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服务行业温馨提示广告语服务行业温馨提示广告语 1 诚信经营共创海安文明 放心消费共享和谐海安 2 诚信经营路路通 放心消费人人乐 3 携手放心消费 构建和谐海安 4 放心消费共携手 诚信换得回头客 5 诚信经营聚贤德 放心消费把客留 6 诚信经营有德 放心消费有福 7 以诚信换放心 与客户心连心 8 和谐海安我的家 放心消费靠大家 9 缔造温馨和谐海安 构筑放心消费驿站 10 放心消费 温馨生活 11 手牵手共建消费环境 心连心共享海安文明 12 放心消费环境你我共创 和谐文明海安万家共享 13 打造放心消费名片 构建和谐文明海安...
服务行业温馨提示广告语 1 诚信经营共创海安文明 放心消费共享和谐海安 2 诚信经营路路通 放心消费人人乐 3 携手放心消费 构建和谐海安 4 放心消费共携手 诚信换得回头客 5 诚信经营聚贤德 放心消费把客留 6 诚信经营有德 放心消费有福 7 以诚信换放心 与客户心连心 8 和谐海安我的家 放心消费靠大家 9 缔造温馨和谐海安 构筑放心消费驿站 10 放心消费 温馨生活 11 手牵手共建消费环境 心连心共享海安文明 12 放心消费环境你我共创 和谐文明海安万家共享 13 打造放心消费名片 构建和谐文明海安 14 手拉手保护消费环境 心连心传承和谐文明 15 消费安全一小步 文明海安一大步 16 为消费添一份责任 让生活多一份温馨 17 放心消费手牵手 文明海安心连心 18 放心消费个个参与 文明海安人人受益 19 放心消费 共建共享。 20 科学理性你我他 放心消费千万家 21 为放心消费助力 给和谐海安添彩 22 你诚信自律 我放心消费 23 构筑诚信自律风景线 打造放心消费新海安 24 经营消费手牵手 健康文明心连心 25 经营诚信自律 消费放心满意 26 人人诚信经营 个个放心消费 27 美丽海安我的家 放心消费靠大家 28 放心消费你我出力 和谐海安大家得益 39 对消费安全多一点关注 为美丽海安尽一份责任 30 商业发展路千条 放心消费第一条 31 创诚信社会 享放心消费 建美丽海安 32 放心消费责任有约 和谐海安魅力无限 33 诚信经营一小步 放心消费一大步 34 培养放心消费公德心 争做和谐海安文明人 35 文明和谐是海安的风景 放心消费是海安的名片 36 营造放心消费 构建和谐海安 37 诚信经营记心间 放心消费每一天 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 38 诚信经营 放心消费 39 诚信经营手拉手 放心消费心连心。 40 诚实守信 理性消费 41 销售诚信 购买放心 42 发票虽然小 维权少不了 43 一看二问三比较 放心购物有绝招。 44 广告虽诱人 消费要冷静 44 美丽海安我的家 放心消费靠大家 45 美丽海安是我家 放心消费靠大家 46 放心消费一小步 文明和谐一大步 47 商家“够”诚信顾客“购”放心 48 生活要节约 消费要科学 49 商家诚信 顾客相信 50 和谐消费环境 你我共建共享 51 关注消费安全 倡导依法维权 52 商家诚信 顾客放心 53 诚信经营是金 放心消费是福 54 诚信换来金招牌 服务赢得天下客 55 争当诚信经营者 齐做文明消费者 56 诚信经营每一天 放心消费每一日 57 诚信经营手牵手 放心消费心连心 58 只要商家“够” 诚信 顾客自然“购”放心 59 小票发票保管好 维护权益用得着 60 诚信经营荣耀海安 红色旅游繁荣家园 61 放心消费记心间 和谐海安万家安。 