首页 > 第三十五讲:胎息男女判断特殊用法


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第三十五讲:胎息男女判断特殊用法第三十五讲:胎息男女判断特殊用法 胎息男女判断特殊用法 ?胎息男女判断特殊用法 ?意外怀孕或流产信息的判断 学习目标 阅读和学习完本章后,你应该能够: 1、掌握意外怀孕或流产信息的判断 胎息男女判断特殊用法 Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prev...
第三十五讲:胎息男女判断特殊用法 胎息男女判断特殊用法 ?胎息男女判断特殊用法 ?意外怀孕或流产信息的判断 学习目标 阅读和学习完本章后,你应该能够: 1、掌握意外怀孕或流产信息的判断 胎息男女判断特殊用法 Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit ?子嗣落宫形成太阴或太阳格局,胎儿性别反方向判断 例题一:妈妈问我弟弟的小孩性别 时间:2006年05月04日12时28分 农历:丙戌年四月初七日午时 干支:丙戌 壬辰 癸巳 戊午 旬空:午未 午未 午未 子丑 清明:2006年04月05日06时38分 谷雨:2006年04月20日13时49分 谷雨:下元 戊午时旬首为癸 阳遁八局 值符天辅落八宫 值使杜门落八宫 ?????????????????????? ? 太阴 ? 六合 ? 勾陈 ? ?丁 死门 辛? 惊门 乙? 开门 丙? ?禽 天芮 癸? 天柱 己? 天心 辛? ?????????????????????? ? 螣蛇 ? ? 朱雀 ? 休门 庚? ? 景门 己? ? ? 天英 壬? 丁? 天蓬 乙? ?????????????????????? ? 值符 ? 九天 ? 九地 ? ? 杜门 癸? 伤门 壬? 生门 戊? ? 天辅 戊? 天冲 庚? 天任 丙? ?????????????????????? 结果验证:2006年6月20日22:22生下一男孩 ?双胞胎信息体现 古书中认为天禽星临坤宫是双生~阳干为男孩~阴干为女孩~但在实际应用中我们一定要注意~天芮星只是胎息符号~并非是胎儿的代表符号~而只有胎息宫落坤宫,即古人所说的天禽星临坤宫,并且形成干伏吟才能作为双胞胎的信息符号,天盘天干为一个胎儿、地盘天干为一个胎儿,~天盘天干为先出生胎儿的代表符号~地盘天干为后出生胎儿的代表符号~胎儿贵贱可以通过宫中的星门神进行判断。 例题二:一女朋友打电话给我报喜说怀上了双胞胎 时间:2007年02月24日20时28分 农历:丁亥年正月初七日戌时 干支:丁亥 壬寅 己丑 甲戌 Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 商战遁甲决策理论 实战例题100讲量化技巧篇 旬空:午未 辰巳 午未 申酉 立春:2007年02月04日13时14分 雨水:2007年02月19日09时08分 雨水:下元 甲戌时旬首为己 阳遁三局 值符天辅落四宫 值使杜门落四宫 ?????????????????????? ? 值符 ? 螣蛇 ? 太阴 ? ? 杜门 己? 景门 丁?庚 死门 乙? ? 天辅 己? 天英 丁?禽 天芮 乙? ?????????????????????? ? 九天 ? ? 六合 ? ? 伤门 戊? ? 惊门 壬? ? 天冲 戊? 庚? 天柱 壬? ?????????????????????? ? 九地 ? 朱雀 ? 勾陈 ? ? 生门 癸? 休门 丙? 开门 辛? ? 天任 癸? 天蓬 丙? 天心 辛? ?????????????????????? 一个大学很要好的同学~现在北京~很久没联系了~突然打电话给我说要宣布一个消息~我随口说:“有喜了,” 对方在电话那头大叫:“你怎么知道的,是啊是啊,”我很开心~连说恭喜恭喜, 对方比我还兴奋:“一个红包不够~要两个:”我说“哇~双胞胎:惊喜惊喜,” 她说你看看是男是女~我正在电脑旁~随手起一局~发现真是吻合双胞胎之象…… 她说很想要女孩~男孩调皮~我说一男一女好啊~女子正是一个好字…… 不过B超不肯透露性别~接着唧唧喳喳两人开心地聊了半天……~小孩性别待验 注意:这里胎息宫为空地是还未出生的信息,不能判断为不受孕的信息,因为乙木在坤宫为胎地,正好为胎儿受孕发育的阶段。 意外怀孕或流产信息的判断 ?意外怀孕 辛金被认为是失误、错误的代表符号~所以当辛金得力出现在子嗣宫中我们可以认为是意外怀孕的信息 例题三:一朋友来电话吞吞吐吐的说女朋友身体不舒服~求测吉凶 时间:2007年01月20日11时40分 第Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of p 3 页 共 6 页 re-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 农历:丙戌年十二月初二日午时 干支:丙戌 辛丑 甲寅 庚午 旬空:午未 辰巳 子丑 戌亥 冬至:2006年12月22日08时13分 小寒:2007年01月06日01时32分 小寒:中元 庚午时旬首为戊 阳遁八局 值符天任落一宫 值使生门落五宫 ?????????????????????? ? 