
动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb)

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动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb)动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb) 动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb) Verb ing rules [i:] [i]: [pgfla vowel [u:]] [[u]] []:?? [] [] [e? I] [e i]. [i? [u? U] [u]] [? 1. English verb -ing, usually in the original ending directly add ...
动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb)
动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb) 动词后加-ing的规则(The rule of adding -ing after a verb) Verb ing rules [i:] [i]: [pgfla vowel [u:]] [[u]] []:?? [] [] [e? I] [e i]. [i? [u? U] [u]] [? 1. English verb -ing, usually in the original ending directly add -ing components: cough - coughing, climb - climbing, stand - standing, fight - fighting 2. to -e at the end of the verb (1) if the verb with a consonant plus a silent -e end, the general should be removed E plus ing: Write - writing, hope - hoping, care - caring, stare - staring, plane - planing, have - having, save - saving, produce - producing, breathe - breathing (2) the -ie at the end of the verb should first remove e, I into y and then add -ing: Die - dying, tie - tying, vie - vying, lie - lying (3) to -ee, Oe, Ye verbs ending with -ing should be preserved when the final e: See - seeing, flee - fleeing, free - freeing, agree - agreeing, hoe - hoeing, dye - dyeing, eye - eyeing (4) the -ue at the end of the most verbs should first go to the E plus -ing: Sue - suing, imbue - imbuing, construe - construing, pursue - pursuing, Rue - ruing Sometimes, the E can remove or retain: Glue - gluing or glueing, cue or cueing - cuing, blue - blueing or bluing, True - truing or trueing - clueing, clue or cluing 3. with a vowel plus a consonant of the verb (1) if the verb last syllable is stressed closed syllables, the last letter to repeat: Run - running, stop - stopping, hop - hopping, plan - planning, star - starring, control - controlling but the consonant x is an exception, no need to repeat (x actually plays a role of two consonants): Tax - taxing, relax - relaxing (2) if the verb last syllable to syllable, the last letter sometimes repeat: Kidnap - kidnapping or kidnaping - programming, program or programing (3) if the verb last syllable is unstressed syllables, the last letter mostly without repetition: Open - opening, offer - offering, audit - auditing, but in some verbs, or did not repeat can be: Worship - worshiping or worshipping - focusing, focus or focussing, cancel or cancelling - canceling, travel - traveling or travelling At the end of the unstressed -el verbs -ing, British English used to repeat the final L, and American English is used not to repeat 1. 4. if the verb to a vowel plus half vowels (Y or W) end, can be added directly to -ing: Pay - paying, throw - throwing, follow - following, draw - drawing, employ - employing 5. to -ic at the end of the verb should first add -ing in the letter C and a letter k: Frolic - frolicking, panic - panicking, mimic - mimicking, picnic - picnicking, traffic - trafficking This is mainly to retain the /k/ sound after the verb -ing. If not in the letter C with the letter K and letter C plus -ing, the pronunciation is not /k/, but /s/: In fact, keep the pronunciation invariant is a general rule in english. Again, in front of the -ing is to increase, to retain or remove a letter, tend to retain the original long vowel or a short vowel pronunciation: Hoping and hopping staring and starring playing and planning English words in what time to write two plus ing Learning 2009-07-26 10:09:21 reading 900 comment number: 2 large and small 1. first of all know about the basic knowledge of closed syllable ": a consonant syllables called" closed syllable ", if the closed syllable in the word is stressed, the syllable is called" stressed closed syllables "; 2. if a verb" stressed closed syllables "at the end, the present participle / a noun is usually" double the consonant ending, then add ing "; 3. note:" consonant ending "and" ends in a consonant (referring to pronunciation or phonogram) "is different. 