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深圳市土地房产交易中心 - 深圳楼吧

2018-03-03 15页 doc 42KB 39阅读




深圳市土地房产交易中心 - 深圳楼吧深圳市土地房产交易中心 - 深圳楼吧 房地产挂牌交易规则 一、适用范围 本规则适用于深圳市土地房产交易中心,以下简称本中心,按照国有资产管理部门或集体资产管理部门批复接受国有企业或集体企业委托~或者接受银行资产管理部门委托~并已发布挂牌交易公告~公开挂牌交易已建成并取得《房地产证》的不动产的情形。 二、竞买约定 在提出竞买申请前~竞买人应当现场踏勘标的物~并到本中心查阅标的物的相关资料[包括《房地产证》和《房地产委托挂牌交易合同书》,以下简称《委托合同》,]及咨询、了解交易文件[包括《房地产挂牌交易公告》、《竞买申请...
深圳市土地房产交易中心 - 深圳楼吧
深圳市土地房产交易中心 - 深圳楼吧 房地产挂牌交易 一、适用范围 本规则适用于深圳市土地房产交易中心,以下简称本中心,按照国有资产管理部门或集体资产管理部门批复接受国有企业或集体企业委托~或者接受银行资产管理部门委托~并已发布挂牌交易公告~公开挂牌交易已建成并取得《房地产证》的不动产的情形。 二、竞买约定 在提出竞买申请前~竞买人应当现场踏勘标的物~并到本中心查阅标的物的相关资料[包括《房地产证》和《房地产委托挂牌交易合同》,以下简称《委托合同》,]及咨询、了解交易文件[包括《房地产挂牌交易公告》、《竞买申请书》、《成交确认书》<样本>、《深圳市房地产买卖合同,现售,》<样本>,以下简称《买卖合同》和本交易规则~其文本可在下载]的内容~有异议或疑问的~可以向本中心提出。竞买人一旦提交竞买申请书~视为对交易标的物现状,含瑕疵,无异议~对交易条件和交易文件内容清楚并愿意受其约束。 三、申请竞买 ,一,申请参加竞买应提交资料及要求 1、竞买申请书, 2、履约保证金收据: ,1,委托人已书面同意履约保证金由本中心代收。竞买人须按交易公告规定的时间和金额交纳履约保证金~并由本中心开具收据~帐户如下: 开户单位:深圳市土地房产交易中心, 开 户 行:民生银行深南支行, 帐 号:1810014210002967。 ,2,一份履约保证金收据只能选择竞买一个交易标的物~竞买多个标的物的~竞买人在开收据前应当声明~并由本中心分别开具收据。 ,3,联合竞买的~其履约保证金由组成联合竞买人的各竞买人协商确定其中一个竞买人代联合竞买人支付。组成联合竞买人的各个竞买人须对联合竞买行为承担连带责任。 3、竞买人身份证明文件: ,1,竞买人为企业的: A、营业执照影印件,核原件,, B、法定代表人证明书及其身份证影印件, the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes C、委托他人代为竞买及办理相关手续的~还应提交法定代表人签署的授 权文件,应当列明具体委托事项和委托权限,及委托代理人的身份证影印件。 ,2,竞买人为其他组织的 A、主体资格证明文件, B、负责人证明书及其身份证影印件, C、委托他人代为竞买及办理相关手续的~还应提交负责人签署的授权文件,应当列明具体委托事项和委托权限,及委托代理人的身份证影印件。 ,3,竞买人为自然人的: A、个人身份证复印件, B、委托他人代为竞买及办理相关手续的~还应提供经公证的授权文件,应 当列明具体委托事项和委托权限,及委托代理人的身份证影印件。 备注: 1、一份竞买申请书只能选择竞买一个交易标的物~竞买多个标的物的~竞买人应当分别提交竞买申请书和相关资料。 、境外竞买人,按照上述规定提交的有关竞买人身份证明及其他相关文件~2 应按规定经中华人民共和国司法部认可的香港律师见证并由中国法律服务,香港,有限公司确认~或由中华人民共和国驻该国、该地区使领馆认证。 3、联合竞买的~组成联合竞买人的各竞买人应当在竞买申请前就竞买事宜达成~除按照规定提交共同的《竞买申请书》、各自的身份证明文件和有关资料外~还应当提交《联合竞买声明》~明确联合竞买事宜、各自的份额和履约保证金支付代表等。 4、上述文件凡复印件均需核原件,竞买申请文件应当以中文书写~其附属证明文件可以用其他语言~但必须附中文译本~所有解释以中文为准。 ,二,有下列情形之一的~为无效竞买申请~本中心不予受理 1、履约保证金没有在规定期限内存入本中心指定帐号并取得本中心开具的收款收据的, 2、在竞买申请受理期限届满后收到竞买申请文件的, 3、竞买申请文件不齐备或不符合规定的, 4、竞买申请文件字迹不清~无法辨认的, 5、竞买人不具备相应主体资格或不符合公告规定的交易条件的, 6、委托他人代理~委托文件不齐全或不符合规定的, 7、电话、邮寄或口头提出竞买申请的。 四、竞价程序与规则 n or cable tray cannot be used for other processesction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connectionstrungths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the cocompleted, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable le on isa cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparati ign inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not putnd desematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume an number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schsectioerify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to val of ned the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deont of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combiparts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in frthe oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve 2 ,一,开设竞买帐号、设臵密码 对符合要求的竞买申请~本中心予以接受并出具回执~同时开设竞买帐号~并由竞买人设臵竞买密码。密码由竞买人负责保管和保密~如有遗失的~其后果由竞买人自行负责,如因泄露密码~造成非授权人进入电脑竞价系统报价的~视同竞买人报价~由竞买人承担法律责任。前述泄露密码是指竞买人将密码故意或过失泄露给非授权人的行为~包括但不限于: 1、进入电脑竞价报价系统后~离开报价终端前不退出系统致使其他人可能继续报价, 2、放任非授权人进行操作等情形。 ,二,竞买人电脑竞价 除标的物的第一个竞买人自提交竞买申请时其报价即时被本中心接受以外~其他竞买人在电脑报价期间~只能凭帐号、密码自行进入本中心的电脑竞价系统进行报价。标的物多人(指2人以上<含2人>,下同)竞买的,竞买人亦可选择在电脑报价时间截止后,现场举牌竞价。