对所获取的普查对象的个人信息、家庭信息、人际关系、生育情况、住房情况等信息予以严格保密,承诺不会以任何形式,向任何单位、集体及个人透露,承诺不会将所获得的信息用于任何与人口普查无关的其他地方,承诺按规定将普查对象的信息如实上报指导员。 承诺人签名:________ 2010年9月 附2:普查员工作报酬细则 一、普查员采用“有酬招聘”的形式,面向高博全体学生,完全公开、自愿。 二、普查员的工作报酬按所填写的表来计算,具体如下:人口普查共计需要普查员填写短表、长表、死亡人口调查表表(科技城无) 和境外人员普查表(科技城16人)四种表。短表10元/张,长表20元/张,境外人员普查表20元/张。每张表上最多需要填写5人,至少1人,如:A户人家共有5人,则该户人家填写一张短表,计10元;B户人家共有2人,则该户人家填写一张短表,计10元;C户人家共有7人,则该户人家填写两张短表,计20元。长表和境外人员表相同。 三、苏州科技城人口普查办公室为普查员提供饮用水、点心、方便面等,也提供普查过程中所需的各种用品,不需要普查员自行购买。 四、普查工作结束后,苏州科技城人口普查办公室将向每位普查员颁发荣誉证书,向特别优秀的20位普查员颁发优秀普查员证书及奖品。 五、普查员在人口普查工作中遇到问题及困难,及时向科技城人普办汇报,由科技城人普办沟通联系。 六、对不符合要求的表格,经多次指导、修正之后,仍然填写错误的普查员不支付报酬,必要时视情辞退。 七、苏州科技城人口普查办公室拥有最终解释权。 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 附3 苏州科技城人口普查员聘用书 甲方:苏州科技城人口普查办公室 乙方:经甲方选聘的人口普查员 双方本着自愿的原则,约定如下事宜: 一、甲方在乙方人口普查工作中,为乙方提供必要的办公用品、饮用水、方便面等。 二、甲方向乙方提供有关人口普查工作的培训,乙方有义务按时出勤参与培训。 三、双方约定工作地点为苏州科技城范围,甲方为乙方提供必要的办公场所。 四、乙方有义务为甲方完成工作,甲方向乙方按时发放报酬。 五、双方一旦达成约定,则无特殊情况,乙方中途不得脱离工作岗位,乙方有义务做好人口普查的工作,直至工作结束。 甲方签字:_________ 乙方签字:_________ 附4: 苏州科技城人口普查员培训时间和内容安排表 (视具体情况灵活变动) 培训时间 培训内容 培训教室 备注 动员、情况说明、大体时间段 确定、工作职责说明、分组、 9.8—9.9 待定 熟悉科技城普查区域、分发科 技城普查地图等 摸底工作介绍、摸底表指标解 9.13-9.15 待定 析、境外人员登记表解析等 每块区域单独介绍、区域分组、 9.16-9.17 摸底表测验、模拟普查工作、待定 答疑等 9.20-9.21 普查用品的发放、注意事项等 待定 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 附5: 苏州科技城人口普查员情况登记表 是否有交通工具 姓 名 性 别 籍 贯 专 业 联 系 方 式 (自行车、电瓶车等) rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.
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