

2017-09-26 34页 doc 83KB 7阅读




2013年最适合工作的50家中国公司2013年最适合工作的50家中国公司 2013年最适合工作的50家中国公司 1、支付宝 4.42 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在杭州工作的商业分析师发布的评论 优点:文化氛围很不错,上下级关系比较淡,员工之间比较放得开,交流上也比较开放 缺点:加班多,没加班费在一个岗位做得好反而变动不了 2、思科(Cisco) 得分:4.4 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在上海工作的design engineer发布的评论 优点:宽松的工作环境、很好的培训、工作压力不大,如果善于利用公司资源,是个很好的成长环境,适合长期...
2013年最适合工作的50家中国公司 2013年最适合工作的50家中国公司 1、支付宝 4.42 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在杭州工作的商业分析师发布的评论 优点:文化氛围很不错,上下级关系比较淡,员工之间比较放得开,交流上也比较开放 缺点:加班多,没加班费在一个岗位做得好反而变动不了 2、思科(Cisco) 得分:4.4 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在上海工作的design engineer发布的评论 优点:宽松的工作环境、很好的、工作压力不大,如果善于利用公司资源,是个很好的成长环境,适合长期工作。 缺点:资深的前辈很多,要想升职不容易,有些外国同事担心饭碗被抢,比较保留,有时候背后比较下三滥。 3、微软中国(Microsoft) 得分:4.34 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在北京工作的TSP发布的评论 优点: 精英聚集、公司的同事每个人都有自己鲜明的特长,精英文化 IT行业无人不知 很好的锻炼环境 工作累与不累要看个人,知道怎么去做的时候在哪里都不累,不会做的,在哪里都觉得累。 缺点:管理层变动较频繁,公司策略变动较快。。 4、上海通用汽车 得分:4.33 员工给公司的评价:很满意 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 一位在上海工作的汽车工艺工程师发布的评论 优点:年假比较多福利还算不错,一年十三薪水,培训比较多 ,活动比较多 缺点:加班太多了,工作量太大,压力太大,繁琐,工作忙得人忙死,闲的人闲死 5、腾讯 得分:4.33 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在深圳工作的产品经理发布的评论 优点: 1、公司福利确实不错,而且很多都电子化,很便利、人性化 2、人际关系简单,气氛也比较和谐,大家都很年轻和互联网,你懂的 3、国内市值最高的互联网公司,每年都会冒出非常赚钱or赚人气的产品,上层的眼光、sense,还有底下员工的执行力都是很不错的 4、鼓励转岗,并且有保护转岗员工,这点很好 缺点: 1、公司架构和大部分业务已经趋于成熟,一个萝卜一个坑,升职机会就不要想太多,专注于个人能力提升会更好 2、非核心业务(电商、搜索、朋友等)的受关注度较低,业务前景也不乐观,不是每个人都能幸运的分配到明星业务,而且也很难进 3、不是每个人都能找到自己的价值和存在感,特别是外聘员工,难转正 6、上海大众汽车 得分:4.32 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在上海工作的汽车销售员发布的评论 优点:上海大众能很好的平衡工作于生活,部门内部的关系还是比较融洽的。 缺点:缺点就是有些岗位是出工不出力的,我想这是大众作为老国企遗留下来的问题吧。 7、英特尔(Intel) 得分:4.32 员工给公司的评价:很满意 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 一位在上海工作的实习生发布的评论 优点: 工作环境好,以人为本 制度设置合理,人际关系融洽,官僚气氛不浓 薪水合理,各种福利都不错 培训交流机会多 活动比较丰富 加班不多 缺点: 实习生留用机会太少,应届生的职位很少 办事程序繁琐 公司搞的活动质量不高,有浪费钱的嫌疑 8、宝洁(P&G) 得分:4.22 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在中山工作的行政专员发布的评论 优点: 1.公司转正后的福利不错; 2.培训机会很多,各位前辈给我提供了很多帮助,非常感谢他们; 3.实习期间真的学到了很多,为我快步走入社会提供了便利。 