62 消费促进发展 放心缔造和谐 63 经营诚信为本 消费放心海安 64 诚信营天下 放心进万家 65 文明新海安 消费真放心 66 构建放心消费环境 共筑和谐文明海安 67 文明和谐新海安 放心消费每一天 68 维权意识多一点 放心消费每一天 69 构建和谐海安 感受放心消费 70 金贵银贵诚信为贵 千好万好放心就好 71 维护权益应打假 放心消费靠《消法》 72 放心消费人人有责 消费放心大家受益 73 营造放心消费环境 促进江苏和谐稳定 74 消费更放心 生活更温馨 75 欢迎进本店 放心看得见 76 天天3(15 消费你放心 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 77 《消法》保驾 3(15护航 放心消费 78 诚信经营 依法维权 放心消费 79 和谐社会 一诺千斤 放心消费 实现三赢 80 诚实守信 公平负责 和谐消费 放心购物 81 健康市场 诚信经营 依法维权 放心消费 82 打造购物天堂 顾客就是上帝 舒心安心消费 83 你满意我满意 你高兴我高兴 你放心我赢利 84 放心消费在海陵 和谐社会创共赢 85 健全消费机制 共创放心环境 86 保护合法权益 构建和谐社会 87 活力海安景 诚信海安人 放心消费城 88 热线联接万户 情系放心消费 89 倡导诚信经商 共建放心消费 90 诚实为本 诚信经商 放心消费 91 魅力海安景 放心消费城 92 创建诚信新海安 建设放心消费城 93 营造放心[消费]环境 构造社会和谐 94 建设魅力新海安 共创放心消费城 95 诚信经营地 放心消费城 96 诚信海安 消费天堂 97 人居新海安 放心消费城 98 商埠新海安 放心消费城 99 讲诚信,反欺诈 新海安,信誉佳 100 讲诚信,反欺诈 有活力,新海安 101 【创建】诚信新海安 【建设】放心消费城 102 倡导公平诚信 构建放心消费 103 美丽海安景 放心消费城 104 活力新海安 诚信海安人,放心消费城 105 魅力海安城 放心消费城 106 倡导公平诚信经营 构建放心消费城市 107 健全信用体系 创建放心城市 108 建设活力新海安 共创放心消费城 109 建设信用海安 共创放心消费 110 维护合法权益 构建和谐社会 111 诚实守信 放心消费 共铸和谐 112 货比三家不吃亏 质优价廉称客心 113 QS质量安全物放心买 中国环境标志品舒心用 114 秤砣虽小公道在 放心消费人人谢 115 笔笔消费称良心 点点诚信铸和谐 116 诚信市场无小节 放心消费大乾坤 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends - 3 - 117 商家诚信卖 顾客放心买。 118 生意无大小 诚信最重要。 119 诚信赢天下 消费最放心。 120 诚信经营赢天下 放心消费你我他 121 诚信经营心连心 放心消费手牵手 123 经营诚信齐抓共管 构筑消费安全屏障 124 诚信连着你我他 放心消费为大家。 125 赢取放心消费 构建和谐社会。 126 总想天上掉“馅饼” 消费陷阱在等你 127 便宜无好货 好货不便宜 128 欺骗赚一时 诚信赢一世 129 放心消费哪里去 海陵大地最诚信 130 一看二问三比较 谨慎购得放心物 131 广告多不实 消费要冷静 132 莫因益小而不为 莫因利暴而趋之 133 诚信赢得顾客心 134 诚信经营无欺无诈 放心消费有滋有味 135 买卖不同心 诚信贵如金。 136 和谐海安宜人居 放心消费乐万家 137 平安海安我的家 放心消费你我他 138 诚信何须天天“315” 消费自是放心“365” 139 构筑水货次品“防火墙” 撑起放心消费“挡雨伞” 140 迈开放心消费一小步 和谐社会前进一大步 141 人人争做诚信经营者 处处放心消费添和谐 142 销售惟诚信 购买最放心 143 售物不诚信 消费不放心 144 小利诚可贵 暴利价更高 若为诚信故 二者皆可抛开 145 商店勿把良心抛 日日可见回头客 146 购物有风险 验货要内行 147 经营以诚取信 消费将心换心 148 长久经营靠诚信 放心消费心连心 149 放心消费大家齐出力 和谐社会你我共得益 150 诚信架起消费的桥梁 生活奏响和谐的乐章 151 诚信海安福地 放心消费无忧 152 和谐海安给我安居 海安消费给我信赖 153 携手海安市场 享受放心消费 154 诚信市场传扬海安美名 放心消费赢得口碑民心 155 四海宾朋汇聚金海安 放心消费扬名国内外 156 公平买卖海安情 放心消费伴君行 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 157 放心海安消费 同享社会安乐 158 心连心建设魅力新海安,手拉手共创放心消费城 159 走进活力海安城,跨入放心消费城 160 打造诚信海安 