

2017-09-02 13页 doc 59KB 179阅读




深圳地铁线路图深圳地铁线路图 深圳地铁线路图(看大图) 地铁一号线到达的地点 罗湖站 A出入口:联检大楼(往香港)、长途车站、罗湖商业城、华侨酒店 B出入口:公交车站、的士车站、罗湖村、庐山酒店 C出入口:火车站、海关大楼、香格里拉酒店、华民大厦、德兴大厦 D出入口:火车站西广场、海关大楼、侨社、富临大酒店、港城商贸大厦 E出入口:香格里拉酒店 国贸站 A出入口:嘉宾路南侧、罗湖区医院、南湖小学、南国影院、嘉里中心、佳宁娜广场、友谊城 B出入口:人民南路东侧、罗湖大酒店、彭年酒店、国贸大厦、富苑酒店 Rummage ...
深圳地铁线路图 深圳地铁线路图(看大图) 地铁一号线到达的地点 罗湖站 A出入口:联检大楼(往香港)、长途车站、罗湖商业城、华侨酒店 B出入口:公交车站、的士车站、罗湖村、庐山酒店 C出入口:火车站、海关大楼、香格里拉酒店、华民大厦、德兴大厦 D出入口:火车站西广场、海关大楼、侨社、富临大酒店、港城商贸大厦 E出入口:香格里拉酒店 国贸站 A出入口:嘉宾路南侧、罗湖区医院、南湖小学、南国影院、嘉里中心、佳宁娜广场、友谊城 B出入口:人民南路东侧、罗湖大酒店、彭年酒店、国贸大厦、富苑酒店 Rummage lab laboratory of Immunology and sexually transmitted diseases of the skin: 1 month for Dermatology (including laser): 1-2 months of dermatophytosis in room: 1-2 months Note: the first year of the specific rotation arrangements according to the trainees in the Department training base where the case may be. Four, training contents and requirements (a), the first years of relevant clinical Department rotation scheme, and requirements 1. Rotary objective: ... Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis renal tubular disease 2 3 dialysis and absorption or replacement in 3 Department of Endocrinology (ward) thyroid disease diabetes 10 5 adrenal disease 5 Gastroenterology (ward) gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding gastric inflammatory bowel disease 5 5 hepatitis and cirrhosis 5 Department of Hematology, digestive tract tumor in 5 (ward) 5 Lymphoma leukemia 4 hemorrhagic disease anemia 3 8 3. checking records on the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's bed or in the Department name, name of the disease or surgery, biopsy And the number of times (such as chest, abdominal, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid), ECG and ECG monitors, the number of ventilators and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. By the Department faculty signatures; Department tutor on the interns ' work attitudes and to assess the operational capacity. (B), a second-year professional initial training in dermatology 1. Rotary objective: Dermatology and venereal disease basic diagnostic methods, treatments and techniques. Primary lesions of the skin and secondary damage identification and accurate description of the methods used in dermatology and Venereology professional term writing complete Dermatology And hospital outpatient medical record history, using principles of topical drugs, C出入口:人民南路东侧、天安国际大酒店以及东洋国际时装批发广场 D出入口:人民南路东侧(北)、深圳市眼科医院、海燕大厦、安华大厦 E出入口:嘉宾路南、罗湖小学、国际商场、友谊商场 注:C、D出口暂未开通 老街站 A出入口:市迎宾馆、深圳戏院、文化公园、工人文化宫 B出入口:和平路、邮政大厦、人民医院门诊部、深圳市供电局 C出入口:百货广场、电信大厦、市百货广场大厦、南塘商业街 大剧院站 A出入口:解放路北侧(东)、市公安局、市气象局、市广播电视大学、蔡屋围大酒店 B出入口:红岭路、深圳大剧院、荔枝公园、邓小平画像、青少年活动中心 C出入口:书城路、深圳书城、深圳证券交易所、晶都酒店、深圳市发展银行、华润万象城 D出入口:解放路南侧、市供电局、市公安局、地王大厦 科学馆站 A出入口:上步中路、市政府、市总工会、市建设局、深圳会堂、市老干部活动中心 B出入口:燕南路、市国土资源局、房产交易中心、华联大厦、兴华宾馆、东风大厦、爱华市场 C出入口:松岭路、深圳南中邮局、上步中学、南园派出所、核电大厦 D出入口:上步南路、市档案局、深圳市商业银行、国际商场、中信城市广场 华强路站 A出入口:华强北路、电子大厦、电子科技大厦、赛格广场、华强电子世界、铜锣湾广场 Rummage lab laboratory of Immunology and sexually transmitted diseases of the skin: 1 month for Dermatology (including laser): 1-2 months of dermatophytosis in room: 1-2 months Note: the first year of the specific rotation arrangements according to the trainees in the Department training base where the case may be. Four, training contents and requirements (a), the first years of relevant clinical Department rotation scheme, and requirements 1. Rotary objective: ... Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis renal tubular disease 2 3 dialysis and absorption or replacement in 3 Department of Endocrinology (ward) thyroid disease diabetes 10 5 adrenal disease 5 Gastroenterology (ward) gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding gastric inflammatory bowel disease 5 5 hepatitis and cirrhosis 5 Department of Hematology, digestive tract tumor in 5 (ward) 5 Lymphoma leukemia 4 hemorrhagic disease anemia 3 8 3. checking records on the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's bed or in the Department name, name of the disease or surgery, biopsy And the number of times (such as chest, abdominal, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid), ECG and ECG monitors, the number of ventilators and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. By the Department faculty signatures; Department tutor on the interns ' work attitudes and to assess the operational capacity. (B), a second-year professional initial training in dermatology 1. Rotary objective: Dermatology and venereal disease basic diagnostic methods, treatments and techniques. Primary lesions of the skin and secondary damage identification and accurate description of the methods used in dermatology and Venereology professional term writing complete Dermatology And hospital outpatient medical record history, using principles of topical drugs, B出入口:中航路、中心公园、田面新村、上海宾馆、天虹商场、格兰云天大酒店 C出入口:福虹路、市中医院、福田中学、世贸广场、国际科技大厦 D出入口:华强南路、北方大酒店、西丽大酒店、华联发工业大厦、华强地铁商城 岗厦站 A出入口:彩田路东侧(北)、福华路北侧(东)、中心花园、岗厦小学、岗厦东村、好百年彩田店、彩虹大厦、海鹰大厦、志信实业(文蔚大厦) B出入口:彩田路西侧(北)、福华路北侧(西)、新一佳、彩福大厦、岗厦西村 C出入口:彩田路西侧(南)、福华路南侧(西)、岗厦中学、景轩大酒店、世纪中心家居广场、彩田食街 D出入口:彩田路东侧(南)、福华路南侧(东)、社保局、彩田医院、中深花园、江苏宾馆、联合广场、城市客栈会展中心店 会展中心站 A出入口:金田路、大中华国际交易广场 B出入口:中心四路、福华一路 C出入口:中心四路、会展中心、国际商会中心、信息枢纽大厦 、晶岛国际广场 D出入口:福华三路、会展中心(北门)、世纪中心家居广场 、丽思•卡尔顿酒店 E出入口:金田路、世纪中心家居广场 注:C、D出口未开通,因为C出入通道连接晶岛国际广场,因晶岛国际广场及地铁出入口均在施工,暂未开通。D口已建好,但因相连的丽思•卡尔顿酒店施工导致无法开通。上述工程完工后,C、D出入口即可开放。 购物公园站 A出入口:福华路北侧(东)、中心花园、岗厦东村、彩虹大厦、海鹰大厦、志信实业(文蔚大厦) B出入口:福华路北侧(西)、新一佳、彩福大厦、岗厦西村 Rummage lab laboratory of Immunology and sexually transmitted diseases of the skin: 1 month for Dermatology (including laser): 1-2 months of dermatophytosis in room: 1-2 months Note: the first year of the specific rotation arrangements according to the trainees in the Department training base where the case may be. Four, training contents and requirements (a), the first years of relevant clinical Department rotation scheme, and requirements 1. Rotary objective: ... Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis renal tubular disease 2 3 dialysis and absorption or replacement in 3 Department of Endocrinology (ward) thyroid disease diabetes 10 5 adrenal disease 5 Gastroenterology (ward) gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding gastric inflammatory bowel disease 5 5 hepatitis and cirrhosis 5 Department of Hematology, digestive tract tumor in 5 (ward) 5 Lymphoma leukemia 4 hemorrhagic disease anemia 3 8 3. checking records on the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's bed or in the Department name, name of the disease or surgery, biopsy And the number of times (such as chest, abdominal, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid), ECG and ECG monitors, the number of ventilators and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. By the Department faculty signatures; Department tutor on the interns ' work attitudes and to assess the operational capacity. (B), a second-year professional initial training in dermatology 1. Rotary objective: Dermatology and venereal disease basic diagnostic methods, treatments and techniques. Primary lesions of the skin and secondary damage identification and accurate description of the methods used in dermatology and Venereology professional term writing complete Dermatology And hospital outpatient medical record history, using principles of topical drugs, C出入口:福华路南侧(西)、民田路、市电信大厦,购物公园,投资大厦,天虹购物广场,深圳马格孛罗好日子酒店,星河COCO