缺点:基本上没什么缺点,如果硬要鸡蛋里挑骨头的话,就是我的住的地方 太那个啥了 9、淘宝网 得分:4.21 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在杭州工作的产品运营发布的评论 优点:福利不错,工作环境好,团队氛围轻松,没有太多的等级区分,都很 平民 缺点:加班没有加班费,运营加班没有调休,薪资水平在整体互联网行业偏 低 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 10、艾默生网络能源 得分:4.2 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在天津工作的销售经理发布的评论 优点:比较开明,公司内部环境相对和谐,不过从华为过去的人多了,就显得有点意思,阶级斗争 缺点:有明显的华为的影子,一直活在华为的阴影下,很多时候出去的都要报华为的酒店价格才低 11、诺基亚(Nokia) 得分:4.17 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在东莞工作的SMD技术员发布的评论 优点:福利还行。 缺点:在诺基亚工作3年了。对管理层很失望。诺基亚都是败在管理层。一群闲人。 从来不在乎我们一线员工。我的直线经理私自把我2012年的绩效评估分该了, 都不过问我。 非常失望。 投诉没地方投。很伤心。 12、通用电气公司GE 得分:4.15 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在上海工作的Intern发布的评论 优点:有食堂,饭菜很好吃,特别是牛排,超划算~公司在地铁口有班车,上班方便~工作环境很好,氛围也很轻松。 缺点:因为是实习所以觉得是很好的经历,没有什么缺点。不过公司在张江,离学校较远,上下班要花蛮久时间。 13、IBM 得分:4.14 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在上海工作的advisory IT specialist发布的评论 优点: 有很多资源-培训资源,自我学习的资源; power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 跨国公司学到很多东西,各国同事; 经常发达国家出差机会; 缺点: 大企业病,比较官僚主义; 忘了创新工作为市场提供高品质性价比高的服务本身才是企业根本,逐渐把 流程当作工作成功的根本。 14、可口可乐 得分:4.14 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在宿州工作的销售员发布的评论 优点:我觉得还好,就是太无聊 每天做同样的事情 其实工作都是一样的 缺点:没有发展空间工作辛苦 15、西门子(中国)有限公司 得分:4.13 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在北京工作的团队助理发布的评论 优点:1、工资待遇在行业比较有竞争力;2、就业环境很好;3、培训机会很 多 缺点:职位晋升空间比较小,老龄化比较严重,而且浮夸比较严重;领导很 不给力,压力比较大。 16、百度 得分:4.12 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在北京工作的市场专员发布的评论 优点: 1.弹性工作制 2.有足够的平台释放能力 3.有很多牛人值得学习 4.福利不错 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 5.小马拉大车成长较快 6.食堂很好 缺点: 1.迟缓 2.对移动互联网有些迷茫 3.公司大了,大公司病很重 4.跨部门沟通异常艰难。 17、阿里巴巴 得分:4.07 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在杭州市工作的服务续签发布的评论 优点:正能量,开放,透明,共享,激情,责任和成长,我很喜欢这家公司,但是由于个人原因,又不能调岗,所以离职了,但是很珍惜在阿里的日子,感恩。 缺点:工作强度大,做新人的时候没有早过晚上11点半下班回家,呵呵,不过那时候不觉得累,觉得很正常。只有工作做不完是不应该的~ 18、霍尼韦尔(Honeywell) 得分:4.07 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在休士顿工作的项目工程师发布的评论 优点: 1. 工作环境十分好,同事之间十分融洽,并能成为朋友甚至知己,工作的同时也很愉快,大家可以一边工作一边说笑话。 2. 十分讲究团队合作以及对leader的培养 3. 公司的文化很好,抓重点,并不忽略细节。对公司生意和员工培养都有很好的文化促进及影响。 4. 管理层对员工的每年表现总评的态度很认真,评估还是很公平的,薪资待遇也是以个人表现和能力作调整。总体来说,公司对员工的职业发展和培养还是比较关注的。 5. 出国锻炼的机会多,培训机制还是很完善的 6. 年假以在公司的时间成正比,算是蛮多的,放假时基本上不会有人来打扰 7. 公司效益和股票近两年不断攀升,CEO今年还拿了个全球最佳CEO奖。