建放心消费城 161 健全维权网络 共建放心消费 162 推进诚信建设 共建放心消费 163 明礼诚信 优质服务 放心消费 164 和谐海安景 绿色新家园 放心消费城 165 和谐新海安 放心消费城 166 共建放心消费[城市] 同创和谐未来 167 魅力海安景 放心消费城 168 放心消费 悠悠深情 款款温馨 169 你家我家大家 放心消费最佳 170 美好生活从每天放心消费开始 171 不需广告满天飞 唯有放心消费显真情 172 走遍东西南北中 海安放心消费最正宗 173 引导消费 放心消费 174 慧眼识真宝 放心消费才称心 175 明白消费 放心消费 176 放心消费用“心”说话 177 海安是消费者的真正乐园 178 一看二听三比较 消费环境海安好 179 人与消费和谐共处 绿色与家园处处相连 180 放心消费 是聪明人的选择 181 心连海安 放心消费 182 食品 药品 是放心消费的重点 183 全国县份有千家 海安放心消费环境数最佳 184 放心消费 令我心动 185 海安人与消费者同步 明白消费与海安人同心 186 海安是消费者的一片天 187 与时俱进 在海安消费是用“心”说话 189 天意 人意 海安消费最民意 190 放心消费 永系我心 191 众人寻她千百度 唯有海安放心消费好去处 192 走进海安消费 人人津津乐道 193 浓缩消费生机 美丽精彩世界 194 蓝天 乐土 人气 海安消费三足鼎立 195 海安之腹地 消费之福气 196 没有生活难成家 明白消费靠大家 197 心比心 人人诚信经营 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends - 5 - 心连心 个个放心消费 198 打造诚信经营硬招牌 创建放心消费软环境 199 见广告莫轻易下手 想消费需冷静行事 200 以微笑传递真情 用诚实铸就信誉 201 购买放心物品 享受美好回忆 202 最牛的广告:件件无假货 203 树立人文消费观念 塑造名优品牌形象 204 量财支出 理性消费 205 顾客是上帝 质量是上帝的“上帝” 205 有缘千里来相会,买卖不成仁义在 206 和谐社会 人人共享,放心消费 家家受益 207 赚线不易 应物有所值 经营也难 当得有所利 208 诚信经营 放心消费 209 饮食莫忘健康 购物还须理性 210 购物千万莫拥挤 先来后到记心里 211 放心消费同参与 和谐社会齐受益 212 放心消费 理性先行 213 放心消费个个参与 和谐社会人人受益 214 放心消费一小步 和谐社会一大步 215 家事国事天下事 放心消费非小事 216 放心消费牢记心 平安幸福伴你行 217 放心消费你我他 平安幸福利万家 218 诚信经营赢天下 放心消费利万家 219 您经营诚信 我消费放心 220 商机无限 诚信有缘 221 诚信经营财有缘 放心消费乐无限 222 诚信经营赢天下 放心消费惠万家 223 海安来消费 你我都健康,海安多监督 你我请放心 224 海安多监督 你我都健康,海安来消费 你我请放心 225 看清等级下餐馆 安全消费保健康 226 营造放心消费软环境 构建和谐社会大家庭 227 海纳百川 诚信经营 安全保障 放心消费 228 提升五千年文明底蕴品位 提高百万人科学消费水平 229 经营人诚实经营 消费者放心消费 230 放心是经营者的承诺 消费是消费者的权利 231 卖得诚心 买得放心 用得安心 大家舒心 社会温馨 232 公正诚信 社会的共同责任 233 放心消费 大家的共同追求 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 234 经营者朋友 消费者是亲人 235 增强民主法制观念 营造放心消费环境 236 经营者诚信诚信更诚信 消费者放心放心再放心 237 公平诚信 服务质量更一流 放心消费 生活环境更温馨 238 抓住产品质量关键 共创放心消费环境 239 天天都是“3.15” 人人享尽“365” 240 唯利是图只一时 诚实守信赢一世 241 做诚实守信经营者人 当文明理性消费者 242 经营人与消费者相互沟通 243 消货人与购物者共同信任 244 经营人不断提高服务质量 消费者加强自我防范意识 245 温馨经营 