4. "double consonant consonant with ing" must also meet the following 4 conditions: 1) the verb pronunciation in stressed closed syllables at the end of 2); end closed syllables follow the "1 + 1 consonant vowel + 1 consonants") at the end of the 3 consonants is not "X"; 4) there is no exception to the spelling rules of the verb; see the example below: begin - beginning: to 1 consonants ending, reread, all meet the above conditions; reject - rejecting: don't double "t", because the end has 2 consonants; bleed - bleeding; don't write "d", a double at the end of the 2 vowel consonant before, do not meet the above conditions; (2) rabbet vt..) - rabbeting: don't double "t", because the stressed syllable in first syllable, do not meet the conditions of 1 controling or control); Controlling can add ing before the end of the "L" can not write double spelling, this is the "spell exception" case. Kidnap - kidnapping or kidnaping can be added, before ing, at the end of the "P" can not write double spelling, also "spelling exceptions" situation. Fix - fixing at the end of a word consonant letter "X", don't double; in summary, there is no need to be "double writing words ending consonant letters and then add ing" list, as long as you know the rules, you basically can not go wrong ""! supplement Begin-beginning stop-stopping swim-swimming shop-shopping singing running falling giving helping coming getting cooking putting shopping swimming running getting chatting letting stopping beginning hitting fitting pitting knitting kidding In the stressed closed syllables in a vowel and a consonant before the end of the double. Answer B Clean + ing when no double n, because it is ea /i:/ Monogram For example, heat - heating feel - feeling Dealing sealing healing leaning Beating meeting Dear sirsre If I will. Hitting sitting. Fitting... Dear sirsre The reason to double the consonant letters, is to be closed to the open syllable syllable and e distinction If bit and bite are written in biting, it is unable to distinguish But in English is almost impossible to -eane, -eate, -eape these open syllables (some words... I have no EET. Have little talent and less learning), eep, eed.. Constitute a closed syllable will not bring the confusion. So with the vowel combination of "pseudo closed syllable" do not usually need to double the final consonant Answer C Why stressed closed syllables need double consonant letters? Because if you don't double words, cuting will be considered cute (note! Just for example, cute does not have this kind of usage) plus -ing. so, double the consonant letters to prompt closed syllable role distinguish words. Answer D Order don't write letters at the end of the two, is stressed close to double. Is the so-called closed syllable vowel is its own letter, refers to the stressed syllable in a syllable, At the end of consonant phonemes and syllables are unstressed syllables such as Apple should be designated syllable that AP ap/ple is in front of a syllable in a consonant ending P is closed syllable factors. The three elements of stressed closed syllables: 1. must be stressed syllable; 2. only a consonant; 3. vowels short vowels Travel like this not stressed in the vel, can be travelled, or traveled. In the stressed closed sound at the end, only one vowel and read short, only at the end of a consonant letter word; in a suffix, need to double the consonant, plus the suffix. This method can be used to change the present participle of regular verbs, past tense and Past Participle Adjectives; variable comparatives and superlatives etc.. For example: 1, stop-stopping (present participle) -stopped (past) stopped (past participle) 2, fat-fatter (comparative) -fattest (top) Note: with the present participle, the need to pay attention to the following two conditions. The open 'upen: it is not in the stressed syllable ending, do not meet the above conditions, the end can not write double consonants. Begin, forget is a stressed syllable ending, in line with the above situation, the present participle form, to double the consonant beginning, forgetting. The throw play stay, although in line with the "one yuan auxiliary" conditions, but they are the vowel combination pronunciation does not meet the conditions, so it can not be written double throwing, playing staying. At fact, English words in addition to suffix followed a basic rule: as far as possible without affecting the original pronunciation of words. As the change in -able was added, the original word suffix e, in order not to change the pronunciation of G. To understand this principle, we can understand the present and past participles when, why the stressed syllable words ending at the end of the word to write two letters. For example, begin becomes the present participle, if not written double n, according to the principle of one syllable between two syllable consonant attribution, *begining n will be transferred to the last syllable, then GI into the open syllable, pronunciation will be /gai/ instead of /gi/; on the contrary, the double n, according to rule two a syllabic consonant combination between before and after the two syllable double consonants belong to, gin is still a closed syllable pronunciation, unchanged. Single syllable noun and adjective y principle and the same, such as sun, sunny, fog, foggy, etc..
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