六合 ? 勾陈 ? 朱雀 ? ? 开门 己?丁 休门 辛? 生门 乙? ? 天英 癸?禽 天芮 己? 天柱 辛? ?????????????????????? ? 太阴 ? ? 九地 ? ? 惊门 癸? ? 伤门 丙? ? 天辅 壬? 丁? 天心 乙? ?????????????????????? ? 螣蛇 ? 值符 ? 九天 ? ? 死门 壬? 景门 戊? 杜门 庚? ? 天冲 戊? 天任 庚? 天蓬 丙? ?????????????????????? ?是否怀孕的判断 代表子嗣的天干处于墓地或受严重克制且胎息宫旬空则是未受孕信息体现 例题四:易友求测女朋友人流后一月还未来例假~会怀孕吗, 时间:2007年03月01日20时10分 农历:丁亥年正月十二日戌时 干支:丁亥 壬寅 甲午 甲戌 旬空:午未 辰巳 辰巳 申酉 立春:2007年02月04日13时14分 雨水:2007年02月19日09时08分 雨水:上元 甲戌时旬首为己 阳遁九局 值符天蓬落一宫 值使休门落一宫 ?????????????????????? ? 六合 ? 勾陈 ? 朱雀 ? ? 杜门 壬? 景门 戊?癸 死门 庚? ? 天辅 壬? 天英 戊?禽 天芮 庚? ?????????????????????? ? 太阴 ? ? 九地 ? Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 商战遁甲决策理论 实战例题100讲量化技巧篇 ? 伤门 辛? ? 惊门 丙? ? 天冲 辛? 癸? 天柱 丙? ?????????????????????? ? 螣蛇 ? 值符 ? 九天 ? ? 生门 乙? 休门 己? 开门 丁? ? 天任 乙? 天蓬 己? 天心 丁? ?????????????????????? 反馈:用试纸检测~没有怀孕 例题五:测同事(1978年生)怀孕否, 时间:2007年01月29日11时30分 农历:丙戌年十二月十一日午时 干支:丙戌 辛丑 癸亥 戊午 旬空:午未 辰巳 子丑 子丑 小寒:2007年01月06日01时32分 大寒:2007年01月20日18时51分 大寒:下元 戊午时旬首为癸 阳遁六局 值符天芮落六宫 值使死门落六宫 ?????????????????????? 朱雀 ? 九地 ? ? 勾陈 ? ? 生门 庚? 伤门 丁? 杜门 丙? ? 天任 丙? 天冲 辛? 天辅 癸? ?????????????????????? ? 六合 ? ? 九天 ? ? 休门 壬? ? 景门 辛? ? 天蓬 丁? 乙? 天英 己? ?????????????????????? ? 太阴 ? 螣蛇 ? 值符 ? ? 开门 戊? 惊门 己?乙 死门 癸? ? 天心 庚? 天柱 壬?禽 天芮 戊? ?????????????????????? 反馈:下班的时候~同事把到医院检查的结果打电话告诉我-- 怀孕了。 ?流产信息的判断 当胎息宫中出现死门、休门、白虎、景门等信息则体现为胎儿难养或有流 产等意外情况~天芮宫中出现杜门防止难产~在实际应用中我们一定要注意区 分胎息宫中门、星、神在宫位中的实际力量。 例题六、意外怀孕~怎么办, Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of p第 5 页 共 6 页 re-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 时间:2007年01月21日15时50分 农历:丙戌年十二月初三日申时 干支:丙戌 辛丑 乙卯 甲申 旬空:午未 辰巳 子丑 午未 小寒:2007年01月06日01时32分 大寒:2007年01月20日18时51分 大寒:中元 甲申时旬首为庚 阳遁九局 值符天芮落二宫 值使死门落二宫 ?????????????????????? ? 九地 ? 九天 ? 值符 ? ? 杜门 壬? 景门 戊?癸 死门 庚? ? 天辅 壬? 天英 戊?禽 天芮 庚? ?????????????????????? ? 朱雀 ? ? 螣蛇 ? ? 伤门 辛? ? 惊门 丙? ? 天冲 辛? 癸? 天柱 丙? ?????????????????????? ? 勾陈 ? 六合 ? 太阴 ? ? 生门 乙? 休门 己? 开门 丁? ? 天任 乙? 天蓬 己? 天心 丁? ?????????????????????? 反馈:2007-1-29日到医院做了人流手术 ?喜得贵子,信息从何体现, Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit
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