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 8. 公司的产品以节能环保,高科技航天航空以及安全为主,与今后10-20年的全球发展理念结合的很好。 缺点: 1. 大公司,比较多,很多事情要走程序,导致效率不高。霍尼韦尔有“美国国企”的感觉。 2. 其他部门不清楚,在我所在的过程管理部门,很多工具还没完善,统一化进程还未能完善。 3. 有时候压力蛮大的,也会有很多加班,但这些也是看项目和职能。 19、盛大网络 得分:4.04 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在中国 上海 上海工作的游戏策划发布的评论 优点:晋升空间大,工作环境很好,各类绩效考勤也很合理有效 缺点:地理位置在上海偏郊区,内部还是存在上海人小团体互相照顾现象 20、网易 得分:4.04 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在广州工作的运营专员发布的评论 优点:福利好,年薪也可以,培训和学习的东西也多,提供旅游 缺点:加班多,工作强度有时很大,上班时间较长 21、埃森哲 得分:4.03 员工给公司的评价:很满意 一位在上海工作的实习生发布的评论 优点:公司很好啊,真的,薪水高,人很好啊,薪水高,环境很好啊 缺点:流动太大了,需要注意了,不够人性化的,没有补助的,不在上海的亲们需要注意了 22、新东方 得分:3.99 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在北京工作的人力资源专员发布的评论 优点:公司氛围还是非常好的,都很单纯,主要看所在学校的校长个人能力和理念。 缺点:有些校长比较不靠谱,导致整个学校的发展方向有问题,比较混乱 23、摩托罗拉(Motorola) 得分:3.98 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在中国 四川 成都工作的软件工程师发布的评论 优点:同事关系和睦,非常好的意见公司,工作气氛没得说 缺点:竞争不是很激烈,容易死于安乐。在好的环境中一定要珍惜,然后加强自己的竞争力 24、爱立信 得分:3.98 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在北京工作的PM发布的评论 优点:人好,同事之间关系很好.没明显的竞争。 氛围好,经常会有TB之类的集体活动.,不过这可能也跟老板有关。 对个人来说发展潜力不大,这个行业都如此,至少几年之内会是这样. 这也是我上来看看的原因。 适合养老。 缺点:跟上面的相反就差不多了。 1, 因为工作内容相对固定,所以锻炼少。 2, 因为流程化严重,对于PM不是特别依赖,也就是说,一个小项目可能会在没有PM的状况下运行。 3, 不是强矩阵,甚至偏弱.所以PM会被边缘化。 25、新浪(sina) 得分:3.95 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在上海工作的市场专员发布的评论 优点:一年13薪水,人性化,锻炼人,培训机会多,福利还可以。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 缺点:工作辛苦,压力大,加班多,工作量大,计划性不强。 26、ABB 得分:3.95 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在深圳工作的销售工程师发布的评论 优点:公司学习机会比较多,工作压力不是特别大,待遇在外启比较好,福 利制度非常完善,管理也非常人性化。 缺点:加班肯定不会有加班费,因为你是销售,呵呵。缺点就是公司人很多, 机构的领导非常稳定,如果想有什么大的发展需要你耐心等待很多年很对年才 行。 27、上海浦东发展银行 得分:3.95 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在长春工作的实习生发布的评论 优点: 1.队伍年轻,有活力 2.指导到位,乐于接受新鲜血液 3.提供伙食且伙食不错 4.业务不是任何时候都很繁忙 5.机会多。人性化管理 6.和花旗的战略合作关系 缺点: 1.商业银行里实力不算很雄厚 2.实习生工资很低 28、杭州海康威视技术有限公司 得分:3.93 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在杭州工作的嵌入式工程师发布的评论 优点: power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 1、公司福利不错 2、培训机会多 3、对于项目比较愿意投入 缺点: 1、加班很多,每周六都要上班没有加班工资 2、工作环境是新盖的大楼,会有点污染 3、仓库比较乱 29、正大天晴医药 得分:3.91 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在河北省工作的推广经理发布的评论 优点:公司这几年的发展势头很好,公司内部管理严格,很适合新人的发展 缺点:公司的培训现在也比较多了,但跟外企还有一定差距;销售工作比较辛苦 30、链家房地产 得分:3.91 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在杭州工作的店面助理发布的评论 优点:整个的工作氛围是很好,特别是店面里的经纪人,特别可爱。