PARK,岗厦中学、景轩大酒店、世纪中心家居广场、彩田食街, D出入口:福华路南侧(东)、民田路、社保局、彩田医院、中深花园、江苏宾馆、联合广场 ,南方国际广场 香蜜湖站 A出入口:香梅路、友谊医院、东座酒店、五洲宾馆、人民大厦 B出入口:水上乐园、深圳市规划局、香蜜湖度假村、香蜜湖汽车市场 C出入口:香梅路、报业大厦、友谊医院、市政大厦、东座酒店、五洲宾馆、人民大厦、深圳高尔夫俱乐部 车公庙站 A出入口:香蜜湖路、财富广场、水上乐园、东海花园 B出入口:农园路、农科中心、深南中学、天主教堂、招商银行大厦、东海花园 C出入口:泰然九路、深圳电气科学研究所、泰然工业区、喜年中心 D出入口:香蜜湖路、中国邮政、天安数码时代、天安数码城、天安创新科技广场、中国有色大厦、安徽大厦 竹子林站 A出入口:竹子林立交桥、深南市场、福田汽车站 B1出入口:地铁竹子林车辆段、深南大道南侧 B2出入口:深南大道北侧、益华大厦、东方银座 、联泰大厦、市交通局、求是大厦、光大银行大厦、竹子林城市客栈 侨城东站 A出入口:侨城东路(北)、康佳集团、锦绣花园、深圳警校、第二技工学校、深圳国际园艺博览会 B出入口:锦绣中华、金海燕花园、新浩城花园、碧海云天花园 Rummage lab laboratory of Immunology and sexually transmitted diseases of the skin: 1 month for Dermatology (including laser): 1-2 months of dermatophytosis in room: 1-2 months Note: the first year of the specific rotation arrangements according to the trainees in the Department training base where the case may be. Four, training contents and requirements (a), the first years of relevant clinical Department rotation scheme, and requirements 1. Rotary objective: ... Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis renal tubular disease 2 3 dialysis and absorption or replacement in 3 Department of Endocrinology (ward) thyroid disease diabetes 10 5 adrenal disease 5 Gastroenterology (ward) gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding gastric inflammatory bowel disease 5 5 hepatitis and cirrhosis 5 Department of Hematology, digestive tract tumor in 5 (ward) 5 Lymphoma leukemia 4 hemorrhagic disease anemia 3 8 3. checking records on the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's bed or in the Department name, name of the disease or surgery, biopsy And the number of times (such as chest, abdominal, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid), ECG and ECG monitors, the number of ventilators and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. By the Department faculty signatures; Department tutor on the interns ' work attitudes and to assess the operational capacity. (B), a second-year professional initial training in dermatology 1. Rotary objective: Dermatology and venereal disease basic diagnostic methods, treatments and techniques. Primary lesions of the skin and secondary damage identification and accurate description of the methods used in dermatology and Venereology professional term writing complete Dermatology And hospital outpatient medical record history, using principles of topical drugs, C出入口:侨城东路(南)、沙田、地铁竹子林车辆段等世界之窗站 华侨城站 A出入口:光侨街、新侨大厦、华夏艺术中心、康佳集团、海景酒店、海景花园 B出入口:侨城街、华侨城中学、华侨城集团办公室、汉唐大厦、邮电会议中心、华夏艺术中心 C出入口:何香凝美术馆、东方花园 D出入口:中国民俗文化村以及锦绣中华 世界之窗站 A出入口:侨城西街、威尼斯酒店、欢乐谷、世界花园、美加广场 B出入口:上白石、下白石、沙河医院、沙河小学、长途客运站、世界花园、假日湾花园 C出入口:益田假日广场 I出入口:世界之窗、白石洲、世纪村、沙河高尔夫球会 J出入口:世界之窗、白石洲、东方花园、欧罗巴一条街 地铁四号线站点到达的地方 少年宫站 A出入口:金田路、青少年宫、深业花园、中银大厦、地铁大厦、天健世纪花园 B出入口:金田路、青少年宫、莲花山公园、莲花中学、关山月美术馆、天健世纪花园 C出入口:鹏程四路、书城中心城、儿童医院、音乐厅、图书馆、江苏大厦 D出入口:鹏程四路、书城中心城、儿童医院、音乐厅、图书馆、江苏大厦 注:少年宫站A、C出口和B、D出口之间在闸机口外并无通道连接。乘客如从一端出站想去另一端,可到地面少年宫前广场很方便到达。 市民中心站 Rummage lab laboratory of Immunology and sexually transmitted diseases of the skin: 1 month for Dermatology (including laser): 1-2 months of dermatophytosis in room: 1-2 months Note: the first year of the specific rotation arrangements according to the trainees in the Department training base where the case may be. Four, training contents and requirements (a), the first years of relevant clinical Department rotation scheme, and requirements 1. Rotary objective: ... Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis renal tubular disease 2 3 dialysis and absorption or replacement in 3 Department of Endocrinology (ward) thyroid disease diabetes 10 5 adrenal disease 5 Gastroenterology (ward) gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding gastric inflammatory bowel disease 5 5 hepatitis and cirrhosis 5 Department of Hematology, digestive tract tumor in 5 (ward) 5 Lymphoma leukemia 4 hemorrhagic disease anemia 3 8 3. checking records on the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's bed or in the Department name, name of the disease or surgery, biopsy And the number of times (such as chest, abdominal, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid), ECG and ECG monitors, the number of ventilators and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. By the Department faculty signatures; Department tutor on the interns ' work attitudes and to assess the operational capacity. (B), a second-year professional initial training in dermatology 1. Rotary objective: Dermatology and venereal disease basic diagnostic methods, treatments and techniques. Primary lesions of the skin and secondary damage identification and accurate description of the methods used in dermatology and Venereology professional term writing complete Dermatology And hospital outpatient medical record history, using principles of topical drugs, A出入口:金田路、岗厦西、安联大厦、中铁建工大厦 B出入口:金田路北、武警支队、音乐厅、图书馆、万佳百货、雅颂居 C出入口:福中三路、高交会馆、市民中心停车场、黄埔雅苑、江苏大厦 D出入口:市民中心南广场、高交会馆、深圳电视台、市民中心停车场、中国联通大厦、投资大厦 注:现在仅B出入口开通。A出入口因市民广场绿化带设计与地铁市民中心站A口没衔接好,导致周边绿化地远高出A出入口,存在安全隐患。C、D出入口与市民广场地下停车场步行街及停车场角亭合建,同时角亭兼作地铁出入口,因市民广场相邻的地下停车场步行街及停车场暂未启用,所以C、D口建好暂未开通。待步行街及停车场启用后即可开放。 福民站 A出入口:福民路南侧(东)、兴万家、福民小学、保税区海关、福民新村、福涛东园、宜嘉华庭 B出入口:福民路北侧(东)、知本大厦、皇岗中学、皇岗派出所、出入境检疫局、福田保健院住院部保健部 C出入口:福民路北侧(西)、皇安大厦、福田区政府、皇岗小学、皇岗中心广场、皇岗村 D出入口:福民路南侧(西)、福田区政府、皇岗双拥公园、水围小学、保税区海关、皇岗村、福田保健医院门诊部急诊部 注:A出入口位于兴万家生活购物中心内,B出入口位于知本大厦内,C出入口位于皇安大厦内。 福田口岸 A出入口:东北面的居民住宅小区、海悦华庭大厦、裕亨路、渔农村 B出入口:公交西广场、国花路、福田保税区海关、商检大厦 注:B出入口只能出不能进。B出入口主要面对临时公交站,而乘坐公交的乘客一部分由联检楼3号门上楼过关,另一部分乘客为本地居民,没有乘坐公交再换乘地铁的需求,只有部分地铁出站乘客,故此处只设置了出站闸机。 Rummage lab laboratory of Immunology and sexually transmitted diseases of the skin: 1 month for Dermatology (including laser): 1-2 months of dermatophytosis in room: 1-2 months Note: the first year of the specific rotation arrangements according to the trainees in the Department training base where the case may be. Four, training contents and requirements (a), the first years of relevant clinical Department rotation scheme, and requirements 1. Rotary objective: ... Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis renal tubular disease 2 3 dialysis and absorption or replacement in 3 Department of Endocrinology (ward) thyroid disease diabetes 10 5 adrenal disease 5 Gastroenterology (ward) gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding gastric inflammatory bowel disease 5 5 hepatitis and cirrhosis 5 Department of Hematology, digestive tract tumor in 5 (ward) 5 Lymphoma leukemia 4 hemorrhagic disease anemia 3 8 3. checking records on the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's bed or in the Department name, name of the disease or surgery, biopsy And the number of times (such as chest, abdominal, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid), ECG and ECG monitors, the number of ventilators and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. By the Department faculty signatures; Department tutor on the interns ' work attitudes and to assess the operational capacity. (B), a second-year professional initial training in dermatology 1. Rotary objective: Dermatology and venereal disease basic diagnostic methods, treatments and techniques. Primary lesions of the skin and secondary damage identification and accurate description of the methods used in dermatology and Venereology professional term writing complete Dermatology And hospital outpatient medical record history, using principles of topical drugs,
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