温馨你我他 放心消费 放心千万家 246 人人坚守诚实,天天放心消费 247 会思考的消费者 才是聪明的消费者 248 盲目消费容易上当 理性消费不会吃亏 249 熟知法律练慧眼 考察调研搞消费 250 过分夸大顺耳的广告 谨防可能就是歪理 251 诚信海安福地 放心消费无忧 252 和谐海安给我安居 海安消费给我信赖 253 携手海安市场 享受放心消费 254 诚信市场传扬海安美名 放心消费赢得口碑民心 255 四海宾朋汇聚金海安 放心消费扬名国内外 256 公平买卖海安情 放心消费伴君行 257 放心海安消费 同享社会安乐 258 诚信海安 和谐家园 259 诚信海安 品质之城 260 营造放心消费环境 构建和谐海安 261 人人讲诚信 海安更温馨 262 诚信海安是金 和谐家园是福 263 诚信海安是我家 放心消费乐万家 264 金贵银贵诚信最贵 千好万好健康最好 265 展诚信风韵 铸和谐家园 266 同心同德树文明新风 群策群力创诚信海安 267 手牵手同创放心消费环境 心连心共建诚信 268 营造放心消费环境 构造和谐魅力海安 269 维护市场秩序 保障消费安全 270 营造放心消费 共建小康社会 271 和谐海安魅力城 放心消费新生活 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends - 7 - 272 明珠海安景 放心消费城 273 诚信经营双赢地 放心消费海安城 274 顾客是上帝 质量是口碑 275 经营假货 自掘坟墓 276 换位思考 将心比心,共建购销和谐 277 把“放心”购回家 将满意留给您 278 进货进真品 购物购“放心” 279 微笑是最佳的服务 诚信是最牛的名片 280 人品?商品?品质保证 诚信?互信?信赢未来 282 货真价实诚为本 老少无欺信在先 283 讲诚信 承诺放心消费 构和谐 提示买卖互信 284 服务优良生意好 守法经营信誉增 285 通晓消费知识 防守消费安全 286 改善消费环境 繁荣消费市场 287 诚信自律前途远 礼貌待客天地宽 288 增强自我防范意识 掌握科学消费本领 289 区别对象 选购商品 辨别真伪,放心消费 290 放心消费 温馨海安 291 温馨提示 放心消费 292 构建和谐社会 营造放心消费 293 消费放心更温馨 消费放心我温馨 295 馨消费 馨海安 心生活 296 来放心消费 享温馨海安 297 让商品自己说话 让顾客亲身见证 298 买卖公平 购销和谐 299 放心消费 让顾客尽享诗情画意 300 诚信是商家的根本 质量是产品的灵魂 301 努力打造市场的最高境界—放心消费 302 你用心 我放心 303 放心消费个个参与 和谐海安人人受益 304 一举一动建放心消费 一草一木聚文明真情 305 手牵手创建放心消费 心连心打造和谐海安 306 手牵手创建放心消费 心连心打造和谐家园 307 营造放心消费 共建文明海安 308 创建放心消费 打造和谐家园 309 处处是和谐美景 人人是海安形象 310 手牵手创建放心消费 心连心打造魅力海安 312 情牵放心消费 心连海安未来 313 美丽海安是我家 放心消费靠大家 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 314 打造放心消费 构建和谐海安 315 推动放心消费进程 维护市场消费秩序 316 放心消费非小事 国事家事天下事 317 倡导放心消费 共建和谐海安 318 放心消费诚信有道 和谐海安精彩有约 319 放心消费手牵手 和谐海安心连心 320 心系放心消费 情系大众百姓 321 放心消费有益社会 买卖双方诚信面对 322 放心互信 和谐消费 323 消费连着你我他 放心消费为大家 324 放心消费一小步 和谐海安一大步 325 放心消费精彩有约 和谐海安魅力无限 326 放心消费你我他 和谐传遍千万家 327 放心消费出一力 和谐海安美十分 328 放心消费 从今开始 从我开始 329 你我和放心消费同步 海安与和谐安全共舞 330 一举一动情系放心消费 群策群力共创和谐海安 331 同心同德共建放心消费 群策群力打造和谐社会 332 放心消费靠大家 文明造福千万家 333 处处展文明 