相处起来也很 缺点:工作真的很累,特别是经纪人。助理这个工作的话还好,比较繁琐,但有时 31、汇丰银行 得分:3.9 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在中国 上海 上海工作的环球资本市场发布的评论 优点:内部控制的非常严格,所有员工必须要有自己的门卡,同一个部门的不同组之间也有门禁控制,操作流程都十分严格。 缺点:公司氛围上海味道太浓,都是上海人,说的都是上海话,对一些飞上海人来说有些不太适应。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 32、施耐德电气 得分:3.88 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在西安工作的研发工程师发布的评论 优点:薪资在西安算不错了,接触到的领导也还不错,同事关系也比较融洽, 工作环境也还行。 缺点:一直在costdown,节约是应该的,但是有时候感觉不大气。 33、前程无忧 得分:3.88 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在深圳工作的重点客户主任发布的评论 优点:公司制度好,气氛好,多劳多得。一年13薪。年假也多,培训机会很 多,很锻炼人 缺点:加班多,扣款条列也多。下午6下班时间才开始开会,一般开会至少一 个小时 34、安永华明会计师事务所 得分:3.87 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在北京工作的Senior Auditor发布的评论 优点:是一个可以痛快挥洒青春的地方,工作让人成长,加班增进友谊。 缺点:生活圈子受限,职业发展有玻璃顶,金字塔型公司注定留不住人。 35、华为 得分:3.87 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在北京工作的软件开发发布的评论 优点: 1、公司待遇不错,至少在成都还是很有竞争力的。 2、公司够大,转岗机会还是比较多。 3、公司整体上升趋势,一般还是没有裁员或者倒闭的风险。 4、比较透明,付出有收获。年终奖和股票都不错 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 缺点: 没有太高的学历和证书门槛,隐性的也没有,但是需要有很强的沟通、表达能力,强烈的结果导向和一定的侵略性。以后应该会越来越注重专业的考察。 是一个伟大的中国公司,虽然还有很多毛病,但是对于有远大抱负的年轻人,是值得一去的 36、联想 得分:3.85 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在上海工作的高级产品经理发布的评论 优点:待遇一般,但是里面的氛围还是很好,勾心斗角有,但是我认为比较少啦。 大家还都是挺努力的。 缺点:待遇相对而言没有太好,领导跟员工待遇差别较大,还有就是工作分配不是很均匀,有的人累死,有的人闲死~ 37、惠普(HP) 得分:3.84 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在重庆工作的销售发布的评论 优点: 没有官僚,同事相处很随和 名气在外,资源很多,一年14薪,五险一金齐全 一年10天带薪年假,还有病假,女职工的生育福利很好~ 缺点:后台太复杂了,企业利润不太好,涨薪不给力,按百分比来。 38、电讯盈科(PCCW) 得分:3.83 员工给公司的评价:满意 39、携程旅行网 得分:3.79 员工给公司的评价:满意 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 一位在河北石家庄工作的销售代表发布的评论 优点:公司学习气氛好,管理能力强,优越的工作环境。你会在携程旅行网 学到很多知识。相信携程网。 缺点:伤害让一个人成长,时间让一个人坚强,我们只有在不断的选择,我 们压力很大希望体会大家。 40、宜家(ikea) 得分:3.77 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在上海工作的物流专员发布的评论 优点:企业文化积极,人际关系简单,培训体系完善,发展平台广阔 缺点:通过不断更换城市的晋升模式使得生活的稳定性较差,难以兼顾事业 和家庭 41、中国移动 得分:3.77 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在重庆工作的店长发布的评论 优点: 1、完善的培训机制,每个人都有机会 2、对自身工作能力要求很高 3、公司员工很有激情 4、招聘门槛低,大家都有机会 缺点: 1、薪水不平衡,销售类很高,技术类很高 2、服务要求近乎苛刻,顾客真的太上帝了 3、有太多的东西要背,各种各样的考试 4、经营渠道太乱了,导致直营厅的人工作压力大啊 42、中国建设银行 得分:3.76 员工给公司的评价:满意 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 一位在上海工作的实习生发布的评论 优点:1.