同一竞买人允许多次报价~但每次报价 指相邻两次报价~后一报价比前不得低于当前有效的最高报价并符合竞价阶梯, 一报价的最小递增幅度,的要求,电脑竞价系统不接受下列报价: 1、电脑报价时间截止后的任何报价, 2、低于挂牌起始价的报价, 3、不符合竞价阶梯的报价~但优先购买权人的报价与当前最高价相同的报价除外。 电脑报价过程中的报价情况~即时自动并同步展示在本中心交易大厅显示屏及竞买人操作的电脑终端上。 竞买人报价时应当仔细、慎重操作~报价一经电脑竞价系统确认后即具法律效力~不可撤回。任何失误操作的理由本中心均不予接受。 ,三,撮合 电脑竞价时间届满后,凡仅一人竞买的标的物,若其报价等于或高于起始价,并符合其他交易条件的,则该竞买人即为竞得人,其报价即为成交价,并由本中心宣布成交,不再转入现场竞价程序。多人竞买的标的物,在电脑报价时间截止20分钟后转入现场竞价程序。 ,四,领取竞买号牌 多人竞买的标的物~所有竞买该标的物的竞买人均自动取得现场竞价的资格~并可申领竞买号牌。请竞买人务必在电脑报价时间截止前1小时到达现场竞价地点~并在现场竞价开始前领取已分配好的竞买号牌~参加现场竞价~不再另 owed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processesot alle bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is nt to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cablou wanables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable yto ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the corder mber of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in nal carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the nuessioand bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the prof e, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device locationl cabler DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physicasign, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computthe deity defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver on of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate qualthe oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary preventi3 行通知。 取得现场竞价资格的竞买人~在其竞买的标的物现场竞价前~未领取竞买号牌的~视为放弃现场竞价的权利~但电脑报价期内提出有效最高报价的竞买人未领取的~其在电脑报价期内的有效最高报价不需其举牌即已被确认为现场竞价中的第一口报价。 ,五,现场竞价 现场竞价按以下程序和规则进行: 1、现场竞价开始~竞买人出示竞价标志牌~主持人核对竞买人。 2、主持人宣布现场竞价规则。 3、竞买人以举牌方式应价。应价规则如下: 现场竞价的起叫价为挂牌电脑报价截止时的有效最高报价,且第一口应价默认为挂牌电脑报价截止时的有效最高报价。应价过程中,现场竞价主持人将依照实际情况自主调整竞价阶梯;应价没有高于现场竞价的起叫价的,由挂牌电脑报价截止时有效最高报价的竞买人竞得。 4、竞买人最后一次举牌应价时~经主持人宣布最后应价数目“第一次”、 “第二次”、“最后一次”而没有人举牌应价的~主持人以击槌方式确认成交。 ,六,签约 竞得人即时与本中心签订《成交确认书》~并在3个工作日内与委托人签订《买卖合同》,含补充协议~下同,。 境外竞得人签订的《买卖合同》~按有关法规应当办理公证手续~委托人与竞得人应当各自承担公证费用的50,。 ,七,退款 本中心3个工作日内退还未竞得人的履约保证金,不计利息,~其中退还联合竞买人的履约保证金时~一律退给原支付代表~自原支付代表收到之日起~视为各竞买人均已收讫。 ,八,挂牌电脑报价期间技术故障处理 挂牌电脑报价截止前1小时内发生或持续电脑竞价系统技术故障的~包括但不限于停电、死机、病毒干扰等情形的~按下列情形分别处理: 1、交易标的物只有一个竞买人的~在挂牌电脑报价时间截止后~按其报价确认该竞买人为竞得人。 2、交易标的物有多个竞买人的~尚未完成的挂牌电脑竞价和现场竞价~顺延至技术故障排除后的下一个工作日的同一时刻~但交易中心事先在下一工作日的同一时刻已安排使用电脑竞价系统或交易大厅的~具体安排按交易中心的通知 n or cable tray cannot be used for other processesction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connectionstrungths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the cocompleted, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable le on isa cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparati ign inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not putnd desematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume an number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schsectioerify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to val of ned the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deont of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combiparts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in frthe oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve 4 进行。 五、成交价款支付 成交后~竞得人已交纳的履约保证金自动转为《买卖合同》的合同定金~并适用定金罚则。竞得人可自主选择将成交价款直接向委托人支付或交本中心托管。竞得人选择直接向委托人支付的~其风险由竞得人自行承担。 托管是指经委托人同意、由本中心代委托人收取成交价款~在委托人与竞得人办理标的物产权转移登记后~再由本中心返还委托人~从而保证竞得人资金安全的一项免费服务。 