人人是形象 334 文明海安人人爱 放心消费更精彩 334 你我和放心消费同步 海安与和谐安全共舞 336 放心消费手牵手 和谐海安心连心 337 文明海安是你我的心愿 参与创建是你我的责任 338 消费就象一条河 摸清深浅才好过 339 打折商品多陷阱 劝君购买别粗心 340 放心消费利社会 诚信经营创和谐 341 你诚信 我放心 和谐社会更温馨 342 诚实信用是金 放心消费是福 343 诚信经营赢天下 放心消费惠万家 344 金山银山 诚信经营是靠山 家事国事 放心消费是大事 345 诚信经营事业兴 放心消费利百姓 346 手牵手创放心消费环境 心连心建文明健康海安 347 诚信“营”天下 放心进万家 348 诚信经营铸文明 放心消费创和谐 349 构筑放心消费环境 建设平安和谐海安 350 手拉手创放心消费环境 心连心建文明和谐海安 351 创放心消费环境 展海安诚信风采 352 理性理解好消费 安全安心好温馨 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends - 9 - 353 量力理性选择 合力安全消费 354 理性消费 共享温馨 355 安心放心省心 温情温暖温馨。 356 安全消费惠千家 放心消费你我他 357 手牵手营造安全消费环境 心连心共享放心消费温馨 358 心的起点 馨的期待 新的未来。 359 消费天天有 安全时时抓,温馨人人享 360 和谐社会安全消费 幸福家庭温馨生活 361 安全才会放心 安全才会省心 安全才会称心 367 时时刻刻抓安全 家家户户更放心 368 消费安全时时抓 放心消费人人夸 369 放心消费 和谐互动 370 营造放心消费环境 全面建设和谐社会 371 全面小康新时代 放心消费新生活 372 放心消费你我共享 诚实守信人人有责 373 积极营造放心消费环境 切实保护消费者合法权益 374 公平诚信千万家 放心消费你我他 375 《消法》条条为大家 放心消费更安全 376 营造放心消费环境 促进社会和谐稳定 377 全面落实《消法》规定 营造放心消费环境 378 坚持诚信守法经营 营造放心消费环境 379 畅通投诉维权渠道 依法解决消费纠纷 380 依法维权人人有责 放心消费个个受益 390 服务热情 放心消费和谐 400 诚信经营家家有责 放心消费人人受益 401 百姓满意得金 放心消费收福 402 社会责任记心田 放心消费每一天 403 商家讲诚信 顾客更放心。 404 诚信经营是金 放心消费是福 405 诚信赢得天下客 放心消费暖人心 406 构筑放心消费环境 创造温馨健康生活 407 营造放心消费 构建和谐社会。 408 放心消费多一点 便利生活美十分 409 小票发票保管好 维护权益用得着 410 诚信经营心比心 放心消费心贴心 411 人人诚信 消费放心 412 倡导放心消费 造就精彩人生 413 社会责任谨记于心 放心消费施之以行 414 诚信经营无欺诈 百姓消费更放心。 415 诚信经营源于一言一行 放心消费始于一毫一厘 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 416 诚信海安人 放心消费城 417 商家严把进货关 放心消费有保障 418 消费索发票 权益能确保 419 发票虽小 维权是宝 420 商品有认证 权益得保证 421 商品标识仔细看 标识不清莫上当 422 放心消费有保证 包装袋上找认证 423 监管部门经常查 莫让假货害大家 424 殷殷情 盈盈意 敢为上帝作公证 不做王婆卖瓜人 425 以人为本 科技领先 质量第一 诚信经营 426 拳拳爱心 真情奉献 体贴温馨 精于创新 427 满怀情意暖万家 一点公心秋月明 428 放心 舒心 开心 汨汨地流进消费者的心田 429 坚持信誉为用户 开拓名牌冲碧天 430 买得放心 用得开心 皇者风范 创新经营 431 送你一个惊喜 给你一个温馨 保您放心 如意 开心 432 情牵你我他 服务千万家 433 质量正宗 价格优惠 谁胜一筹 事实胜于雄辩 434 道德永驻心间 诚信永伴经营 繁荣永固商家 435 问题乳制品惊醒世界日 无良商家苦果自吞时 436 坚持道德底线文明经营 承诺诚信公正合法赚钱 437 