培训比较完善,作为第一份职业,值得选择 2.企业氛围比较开放 缺点:1.一线网点员工水平参差不齐,管理者管理水平有限 2.积极性略欠 43、TCL 得分:3.75 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在中国 上海 上海工作的手机开发发布的评论 优点:旅游,放假基本都是不错的,刚毕业的研究生待遇都还行。 缺点:管理方面有点差,有时好几天都可以不用做事,因为直接主管管理水 平较差 44、戴尔(Dell) 得分:3.73 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在上海工作的inside sales发布的评论 优点: 1-福利健全 2-13薪 3-spiff和bonus很多 4-年假很多,一入职就12天,每年递增一天,22天封顶。 5-培训机制完善 6-压力大,但是很锻炼人 缺点: 1-压力很大,看企业客户,业绩也是每周要考核 2-多一些内部transfer的机会 45、中国工商银行 得分:3.73 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在山东省工作的综合柜员发布的评论 优点:工资待遇不错,工作环境不错。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 缺点:你说你就是个银行,你就老老实实做应该该做的呗。营销基金营销理财还能接受。卖保险,不卖还不行,不卖我们员工就得自己掏钱买。最后保险到期,收益不好,客户是找我们一线员工,可是和你们没关系了,~ 还有那个工资,人家别的银行都是少量多次的发,交的税也少。工行倒好,这给你们实在的,都一次性发老多,交税都交一堆,真真是纳税大户啊。 年假少,从来不组织旅旅游啥的。你说说一天天工作,休息最多也就连休两天。什么国庆假五一假都是隔开的,想旅游放松放松也没时间。希望多学学人家股份制银行是怎么对待员工的。对员工好了,员工也实心实意的为你干活。 46、雀巢 得分:3.73 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在内蒙古工作的驻某地DSR发布的评论 优点:不知道公司有没有福利 缺点:不知道公司有没有福利 47、三星电子 得分:3.72 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在北京工作的代理级发布的评论 优点: 1.每年有普调,而且基本10%以上 2.员工整体素质水平相当高,很少有在所述领域不专业的人,可以学到很多东西 3.有能力的人升职很快,一年一级的例子非常多 缺点: 1.从员工升到中层干部还是非常快的,再往上就很难了,基本不可能,现有的高层都是空降挖来的 2.部分领导作风彪悍,每天都在骂人 3.工作环境不算差但在500强中绝对是垫底的 4.加班太多,官僚主义强烈,对公司有意见通常老板都会直接找你谈话,完了就完了,没有下文 5.现在大公司1年13薪已经很少很少了。。。每年年初发了奖金实在让人开心不power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 起来,而且累死累活都一样,努力不努力都是13薪 48、普华永道 得分:3.71 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在成都工作的实习生发布的评论 优点:牌子非常响亮,对于在校学生,作为实习经历是非常理想的,能在找工作过程中帮助脱颖而出 缺点:压力太大,有时候会加班到晚上11点,实习工资按小时算,不算太慷慨 49、渣打银行 得分:3.7 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在北京工作的中小企业客户经理发布的评论 优点:福利待遇中上,年假比较多,还有其他类型的假期可以选,升职机遇也比较多 缺点:人才良莠不齐,有些比较奇葩的同事要在一起合作 50、京东商城 得分:3.69 员工给公司的评价:满意 一位在宿迁工作的客服部主管发布的评论 优点:公司福利待遇还可以 一年13薪,培训与团建挺多的 缺点:加班较多,而且加班是一种文化。 压力特别大,必须时刻努力努力再努力 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance
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