六、房产移交 竞得人支付全部成交价款后~委托人按照《买卖合同》规定的时间向竞得人移交房产。 委托人在《委托合同》中已承诺交清因其使用该交易标的物而产生的一切费用~包括但不限于水费、电费、煤气费和物业管理费等。 委托人和竞得人因支付上述费用产生争议的~由委托人和竞得人双方协商解决~与交易中心无关。 七、申请转移登记 竞得人付成交价款后~竞得人和委托人按照《买卖合同》规定的时间向房地产权登记部门申请转移登记。 委托人在《委托合同》中已承诺~在申请转移登记前~交清因取得、使用该交易标的物的分摊土地使用权而产生的一切费用~包括但不限于地价款、土地使用费等。 委托人在《委托合同》中已承诺~在房地产权登记部门核准转移登记后5个工作日内~交清因转让该交易标的物而产生的委托人应承担的一切交易税费。 八、交易服务费 成交后~由本中心向委托人单方收取交易服务费。 九、委托人特殊情况处理 ,一,自挂牌交易公告发布至产权转移登记核准期间~出现司法机关查封标的物、行政机关限制标的物权利的~按下列不同情况分别处理: 1、挂牌交易公告发布后~暂无人提出竞买申请的~相关标的物的交易中止, 2、挂牌交易公告发布后~已有人提出竞买申请但尚未成交的~相关交易标的物的交易中止~并由本中心退回竞买人的履约保证金, 3、交易标的物成交并已签订《买卖合同》~但转移登记尚未被核准的~由竞得人自行与委托人协商解除或变更履行《买卖合同》~并由委托人承担其依法 e bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is nt to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cablou wanables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable yto ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the corder mber of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in nal carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the nuessioand bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the prof e, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device locationl cabler DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physicasign, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computthe deity defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver on of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate qualthe oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary preventiowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processesot all5 应承担的全部责任。本中心按照委托人和竞得人已达成的协议~处理扣除委托人应付的交易服务费后的合同定金和托管款项。自查封或权利受到限制之日起30日内未达成协议的~本中心可以按照竞得人要求退款的书面申请~在5个工作日内退还竞得人的合同定金和托管款项 ,二,房地产权登记机关驳回登记申请的~按照委托人与竞得人的协议或生效的司法文书处理成交价款,代收或托管的~本中心无须支付利息,~但如果驳回登记是因委托人原因造成的~可参照前项有关方式处理。 按前款处理后~竞买人或竞得人还可依法追究的委托人的其他责任。 十、竞得人违约处理 竞得人有下列行为之一的~视为违约。竞得人交纳的定金,或履约保证金, 归委托人所有~不予退还,委托人可以依法经书面通知后单方解除《买卖合同》。委托人重新委托本中心挂牌交易的成交价~低于本次交易成交价的~本次交易的竞得人必须按实际差额赔偿,同时委托人可追究竞得人的其他法律责任: ,一, 不能当场与本中心签订《成交确认书》~或不能当场与委托人签订《买卖合同》的, ,二,未按照《买卖合同》规定支付成交价款的, ,三,竞得人提供虚假文件或隐瞒事实的. 十一、风险及瑕疵提示 委托人告知本中心的交易标的物的内容,含瑕疵,及其作出的承诺和本中心在业务权限范围内了解的交易标的物的情况~已以《房地产挂牌交易公告》和其他方式作了公开告知。虽然委托人在《委托合同》中承诺对其所提供资料的真实性、合法性、有效性、全面性和交易标的物的合法性负责~但是涉及委托人可能存在的债务~以及交易标的物可能设定的第三人债权、租赁关系、及权利被限制等问本中心无法核实。因此~交易标的物在核准转移登记前~不排除存在潜在风险,例如:司法查封、行政机关限制房地产权利等,的可能~竞买人参与竞买~视为愿意承担此风险~并认为因此产生的后果和责任与本中心无关。 深圳市土地房产交易中心 completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable le on isa cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparati ign inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not putnd desematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume an number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schsectioerify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to val of ned the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deont of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combiparts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in frthe oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve n or cable tray cannot be used for other processesction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connectionstrungths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the co6
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