文明海安众商家 有德经营别丢下 受益赞许乐哈哈 438 赠人玫瑰 手留余香 商家诚信 积德子孙 造福社会 439 购物莫忘索要发票 维权投诉必不可少 440 营造放心消费环境 构建文明诚信海安 441 创放心消费环境 建文明诚信海安 442 你出力,我出力 放心消费都受益 443 只有诚信文明的社会 才有放心和谐的消费 444 微笑迎客 诚信待客 放心惠客 445 魅力海安是我家 放心消费靠大家 446 诚信经营 文明待客 放心消费 447 销售凭良心 服务靠诚心 消费才放心 448 莫凭广告购物 消费需要理性 449 一看二问三比 消费放心无比 450 放心消费多一点 和谐海安美十分 451 消费连着千万家 放心要靠你我他 452 家家诚信经营 人人放心消费 453 人人诚信经营 个个放心消费 454 倡导诚信经营 共享放心消费 456 诚信经营记心间 放心消费每一天 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends - 11 - 457 “称”出人品 “买”来放心 458 手牵手诚信经营 心连心放心消费 459 携手诚信经营 一同放心消费 460 经营诚心 消费放心 社会安心 461 心连心创科学理性消费 手拉手建诚信自律品牌 462 理性消费 诚信经营 和谐生活 463 打造理性消费 创建诚信经营 促进科学发展 建设和谐社会 464 树诚信经营风尚 建和谐繁荣海安 465 科学发展 诚信经营 繁荣社会 理性消费 466 诚信经营 放心消费 繁荣市场 和谐海安 467 让关爱和温馨在和谐消费中传递 468 和谐消费 爱你就是爱自己 469 和谐消费 人人有责 470 构筑产品质量防火墙 撑起放心消费保护伞 471 一张小发票 维权最有效 472 苦口婆心宣传产品安全 硬手铁心监管消费环境 473 群策群力监管产品安全 一心一意构建和谐社会 474 海量产品 放心为安 475 打造产品安全中国 构建社会和谐家园 476 人人监管产品安全 个个构建和谐社会 477 建立产品监管长效机制 构筑产品安全绿色长城 478 严惩商品生产黑心厂家 构筑产品安全绿色长城 479 产品安全人人关心 安全产品人人放心 480 民以食为天 食以法为准 法以民为本 481 保障一生健康 保护亿民平安 482 人人争当产品安全社会监督员 个个都是产品安全质量管理员 483 产品问题关乎人人 人人防范问题产品 484 产品安全与我同行 消费维权责无旁贷 485 实施产品放心工程 构筑产品安全长城 486 百分之百杜绝问题产品 精益求精监管产品安全。 487 产品安全人人监管 安全产品人人放心 488 握有凭据 维权有据 489 我有凭据维权有据 490 有凭据 好维权 491 消费凭证 维权保证 492 凭据支持 维权容易 493 及时取证 尽早维权 494 索要票据 维权有据 495 消费票据 维权依据 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 496 有凭有据 维权不输 497 和谐诚信手牵手 放心消费心连心 498 放心消费在海安 诚信服务暖人心 499 和谐消费在海安 诚信服务暖人心 500 诚信经营在海安 放心消费好环境 501 美丽海安我的家 放心消费靠大家 502 放心消费315 诚信经营365 503 诚信经营在海安 放心消费暖人心 504 经营讲诚信 消费要理性 505 消费索发票 维权有保障 506 共创诚信经营海安 同享放心消费环境 507 消费发票保管好 投诉维权少不了 508 诚信经营是海安的风景 放心消费是海安的名片 509 诚信经营你我他 放心消费千万家 510 广告迷人眼 消费要冷静 511 广告迷人眼 消费要理性 512 经营多点诚信 消费多份放心 513 经营讲究诚信 消费才能放心 514 经营讲究诚信 消费选择放心 515 诚信经营赢市场 放心消费暖人心 516 诚信经营获信誉 放心消费暖人心 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends - 13 -
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