
钟期光:一粒粮食也不能浪费 饭菜掉桌上捡起便吃

2017-11-27 21页 doc 73KB 14阅读




钟期光:一粒粮食也不能浪费 饭菜掉桌上捡起便吃钟期光:一粒粮食也不能浪费 饭菜掉桌上捡起便吃 资料图:钟期光 开栏语 家是最小国,国是千万家。家风连党风,家风汇国风。良好的家风有助于夯实道德根基,可以涵养好的作风、政风与民风。 为大力弘扬社会主义核心价值观,引导全社会注重传承良好家风,本报今起推出“湖湘好家风”专栏,为您讲述湘籍老一辈无产阶级革命家、近代当代现代名人、老典型、普通家庭的好家风故事。 饭菜掉桌上,捡起便吃;自己买信封、邮票回复群众来信;从不就子女成长打招呼„„这就是开国上将钟期光。母亲节前夕,将军之子钟德浙告诉记者:“我的父亲、母亲一贯艰苦朴素,公...
钟期光:一粒粮食也不能浪费 饭菜掉桌上捡起便吃
钟期光:一粒粮食也不能浪费 饭菜掉桌上捡起便吃 资料图:钟期光 开栏语 家是最小国,国是千万家。家风连党风,家风汇国风。良好的家风有助于夯实道德根基,可以涵养好的作风、政风与民风。 为大力弘扬社会主义核心价值观,引导全社会注重传承良好家风,本报今起推出“湖湘好家风”专栏,为您讲述湘籍老一辈无产阶级革命家、近代当代现代名人、老典型、普通家庭的好家风故事。 饭菜掉桌上,捡起便吃;自己买信封、邮票回复群众来信;从不就子女成长打招呼„„这就是开国上将钟期光。母亲节前夕,将军之子钟德浙告诉记者:“我的父亲、母亲一贯艰苦朴素,公私严格分开,从不以权谋私。” “我是个党员,决不搞歪门邪道” 不让孩子依赖父母,乃将军“家规”。子女升学、就业、入党、提干,从未得父母荫庇。当年,将军7个子女除钟德宁在北京工作,其余都参军、下乡插队,有的落户北大荒。后来,儿女复员或考大学,都就职于普通岗位。将军言:“孩子的路由孩子自己走。只要孩子不搞歪门邪道就好。” 将军之子钟德鲁1968年入伍,1989年还是副团职,趁父亲80寿诞家宴,央求父亲为其晋升说情。将军怒曰:“我是个党员,决不搞歪门邪道,今后绝不许打我的旗号搞任何名堂~” “妈妈的一件毛衣穿了几十年” 将军夫人、新四军老战士凌奔对子女要求极严,并言传身教。 德宁回忆,学生时代,他们兜里没装过零花钱。学校组织游园,家里只备馒头夹咸菜。四哥高中毕业时去香山聚会,母亲只给3角钱(2角钱买来回车票,1角钱买门票)。家里3个女孩上中学时,穿的都是哥哥们旧衣改的,还打了补丁。中午在家吃饭的人少,父母自己随便吃点,萝卜干、雪里红为两大主菜。母亲的一件毛衣穿了几十年,破损严重;但她一直穿到去世。 “父亲名下没有房产” 1960年,钟期光调任军事科学院副政委,按规定配独门独院。听闻学校无幼儿园,他便将房子上交,换成现金投建幼儿园。其女儿之子欲入托,将军坚拒之。德浙说:“在北京,钟期光的名下没有房产;在平江,钟期光也没有房产(1958年他把老房子给了村里作牛棚)。” “父亲公私严格分开。”德浙介绍,父亲每日天亮即起,用自己买的信纸、信封、邮票put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 回复群众亲友来信。吃早饭时留几粒米饭,嚼烂粘好邮票、信封,8时前投进信筒再上班。将军临终前,嘱咐子女要讲信任:“出院时,借医院的生活器具要如数归还。” “一粒粮食也不能浪费” 将军夫妇始终勤俭节约,且对身边人要求甚严。将军部下冯正中回忆:“解放上海,我们接收的小车是旧的。有一次司机跟将军说,换一辆新车吧。将军说,旧车能开就好,为啥一定要新的呢,” 将军部下戴润生称:“将军饮食常是粗茶淡饭,掉在桌上的饭菜随手捡起来就吃。我们说这样不卫生。他严肃地回答,粮食是宝中宝,一粒粮食也不能浪费。” 德浙告诉记者:“父亲在301医院住院,老母身体羸弱,从城南到城北去看他,要转3次公交。她说用公车跑太浪费。” “哥哥是红透了心的共产党人~” 1962年,将军之妹钟就然的长子李耿成在广西当兵,现好,内定转干。耿成寄信请舅父拉一把。将军回信道:“你文化不高,不适应部队现代化发展。锄头竖得稳,作田还是本,老家田多,我赞成你回家种田。”耿成遂复员务农。就然责怪将军“铁石心肠”。 1990年春,将军外甥女抗玉去信称,其子在河南当兵,想把他调到舅爷身边培养。将军当时在301医院住院,抱病复信:“亲人在一起不好教育,只能靠组织教育。我已离休,无权过问军中事;即使能调动,也不会违纪去办。” 就然闻之,叹曰:“昱哥(将军乳名)也有难处。哥哥是红透了心的共产党人~”(徐亚平) put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 作文300字 编辑:dmchd put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial
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